From 27109e3b1af34cd655eed343c7439d95a4db27b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "David A. Mellis" Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 10:10:57 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Adding the Mega 2560 bootloader and boards.txt / boards menu entry. --- .../arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/License.txt | 280 +++ .../arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/Makefile | 588 +++++ .../bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnproj | 1 + .../bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnps | 1 + .../bootloaders/stk500v2/avrinterruptnames.h | 742 ++++++ .../arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/command.h | 114 + .../arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.c | 1996 +++++++++++++++++ .../bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.ppg | 1 + .../stk500v2/stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex | 513 +++++ 9 files changed, 4236 insertions(+) create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/License.txt create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/Makefile create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnproj create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnps create mode 100644 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/avrinterruptnames.h create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/command.h create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.c create mode 100755 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.ppg create mode 100644 hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/License.txt b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/License.txt new file mode 100755 index 000000000..e7dcdd8d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/License.txt @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/Makefile b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/Makefile new file mode 100755 index 000000000..54c5f8526 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,588 @@ +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Makefile to compile and link stk500boot bootloader +# Author: Peter Fleury +# File: $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 2006/03/04 19:26:17 peter Exp $ +# based on WinAVR Makefile Template written by Eric B. Weddington, Jörg Wunsch, et al. +# +# Adjust F_CPU below to the clock frequency in Mhz of your AVR target +# Adjust BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS to your AVR target +# +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# On command line: +# +# make all = Make software. +# +# make clean = Clean out built project files. +# +# make coff = Convert ELF to AVR COFF. +# +# make extcoff = Convert ELF to AVR Extended COFF. +# +# make program = Download the hex file to the device, using avrdude. +# Please customize the avrdude settings below first! +# +# make debug = Start either simulavr or avarice as specified for debugging, +# with avr-gdb or avr-insight as the front end for debugging. +# +# make filename.s = Just compile filename.c into the assembler code only. +# +# make filename.i = Create a preprocessed source file for use in submitting +# bug reports to the GCC project. +# +# To rebuild project do "make clean" then "make all". +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# = Mark Sproul + + +# MCU name +#MCU = atmega128 + + +# Processor frequency. +# This will define a symbol, F_CPU, in all source code files equal to the +# processor frequency. You can then use this symbol in your source code to +# calculate timings. Do NOT tack on a 'UL' at the end, this will be done +# automatically to create a 32-bit value in your source code. +#F_CPU = 16000000 + + +# Bootloader +# Please adjust if using a different AVR +# 0x0e00*2=0x1C00 for ATmega8 512 words Boot Size +# 0xFC00*2=0x1F800 for ATmega128 1024 words Boot Size +# 0xF800*2=0x1F000 for ATmega1280 +# 0xF000*2=0x1E000 for ATmega1280 +#BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 1E000 + + +# Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary) +FORMAT = ihex + + +# Target file name (without extension). +TARGET = stk500boot + + +# List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.) +SRC = stk500boot.c + + +# List Assembler source files here. +# Make them always end in a capital .S. Files ending in a lowercase .s +# will not be considered source files but generated files (assembler +# output from the compiler), and will be deleted upon "make clean"! +# Even though the DOS/Win* filesystem matches both .s and .S the same, +# it will preserve the spelling of the filenames, and gcc itself does +# care about how the name is spelled on its command-line. +ASRC = + + +# Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s]. +# 0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size. +# (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.) +OPT = s + + +# Debugging format. +# Native