megaTune: signature: speeduino 202202 MTversion: 2.25 queryCommand: Q versionInfo: S tunerStudio: iniSpecVersion: 3.64 defines: loadSourceNames: - MAP - TPS - IMAP/EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID loadSourceUnits: - kPa - '% TPS' - '%' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID all_IO_Pins: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID IO_Pins_no_def: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID bitwise_def: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR comparator_def: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) comp_IO_Pins_0: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID comp_IO_Pins_1: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits fullStatus_def_2: - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 fullStatus_def_3: - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target fullStatus_def_4: - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fullStatus_def_5: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fullStatus_def_6: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fullStatus_def_7: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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'0x675' - '0x676' - '0x677' - '0x678' - '0x679' - '0x67A' - '0x67B' - '0x67C' - '0x67D' - '0x67E' - '0x67F' - '0x680' - '0x681' - '0x682' - '0x683' - '0x684' - '0x685' - '0x686' - '0x687' - '0x688' - '0x689' - '0x68A' - '0x68B' - '0x68C' - '0x68D' - '0x68E' - '0x68F' - '0x690' - '0x691' - '0x692' - '0x693' - '0x694' - '0x695' - '0x696' - '0x697' - '0x698' - '0x699' - '0x69A' - '0x69B' - '0x69C' - '0x69D' - '0x69E' - '0x69F' - '0x6A0' - '0x6A1' - '0x6A2' - '0x6A3' - '0x6A4' - '0x6A5' - '0x6A6' - '0x6A7' - '0x6A8' - '0x6A9' - '0x6AA' - '0x6AB' - '0x6AC' - '0x6AD' - '0x6AE' - '0x6AF' - '0x6B0' - '0x6B1' - '0x6B2' - '0x6B3' - '0x6B4' - '0x6B5' - '0x6B6' - '0x6B7' - '0x6B8' - '0x6B9' - '0x6BA' - '0x6BB' - '0x6BC' - '0x6BD' - '0x6BE' - '0x6BF' - '0x6C0' - '0x6C1' - '0x6C2' - '0x6C3' - '0x6C4' - '0x6C5' - '0x6C6' - '0x6C7' - '0x6C8' - '0x6C9' - '0x6CA' - '0x6CB' - '0x6CC' - '0x6CD' - '0x6CE' - '0x6CF' - '0x6D0' - '0x6D1' - '0x6D2' - '0x6D3' - '0x6D4' - '0x6D5' - '0x6D6' - '0x6D7' - '0x6D8' - 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0 - 2 values: - None - On/Off - Duty Cycle - Duty Cycle - Steps - Steps boardFuelOutputs: type: array size: U08 shape: columns: 128 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 boardIgnOutputs: type: array size: U08 shape: columns: 128 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 boardHasRTC: type: array size: U08 shape: columns: 128 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 algorithmNames: type: bits size: U08 address: - 0 - 2 values: - MAP - TPS - IMAP/EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID algorithmUnits: type: bits size: U08 address: - 0 - 2 values: - kPa - '% TPS' - '%' - '% TPS' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID algorithmLimits: type: array size: U16 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 fuel2SwitchUnits: type: bits size: U08 address: - 0 - 2 values: - rpm - kPa - '% TPS' - '%' - '% TPS' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID boostTableLabels: type: bits size: U08 address: - 0 - 1 values: - Duty Cycle % - kPa boostByGearLabels: type: bits size: U08 address: - 0 - 1 values: - '%' - Limit prgm_out_selection: type: bits size: U08 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' fuelLoadMax: type: scalar size: U08 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 ignLoadMax: type: scalar size: U08 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 fuel2LoadMax: type: scalar size: U08 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 ign2LoadMax: type: scalar size: U08 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 AUXin00Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin01Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin02Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin03Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin04Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin05Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin06Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin07Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin08Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin09Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin10Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin11Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin12Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin13Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin14Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 AUXin15Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out00Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out01Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out02Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out03Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out04Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out05Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out06Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 prgm_out07Alias: type: string size: ASCII length: 20 constants: pages: - number: 1 size: 0 data: aseTaperTime: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 0 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 aeColdPct: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 1 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 255 digits: 0 aeColdTaperMin: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 2 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 aeMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 0 - 1 values: - TPS - MAP - INVALID - INVALID battVCorMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Whole PW - Open Time only SoftLimitMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Fixed - Relative useTachoSweep: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 4 - 4 values: - 'Off' - 'On' aeApplyMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 5 - 5 values: - PW Multiplier - PW Adder multiplyMAP: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 6 - 7 values: - 'Off' - Baro - Fixed - INVALID wueRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 4 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 crankingPct: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 14 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 pinLayout: type: bits size: U08 offset: 15 address: - 0 - 7 values: - INVALID - Speeduino v0.2 - Speeduino v0.3 - Speeduino v0.4 - INVALID - INVALID - 01-05 MX5 PNP - INVALID - 96-97 MX5 PNP - NA6 MX5 PNP - Turtana PCB - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Plazomat I/O 0.1 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Daz V6 Shield 0.1 - BMW PnP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - NO2C - UA4C - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - DIY-EFI CORE4 v1.0 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - dvjcodec Teensy RevA - dvjcodec Teensy RevB - INVALID - JUICEBOX - INVALID - Drop Bear - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Black STM32F407VET6 V0.1 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID tachoPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID tachoDiv: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Normal - Half - INVALID - INVALID tachoDuration: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 17 units: ms scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 1 max: 6 digits: 0 maeThresh: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 18 units: kPa/s scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 taeThresh: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 19 units: '%/s' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 aeTime: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 20 units: ms scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2550 digits: 0 display: type: bits size: U08 offset: 21 address: - 0 - 2 values: - Unused - Adafruit 128x32 - Generic 128x32 - Adafruit 128x64 - Generic 128x64 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID display1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 21 address: - 3 - 5 values: - RPM - PW - Advance - VE - GammaE - TPS - IAT - CLT display2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 21 address: - 6 - 7 values: - O2 - Voltage - CPU - Mem display3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 22 address: - 0 - 2 values: - RPM - PW - Advance - VE - GammaE - TPS - IAT - CLT display4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 22 address: - 3 - 4 values: - O2 - Voltage - CPU - Mem display5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 22 address: - 5 - 7 values: - RPM - PW - Advance - VE - GammaE - TPS - IAT - CLT displayB1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 23 address: - 0 - 3 values: - RPM - PW - Advance - VE - GammaE - TPS - IAT - CLT displayB2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 23 address: - 4 - 7 values: - RPM - PW - Advance - VE - GammaE - TPS - IAT - CLT reqFuel: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 24 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 divider: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 25 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 0 digits: .nan alternate: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Simultaneous - Alternating multiplyMAP1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' includeAFR: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' hardCutType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Full - Rolling ignAlgorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 4 - 6 values: - MAP - TPS - IMAP/EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID indInjAng: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Disabled - Enabled injOpen: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 27 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0.1 max: 25.5 digits: 1 injAng: type: array size: U16 offset: 28 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 720 digits: 0 mapSample: type: bits size: U08 offset: 36 address: - 0 - 1 values: - Instantaneous - Cycle Average - Cycle Minimum - Event Average twoStroke: type: bits size: U08 offset: 36 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Four-stroke - Two-stroke injType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 36 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Port - Throttle Body nCylinders: type: bits size: U08 offset: 36 address: - 4 - 7 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - INVALID - '8' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID algorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 37 address: - 0 - 2 values: - MAP - TPS - IMAP/EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fixAngEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 37 address: - 3 - 3 values: - 'Off' - 'On' nInjectors: type: bits size: U08 offset: 37 address: - 4 - 7 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - INVALID - '8' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID engineType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Even fire - Odd fire flexEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'Off' - 'On' legacyMAP: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' baroCorr: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 3 - 3 values: - 'Off' - 'On' injLayout: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 4 - 5 values: - Paired - Semi-Sequential - INVALID - Sequential perToothIgn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 6 - 6 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' dfcoEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'Off' - 'On' aeColdTaperMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 39 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 dutyLim: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 40 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 95 digits: 0 flexFreqLow: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 41 units: Hz scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 flexFreqHigh: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 42 units: Hz scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 boostMaxDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 43 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 tpsMin: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 44 units: ADC scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 tpsMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 45 units: ADC scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 mapMin: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 46 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -100 max: 127 digits: 0 mapMax: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 47 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fpPrime: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 49 units: s scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 stoich: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 50 units: ':1' scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 oddfire2: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 51 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 720 digits: 0 oddfire3: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 53 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 720 digits: 0 oddfire4: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 55 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 720 digits: 0 idleUpPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 57 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID idleUpPolarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 57 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Normal - Inverted idleUpEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 57 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'Off' - 'On' idleUpAdder: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 58 units: '% / Steps' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 aeTaperMin: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 59 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 1000 max: 10000 digits: 0 aeTaperMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 60 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 2000 max: 10000 digits: 0 iacCLminDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 61 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 iacCLmaxDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 62 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 boostMinDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 63 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 baroMin: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 64 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -100 max: 127 digits: 0 baroMax: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 65 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 EMAPMin: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 67 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -100 max: 127 digits: 0 EMAPMax: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 68 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fanWhenOff: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' fanWhenCranking: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' useDwellMap: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' fanEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 3 - 4 values: - 'Off' - On/Off - PWM - INVALID rtc_mode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 5 - 6 values: - 'Off' - On-board - INVALID - INVALID incorporateAFR: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' asePct: type: array size: U08 offset: 71 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 155 digits: 0 aseCount: type: array size: U08 offset: 75 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: s scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 aseBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 79 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 primePulse: type: array size: U08 offset: 83 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: ms scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 127.5 digits: 1 primeBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 87 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 CTPSPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 91 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID CTPSPolarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 91 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Normal - Inverted CTPSEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 91 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'Off' - 'On' idleAdvEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 92 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - Added - Switched - INVALID idleAdvAlgorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 92 address: - 2 - 2 values: - TPS - CTPS idleAdvDelay: type: bits size: U08 offset: 92 address: - 3 - 7 values: - '0.0' - '0.5' - '1.0' - '1.5' - '2.0' - '2.5' - '3.0' - '3.5' - '4.0' - '4.5' - '5.0' - '5.5' - '6.0' - '6.5' - '7.0' - '7.5' - '8.0' - '8.5' - '9.0' - '9.5' - '10.0' - '10.5' - '11.0' - '11.5' - '12.0' - '12.5' - '13.0' - '13.5' - '14.0' - '14.5' - INVALID - INVALID idleAdvRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 93 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 idleAdvTPS: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 94 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 injAngRPM: type: array size: U08 offset: 95 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 10000 digits: 0 idleTaperTime: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 99 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 dfcoDelay: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 100 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 dfcoMinCLT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 101 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 vssMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 102 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Pulses per KM - Pulses per mile vssPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 102 address: - 2 - 7 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID vssPulsesPerKm: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 103 units: pulses scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 vssSmoothing: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 105 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 vssRatio1: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 106 units: km/h per 1000rpm scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 99.9 digits: 1 vssRatio2: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 108 units: km/h per 1000rpm scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 99.9 digits: 1 vssRatio3: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 110 units: km/h per 1000rpm scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 99.9 digits: 1 vssRatio4: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 112 units: km/h per 1000rpm scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 99.9 digits: 1 vssRatio5: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 114 units: km/h per 1000rpm scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 99.9 digits: 1 vssRatio6: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 116 units: km/h per 1000rpm scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 99.9 digits: 1 idleUpOutputEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 118 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' idleUpOutputInv: type: bits size: U08 offset: 118 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' idleUpOutputPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 118 address: - 2 - 7 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID tachoSweepMaxRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 119 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 10000 digits: 0 primingDelay: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 120 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 iacTPSlimit: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 121 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 iacRPMlimitHysteresis: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 122 units: RPM scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 10 max: 2500 digits: 0 rtc_trim: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 123 units: ppm scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 0 digits: .nan idleAdvVss: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 124 units: km/h scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 mapSwitchPoint: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 125 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 16320 digits: 0 unused2_95: type: array size: U08 offset: 126 shape: columns: 2 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 - number: 2 size: 0 data: veTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 16 rows: 16 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 256 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelLoadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 272 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan - number: 3 size: 0 data: advTable1: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 16 rows: 16 units: deg scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 70 digits: 0 rpmBins2: type: array size: U08 offset: 256 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 mapBins1: type: array size: U08 offset: 272 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , ignAlgorithm) }' scale: ignLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{ignLoadMax}' digits: .nan - number: 4 size: 0 data: TrigAng: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 0 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -360 max: 360 digits: 0 FixAng: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 2 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -64 max: 64 digits: 0 CrankAng: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 3 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -10 max: 80 digits: 0 TrigAngMul: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 4 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 88 digits: 0 TrigEdge: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 0 - 0 values: - RISING - FALLING TrigSpeed: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 1 - 1 values: - Crank Speed - Cam Speed IgInv: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Going Low - Going High TrigPattern: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 3 - 7 values: - Missing Tooth - Basic Distributor - Dual Wheel - GM 7X - 4G63 / Miata / 3000GT - GM 24X - Jeep 2000 - Audi 135 - Honda D17 - Miata 99-05 - Mazda AU - Non-360 Dual - Nissan 360 - Subaru 6/7 - Daihatsu +1 - Harley EVO - 36-2-2-2 - 36-2-1 - DSM 420a - Weber-Marelli - Ford ST170 - DRZ400 - Chrysler NGC - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID TrigEdgeSec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 0 - 0 values: - RISING - FALLING fuelPumpPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 1 - 6 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID useResync: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' sparkDur: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 7 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 trigPatternSec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 0 - 6 values: - Single tooth cam - 4-1 cam - Poll level - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID PollLevelPol: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Low - High bootloaderCaps: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 9 units: level scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 resetControl: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 0 - 1 values: - Disabled - Prevent When Running - Prevent Always - Serial Command resetControlPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 2 - 7 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID SkipCycles: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 11 units: cycles scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 boostType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Open Loop - Closed Loop useDwellLim: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'Off' - 'On' sparkMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 2 - 4 values: - Wasted Spark - Single Channel - Wasted COP - Sequential - Rotary - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID TrigFilter: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 5 - 6 values: - 'Off' - Weak - Medium - Aggressive ignCranklock: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'Off' - 'On' dwellcrank: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 13 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25 digits: 1 dwellrun: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 14 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 8 digits: 1 numTeeth: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 15 units: teeth scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 missingTeeth: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 16 units: teeth scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 crankRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 17 units: rpm scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 1000 digits: 0 tpsflood: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 18 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 SoftRevLim: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 19 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 SoftLimRetard: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 20 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 80 digits: 0 SoftLimMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 21 units: s scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 HardRevLim: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 22 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 taeBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 23 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: '%/s' scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2550 digits: 0 taeRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 27 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 wueBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 31 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 102 digits: 0 dwellLim: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 41 units: ms scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 32 digits: 0 dwellRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 42 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 iatRetBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 48 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 125 digits: 0 iatRetRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 54 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 30 digits: 0 dfcoRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 60 units: RPM scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 2550 digits: 0 dfcoHyster: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 61 units: RPM scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 255 digits: 0 dfcoTPSThresh: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 62 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 ignBypassEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 63 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' ignBypassPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 63 address: - 1 - 6 values: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID ignBypassHiLo: type: bits size: U08 offset: 63 address: - 7 - 7 values: - LOW - HIGH ADCFILTER_TPS: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 64 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 ADCFILTER_CLT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 65 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 ADCFILTER_IAT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 66 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 ADCFILTER_O2: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 67 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 ADCFILTER_BAT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 68 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 ADCFILTER_MAP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 69 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 ADCFILTER_BARO: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 70 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 cltAdvBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 71 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 102 digits: 0 cltAdvValues: type: array size: S08 offset: 77 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: deg scale: 1 transform: -15 min: -15 max: 15 digits: 0 maeBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 83 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: kpa/s scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2550 digits: 0 maeRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 87 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 batVoltCorrect: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 91 units: v scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: -2 max: 2 digits: 1 baroFuelBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 92 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: kPa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 70 max: 120 digits: 0 baroFuelValues: type: array size: U08 offset: 100 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 idleAdvBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 108 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 10 transform: -50 min: -500 max: 500 digits: 0 idleAdvValues: type: array size: U08 offset: 114 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: deg scale: 1 transform: -15 min: -15 max: 50 digits: 0 engineProtectMaxRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 120 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 vvt2CL0DutyAng: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 121 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -360 max: 360 digits: 0 vvt2PWMdir: type: bits size: U08 offset: 123 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Advance - Retard unusedBits4_123: type: bits size: U08 offset: 123 address: - 1 - 7 values: [] ANGLEFILTER_VVT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 124 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 FILTER_FLEX: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 125 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 240 digits: 0 vvtMinClt: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 126 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 vvtDelay: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 127 units: S scale: 5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 1275 digits: 0 - number: 5 size: 0 data: afrTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 16 rows: 16 units: Lambda scale: '{ 0.1 / stoich }' transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2 digits: 3 rpmBinsAFR: type: array size: U08 offset: 256 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 loadBinsAFR: type: array size: U08 offset: 272 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan - number: 6 size: 0 data: egoAlgorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 0 - 1 values: - Simple - INVALID - PID - No correction egoType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 2 - 3 values: - Disabled - Narrow Band - Wide Band - INVALID boostEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 4 - 4 values: - 'Off' - 'On' vvtEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 5 - 5 values: - 'Off' - 'On' engineProtectType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 6 - 7 values: - 'Off' - Spark Only - Fuel Only - Both egoKP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 1 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 200 digits: 0 egoKI: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 2 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 200 digits: 0 egoKD: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 3 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 200 digits: 0 egoTemp: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 4 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 102 digits: 0 egoCount: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 5 units: '' scale: 4 transform: 0 min: 4 max: 255 digits: 0 vvtMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 0 - 1 values: - On/Off - Open Loop - Closed loop - INVALID vvtLoadSource: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 2 - 3 values: - MAP - TPS - INVALID - INVALID