
644 lines
36 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @title WormholeRelayer
* @author
* @notice This project allows developers to build cross-chain applications powered by Wormhole without needing to
* write and run their own relaying infrastructure
* We implement the IWormholeRelayer interface that allows users to request a delivery provider to relay a payload (and/or additional messages)
* to a chain and address of their choice.
* @notice VaaKey identifies a wormhole message
* @custom:member chainId Wormhole chain ID of the chain where this VAA was emitted from
* @custom:member emitterAddress Address of the emitter of the VAA, in Wormhole bytes32 format
* @custom:member sequence Sequence number of the VAA
struct VaaKey {
uint16 chainId;
bytes32 emitterAddress;
uint64 sequence;
// 0-127 are reserved for standardized KeyTypes, 128-255 are for custom use
uint8 constant VAA_KEY_TYPE = 1;
struct MessageKey {
uint8 keyType; // 0-127 are reserved for standardized KeyTypes, 128-255 are for custom use
bytes encodedKey;
interface IWormholeRelayerBase {
event SendEvent(
uint64 indexed sequence, uint256 deliveryQuote, uint256 paymentForExtraReceiverValue
function getRegisteredWormholeRelayerContract(uint16 chainId) external view returns (bytes32);
* @notice Returns true if a delivery has been attempted for the given deliveryHash
* Note: invalid deliveries where the tx reverts are not considered attempted
function deliveryAttempted(bytes32 deliveryHash) external view returns (bool attempted);
* @notice block number at which a delivery was successfully executed
function deliverySuccessBlock(bytes32 deliveryHash) external view returns (uint256 blockNumber);
* @notice block number of the latest attempt to execute a delivery that failed
function deliveryFailureBlock(bytes32 deliveryHash) external view returns (uint256 blockNumber);
* @title IWormholeRelayerSend
* @notice The interface to request deliveries
interface IWormholeRelayerSend is IWormholeRelayerBase {
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the default delivery provider
* to relay a payload to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with gas limit `gasLimit` and `msg.value` equal to `receiverValue`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to `quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, gasLimit)`
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be paid to the delivery provider. In order to receive the refunds, use the `sendPayloadToEvm` function
* with `refundChain` and `refundAddress` as parameters
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver)
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`.
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function sendPayloadToEvm(
uint16 targetChain,
address targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the default delivery provider
* to relay a payload to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with gas limit `gasLimit` and `msg.value` equal to `receiverValue`
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be sent to `refundAddress` on chain `refundChain`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to `quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, gasLimit)`
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver)
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`. Any units of gas unused will be refunded according to the
* `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` rate quoted by the delivery provider
* @param refundChain The chain to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param refundAddress The address on `refundChain` to deliver any refund to
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function sendPayloadToEvm(
uint16 targetChain,
address targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint16 refundChain,
address refundAddress
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the default delivery provider
* to relay a payload and VAAs specified by `vaaKeys` to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with gas limit `gasLimit` and `msg.value` equal to `receiverValue`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to `quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, gasLimit)`
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be paid to the delivery provider. In order to receive the refunds, use the `sendVaasToEvm` function
* with `refundChain` and `refundAddress` as parameters
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver)
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`.
* @param vaaKeys Additional VAAs to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function sendVaasToEvm(
uint16 targetChain,
address targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit,
VaaKey[] memory vaaKeys
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the default delivery provider
* to relay a payload and VAAs specified by `vaaKeys` to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with gas limit `gasLimit` and `msg.value` equal to `receiverValue`
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be sent to `refundAddress` on chain `refundChain`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to `quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, gasLimit)`
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver)
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`. Any units of gas unused will be refunded according to the
* `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` rate quoted by the delivery provider
* @param vaaKeys Additional VAAs to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param refundChain The chain to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param refundAddress The address on `refundChain` to deliver any refund to
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function sendVaasToEvm(
uint16 targetChain,
address targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit,
VaaKey[] memory vaaKeys,
uint16 refundChain,
address refundAddress
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the delivery provider at `deliveryProviderAddress`
* to relay a payload and VAAs specified by `vaaKeys` to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with gas limit `gasLimit` and `msg.value` equal to
* receiverValue + (arbitrary amount that is paid for by paymentForExtraReceiverValue of this chain's wei) in targetChain wei.
