
862 lines
28 KiB

package p2p
import (
eth_common "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
ethcrypto "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
dht "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
libp2ptls "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/security/tls"
libp2pquic "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/transport/quic"
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
const DefaultPort = 8999
// TESTNET_BOOTSTRAP_DHI configures how many nodes may connect to the testnet bootstrap node. This number should not exceed HighWaterMark.
var (
p2pHeartbeatsSent = promauto.NewCounter(
Name: "wormhole_p2p_heartbeats_sent_total",
Help: "Total number of p2p heartbeats sent",
p2pMessagesSent = promauto.NewCounter(
Name: "wormhole_p2p_broadcast_messages_sent_total",
Help: "Total number of p2p pubsub broadcast messages sent",
p2pMessagesReceived = promauto.NewCounterVec(
Name: "wormhole_p2p_broadcast_messages_received_total",
Help: "Total number of p2p pubsub broadcast messages received",
}, []string{"type"})
p2pReceiveChannelOverflow = promauto.NewCounterVec(
Name: "wormhole_p2p_receive_channel_overflow",
Help: "Total number of p2p received messages dropped due to channel overflow",
}, []string{"type"})
var heartbeatMessagePrefix = []byte("heartbeat|")
var signedObservationRequestPrefix = []byte("signed_observation_request|")
// heartbeatMaxTimeDifference specifies the maximum time difference between the local clock and the timestamp in incoming heartbeat messages. Heartbeats that are this old or this much into the future will be dropped. This value should encompass clock skew and network delay.
var heartbeatMaxTimeDifference = time.Minute * 15
func heartbeatDigest(b []byte) eth_common.Hash {
return ethcrypto.Keccak256Hash(append(heartbeatMessagePrefix, b...))
func signedObservationRequestDigest(b []byte) eth_common.Hash {
return ethcrypto.Keccak256Hash(append(signedObservationRequestPrefix, b...))
type Components struct {
// P2PIDInHeartbeat determines if the guardian will put it's libp2p node ID in the authenticated heartbeat payload
P2PIDInHeartbeat bool
ListeningAddressesPatterns []string
// Port on which the Guardian is going to bind
Port uint
// ConnMgr is the ConnectionManager that the Guardian is going to use
ConnMgr *connmgr.BasicConnMgr
// ProtectedHostByGuardianKey is used to ensure that only one p2p peer can be protected by any given known guardian key
ProtectedHostByGuardianKey map[eth_common.Address]peer.ID
// ProtectedHostByGuardianKeyLock is only useful to prevent a race condition in test as ProtectedHostByGuardianKey
// is only accessed by a single routine at any given time in a running Guardian.
ProtectedHostByGuardianKeyLock sync.Mutex
// WarnChannelOverflow: If true, errors due to overflowing channels will produce logger.Warn
WarnChannelOverflow bool
// SignedHeartbeatLogLevel is the log level at which SignedHeartbeatReceived events will be logged.
SignedHeartbeatLogLevel zapcore.Level
// GossipParams is used to configure the GossipSub instance used by the Guardian.
GossipParams pubsub.GossipSubParams
// GossipAdvertiseAddress is an override for the external IP advertised via p2p to other peers.
GossipAdvertiseAddress string
func (f *Components) ListeningAddresses() []string {
la := make([]string, 0, len(f.ListeningAddressesPatterns))
for _, pattern := range f.ListeningAddressesPatterns {
pattern = cutOverAddressPattern(pattern)
la = append(la, fmt.Sprintf(pattern, f.Port))
return la
func DefaultComponents() *Components {
mgr, err := DefaultConnectionManager()
if err != nil {
return &Components{
P2PIDInHeartbeat: true,
ListeningAddressesPatterns: []string{
// Listen on QUIC only.
// https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/issues/688
Port: DefaultPort,
ConnMgr: mgr,
ProtectedHostByGuardianKey: make(map[eth_common.Address]peer.ID),
SignedHeartbeatLogLevel: zapcore.DebugLevel,
GossipParams: pubsub.DefaultGossipSubParams(),
const LowWaterMarkDefault = 100
const HighWaterMarkDefault = 400
func DefaultConnectionManager() (*connmgr.BasicConnMgr, error) {
return connmgr.NewConnManager(
// GracePeriod set to 0 means that new peers are not protected by a grace period
// BootstrapAddrs takes a comma-separated string of multi-address strings and returns an array of []peer.AddrInfo that does not include `self`.