vvtPWMdir: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 4 - 4 values: - Advance - Retard vvtCLUseHold: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 5 - 5 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' vvtCLAlterFuelTiming: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 6 - 6 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' boostCutEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'Off' - 'On' egoLimit: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 7 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 16 digits: 0 ego_min: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 8 units: AFR scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 7 max: 25 digits: 1 ego_max: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 9 units: AFR scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 7 max: 25 digits: 1 ego_sdelay: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 10 units: sec scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 120 digits: 0 egoRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 11 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 egoTPSMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 12 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 vvt1Pin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID useExtBaro: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 6 - 6 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' boostMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Simple - Full boostPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID unused_bit: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 6 - 6 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' useEMAP: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' brvBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 15 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: V scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 6 max: 24 digits: 1 injBatRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 21 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 airDenBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 27 shape: columns: 9 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 airDenRates: type: array size: U08 offset: 36 shape: columns: 9 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 boostFreq: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 45 units: Hz scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 10 max: 511 digits: 0 vvtFreq: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 46 units: Hz scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 10 max: 511 digits: 0 idleFreq: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 47 units: Hz scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 10 max: 511 digits: 0 launchPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 48 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID launchEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 48 address: - 6 - 6 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' launchHiLo: type: bits size: U08 offset: 48 address: - 7 - 7 values: - LOW - HIGH lnchSoftLim: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 49 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 lnchRetard: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 50 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -30 max: 40 digits: 0 lnchHardLim: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 51 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 lnchFuelAdd: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 52 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 80 digits: 0 idleKP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 53 units: '%' scale: 0.03125 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 7.96 digits: 2 idleKI: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 54 units: '%' scale: 0.03125 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 7.96 digits: 2 idleKD: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 55 units: '%' scale: 0.00781 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 1.99 digits: 3 boostLimit: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 56 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 boostKP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 57 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 200 digits: 0 boostKI: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 58 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 200 digits: 0 boostKD: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 59 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 200 digits: 0 lnchPullRes: type: bits size: U08 offset: 60 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Float - Pullup iacPWMrun: type: bits size: U08 offset: 60 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' fuelTrimEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 60 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' flatSEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 60 address: - 3 - 3 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' baroPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 60 address: - 4 - 7 values: - A0 - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4 - A5 - A6 - A7 - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 flatSSoftWin: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 61 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 flatSRetard: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 62 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -30 max: 80 digits: 0 flatSArm: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 63 units: rpm scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 iacCLValues: type: array size: U08 offset: 64 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 10 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2550 digits: 0 iacOLStepVal: type: array size: U08 offset: 74 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: Steps scale: 3 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 765 digits: 0 iacOLPWMVal: type: array size: U08 offset: 84 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: Duty % scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 iacBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 94 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 iacCrankSteps: type: array size: U08 offset: 104 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: Steps scale: 3 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 765 digits: 0 iacCrankDuty: type: array size: U08 offset: 108 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: Duty % scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 iacCrankBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 112 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 iacAlgorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 0 - 2 values: - None - On/Off - PWM Open loop - PWM Closed loop - Stepper Open Loop - Stepper Closed Loop - PWM Closed+Open loop - Stepper Closed+Open loop iacStepTime: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 3 - 5 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - INVALID iacChannels: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 6 - 6 values: - '1' - '2' iacPWMdir: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Normal - Reverse iacFastTemp: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 117 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 iacStepHome: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 118 units: Steps scale: 3 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 765 digits: 0 iacStepHyster: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 119 units: Steps scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 1 max: 10 digits: 0 fanInv: type: bits size: U08 offset: 120 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' fanUnused: type: bits size: U08 offset: 120 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'Off' - On/Off fanPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 120 address: - 2 - 7 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID fanSP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 121 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 fanHyster: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 122 units: C scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 40 digits: 0 fanFreq: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 123 units: Hz scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 10 max: 511 digits: 0 fanPWMBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 124 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 - number: 7 size: 0 data: boostTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 8 rows: 8 units: '{ bitStringValue( boostTableLabels, boostType ) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 rpmBinsBoost: type: array size: U08 offset: 64 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 tpsBinsBoost: type: array size: U08 offset: 72 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: TPS scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 127 digits: 1 vvtTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 80 shape: columns: 8 rows: 8 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 rpmBinsVVT: type: array size: U08 offset: 144 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 loadBinsVVT: type: array size: U08 offset: 152 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , vvtLoadSource) }' scale: vvtLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{vvtLoadMax}' digits: .nan stagingTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 160 shape: columns: 8 rows: 8 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 rpmBinsStaging: type: array size: U08 offset: 224 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 loadBinsStaging: type: array size: U08 offset: 232 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan - number: 8 size: 0 data: fuelTrim1Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim1rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 36 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim1loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 42 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim2Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 48 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim2rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 84 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim2loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 90 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim3Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 96 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim3rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 132 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim3loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 138 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim4Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 144 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim4rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 180 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim4loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 186 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim5Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 192 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim5rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 228 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim5loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 234 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim6Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 240 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim6rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 276 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim6loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 282 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim7Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 288 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim7rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 324 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim7loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 330 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan fuelTrim8Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 336 shape: columns: 6 rows: 6 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: -128 min: -50 max: 50 digits: 0 fuelTrim8rpmBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 372 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelTrim8loadBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 378 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan - number: 9 size: 0 data: enable_secondarySerial: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Disable - Enable intcan_available: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 1 - 1 values: - Disable - Enable enable_intcan: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Disable - Enable caninput_sel0a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel0b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel0extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel0extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel0extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel1a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel1b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel1extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel1extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel1extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel2a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel2b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel2extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel2extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel2extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel3a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 4 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel3b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 4 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel3extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 4 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel3extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 4 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel3extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 4 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel4a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel4b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel4extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel4extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel4extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel5a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel5b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel5extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel5extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel5extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 6 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel6a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 7 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel6b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 7 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel6extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 7 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel6extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 7 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel6extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 7 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel7a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel7b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel7extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel7extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel7extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel8a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 9 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel8b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 9 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel8extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 9 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel8extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 9 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel8extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 9 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel9a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel9b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel9extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel9extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel9extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 10 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel10a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 11 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel10b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 11 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel10extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 11 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel10extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 11 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel10extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 11 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel11a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel11b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel11extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel11extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel11extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 12 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel12a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel12b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel12extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel12extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel12extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 13 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel13a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel13b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel13extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel13extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel13extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 14 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel14a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 15 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel14b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 15 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel14extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 15 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel14extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 15 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel14extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 15 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel15a: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - INVALID - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel15b: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 2 - 3 values: - 'Off' - External Source - Analog_local - Digital_local caninput_sel15extsourcea: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Via Secondary Serial - INVALID caninput_sel15extsourceb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Via Secondary Serial - Via Internal CAN caninput_sel15extsourcec: type: bits size: U08 offset: 16 address: - 7 - 7 values: - INVALID - Via Internal CAN caninput_source_can_address0: type: bits size: U16 offset: 17 address: - 0 - 10 values: - '0x100' - '0x101' - '0x102' - '0x103' - '0x104' - '0x105' - '0x106' - '0x107' - '0x108' - '0x109' - '0x10A' - '0x10B' - '0x10C' - '0x10D' - '0x10E' - '0x10F' - '0x110' - '0x111' - '0x112' - '0x113' - '0x114' - '0x115' - '0x116' - '0x117' - '0x118' - '0x119' - '0x11A' - '0x11B' - '0x11C' - '0x11D' - '0x11E' - '0x11F' - '0x120' - '0x121' - '0x122' - '0x123' - '0x124' - '0x125' - '0x126' - '0x127' - '0x128' - '0x129' - '0x12A' - '0x12B' - '0x12C' - '0x12D' - '0x12E' - '0x12F' - '0x130' - '0x131' - '0x132' - '0x133' - '0x134' - '0x135' - '0x136' - '0x137' - '0x138' - '0x139' - '0x13A' - '0x13B' - '0x13C' - '0x13D' - '0x13E' - '0x13F' - '0x140' - '0x141' - '0x142' - '0x143' - '0x144' - '0x145' - '0x146' - '0x147' - '0x148' - '0x149' - '0x14A' - '0x14B' - '0x14C' - '0x14D' - '0x14E' - '0x14F' - '0x150' - '0x151' - '0x152' - '0x153' - '0x154' - '0x155' - '0x156' - '0x157' - '0x158' - '0x159' - '0x15A' - '0x15B' - '0x15C' - '0x15D' - '0x15E' - '0x15F' - '0x160' - '0x161' - '0x162' - '0x163' - '0x164' - '0x165' - '0x166' - '0x167' - '0x168' - '0x169' - '0x16A' - '0x16B' - '0x16C' - '0x16D' - '0x16E' - '0x16F' - '0x170' - '0x171' - '0x172' - '0x173' - '0x174' - '0x175' - '0x176' - '0x177' - '0x178' - '0x179' - '0x17A' - '0x17B' - '0x17C' - '0x17D' - '0x17E' - '0x17F' - '0x180' - '0x181' - '0x182' - '0x183' - '0x184' - '0x185' - '0x186' - '0x187' - '0x188' - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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4 - 4 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes5: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 5 - 5 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes6: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 6 - 6 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes7: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 7 - 7 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes8: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 8 - 8 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes9: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 9 - 9 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes10: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 10 - 10 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes11: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 11 - 11 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes12: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 12 - 12 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes13: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 13 - 13 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes14: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 14 - 14 values: - '1' - '2' caninput_source_num_bytes15: type: bits size: U16 offset: 65 address: - 15 - 15 values: - '1' - '2' unused10_67: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 67 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 unused10_68: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 68 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 enable_intcandata_out: type: bits size: U08 offset: 69 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 70 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 71 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 72 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 73 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 74 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 75 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 76 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_sel7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 77 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' canoutput_param_group: type: array size: U16 offset: 78 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 65535 digits: 0 canoutput_param_start_byte0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 94 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 95 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 96 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 97 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 98 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 99 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 100 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_start_byte7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 101 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' canoutput_param_num_bytes0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 102 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 103 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 104 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 105 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 106 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 107 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 108 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID canoutput_param_num_bytes7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 109 address: - 0 - 1 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - INVALID unused10_110: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 110 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 unused10_111: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 111 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 unused10_112: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 112 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 unused10_113: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 speeduino_tsCanId: type: bits size: U08 offset: 114 address: - 0 - 3 values: - CAN ID 0 - CAN ID 1 - CAN ID 2 - CAN ID 3 - CAN ID 4 - CAN ID 5 - CAN ID 6 - CAN ID 7 - CAN ID 8 - CAN ID 9 - CAN ID 10 - CAN ID 11 - CAN ID 12 - CAN ID 13 - CAN ID 14 - INVALID true_address: type: bits size: U16 offset: 115 address: - 0 - 10 values: - '0x100' - '0x101' - '0x102' - '0x103' - '0x104' - '0x105' - '0x106' - '0x107' - '0x108' - '0x109' - '0x10A' - '0x10B' - '0x10C' - '0x10D' - '0x10E' - '0x10F' - '0x110' - '0x111' - '0x112' - '0x113' - '0x114' - '0x115' - '0x116' - '0x117' - '0x118' - '0x119' - '0x11A' - '0x11B' - '0x11C' - '0x11D' - '0x11E' - '0x11F' - '0x120' - '0x121' - '0x122' - '0x123' - '0x124' - '0x125' - '0x126' - '0x127' - '0x128' - '0x129' - '0x12A' - '0x12B' - '0x12C' - '0x12D' - '0x12E' - '0x12F' - '0x130' - '0x131' - '0x132' - '0x133' - '0x134' - '0x135' - '0x136' - '0x137' - '0x138' - '0x139' - '0x13A' - '0x13B' - '0x13C' - '0x13D' - '0x13E' - '0x13F' - '0x140' - '0x141' - '0x142' - '0x143' - '0x144' - '0x145' - '0x146' - '0x147' - '0x148' - '0x149' - '0x14A' - '0x14B' - '0x14C' - '0x14D' - '0x14E' - '0x14F' - '0x150' - '0x151' - '0x152' - '0x153' - '0x154' - '0x155' - '0x156' - '0x157' - '0x158' - '0x159' - '0x15A' - '0x15B' - '0x15C' - '0x15D' - '0x15E' - '0x15F' - '0x160' - '0x161' - '0x162' - '0x163' - '0x164' - '0x165' - '0x166' - '0x167' - '0x168' - '0x169' - '0x16A' - '0x16B' - '0x16C' - '0x16D' - '0x16E' - '0x16F' - '0x170' - '0x171' - '0x172' - '0x173' - '0x174' - '0x175' - '0x176' - '0x177' - '0x178' - '0x179' - '0x17A' - '0x17B' - '0x17C' - '0x17D' - '0x17E' - '0x17F' - '0x180' - '0x181' - '0x182' - '0x183' - '0x184' - '0x185' - '0x186' - '0x187' - '0x188' - '0x189' - '0x18A' - '0x18B' - '0x18C' - '0x18D' - '0x18E' - '0x18F' - '0x190' - '0x191' - '0x192' - '0x193' - '0x194' - '0x195' - '0x196' - '0x197' - '0x198' - '0x199' - '0x19A' - '0x19B' - '0x19C' - '0x19D' - '0x19E' - '0x19F' - '0x1A0' - '0x1A1' - '0x1A2' - '0x1A3' - '0x1A4' - '0x1A5' - '0x1A6' - '0x1A7' - '0x1A8' - '0x1A9' - '0x1AA' - '0x1AB' - '0x1AC' - '0x1AD' - '0x1AE' - '0x1AF' - '0x1B0' - '0x1B1' - '0x1B2' - '0x1B3' - '0x1B4' - '0x1B5' - '0x1B6' - '0x1B7' - '0x1B8' - '0x1B9' - '0x1BA' - '0x1BB' - '0x1BC' - '0x1BD' - '0x1BE' - '0x1BF' - '0x1C0' - '0x1C1' - '0x1C2' - '0x1C3' - '0x1C4' - '0x1C5' - '0x1C6' - 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'42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID Auxin12pinb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 149 address: - 0 - 5 values: - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID Auxin13pinb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 150 address: - 0 - 5 values: - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID Auxin14pinb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 151 address: - 0 - 5 values: - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID Auxin15pinb: type: bits size: U08 offset: 152 address: - 0 - 5 values: - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID iacStepperInv: type: bits size: U08 offset: 153 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' iacCoolTime: type: bits size: U08 offset: 153 address: - 1 - 3 values: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - INVALID boostByGearEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 153 address: - 4 - 5 values: - 'Off' - Multiplied % - Constant limit - INVALID blankfield: type: bits size: U08 offset: 153 address: - 6 - 6 values: [] unused10_153: type: bits size: U08 offset: 153 address: - 7 - 7 values: [] iacMaxSteps: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 154 units: Steps scale: 3 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{iacStepHome-3}' digits: 0 idleAdvStartDelay: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 155 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 boostByGear1: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 156 units: '{ bitStringValue(boostByGearLabels , boostByGearEnabled) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 boostByGear2: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 157 units: '{ bitStringValue(boostByGearLabels , boostByGearEnabled) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 boostByGear3: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 158 units: '{ bitStringValue(boostByGearLabels , boostByGearEnabled) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 boostByGear4: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 159 units: '{ bitStringValue(boostByGearLabels , boostByGearEnabled) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 boostByGear5: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 160 units: '{ bitStringValue(boostByGearLabels , boostByGearEnabled) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 boostByGear6: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 161 units: '{ bitStringValue(boostByGearLabels , boostByGearEnabled) }' scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{boostTableLimit}' digits: 0 PWMFanDuty: type: array size: U08 offset: 162 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 unused10_160: type: array size: U08 offset: 166 shape: columns: 26 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 - number: 10 size: 0 data: crankingEnrichBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 crankingEnrichValues: type: array size: U08 offset: 4 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 1275 digits: 0 rotaryType: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 0 - 1 values: - FC - FD - RX8 - INVALID stagingEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'Off' - 'On' stagingMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Table - Automatic EMAPPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 4 - 7 values: - A0 - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4 - A5 - A6 - A7 - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 rotarySplitValues: type: array size: U08 offset: 9 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: degrees scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 40 digits: 0 rotarySplitBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 17 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , algorithm) }' scale: fuelLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{fuelLoadMax}' digits: .nan boostSens: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 25 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 5000 digits: 0 boostIntv: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 27 units: ms scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 stagedInjSizePri: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 28 units: cc/min scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 1500 digits: 0 stagedInjSizeSec: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 30 units: cc/min scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 1500 digits: 0 lnchCtrlTPS: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 32 units: '%TPS' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 flexBoostBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 33 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 flexBoostAdj: type: array size: S16 offset: 39 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: kPa scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -500 max: 500 digits: 0 flexFuelBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 51 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 flexFuelAdj: type: array size: U08 offset: 57 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 flexAdvBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 63 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 250 digits: 0 flexAdvAdj: type: array size: U08 offset: 69 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 n2o_enable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 75 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - 1 Stage - 2 stage - INVALID