
1268 lines
35 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
library BytesParsing {
uint256 private constant freeMemoryPtr = 0x40;
uint256 private constant wordSize = 32;
error OutOfBounds(uint256 offset, uint256 length);
function checkBound(uint offset, uint length) internal pure {
if (offset > length)
revert OutOfBounds(offset, length);
function sliceUnchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset,
uint length
) internal pure returns (bytes memory ret, uint nextOffset) {
//bail early for degenerate case
if (length == 0)
return (new bytes(0), offset);
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, length)
ret := mload(freeMemoryPtr)
//Explanation on how we copy data here:
// The bytes type has the following layout in memory:
// [length: 32 bytes, data: length bytes]
// So if we allocate `bytes memory foo = new bytes(1);` then `foo` will be a pointer to 33
// bytes where the first 32 bytes contain the length and the last byte is the actual data.
// Since mload always loads 32 bytes of memory at once, we use our shift variable to align
// our reads so that our last read lines up exactly with the last 32 bytes of `encoded`.
// However this also means that if the length of `encoded` is not a multiple of 32 bytes, our
// first read will necessarily partly contain bytes from `encoded`'s 32 length bytes that
// will be written into the length part of our `ret` slice.
// We remedy this issue by writing the length of our `ret` slice at the end, thus
// overwritting those garbage bytes.
let shift := and(length, 31) //equivalent to `mod(length, 32)` but 2 gas cheaper
if iszero(shift) {
shift := wordSize
let dest := add(ret, shift)
let end := add(dest, length)
for {
let src := add(add(encoded, shift), offset)
} lt(dest, end) {
src := add(src, wordSize)
dest := add(dest, wordSize)
} {
mstore(dest, mload(src))
mstore(ret, length)
//When compiling with --via-ir then normally allocated memory (i.e. via new) will have 32 byte
// memory alignment and so we enforce the same memory alignment here.
mstore(freeMemoryPtr, and(add(dest, 31), not(31)))
function slice(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset,
uint length
) internal pure returns (bytes memory ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = sliceUnchecked(encoded, offset, length);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asAddressUnchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (address, uint) {
(uint160 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint160(encoded, offset);
return (address(ret), nextOffset);
function asAddress(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (address ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asAddressUnchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBoolUnckecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bool, uint) {
(uint8 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint8(encoded, offset);
return (ret != 0, nextOffset);
function asBool(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bool ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asBoolUnckecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remaining library code below was auto-generated by via the following js/node code:
for (let bytes = 1; bytes <= 32; ++bytes) {
const bits = bytes*8;
`function asUint${bits}Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint${bits} ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, ${bytes})
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint${bits}(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint${bits} ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint${bits}Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes${bytes}Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes${bytes}, uint) {
(uint${bits} ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint${bits}Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes${bytes}(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes${bytes}(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes${bytes}, uint) {
(uint${bits} ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint${bits}(encoded, offset);
return (bytes${bytes}(ret), nextOffset);
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function asUint8Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint8 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 1)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint8(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint8 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint8Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes1Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes1, uint) {
(uint8 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint8Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes1(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes1(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes1, uint) {
(uint8 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint8(encoded, offset);
return (bytes1(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint16Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint16 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 2)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint16(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint16 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint16Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes2Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes2, uint) {
(uint16 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint16Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes2(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes2(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes2, uint) {
(uint16 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint16(encoded, offset);
return (bytes2(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint24Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint24 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 3)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint24(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint24 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint24Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes3Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes3, uint) {
(uint24 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint24Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes3(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes3(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes3, uint) {
(uint24 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint24(encoded, offset);
return (bytes3(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint32Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint32 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 4)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint32(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint32 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint32Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes4Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes4, uint) {
(uint32 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint32Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes4(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes4(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes4, uint) {
(uint32 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint32(encoded, offset);
return (bytes4(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint40Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint40 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 5)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint40(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint40 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint40Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes5Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes5, uint) {
(uint40 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint40Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes5(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes5(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes5, uint) {
(uint40 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint40(encoded, offset);
return (bytes5(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint48Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint48 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 6)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint48(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint48 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint48Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes6Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes6, uint) {
(uint48 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint48Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes6(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes6(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes6, uint) {
(uint48 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint48(encoded, offset);
return (bytes6(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint56Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint56 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 7)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint56(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint56 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint56Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes7Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes7, uint) {
(uint56 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint56Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes7(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes7(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes7, uint) {
(uint56 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint56(encoded, offset);
return (bytes7(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint64Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint64 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 8)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint64(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint64 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint64Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes8Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes8, uint) {
(uint64 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint64Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes8(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes8(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes8, uint) {
(uint64 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint64(encoded, offset);
return (bytes8(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint72Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint72 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 9)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint72(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint72 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint72Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes9Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes9, uint) {
(uint72 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint72Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes9(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes9(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes9, uint) {
(uint72 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint72(encoded, offset);
return (bytes9(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint80Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint80 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 10)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint80(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint80 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint80Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes10Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes10, uint) {
(uint80 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint80Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes10(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes10(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes10, uint) {
(uint80 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint80(encoded, offset);
return (bytes10(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint88Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint88 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 11)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint88(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint88 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint88Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes11Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes11, uint) {
(uint88 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint88Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes11(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes11(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes11, uint) {
(uint88 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint88(encoded, offset);
return (bytes11(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint96Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint96 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 12)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint96(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint96 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint96Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes12Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes12, uint) {
(uint96 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint96Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes12(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes12(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes12, uint) {
(uint96 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint96(encoded, offset);
return (bytes12(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint104Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint104 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 13)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint104(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint104 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint104Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes13Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes13, uint) {
(uint104 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint104Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes13(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes13(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes13, uint) {
(uint104 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint104(encoded, offset);
return (bytes13(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint112Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint112 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 14)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint112(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint112 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint112Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes14Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes14, uint) {