// if `self` is part of `bootstrapPeers`, return isBootstrapNode=true
func BootstrapAddrs(logger *zap.Logger, bootstrapPeers string, self peer.ID) (bootstrappers []peer.AddrInfo, isBootstrapNode bool) {
bootstrapPeers = cutOverBootstrapPeers(bootstrapPeers)
bootstrappers = make([]peer.AddrInfo, 0)
for _, addr := range strings.Split(bootstrapPeers, ",") {
if addr == "" {
ma, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("invalid bootstrap address", zap.String("peer", addr), zap.Error(err))
pi, err := peer.AddrInfoFromP2pAddr(ma)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("invalid bootstrap address", zap.String("peer", addr), zap.Error(err))
if pi.ID == self {
logger.Info("We're a bootstrap node")
isBootstrapNode = true
bootstrappers = append(bootstrappers, *pi)
// ConnectToPeers connects `h` to `peers` and returns the number of successful connections.
func ConnectToPeers(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, h host.Host, peers []peer.AddrInfo) (successes int) {
successes = 0
for _, p := range peers {
if err := h.Connect(ctx, p); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to connect to bootstrap peer", zap.String("peer", p.String()), zap.Error(err))
} else {
successes += 1
return successes
func NewHost(logger *zap.Logger, ctx context.Context, networkID string, bootstrapPeers string, components *Components, priv crypto.PrivKey) (host.Host, error) {
// if an override of the advertised gossip addresses is requested
// check & render address once for use in the AddrsFactory below
var gossipAdvertiseAddress multiaddr.Multiaddr
if components.GossipAdvertiseAddress != "" {
gossipAdvertiseAddress, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/udp/%d", components.GossipAdvertiseAddress, components.Port))
if err != nil {
// If the multiaddr is specified incorrectly, blow up
logger.Fatal("error with the specified gossip address",
zap.String("GossipAdvertiseAddress", components.GossipAdvertiseAddress),
logger.Info("Overriding the advertised p2p address",
zap.String("GossipAdvertiseAddress", gossipAdvertiseAddress.String()),
h, err := libp2p.New(
// Use the keypair we generated
// Multiple listen addresses
// Takes the multiaddrs we are listening on and returns the multiaddrs to advertise to the network to
// connect to. Allows overriding the announce address for nodes running behind a NAT or in kubernetes
// This function gets called by the libp2p background() process regularly to check for address changes
// that are then announced to the rest of the network.
libp2p.AddrsFactory(func(addrs []multiaddr.Multiaddr) []multiaddr.Multiaddr {
if gossipAdvertiseAddress != nil {
return []multiaddr.Multiaddr{gossipAdvertiseAddress}
return addrs
// Enable TLS security as the only security protocol.
libp2p.Security(libp2ptls.ID, libp2ptls.New),
// Enable QUIC transport as the only transport.
// Let's prevent our peer from having too many
// connections by attaching a connection manager.
// Let this host use the DHT to find other hosts
libp2p.Routing(func(h host.Host) (routing.PeerRouting, error) {
// Update the bootstrap peers string so we will log the updated value.
bootstrapPeers = cutOverBootstrapPeers(bootstrapPeers)
logger.Info("Connecting to bootstrap peers", zap.String("bootstrap_peers", bootstrapPeers))
bootstrappers, _ := BootstrapAddrs(logger, bootstrapPeers, h.ID())
// TODO(leo): Persistent data store (i.e. address book)
idht, err := dht.New(ctx, h, dht.Mode(dht.ModeServer),
// This intentionally makes us incompatible with the global IPFS DHT
return idht, err
return h, err
func Run(
obsvC chan<- *common.MsgWithTimeStamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation],
obsvReqC chan<- *gossipv1.ObservationRequest,
obsvReqSendC <-chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest,
gossipSendC chan []byte,
signedInC chan<- *gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum,
priv crypto.PrivKey,
gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
gst *common.GuardianSetState,
networkID string,
bootstrapPeers string,
nodeName string,
disableHeartbeatVerify bool,
rootCtxCancel context.CancelFunc,
acct *accountant.Accountant,
gov *governor.ChainGovernor,
signedGovCfg chan *gossipv1.SignedChainGovernorConfig,
signedGovSt chan *gossipv1.SignedChainGovernorStatus,
components *Components,
ibcFeaturesFunc func() string,
gatewayRelayerEnabled bool,
ccqEnabled bool,
signedQueryReqC chan<- *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest,
queryResponseReadC <-chan *query.QueryResponsePublication,
ccqBootstrapPeers string,
ccqPort uint,
ccqAllowedPeers string,
) func(ctx context.Context) error {
if components == nil {
components = DefaultComponents()
return func(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
defer func() {
// TODO: Right now we're canceling the root context because it used to be the case that libp2p cannot be cleanly restarted.
