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// Package p contains an HTTP Cloud Function.
package p
import (
type transfersFromResult struct {
Daily map[string]map[string]float64
Total float64
// an in-memory cache of previously calculated results
var transfersFromCache transfersFromResult
var muTransfersFromCache sync.RWMutex
var transfersFromFilePath = "notional-transferred-from.json"
// finds the daily amount transferred from each chain from the specified start to the present.
func createTransfersFromOfInterval(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, prefix string, start time.Time) {
if len(transfersFromCache.Daily) == 0 {
loadJsonToInterface(ctx, transfersFromFilePath, &muTransfersFromCache, &transfersFromCache)
now := time.Now().UTC()
numPrevDays := int(now.Sub(start).Hours() / 24)
var intervalsWG sync.WaitGroup
// there will be a query for each previous day, plus today
intervalsWG.Add(numPrevDays + 1)
for daysAgo := 0; daysAgo <= numPrevDays; daysAgo++ {
go func(tbl *bigtable.Table, ctx context.Context, prefix string, daysAgo int) {
defer intervalsWG.Done()
// start is the SOD, end is EOD
// "0 daysAgo start" is 00:00:00 AM of the current day
// "0 daysAgo end" is 23:59:59 of the current day (the future)
// calculate the start and end times for the query
hoursAgo := (24 * daysAgo)
daysAgoDuration := -time.Duration(hoursAgo) * time.Hour
n := now.Add(daysAgoDuration)
year := n.Year()
month := n.Month()
day := n.Day()
loc := n.Location()
start := time.Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc)
end := time.Date(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59, maxNano, loc)
dateStr := start.Format("2006-01-02")
// check to see if there is cache data for this date/query
if _, ok := transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr]; ok && useCache(dateStr) {
// have a cache for this date
if daysAgo >= 1 {
// only use the cache for yesterday and older
// no cache for this query, initialize the map
transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr] = map[string]float64{"*": 0}
queryResult := fetchTransferRowsInInterval(tbl, ctx, prefix, start, end)
// iterate through the rows and increment the amounts
for _, row := range queryResult {
if _, ok := tokensToSkip[row.TokenAddress]; ok {
// skip blacklisted token
if _, ok := transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr][row.LeavingChain]; !ok {
transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr][row.LeavingChain] = 0
transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr]["*"] = transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr]["*"] + row.Notional
transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr][row.LeavingChain] = transfersFromCache.Daily[dateStr][row.LeavingChain] + row.Notional
}(tbl, ctx, prefix, daysAgo)
// having consistent keys in each object is helpful for clients, explorer GUI
transfersFromCache.Total = 0
seenChainSet := map[string]bool{}
for _, chains := range transfersFromCache.Daily {
for chain, amount := range chains {
seenChainSet[chain] = true
if chain == "*" {
transfersFromCache.Total += amount
for date, chains := range transfersFromCache.Daily {
for chain := range seenChainSet {
if _, ok := chains[chain]; !ok {
transfersFromCache.Daily[date][chain] = 0
persistInterfaceToJson(ctx, transfersFromFilePath, &muTransfersFromCache, transfersFromCache)
// finds the value that has been transferred from each chain
func ComputeNotionalTransferredFrom(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
// Set CORS headers for the preflight request
if r.Method == http.MethodOptions {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
createTransfersFromOfInterval(tbl, ctx, "", releaseDay)
func NotionalTransferredFrom(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
// Set CORS headers for the preflight request
if r.Method == http.MethodOptions {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var result transfersFromResult
loadJsonToInterface(ctx, transfersFromFilePath, &muTransfersFromCache, &result)
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(result)
if err != nil {