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be sent to `refundAddress` on chain `refundChain`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to
* quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, gasLimit, deliveryProviderAddress) + paymentForExtraReceiverValue
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver)
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param paymentForExtraReceiverValue amount (in current chain currency units) to spend on extra receiverValue
* (in addition to the `receiverValue` specified)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`. Any units of gas unused will be refunded according to the
* `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` rate quoted by the delivery provider
* @param refundChain The chain to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param refundAddress The address on `refundChain` to deliver any refund to
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @param vaaKeys Additional VAAs to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param consistencyLevel Consistency level with which to publish the delivery instructions - see
* https://book.wormhole.com/wormhole/3_coreLayerContracts.html?highlight=consistency#consistency-levels
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function sendToEvm(
uint16 targetChain,
address targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 paymentForExtraReceiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint16 refundChain,
address refundAddress,
address deliveryProviderAddress,
VaaKey[] memory vaaKeys,
uint8 consistencyLevel
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the delivery provider at `deliveryProviderAddress`
* to relay a payload and external messages specified by `messageKeys` to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with gas limit `gasLimit` and `msg.value` equal to
* receiverValue + (arbitrary amount that is paid for by paymentForExtraReceiverValue of this chain's wei) in targetChain wei.
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be sent to `refundAddress` on chain `refundChain`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to
* quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, gasLimit, deliveryProviderAddress) + paymentForExtraReceiverValue
* Note: MessageKeys can specify wormhole messages (VaaKeys) or other types of messages (ex. USDC CCTP attestations). Ensure the selected
* DeliveryProvider supports all the MessageKey.keyType values specified or it will not be delivered!
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver)
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param paymentForExtraReceiverValue amount (in current chain currency units) to spend on extra receiverValue
* (in addition to the `receiverValue` specified)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`. Any units of gas unused will be refunded according to the
* `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` rate quoted by the delivery provider
* @param refundChain The chain to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param refundAddress The address on `refundChain` to deliver any refund to
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @param messageKeys Additional messagess to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param consistencyLevel Consistency level with which to publish the delivery instructions - see
* https://book.wormhole.com/wormhole/3_coreLayerContracts.html?highlight=consistency#consistency-levels
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function sendToEvm(
uint16 targetChain,
address targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 paymentForExtraReceiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint16 refundChain,
address refundAddress,
address deliveryProviderAddress,
MessageKey[] memory messageKeys,
uint8 consistencyLevel
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the delivery provider at `deliveryProviderAddress`
* to relay a payload and VAAs specified by `vaaKeys` to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with `msg.value` equal to
* receiverValue + (arbitrary amount that is paid for by paymentForExtraReceiverValue of this chain's wei) in targetChain wei.
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be sent to `refundAddress` on chain `refundChain`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to
* quoteDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, encodedExecutionParameters, deliveryProviderAddress) + paymentForExtraReceiverValue
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver), in Wormhole bytes32 format
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param paymentForExtraReceiverValue amount (in current chain currency units) to spend on extra receiverValue
* (in addition to the `receiverValue` specified)
* @param encodedExecutionParameters encoded information on how to execute delivery that may impact pricing
* e.g. for version EVM_V1, this is a struct that encodes the `gasLimit` with which to call `targetAddress`
* @param refundChain The chain to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param refundAddress The address on `refundChain` to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole bytes32 format
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @param vaaKeys Additional VAAs to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param consistencyLevel Consistency level with which to publish the delivery instructions - see
* https://book.wormhole.com/wormhole/3_coreLayerContracts.html?highlight=consistency#consistency-levels
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function send(
uint16 targetChain,
bytes32 targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 paymentForExtraReceiverValue,
bytes memory encodedExecutionParameters,
uint16 refundChain,
bytes32 refundAddress,
address deliveryProviderAddress,
VaaKey[] memory vaaKeys,
uint8 consistencyLevel
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Publishes an instruction for the delivery provider at `deliveryProviderAddress`
* to relay a payload and VAAs specified by `vaaKeys` to the address `targetAddress` on chain `targetChain`
* with `msg.value` equal to
* receiverValue + (arbitrary amount that is paid for by paymentForExtraReceiverValue of this chain's wei) in targetChain wei.
* Any refunds (from leftover gas) will be sent to `refundAddress` on chain `refundChain`
* `targetAddress` must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to
* quoteDeliveryPrice(targetChain, receiverValue, encodedExecutionParameters, deliveryProviderAddress) + paymentForExtraReceiverValue
* Note: MessageKeys can specify wormhole messages (VaaKeys) or other types of messages (ex. USDC CCTP attestations). Ensure the selected
* DeliveryProvider supports all the MessageKey.keyType values specified or it will not be delivered!
