
812 lines
31 KiB

package query
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
ethCrypto "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
const (
testSigner = "beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe"
// Magic retry values used to cause special behavior in the watchers.
fatalError = math.MaxInt
ignoreQuery = math.MaxInt - 1
// Speed things up for testing purposes.
requestTimeoutForTest = 100 * time.Millisecond
retryIntervalForTest = 10 * time.Millisecond
pollIntervalForTest = 5 * time.Millisecond
var (
nonce = uint32(0)
watcherChainsForTest = []vaa.ChainID{vaa.ChainIDPolygon, vaa.ChainIDBSC, vaa.ChainIDArbitrum}
// createPerChainQueryForEthCall creates a per chain query for an eth_call for use in tests. The To and Data fields are meaningless gibberish, not ABI.
func createPerChainQueryForEthCall(
t *testing.T,
chainId vaa.ChainID,
block string,
numCalls int,
) *PerChainQueryRequest {
ethCallData := []*EthCallData{}
for count := 0; count < numCalls; count++ {
ethCallData = append(ethCallData, &EthCallData{
To: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%-20s", fmt.Sprintf("To for %d:%d", chainId, count))),
Data: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("CallData for %d:%d", chainId, count)),
callRequest := &EthCallQueryRequest{
BlockId: block,
CallData: ethCallData,
return &PerChainQueryRequest{
ChainId: chainId,
Query: callRequest,
// createPerChainQueryForEthCallByTimestamp creates a per chain query for an eth_call_by_timestamp for use in tests. The To and Data fields are meaningless gibberish, not ABI.
func createPerChainQueryForEthCallByTimestamp(
t *testing.T,
chainId vaa.ChainID,
targetBlock string,
followingBlock string,
numCalls int,
) *PerChainQueryRequest {
ethCallData := []*EthCallData{}
for count := 0; count < numCalls; count++ {
ethCallData = append(ethCallData, &EthCallData{
To: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%-20s", fmt.Sprintf("To for %d:%d", chainId, count))),
Data: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("CallData for %d:%d", chainId, count)),
callRequest := &EthCallByTimestampQueryRequest{
TargetTimestamp: 1697216322000000,
TargetBlockIdHint: targetBlock,
FollowingBlockIdHint: followingBlock,
CallData: ethCallData,
return &PerChainQueryRequest{
ChainId: chainId,
Query: callRequest,
// createPerChainQueryForEthCallWithFinality creates a per chain query for an eth_call_with_finality for use in tests. The To and Data fields are meaningless gibberish, not ABI.
func createPerChainQueryForEthCallWithFinality(
t *testing.T,
chainId vaa.ChainID,
blockId string,
finality string,
numCalls int,
) *PerChainQueryRequest {
ethCallData := []*EthCallData{}
for count := 0; count < numCalls; count++ {
ethCallData = append(ethCallData, &EthCallData{
To: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%-20s", fmt.Sprintf("To for %d:%d", chainId, count))),
Data: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("CallData for %d:%d", chainId, count)),
callRequest := &EthCallWithFinalityQueryRequest{
BlockId: blockId,
Finality: finality,
CallData: ethCallData,
return &PerChainQueryRequest{
ChainId: chainId,
Query: callRequest,
// createSignedQueryRequestForTesting creates a query request object and signs it using the specified key.
func createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(
t *testing.T,
sk *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
perChainQueries []*PerChainQueryRequest,
) (*gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest, *QueryRequest) {
nonce += 1
queryRequest := &QueryRequest{
Nonce: nonce,
PerChainQueries: perChainQueries,
queryRequestBytes, err := queryRequest.Marshal()
if err != nil {
digest := QueryRequestDigest(common.UnsafeDevNet, queryRequestBytes)
sig, err := ethCrypto.Sign(digest.Bytes(), sk)
if err != nil {
signedQueryRequest := &gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest{
QueryRequest: queryRequestBytes,
Signature: sig,
return signedQueryRequest, queryRequest
// createExpectedResultsForTest generates an array of the results expected for a request. These results are returned by the watcher, and used to validate the response.
