import { ActionExecutor, CommonPluginEnv, ContractFilter, Plugin, PluginFactory, Providers, StagingArea, Workflow, } from "relayer-plugin-interface"; import * as whSdk from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import { Logger } from "winston"; import { ethers } from "ethers"; import { Connection as SolanaConnection } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { BaseVAA } from "./utils"; import { TextDecoder } from "util"; import { parseVaa } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; // todo: do we need this in the plugin or just the relayer?? function create( commonConfig: CommonPluginEnv, pluginConfig: any, logger: Logger ): Plugin { console.log("Creating da plugin..."); return new MessengerRelayerPlugin(commonConfig, pluginConfig, logger); } export interface MessengerRelayerPluginConfig { registeredContracts: { chainId: whSdk.ChainId; contractAddress: string }[]; xDappConfig: XDappConfig; messengerABI: string; } type Network = string; export interface XDappConfig { networks: Record< Network, { type: string; wormholeChainId: whSdk.ChainId; rpc: string; privateKey: string; bridgeAddress: string; } >; wormhole: { restAddress: string; }; } // base64 encoded Buffer type VAA = string; export class MessengerRelayerPlugin implements Plugin { readonly shouldSpy: boolean = true; readonly shouldRest: boolean = false; readonly demoteInProgress: boolean = true; static readonly pluginName: string = "MessengerRelayerPlugin"; readonly pluginName = MessengerRelayerPlugin.pluginName; constructor( readonly relayerConfig: CommonPluginEnv, readonly pluginConfig: MessengerRelayerPluginConfig, readonly logger: Logger ) {"Messenger relayer plugin loaded"); // todo: config validation } async consumeEvent( vaa: Buffer, stagingArea: { counter?: number } ): Promise<{ workflowData?: VAA; nextStagingArea: StagingArea }> {"Got VAA"); return { workflowData: vaa.toString("base64"), nextStagingArea: { counter: stagingArea?.counter ? stagingArea.counter + 1 : 0, }, }; } async handleWorkflow( workflow: Workflow, providers: Providers, execute: ActionExecutor ): Promise {"Handling workflow..."); const vaa = Buffer.from(, "base64"); const parsed = await this.parseVAA(vaa);"Got message: " + Buffer.from(parsed.payload).toString("utf-8")); await Promise.all( (registeredContract) => { if (registeredContract.chainId === parsed.emitter_chain) { // do not submit to emitting chain return; } if (whSdk.isEVMChain(registeredContract.chainId)) { await this.submitOnEVM( vaa, providers.evm[registeredContract.chainId], execute, registeredContract.contractAddress, registeredContract.chainId ); } else if (registeredContract.chainId === whSdk.CHAIN_ID_SOLANA) { await this.submitOnSolana( vaa, providers.solana, execute, registeredContract.contractAddress, registeredContract.chainId ); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported Chain: " + registeredContract.chainId); } }) );"Message submitted to all chains!!"); } async submitOnEVM( vaa: Buffer, provider: ethers.providers.Provider, execute: ActionExecutor, contractAddress: string, chainId: whSdk.ChainId ) { const messenger = new ethers.Contract( contractAddress, this.pluginConfig.messengerABI, provider ); const tx = await execute.onEVM({ chainId, f: async ({ wallet }) => { return messenger.connect(wallet).receiveEncodedMsg(vaa); }, }); await tx.wait(); const message = await messenger.getCurrentMsg();`Current message now '${message}' on chain ${chainId}`); } async submitOnSolana( vaa: Buffer, provider: SolanaConnection, execute: ActionExecutor, contractAddress: string, chainId: whSdk.ChainId ) { throw new Error("Exercise for the reader..."); } getFilters(): ContractFilter[] { return => ({ chainId: rc.chainId, emitterAddress: rc.contractAddress, })); } async parseVAA(vaa: Buffer | Uint8Array): Promise { try { return parseVaa(new Uint8Array(vaa)) as any as BaseVAA; } catch (e) { this.logger.error("Failed to parse vaa"); throw e; } } } const factory: PluginFactory = { create, pluginName: MessengerRelayerPlugin.pluginName, }; export default factory;