
319 lines
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package processor
import (
ethcommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"
var GovInterval = time.Minute
var CleanupInterval = time.Second * 30
type (
// Observation defines the interface for any events observed by the guardian.
Observation interface {
// GetEmitterChain returns the id of the chain where this event was observed.
GetEmitterChain() vaa.ChainID
// MessageID returns a human-readable emitter_chain/emitter_address/sequence tuple.
MessageID() string
// SigningDigest returns the hash of the hash signing body of the observation. This is used
// for signature generation and verification.
SigningDigest() ethcommon.Hash
// IsReliable returns whether this message is considered reliable meaning it can be reobserved.
IsReliable() bool
// IsReobservation returns whether this message is the result of a reobservation request.
IsReobservation() bool
// HandleQuorum finishes processing the observation once a quorum of signatures have
// been received for it.
HandleQuorum(sigs []*vaa.Signature, hash string, p *Processor)
// state represents the local view of a given observation
state struct {
// First time this digest was seen (possibly even before we observed it ourselves).
firstObserved time.Time
// A re-observation request shall not be sent before this time.
nextRetry time.Time
// Number of times we sent a re-observation request
retryCtr uint
// Copy of our observation.
ourObservation Observation
// Map of signatures seen by guardian. During guardian set updates, this may contain signatures belonging
// to either the old or new guardian set.
signatures map[ethcommon.Address][]byte
// Flag set after reaching quorum and submitting the VAA.
submitted bool
// Flag set by the cleanup service after the settlement timeout has expired and misses were counted.
settled bool
// Human-readable description of the VAA's source, used for metrics.
source string
// Copy of the bytes we submitted (ourObservation, but signed and serialized). Used for retransmissions.
ourMsg []byte
// The hash of the transaction in which the observation was made. Used for re-observation requests.
txHash []byte
// Copy of the guardian set valid at observation/injection time.
gs *common.GuardianSet
observationMap map[string]*state
// aggregationState represents the node's aggregation of guardian signatures.
aggregationState struct {
signatures observationMap
type PythNetVaaEntry struct {
v *vaa.VAA
updateTime time.Time // Used for determining when to delete entries
type Processor struct {
// msgC is a channel of observed emitted messages
msgC <-chan *common.MessagePublication
// setC is a channel of guardian set updates
setC <-chan *common.GuardianSet
// gossipSendC is a channel of outbound messages to broadcast on p2p
gossipSendC chan<- []byte
// obsvC is a channel of inbound decoded observations from p2p
obsvC chan *common.MsgWithTimeStamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation]
// obsvReqSendC is a send-only channel of outbound re-observation requests to broadcast on p2p
obsvReqSendC chan<- *gossipv1.ObservationRequest
// signedInC is a channel of inbound signed VAA observations from p2p
signedInC <-chan *gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum
// gk is the node's guardian private key
gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey
logger *zap.Logger
db *db.Database
// Runtime state
// gs is the currently valid guardian set
gs *common.GuardianSet
// gst is managed by the processor and allows concurrent access to the
// guardian set by other components.
gst *common.GuardianSetState
// state is the current runtime VAA view
state *aggregationState
// gk pk as eth address
ourAddr ethcommon.Address
governor *governor.ChainGovernor
acct *accountant.Accountant
acctReadC <-chan *common.MessagePublication
pythnetVaas map[string]PythNetVaaEntry
gatewayRelayer *gwrelayer.GatewayRelayer
var (
observationChanDelay = promauto.NewHistogram(
Name: "wormhole_signed_observation_channel_delay_us",
Help: "Latency histogram for delay of signed observations in channel",
Buckets: []float64{10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0},
observationTotalDelay = promauto.NewHistogram(
Name: "wormhole_signed_observation_total_delay_us",
Help: "Latency histogram for total time to process signed observations",
Buckets: []float64{10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0},
func NewProcessor(
ctx context.Context,
db *db.Database,
msgC <-chan *common.MessagePublication,
setC <-chan *common.GuardianSet,
gossipSendC chan<- []byte,
obsvC chan *common.MsgWithTimeStamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation],
obsvReqSendC chan<- *gossipv1.ObservationRequest,
signedInC <-chan *gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum,
gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey,
gst *common.GuardianSetState,
g *governor.ChainGovernor,
acct *accountant.Accountant,
acctReadC <-chan *common.MessagePublication,
gatewayRelayer *gwrelayer.GatewayRelayer,
) *Processor {
return &Processor{
msgC: msgC,
setC: setC,
gossipSendC: gossipSendC,
obsvC: obsvC,
obsvReqSendC: obsvReqSendC,
signedInC: signedInC,
gk: gk,
gst: gst,
db: db,
logger: supervisor.Logger(ctx),
state: &aggregationState{observationMap{}},
ourAddr: crypto.PubkeyToAddress(gk.PublicKey),
governor: g,
acct: acct,
acctReadC: acctReadC,
pythnetVaas: make(map[string]PythNetVaaEntry),
gatewayRelayer: gatewayRelayer,
func (p *Processor) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
cleanup := time.NewTicker(CleanupInterval)
// Always initialize the timer so don't have a nil pointer in the case below. It won't get rearmed after that.