// But that seems to no longer be the case. We may want to revisit this. See (https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/issues/992) for background.
logger.Warn("p2p routine has exited, cancelling root context...")
h, err := NewHost(logger, ctx, networkID, bootstrapPeers, components, priv)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if err := h.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Error("error closing the host", zap.Error(err))
nodeIdBytes, err := h.ID().Marshal()
if err != nil {
topic := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", networkID, "broadcast")
bootstrappers, bootstrapNode := BootstrapAddrs(logger, bootstrapPeers, h.ID())
if bootstrapNode {
logger.Info("We are a bootstrap node.")
if networkID == "/wormhole/testnet/2/1" {
components.GossipParams.Dhi = TESTNET_BOOTSTRAP_DHI
logger.Info("We are a bootstrap node in Testnet. Setting gossipParams.Dhi.", zap.Int("gossipParams.Dhi", components.GossipParams.Dhi))
logger.Info("Subscribing pubsub topic", zap.String("topic", topic))
ps, err := pubsub.NewGossipSub(ctx, h,
if err != nil {
th, err := ps.Join(topic)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to join topic: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err := th.Close(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
logger.Error("Error closing the topic", zap.Error(err))
// Increase the buffer size to prevent failed delivery
// to slower subscribers
sub, err := th.Subscribe(pubsub.WithBufferSize(P2P_SUBSCRIPTION_BUFFER_SIZE))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe topic: %w", err)
defer sub.Cancel()
// Make sure we connect to at least 1 bootstrap node (this is particularly important in a local devnet and CI
// as peer discovery can take a long time).
successes := ConnectToPeers(ctx, logger, h, bootstrappers)
if successes == 0 && !bootstrapNode { // If we're a bootstrap node it's okay to not have any peers.
// If we fail to connect to any bootstrap peer, kill the service
// returning from this function will lead to rootCtxCancel() being called in the defer() above. The service will then be restarted by Tilt/kubernetes.
return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to any bootstrap peer")
logger.Info("Connected to bootstrap peers", zap.Int("num", successes))
logger.Info("Node has been started", zap.String("peer_id", h.ID().String()),
zap.String("addrs", fmt.Sprintf("%v", h.Addrs())))
bootTime := time.Now()
if ccqEnabled {
ccqErrC := make(chan error)
ccq := newCcqRunP2p(logger, ccqAllowedPeers, components)
if err := ccq.run(ctx, priv, gk, networkID, ccqBootstrapPeers, ccqPort, signedQueryReqC, queryResponseReadC, ccqErrC); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start p2p for CCQ: %w", err)
defer ccq.close()
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case ccqErr := <-ccqErrC:
logger.Error("ccqp2p returned an error", zap.Error(ccqErr), zap.String("component", "ccqp2p"))
// Periodically run guardian state set cleanup.
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
go func() {
// Disable heartbeat when no node name is provided (spy mode)
if nodeName == "" {
ourAddr := ethcrypto.PubkeyToAddress(gk.PublicKey)
ctr := int64(0)
// Guardians should send out their first heartbeat immediately to speed up test runs.
// But we also want to wait a little bit such that network connections can be established by then.
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 2)
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-timer.C:
timer.Reset(15 * time.Second)
// create a heartbeat
b := func() []byte {
defer DefaultRegistry.mu.Unlock()
networks := make([]*gossipv1.Heartbeat_Network, 0, len(DefaultRegistry.networkStats))
for _, v := range DefaultRegistry.networkStats {
errCtr := DefaultRegistry.GetErrorCount(vaa.ChainID(v.Id))
v.ErrorCount = errCtr
networks = append(networks, v)
features := make([]string, 0)
if gov != nil {
features = append(features, "governor")
if acct != nil {
features = append(features, acct.FeatureString())
if ibcFeaturesFunc != nil {
ibcFlags := ibcFeaturesFunc()
if ibcFlags != "" {
features = append(features, ibcFlags)
if gatewayRelayerEnabled {
features = append(features, "gwrelayer")
if ccqEnabled {
features = append(features, "ccq")
heartbeat := &gossipv1.Heartbeat{
NodeName: nodeName,
Counter: ctr,
Timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(),
Networks: networks,
Version: version.Version(),
GuardianAddr: ourAddr.String(),
BootTimestamp: bootTime.UnixNano(),
Features: features,
if components.P2PIDInHeartbeat {
heartbeat.P2PNodeId = nodeIdBytes
if err := gst.SetHeartbeat(ourAddr, h.ID(), heartbeat); err != nil {
collectNodeMetrics(ourAddr, h.ID(), heartbeat)
if gov != nil {
gov.CollectMetrics(heartbeat, gossipSendC, gk, ourAddr)
msg := gossipv1.GossipMessage{
Message: &gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedHeartbeat{
SignedHeartbeat: createSignedHeartbeat(gk, heartbeat),
b, err := proto.Marshal(&msg)
if err != nil {
return b
err = th.Publish(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to publish heartbeat message", zap.Error(err))
ctr += 1
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case msg := <-gossipSendC:
err := th.Publish(ctx, msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to publish message from queue", zap.Error(err))
case msg := <-obsvReqSendC:
b, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
// Sign the observation request using our node's guardian key.