n2o_arming_pin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 75 address: - 2 - 7 values: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID n2o_minCLT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 76 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 n2o_maxMAP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 77 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 n2o_minTPS: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 78 units: '%TPS' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 n2o_maxAFR: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 79 units: AFR scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 n2o_stage1_pin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 80 address: - 0 - 5 values: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID n2o_pin_polarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 80 address: - 6 - 6 values: - HIGH - LOW n2o_unused: type: bits size: U08 offset: 80 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' n2o_stage1_minRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 81 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 1000 max: 10000 digits: 0 n2o_stage1_maxRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 82 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 1000 max: 10000 digits: 0 n2o_stage1_adderMin: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 83 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 n2o_stage1_adderMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 84 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 n2o_stage1_retard: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 85 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 40 digits: 0 n2o_stage2_pin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 86 address: - 0 - 5 values: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID n2o_stage2_unused: type: bits size: U08 offset: 86 address: - 6 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' - INVALID - INVALID n2o_stage2_minRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 87 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 1000 max: 10000 digits: 0 n2o_stage2_maxRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 88 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 1000 max: 10000 digits: 0 n2o_stage2_adderMin: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 89 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 32 digits: 1 n2o_stage2_adderMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 90 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 32 digits: 1 n2o_stage2_retard: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 91 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 40 digits: 0 knock_mode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 92 address: - 0 - 1 values: - 'Off' - Digital - Analog - INVALID knock_pin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 92 address: - 2 - 7 values: - INVALID - INVALID - '2' - '3' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID knock_trigger: type: bits size: U08 offset: 93 address: - 0 - 0 values: - HIGH - LOW knock_pullup: type: bits size: U08 offset: 93 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'Off' - Internal pullup knock_limiterDisable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 93 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' knock_unused: type: bits size: U08 offset: 93 address: - 3 - 4 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - '3' knock_count: type: bits size: U08 offset: 93 address: - 5 - 7 values: - INVALID - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' knock_threshold: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 94 units: Volts scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 5 digits: 1 knock_maxMAP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 95 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 knock_maxRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 96 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 10000 digits: 0 knock_window_rpms: type: array size: U08 offset: 97 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 10000 digits: 0 knock_window_angle: type: array size: U08 offset: 103 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: deg scale: 1 transform: -50 min: -50 max: 100 digits: 0 knock_window_dur: type: array size: U08 offset: 109 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 knock_maxRetard: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 115 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 50 digits: 0 knock_firstStep: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 116 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 50 digits: 0 knock_stepSize: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 117 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 50 digits: 0 knock_stepTime: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 118 units: Sec scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2.5 digits: 1 knock_duration: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 119 units: Sec scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2.5 digits: 1 knock_recoveryStepTime: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 120 units: Sec scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 2.5 digits: 1 knock_recoveryStep: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 121 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 50 digits: 0 fuel2Algorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 0 - 2 values: - MAP - TPS - IMAP/EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fuel2Mode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 3 - 5 values: - 'Off' - Multiplied % - Added - Switched - Conditional - Switched - Input based - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fuel2SwitchVariable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 6 - 7 values: - RPM - MAP - TPS - ETH% fuel2SwitchValue: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 123 units: '{ bitStringValue(fuel2SwitchUnits, fuel2SwitchVariable) }' scale: '{(fuel2SwitchVariable == 2) ? 0.5 : 1.0}' transform: 0 min: 0 max: 9000 digits: .nan fuel2InputPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 125 address: - 0 - 5 values: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID fuel2InputPolarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 125 address: - 6 - 6 values: - LOW - HIGH fuel2InputPullup: type: bits size: U08 offset: 125 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' vvtCLholdDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 126 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 vvtCLKP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 127 units: '%' scale: 0.03125 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 7.96 digits: 2 vvtCLKI: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 128 units: '%' scale: 0.03125 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 7.96 digits: 2 vvtCLKD: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 129 units: '%' scale: 0.00781 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 1.99 digits: 3 vvtCL0DutyAng: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 130 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -360 max: 360 digits: 0 vvtCLMinAng: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 132 units: deg scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 vvtCLMaxAng: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 133 units: deg scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 crankingEnrichTaper: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 134 units: s scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 fuelPressureEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 135 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' oilPressureEnable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 135 address: - 1 - 1 values: - 'Off' - 'On' oilPressureProtEnbl: type: bits size: U08 offset: 135 address: - 2 - 2 values: - 'Off' - 'On' oilPressurePin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 135 address: - 3 - 7 values: - A0 - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4 - A5 - A6 - A7 - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - A16 - A17 - A18 - A19 - A20 - A21 - A22 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fuelPressurePin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 136 address: - 0 - 4 values: - A0 - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4 - A5 - A6 - A7 - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - A16 - A17 - A18 - A19 - A20 - A21 - A22 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID fuelPressureMin: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 137 units: psi scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -100 max: 127 digits: 0 fuelPressureMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 138 units: psi scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 oilPressureMin: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 139 units: psi scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -100 max: 127 digits: 0 oilPressureMax: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 140 units: psi scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 oilPressureProtRPM: type: array size: U08 offset: 141 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 oilPressureProtMins: type: array size: U08 offset: 145 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: psi scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 wmiEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 149 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' wmiMode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 149 address: - 1 - 2 values: - Simple - Proportional - Openloop - Closedloop wmiAdvEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 149 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'Off' - 'On' wmiTPS: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 150 units: '%TPS' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 wmiRPM: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 151 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 10000 digits: 0 wmiMAP: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 152 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 wmiMAP2: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 153 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 wmiIAT: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 154 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 wmiOffset: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 155 units: ms scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -12.7 max: 12.7 digits: 0 wmiIndicatorEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 156 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' wmiIndicatorPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 156 address: - 1 - 6 values: - Board Default - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID wmiIndicatorPolarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 156 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Normal - Inverted wmiEmptyEnabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 157 address: - 0 - 0 values: - 'Off' - 'On' wmiEmptyPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 157 address: - 1 - 6 values: - Board Default - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID wmiEmptyPolarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 157 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Normal - Inverted wmiEnabledPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 158 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID wmiAdvBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 159 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 wmiAdvAdj: type: array size: U08 offset: 165 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: Deg scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 40 digits: 0 vvtCLminDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 171 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 vvtCLmaxDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 172 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 vvt2Pin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 173 address: - 0 - 5 values: - Board Default - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID vvt2Enabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 173 address: - 6 - 6 values: - 'Off' - 'On' TrigEdgeThrd: type: bits size: U08 offset: 173 address: - 7 - 7 values: - RISING - FALLING fuelTempBins: type: array size: U08 offset: 174 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: C scale: 1 transform: -40 min: -40 max: 215 digits: 0 fuelTempValues: type: array size: U08 offset: 180 shape: columns: 6 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 spark2Algorithm: type: bits size: U08 offset: 186 address: - 0 - 2 values: - MAP - TPS - IMAP/EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID spark2Mode: type: bits size: U08 offset: 186 address: - 3 - 5 values: - 'Off' - Multiplied % - Added - Switched - Conditional - Switched - Input based - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID spark2SwitchVariable: type: bits size: U08 offset: 186 address: - 6 - 7 values: - RPM - MAP - TPS - ETH% spark2SwitchValue: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 187 units: '{ bitStringValue(fuel2SwitchUnits, spark2SwitchVariable) }' scale: '{(spark2SwitchVariable == 2) ? 0.5 : 1.0}' transform: 0 min: 0 max: 9000 digits: .nan spark2InputPin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 189 address: - 0 - 5 values: - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID spark2InputPolarity: type: bits size: U08 offset: 189 address: - 6 - 6 values: - LOW - HIGH spark2InputPullup: type: bits size: U08 offset: 189 address: - 7 - 7 values: - 'No' - 'Yes' unused11_190_191: type: array size: U08 offset: 190 shape: columns: 2 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 - number: 11 size: 0 data: veTable2: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 16 rows: 16 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 fuelRPM2Bins: type: array size: U08 offset: 256 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25500 digits: 0 fuelLoad2Bins: type: array size: U08 offset: 272 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , fuel2Algorithm) }' scale: fuel2LoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{ fuel2LoadMax }' digits: .nan - number: 12 size: 0 data: wmiTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 8 rows: 8 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{wmiLoadMax}' digits: 0 rpmBinsWMI: type: array size: U08 offset: 64 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 mapBinsWMI: type: array size: U08 offset: 72 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 vvt2Table: type: array size: U08 offset: 80 shape: columns: 8 rows: 8 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 1 rpmBinsVVT2: type: array size: U08 offset: 144 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 loadBinsVVT2: type: array size: U08 offset: 152 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , vvtLoadSource) }' scale: vvtLoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{vvtLoadMax}' digits: .nan dwellTable: type: array size: U08 offset: 160 shape: columns: 4 rows: 4 units: ms scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0.1 max: 8 digits: 1 rpmBinsDwell: type: array size: U08 offset: 176 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 mapBinsDwell: type: array size: U08 offset: 180 shape: columns: 4 rows: 0 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 511 digits: 0 - number: 13 size: 0 data: outputInverted0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 1 - 1 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 4 - 4 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Active high - Active low outputInverted7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 0 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Active high - Active low kindOfLimiting0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 1 - 1 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 4 - 4 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 6 - 6 values: - Minimum - Maximum kindOfLimiting7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 address: - 7 - 7 values: - Minimum - Maximum outputPin: type: array size: U08 offset: 2 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 outputPin0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 address: - 0 - 7 values: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Virtual outputPin1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 3 address: - 0 - 7 values: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Virtual outputPin2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 4 address: - 0 - 7 values: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Virtual outputPin3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 5 address: - 0 - 7 values: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - 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INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Virtual outputPin6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 8 address: - 0 - 7 values: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Virtual outputPin7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 9 address: - 0 - 7 values: - Disabled - INVALID - INVALID - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '51' - '52' - '53' - INVALID - A8 - A9 - A10 - A11 - A12 - A13 - A14 - A15 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - Virtual outputDelay: type: array size: U08 offset: 10 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 firstDataIn: type: array size: U08 offset: 18 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 firstDataIn0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 18 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 19 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 20 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 21 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 22 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 23 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 24 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID firstDataIn7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 25 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn: type: array size: U08 offset: 26 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 secondDataIn0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 26 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 27 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 28 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 29 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 30 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 32 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID secondDataIn7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 33 address: - 0 - 7 values: - seconds - status bits - Engine status - syncLossCounter - MAP (Kpa) - INVALID - IAT / MAT - coolant - batCorrection - battery voltage x10 - O2 - egoCorrection - iatCorrection - wueCorrection - RPM - INVALID - AEamount/2 - GammaE - INVALID - VE1 - VE2 - AFR Target - TPS DOT - Advance - TPS - loopsPerSecond - INVALID - free RAM - INVALID - boostTarget/2 - Boost duty - spark bits - RPM DOT - INVALID - ethanolPct - flexCorrection - flexIgnCorrection - idle Load - testOutputs - O2_2 - baro - Aux in 1 - INVALID - Aux in 2 - INVALID - Aux in 3 - INVALID - Aux in 4 - INVALID - Aux in 5 - INVALID - Aux in 6 - INVALID - Aux in 7 - INVALID - Aux in 8 - INVALID - Aux in 9 - INVALID - Aux in 10 - INVALID - Aux in 11 - INVALID - Aux in 12 - INVALID - Aux in 13 - INVALID - Aux in 14 - INVALID - Aux in 15 - INVALID - Aux in 16 - INVALID - TPS ADC - Error code - Pulsewidth 1 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 2 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 3 - INVALID - Pulsewidth 4 - INVALID - status bits 3 - engineProtectStatus - Fuel load - INVALID - Ignition load - INVALID - dwell - INVALID - idle C.L. target - MAP DOT - VVT1 Angle - INVALID - VVT1 Target - VVT1 duty - flexBoostCorrection - INVALID - baro correction - Current VE - ASE Value - vss - INVALID - Gear - Fuel Pressure - Oil Pressure - WMI duty - WMI empty - VVT2 angle - INVALID - VVT2 target - VVT2 duty - outputs status - Fuel temp - Fuel temp correction - Advance 1 - Advance 2 - SD status - INVALID - EMAP - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - running seconds x10 - Rule 1 - Rule 2 - Rule 3 - Rule 4 - Rule 5 - Rule 6 - Rule 7 - Rule 8 - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID outputTimeLimit: type: array size: U08 offset: 34 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: S scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 25.5 digits: 1 unused13_35_49: type: array size: U08 offset: 42 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 100 digits: 0 firstTarget: type: array size: S16 offset: 50 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -32768 max: 32768 digits: 0 secondTarget: type: array size: S16 offset: 66 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: -32768 max: 32768 digits: 0 firstCompType0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 82 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 82 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 82 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 85 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 85 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 85 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 86 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 86 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 86 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 87 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 87 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 87 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 88 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 88 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 88 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR firstCompType7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 89 address: - 0 - 2 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) secondCompType7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 89 address: - 3 - 5 values: - '== (equal)' - '!= (different)' - '> (greater)' - '>= (greater/equal)' - < (smaller) - <= (smaller/equal) - '& (and)' - ^ (xor) bitwise7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 89 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - AND - OR - XOR candID: type: array size: U16 offset: 90 shape: columns: 8 rows: 0 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 unused12_106_115: type: array size: U08 offset: 106 shape: columns: 10 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 onboard_log_csv_separator: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 0 - 1 values: [] onboard_log_file_style: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 2 - 3 values: - Disabled - CSV - INVALID - INVALID onboard_log_file_rate: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 4 - 5 values: - 1Hz - 4Hz - 10Hz - 30Hz onboard_log_filenaming: type: bits size: U08 offset: 116 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Overwrite - Date-time - Sequential - INVALID onboard_log_storage: type: bits size: U08 offset: 117 address: - 0 - 1 values: - sd-card - INVALID - INVALID - INVALID onboard_log_trigger_boot: type: bits size: U08 offset: 117 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Disabled - On boot onboard_log_trigger_RPM: type: bits size: U08 offset: 117 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_trigger_prot: type: bits size: U08 offset: 117 address: - 4 - 4 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_trigger_Vbat: type: bits size: U08 offset: 117 address: - 5 - 5 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_trigger_Epin: type: bits size: U08 offset: 117 address: - 6 - 7 values: - Disabled - polling - toggle - INVALID onboard_log_tr1_duration: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 118 units: s scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 65000 digits: 0 onboard_log_tr2_thr_on: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 120 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 10000 digits: 0 onboard_log_tr2_thr_off: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 121 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 10000 digits: 0 onboard_log_tr3_thr_RPM: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 0 - 0 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_tr3_thr_MAP: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 1 - 1 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_tr3_thr_Oil: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 2 - 2 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_tr3_thr_AFR: type: bits size: U08 offset: 122 address: - 3 - 3 values: - Disabled - Enabled onboard_log_tr4_thr_on: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 123 units: V scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 15.9 digits: 2 onboard_log_tr4_thr_off: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 124 units: V scale: 0.1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 14.9 digits: 2 onboard_log_tr5_thr_on: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 125 units: pin scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 unused12_125_127: type: array size: U08 offset: 126 shape: columns: 2 rows: 0 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 min: 0 max: 255 digits: 0 - number: 14 size: 0 data: advTable2: type: array size: U08 offset: 0 shape: columns: 16 rows: 16 units: deg scale: 1 transform: -40 min: '{ ign2ValuesMin }' max: '{ ign2ValuesMax }' digits: 0 rpmBins3: type: array size: U08 offset: 256 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: RPM scale: 100 transform: 0 min: 100 max: 25500 digits: 0 mapBins2: type: array size: U08 offset: 272 shape: columns: 16 rows: 0 units: '{ bitStringValue(algorithmUnits , spark2Algorithm) }' scale: ign2LoadRes transform: 0 min: 0 max: '{ ign2LoadMax }' digits: .nan menus: settings: title: Settings subMenus: engine_constants: title: Engine Constants page: 0 condition: '' injChars: title: Injector Characteristics page: 0 condition: '' triggerSettings: title: Trigger Setup page: 0 condition: '' airdensity_curve: title: IAT Density page: 0 condition: '' baroFuel_curve: title: Barometric Correction page: 0 condition: '' reset_control: title: Reset Control page: 0 condition: '' std_separator: title: '' page: 0 condition: '' gaugeLimits: title: Gauge Limits page: 0 condition: '' io_summary: title: I/O Summary page: 0 condition: '' prgm_out_config: title: Programmable outputs page: 0 condition: '' tuning: title: Tuning subMenus: std_realtime: title: Realtime Display page: 0 condition: '' accelEnrichments: title: Acceleration Enrichment page: 0 condition: '' egoControl: title: AFR/O2 page: 3 condition: '' RevLimiterS: title: Engine Protection page: 2 condition: '' flexFueling: title: Flex Fuel page: 2 condition: '' veTableDialog: title: VE Table page: 0 condition: '' sparkTbl: title: Spark Table page: 2 condition: '' afrTable1Tbl: title: AFR Table page: 5 condition: '' std_separator: title: '' page: 0 condition: '' fuelTable2Dialog: title: Second fuel Table page: 11 condition: '' sparkTable2Dialog: title: Second spark Table page: 14 condition: '' inj_trimad: title: Sequential fuel trim (1-4) page: 9 condition: '' inj_trimad_B: title: Sequential fuel trim (5-8) page: 9 condition: '{ nFuelChannels >= 5 }' stagingTableDialog: title: Staged Injection page: 10 condition: '{ nCylinders <= 4 || injType == 1 }' fuelTemp_curve: title: Fuel Temp Correction page: 0 condition: '{ flexEnabled }' spark: title: Spark subMenus: sparkSettings: title: Spark Settings page: 0 condition: '' sparkTbl: title: Spark Table page: 2 condition: '' dwellSettings: title: Dwell settings page: 0 condition: '' dwell_correction_curve: title: Dwell Compensation page: 0 condition: '' dwell_map: title: Dwell Map page: 0 condition: '{ useDwellMap }' iat_retard_curve: title: IAT Retard page: 0 condition: '' clt_advance_curve: title: Cold Advance page: 0 condition: '' rotary_ignition: title: Rotary Ignition page: 0 condition: '{ sparkMode == 4 }' startupIdle: title: Startup/Idle subMenus: crankPW: title: Cranking Settings page: 0 condition: '' primePW: title: Priming Pulsewidth page: 0 condition: '' warmup: title: Warmup Enrichment page: 0 condition: '' ASE: title: Afterstart Enrichment (ASE) page: 0 condition: '' std_separator: title: '' page: 0 condition: '' idleSettings: title: Idle Control page: 0 condition: '' iacClosedLoop_curve: title: Idle - RPM targets page: 7 condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 || idleAdvEnabled >= 1 } iacPwm_curve: title: Idle - PWM Duty Cycle page: 7 condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 6}' iacPwmCrank_curve: title: Idle - PWM Cranking Duty Cycle page: 7 condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6}' iacStep_curve: title: Idle - Stepper Motor page: 7 condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' iacStepCrank_curve: title: Idle - Stepper Motor Cranking page: 7 condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' idleUpSettings: title: Idle Up Settings page: 0 condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 } idleAdvanceSettings: title: Idle Advance Settings page: 0 condition: '' accessories: title: Accessories subMenus: fanSettings: title: Thermo Fan page: 0 condition: '' pwmFan: title: PWM Fan Curve page: 0 condition: '{ fanEnable == 2 }' LaunchControl: title: Launch Control / Flat Shift page: 0 condition: '' fuelpump: title: Fuel Pump page: 0 condition: '' NitrousControl: title: Nitrous page: 0 condition: '' vssSettings: title: VSS and Gear detection page: 0 condition: '' std_separator: title: '' page: 0 condition: '' boostSettings: title: Boost Control page: 0 condition: '' boostLoad: title: Boost Targets/Duty page: 8 condition: '{ boostEnabled }' vvtSettings: title: VVT Control page: 0 condition: '' vvtTbl: title: VVT Target/Duty page: 8 condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' vvt2Tbl: title: VVT2 Target/Duty page: 8 condition: '{ vvtEnabled && vvt2Enabled }' wmiSettings: title: WMI Control page: 0 condition: '{ !vvtEnabled }' wmiTbl: title: WMI duty cycle page: 8 condition: '{ !vvtEnabled && wmiEnabled && wmiMode > 1 }' tacho: title: Tacho Output page: 0 condition: '' can_serial3IO: title: Canbus/Secondary Serial IO Interface page: 0 condition: '' Canin_config: title: External Auxillary Input Channel Configuration page: 0 condition: '{enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' Auxin_config: title: Local Auxillary Input Channel Configuration page: 0 condition: '' serial3IO: title: Canbus/Secondary Serial IO Interface page: 0 condition: '' pressureSensors: title: Fuel/Oil pressure page: 0 condition: '' tools: title: Tools subMenus: mapCal: title: Calibrate Pressure Sensors page: 0 condition: '' batCal: title: Calibrate Voltage Reading page: 0 condition: '' std_ms2gentherm: title: Calibrate Temperature Sensors page: 0 condition: '' std_ms2geno2: title: Calibrate AFR Sensor page: 0 condition: '{ egoType > 0 }' sensorFilters: title: Set analog sensor filters page: 0 condition: '' dataLogging: title: Data Logging subMenus: std_ms3SdConsole: title: Browse / Import SD Card page: 0 condition: '{ arrayValue( array.boardHasRTC, pinLayout ) > 0 }' rtc_settings: title: Setup realtime clock page: 0 condition: '{ arrayValue( array.boardHasRTC, pinLayout ) > 0 }' onboard_log_setup: title: Setup onboard logger / SD page: 0 condition: '{ arrayValue( array.boardHasRTC, pinLayout ) > 0 }' 3dTuningMaps: title: 3D Tuning Maps subMenus: veTable1Map: title: Fuel Table page: 0 condition: '' sparkMap: title: Spark Table page: 3 condition: '' afrTable1Map: title: AFR Target Table page: 0 condition: '' hardwareTesting: title: Hardware Testing subMenus: outputtest1: title: Test Output Hardware page: 0 condition: '' stm32cmd: title: STM32 Commands page: 0 condition: '' help: title: Help subMenus: helpGeneral: title: Speeduino Help page: 0 condition: '' dialogs: engine_constants_southwest: title: Speeduino Board panels: {} fields: - name: stoich title: Stoichiometric ratio - name: injLayout title: Injector Layout - name: pinLayout title: Board Layout - name: mapSample title: MAP Sample method - name: mapSwitchPoint title: MAP Sample switch point condition: '{ mapSample >= 1 }' engine_constants_west: title: '' panels: std_injection: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} engine_constants_southwest: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] engine_constants_northeast: title: Oddfire Angles panels: {} fields: - name: oddfire2 title: Channel 2 angle condition: '{ engineType == 1 }' - name: oddfire3 title: Channel 3 angle condition: '{ engineType == 1 && nCylinders >= 3 }' - name: oddfire4 title: Channel 4 angle