govTimer := time.NewTimer(GovInterval)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if p.acct != nil {
// Log these as warnings so they show up in the benchmark logs.
metric := &dto.Metric{}
_ = observationChanDelay.Write(metric)
p.logger.Warn("PROCESSOR_METRICS", zap.Any("observationChannelDelay", metric.String()))
metric = &dto.Metric{}
_ = observationTotalDelay.Write(metric)
p.logger.Warn("PROCESSOR_METRICS", zap.Any("observationProcessingDelay", metric.String()))
return ctx.Err()
case p.gs = <-p.setC:
p.logger.Info("guardian set updated",
zap.Strings("set", p.gs.KeysAsHexStrings()),
zap.Uint32("index", p.gs.Index))
case k := <-p.msgC:
if p.governor != nil {
if !p.governor.ProcessMsg(k) {
if p.acct != nil {
shouldPub, err := p.acct.SubmitObservation(k)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to process message `%s`: %w", k.MessageIDString(), err)
if !shouldPub {
case k := <-p.acctReadC:
if p.acct == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("received an accountant event when accountant is not configured")
// SECURITY defense-in-depth: Make sure the accountant did not generate an unexpected message.
if !p.acct.IsMessageCoveredByAccountant(k) {
return fmt.Errorf("accountant published a message that is not covered by it: `%s`", k.MessageIDString())
case m := <-p.obsvC:
p.handleObservation(ctx, m)
case m := <-p.signedInC:
p.handleInboundSignedVAAWithQuorum(ctx, m)
case <-cleanup.C:
case <-govTimer.C:
if p.governor != nil {
toBePublished, err := p.governor.CheckPending()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(toBePublished) != 0 {
for _, k := range toBePublished {
// SECURITY defense-in-depth: Make sure the governor did not generate an unexpected message.
if msgIsGoverned, err := p.governor.IsGovernedMsg(k); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("governor failed to determine if message should be governed: `%s`: %w", k.MessageIDString(), err)
} else if !msgIsGoverned {
return fmt.Errorf("governor published a message that should not be governed: `%s`", k.MessageIDString())
if p.acct != nil {
shouldPub, err := p.acct.SubmitObservation(k)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to process message released by governor `%s`: %w", k.MessageIDString(), err)
if !shouldPub {
if (p.governor != nil) || (p.acct != nil) {
func (p *Processor) storeSignedVAA(v *vaa.VAA) error {
if v.EmitterChain == vaa.ChainIDPythNet {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", v.EmitterAddress, v.Sequence)
p.pythnetVaas[key] = PythNetVaaEntry{v: v, updateTime: time.Now()}
return nil
return p.db.StoreSignedVAA(v)
// haveSignedVAA returns true if we already have a VAA for the given VAAID
func (p *Processor) haveSignedVAA(id db.VAAID) bool {
if id.EmitterChain == vaa.ChainIDPythNet {
if p.pythnetVaas == nil {
return false
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", id.EmitterAddress, id.Sequence)
_, exists := p.pythnetVaas[key]
return exists
if p.db == nil {
return false
ok, err := p.db.HasVAA(id)
if err != nil {
p.logger.Error("failed to look up VAA in database",
zap.String("vaaID", string(id.Bytes())),
return false
return ok