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param targetAddress address to call on targetChain (that implements IWormholeReceiver), in Wormhole bytes32 format
* @param payload arbitrary bytes to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param paymentForExtraReceiverValue amount (in current chain currency units) to spend on extra receiverValue
* (in addition to the `receiverValue` specified)
* @param encodedExecutionParameters encoded information on how to execute delivery that may impact pricing
* e.g. for version EVM_V1, this is a struct that encodes the `gasLimit` with which to call `targetAddress`
* @param refundChain The chain to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param refundAddress The address on `refundChain` to deliver any refund to, in Wormhole bytes32 format
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @param messageKeys Additional messagess to pass in as parameter in call to `targetAddress`
* @param consistencyLevel Consistency level with which to publish the delivery instructions - see
* https://book.wormhole.com/wormhole/3_coreLayerContracts.html?highlight=consistency#consistency-levels
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing delivery instructions
function send(
uint16 targetChain,
bytes32 targetAddress,
bytes memory payload,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 paymentForExtraReceiverValue,
bytes memory encodedExecutionParameters,
uint16 refundChain,
bytes32 refundAddress,
address deliveryProviderAddress,
MessageKey[] memory messageKeys,
uint8 consistencyLevel
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Requests a previously published delivery instruction to be redelivered
* (e.g. with a different delivery provider)
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to
* quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(targetChain, newReceiverValue, newGasLimit, newDeliveryProviderAddress)
* @notice *** This will only be able to succeed if the following is true **
* - newGasLimit >= gas limit of the old instruction
* - newReceiverValue >= receiver value of the old instruction
* - newDeliveryProvider's `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` >= old relay provider's `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused`
* @param deliveryVaaKey VaaKey identifying the wormhole message containing the
* previously published delivery instructions
* @param targetChain The target chain that the original delivery targeted. Must match targetChain from original delivery instructions
* @param newReceiverValue new msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param newGasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`. Any units of gas unused will be refunded according to the
* `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` rate quoted by the delivery provider, to the refund chain and address specified in the original request
* @param newDeliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing redelivery instructions
* @notice *** This will only be able to succeed if the following is true **
* - newGasLimit >= gas limit of the old instruction
* - newReceiverValue >= receiver value of the old instruction
function resendToEvm(
VaaKey memory deliveryVaaKey,
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 newReceiverValue,
uint256 newGasLimit,
address newDeliveryProviderAddress
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Requests a previously published delivery instruction to be redelivered
* This function must be called with `msg.value` equal to
* quoteDeliveryPrice(targetChain, newReceiverValue, newEncodedExecutionParameters, newDeliveryProviderAddress)
* @param deliveryVaaKey VaaKey identifying the wormhole message containing the
* previously published delivery instructions
* @param targetChain The target chain that the original delivery targeted. Must match targetChain from original delivery instructions
* @param newReceiverValue new msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param newEncodedExecutionParameters new encoded information on how to execute delivery that may impact pricing
* e.g. for version EVM_V1, this is a struct that encodes the `gasLimit` with which to call `targetAddress`
* @param newDeliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @return sequence sequence number of published VAA containing redelivery instructions
* @notice *** This will only be able to succeed if the following is true **
* - (For EVM_V1) newGasLimit >= gas limit of the old instruction
* - newReceiverValue >= receiver value of the old instruction
* - (For EVM_V1) newDeliveryProvider's `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused` >= old relay provider's `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused`
function resend(
VaaKey memory deliveryVaaKey,
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 newReceiverValue,
bytes memory newEncodedExecutionParameters,
address newDeliveryProviderAddress
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
* @notice Returns the price to request a relay to chain `targetChain`, using the default delivery provider
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`.
* @return nativePriceQuote Price, in units of current chain currency, that the delivery provider charges to perform the relay
* @return targetChainRefundPerGasUnused amount of target chain currency that will be refunded per unit of gas unused,
* if a refundAddress is specified.
* Note: This value can be overridden by the delivery provider on the target chain. The returned value here should be considered to be a
* promise by the delivery provider of the amount of refund per gas unused that will be returned to the refundAddress at the target chain.