func createExpectedResultsForTest(t *testing.T, perChainQueries []*PerChainQueryRequest) []PerChainQueryResponse {
expectedResults := []PerChainQueryResponse{}
for _, pcq := range perChainQueries {
switch req := pcq.Query.(type) {
case *EthCallQueryRequest:
now := time.Now()
blockNum, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimPrefix(req.BlockId, "0x"), 16, 64)
if err != nil {
panic("invalid blockNum!")
resp := &EthCallQueryResponse{
BlockNumber: blockNum,
Hash: ethCommon.HexToHash("0x9999bac44d09a7f69ee7941819b0a19c59ccb1969640cc513be09ef95ed2d8e2"),
Time: timeForTest(t, now),
Results: [][]byte{},
for _, cd := range req.CallData {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, []byte(hex.EncodeToString(cd.To)+":"+hex.EncodeToString(cd.Data)))
expectedResults = append(expectedResults, PerChainQueryResponse{
ChainId: pcq.ChainId,
Response: resp,
case *EthCallByTimestampQueryRequest:
now := time.Now()
blockNum, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimPrefix(req.TargetBlockIdHint, "0x"), 16, 64)
if err != nil {
panic("invalid blockNum!")
resp := &EthCallByTimestampQueryResponse{
TargetBlockNumber: blockNum,
TargetBlockHash: ethCommon.HexToHash("0x9999bac44d09a7f69ee7941819b0a19c59ccb1969640cc513be09ef95ed2d8e2"),
TargetBlockTime: timeForTest(t, now),
FollowingBlockNumber: blockNum + 1,
FollowingBlockHash: ethCommon.HexToHash("0x9999bac44d09a7f69ee7941819b0a19c59ccb1969640cc513be09ef95ed2d8e3"),
FollowingBlockTime: timeForTest(t, time.Now().Add(10*time.Second)),
Results: [][]byte{},
for _, cd := range req.CallData {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, []byte(hex.EncodeToString(cd.To)+":"+hex.EncodeToString(cd.Data)))
expectedResults = append(expectedResults, PerChainQueryResponse{
ChainId: pcq.ChainId,
Response: resp,
case *EthCallWithFinalityQueryRequest:
now := time.Now()
blockNum, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimPrefix(req.BlockId, "0x"), 16, 64)
if err != nil {
panic("invalid blockNum!")
resp := &EthCallQueryResponse{
BlockNumber: blockNum,
Hash: ethCommon.HexToHash("0x9999bac44d09a7f69ee7941819b0a19c59ccb1969640cc513be09ef95ed2d8e2"),
Time: timeForTest(t, now),
Results: [][]byte{},
for _, cd := range req.CallData {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, []byte(hex.EncodeToString(cd.To)+":"+hex.EncodeToString(cd.Data)))
expectedResults = append(expectedResults, PerChainQueryResponse{
ChainId: pcq.ChainId,
Response: resp,
panic("Invalid call data type!")
return expectedResults
// validateResponseForTest performs validation on the responses generated by these tests. Note that it is not a generalized validate function.
func validateResponseForTest(
t *testing.T,
response *QueryResponsePublication,
signedRequest *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest,
queryRequest *QueryRequest,
expectedResults []PerChainQueryResponse,
) bool {
require.NotNil(t, response)
require.True(t, SignedQueryRequestEqual(signedRequest, response.Request))
require.Equal(t, len(queryRequest.PerChainQueries), len(response.PerChainResponses))
require.True(t, bytes.Equal(response.Request.Signature, signedRequest.Signature))
require.Equal(t, len(response.PerChainResponses), len(expectedResults))
for idx := range response.PerChainResponses {
require.True(t, response.PerChainResponses[idx].Equal(&expectedResults[idx]))
return true
func TestParseAllowedRequestersSuccess(t *testing.T) {
ccqAllowedRequestersList, err := parseAllowedRequesters(testSigner)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, ccqAllowedRequestersList)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(ccqAllowedRequestersList))
_, exists := ccqAllowedRequestersList[ethCommon.BytesToAddress(ethCommon.Hex2Bytes(testSigner))]
require.True(t, exists)
_, exists = ccqAllowedRequestersList[ethCommon.BytesToAddress(ethCommon.Hex2Bytes("beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBf"))]
require.False(t, exists)
ccqAllowedRequestersList, err = parseAllowedRequesters("beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe,beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBf")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, ccqAllowedRequestersList)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(ccqAllowedRequestersList))
_, exists = ccqAllowedRequestersList[ethCommon.BytesToAddress(ethCommon.Hex2Bytes(testSigner))]
require.True(t, exists)
_, exists = ccqAllowedRequestersList[ethCommon.BytesToAddress(ethCommon.Hex2Bytes("beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBf"))]
require.True(t, exists)
func TestParseAllowedRequestersFailsIfParameterEmpty(t *testing.T) {
ccqAllowedRequestersList, err := parseAllowedRequesters("")
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, ccqAllowedRequestersList)
ccqAllowedRequestersList, err = parseAllowedRequesters(",")
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, ccqAllowedRequestersList)
func TestParseAllowedRequestersFailsIfInvalidParameter(t *testing.T) {
ccqAllowedRequestersList, err := parseAllowedRequesters("Hello")
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, ccqAllowedRequestersList)
// mockData is the data structure used to mock up the query handler environment.
