
172 lines
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/// The `string32` module defines the `String32` type which represents UTF8
/// encoded strings that are guaranteed to be 32 bytes long, with 0 padding on
/// the right.
module token_bridge::string32 {
use std::string::{Self, String};
use std::option;
use std::vector;
use wormhole::cursor::Cursor;
use wormhole::deserialize;
use wormhole::serialize;
const E_STRING_TOO_LONG: u64 = 0;
/// A `String32` holds a ut8 string which is guaranteed to be 32 bytes long.
struct String32 has copy, drop, store {
string: String
spec String32 {
invariant string::length(string) == 32;
/// Right-pads a `String` to a `String32` with 0 bytes.
/// Aborts if the string is longer than 32 bytes.
public fun right_pad(s: &String): String32 {
let length = string::length(s);
assert!(length <= 32, E_STRING_TOO_LONG);
let string = *string::bytes(s);
let zeros = 32 - length;
while ({
spec {
invariant zeros + vector::length(string) == 32;
zeros > 0
}) {
vector::push_back(&mut string, 0);
zeros = zeros - 1;
String32 { string: string::utf8(string) }
/// Internal function to take the first 32 bytes of a byte sequence and
/// convert to a utf8 `String`.
/// Takes the longest prefix that's valid utf8 and maximum 32 bytes.
/// Even if the input is valid utf8, the result might be shorter than 32
/// bytes, because the original string might have a multi-byte utf8
/// character at the 32 byte boundary, which, when split, results in an
/// invalid code point, so we remove it.
fun take(bytes: vector<u8>, n: u64): String {
while (vector::length(&bytes) > n) {
vector::pop_back(&mut bytes);
let utf8 = string::try_utf8(bytes);
while (option::is_none(&utf8)) {
vector::pop_back(&mut bytes);
utf8 = string::try_utf8(bytes);
option::extract(&mut utf8)
/// Takes the first `n` bytes of a `String`.
/// Even if the input string is longer than `n`, the resulting string might
/// be shorter because the original string might have a multi-byte utf8
/// character at the byte boundary, which, when split, results in an invalid
/// code point, so we remove it.
public fun take_utf8(str: String, n: u64): String {
take(*string::bytes(&str), n)
/// Truncates or right-pads a `String` to a `String32`.
/// Does not abort.
public fun from_string(s: &String): String32 {
right_pad(&take(*string::bytes(s), 32))
/// Truncates or right-pads a byte vector to a `String32`.
/// Does not abort.
public fun from_bytes(b: vector<u8>): String32 {
right_pad(&take(b, 32))
/// Converts `String32` to `String`, removing trailing 0s.
public fun to_string(s: &String32): String {
let String32 { string } = s;
let bytes = *string::bytes(string);
// keep dropping the last character while it's 0
while (!vector::is_empty(&bytes) &&
*vector::borrow(&bytes, vector::length(&bytes) - 1) == 0
) {
vector::pop_back(&mut bytes);
/// Converts `String32` to a byte vector of length 32.
public fun to_bytes(s: &String32): vector<u8> {
public fun deserialize(cur: &mut Cursor<u8>): String32 {
let bytes = deserialize::deserialize_vector(cur, 32);
public fun serialize(buf: &mut vector<u8>, e: String32) {
serialize::serialize_vector(buf, to_bytes(&e))
module token_bridge::string32_test {
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use token_bridge::string32;
public fun test_right_pad() {
let result = string32::right_pad(&string::utf8(b"hello"));
assert!(string32::to_string(&result) == string::utf8(b"hello"), 0)
#[expected_failure(abort_code = 0, location = token_bridge::string32)]
public fun test_right_pad_fail() {
let too_long = string::utf8(b"this string is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long");
public fun test_from_string_short() {
let result = string32::from_string(&string::utf8(b"hello"));
assert!(string32::to_string(&result) == string::utf8(b"hello"), 0)
public fun test_from_string_long() {
let long = string32::from_string(&string::utf8(b"this string is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long"));
assert!(string32::to_string(&long) == string::utf8(b"this string is very very very ve"), 0)
public fun test_from_string_weird_utf8() {
let string = b"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
assert!(vector::length(&string) == 31, 0);
// append the samaritan letter Alaf, a 3-byte utf8 character the move
// parser only allows ascii characters unfortunately (the character
// looks nice)
vector::append(&mut string, x"e0a080");
// it's valid utf8
let string = string::utf8(string);
// string length is bytes, not characters
assert!(string::length(&string) == 34, 0);
let padded = string32::from_string(&string);
// notice that the e0 byte got dropped at the end
assert!(string32::to_string(&padded) == string::utf8(b"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), 0)
public fun test_from_bytes_invalid_utf8() {
// invalid utf8
let bytes = x"e0a0";
let result = string::utf8(b"");
assert!(string32::to_string(&string32::from_bytes(bytes)) == result, 0)