* If a delivery provider decides to override, this will be visible as part of the emitted Delivery event on the target chain.
function quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit
) external view returns (uint256 nativePriceQuote, uint256 targetChainRefundPerGasUnused);
* @notice Returns the price to request a relay to chain `targetChain`, using delivery provider `deliveryProviderAddress`
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param gasLimit gas limit with which to call `targetAddress`.
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @return nativePriceQuote Price, in units of current chain currency, that the delivery provider charges to perform the relay
* @return targetChainRefundPerGasUnused amount of target chain currency that will be refunded per unit of gas unused,
* if a refundAddress is specified
* Note: This value can be overridden by the delivery provider on the target chain. The returned value here should be considered to be a
* promise by the delivery provider of the amount of refund per gas unused that will be returned to the refundAddress at the target chain.
* If a delivery provider decides to override, this will be visible as part of the emitted Delivery event on the target chain.
function quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint256 gasLimit,
address deliveryProviderAddress
) external view returns (uint256 nativePriceQuote, uint256 targetChainRefundPerGasUnused);
* @notice Returns the price to request a relay to chain `targetChain`, using delivery provider `deliveryProviderAddress`
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param receiverValue msg.value that delivery provider should pass in for call to `targetAddress` (in targetChain currency units)
* @param encodedExecutionParameters encoded information on how to execute delivery that may impact pricing
* e.g. for version EVM_V1, this is a struct that encodes the `gasLimit` with which to call `targetAddress`
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @return nativePriceQuote Price, in units of current chain currency, that the delivery provider charges to perform the relay
* @return encodedExecutionInfo encoded information on how the delivery will be executed
* e.g. for version EVM_V1, this is a struct that encodes the `gasLimit` and `targetChainRefundPerGasUnused`
* (which is the amount of target chain currency that will be refunded per unit of gas unused,
* if a refundAddress is specified)
function quoteDeliveryPrice(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 receiverValue,
bytes memory encodedExecutionParameters,
address deliveryProviderAddress
) external view returns (uint256 nativePriceQuote, bytes memory encodedExecutionInfo);
* @notice Returns the (extra) amount of target chain currency that `targetAddress`
* will be called with, if the `paymentForExtraReceiverValue` field is set to `currentChainAmount`
* @param targetChain in Wormhole Chain ID format
* @param currentChainAmount The value that `paymentForExtraReceiverValue` will be set to
* @param deliveryProviderAddress The address of the desired delivery provider's implementation of IDeliveryProvider
* @return targetChainAmount The amount such that if `targetAddress` will be called with `msg.value` equal to
* receiverValue + targetChainAmount
function quoteNativeForChain(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 currentChainAmount,
address deliveryProviderAddress
) external view returns (uint256 targetChainAmount);
* @notice Returns the address of the current default delivery provider
* @return deliveryProvider The address of (the default delivery provider)'s contract on this source
* chain. This must be a contract that implements IDeliveryProvider.
function getDefaultDeliveryProvider() external view returns (address deliveryProvider);
* @title IWormholeRelayerDelivery
* @notice The interface to execute deliveries. Only relevant for Delivery Providers
interface IWormholeRelayerDelivery is IWormholeRelayerBase {
enum DeliveryStatus {
enum RefundStatus {
* @custom:member recipientContract - The target contract address
* @custom:member sourceChain - The chain which this delivery was requested from (in wormhole
* ChainID format)
* @custom:member sequence - The wormhole sequence number of the delivery VAA on the source chain
* corresponding to this delivery request
* @custom:member deliveryVaaHash - The hash of the delivery VAA corresponding to this delivery
* request
* @custom:member gasUsed - The amount of gas that was used to call your target contract
* @custom:member status:
* - RECEIVER_FAILURE, if the target contract reverts
* - SUCCESS, if the target contract doesn't revert
* @custom:member additionalStatusInfo:
* - If status is SUCCESS, then this is empty.
* return data (i.e. potentially truncated revert reason information).