type mockData struct {
sk *ecdsa.PrivateKey
signedQueryReqReadC <-chan *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest
signedQueryReqWriteC chan<- *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest
chainQueryReqC map[vaa.ChainID]chan *PerChainQueryInternal
queryResponseReadC <-chan *PerChainQueryResponseInternal
queryResponseWriteC chan<- *PerChainQueryResponseInternal
queryResponsePublicationReadC <-chan *QueryResponsePublication
queryResponsePublicationWriteC chan<- *QueryResponsePublication
mutex sync.Mutex
queryResponsePublication *QueryResponsePublication
expectedResults []PerChainQueryResponse
requestsPerChain map[vaa.ChainID]int
retriesPerChain map[vaa.ChainID]int
// resetState() is used to reset mock data between queries in the same test.
func (md *mockData) resetState() {
defer md.mutex.Unlock()
md.queryResponsePublication = nil
md.expectedResults = nil
md.requestsPerChain = make(map[vaa.ChainID]int)
md.retriesPerChain = make(map[vaa.ChainID]int)
// setExpectedResults sets the results to be returned by the watchers.
func (md *mockData) setExpectedResults(expectedResults []PerChainQueryResponse) {
defer md.mutex.Unlock()
md.expectedResults = expectedResults
// setRetries allows a test to specify how many times a given watcher should retry before returning success.
// If the count is the special value `fatalError`, the watcher will return QueryFatalError.
func (md *mockData) setRetries(chainId vaa.ChainID, count int) {
defer md.mutex.Unlock()
md.retriesPerChain[chainId] = count
// incrementRequestsPerChainAlreadyLocked is used by the watchers to keep track of how many times they were invoked in a given test.
func (md *mockData) incrementRequestsPerChainAlreadyLocked(chainId vaa.ChainID) {
if val, exists := md.requestsPerChain[chainId]; exists {
md.requestsPerChain[chainId] = val + 1
} else {
md.requestsPerChain[chainId] = 1
// getQueryResponsePublication returns the latest query response publication received by the mock.
func (md *mockData) getQueryResponsePublication() *QueryResponsePublication {
defer md.mutex.Unlock()
return md.queryResponsePublication
// getRequestsPerChain returns the count of the number of times the given watcher was invoked in a given test.
func (md *mockData) getRequestsPerChain(chainId vaa.ChainID) int {
defer md.mutex.Unlock()
if ret, exists := md.requestsPerChain[chainId]; exists {
return ret
return 0
// shouldIgnoreAlreadyLocked is used by the watchers to see if they should ignore a query (causing a retry).
func (md *mockData) shouldIgnoreAlreadyLocked(chainId vaa.ChainID) bool {
if val, exists := md.retriesPerChain[chainId]; exists {
if val == ignoreQuery {
delete(md.retriesPerChain, chainId)
return true
return false
// getStatusAlreadyLocked is used by the watchers to determine what query status they should return, based on the `retriesPerChain`.
func (md *mockData) getStatusAlreadyLocked(chainId vaa.ChainID) QueryStatus {
if val, exists := md.retriesPerChain[chainId]; exists {
if val == fatalError {
return QueryFatalError
val -= 1
if val > 0 {
md.retriesPerChain[chainId] = val
} else {
delete(md.retriesPerChain, chainId)
return QueryRetryNeeded
return QuerySuccess
// createQueryHandlerForTest creates the query handler mock environment, including the set of watchers and the response listener.