formats for AVR-GCC's -g are dwarf-2 [default] or stabs. +# AVR Studio 4.10 requires dwarf-2. +# AVR [Extended] COFF format requires stabs, plus an avr-objcopy run. +DEBUG = dwarf-2 + + +# List any extra directories to look for include files here. +# Each directory must be seperated by a space. +# Use forward slashes for directory separators. +# For a directory that has spaces, enclose it in quotes. +EXTRAINCDIRS = + + +# Compiler flag to set the C Standard level. +# c89 = "ANSI" C +# gnu89 = c89 plus GCC extensions +# c99 = ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented) +# gnu99 = c99 plus GCC extensions +CSTANDARD = -std=gnu99 + + +# Place -D or -U options here +CDEFS = -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU)UL + + +# Place -I options here +CINCS = + + + +#---------------- Compiler Options ---------------- +# -g*: generate debugging information +# -O*: optimization level +# -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation +# -Wall...: warning level +# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler. +# -adhlns...: create assembler listing +CFLAGS = -g$(DEBUG) +CFLAGS += $(CDEFS) $(CINCS) +CFLAGS += -O$(OPT) +CFLAGS += -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -mno-tablejump +CFLAGS += -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes +CFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:.c=.lst) +CFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS)) +CFLAGS += $(CSTANDARD) + + +#---------------- Assembler Options ---------------- +# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler. +# -ahlms: create listing +# -gstabs: have the assembler create line number information; note that +# for use in COFF files, additional information about filenames +# and function names needs to be present in the assembler source +# files -- see avr-libc docs [FIXME: not yet described there] +ASFLAGS = -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:.S=.lst),-gstabs + + +#---------------- Library Options ---------------- +# Minimalistic printf version +PRINTF_LIB_MIN = -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min + +# Floating point printf version (requires MATH_LIB = -lm below) +PRINTF_LIB_FLOAT = -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt + +# If this is left blank, then it will use the Standard printf version. +PRINTF_LIB = +#PRINTF_LIB = $(PRINTF_LIB_MIN) +#PRINTF_LIB = $(PRINTF_LIB_FLOAT) + + +# Minimalistic scanf version +SCANF_LIB_MIN = -Wl,-u,vfscanf -lscanf_min + +# Floating point + %[ scanf version (requires MATH_LIB = -lm below) +SCANF_LIB_FLOAT = -Wl,-u,vfscanf -lscanf_flt + +# If this is left blank, then it will use the Standard scanf version. +SCANF_LIB = +#SCANF_LIB = $(SCANF_LIB_MIN) +#SCANF_LIB = $(SCANF_LIB_FLOAT) + + +MATH_LIB = -lm + + + +#---------------- External Memory Options ---------------- + +# 64 KB of external RAM, starting after internal RAM (ATmega128!), +# used for variables (.data/.bss) and heap (malloc()). +#EXTMEMOPTS = -Wl,-Tdata=0x801100,--defsym=__heap_end=0x80ffff + +# 64 KB of external RAM, starting after internal RAM (ATmega128!), +# only used for heap (malloc()). +#EXTMEMOPTS = -Wl,--defsym=__heap_start=0x801100,--defsym=__heap_end=0x80ffff + +EXTMEMOPTS = + + + + +#---------------- Linker Options ---------------- +# -Wl,...: tell GCC to pass this to linker. +# -Map: create map file +# --cref: add cross reference to map file +LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map,--cref +LDFLAGS += $(EXTMEMOPTS) +LDFLAGS += $(PRINTF_LIB) $(SCANF_LIB) $(MATH_LIB) + + +#--------------- bootloader linker Options ------- +# BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS (=Start of Boot Loader section +# in bytes - not words) is defined above. +#LDFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=$(BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS) -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs +#LDFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=$(BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS) -nostartfiles +LDFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=$(BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS) + +#---------------- Programming Options (avrdude) ---------------- + +# Programming hardware: alf avr910 avrisp bascom bsd +# dt006 pavr picoweb pony-stk200 sp12 stk200 stk500 +# +# Type: avrdude -c ? +# to get a full listing. +# +AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER = stk500v2 + +# com1 = serial port. Use lpt1 to connect to parallel port. +AVRDUDE_PORT = com1 # programmer connected to serial device + +AVRDUDE_WRITE_FLASH = -U flash:w:$(TARGET).hex +#AVRDUDE_WRITE_EEPROM = -U eeprom:w:$(TARGET).eep + + +# Uncomment the following if you want avrdude's erase cycle counter. +# Note that this counter needs to be initialized first using -Yn, +# see avrdude manual. +#AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER = -y + +# Uncomment the following if you do /not/ wish a verification