digest := signedObservationRequestDigest(b)
sig, err := ethcrypto.Sign(digest.Bytes(), gk)
if err != nil {
sReq := &gossipv1.SignedObservationRequest{
ObservationRequest: b,
Signature: sig,
GuardianAddr: ethcrypto.PubkeyToAddress(gk.PublicKey).Bytes(),
envelope := &gossipv1.GossipMessage{
Message: &gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedObservationRequest{
SignedObservationRequest: sReq}}
b, err = proto.Marshal(envelope)
if err != nil {
// Send to local observation request queue (the loopback message is ignored)
obsvReqC <- msg
err = th.Publish(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to publish observation request", zap.Error(err))
} else {
logger.Info("published signed observation request", zap.Any("signed_observation_request", sReq))
for {
envelope, err := sub.Next(ctx) // Note: sub.Next(ctx) will return an error once ctx is canceled
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to receive pubsub message: %w", err)
var msg gossipv1.GossipMessage
err = proto.Unmarshal(envelope.Data, &msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("received invalid message",
zap.Binary("data", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
if envelope.GetFrom() == h.ID() {
logger.Debug("received message from ourselves, ignoring",
zap.Any("payload", msg.Message))
logger.Debug("received message",
zap.Any("payload", msg.Message),
zap.Binary("raw", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
switch m := msg.Message.(type) {
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedHeartbeat:
s := m.SignedHeartbeat
gs := gst.Get()
if gs == nil {
// No valid guardian set yet - dropping heartbeat
logger.Log(components.SignedHeartbeatLogLevel, "skipping heartbeat - no guardian set",
zap.Any("value", s),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
if heartbeat, err := processSignedHeartbeat(envelope.GetFrom(), s, gs, gst, disableHeartbeatVerify); err != nil {
logger.Log(components.SignedHeartbeatLogLevel, "invalid signed heartbeat received",
zap.Any("payload", msg.Message),
zap.Any("value", s),
zap.Binary("raw", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
} else {
logger.Log(components.SignedHeartbeatLogLevel, "valid signed heartbeat received",
zap.Any("value", heartbeat),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
func() {
if len(heartbeat.P2PNodeId) != 0 {
defer components.ProtectedHostByGuardianKeyLock.Unlock()
var peerId peer.ID
if err = peerId.Unmarshal(heartbeat.P2PNodeId); err != nil {
zap.Any("payload", msg.Message),
zap.Any("value", s),
zap.Binary("raw", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
} else {
guardianAddr := eth_common.BytesToAddress(s.GuardianAddr)
if gk == nil || guardianAddr != ethcrypto.PubkeyToAddress(gk.PublicKey) {
prevPeerId, ok := components.ProtectedHostByGuardianKey[guardianAddr]
if ok {
if prevPeerId != peerId {
zap.String("guardian_addr", guardianAddr.String()),
zap.String("prevPeerId", prevPeerId.String()),
zap.String("newPeerId", peerId.String()),
components.ConnMgr.Unprotect(prevPeerId, "heartbeat")
components.ConnMgr.Protect(peerId, "heartbeat")
components.ProtectedHostByGuardianKey[guardianAddr] = peerId
} else {
components.ConnMgr.Protect(peerId, "heartbeat")
components.ProtectedHostByGuardianKey[guardianAddr] = peerId
} else {
zap.Any("payload", heartbeat.NodeName))
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedObservation:
if err := common.PostMsgWithTimestamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation](m.SignedObservation, obsvC); err == nil {
} else {
if components.WarnChannelOverflow {
logger.Warn("Ignoring SignedObservation because obsvC full", zap.String("hash", hex.EncodeToString(m.SignedObservation.Hash)))
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedVaaWithQuorum:
select {
case signedInC <- m.SignedVaaWithQuorum:
if components.WarnChannelOverflow {
// TODO do not log this in production
var hexStr string
if vaa, err := vaa.Unmarshal(m.SignedVaaWithQuorum.Vaa); err == nil {
hexStr = vaa.HexDigest()
logger.Warn("Ignoring SignedVaaWithQuorum because signedInC full", zap.String("hash", hexStr))
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedObservationRequest:
s := m.SignedObservationRequest
gs := gst.Get()
if gs == nil {
logger.Debug("dropping SignedObservationRequest - no guardian set",
zap.Any("value", s),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
r, err := processSignedObservationRequest(s, gs)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug("invalid signed observation request received",
zap.Any("payload", msg.Message),
zap.Any("value", s),
zap.Binary("raw", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
} else {
logger.Debug("valid signed observation request received",
zap.Any("value", r),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
select {
case obsvReqC <- r:
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedChainGovernorConfig:
if signedGovCfg != nil {
signedGovCfg <- m.SignedChainGovernorConfig
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedChainGovernorStatus:
if signedGovSt != nil {
signedGovSt <- m.SignedChainGovernorStatus
logger.Warn("received unknown message type (running outdated software?)",
zap.Any("payload", msg.Message),
zap.Binary("raw", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
func createSignedHeartbeat(gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey, heartbeat *gossipv1.Heartbeat) *gossipv1.SignedHeartbeat {
ourAddr := ethcrypto.PubkeyToAddress(gk.PublicKey)
b, err := proto.Marshal(heartbeat)
if err != nil {
// Sign the heartbeat using our node's guardian key.