// Most tests will use this function to set up the mock.
func createQueryHandlerForTest(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, chains []vaa.ChainID) *mockData {
md := createQueryHandlerForTestWithoutPublisher(t, ctx, logger, chains)
return md
// createQueryHandlerForTestWithoutPublisher creates the query handler mock environment, including the set of watchers but not the response listener.
// This function can be invoked directly to test retries of response publication (by delaying the start of the response listener).
func createQueryHandlerForTestWithoutPublisher(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, chains []vaa.ChainID) *mockData {
md := mockData{}
var err error
md.sk, err = common.LoadGuardianKey("dev.guardian.key", true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, md.sk)
ccqAllowedRequestersList, err := parseAllowedRequesters(testSigner)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Inbound observation requests from the p2p service (for all chains)
md.signedQueryReqReadC, md.signedQueryReqWriteC = makeChannelPair[*gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest](SignedQueryRequestChannelSize)
// Per-chain query requests
md.chainQueryReqC = make(map[vaa.ChainID]chan *PerChainQueryInternal)
for _, chainId := range chains {
md.chainQueryReqC[chainId] = make(chan *PerChainQueryInternal)
// Query responses from watchers to query handler aggregated across all chains
md.queryResponseReadC, md.queryResponseWriteC = makeChannelPair[*PerChainQueryResponseInternal](0)
// Query responses from query handler to p2p
md.queryResponsePublicationReadC, md.queryResponsePublicationWriteC = makeChannelPair[*QueryResponsePublication](0)
go func() {
err := handleQueryRequestsImpl(ctx, logger, md.signedQueryReqReadC, md.chainQueryReqC, ccqAllowedRequestersList,
md.queryResponseReadC, md.queryResponsePublicationWriteC, common.GoTest, requestTimeoutForTest, retryIntervalForTest)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Create a routine for each configured watcher. It will take a per chain query and return the corresponding expected result.
// It also pegs a counter of the number of requests the watcher received, for verification purposes.
for chainId := range md.chainQueryReqC {
go func(chainId vaa.ChainID, chainQueryReqC <-chan *PerChainQueryInternal) {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case pcqr := <-chainQueryReqC:
require.Equal(t, chainId, pcqr.Request.ChainId)
if md.shouldIgnoreAlreadyLocked(chainId) {
logger.Info("watcher ignoring query", zap.String("chainId", chainId.String()), zap.Int("requestIdx", pcqr.RequestIdx))
} else {
results := md.expectedResults[pcqr.RequestIdx].Response
status := md.getStatusAlreadyLocked(chainId)
logger.Info("watcher returning", zap.String("chainId", chainId.String()), zap.Int("requestIdx", pcqr.RequestIdx), zap.Int("status", int(status)))
queryResponse := CreatePerChainQueryResponseInternal(pcqr.RequestID, pcqr.RequestIdx, pcqr.Request.ChainId, status, results)
md.queryResponseWriteC <- queryResponse
}(chainId, md.chainQueryReqC[chainId])
return &md
// startResponseListener starts the response listener routine. It is called as part of the standard mock environment set up. Or, it can be used
// along with `createQueryHandlerForTestWithoutPublisher“ to test retries of response publication (by delaying the start of the response listener).
func (md *mockData) startResponseListener(ctx context.Context) {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case qrp := <-md.queryResponsePublicationReadC:
md.queryResponsePublication = qrp
// waitForResponse is used by the tests to wait for a response publication. It will eventually timeout if the query fails.
func (md *mockData) waitForResponse() *QueryResponsePublication {
for count := 0; count < 50; count++ {
ret := md.getQueryResponsePublication()
if ret != nil {
return ret
return nil
// TestInvalidQueries tests all the obvious reasons why a query may fail (aside from watcher failures).
func TestInvalidQueries(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
var perChainQueries []*PerChainQueryRequest
var signedQueryRequest *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest
// Query with a bad signature should fail.