condition: '{ engineType == 1 && nCylinders >= 4 }' engine_constants_east: title: '' panels: engine_constants_northeast: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '' engine_constants_warning: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: >- !Warning: The board you have selected may not have enough channels for sequential fuel! engine_constants: title: '' layout: border panels: engine_constants_warning: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} engine_constants_west: layout: West fields: [] panels: {} engine_constants_east: layout: East fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] flexFuelSettings: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: flexEnabled title: Flex Fuel Sensor - name: flexFreqLow title: Low (E0) condition: '{ flexEnabled }' - name: flexFreqHigh title: High (E100) condition: '{ flexEnabled }' flexFuelWest: title: '' panels: flex_fuel_curve: condition: '{ flexEnabled }' fields: [] panels: {} flex_adv_curve: condition: '{ flexEnabled }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] flexFuelEast: title: '' panels: flex_boost_curve: condition: '{ flexEnabled && boostEnabled }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] flexCurves: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: flexFuelWest: layout: West fields: [] panels: {} flexFuelEast: layout: East fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] flexFueling: title: Fuel Sensor Settings layout: border panels: flexFuelSettings: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} flexCurves: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: knock_windows: title: Knock Windows layout: xAxis panels: knock_window_angle_curve: layout: West condition: '{ knock_mode }' fields: [] panels: {} knock_window_duration_curve: layout: East condition: '{ knock_mode }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] knock_settings_west: title: Settings layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: knock_mode title: Knock Mode - name: knock_pin title: Knock Pin condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_trigger title: Knock active when pin is condition: '{ knock_mode == 1 }' - name: knock_pullup title: Use pullup condition: '{ knock_mode == 1 }' knock_settings_east: title: Detection and Response panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Detection' - name: knock_count title: Knock count required condition: '{ knock_mode == 1}' - name: knock_threshold title: Knock threshold required condition: '{ knock_mode == 2}' - name: knock_maxMAP title: Maximum MAP condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_maxRPM title: Maximum RPM condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Retard' - name: knock_maxRetard title: Total retard condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_firstStep title: First step size condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_stepSize title: Other step size condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_stepTime title: Step time condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Recovery' - name: knock_duration title: Retard duration condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_recoveryStepTime title: Recovery step time condition: '{ knock_mode }' - name: knock_recoveryStep title: Recovery step size condition: '{ knock_mode }' knock_settings_top: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: knock_settings_west: layout: West fields: [] panels: {} knock_settings_east: layout: East fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] knockSettings: title: '' layout: border panels: knock_settings_top: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} knock_windows: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: vss_gear_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: vssRatio1 title: Speed ratio 1 vss_gear_2: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: vssRatio2 title: Speed ratio 2 vss_gear_3: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: vssRatio3 title: Speed ratio 3 vss_gear_4: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: vssRatio4 title: Speed ratio 4 vss_gear_5: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: vssRatio5 title: Speed ratio 5 vss_gear_6: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: vssRatio6 title: Speed ratio 6 vss_gear_detection: title: Gear Detection layout: yAxis panels: vss_gear_1: fields: [] panels: {} vss_gear_2: fields: [] panels: {} vss_gear_3: fields: [] panels: {} vss_gear_4: fields: [] panels: {} vss_gear_5: fields: [] panels: {} vss_gear_6: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: After setting 'Pulses per km/mile' above - name: _fieldText_ title: Drive in each gear (any speed) and press appropriate button vss_calibration: title: VSS Calibration panels: {} fields: - name: vssPulsesPerKm title: Pulses Per KM condition: '{ vssMode > 1 }' - name: vssSmoothing title: Smoothing Factor condition: '{ vssMode > 1 }' vssSettings: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: vss_calibration: fields: [] panels: {} vss_gear_detection: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: vssMode title: VSS Input Mode - name: vssPin title: VSS Pin condition: '{ vssMode > 1 }' help: tacho: title: Tacho panels: {} fields: - name: tachoPin title: Output pin - name: tachoDiv title: Output speed - name: tachoDuration title: Pulse duration accelEnrichments_aeSettings: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: aeMode title: Enrichment mode - name: aeApplyMode title: Enrichment method - name: taeThresh title: TPSdot Threshold condition: '{ aeMode == 0 }' - name: maeThresh title: MAPdot Threshold condition: '{ aeMode == 1 }' - name: aeTime title: Accel Time - name: aeTaperMin title: Taper Start RPM - name: aeTaperMax title: Taper End RPM accelEnrichments_coldAdj: title: Acceleration Enrichment cold adjustment panels: {} fields: - name: aeColdPct title: Cold adjustment - name: aeColdTaperMin title: Cold adjustment taper start temperature - name: aeColdTaperMax title: Cold adjustment taper end temperature accelEnrichments_south: title: Decelleration Fuel Cutoff (DFCO) panels: {} fields: - name: dfcoEnabled title: Enabled - name: dfcoTPSThresh title: TPS Threshold condition: '{ dfcoEnabled }' - name: dfcoMinCLT title: Minimum engine temperature condition: '{ dfcoEnabled }' - name: dfcoDelay title: Cutoff delay condition: '{ dfcoEnabled }' - name: dfcoRPM title: Cutoff RPM condition: '{ dfcoEnabled }' - name: dfcoHyster title: RPM Hysteresis condition: '{ dfcoEnabled }' accelEnrichments_north_south: title: '' panels: {} fields: [] accelEnrichments_north: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: time_accel_tpsdot_curve: condition: '{ aeMode == 0 }' fields: [] panels: {} time_accel_mapdot_curve: condition: '{ aeMode == 1 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] accelEnrichments_center: title: Acceleration Enrichment layout: xAxis panels: accelEnrichments_aeSettings: fields: [] panels: {} accelEnrichments_coldAdj: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] accelEnrichments: title: Acceleration Enrichment panels: accelEnrichments_north: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} accelEnrichments_north_south: layout: Center fields: [] panels: {} accelEnrichments_center: layout: Center fields: [] panels: {} accelEnrichments_south: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: veTableDialog_north: title: '' panels: veTable1Tbl: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] veTableDialog_south: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: multiplyMAP title: Multiply VE value by MAP ratio - name: includeAFR title: Multiply by ratio of AFR to Target AFR condition: '{ egoType == 2 && !incorporateAFR || (incorporateAFR==includeAFR) }' - name: incorporateAFR title: Multiply by ratio of stoich AFR/target AFR (incorporate AFR) condition: '{ !includeAFR || (incorporateAFR==includeAFR) }' veTableDialog: title: VE Table panels: veTableDialog_north: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} veTableDialog_south: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] fuelTable2Dialog_switch: title: Switch Conditions layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: fuel2SwitchVariable title: 'Use secondary table when:' - name: fuel2SwitchValue title: 'is greater than:' fuelTable2Dialog_input: title: Input Options layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: fuel2InputPin title: Use secondary table when pin - name: fuel2InputPolarity title: Is - name: fuel2InputPullup title: Use internal pullup on pin condition: '{ fuel2InputPolarity == 0 }' fuelTable2Dialog_north: title: '' panels: fuelTable2Dialog_switch: condition: '{ fuel2Mode == 3 }' fields: [] panels: {} fuelTable2Dialog_input: condition: '{ fuel2Mode == 4 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: fuel2Mode title: Secondary fuel table mode - name: fuel2Algorithm title: Load source condition: '{ fuel2Mode }' fuelTable2Dialog_south: title: '' panels: fuelTable2Tbl: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] fuelTable2Dialog: title: Fuel Table 2 panels: fuelTable2Dialog_north: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} fuelTable2Dialog_south: layout: South condition: '{ fuel2Mode }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] sparkTable2Dialog_switch: title: Switch Conditions layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: spark2SwitchVariable title: 'Use secondary table when:' - name: spark2SwitchValue title: 'is greater than:' sparkTable2Dialog_input: title: Input Options layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: spark2InputPin title: Use secondary table when pin - name: spark2InputPolarity title: Is - name: spark2InputPullup title: Use internal pullup on pin condition: '{ spark2InputPolarity == 0 }' sparkTable2Dialog_north: title: '' panels: sparkTable2Dialog_switch: condition: '{ spark2Mode == 3 }' fields: [] panels: {} sparkTable2Dialog_input: condition: '{ spark2Mode == 4 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: spark2Mode title: Secondary advance table mode - name: spark2Algorithm title: Load source condition: '{ spark2Mode }' sparkTable2Dialog_south: title: '' panels: spark2Tbl: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] sparkTable2Dialog: title: Spark Table 2 panels: sparkTable2Dialog_north: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} sparkTable2Dialog_south: layout: South condition: '{ spark2Mode }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] injAngleDialog: title: Injector close angles panels: injector_timing_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] injOpenTimeDialog: title: Injector opening time panels: injector_voltage_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: injOpen title: Injector Open Time - name: battVCorMode title: Battery Voltage Correction Mode injChars: title: Injector Characteristics panels: injOpenTimeDialog: fields: [] panels: {} injAngleDialog: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: dutyLim title: Injector Duty Limit help: egoControl: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: egoType title: Sensor Type - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Please ensure you calibrate your O2 sensor in the Tools menu' - name: egoAlgorithm title: Algorithm condition: '{ egoType }' - name: egoCount title: Ignition Events per Step condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: egoLimit title: Controller Auth +/- condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: ego_min title: 'Only correct above:' condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: ego_max title: 'and correct below:' condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: egoTemp title: Active Above Coolant condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: egoRPM title: Active Above RPM condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: egoTPSMax title: Active Below TPS condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: ego_sdelay title: EGO delay after start condition: '{ (egoAlgorithm < 3) }' - name: egoKP title: PID Proportional Gain condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }' - name: egoKI title: PID Integral condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }' - name: egoKD title: PID Derivative condition: '{ egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }' help: fanSettings: title: Fan Settings layout: '7' panels: {} fields: - name: fanEnable title: Fan Mode - name: fanWhenOff title: Allow fan when off condition: '{ fanEnable }' - name: fanWhenCranking title: Allow fan when cranking condition: '{ fanEnable }' - name: fanPin title: Fan output pin condition: '{ fanEnable }' - name: fanInv title: Fan Output Inverted condition: '{ fanEnable }' - name: fanSP title: Fan switching temperature condition: '{ fanEnable == 1 }' - name: fanHyster title: Fan hysteresis condition: '{ fanEnable == 1 }' - name: fanFreq title: PWM fan frequency condition: '{ intcan_available && fanEnable == 2 }' help: pwmFan: title: PWM Fan Curve layout: '' panels: pwm_fan_curve: layout: '' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] stepper_idle: title: Stepper Idle panels: {} fields: - name: iacStepTime title: Step time (ms) condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' - name: iacCoolTime title: Cool time (ms) condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' - name: iacStepHome title: Home steps condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' - name: iacStepHyster title: Minimum Steps condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' - name: iacMaxSteps title: Don't exceed condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' - name: iacStepperInv title: Stepper Inverted condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' pwm_idle: title: PWM Idle panels: {} fields: - name: iacChannels title: Number of outputs condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 }' - name: idleFreq title: Idle valve frequency condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 }' - name: iacPWMdir title: Idle valve direction condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 }' - name: iacPWMrun title: Run before start condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 }' closedloop_idle: title: Closed loop Idle panels: {} fields: - name: idleKP title: P condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 } - name: idleKI title: I condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 } - name: idleKD title: D condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 } - name: iacCLminDuty title: Minimum valve duty condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 }' - name: iacCLmaxDuty title: Maximum valve duty condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 }' - name: iacTPSlimit title: Integeral reset above TPS condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' - name: iacRPMlimitHysteresis title: Integeral reset RPM Hysteresis condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 }' idleSettings: title: Idle Settings panels: pwm_idle: fields: [] panels: {} stepper_idle: fields: [] panels: {} closedloop_idle: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: iacAlgorithm title: Idle control type - name: idleTaperTime title: Crank to run taper condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 7 } - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Fast Idle' - name: iacFastTemp title: Fast idle temp condition: '{ iacAlgorithm == 1 }' help: idleUpInputSettingsPanel: title: Idle Up Input Settings layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: idleUpEnabled title: Idle Up Enabled - name: idleUpPin title: Idle Up Pin condition: '{ idleUpEnabled }' - name: idleUpPolarity title: Idle Up Pin Polarity condition: '{ idleUpEnabled }' - name: idleUpAdder title: Idle Up Amount condition: '{ idleUpEnabled }' idleUpOutputSettingsPanel: title: Idle Up Output Settings layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: idleUpOutputEnabled title: Idle Up Output Enabled condition: '{ idleUpEnabled }' - name: idleUpOutputInv title: Idle Up Output Inverted condition: '{ idleUpEnabled && idleUpOutputEnabled }' - name: idleUpOutputPin title: Idle Up Output Pin condition: '{ idleUpEnabled && idleUpOutputEnabled }' idleUpSettings: title: Idle Up Settings panels: idleUpInputSettingsPanel: fields: [] panels: {} idleUpOutputSettingsPanel: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] fuelpump: title: Fuel pump panels: {} fields: - name: fuelPumpPin title: Fuel pump pin - name: fpPrime title: Fuel pump prime duration crankingEnrichDialog: title: Cranking Enrichment layout: yAxis panels: cranking_enrich_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Note' - name: _fieldText_ title: >- Values are specified as modifiers to the normal fueling. Eg 100% = No change. crankingIgnOptions: title: Cranking Timing layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: CrankAng title: Cranking advance Angle condition: '{ ignCranklock == 0 }' - name: ignBypassEnable title: Cranking bypass - name: ignBypassPin title: Bypass output pin - name: ignCranklock title: Fix cranking timing with trigger condition: >- { TrigPattern == 1 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 10 || TrigPattern == 9 } crankingOptions: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: crankRPM title: Cranking RPM (Max) - name: tpsflood title: Flood Clear level - name: fpPrime title: Fuel pump prime duration - name: primingDelay title: Injectors priming delay - name: crankingEnrichTaper title: Cranking enrichment taper time primePW: title: Priming Pulsewidth panels: priming_pw_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] crankPW: title: Cranking Settings layout: yAxis panels: crankingOptions: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} crankingEnrichDialog: layout: Center fields: [] panels: {} crankingIgnOptions: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: ASE_amount: title: Enrichment amount (%) layout: yAxis panels: afterstart_enrichment_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Defines the fuel enrichment percentage after start. - name: _fieldText_ title: This is needed to keep engine running after start - name: _fieldText_ title: Common values are 5% when engine is hot to 50% when engine is cold. ASE_time: title: Duration (s) layout: yAxis panels: afterstart_enrichment_time: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: How long time the After Start Enrichment is applied in seconds. - name: _fieldText_ title: >- Usually this is varies from 1-2s when engine is hot up to 20s on a cold engine. - name: aseTaperTime title: Transition time to disable ASE: title: Afterstart Enrichment(ASE) layout: yAxis panels: ASE_amount: fields: [] panels: {} ASE_time: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Time and duration curves share common coolant values' triggerSettings: title: Trigger Settings layout: '4' panels: {} fields: - name: TrigPattern title: Trigger Pattern - name: numTeeth title: Primary base teeth condition: >- { TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 11 || TrigPattern == 18 || TrigPattern == 19 || TrigPattern == 21 } - name: TrigSpeed title: Primary trigger speed condition: '{ TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 2 }' - name: missingTeeth title: Missing teeth condition: '{ TrigPattern == 0 }' - name: TrigAngMul title: Trigger angle multiplier condition: '{ TrigPattern == 11 }' - name: TrigAng title: Trigger Angle - name: _fieldText_ title: This number represents the angle ATDC when - name: _fieldText_ title: 'tooth #1 passes the primary sensor.' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: SkipCycles title: Skip Revolutions - name: _fieldText_ title: 'Note: This is the number of revolutions that will be skipped during' - name: _fieldText_ title: cranking before the injectors and coils are fired - name: TrigEdge title: Trigger edge - name: TrigEdgeSec title: Secondary trigger edge condition: >- { (TrigPattern == 0 && TrigSpeed == 0 && trigPatternSec != 2) || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 18 || TrigPattern == 19 || TrigPattern == 20 || TrigPattern == 21 } - name: trigPatternSec title: Missing Tooth Secondary type condition: '{ (TrigPattern == 0&& TrigSpeed == 0) }' - name: PollLevelPol title: Level for 1st phase condition: '{ (TrigPattern == 0 && TrigSpeed == 0 && trigPatternSec == 2) }' - name: TrigFilter title: Trigger Filter condition: '{ TrigPattern != 13 }' - name: useResync title: Re-sync every cycle condition: >- { TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 7 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 13 || TrigPattern == 18 || TrigPattern == 19 || TrigPattern == 21 } help: lockSparkSettings: title: Locked timing panels: {} fields: - name: fixAngEnable title: Enabled Fixed/Locked timing - name: FixAng title: Fixed Angle condition: '{ fixAngEnable }' - name: _fieldText_ title: >- #Note: During cranking the fixed/locked timing angle is overriden by the Cranking advance angle value above newIgnitionMode: title: New Ignition Mode panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: >- This option is currently will improve accuracy on most compatible triggers - name: _fieldText_ title: However if timing issues are encountered, please disable this - name: perToothIgn title: Use new ignition mode sparkSettings: title: Spark Settings layout: '4' panels: lockSparkSettings: fields: [] panels: {} newIgnitionMode: condition: >- {}, {TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 1 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 3 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 13 || TrigPattern == 16 || TrigPattern == 18 || TrigPattern == 19 || TrigPattern == 22} fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: >- !Warning: The board you have selected may not have enough channels for sequential ignition! - name: ignAlgorithm title: Ignition load source - name: sparkMode title: Spark output mode - name: CrankAng title: Cranking advance Angle - name: IgInv title: Spark Outputs triggers help: dwellSettings: title: Dwell Settings layout: '4' panels: {} fields: - name: dwellcrank title: Cranking dwell - name: useDwellMap title: Use dwell map - name: dwellrun title: Running dwell condition: '{ useDwellMap == 0 }' - name: sparkDur title: Spark duration - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Note' - name: _fieldText_ title: The above times are for 12V. Voltage correction - name: _fieldText_ title: is applied. At higher voltages the time is reduced - name: _fieldText_ title: and when low it is increased - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: _fieldText_ title: Overdwell protection - name: useDwellLim title: Use Overdwell protection - name: dwellLim title: Max dwell time condition: '{ useDwellLim }' - name: _fieldText_ title: 'Note: Set the maximum dwell time at least 3ms above' - name: _fieldText_ title: your desired dwell time (Including cranking) - name: idleAdvEnabled title: Idle advance mode - name: idleAdvAlgorithm title: Idle detect mode condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 }' - name: idleAdvDelay title: Delay before idle control starts (s) condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 }' - name: idleAdvRPM title: Active Below RPM condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 }' - name: idleAdvTPS title: Active Below TPS condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 && idleAdvAlgorithm == 0 }' - name: idleAdvVss title: Active Below VSS condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 && vssMode > 0 }' - name: idleAdvStartDelay title: Activate after condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 }' - name: CTPSEnabled title: Closed Throttle Sensor Enabled condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 && idleAdvAlgorithm == 1 }' - name: CTPSPin title: Closed Throttle Sensor Pin condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 && idleAdvAlgorithm == 1 && CTPSEnabled == 1 }' - name: CTPSPolarity title: Closed Throttle Sensor Pin Polarity condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 && idleAdvAlgorithm == 1 && CTPSEnabled == 1 }' help: idleAdvanceSettings: title: Idle Advance Settings layout: xAxis panels: idleAdvanceSettings_east: fields: [] panels: {} idle_advance_curve: condition: '{ idleAdvEnabled >= 1 }' fields: [] panels: {} iacClosedLoop_curve: condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7|| idleAdvEnabled >= 1 } fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: rotary_ignition: title: Rotary Ignition layout: '4' panels: rotaryTrailing_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: rotaryType title: Ignition Configuration boostCut: title: Boost Cut panels: {} fields: - name: boostCutEnabled title: Enable Boost limit - name: boostLimit title: Boost Limit condition: '{ boostCutEnabled }' boostByGear: title: Boost by Gear panels: {} fields: - name: boostByGearEnabled title: Enable Boost by Gear - name: boostByGear1 title: Gear 1 condition: '{ boostByGearEnabled }' - name: boostByGear2 title: Gear 2 condition: '{ boostByGearEnabled }' - name: boostByGear3 title: Gear 3 condition: '{ boostByGearEnabled }' - name: boostByGear4 title: Gear 4 condition: '{ boostByGearEnabled }' - name: boostByGear5 title: Gear 5 condition: '{ boostByGearEnabled }' - name: boostByGear6 title: Gear 6 condition: '{ boostByGearEnabled }' boostLoad: title: '' panels: boostTbl: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: boostType title: Mode - name: _fieldText_ title: In open loop mode, the values in this table are duty cycle % - name: _fieldText_ title: In closed loop mode, the values are boost targets in kPa revLimiterDialog: title: Rev Limiter panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Rev Limiter - name: _fieldText_ title: '!Soft limiter only available with ignition cut' - name: SoftRevLim title: Soft rev limit condition: '{ engineProtectType == 1 || engineProtectType == 3 }' - name: SoftLimitMode title: Soft limiter mode condition: '{ engineProtectType == 1 || engineProtectType == 3 }' - name: SoftLimRetard title: Soft limit timing condition: '{ engineProtectType == 1 || engineProtectType == 3 }' - name: SoftLimMax title: Soft limit max time condition: '{ engineProtectType == 1 || engineProtectType == 3 }' - name: HardRevLim title: Hard Rev limit oilPressureProtection: title: Oil Pressure panels: oil_pressure_prot_curve: condition: '{ oilPressureEnable && oilPressureProtEnbl }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: oilPressureProtEnbl title: Oil Pressure Protection condition: '{ oilPressureEnable }' engineProtectionWest: title: '' panels: protectIndicatorPanel: condition: '{ engineProtectType }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: engineProtectType title: Protection Cut - name: engineProtectMaxRPM title: Engine Protection RPM min condition: '{ engineProtectType }' - name: hardCutType title: Cut method condition: '{ engineProtectType == 1 || engineProtectType == 3 }' RevLimiterS: title: Engine Protection and Limiters layout: xAxis panels: engineProtectionWest: fields: [] panels: {} revLimiterDialog: condition: '{ engineProtectType }' fields: [] panels: {} boostCut: condition: '{ engineProtectType }' fields: [] panels: {} oilPressureProtection: condition: '{ engineProtectType }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: clutchInput: title: Clutch input panels: {} fields: - name: launchPin title: Clutch Input Pin condition: '{ launchEnable || flatSEnable }' - name: launchHiLo title: Clutch enabled when signal is condition: '{ launchEnable || flatSEnable }' - name: lnchPullRes title: Clutch Pullup Resistor condition: '{ launchEnable || flatSEnable }' - name: flatSArm title: Launch / Flat Shift switch RPM condition: '{ launchEnable || flatSEnable }' LaunchControl: title: Launch Control / Flat shift layout: '6' panels: clutchInput: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Launch Control - name: launchEnable title: Enable Launch - name: lnchCtrlTPS title: TPS threshold condition: '{ launchEnable }' - name: lnchSoftLim title: Soft rev limit condition: '{ launchEnable }' - name: lnchRetard title: Soft limit absolute timing condition: '{ launchEnable }' - name: lnchHardLim title: Hard rev limit condition: '{ launchEnable }' - name: lnchFuelAdd title: Fuel adder during launch condition: '{ launchEnable }' - name: _fieldText_ title: Flat Shift - name: flatSEnable title: Enable flat shift - name: flatSSoftWin title: Soft rev window condition: '{ flatSEnable }' - name: flatSRetard title: Soft limit absolute timing condition: '{ flatSEnable }' help: NitrousStage1: title: Stage 1 panels: {} fields: - name: n2o_stage1_pin title: Nitrous Output Pin - name: n2o_stage1_minRPM title: Minimum Engage RPM - name: n2o_stage1_maxRPM title: Maximum Engage RPM - name: n2o_stage1_adderMin title: Fuel adder @ Min RPM - name: n2o_stage1_adderMax title: Fuel adder @ Max RPM - name: n2o_stage1_retard title: Ignition retard when active NitrousStage2: title: Stage 2 panels: {} fields: - name: n2o_stage2_pin title: Nitrous Output Pin - name: n2o_stage2_minRPM title: Minimum Engage RPM - name: n2o_stage2_maxRPM title: Maximum Engage RPM - name: n2o_stage2_adderMin title: Fuel adder @ Min RPM - name: n2o_stage2_adderMax title: Fuel adder @ Max RPM - name: n2o_stage2_retard title: Ignition retard when active NitrousMain: title: Settings panels: {} fields: - name: n2o_enable title: Nitrous Mode - name: n2o_arming_pin title: Arming Pin condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' - name: n2o_pin_polarity title: Nitrous is armed when pin is condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' - name: n2o_minCLT title: Minimum CLT condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' - name: n2o_minTPS title: Minimum TPS condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' - name: n2o_maxMAP title: Maximum MAP condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' - name: n2o_maxAFR title: Leanest AFR condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' NitrousControl: title: Nitrous panels: NitrousMain: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} NitrousStage1: layout: West condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' fields: [] panels: {} NitrousStage2: layout: East condition: '{ n2o_enable > 1 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: OLED: title: OLED Display layout: '2' panels: {} fields: - name: display title: Display Type - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Note' - name: _fieldText_ title: ECU must be rebooted after changing above value - name: display1 title: Field 1 condition: '{ display }' - name: display2 title: Field 2 condition: '{ display }' - name: display3 title: Field 3 condition: '{ display }' - name: display4 title: Field 4 condition: '{ display }' batCal: title: Calibrate voltage reading panels: {} fields: [] help: mapCal: title: Calibrate MAP panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#MAP Sensor' - name: mapMin title: kPa At 0.0 Volts - name: mapMax title: kPa At 5.0 Volts - name: legacyMAP title: Use legacy MAP reading - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Baro Sensor' - name: useExtBaro title: Use external Baro sensor - name: baroPin title: Analog pin to use for ext. Baro sensor condition: '{ useExtBaro }' - name: baroMin title: kPa At 0.0 Volts condition: '{ useExtBaro }' - name: baroMax title: kPa At 5.0 Volts condition: '{ useExtBaro }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#EMAP Sensor' - name: useEMAP title: Use EMAP sensor - name: EMAPPin title: Analog pin to use condition: '{ useEMAP }' - name: EMAPMin title: kPa At 0.0 Volts condition: '{ useEMAP }' - name: EMAPMax title: kPa At 5.0 Volts condition: '{ useEMAP }' help: sensorFilters: title: Analog sensor filters panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: >- The values here set the amount of filtering to apply to each analog input - name: _fieldText_ title: >- Higher values result in stronger filtering, but slower response times for readings - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Most setups will NOT require changes to the default filter values' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: fuelPressureEnable title: Enabled - name: fuelPressurePin title: Pin condition: '{ fuelPressureEnable }' - name: fuelPressureMin title: Pressure at 0v condition: '{ fuelPressureEnable }' - name: fuelPressureMax title: Pressure at 5v condition: '{ fuelPressureEnable }' fuelPressureDialog: title: Fuel Pressure layout: xAxis panels: fuelPressureSettings: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: oilPressureEnable title: Enabled - name: oilPressurePin title: Pin condition: '{ oilPressureEnable }' - name: oilPressureMin title: Pressure at 0v condition: '{ oilPressureEnable }' - name: oilPressureMax title: Pressure at 5v condition: '{ oilPressureEnable }' oilPressureDialog: title: Oil Pressure layout: xAxis panels: oilPressureSettings: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] pressureSensors: title: Pressure Transducers panels: fuelPressureDialog: fields: [] panels: {} oilPressureDialog: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: boostSettings: title: Boost Control panels: boostCut: fields: [] panels: {} boostByGear: condition: '{ boostEnabled && vssMode > 1 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: boostEnabled title: Boost Control Enabled - name: boostType title: Boost control type condition: '{ boostEnabled }' - name: boostPin title: Boost output pin condition: '{ boostEnabled }' - name: boostFreq title: Boost solenoid freq. condition: '{ boostEnabled }' - name: boostMinDuty title: Valve minimum duty cycle condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostType == 1 }' - name: boostMaxDuty title: Valve maximum duty cycle condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostType == 1 }' - name: _fieldText_ title: Closed Loop settings - name: boostMode title: Control mode condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostType == 1 }' - name: boostIntv title: Control interval condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostType == 1 }' - name: boostKP title: P condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostMode && boostType == 1 }' - name: boostKI title: I condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostMode && boostType == 1 }' - name: boostKD title: D condition: '{ boostEnabled && boostMode && boostType == 1 }' help: vvt2: title: Second VVT output panels: {} fields: - name: vvt2Enabled title: VVT2 Control Enabled - name: vvt2Pin title: VVT2 output pin condition: '{ vvt2Enabled }' - name: vvt2PWMdir title: Increased duty direction condition: '{ vvt2Enabled && vvtMode == 2 }' - name: vvt2CL0DutyAng title: VVT2 Cam angle @ 0% duty condition: '{ vvt2Enabled && vvtMode == 2 }' - name: TrigEdgeThrd title: VVT2 Trigger edge condition: '{ vvt2Enabled && vvtMode == 2 }' vvtClosedLoop: title: Closed loop panels: {} fields: - name: vvtPWMdir title: Increased duty direction - name: vvtCLUseHold title: Hold duty used - name: vvtCLholdDuty title: Hold duty condition: '{ vvtCLUseHold }' - name: vvtCLAlterFuelTiming title: Adjust fuel timing - name: vvtCL0DutyAng title: Cam angle @ 0% duty - name: vvtCLMinAng title: Minimum Cam angle - name: vvtCLMaxAng title: Maximum Cam angle - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: vvtCLKP title: Proportional Gain - name: vvtCLKI title: Integral Gain - name: vvtCLKD title: Differential Gain - name: vvtCLminDuty title: Minimum valve duty condition: '{ vvtEnabled && vvtMode == 2 }' - name: vvtCLmaxDuty title: Maximum valve duty condition: '{ vvtEnabled && vvtMode == 2 }' vvtSettings: title: VVT Control panels: vvtClosedLoop: condition: '{ vvtEnabled && vvtMode == 2 }' fields: [] panels: {} vvt2: condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: vvtEnabled title: VVT Control Enabled - name: vvtMinClt title: VVT Minimum CLT condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' - name: vvtDelay title: VVT Delay condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' - name: vvtMode title: VVT Mode condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' - name: _fieldText_ title: >- #Please note that closed loop is currently experimental for Miata and missing tooth patterns ONLY - name: vvtLoadSource title: Load source condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' - name: vvt1Pin title: VVT output pin condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' - name: vvtFreq title: VVT solenoid freq. condition: '{ vvtEnabled }' wmiSettings: title: WMI Control panels: wmi_adv_curve: condition: '{ wmiEnabled && wmiAdvEnabled }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Experimental!' - name: wmiEnabled title: WMI Control Enabled - name: wmiMode title: WMI Mode condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiTPS title: WMI min TPS condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiRPM title: WMI min RPM condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiMAP title: WMI min MAP condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiMAP2 title: WMI max MAP condition: '{ wmiEnabled && wmiMode == 1}' - name: wmiIAT title: WMI min IAT condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiOffset title: WMI offset condition: '{ wmiEnabled && wmiMode == 3}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: vvt1Pin title: WMI PWM output pin condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: vvtFreq title: WMI PWM freq. condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: wmiEnabledPin title: WMI enabled output pin condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: wmiEmptyEnabled title: WMI tank empty input condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiEmptyPin title: WMI tank empty pin condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiEmptyPolarity title: WMI tank empty polarity condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: wmiIndicatorEnabled title: WMI tank indicator output condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiIndicatorPin title: WMI tank indicator pin condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: wmiIndicatorPolarity title: WMI tank indicator polarity condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' - name: _fieldText_ title: '' - name: wmiAdvEnabled title: Iginition advance correction condition: '{ wmiEnabled }' warmup: title: Warmup Enrichment (WUE) - Percent Multiplier panels: warmup_curve: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim1TblTitle: title: 'Channel #1' panels: fuelTrimTable1Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 2 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim2TblTitle: title: 'Channel #2' panels: fuelTrimTable2Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 2 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim3TblTitle: title: 'Channel #3' panels: fuelTrimTable3Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 3 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim4TblTitle: title: 'Channel #4' panels: fuelTrimTable4Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 4 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim5TblTitle: title: 'Channel #5' panels: fuelTrimTable5Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 5 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim6TblTitle: title: 'Channel #6' panels: fuelTrimTable6Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 6 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim7TblTitle: title: 'Channel #7' panels: fuelTrimTable7Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 7 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim8TblTitle: title: 'Channel #8' panels: fuelTrimTable8Tbl: condition: '{ fuelTrimEnabled && nCylinders >= 8 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trimadt: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: inj_trim1TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} inj_trim2TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trimadb: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: inj_trim3TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} inj_trim4TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trimadt_B: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: inj_trim5TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} inj_trim6TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trimadb_B: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: inj_trim7TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} inj_trim8TblTitle: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trim_enable: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: fuelTrimEnabled title: Individual fuel trim enabled condition: '{ injLayout == 3 && nCylinders <= nFuelChannels }' inj_trimad: title: Injector Cyl 1-4 Trims layout: yAxis panels: inj_trim_enable: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} inj_trimadt: layout: Center fields: [] panels: {} inj_trimadb: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] inj_trimad_B: title: Injector Cyl 5-8 Trims layout: yAxis panels: inj_trim_enable: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} inj_trimadt_B: layout: Center fields: [] panels: {} inj_trimadb_B: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] stagingTableDialog_north: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: stagingEnabled title: Staging enabled - name: stagingMode title: Staging mode - name: stagedInjSizePri title: Size of primary injectors condition: '{ stagingEnabled }' - name: stagedInjSizeSec title: Size of secondary injectors condition: '{ stagingEnabled }' stagingTableDialog_south: title: '' panels: stagingTbl: condition: '{ stagingMode == 0 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] stagingTableDialog: title: Staged injection panels: stagingTableDialog_north: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} stagingTableDialog_south: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: outputtest_warningmessage: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: >- WARNING! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. INCORRECT USE WILL DAMAGE YOUR HARDWARE! - name: _fieldText_ title: Do not attempt to use this page whilst your engine is running! - name: _fieldText_ title: >- Forcing the Injector or Spark outputs could cause flooding of your engine or permanent damage to ignition coils! enableoutputtestbuttons: title: Enable Test Controls layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj1: title: Injector CH1 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj2: title: Injector CH2 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj3: title: Injector CH3 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj4: title: Injector CH4 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj5: title: Injector CH5 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj6: title: Injector CH6 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj7: title: Injector CH7 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestinj8: title: Injector CH8 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtest_injectors: title: Injector Driver Output Test layout: xAxis panels: outputtestinj1: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj2: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj3: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj4: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj5: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj6: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj7: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestinj8: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk1: title: Spark CH1 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk2: title: Spark CH2 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk3: title: Spark CH3 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk4: title: Spark CH4 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk5: title: Spark CH5 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk6: title: Spark CH6 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk7: title: Spark CH7 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtestspk8: title: Spark CH8 layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: [] outputtest_spark: title: Spark Driver Output Test layout: xAxis panels: outputtestspk1: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk2: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk3: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk4: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk5: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk6: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk7: fields: [] panels: {} outputtestspk8: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] outputtest1: title: Test Output Hardware panels: enableoutputtestbuttons: fields: [] panels: {} outputtest_injectors: fields: [] panels: {} outputtest_spark: fields: [] panels: {} outputtest_warningmessage: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: stm32cmd: title: STM32 Commands layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: >- If Secondary Serial or Internal CANBUS is DISABLED then any input channel assigned to that external source will NOT function canAuxinput_alias: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Input Alias - name: AUXin00Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel0a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel0b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin01Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel1a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel1b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin02Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel2a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel2b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin03Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel3a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel3b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin04Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel4a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel4b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin05Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel5a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel5b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin06Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel6a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel6b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin07Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel7a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel7b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin08Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel8a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel8b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin09Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel9a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel9b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin10Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel10a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel10b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin11Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel11a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel11b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin12Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel12a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel12b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin13Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel13a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel13b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin14Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel14a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel14b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin15Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel15a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel15b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} caninput_sel: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: CAN Input Channel on/off - name: caninput_sel0a title: CAN Input 0 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel0b title: CAN Input 0 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel1a title: CAN Input 1 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel1b title: CAN Input 1 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel2a title: CAN Input 2 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel2b title: CAN Input 2 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel3a title: CAN Input 3 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel3b title: CAN Input 3 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel4a title: CAN Input 4 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel4b title: CAN Input 4 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel5a title: CAN Input 5 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel5b title: CAN Input 5 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel6a title: CAN Input 6 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel6b title: CAN Input 6 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel7a title: CAN Input 7 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel7b title: CAN Input 7 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel8a title: CAN Input 8 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel8b title: CAN Input 8 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel9a title: CAN Input 9 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel9b title: CAN Input 9 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel10a title: CAN Input 10 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel10b title: CAN Input 10 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel11a title: CAN Input 11 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel11b title: CAN Input 11 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel12a title: CAN Input 12 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel12b title: CAN Input 12 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel13a title: CAN Input 13 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel13b title: CAN Input 13 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel14a title: CAN Input 14 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel14b title: CAN Input 14 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel15a title: CAN Input 15 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel15b title: CAN Input 15 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } caninput_parameter_group: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Source CAN Address - name: caninput_source_can_address0 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel0a == 1 || caninput_sel0b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address1 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel1a == 1 || caninput_sel1b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address2 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel2a == 1 || caninput_sel2b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address3 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel3a == 1 || caninput_sel3b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address4 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel4a == 1 || caninput_sel4b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address5 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel5a == 1 || caninput_sel5b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address6 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel6a == 1 || caninput_sel6b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address7 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel7a == 1 || caninput_sel7b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address8 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel8a == 1 || caninput_sel8b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address9 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel9a == 1 || caninput_sel9b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address10 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel10a == 1 || caninput_sel10b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address11 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel11a == 1 || caninput_sel11b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address12 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel12a == 1 || caninput_sel12b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address13 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel13a == 1 || caninput_sel13b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address14 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel14a == 1 || caninput_sel14b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_can_address15 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel15a == 1 || caninput_sel15b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } caninput_parameter_start_byte: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: source data start byte - name: caninput_source_start_byte0 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel0a == 1 || caninput_sel0b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte1 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel1a == 1 || caninput_sel1b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte2 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel2a == 1 || caninput_sel2b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte3 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel3a == 1 || caninput_sel3b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte4 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel4a == 1 || caninput_sel4b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte5 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel5a == 1 || caninput_sel5b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte6 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel6a == 1 || caninput_sel6b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte7 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel7a == 1 || caninput_sel7b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte8 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel8a == 1 || caninput_sel8b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte9 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel9a == 1 || caninput_sel9b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte10 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel10a == 1 || caninput_sel10b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte11 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel11a == 1 || caninput_sel11b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte12 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel12a == 1 || caninput_sel12b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte13 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel13a == 1 || caninput_sel13b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte14 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel14a == 1 || caninput_sel14b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_start_byte15 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel15a == 1 || caninput_sel15b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } caninput_parameter_num_byte: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Input Parameter Number of Bytes - name: caninput_source_num_bytes0 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel0a == 1 || caninput_sel0b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes1 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel1a == 1 || caninput_sel1b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes2 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel2a == 1 || caninput_sel2b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes3 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel3a == 1 || caninput_sel3b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes4 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel4a == 1 || caninput_sel4b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes5 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel5a == 1 || caninput_sel5b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes6 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel6a == 1 || caninput_sel6b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes7 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel7a == 1 || caninput_sel7b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes8 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel8a == 1 || caninput_sel8b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes9 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel9a == 1 || caninput_sel9b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes10 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel10a == 1 || caninput_sel10b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes11 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel11a == 1 || caninput_sel11b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes12 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel12a == 1 || caninput_sel12b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes13 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel13a == 1 || caninput_sel13b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes14 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel14a == 1 || caninput_sel14b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } - name: caninput_source_num_bytes15 title: '' condition: >- { (caninput_sel15a == 1 || caninput_sel15b == 1) && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) } caninput_serial_can: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Serial/CAN - name: caninput_sel0extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel0extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel0extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel1extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel1extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel1extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel2extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel2extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel2extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel3extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel3extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel3extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel4extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel4extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel4extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel5extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel5extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel5extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel6extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel6extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel6extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel7extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel7extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel7extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel8extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel8extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel8extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel9extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel9extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel9extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel10extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel10extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel10extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel11extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel11extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel11extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel12extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel12extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel12extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel13extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel13extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel13extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel14extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel14extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel14extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel15extsourcea title: '' condition: >- {enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && !intcan_available))} - name: caninput_sel15extsourceb title: '' condition: '{enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' - name: caninput_sel15extsourcec title: '' condition: '{!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)}' caninconfig_blank1: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '' Canin_config1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: canAuxinput_alias: fields: [] panels: {} caninconfig_blank1: fields: [] panels: {} caninput_sel: fields: [] panels: {} caninput_serial_can: fields: [] panels: {} caninput_parameter_group: fields: [] panels: {} caninput_parameter_start_byte: fields: [] panels: {} caninput_parameter_num_byte: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] Canin_config: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: Auxin_north: fields: [] panels: {} Canin_config1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: >- canAuxoutput_alias: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Input Alias - name: AUXin00Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel0}' - name: AUXin01Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel1}' - name: AUXin02Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel2}' - name: AUXin03Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel3}' - name: AUXin04Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel4}' - name: AUXin05Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel5}' - name: AUXin06Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel6}' - name: AUXin07Alias title: '' condition: '{canoutput_sel7}' canoutput_sel: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: CAN Output Channel on/off - name: canoutput_sel0 title: CAN Output 0 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out}' - name: canoutput_sel1 title: CAN Output 1 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_sel2 title: CAN Output 2 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_sel3 title: CAN Output 3 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_sel4 title: CAN Output 4 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_sel5 title: CAN Output 5 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_sel6 title: CAN Output 6 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_sel7 title: CAN Output 7 condition: '{ enable_intcandata_out }' canoutput_parameter_group: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Output Parameter Group - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' - name: canoutput_param_group title: '' canoutput_parameter_start_byte: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Output Parameter Start Byte - name: canoutput_param_start_byte0 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel0 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte1 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel1 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte2 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel2 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte3 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel3 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte4 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel4 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte5 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel5 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte6 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel6 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_start_byte7 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel7 && enable_intcandata_out }' canoutput_parameter_num_byte: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Output Parameter Number of Bytes - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes0 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel0 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes1 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel1 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes2 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel2 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes3 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel3 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes4 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel4 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes5 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel5 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes6 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel6 && enable_intcandata_out }' - name: canoutput_param_num_bytes7 title: '' condition: '{ canoutput_sel7 && enable_intcandata_out }' canoutconfig_blank1: title: '' panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '' Canout_config1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: canAuxoutput_alias: fields: [] panels: {} canoutconfig_blank1: fields: [] panels: {} canoutput_sel: fields: [] panels: {} canoutput_parameter_group: fields: [] panels: {} canoutput_parameter_start_byte: fields: [] panels: {} canoutput_parameter_num_byte: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] Canout_config2: title: CAN Data Out panels: {} fields: - name: enable_intcandata_out title: Enable CanBus data Output Canout_config: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: Canout_config2: fields: [] panels: {} Canout_config1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] help: '' can_serial3IO: title: CanBus/Secondary Serial IO interface panels: {} fields: - name: enable_secondarySerial title: Enable Second Serial - name: enable_intcan title: Enable Internal Canbus - name: true_address title: True Canbus Address condition: '{enable_secondarySerial||enable_intcan}' - name: _fieldText_ title: >- NOTE! Realtime Data Base Address MUST be at least 0x16 GREATER than the True Address as they are reserved for future expansion - name: realtime_base_address title: Realtime Data Base Can Address condition: '{enable_secondarySerial||enable_intcan}' - name: obd_address title: Speeduino OBD address help: serial3IO: title: Secondary Serial IO interface panels: {} fields: - name: enable_secondarySerial title: Enable Second Serial - name: enable_intcan title: Enable Internal Canbus - name: true_address title: True Canbus Address condition: '{enable_secondarySerial||enable_intcan}' - name: _fieldText_ title: >- NOTE! Realtime Data Base Address MUST be at least 0x16 GREATER than the True Address as they are reserved for future expansion - name: realtime_base_address title: Realtime Data Base Can Address condition: '{enable_secondarySerial||enable_intcan}' - name: obd_address title: Speeduino OBD address help: reset_control: title: Reset Control panels: {} fields: - name: resetControl title: Control Type - name: resetControlPin title: Control Pin Auxinput_pin_selection: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Source - name: Auxin0pina title: 'Local Analog Source 0 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel0a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel0b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin0pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 0 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel0a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel0b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin1pina title: 'Local Analog Source 1 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel1a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel1b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin1pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 1 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel1a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel1b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin2pina title: 'Local Analog Source 2 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel2a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel2b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin2pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 2 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel2a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel2b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin3pina title: 'Local Analog Source 3 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel3a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel3b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin3pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 3 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel3a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel3b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin4pina title: 'Local Analog Source 4 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel4a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel4b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin4pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 4 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel4a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel4b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin5pina title: 'Local Analog Source 5 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel5a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel5b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin5pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 5 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel5a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel5b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin6pina title: 'Local Analog Source 6 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel6a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel6b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin6pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 6 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel6a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel6b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin7pina title: 'Local Analog Source 7 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel7a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel7b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin7pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 7 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel7a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel7b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin8pina title: 'Local Analog Source 8 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel8a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel8b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin8pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 8 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel8a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel8b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin9pina title: 'Local Analog Source 9 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel9a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel9b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin9pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 9 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel9a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel9b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin10pina title: 'Local Analog Source 10 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel10a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel10b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin10pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 10 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel10a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel10b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin11pina title: 'Local Analog Source 11 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel11a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel11b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin11pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 11 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel11a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel11b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin12pina title: 'Local Analog Source 12 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel12a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel12b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin12pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 12 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel12a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel12b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin13pina title: 'Local Analog Source 13 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel13a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel13b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin13pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 13 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel13a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel13b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin14pina title: 'Local Analog Source 14 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel14a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel14b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin14pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 14 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel14a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel14b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin15pina title: 'Local Analog Source 15 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel15a == 2 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel15b == 2 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} - name: Auxin15pinb title: 'Local Digital Source 15 Pin No:' condition: >- {(caninput_sel15a == 3 && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel15b == 3 && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 1 )))} Auxinput_alias: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Input Alias - name: AUXin00Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel0a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel0b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin01Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel1a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel1b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin02Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel2a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel2b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin03Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel3a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel3b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin04Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel4a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel4b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin05Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel5a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel5b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin06Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel6a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel6b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin07Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel7a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel7b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin08Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel8a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel8b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin09Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel9a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel9b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin10Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel10a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel10b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin11Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel11a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel11b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin12Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel12a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel12b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin13Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel13a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel13b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin14Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel14a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel14b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} - name: AUXin15Alias title: '' condition: >- {(caninput_sel15a && (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0)))) || (caninput_sel15b && (enable_secondarySerial || (enable_intcan && intcan_available)))} Auxinput_channelenable: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: Aux Input Channel Enable - name: caninput_sel0a title: AUX Input 0 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel0b title: AUX Input 0 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel1a title: AUX Input 1 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel1b title: AUX Input 1 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel2a title: AUX Input 2 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel2b title: AUX Input 2 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel3a title: AUX Input 3 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel3b title: AUX Input 3 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel4a title: AUX Input 4 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel4b title: AUX Input 4 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel5a title: AUX Input 5 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel5b title: AUX Input 5 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel6a title: AUX Input 6 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel6b title: AUX Input 6 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel7a title: AUX Input 7 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel7b title: AUX Input 7 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel8a title: AUX Input 8 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel8b title: AUX Input 8 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel9a title: AUX Input 9 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel9b title: AUX Input 9 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel10a title: AUX Input 10 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel10b title: AUX Input 10 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel11a title: AUX Input 11 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel11b title: AUX Input 11 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel12a title: AUX Input 12 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel12b title: AUX Input 12 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel13a title: AUX Input 13 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel13b title: AUX Input 13 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel14a title: AUX Input 14 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel14b title: AUX Input 14 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } - name: caninput_sel15a title: AUX Input 15 condition: >- { (!enable_secondarySerial && (!enable_intcan || (enable_intcan && intcan_available == 0))) } - name: caninput_sel15b title: AUX Input 15 condition: >- { (enable_secondarySerial && enable_intcan) || (!enable_secondarySerial && (enable_intcan && intcan_available)) || (enable_secondarySerial && !enable_intcan) } Auxin_south: title: Auxillary Input Configuration layout: xAxis panels: Auxinput_alias: fields: [] panels: {} Auxinput_channelenable: fields: [] panels: {} Auxinput_pin_selection: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] Auxin_config: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: Auxin_north: fields: [] panels: {} Auxin_south: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] gaugeLimits: title: Gauge Limits panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#RPM' - name: rpmwarn title: Warning - name: rpmdang title: Danger - name: rpmhigh title: High - name: _fieldText_ title: '#MAP' - name: mapwarn title: Warning - name: mapdang title: Danger - name: maphigh title: High io_summary: title: I/O Summary panels: {} fields: [] prgm_out_rules_1_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn0 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[0]}' - name: firstCompType0 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[0]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_1_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn0 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[0] && bitwise0}' - name: secondCompType0 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[0] && bitwise0}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_2_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn1 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[1]}' - name: firstCompType1 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[1]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_2_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn1 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[1] && bitwise1}' - name: secondCompType1 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[1] && bitwise1}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_3_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn2 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[2]}' - name: firstCompType2 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[2]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_3_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn2 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[2] && bitwise2}' - name: secondCompType2 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[2] && bitwise2}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_4_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn3 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[3]}' - name: firstCompType3 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[3]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_4_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn3 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[3] && bitwise3}' - name: secondCompType3 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[3] && bitwise3}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_5_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn4 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[4]}' - name: firstCompType4 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[4]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_5_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn4 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[4] && bitwise4}' - name: secondCompType4 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[4] && bitwise4}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_6_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn5 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[5]}' - name: firstCompType5 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[5]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_6_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn5 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[5] && bitwise5}' - name: secondCompType5 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[5] && bitwise5}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_7_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn6 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[6]}' - name: firstCompType6 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[6]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_7_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn6 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[6] && bitwise6}' - name: secondCompType6 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[6] && bitwise6}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_8_condition_1: title: Condition 1 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: firstDataIn7 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[7]}' - name: firstCompType7 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[7]}' - name: firstTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_8_condition_2: title: Condition 2 layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: secondDataIn7 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[7] && bitwise7}' - name: secondCompType7 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[7] && bitwise7}' - name: secondTarget title: '' prgm_out_rules_1_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting0 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[0]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_2_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting1 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[1]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_3_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting2 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[2]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_4_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting3 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[3]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_5_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting4 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[4]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_6_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting5 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[5]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_7_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting6 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[6]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_8_output_limit_1: title: '' layout: xAxis panels: {} fields: - name: kindOfLimiting7 title: '' condition: '{outputPin[7]}' - name: outputTimeLimit title: output time prgm_out_rules_1_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_1_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_2_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_2_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_3_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_3_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_4_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_4_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_5_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_5_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_6_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_6_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_7_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_7_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_8_output_limit: title: Limit time active layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_8_output_limit_1: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the limit' prgm_out_rules_1: title: Rule 1 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_1_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_1_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_1_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin0 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out00Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[0]}' - name: outputInverted0 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[0]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise0 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[0]}' prgm_out_rules_2: title: Rule 2 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_2_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_2_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_2_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin1 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out01Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[1]}' - name: outputInverted1 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[1]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise1 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[1]}' prgm_out_rules_3: title: Rule 3 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_3_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_3_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_3_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin2 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out02Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[2]}' - name: outputInverted2 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[2]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise2 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[2]}' prgm_out_rules_4: title: Rule 4 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_4_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_4_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_4_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin3 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out03Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[3]}' - name: outputInverted3 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[3]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise3 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[3]}' prgm_out_rules_5: title: Rule 5 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_5_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_5_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_5_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin4 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out04Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[4]}' - name: outputInverted4 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[4]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise4 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[4]}' prgm_out_rules_6: title: Rule 6 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_6_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_6_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_6_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin5 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out05Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[5]}' - name: outputInverted5 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[5]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise5 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[5]}' prgm_out_rules_7: title: Rule 7 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_7_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_7_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_7_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin6 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out06Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[6]}' - name: outputInverted6 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[6]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise6 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[6]}' prgm_out_rules_8: title: Rule 8 layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_8_condition_1: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_8_condition_2: fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_8_output_limit: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: outputPin7 title: Output Pin Num - name: prgm_out07Alias title: Rule Alias condition: '{outputPin[7]}' - name: outputInverted7 title: Output Polarity condition: '{outputPin[7]}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '#Set 0.0 to disable the delay' - name: outputDelay title: Activation Delay - name: bitwise7 title: 2nd Condition condition: '{outputPin[7]}' prgm_out_rules_master: title: '' layout: card panels: prgm_out_rules_1: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 0 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_2: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 1 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_3: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 2 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_4: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 3 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_5: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 4 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_6: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 5 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_7: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 6 }' fields: [] panels: {} prgm_out_rules_8: layout: Center condition: '{ prgm_out_selection == 7 }' fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] prgm_out_config: title: '' layout: yAxis panels: prgm_out_rules_master: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: prgm_out_selection title: Select Rule Number rtc_setup: title: Real Time Clock panels: {} fields: - name: rtc_mode title: Real Time Clock mode - name: rtc_trim title: Real Time Clock Trim +/- condition: '{rtc_mode}' onboard_log_basic_setup: title: Log Configuration panels: {} fields: - name: onboard_log_file_style title: Logger type - name: onboard_log_file_rate title: Log rate condition: '{onboard_log_file_style}' - name: _fieldText_ title: '!Warning: Clicking the below button will erase all data from SD card' onboard_log_trigger_boot: title: On boot panels: {} fields: - name: onboard_log_trigger_boot title: On Boot condition: '{onboard_log_file_style}' - name: onboard_log_tr1_duration title: On Boot log duration condition: '{onboard_log_file_style && onboard_log_trigger_boot}' onboard_log_trigger_RPM: title: RPM panels: {} fields: - name: onboard_log_trigger_RPM title: RPM - name: onboard_log_tr2_thr_on title: ON threshold - name: onboard_log_tr2_thr_off title: OFF threshold onboard_log_trigger_prot: title: Engine protection panels: {} fields: - name: onboard_log_trigger_prot title: Engine protection rtc_settings: title: Real Time Clock panels: std_ms3Rtc: fields: [] panels: {} fields: - name: rtc_mode title: Mode onboard_log_trigger: title: Triggers panels: onboard_log_trigger_boot: fields: [] panels: {} onboard_log_trigger_RPM: fields: [] panels: {} onboard_log_trigger_prot: fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] onboard_log_setup: title: On-board logger layout: border panels: onboard_log_basic_setup: layout: North fields: [] panels: {} onboard_log_trigger: layout: South fields: [] panels: {} fields: [] curves: time_accel_tpsdot_curve: title: TPS based AE labels: - TPSdot - Added xAxis: - 0 - 1200 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 250 - 4 xBins: - taeBins - TPSdot yBins: - taeRates size: [] time_accel_mapdot_curve: title: MAP based AE labels: - MAPdot - Added xAxis: - 0 - 1200 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 250 - 4 xBins: - maeBins - MAPdot yBins: - maeRates size: [] dwell_correction_curve: title: Dwell voltage correction labels: - Voltage - Dwell xAxis: - 6 - 22 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 255 - 6 xBins: - brvBins - batteryVoltage yBins: - dwellRates size: [] injector_voltage_curve: title: Injector voltage correction labels: - Voltage - Injector xAxis: - 6 - 22 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 255 - 6 xBins: - brvBins - batteryVoltage yBins: - injBatRates size: [] injector_timing_curve: title: Injector timing labels: - RPM - Injector xAxis: - 0 - 7000 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 720 - 5 xBins: - injAngRPM - rpm yBins: - injAng size: [] airdensity_curve: title: IAT density correction labels: - Air Temperature - Fuel Amount xAxis: - -40 - 160 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 255 - 6 xBins: - airDenBins - iat yBins: - airDenRates size: [] baroFuel_curve: title: Baro fuel correction labels: - Baro Pressure - Fuel Amount xAxis: - 75 - 112 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 255 - 6 xBins: - baroFuelBins - baro yBins: - baroFuelValues size: [] fuelTemp_curve: title: Fuel temp correction labels: - Fuel Temperature - Fuel Amount xAxis: - -40 - 125 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 255 - 6 xBins: - fuelTempBins - fuelTemp yBins: - fuelTempValues size: [] iat_retard_curve: title: IAT timing retard labels: - Inlet Air Temp - Retard xAxis: - 32 - 257 - 5 yAxis: - 0 - 30 - 5 xBins: - iatRetBins - iat yBins: - iatRetRates size: [] clt_advance_curve: title: Cold Advance labels: - Coolant Temp - Advance xAxis: - -40 - 200 - 5 yAxis: - -12.7 - 12.7 - 5 xBins: - cltAdvBins - coolant yBins: - cltAdvValues size: [] idle_advance_curve: title: Idle Advance labels: - RPM Delta - Advance xAxis: - -500 - 500 - 5 yAxis: - -15 - 50 - 5 xBins: - idleAdvBins - CLIdleDelta yBins: - idleAdvValues size: - 450 - 200 pwm_fan_curve: title: Fan PWM Duty labels: - Temp - Duty % xAxis: - -40 - 215 - 4 yAxis: - 0 - 100 - 4 xBins: - fanPWMBins - coolant yBins: - PWMFanDuty size: - 400 - 400 iacPwm_curve: title: IAC PWM Duty labels: - Coolant Temperature - Valve xAxis: - -40 - 315 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 100 - 4 xBins: - iacBins - coolant yBins: - iacOLPWMVal size: [] iacPwmCrank_curve: title: IAC PWM Cranking Duty labels: - Coolant Temperature - Valve xAxis: - -40 - 215 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 100 - 4 xBins: - iacCrankBins - coolant yBins: - iacCrankDuty size: [] iacStep_curve: title: IAC Stepper Motor labels: - Coolant Temperature - Motor xAxis: - -40 - 315 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 850 - 4 xBins: - iacBins - coolant yBins: - iacOLStepVal size: [] iacStepCrank_curve: title: IAC Stepper Motor Cranking labels: - Coolant Temperature - Motor xAxis: - -40 - 120 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 850 - 4 xBins: - iacCrankBins - coolant yBins: - iacCrankSteps size: [] iacClosedLoop_curve: title: Idle RPM Targets labels: - Coolant Temperature - Motor xAxis: - -40 - 120 - 6 yAxis: - 0 - 2000 - 4 xBins: - iacBins - coolant yBins: - iacCLValues size: - 450 - 200 rotaryTrailing_curve: title: Rotary Trailing Split labels: - Engine load - Split xAxis: - 0 - '{ fuelLoadMax }' - 5 yAxis: - 0 - 40 - 4 xBins: - rotarySplitBins - fuelLoad yBins: - rotarySplitValues size: [] warmup_curve: title: Warmup Enrichment (WUE) Curve labels: - Coolant - WUE % xAxis: - -40 - 210 - 9 yAxis: - 0 - 240 - 6 xBins: - wueBins - coolant yBins: - wueRates size: [] cranking_enrich_curve: title: Cranking Enrichment Curve labels: - Coolant - Fuel Modifier xAxis: - -40 - 110 - 9 yAxis: - 0 - 400 - 6 xBins: - crankingEnrichBins - coolant yBins: - crankingEnrichValues size: [] priming_pw_curve: title: Priming Pulsewidth labels: - Coolant - PW xAxis: - -40 - 110 - 4 yAxis: - 0 - 10 - 4 xBins: - primeBins - coolant yBins: - primePulse size: [] afterstart_enrichment_curve: title: ASE - Enrichment % labels: - Coolant - Enrichment xAxis: - -40 - 110 - 4 yAxis: - 0 - 200 - 4 xBins: - aseBins - coolant yBins: - asePct size: [] afterstart_enrichment_time: title: ASE - Duration labels: - Coolant - Time