digest := heartbeatDigest(b)
sig, err := ethcrypto.Sign(digest.Bytes(), gk)
if err != nil {
return &gossipv1.SignedHeartbeat{
Heartbeat: b,
Signature: sig,
GuardianAddr: ourAddr.Bytes(),
func processSignedHeartbeat(from peer.ID, s *gossipv1.SignedHeartbeat, gs *common.GuardianSet, gst *common.GuardianSetState, disableVerify bool) (*gossipv1.Heartbeat, error) {
envelopeAddr := eth_common.BytesToAddress(s.GuardianAddr)
idx, ok := gs.KeyIndex(envelopeAddr)
var pk eth_common.Address
if !ok {
if !disableVerify {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message: %s not in guardian set", envelopeAddr)
} else {
pk = gs.Keys[idx]
digest := heartbeatDigest(s.Heartbeat)
// SECURITY: see whitepapers/0009_guardian_key.md
if len(heartbeatMessagePrefix)+len(s.Heartbeat) < 34 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message: too short")
pubKey, err := ethcrypto.Ecrecover(digest.Bytes(), s.Signature)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to recover public key")
signerAddr := eth_common.BytesToAddress(ethcrypto.Keccak256(pubKey[1:])[12:])
if pk != signerAddr && !disableVerify {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid signer: %v", signerAddr)
var h gossipv1.Heartbeat
err = proto.Unmarshal(s.Heartbeat, &h)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal heartbeat: %w", err)
if time.Until(time.Unix(0, h.Timestamp)).Abs() > heartbeatMaxTimeDifference {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("heartbeat is too old or too far into the future")
if h.GuardianAddr != signerAddr.String() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GuardianAddr in heartbeat does not match signerAddr")
// Don't accept replayed heartbeats from other peers
signedPeer, err := peer.IDFromBytes(h.P2PNodeId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode peer ID from bytes: %w", err)
if signedPeer != from {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("guardian signed peer does not match sending peer")
// Store verified heartbeat in global guardian set state.
if err := gst.SetHeartbeat(signerAddr, from, &h); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to store in guardian set state: %w", err)
collectNodeMetrics(signerAddr, from, &h)
return &h, nil
func processSignedObservationRequest(s *gossipv1.SignedObservationRequest, gs *common.GuardianSet) (*gossipv1.ObservationRequest, error) {
envelopeAddr := eth_common.BytesToAddress(s.GuardianAddr)
idx, ok := gs.KeyIndex(envelopeAddr)
var pk eth_common.Address
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message: %s not in guardian set", envelopeAddr)
} else {
pk = gs.Keys[idx]
// SECURITY: see whitepapers/0009_guardian_key.md
if len(signedObservationRequestPrefix)+len(s.ObservationRequest) < 34 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid observation request: too short")
digest := signedObservationRequestDigest(s.ObservationRequest)
pubKey, err := ethcrypto.Ecrecover(digest.Bytes(), s.Signature)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to recover public key")
signerAddr := eth_common.BytesToAddress(ethcrypto.Keccak256(pubKey[1:])[12:])
if pk != signerAddr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid signer: %v", signerAddr)
var h gossipv1.ObservationRequest
err = proto.Unmarshal(s.ObservationRequest, &h)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal observation request: %w", err)
// TODO: implement per-guardian rate limiting
return &h, nil