perChainQueries = []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, _ = createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
signedQueryRequest.Signature[0] += 1 // Corrupt the signature.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
require.Nil(t, md.waitForResponse())
// Query for an unsupported chain should fail. The supported chains are defined in supportedChains in query.go
perChainQueries = []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDAlgorand, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, _ = createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
require.Nil(t, md.waitForResponse())
// Query for a chain that supports queries but that is not in the watcher channel map should fail.
perChainQueries = []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDSepolia, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, _ = createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
require.Nil(t, md.waitForResponse())
func TestSingleEthCallQueryShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// Wait until we receive a response or timeout.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestSingleEthCallByTimestampQueryShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCallByTimestamp(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", "0x28d9631", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// Wait until we receive a response or timeout.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestSingleEthCallWithFinalityQueryShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCallWithFinality(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", "safe", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// Wait until we receive a response or timeout.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestBatchOfMultipleQueryTypesShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2),
createPerChainQueryForEthCallByTimestamp(t, vaa.ChainIDBSC, "0x28d9123", "0x28d9124", 3),
createPerChainQueryForEthCallWithFinality(t, vaa.ChainIDArbitrum, "0x28d9123", "finalized", 3),
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// Wait until we receive a response or timeout.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDBSC))
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDArbitrum))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestQueryWithLimitedRetriesShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Make it retry a couple of times, but not enough to make it fail.
retries := 2
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDPolygon, retries)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// The request should eventually succeed.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, retries+1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestQueryWithRetryDueToTimeoutShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Make the first per chain query timeout, but the retry should succeed.
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDPolygon, ignoreQuery)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// The request should eventually succeed.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 2, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestQueryWithTooManyRetriesShouldFail(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2),
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDBSC, "0x28d9123", 3),
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Make polygon retry a couple of times, but not enough to make it fail.
retriesForPolygon := 2
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDPolygon, retriesForPolygon)
// Make BSC retry so many times that the request times out.
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDBSC, 1000)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// The request should timeout.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.Nil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, retriesForPolygon+1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
func TestQueryWithLimitedRetriesOnMultipleChainsShouldSucceed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2),
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDBSC, "0x28d9123", 3),
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Make both chains retry a couple of times, but not enough to make it fail.
retriesForPolygon := 2
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDPolygon, retriesForPolygon)
retriesForBSC := 3
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDBSC, retriesForBSC)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// The request should eventually succeed.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, retriesForPolygon+1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.Equal(t, retriesForBSC+1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDBSC))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))
func TestFatalErrorOnPerChainQueryShouldCauseRequestToFail(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTest(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2),
createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDBSC, "0x28d9123", 3),
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Make BSC return a fatal error.
md.setRetries(vaa.ChainIDBSC, fatalError)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// The request should timeout.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.Nil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDBSC))
func TestPublishRetrySucceeds(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
logger := zap.NewNop()
md := createQueryHandlerForTestWithoutPublisher(t, ctx, logger, watcherChainsForTest)
// Create the request and the expected results. Give the expected results to the mock.
perChainQueries := []*PerChainQueryRequest{createPerChainQueryForEthCall(t, vaa.ChainIDPolygon, "0x28d9630", 2)}
signedQueryRequest, queryRequest := createSignedQueryRequestForTesting(t, md.sk, perChainQueries)
expectedResults := createExpectedResultsForTest(t, queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Submit the query request to the handler.
md.signedQueryReqWriteC <- signedQueryRequest
// Sleep for a bit before we start listening for published results.
// If you look in the log, you should see one of these: "failed to publish query response to p2p, will retry publishing next interval"
// and at least one of these: "resend of query response to p2p failed again, will keep retrying".
time.Sleep(retryIntervalForTest * 3)
// Now start the publisher routine.
// If you look in the log, you should see one of these: "resend of query response to p2p succeeded".
// The response should still get published.
queryResponsePublication := md.waitForResponse()
require.NotNil(t, queryResponsePublication)
assert.Equal(t, 1, md.getRequestsPerChain(vaa.ChainIDPolygon))
assert.True(t, validateResponseForTest(t, queryResponsePublication, signedQueryRequest, queryRequest, expectedResults))