xAxis: - -40 - 110 - 4 yAxis: - 0 - 20 - 4 xBins: - aseBins - coolant yBins: - aseCount size: [] flex_fuel_curve: title: Flex Fuel Adjustments labels: - Ethanol - Fuel xAxis: - 0 - 100 - 10 yAxis: - 50 - 250 - 5 xBins: - flexFuelBins - flex yBins: - flexFuelAdj size: - 400 - 200 flex_adv_curve: title: Flex Timing Advance labels: - Ethanol - Advance xAxis: - 0 - 100 - 10 yAxis: - 0 - 50 - 5 xBins: - flexAdvBins - flex yBins: - flexAdvAdj size: - 400 - 200 flex_boost_curve: title: Flex Boost Adjustments labels: - Ethanol - Boost xAxis: - 0 - 100 - 10 yAxis: - -100 - 200 - 5 xBins: - flexBoostBins - flex yBins: - flexBoostAdj size: - 400 - 200 knock_window_angle_curve: title: Knock Window labels: - RPM - Window Start xAxis: - 0 - 8000 - 9 yAxis: - -100 - 100 - 11 xBins: - knock_window_rpms - rpm yBins: - knock_window_angle size: - 400 - 200 knock_window_duration_curve: title: Knock Window Duration labels: - RPM - Window Duration xAxis: - 0 - 8000 - 9 yAxis: - 0 - 100 - 10 xBins: - knock_window_rpms - rpm yBins: - knock_window_dur size: - 400 - 200 oil_pressure_prot_curve: title: Oil Pressure Protection labels: - RPM - Minimum PSI xAxis: - 0 - 8000 - 9 yAxis: - 0 - 150 - 3 xBins: - oilPressureProtRPM - rpm yBins: - oilPressureProtMins size: - 400 - 200 warmup_afr_curve: title: Target Adjustment labels: - Coolant - Offset xAxis: - -40 - 210 - 9 yAxis: - -4 - 1 - 5 xBins: - wueBins - coolant yBins: - wueAFR size: [] warmup_analyzer_curve: title: Warmup Enrichment labels: - Coolant - Current WUE - Coolant - Recommended WUE xAxis: - -40 - 210 - 9 yAxis: - 100 - 255 - 6 xBins: - wueBins - coolant yBins: - wueRecommended size: [] wmi_adv_curve: title: WMI Timing Advance labels: - kPa - Advance xAxis: - 0 - 511 - 20 yAxis: - 0 - 50 - 5 xBins: - wmiAdvBins - map yBins: - wmiAdvAdj size: - 400 - 200 tables: veTable1Tbl: map: veTable1Map title: VE Table page: 2 xBins: - rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelLoadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: - RPM - 'Fuel Load:' zBins: - veTable gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTable2Tbl: map: fuel2Map title: Fuel Table 2 page: 11 xBins: - fuelRPM2Bins - rpm yBins: - fuelLoad2Bins - fuelLoad2 xyLabels: - RPM - 'Fuel Load:' zBins: - veTable2 gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: sparkTbl: map: sparkMap title: Ignition Advance Table page: 3 xBins: - rpmBins2 - rpm yBins: - mapBins1 - ignLoad xyLabels: - RPM - 'Ignition Load:' zBins: - advTable1 gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - ADVANCING - RETARDING spark2Tbl: map: spark2Map title: Second Ignition Advance Table page: 14 xBins: - rpmBins3 - rpm yBins: - mapBins2 - ignLoad2 xyLabels: - RPM - 'Ignition Load:' zBins: - advTable2 gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - ADVANCING - RETARDING afrTable1Tbl: map: afrTable1Map title: AFR Table page: 5 xBins: - rpmBinsAFR - rpm yBins: - loadBinsAFR - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - afrTable gridHeight: 1 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - RICHER - LEANER boostTbl: map: boostMap title: Boost Duty / Target page: 7 xBins: - rpmBinsBoost - rpm yBins: - tpsBinsBoost - throttle xyLabels: [] zBins: - boostTable gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - HIGHER - LOWER vvtTbl: map: vvtMap title: VVT control Table page: 7 xBins: - rpmBinsVVT - rpm yBins: - loadBinsVVT - vvtLoad xyLabels: - RPM - 'VVT Load:' zBins: - vvtTable gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - HIGHER - LOWER vvt2Tbl: map: vvt2Map title: VVT2 control Table page: 12 xBins: - rpmBinsVVT2 - rpm yBins: - loadBinsVVT2 - vvtLoad xyLabels: - RPM - 'VVT Load:' zBins: - vvt2Table gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - HIGHER - LOWER wmiTbl: map: wmiMapMap title: WMI control Table page: 12 xBins: - rpmBinsWMI - rpm yBins: - mapBinsWMI - map xyLabels: - RPM - 'WMI Load:' zBins: - wmiTable gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - HIGHER - LOWER stagingTbl: map: stagingMap title: Fuel Staging Table page: 7 xBins: - rpmBinsStaging - rpm yBins: - loadBinsStaging - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - stagingTable gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - HIGHER - LOWER fuelTrimTable1Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable1Map title: Fuel trim Table 1 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim1rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim1loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim1Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable2Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable2Map title: Fuel trim Table 2 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim2rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim2loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim2Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable3Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable3Map title: Fuel trim Table 3 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim3rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim3loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim3Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable4Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable4Map title: Fuel trim Table 4 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim4rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim4loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim4Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable5Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable5Map title: Fuel trim Table 5 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim5rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim5loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim5Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable6Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable6Map title: Fuel trim Table 6 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim6rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim6loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim6Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable7Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable7Map title: Fuel trim Table 7 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim7rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim7loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim7Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: fuelTrimTable8Tbl: map: fuelTrimTable8Map title: Fuel trim Table 8 page: 8 xBins: - fuelTrim8rpmBins - rpm yBins: - fuelTrim8loadBins - fuelLoad xyLabels: [] zBins: - fuelTrim8Table gridHeight: 2 gridOrient: - 250 - 0 - 340 upDownLabel: - (RICHER) - (LEANER) help: dwell_map: map: dwell_tblMap title: Dwell map page: 12 xBins: - rpmBinsDwell - rpm yBins: - mapBinsDwell - map xyLabels: - RPM - 'Load:' zBins: - dwellTable gridHeight: 3 gridOrient: [] upDownLabel: - HIGHER - LOWER outputChannels: ochGetCommand: value: r\$tsCanId\x30%2o%2c ochBlockSize: value: '122' secl: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 0 units: sec scale: 1 transform: 0 status1: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 1 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 inj1Status: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' inj2Status: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' inj3Status: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' inj4Status: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' DFCOOn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' boostCutFuel: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' toothLog1Ready: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' toothLog2Ready: type: bits size: U08 offset: 1 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' engine: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 2 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 running: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' crank: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' ase: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' warmup: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' tpsaccaen: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' tpsaccden: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' mapaccaen: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' mapaccden: type: bits size: U08 offset: 2 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' syncLossCounter: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 3 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 map: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 4 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 iatRaw: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 6 units: °C scale: 1 transform: 0 coolantRaw: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 7 units: °C scale: 1 transform: 0 batCorrection: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 8 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 batteryVoltage: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 9 units: V scale: 0.1 transform: 0 afr: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 10 units: O2 scale: 0.1 transform: 0 egoCorrection: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 11 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 airCorrection: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 12 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 warmupEnrich: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 13 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 rpm: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 14 units: rpm scale: 1 transform: 0 accelEnrich: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 16 units: '%' scale: 2 transform: 0 gammaEnrich: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 17 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 VE1: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 19 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 VE2: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 20 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 afrTarget: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 21 units: O2 scale: 0.1 transform: 0 TPSdot: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 22 units: '%/s' scale: 10 transform: 0 advance: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 23 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 tps: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 24 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 loopsPerSecond: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 25 units: loops scale: 1 transform: 0 freeRAM: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 27 units: bytes scale: 1 transform: 0 boostTarget: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 29 units: kPa scale: 2 transform: 0 boostDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 30 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 status2: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 31 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 launchHard: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' launchSoft: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' hardLimitOn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' softlimitOn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' boostCutSpark: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' error: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' idleControlOn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' sync: type: bits size: U08 offset: 31 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' rpmDOT: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 32 units: rpm/s scale: 1 transform: 0 flex: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 34 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 flexFuelCor: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 35 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 flexIgnCor: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 36 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 idleLoad: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 37 units: '{ bitStringValue( idleUnits , iacAlgorithm ) }' scale: >- { (iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacMaxSteps <= 255) ? 1.000 : 2.000 } transform: 0 testoutputs: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 38 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 testenabled: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' testactive: type: bits size: U08 offset: 38 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' afr2: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 39 units: O2 scale: 0.1 transform: 0 baro: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 40 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge0: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 41 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge1: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 43 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge2: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 45 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge3: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 47 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge4: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 49 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge5: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 51 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge6: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 53 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge7: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 55 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge8: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 57 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge9: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 59 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge10: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 61 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge11: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 63 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge12: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 65 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge13: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 67 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge14: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 69 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 auxin_gauge15: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 71 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 tpsADC: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 73 units: ADC scale: 1 transform: 0 errors: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 74 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 errorNum: type: bits size: U08 offset: 74 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' currentError: type: bits size: U08 offset: 74 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' pulseWidth: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 75 units: ms scale: 0.001 transform: 0 pulseWidth2: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 77 units: ms scale: 0.001 transform: 0 pulseWidth3: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 79 units: ms scale: 0.001 transform: 0 pulseWidth4: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 81 units: ms scale: 0.001 transform: 0 status3: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 83 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 resetLockOn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' nitrousOn: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' fuel2Active: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' vssRefresh: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' halfSync: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' nSquirts: type: bits size: U08 offset: 83 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' engineProtectStatus: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 84 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 engineProtectRPM: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' engineProtectMAP: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' engineProtectOil: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' engineProtectAFR: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' engineProtectOth: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' IOError: type: bits size: U08 offset: 84 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' unused1: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 84 units: ADC scale: 1 transform: 0 fuelLoad: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 85 units: '{ bitStringValue( algorithmUnits , algorithm ) }' scale: fuelLoadFeedBack transform: 0 ignLoad: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 87 units: '{ bitStringValue( algorithmUnits , ignAlgorithm ) }' scale: ignLoadFeedBack transform: 0 dwell: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 89 units: ms scale: 0.001 transform: 0 CLIdleTarget: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 91 units: RPM scale: 10 transform: 0 MAPdot: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 92 units: kPa/s scale: 10 transform: 0 vvt1Angle: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 93 units: deg scale: 0.5 transform: 0 vvt1Target: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 95 units: deg scale: 0.5 transform: 0 vvt1Duty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 96 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 flexBoostCor: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 97 units: kPa scale: 1 transform: 0 baroCorrection: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 99 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 veCurr: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 100 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 ASECurr: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 101 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 vss: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 102 units: km/h scale: 1 transform: 0 gear: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 104 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 fuelPressure: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 105 units: PSI scale: 1 transform: 0 oilPressure: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 106 units: PSI scale: 1 transform: 0 wmiPW: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 107 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 status4: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 108 units: bits scale: 1 transform: 0 wmiEmptyBit: type: bits size: U08 offset: 108 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' vvt1Error: type: bits size: U08 offset: 108 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' vvt2Error: type: bits size: U08 offset: 108 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' fanStatus: type: bits size: U08 offset: 108 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' UnusedBits4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 108 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' vvt2Angle: type: scalar size: S16 offset: 109 units: deg scale: 0.5 transform: 0 vvt2Target: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 111 units: deg scale: 0.5 transform: 0 vvt2Duty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 112 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 outputsStatus0: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus1: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus2: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus3: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus4: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus5: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus6: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' outputsStatus7: type: bits size: U08 offset: 113 units: '' scale: '' transform: '' fuelTempRaw: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 114 units: °C scale: 1 transform: 0 fuelTempCor: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 115 units: '%' scale: 1 transform: 0 advance1: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 116 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 advance2: type: scalar size: S08 offset: 117 units: deg scale: 1 transform: 0 sd_status: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 118 units: '' scale: 1 transform: 0 emap: type: scalar size: U16 offset: 119 units: kpa scale: 1 transform: 0 fanDuty: type: scalar size: U08 offset: 121 units: '%' scale: 0.5 transform: 0 coolant: value: '{ (coolantRaw - 40) * 1.8 + 32 }' iat: value: '{ (iatRaw - 40) * 1.8 + 32 }' fuelTemp: value: '{ (fuelTempRaw - 40) * 1.8 + 32 }' time: value: '{ timeNow }' seconds: value: '{ secl }' throttle: value: '{ tps }' revolutionTime: value: '{ rpm ? ( 60000.0 / rpm) : 0 }' strokeMultipler: value: '{ twoStroke == 1 ? 1 : 2 }' cycleTime: value: '{ revolutionTime * strokeMultipler }' pulseLimit: value: '{ cycleTime / nSquirts }' nFuelChannels: value: '{ arrayValue( array.boardFuelOutputs, pinLayout ) }' nIgnChannels: value: '{ arrayValue( array.boardIgnOutputs, pinLayout ) }' sequentialFuelAvailable: value: '{ nCylinders <= nFuelChannels }' sequentialIgnitionAvailable: value: '{ nCylinders <= nIgnChannels }' dutyCycle: value: '{ rpm ? ( 100.0*pulseWidth/pulseLimit ) : 0 }' stgDutyCycle: value: '{ rpm && stagingEnabled ? ( 100.0*pulseWidth3/pulseLimit ) : 0 }' boostCutOut: value: '{ boostCutFuel || boostCutSpark }' lambda: value: '{ afr / stoich }' lambdaTarget: value: '{ afrTarget / stoich }' MAPxRPM: value: '{ rpm * map }' loopsPerRev: value: '{ rpm ? loopsPerSecond / (rpm / 60) : 0 }' req_fuel: value: '{ reqFuel }' bat_correction: value: '{ battVCorMode ? 100 : batCorrection }' inj_open: value: '{ battVCorMode ? ((injOpen * batCorrection) / 100) : injOpen }' ase_enrich: value: '{ ASECurr }' map_multiply_amt: value: '{ multiplyMAP ? map : 100 }' map_bar: value: '{ (map - baro) / 101.33 }' map_psi: value: '{ (map - baro) * 0.145038 }' map_inhg: value: '{ (baro - map) * 0.2953007 }' map_vacboost: value: '{ map < baro ? -map_inhg : map_psi }' vssMPH: value: '{ vss / 1.60934 }' fuelLoadMax: value: '{ (algorithm == 0 || algorithm == 2) ? 511 : 100.0 }' ignLoadMax: value: '{ (ignAlgorithm == 0 || ignAlgorithm == 2) ? 511 : 100.0 }' fuel2LoadMax: value: '{ (fuel2Algorithm == 0 || fuel2Algorithm == 2) ? 511 : 100.0 }' ign2LoadMax: value: '{ (spark2Algorithm == 0 || spark2Algorithm == 2) ? 511 : 100.0 }' ign2ValuesMin: value: '{ (spark2Mode == 1) ? 0 : -40 }' ign2ValuesMax: value: '{ (spark2Mode == 1) ? 215 : 70 }' fuelLoad2: value: >- { fuel2Algorithm == 0 ? map : fuel2Algorithm == 1 ? tps : fuel2Algorithm == 2 ? 0 : 0 } ignLoad2: value: >- { spark2Algorithm == 0 ? map : spark2Algorithm == 1 ? tps : spark2Algorithm == 2 ? 0 : ignLoad } vvtLoad: value: '{ (vvtLoadSource == 0) ? map : tps }' vvtLoadMax: value: '{ (vvtLoadSource == 0) ? 511 : 100.0 }' wmiLoadMax: value: '{ (wmiMode == 2) ? 100.0 : 255 }' vvtLoadRes: value: '{ (vvtLoadSource == 0) ? 2.000 : 0.500 }' fuelLoadRes: value: '{ ((algorithm == 0) || (algorithm == 2)) ? 2.000 : 0.500 }' ignLoadRes: value: '{ ((ignAlgorithm == 0) || (ignAlgorithm == 2)) ? 2.000 : 0.500 }' fuelLoadFeedBack: value: '{ ((algorithm == 0) || (algorithm == 2)) ? 1.000 : 0.250 }' ignLoadFeedBack: value: '{ ((ignAlgorithm == 0) || (ignAlgorithm == 2)) ? 1.000 : 0.250 }' fuel2LoadRes: value: '{ ((fuel2Algorithm == 0) || (fuel2Algorithm == 2)) ? 2.000 : 0.500 }' ign2LoadRes: value: '{ ((spark2Algorithm == 0) || (spark2Algorithm == 2)) ? 2.000 : 0.500 }' vvtDecimalRes: value: '{ (vvtLoadSource == 0) ? 0 : 1 }' fuelDecimalRes: value: '{ ((algorithm == 0) || (algorithm == 2)) ? 0 : 1 }' ignDecimalRes: value: '{ ((ignAlgorithm == 0) || (ignAlgorithm == 2)) ? 0 : 1 }' fuel2DecimalRes: value: '{ ((fuel2Algorithm == 0) || (fuel2Algorithm == 2)) ? 0 : 1 }' ign2DecimalRes: value: '{ ((spark2Algorithm == 0) || (spark2Algorithm == 2)) ? 0 : 1 }' boostTableLimit: value: '{ boostType == 0 ? 100.0 : 511 }' CLIdleDelta: value: '{ CLIdleTarget - rpm }' datalog: time: name: time label: Time type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' secl: name: secl label: SecL type: int format: '%d' condition: '' rpm: name: rpm label: RPM type: int format: '%d' condition: '' map: name: map label: MAP type: int format: '%d' condition: '' MAPxRPM: name: MAPxRPM label: MAPxRPM type: int format: '%d' condition: '' tps: name: tps label: TPS type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' afr: name: afr label: AFR type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' lambda: name: lambda label: Lambda type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' iat: name: iat label: IAT type: int format: '%d' condition: '' coolant: name: coolant label: CLT type: int format: '%d' condition: '' engine: name: engine label: Engine type: int format: '%d' condition: '' DFCOOn: name: DFCOOn label: DFCO type: int format: '%d' condition: '' egoCorrection: name: egoCorrection label: Gego type: int format: '%d' condition: '' airCorrection: name: airCorrection label: Gair type: int format: '%d' condition: '' bat_correction: name: bat_correction label: Gbattery type: int format: '%d' condition: '' warmupEnrich: name: warmupEnrich label: Gwarm type: int format: '%d' condition: '' baroCorrection: name: baroCorrection label: Gbaro type: int format: '%d' condition: '' gammaEnrich: name: gammaEnrich label: Gammae type: int format: '%d' condition: '' accelEnrich: name: accelEnrich label: Accel Enrich type: int format: '%d' condition: '' veCurr: name: veCurr label: Current VE type: int format: '%d' condition: '' VE1: name: VE1 label: VE1 type: int format: '%d' condition: '' VE2: name: VE2 label: VE2 type: int format: '%d' condition: '' pulseWidth: name: pulseWidth label: PW type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' afrTarget: name: afrTarget label: AFR Target type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' lambdaTarget: name: lambdaTarget label: Lambda Target type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' pulseWidth2: name: pulseWidth2 label: PW2 type: float format: '%.3f' condition: '' dutyCycle: name: dutyCycle label: DutyCycle1 type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' TPSdot: name: TPSdot label: TPS DOT type: int format: '%d' condition: '' advance: name: advance label: Advance type: int format: '%d' condition: '' dwell: name: dwell label: Dwell type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' batteryVoltage: name: batteryVoltage label: Battery V type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' rpmDOT: name: rpmDOT label: rpm/s type: int format: '%d' condition: '' flex: name: flex label: Eth % type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ flexEnabled }' flexFuelCor: name: flexFuelCor label: GflexFuel type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ flexEnabled }' fuelTemp: name: fuelTemp label: Fuel Temp type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ flexEnabled }' fuelTempCor: name: fuelTempCor label: GfuelTemp type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ flexEnabled }' errorNum: name: errorNum label: 'Error #' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ errorNum }' currentError: name: currentError label: Error ID type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ errorNum }' map_psi: name: map_psi label: Boost PSI type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' boostTarget: name: boostTarget label: Boost Target type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ boostEnabled }' boostDuty: name: boostDuty label: Boost Duty type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ boostEnabled }' boostCutOut: name: boostCutOut label: Boost cut type: int format: '%d' condition: '' launchHard: name: launchHard label: Hard Launch type: int format: '%d' condition: '' hardLimitOn: name: hardLimitOn label: Hard Limiter type: int format: '%d' condition: '' idleControlOn: name: idleControlOn label: Idle Control type: int format: '%d' condition: '' idleLoad: name: idleLoad label: IAC value type: int format: '%d' condition: '' CLIdleTarget: name: CLIdleTarget label: Idle Target RPM type: int format: '%%d' condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 || idleAdvEnabled >= 1 } CLIdleDelta: name: CLIdleDelta label: Idle RPM Delta type: int format: '%d' condition: >- { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 || iacAlgorithm == 6 || iacAlgorithm == 7 || idleAdvEnabled >= 1 } baro: name: baro label: Baro Pressure type: int format: '%d' condition: '' nitrousOn: name: nitrousOn label: Nitrous type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ n2o_enable > 0 }' fanStatus: name: fanStatus label: Fan type: int format: '%d' condition: '' syncLossCounter: name: syncLossCounter label: 'Sync Loss #' type: int format: '%d' condition: '' vvt1Angle: name: vvt1Angle label: VVT1 Angle type: int format: '%.1f' condition: '{ vvtEnabled > 0 }' vvt1Target: name: vvt1Target label: VVT1 Target Angle type: int format: '%.1f' condition: '{ vvtEnabled > 0 && vvtMode == 2 }' vvt1Duty: name: vvt1Duty label: VVT1 Duty type: int format: '%.1f' condition: '{ vvtEnabled > 0 }' vss: name: vss label: Wheel Speed (kph) type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ vssMode > 1 }' vssMPH: name: vssMPH label: Wheel Speed (mph) type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ vssMode > 1 }' gear: name: gear label: Gear type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ vssMode > 1 }' fuelPressure: name: fuelPressure label: Fuel Pressure type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ fuelPressureEnable > 0 }' oilPressure: name: oilPressure label: Oil Pressure type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ oilPressureEnable > 0 }' vvt2Angle: name: vvt2Angle label: VVT2 Angle type: int format: '%.1f' condition: '{ vvt2Enabled > 0 }' vvt2Target: name: vvt2Target label: VVT2 Target Angle type: int format: '%.1f' condition: '{ vvt2Enabled > 0 && vvtMode == 2 }' vvt2Duty: name: vvt2Duty label: VVT2 Duty type: int format: '%.1f' condition: '{ vvt2Enabled > 0 && vvtMode == 2 }' fanDuty: name: fanDuty label: FAN Duty type: int format: '%%.1f' condition: '{ fanEnable == 2 }' loopsPerSecond: name: loopsPerSecond label: Loops/s type: int format: '%d' condition: '' wmiPW: name: wmiPW label: WMI Duty Cycle type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ wmiEnabled == 1 }' auxin_gauge0: name: auxin_gauge0 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin00Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{(caninput_sel0b != 0)}' auxin_gauge1: name: auxin_gauge1 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin01Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel1b != 0)}' auxin_gauge2: name: auxin_gauge2 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin02Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel2b != 0)}' auxin_gauge3: name: auxin_gauge3 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin03Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel3b != 0)}' auxin_gauge4: name: auxin_gauge4 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin04Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel4b != 0)}' auxin_gauge5: name: auxin_gauge5 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin05Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel5b != 0)}' auxin_gauge6: name: auxin_gauge6 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin06Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel6b != 0)}' auxin_gauge7: name: auxin_gauge7 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin07Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel7b != 0)}' auxin_gauge8: name: auxin_gauge8 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin08Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel8b != 0)}' auxin_gauge9: name: auxin_gauge9 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin09Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel9b != 0)}' auxin_gauge10: name: auxin_gauge10 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin10Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel10b != 0)}' auxin_gauge11: name: auxin_gauge11 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin11Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel11b != 0)}' auxin_gauge12: name: auxin_gauge12 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin12Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel12b != 0)}' auxin_gauge13: name: auxin_gauge13 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin13Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel13b != 0)}' auxin_gauge14: name: auxin_gauge14 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin14Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel14b != 0)}' auxin_gauge15: name: auxin_gauge15 label: '{ stringValue(AUXin15Alias) }' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (caninput_sel15b != 0)}' outputsStatus0: name: outputsStatus0 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out00Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[0] != 0)}' outputsStatus1: name: outputsStatus1 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out01Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[1] != 0)}' outputsStatus2: name: outputsStatus2 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out02Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[2] != 0)}' outputsStatus3: name: outputsStatus3 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out03Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[3] != 0)}' outputsStatus4: name: outputsStatus4 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out04Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[4] != 0)}' outputsStatus5: name: outputsStatus5 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out05Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[5] != 0)}' outputsStatus6: name: outputsStatus6 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out06Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[6] != 0)}' outputsStatus7: name: outputsStatus7 label: '{ stringValue(prgm_out07Alias)}' type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ (outputPin[7] != 0)}' advance1: name: advance1 label: Advance 1 type: int format: '%d' condition: '' advance2: name: advance2 label: Advance 2 type: int format: '%d' condition: '' emap: name: emap label: EMAP type: int format: '%d' condition: '{ useEMAP }' fuelLoad: name: fuelLoad label: FuelLoad type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' ignLoad: name: ignLoad label: IgnitionLoad type: float format: '%.1f' condition: '' help: nCylinders: Cylinder count alternate: >- Whether or not the injectors should be fired at the same time. This setting is ignored when Sequential is selected below, however it will still affect the req_fuel value. engineType: >- Engines with an equal number of degrees between all firings (This is most engines) should select Even fire. Some 2 and 6 cylinder engines are Odd fire however. twoStroke: Four-Stroke (most engines), Two-stroke. nInjectors: Number of primary injectors. mapSample: >- The method used for calculating the MAP reading\nFor 1-2 Cylinder engines, Cycle Minimum is recommended.