(uint112 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint112Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes14(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes14(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes14, uint) {
(uint112 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint112(encoded, offset);
return (bytes14(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint120Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint120 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 15)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint120(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint120 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint120Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes15Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes15, uint) {
(uint120 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint120Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes15(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes15(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes15, uint) {
(uint120 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint120(encoded, offset);
return (bytes15(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint128Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint128 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 16)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint128(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint128 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint128Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes16Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes16, uint) {
(uint128 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint128Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes16(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes16(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes16, uint) {
(uint128 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint128(encoded, offset);
return (bytes16(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint136Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint136 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 17)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint136(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint136 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint136Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes17Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes17, uint) {
(uint136 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint136Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes17(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes17(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes17, uint) {
(uint136 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint136(encoded, offset);
return (bytes17(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint144Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint144 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 18)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint144(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint144 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint144Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes18Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes18, uint) {
(uint144 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint144Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes18(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes18(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes18, uint) {
(uint144 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint144(encoded, offset);
return (bytes18(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint152Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint152 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 19)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint152(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint152 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint152Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes19Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes19, uint) {
(uint152 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint152Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes19(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes19(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes19, uint) {
(uint152 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint152(encoded, offset);
return (bytes19(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint160Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint160 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 20)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint160(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint160 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint160Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes20Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes20, uint) {
(uint160 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint160Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes20(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes20(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes20, uint) {
(uint160 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint160(encoded, offset);
return (bytes20(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint168Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint168 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 21)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint168(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint168 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint168Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes21Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes21, uint) {
(uint168 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint168Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes21(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes21(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes21, uint) {
(uint168 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint168(encoded, offset);
return (bytes21(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint176Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint176 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 22)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint176(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint176 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint176Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes22Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes22, uint) {
(uint176 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint176Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes22(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes22(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes22, uint) {
(uint176 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint176(encoded, offset);
return (bytes22(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint184Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint184 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 23)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint184(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint184 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint184Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes23Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes23, uint) {
(uint184 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint184Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes23(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes23(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes23, uint) {
(uint184 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint184(encoded, offset);
return (bytes23(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint192Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint192 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 24)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint192(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint192 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint192Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes24Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes24, uint) {
(uint192 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint192Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes24(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes24(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes24, uint) {
(uint192 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint192(encoded, offset);
return (bytes24(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint200Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint200 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 25)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint200(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint200 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint200Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes25Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes25, uint) {
(uint200 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint200Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes25(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes25(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes25, uint) {
(uint200 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint200(encoded, offset);
return (bytes25(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint208Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint208 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 26)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint208(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint208 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint208Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes26Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes26, uint) {
(uint208 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint208Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes26(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes26(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes26, uint) {
(uint208 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint208(encoded, offset);
return (bytes26(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint216Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint216 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 27)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint216(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint216 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint216Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes27Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes27, uint) {
(uint216 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint216Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes27(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes27(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes27, uint) {
(uint216 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint216(encoded, offset);
return (bytes27(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint224Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint224 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 28)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint224(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint224 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint224Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes28Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes28, uint) {
(uint224 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint224Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes28(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes28(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes28, uint) {
(uint224 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint224(encoded, offset);
return (bytes28(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint232Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint232 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 29)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint232(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint232 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint232Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes29Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes29, uint) {
(uint232 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint232Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes29(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes29(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes29, uint) {
(uint232 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint232(encoded, offset);
return (bytes29(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint240Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint240 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 30)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint240(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint240 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint240Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes30Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes30, uint) {
(uint240 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint240Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes30(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes30(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes30, uint) {
(uint240 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint240(encoded, offset);
return (bytes30(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint248Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint248 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 31)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint248(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint248 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint248Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes31Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes31, uint) {
(uint248 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint248Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes31(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes31(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes31, uint) {
(uint248 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint248(encoded, offset);
return (bytes31(ret), nextOffset);
function asUint256Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint256 ret, uint nextOffset) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
nextOffset := add(offset, 32)
ret := mload(add(encoded, nextOffset))
return (ret, nextOffset);
function asUint256(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (uint256 ret, uint nextOffset) {
(ret, nextOffset) = asUint256Unchecked(encoded, offset);
checkBound(nextOffset, encoded.length);
function asBytes32Unchecked(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes32, uint) {
(uint256 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint256Unchecked(encoded, offset);
return (bytes32(ret), nextOffset);
function asBytes32(
bytes memory encoded,
uint offset
) internal pure returns (bytes32, uint) {
(uint256 ret, uint nextOffset) = asUint256(encoded, offset);
return (bytes32(ret), nextOffset);