* @custom:member refundStatus - Result of the refund. REFUND_SUCCESS or REFUND_FAIL are for
* refunds where targetChain=refundChain; the others are for targetChain!=refundChain,
* where a cross chain refund is necessary, or if the default code path is used where no refund is requested (NO_REFUND_REQUESTED)
* @custom:member overridesInfo:
* - If not an override: empty bytes array
* - Otherwise: An encoded `DeliveryOverride`
event Delivery(
address indexed recipientContract,
uint16 indexed sourceChain,
uint64 indexed sequence,
bytes32 deliveryVaaHash,
DeliveryStatus status,
uint256 gasUsed,
RefundStatus refundStatus,
bytes additionalStatusInfo,
bytes overridesInfo
* @notice The delivery provider calls `deliver` to relay messages as described by one delivery instruction
* The delivery provider must pass in the specified (by VaaKeys[]) signed wormhole messages (VAAs) from the source chain
* as well as the signed wormhole message with the delivery instructions (the delivery VAA)
* The messages will be relayed to the target address (with the specified gas limit and receiver value) iff the following checks are met:
* - the delivery VAA has a valid signature
* - the delivery VAA's emitter is one of these WormholeRelayer contracts
* - the delivery provider passed in at least enough of this chain's currency as msg.value (enough meaning the maximum possible refund)
* - the instruction's target chain is this chain
* - the relayed signed VAAs match the descriptions in container.messages (the VAA hashes match, or the emitter address, sequence number pair matches, depending on the description given)
* @param encodedVMs - An array of signed wormhole messages (all from the same source chain
* transaction)
* @param encodedDeliveryVAA - Signed wormhole message from the source chain's WormholeRelayer
* contract with payload being the encoded delivery instruction container
* @param relayerRefundAddress - The address to which any refunds to the delivery provider
* should be sent
* @param deliveryOverrides - Optional overrides field which must be either an empty bytes array or
* an encoded DeliveryOverride struct
function deliver(
bytes[] memory encodedVMs,
bytes memory encodedDeliveryVAA,
address payable relayerRefundAddress,
bytes memory deliveryOverrides
) external payable;
interface IWormholeRelayer is IWormholeRelayerDelivery, IWormholeRelayerSend {}
* Errors thrown by IWormholeRelayer contract
// Bound chosen by the following formula: `memoryWord * 4 + selectorSize`.
// This means that an error identifier plus four fixed size arguments should be available to developers.
// In the case of a `require` revert with error message, this should provide 2 memory word's worth of data.
//When msg.value was not equal to `delivery provider's quoted delivery price` + `paymentForExtraReceiverValue`
error InvalidMsgValue(uint256 msgValue, uint256 totalFee);
error RequestedGasLimitTooLow();
error DeliveryProviderDoesNotSupportTargetChain(address relayer, uint16 chainId);
error DeliveryProviderCannotReceivePayment();
error DeliveryProviderDoesNotSupportMessageKeyType(uint8 keyType);
//When calling `delivery()` a second time even though a delivery is already in progress
error ReentrantDelivery(address msgSender, address lockedBy);
error InvalidPayloadId(uint8 parsed, uint8 expected);
error InvalidPayloadLength(uint256 received, uint256 expected);
error InvalidVaaKeyType(uint8 parsed);
error TooManyMessageKeys(uint256 numMessageKeys);
error InvalidDeliveryVaa(string reason);
//When the delivery VAA (signed wormhole message with delivery instructions) was not emitted by the
// registered WormholeRelayer contract
error InvalidEmitter(bytes32 emitter, bytes32 registered, uint16 chainId);
error MessageKeysLengthDoesNotMatchMessagesLength(uint256 keys, uint256 vaas);
error VaaKeysDoNotMatchVaas(uint8 index);
//When someone tries to call an external function of the WormholeRelayer that is only intended to be
// called by the WormholeRelayer itself (to allow retroactive reverts for atomicity)
error RequesterNotWormholeRelayer();
//When trying to relay a `DeliveryInstruction` to any other chain but the one it was specified for
error TargetChainIsNotThisChain(uint16 targetChain);
//When a `DeliveryOverride` contains a gas limit that's less than the original
error InvalidOverrideGasLimit();
//When a `DeliveryOverride` contains a receiver value that's less than the original
error InvalidOverrideReceiverValue();
//When a `DeliveryOverride` contains a 'refund per unit of gas unused' that's less than the original
error InvalidOverrideRefundPerGasUnused();
//When the delivery provider doesn't pass in sufficient funds (i.e. msg.value does not cover the
// maximum possible refund to the user)
error InsufficientRelayerFunds(uint256 msgValue, uint256 minimum);
//When a bytes32 field can't be converted into a 20 byte EVM address, because the 12 padding bytes
// are non-zero (duplicated from Utils.sol)
error NotAnEvmAddress(bytes32);