\nFor more than 2 cylinders Cycle Average is recommended mapSwitchPoint: >- Below this RPM instantaneous map sample method is used, instead of selected one.\nSet 0 RPM to disable (Default) stoich: >- The stoichiometric ration of the fuel being used. For flex fuel, choose the primary fuel injLayout: >- The injector layout and timing to be used. Options are: \n 1. Paired - 2 injectors per output. Outputs active is equal to half the number of cylinders. Outputs are timed over 1 crank revolution. \n 2. Semi-sequential: Same as paired except that injector channels are mirrored (1&4, 2&3) meaning the number of outputs used are equal to the number of cylinders. Only valid for 4 cylinders or less. \n 3. Banked: 2 outputs only used. \n 4. Sequential: 1 injector per output and outputs used equals the number of cylinders. Injection is timed over full cycle. TrigPattern: The type of input trigger decoder to be used. useResync: >- If enabled, sync will be rechecked once every full cycle from the cam input. This is good for accuracy, however if your cam input is noisy then this can cause issues. trigPatternSec: Cam mode/type also known as Secondary Trigger Pattern. PollLevelPol: >- The level of the cam trigger input will be checked at tooth #1 and this defines if the level is supposed to be High or Low at 1st phase of the engine. numTeeth: Number of teeth on Primary Wheel. TrigSpeed: Primary trigger speed. missingTeeth: Number of Missing teeth on Primary Wheel. TrigAng: >- The Angle ATDC when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel passes the primary sensor. The range of this field is -360 to +360 degrees. TrigAngMul: >- A multiplier used by non-360 degree tooth wheels (i.e. Wheels where the tooth count doesn't divide evenly into 360. Usage: (360 * ) / tooth_count = Whole number SkipCycles: >- The number of revolutions that will be skipped during cranking before the injectors and coils are fired. TrigEdge: The Trigger edge of the primary sensor.\nLeading.\nTrailing. TrigEdgeSec: The Trigger edge of the secondary (Cam) sensor.\nLeading.\nTrailing. TrigFilter: >- Tuning of the trigger filter algorithm. The more aggressive the setting, the more noise will be removed, however this increases the chance of some true readings being filtered out (False positive). Medium is safe for most setups. Only select 'Aggressive' if no other options are working sparkMode: >- Wasted Spark: Ignition outputs are on the channels <= half the number of cylinders. Eg 4 cylinder outputs on IGN1 and IGN2.\nSingle Channel: All ignition pulses are output on IGN1.\nWasted COP: Ignition pulses are output on all ignition channels up to the number of cylinders. Eg 4 cylinder outputs on all ignition channels. Note that your board needs to have same number of igntion outputs as cylinders to be able to run this IgInv: >- Whether the spark fires when the ignition signal goes high or goes low. Nearly all ignition systems use 'Going Low' but please verify this as damage to coils can result from the incorrect selection. (NOTE: THIS IS NOT MEGASQUIRT. THIS SETTING IS USUALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY USE!) sparkDur: The duration of the spark at full dwell. Typically around 1ms fixAngEnable: >- If enabled, timing will be locked/fixed and the ignition map will be ignored. Note that this value will be overriden by the fixed cranking value when cranking FixAng: Timing will be locked at this value if the above is enabled crankRPM: >- The cranking RPM threshold. When RPM is lower than this value (and above 0) the system will be considered to be cranking tpsflood: >- Keep throttle over this value to disable the priming pulse and cranking fuel. Used to prevent flood or clear already flooded engine fanInv: 0 fanHyster: >- The number of degrees of hysteresis to be used in controlling the fan. Recommended values are between 2 and 5 fanWhenCranking: >- Whether the fan should be disabled or continue running when the engine is cranking fanWhenOff: Whether the fan will continue to run when the engine is turned off fanPin: >- The Arduino pin that the fan control signal will output on. This is NOT necesarrily the same as the connector pin on any particlar board fanSP: The trigger temperature for the fan. Fan will be enabled above this temp vssPulsesPerKm: The number of pulses on the VSS signal per KM/Mile vssSmoothing: >- A smoothing factor to help reduce noise in the VSS signal. Typical values are between 0 and 50 aeTime: The duration of the acceleration enrichment aseTaperTime: Transition time to disable ASE iacChannels: >- The number of output channels used for PWM valves. Select 1 for 2-wire valves or 2 for 3-wire valves. iacStepTime: >- Duration of each stepping pulse. Values that are too low can cause the motor to behave erratically or not at all. See the manual for suggested step times iacCoolTime: >- Cool time between each step. Set to zero if you don't want any cooling at all iacStepHome: >- Homing steps to perform on startup. Must be greater than the fully open steps value iacMaxSteps: >- Maximum number of steps the IAC can be moved away from the home position. Should always be less than Homing steps. iacStepHyster: The minimum number of steps to move in any one go. iacAlgorithm: >- Selects method of idle control.\nNone = no idle control valve.\nOn/Off valve.\nPWM valve (2,3 wire).\nStepper Valve (4,6,8 wire). iacPWMdir: >- Normal PWM valves increase RPM with higher duty. If RPM decreases with higher duty then select Reverse iacPWMrun: >- Determies if the idle valve runs before engine is cranked over. This can help starting the engine by letting more air in before the RPM sync is acheived. iacCLminDuty: >- When using closed loop idle control, this is the minimum duty cycle that the PID loop will allow. Combined with the maximum value, this specifies the working range of your idle valve iacCLmaxDuty: >- When using closed loop idle control, this is the maximum duty cycle that the PID loop will allow. Combined with the minimum value, this specifies the working range of your idle valve iacTPSlimit: >- When using OL+CL idle control, if the TPS is higher than this value closed loop idle resets the integeral of the PID (To prevent RPM dips comming back to idle) iacRPMlimitHysteresis: >- When using closed loop idle control, if the closed loop Target RPM + this value is higher than the actual RPM, closed loop idle resets the integeral of the PID (To prevent RPM dips comming back to idle) iacFastTemp: >- Below this temperature, the idle output will be high (On). Above this temperature, it will turn off. idleUpPolarity: >- Normal polarity is a ground switch where an earthed signal activates the Idle Up. The internal pullup will be enabled with Normal polarity. \n Inverted may be used if a 5v signal is used to enable the Idle Up. CTPSPolarity: >- Normal polarity is a ground switch where an earthed signal activates the closed throttle position. The internal pullup will be enabled with Normal polarity. \n Inverted may be used if a 5v signal is used to enable the closed throttle position. idleUpAdder: >- The amount (In either Duty Cycle % or Steps (Depending on the idle control method in use), that the idle control will increase by when Idle Up is active idleAdvEnabled: >- Added setting adds curve values to current spark table values when user defined idle is active. \n Switched setting overrides spark table values and uses curve values for idle ignition timing. idleAdvAlgorithm: >- Use Throttle position sensor (TPS) or closed throttle position sensor (CTPS) to detect idle state. idleAdvDelay: >- The number of seconds after sync is achieved before the idle advance control begins idleAdvStartDelay: >- The number of seconds after matching settings before the idle advance control begins idleTaperTime: Soft time transition from crank to running PWM targets oddfire2: >- The ATDC angle of channel 2 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1 oddfire3: >- The ATDC angle of channel 3 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1 (NOT channel 2) oddfire4: >- The ATDC angle of channel 4 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1 (NOT channel 3) aeColdPct: >- Acceleration enrichment adjustment for cold engine. Cold adjustment % is tapered between start and end temperatures.\n100% = no adjustment. aeColdTaperMin: >- AE cold adjustment taper start temperature. When coolant is below this value, full cold adjustment is applied. aeColdTaperMax: >- AE cold adjustment taper end temperature. When coolant is above this value, no cold adjustment is applied. dfcoRPM: >- The RPM above which DFCO will be active. Typically set a few hundred RPM above maximum idle speed dfcoHyster: >- Hysteresis for DFCO RPM. 200-300 RPM is typical for this, however a higher value may be needed if the RPM is fluctuating around the cutout speed dfcoTPSThresh: >- The TPS value below which DFCO will be active. Typical value is 5%-10%, but higher may be needed if TPS signal is noisy dfcoDelay: Delay for activate DFCO. dfcoMinCLT: Minimum temperature to enable DFCO. launchPin: >- The ARDUINO pin that the clutch switch is connected to. This is NOT the pin on the connector, but the pin it relates to on the arduino launchHiLo: >- Whether the signal is High or Low when the clutch pedal is engaged. For a ground switching input (Most clutch switches), this should be LOW lnchPullRes: >- Whether the internal pullup resistor is enabled or left floating. For a ground switching input (Most clutch switches), select Pullup. For a 0v-5v input, select Floating ignBypassPin: >- The ARDUINO pin that the ignition bypass is connected to. This is NOT the pin on the connector, but the pin it relates to on the arduino ignBypassEnable: >- If turned on, a ground signal will be output during cranking on the specified pin. This is used to bypass the Speeduino ignition control during cranking. ignCranklock: >- On certain low resolution ignition patterns, the cranking timing can be locked to occur when a pulse is recieved. multiplyMAP: >- If enabled, the MAP reading is included directly into the pulsewidth calculation by multiplying the VE lookup value by the MAP:Baro ratio. This results in a flatter VE table that can be easier to tune in some instances. VE table must be retuned when this value is changed. legacyMAP: >- Use the legacy method of reading the MAP sensor that was used prior to the 201905 firmware. This should ONLY be enabled if you are upgrading from a firmware earlier than this includeAFR: >- When enabled, the current AFR reading is incorporated directly in the pulsewidth calculation as a percentage of the current target ratio. VE table must be retuned when this value is changed. incorporateAFR: >- When enabled, the AFR stoich/AFR target -ratio is incorporated directly in the pulsewidth calculation. When enabled, AFR target table affects pulsewidth even with EGO disabled. VE table must be retuned when this value is changed. useExtBaro: >- By Default, Speeduino will measure barometric pressure upon startup. Optionally however, a 2nd pressure sensor can be used to perform live barometric readings whilst the system is on. flexEnabled: Turns on readings from the Flex sensor and enables the below adjustments flexFreqLow: >- The frequency of the sensor at 0% ethanol (50Hz for standard GM/Continental sensor) flexFreqHigh: >- The frequency of the sensor at 100% ethanol (150Hz for standard GM/Continental sensor) flexFuelAdj: >- Fuel % to be used for the current ethanol % (Typically 100% @ 0%, 163% @ 100%) flexAdvAdj: >- Additional advance (in degrees) for the current ethanol % (Typically 0 @ 0%, 10-20 @ 100%) flexBoostAdj: >- Adjustment, in kPa, to the boost target for the current ethanol %. Negative values are allowed to lower boost at lower ethanol % if necessary. n2o_arming_pin: Pin that the nitrous arming/enagement switch is on. n2o_pin_polarity: >- Whether Nitrous is active (Armed) when the pin is LOW or HIGH. If LOW is selected, the internal pullup will be used. flatSArm: >- The RPM switch point that determines whether an eganged clutch is for launch control or flat shift. Below this figure, an engaged clutch is considered to be for launch, above this figure an active clutch input will be considered a flat shift. This should be set at least several hundred RPM above idle flatSSoftWin: >- The number of RPM below the flat shift point where the softlimit will be applied (aka Soft limit window). Recommended values are 200-1000 flatSRetard: >- The absolute timing (BTDC) that will be used when within the soft limit window engineProtectType: >- Whether the engine protect an rev limiter will cut the fuel, the ignition or both hardCutType: >- How the cuts should be performed for rev/launch limits. Full cut will stop all fuel/ignition events, Rolling cut will step through all ignition outputs, only cutting a limited number per revolution SoftLimitMode: >- Fixed: the soft limiter will retard the ignition advance to the specified value.\nRelative: current timing advance will be retarted by the specified amount HardRevLim: >- The hard rev limit is the point that the fuel or ignition (or both) will be cut completely to reduce increasing RPMs engineProtectMaxRPM: >- The RPM point that engine protections will engage from. Below this RPM value, engine protections will NOT be active fuel2InputPin: >- The Arduino pin that is being used to trigger the second fuel table to be active fuel2InputPolarity: >- Whether the 2nd fuel table should be active when input is high or low. This should be LOW for a typical ground switching input fuel2InputPullup: >- Whether to use the built in PULLUP for the switching input. This should be Yes for a typical ground switching input enable_secondarySerial: >- This Enables the secondary serial port . Secondary serial is serial3 on mega2560 processor, and Serial2 on STM32 and Teensy processor cltAdvValues: >- This curve can be used to advance ignition timing when engine is warming up. This can also be used to warm up the catalytic converters in cold start by retarding timing. Or even as safety feature to retard timing when engine is too hot to prevent knock. wueRates: Final enrichment value must be 100%. fpPrime: Duration to power fuel pump on to ensure fuel line pressure. primingDelay: >- Delay to priming after fuel pump is on, used to wait fuel line get pressurized correctly. idleUpOutputEnabled: >- Enable an output that is toggled by the idle up input pin. An example use is driving an AC fan relay. idleUpOutputInv: >- No = When the idle up pin is high the output is active (grounding), when the idle up pin is low the output is inactive. Yes = When the idle up pin is high the output is inactive, when the idle up pin is low the output is active (grounding). crankingEnrichTaper: >- Taper time from cranking enrichment to ASE or run (after engine has started). lnchCtrlTPS: The minimum RPM that launch control will engage at lnchSoftLim: >- The RPM point that the launch control ignition timing adjustment will engage (When under launch conditions). Should be below the hard rev limit RPM lnchRetard: >- When under launch conditions (Eg Clutch engaged) the ignition timing will be set to this when above the Soft rev limit. This will override any other ignition modifiers lnchHardLim: >- The RPM point above which the fuel and/or ignition will be cut when launch is active (Eg Clutch engaged). See the Engine Protection dialog to set whether it is fuel, ignition or both that are cut. lnchFuelAdd: >- The additional fuel % that will be added during Soft and Hard launch conditions. Set to 0 for no fuel modifier. true_address: This is the 11bit Can address of the Speeduino ECU realtime_base_address: >- This is the 11bit CAN address of the realtime data broadcast from the Speeduino ECU. This MUST be at least 0x16 greater than the true address AUXin00Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 0 AUXin01Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 1 AUXin02Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 2 AUXin03Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 3 AUXin04Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 4 AUXin05Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 5 AUXin06Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 6 AUXin07Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 7 AUXin08Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 8 AUXin09Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 9 AUXin10Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 10 AUXin11Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 11 AUXin12Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 12 AUXin13Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 13 AUXin14Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 14 AUXin15Alias: The Ascii alias asigned to Aux input channel 15 caninput_sel0a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 0 caninput_sel1a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 1 caninput_sel2a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 2 caninput_sel3a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 3 caninput_sel4a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 4 caninput_sel5a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 5 caninput_sel6a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 6 caninput_sel7a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 7 caninput_sel8a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 8 caninput_sel9a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 9 caninput_sel10a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 10 caninput_sel11a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 11 caninput_sel12a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 12 caninput_sel13a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 13 caninput_sel14a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 14 caninput_sel15a: This Enables local analog/digital on input channel 15 caninput_sel0b: >- This Enables External CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 0 caninput_sel1b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 1 caninput_sel2b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 2 caninput_sel3b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 3 caninput_sel4b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 4 caninput_sel5b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 5 caninput_sel6b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 6 caninput_sel7b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 7 caninput_sel8b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 8 caninput_sel9b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 9 caninput_sel10b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 10 caninput_sel11b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 11 caninput_sel12b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 12 caninput_sel13b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 13 caninput_sel14b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 14 caninput_sel15b: >- This Enables External/CAN data via the Secondary Serial CANBUS expansion module or local analog/digital on input channel 15 caninput_source_can_address0: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 0 caninput_source_can_address1: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 1 caninput_source_can_address2: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 2 caninput_source_can_address3: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 3 caninput_source_can_address4: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 4 caninput_source_can_address5: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 5 caninput_source_can_address6: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 6 caninput_source_can_address7: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 7 caninput_source_can_address8: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 8 caninput_source_can_address9: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 9 caninput_source_can_address10: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 10 caninput_source_can_address11: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 11 caninput_source_can_address12: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 12 caninput_source_can_address13: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 13 caninput_source_can_address14: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 14 caninput_source_can_address15: The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 15 caninput_source_start_byte0: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 0 caninput_source_start_byte1: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 1 caninput_source_start_byte2: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 2 caninput_source_start_byte3: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 3 caninput_source_start_byte4: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 4 caninput_source_start_byte5: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 5 caninput_source_start_byte6: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 6 caninput_source_start_byte7: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 7 caninput_source_start_byte8: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 8 caninput_source_start_byte9: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 9 caninput_source_start_byte10: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 10 caninput_source_start_byte11: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 11 caninput_source_start_byte12: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 12 caninput_source_start_byte13: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 13 caninput_source_start_byte14: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 14 caninput_source_start_byte15: The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 15 caninput_source_num_bytes0: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes1: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes2: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes3: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes4: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes5: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes6: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes7: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes8: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes9: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes10: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes11: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes12: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes13: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes14: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number caninput_source_num_bytes15: >- The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number cmdEnableTestMode: >- Click this to enable test mode. This will not be available if the engine is running cmdStopTestMode: Click this to disable test mode cmdtestinj150dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj250dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj350dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj450dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj550dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj650dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj750dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestinj850dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestspk150dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestspk250dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestspk350dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdtestspk450dc: This will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle at a 1s interval cmdFormatSD: Click this to format the SD card ADCFILTER_TPS: 'Recommended value: 50' ADCFILTER_CLT: 'Recommended value: 180' ADCFILTER_IAT: 'Recommended value: 180' ADCFILTER_O2: 'Recommended value: 128' ADCFILTER_BAT: 'Recommended value: 128' ADCFILTER_MAP: >- This setting is only available when using the Instantaneious MAP sampling method. Recommended value: 20 ADCFILTER_BARO: >- This setting is only available when using an external Baro sensor. Recommended value: 64 FILTER_FLEX: >- Higher values provide more filtering, but slower Eth% and fuel temp response. Recommended value: 75 boostIntv: >- The closed loop control interval will run every this many ms. Generally values between 50% and 100% of the valve frequency work best boostByGearEnabled: >- Open loop -> Constant limit in Duty cycle %\nClosed Loop -> Constant limit in kPa\nIn both cases the multiplied option simply takes a percentage of the values in the boost table vvtMode: >- Selects method of VVT control.\nOn/Off = No PWM control and output is only on or off.\nOpen Loop = PWM control where duty is taken directly from VVT table.\nClosed Loop = PWM control where VVT table is Cam angle target map and output duty is PID controlled. vvt2Enabled: >- Secondary VVT output. Uses same frequency and control algorithm as primary VVT output. vvtPWMdir: This is used to invert VVT closed loop PID direction if needed. vvt2PWMdir: This is used to invert VVT2 closed loop PID direction if needed. vvtCL0DutyAng: >- This value is used to bring the VVT cam angle to 0-100 range in closed loop mode by subtracting this value from the raw cam angle reading. vvt2CL0DutyAng: >- This value is used to bring the VVT2 cam angle to 0-100 range in closed loop mode by subtracting this value from the raw cam angle reading. vvtCLMinAng: >- Safety limit for minimum expected cam angle value. If cam angle gets smaller or equal to this, it triggers VVT error state, closed loop adjustment is disabled and VVT output duty drops to 0% vvtCLMaxAng: >- Safety limit for maximum expected cam angle value. If cam angle gets bigger than this, it triggers VVT error state, closed loop adjustment is disabled and VVT output duty drops to 0% ANGLEFILTER_VVT: >- Can be used to smooth out cam angle readings if needed. Only supported on specific decoders that have cam angle reading capability vvtMinClt: Minimum coolant temp to activate VVT vvtDelay: >- Time to wait after reaching minimum coolant temp (additional time for oil warmup) wmiMode: >- Simple mode - Output is turned on when preset boost level is reached. \nProportional Mode - Output PWM is proportionally controlled between two MAP values - MAP Value 1 = PWM:0% / MAP Value 2 = PWM:100% \nOpen loop - Output PWM follows 2D map value (RPM vs MAP) Cell value contains desired PWM% [range 0-100%] \nClosed loop - Output PWM follows injector duty cycle with 2D correction map applied (RPM vs MAP). Cell value contains correction value% [nom 100%] stagedInjSizePri: >- Size of the primary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation stagedInjSizeSec: >- Size of the secondary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation resetControl: >- How to control the Arduino's automatic reset feature. NOTE: Some of these settings require modifying your hardware and replacing the Arduino bootloader. See the Wiki for more details.\n\nDisabled: Allow the Arduino to reset when a new serial connection is made.\n\nPrevent When Running: Hold the control pin high while the engine is running.\n\nPrevent Always: Always hold the control pin high.\n\nSerial Command: Normally hold the control pin high, but pull it low when the 'U' serial command is issued and reset upon receiving more data. resetControlPin: The Arduino pin used to control resets. rtc_mode: Enables the real time clock for time keeping onboard_log_file_style: >- Sdcard datalogger can be Disabled, CSV=Comma seperated values, Binary is a Binary format equal to the A comand style current status onboard_log_file_rate: Rate at wich data is recorded to the logger storage onboard_log_filenaming: >- [Overwrite] the file is over written every time the a new log is started, [Date-time] creates a new file in the format YYMMDD-HHMMSS every datalog start, [Seqential] numbers the filenames + 1 on every datalog start onboard_log_storage: >- Only [sd-card] as datastorage is implemented at the moment, A FAT16 or FAT32 formatted sd card can be used onboard_log_trigger_boot: '[On boot] the logger is started immediately on boot of the board' onboard_log_trigger_RPM: >- [RPM] the logger is started when RPM is above the on treshold and stopped below the off threshold onboard_log_trigger_prot: >- [engine protection] the logger is started one of the corresponding bits in the engine protection is set onboard_log_trigger_Vbat: >- [Battery Voltage] the logger is started when the battery voltage is above the on treshold and stopped below the off threshold onboard_log_trigger_Epin: >- [Ext pin [polling]] the logger is running for as long the chosen pin is high and stopped when it is low. When set to [Ext pin [toggle]] the logger is toggled on/off with a pulse on this chosen pin number onboard_log_tr1_duration: When logging from boot is enabled, this is the duration the log will run for onboard_log_tr2_thr_on: When the engine RPM is above this threshold the datalogger is started onboard_log_tr2_thr_off: When the engine RPM is below this threshold the datalogger is stopped onboard_log_tr3_thr_RPM: >- When the bits of the RPM engine protetion function are set the datalogger is started when no set anymore the logger is stopped onboard_log_tr3_thr_MAP: >- When the bits of the MAP engine protetion function are set the datalogger is started when no set anymore the logger is stopped onboard_log_tr3_thr_Oil: >- When the bits of the Oil engine protetion function are set the datalogger is started when no set anymore the logger is stopped onboard_log_tr3_thr_AFR: >- When the bits of the AFR engine protetion function are set the datalogger is started when no set anymore the logger is stopped onboard_log_tr4_thr_on: >- When the measured battery voltage is above this threshold the datalogger is started onboard_log_tr4_thr_off: >- When the measured battery voltage is below this threshold the datalogger is stopped onboard_log_tr5_thr_on: The pin to trigger the datalogger start/stop onboard_log_csv_separator: Choose what character is used for the CSV separator between fields battVCorMode: >- The Battery Voltage Correction value from the table below can either be applied on the whole injection Pulse Width value, or only on the Open Time value. dwellTable: >- Sets the dwell time in milliseconds based on RPM/load. This can be used to reduce stress/wear on ignition system where long dwell is not needed. And other areas can use longer dwell value if needed for stronger spark. Battery voltage correction is applied for these dwell values. useDwellMap: >- In normal operation mode this is set to No and speeduino will use fixed running dwell value. But if different dwell values are required across engine RPM/load range, this can be set to Yes and separate Dwell table defines running dwell value.