
216 lines
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// This file contains the code to query for and update token prices for the chain governor.
// The initial prices are read from the static config (tokens.go). After that, prices are
// queried from CoinGecko. The chain governor then uses the maximum of the static price and
// the latest CoinGecko price. The CoinGecko poll interval is specified by coinGeckoQueryIntervalInMins.
package governor
import (
// The CoinGecko API is documented here: https://www.coingecko.com/en/api/documentation
// An example of the query to be generated: https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=gemma-extending-tech,bitcoin,weth&vs_currencies=usd
const coinGeckoQueryIntervalInMins = 5
func (gov *ChainGovernor) initCoinGecko(ctx context.Context, run bool) error {
ids := ""
first := true
for coinGeckoId := range gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId {
if first {
first = false
} else {
ids += ","
ids += coinGeckoId
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("ids", ids)
params.Add("vs_currencies", "usd")
if first {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: did not find any tokens, nothing to do!")
return nil
gov.coinGeckoQuery = "https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?" + params.Encode()
gov.logger.Info("cgov: coingecko query: ", zap.String("query", gov.coinGeckoQuery))
if run {
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "govpricer", gov.PriceQuery); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) PriceQuery(ctx context.Context) error {
// Do a query immediately, then once each interval.
// We ignore the error because an error would already have been logged, and we don't want to bring down the
// guardian due to a CoinGecko error. The prices would already have been reverted to the config values.
_ = gov.queryCoinGecko()
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(coinGeckoQueryIntervalInMins) * time.Minute)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-ticker.C:
_ = gov.queryCoinGecko()
// This does not return an error. Instead, it just logs the error and we will try again five minutes later.
func (gov *ChainGovernor) queryCoinGecko() error {
response, err := http.Get(gov.coinGeckoQuery)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to query coin gecko, reverting to configured prices", zap.String("query", gov.coinGeckoQuery), zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query CoinGecko")
defer func() {
err = response.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to close coin gecko query")
// We can't safely call revertAllPrices() here because we don't know if we hold the lock or not.
// Also, we don't need to because the prices have already been updated / reverted by this point.
responseData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to parse coin gecko response, reverting to configured prices", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse CoinGecko response")
var result map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(responseData, &result); err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to unmarshal coin gecko json, reverting to configured prices", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal json")
now := time.Now()
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
localTokenMap := make(map[string][]*tokenEntry)
for coinGeckoId, cge := range gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId {
localTokenMap[coinGeckoId] = cge
for coinGeckoId, data := range result {
cge, exists := gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[coinGeckoId]
if exists {
price, ok := data.(map[string]interface{})["usd"].(float64)
if !ok {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to parse coin gecko response, reverting to configured price for this token", zap.String("coinGeckoId", coinGeckoId))
// By continuing, we leave this one in the local map so the price will get reverted below.
for _, te := range cge {
te.coinGeckoPrice = big.NewFloat(price)
te.priceTime = now
delete(localTokenMap, coinGeckoId)
} else {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: received a CoinGecko response for an unexpected symbol", zap.String("coinGeckoId", coinGeckoId))
if len(localTokenMap) != 0 {
for _, lcge := range localTokenMap {
for _, te := range lcge {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: did not receive a CoinGecko response for symbol, reverting to configured price",
zap.String("symbol", te.symbol),
zap.Stringer("cfgPrice", te.cfgPrice),
te.price = te.cfgPrice
// Don't update the timestamp so we'll know when we last received an update from CoinGecko.
return nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) revertAllPrices() {
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
for _, cge := range gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId {
for _, te := range cge {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: reverting to configured price",
zap.String("symbol", te.symbol),
zap.Stringer("cfgPrice", te.cfgPrice),
te.price = te.cfgPrice
// Don't update the timestamp so we'll know when we last received an update from CoinGecko.
// We should use the max(coinGeckoPrice, configuredPrice) as our price for computing notional value.
func (te tokenEntry) updatePrice() {
if (te.coinGeckoPrice == nil) || (te.coinGeckoPrice.Cmp(te.cfgPrice) < 0) {
} else {
func CheckQuery(logger *zap.Logger) error {
logger.Info("Instantiating governor.")
ctx := context.Background()
var db db.MockGovernorDB
gov := NewChainGovernor(logger, &db, MainNetMode)
if err := gov.initConfig(); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Building Coin Gecko query.")
if err := gov.initCoinGecko(ctx, false); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Initiating Coin Gecko query.")
if err := gov.queryCoinGecko(); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Coin Gecko query complete.")
return nil