to be +# performed after programming the device. +#AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY = -V + +# Increase verbosity level. Please use this when submitting bug +# reports about avrdude. See +# to submit bug reports. +#AVRDUDE_VERBOSE = -v -v + +AVRDUDE_FLAGS = -p $(MCU) -P $(AVRDUDE_PORT) -c $(AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER) +AVRDUDE_FLAGS += $(AVRDUDE_NO_VERIFY) +AVRDUDE_FLAGS += $(AVRDUDE_VERBOSE) +AVRDUDE_FLAGS += $(AVRDUDE_ERASE_COUNTER) + + + +#---------------- Debugging Options ---------------- + +# For simulavr only - target MCU frequency. +DEBUG_MFREQ = $(F_CPU) + +# Set the DEBUG_UI to either gdb or insight. +# DEBUG_UI = gdb +DEBUG_UI = insight + +# Set the debugging back-end to either avarice, simulavr. +DEBUG_BACKEND = avarice +#DEBUG_BACKEND = simulavr + +# GDB Init Filename. +GDBINIT_FILE = __avr_gdbinit + +# When using avarice settings for the JTAG +JTAG_DEV = /dev/com1 + +# Debugging port used to communicate between GDB / avarice / simulavr. +DEBUG_PORT = 4242 + +# Debugging host used to communicate between GDB / avarice / simulavr, normally +# just set to localhost unless doing some sort of crazy debugging when +# avarice is running on a different computer. +DEBUG_HOST = localhost + + + +#============================================================================ + + +# Define programs and commands. +SHELL = sh +CC = avr-gcc +OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy +OBJDUMP = avr-objdump +SIZE = avr-size +NM = avr-nm +AVRDUDE = avrdude +REMOVE = rm -f +COPY = cp +WINSHELL = cmd + + +# Define Messages +# English +MSG_ERRORS_NONE = Errors: none +MSG_BEGIN = -------- begin -------- +MSG_END = -------- end -------- +MSG_SIZE_BEFORE = Size before: +MSG_SIZE_AFTER = Size after: +MSG_COFF = Converting to AVR COFF: +MSG_EXTENDED_COFF = Converting to AVR Extended COFF: +MSG_FLASH = Creating load file for Flash: +MSG_EEPROM = Creating load file for EEPROM: +MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING = Creating Extended Listing: +MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE = Creating Symbol Table: +MSG_LINKING = Linking: +MSG_COMPILING = Compiling: +MSG_ASSEMBLING = Assembling: +MSG_CLEANING = Cleaning project: + + + + +# Define all object files. +OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o) $(ASRC:.S=.o) + +# Define all listing files. +LST = $(SRC:.c=.lst) $(ASRC:.S=.lst) + + +# Compiler flags to generate dependency files. +GENDEPFLAGS = -MD -MP -MF .dep/$(@F).d + + +# Combine all necessary flags and optional flags. +# Add target processor to flags. +ALL_CFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. $(CFLAGS) $(GENDEPFLAGS) +ALL_ASFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) + + + +############################################################ +# May 25, 2010 Adding 1280 support +mega1280: MCU = atmega1280 +mega1280: F_CPU = 16000000 +mega1280: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 1E000 +mega1280: CFLAGS += -D_MEGA_BOARD_ +mega1280: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + mv $(TARGET).hex stk500boot_v2_mega1280.hex + + +############################################################ +# Jul 6, 2010 Adding 2560 support +mega2560: MCU = atmega2560 +mega2560: F_CPU = 16000000 +mega2560: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 3E000 +mega2560: CFLAGS += -D_MEGA_BOARD_ +mega2560: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + mv $(TARGET).hex stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex + + +############################################################ +#Initial config on Amber128 board +# avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9702 +# avrdude: safemode: lfuse reads as 8F +# avrdude: safemode: hfuse reads as CB +# avrdude: safemode: efuse reads as FF +# Jul 17, 2010 Adding 128 support +############################################################ +amber128: MCU = atmega128 +#amber128: F_CPU = 16000000 +amber128: F_CPU = 14745600 +amber128: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 1E000 +amber128: CFLAGS += -D_BOARD_AMBER128_ +amber128: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + mv $(TARGET).hex stk500boot_v2_amber128.hex + +############################################################ +# Aug 23, 2010 Adding atmega2561 support +m2561: MCU = atmega2561 +m2561: F_CPU = 8000000 +m2561: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 3E000 +m2561: CFLAGS += -D_ANDROID_2561_ -DBAUDRATE=57600 +m2561: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + mv $(TARGET).hex stk500boot_v2_android2561.hex + + +############################################################ +# avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9801 +# avrdude: safemode: lfuse reads as EC +# avrdude: safemode: hfuse reads as 18 +# avrdude: safemode: efuse reads as FD +# Aug 23, 2010 Adding cerebot 2560 @ 8mhz +#avrdude -P usb -c usbtiny -p m2560 -v -U flash:w:/Arduino/WiringBootV2_upd1/stk500boot_v2_cerebotplus.hex +############################################################ +cerebot: MCU = atmega2560 +cerebot: F_CPU = 8000000 +cerebot: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 3E000 +cerebot: CFLAGS += -D_CEREBOTPLUS_BOARD_ -DBAUDRATE=38400 -DUART_BAUDRATE_DOUBLE_SPEED=1 +cerebot: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + mv $(TARGET).hex stk500boot_v2_cerebotplus.hex + + +############################################################ +# Aug 23, 2010 Adding atmega2561 support +penguino: MCU = atmega32 +penguino: F_CPU = 16000000 +penguino: BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS = 7800 +penguino: CFLAGS += -D_PENGUINO_ -DBAUDRATE=57600 +penguino: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + mv $(TARGET).hex stk500boot_v2_penguino.hex + + +# Default target. +all: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter end + +build: elf hex eep lss sym +#build: hex eep lss sym + +elf: $(TARGET).elf +hex: $(TARGET).hex +eep: $(TARGET).eep +lss: $(TARGET).lss +sym: $(TARGET).sym + + + +# Eye candy. +# AVR Studio 3.x does not check make's exit code but relies on +# the following magic strings to be generated by the compile job. +begin: + @echo + @echo $(MSG_BEGIN) + +end: + @echo $(MSG_END) + @echo + + +# Display size of file. +HEXSIZE = $(SIZE) --target=$(FORMAT) $(TARGET).hex +ELFSIZE = $(SIZE) --format=avr --mcu=$(MCU) $(TARGET).elf + +sizebefore: + @if test -f $(TARGET).elf; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_BEFORE); $(ELFSIZE); \ + 2>/dev/null; echo; fi + +sizeafter: + @if test -f $(TARGET).elf; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER); $(ELFSIZE); \ + 2>/dev/null; echo; fi + + + +# Display compiler version information. +gccversion : + @$(CC) --version + + + +# Program the device. +program: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep + $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_FLAGS) $(AVRDUDE_WRITE_FLASH) $(AVRDUDE_WRITE_EEPROM) + + +# Generate avr-gdb config/init file which does the following: +# define the reset signal, load the target file, connect to target, and set +# a breakpoint at main(). +gdb-config: + @$(REMOVE) $(GDBINIT_FILE) + @echo define reset >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) + @echo SIGNAL SIGHUP >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) + @echo end >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) + @echo file $(TARGET).elf >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) + @echo target remote $(DEBUG_HOST):$(DEBUG_PORT) >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) +ifeq ($(DEBUG_BACKEND),simulavr) + @echo load >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) +endif + @echo break main >> $(GDBINIT_FILE) + +debug: gdb-config $(TARGET).elf +ifeq ($(DEBUG_BACKEND), avarice) + @echo Starting AVaRICE - Press enter when "waiting to connect" message displays. + @$(WINSHELL) /c start avarice --jtag $(JTAG_DEV) --erase --program --file \ + $(TARGET).elf $(DEBUG_HOST):$(DEBUG_PORT) + @$(WINSHELL) /c pause + +else + @$(WINSHELL) /c start simulavr --gdbserver --device $(MCU) --clock-freq \ + $(DEBUG_MFREQ) --port $(DEBUG_PORT) +endif + @$(WINSHELL) /c start avr-$(DEBUG_UI) --command=$(GDBINIT_FILE) + + + + +# Convert ELF to COFF for use in debugging / simulating in AVR Studio or VMLAB. +COFFCONVERT=$(OBJCOPY) --debugging \ +--change-section-address .data-0x800000 \ +--change-section-address .bss-0x800000 \ +--change-section-address .noinit-0x800000 \ +--change-section-address .eeprom-0x810000 + + + +coff: $(TARGET).elf + @echo + @echo $(MSG_COFF) $(TARGET).cof + $(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-avr $< $(TARGET).cof + + +extcoff: $(TARGET).elf + @echo + @echo $(MSG_EXTENDED_COFF) $(TARGET).cof + $(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-ext-avr $< $(TARGET).cof + + +# Create final output files (.hex, .eep) from ELF output file. +%.hex: %.elf + @echo + @echo $(MSG_FLASH) $@ + $(OBJCOPY) -O $(FORMAT) -R .eeprom $< $@ + +%.eep: %.elf + @echo + @echo $(MSG_EEPROM) $@ + -$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \ + --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O $(FORMAT) $< $@ + +# Create extended listing file from ELF output file. +%.lss: %.elf + @echo + @echo $(MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING) $@ + $(OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@ + +# Create a symbol table from ELF output file. +%.sym: %.elf + @echo + @echo $(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@ + $(NM) -n $< > $@ + + + +# Link: create ELF output file from object files. +.SECONDARY : $(TARGET).elf +.PRECIOUS : $(OBJ) +%.elf: $(OBJ) + @echo + @echo $(MSG_LINKING) $@ + $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $^ --output $@ $(LDFLAGS) + + +# Compile: create object files from C source files. +%.o : %.c + @echo + @echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $< + $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ + + +# Compile: create assembler files from C source files. +%.s : %.c + $(CC) -S $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ + + +# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files. +%.o : %.S + @echo + @echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $< + $(CC) -c $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ + +# Create preprocessed source for use in sending a bug report. +%.i : %.c + $(CC) -E -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ + + +# Target: clean project. +clean: begin clean_list end + +clean_list : + @echo + @echo $(MSG_CLEANING) + $(REMOVE) *.hex + $(REMOVE) *.eep + $(REMOVE) *.cof + $(REMOVE) *.elf + $(REMOVE) *.map + $(REMOVE) *.sym + $(REMOVE) *.lss + $(REMOVE) $(OBJ) + $(REMOVE) $(LST) + $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.s) + $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.d) + $(REMOVE) .dep/* + + + +# Include the dependency files. +-include $(shell mkdir .dep 2>/dev/null) $(wildcard .dep/*) + + +# Listing of phony targets. +.PHONY : all begin finish end sizebefore sizeafter gccversion \ +build elf hex eep lss sym coff extcoff \ +clean clean_list program debug gdb-config + diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnproj b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnproj new file mode 100755 index 000000000..d935019e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnproj @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnps b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnps new file mode 100755 index 000000000..f85cde5e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/STK500V2.pnps @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/avrinterruptnames.h b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/avrinterruptnames.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ae80f925 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/avrinterruptnames.h @@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ +//************************************************************************************************** +//* +//* interrupt vector names +//* +//* It is important to note that the vector numbers listed here +//* are the ATMEL documentation numbers. The Arduino numbers are 1 less +//* This is because the Atmel docs start numbering the interrupts at 1 +//* when it is actually vector #0 in the table. +//************************************************************************************************** +//* Jun 1, 2010 Added support for ATmega1281 +//* Jun 30, 2010 Putting in more ifdefs to conserve space +//* Jul 3, 2010 More #ifdefs to conserve space and testing on most of my boards +//* Jul 4, 2010 Started using vector defs for #ifdefs as defined in +//* Jul 13, 2010 Added support for __AVR_ATmega128__ +//* Aug 26, 2010 Added support for __AVR_ATmega2561__ +//************************************************************************************************** + +//#include "avrinterruptnames.h" + +//************************************************************************************************** +//* this defines the interrupt vectors and allows us to compile ONLY those strings that are actually +//* in the target CPU. This way we do not have to keep making changes based on cpu, it will be +//* automatic even if we add a new CPU +#ifndef _AVR_IO_H_ + #include +#endif +//************************************************************************************************** + +#ifdef __MWERKS__ + #define prog_char char + #define PGM_P char * +#endif + + prog_char gAvrInt_RESET[] PROGMEM = "RESET"; +#ifdef INT0_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT0[] PROGMEM = "INT0"; +#endif +#ifdef INT1_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT1[] PROGMEM = "INT1"; +#endif +#ifdef INT2_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT2[] PROGMEM = "INT2"; +#endif +#ifdef INT3_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT3[] PROGMEM = "INT3"; +#endif +#ifdef INT4_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT4[] PROGMEM = "INT4"; +#endif +#ifdef INT5_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT5[] PROGMEM = "INT5"; +#endif +#ifdef INT6_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT6[] PROGMEM = "INT6"; +#endif +#ifdef INT7_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_INT7[] PROGMEM = "INT7"; +#endif +#ifdef PCINT0_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_PCINT0[] PROGMEM = "PCINT0"; +#endif +#ifdef PCINT1_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_PCINT1[] PROGMEM = "PCINT1"; +#endif +#ifdef PCINT2_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_PCINT2[] PROGMEM = "PCINT2"; +#endif +#ifdef PCINT3_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_PCINT3[] PROGMEM = "PCINT3"; +#endif +#ifdef WDT_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_WDT[] PROGMEM = "WDT"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER0_COMP_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMP[] PROGMEM = "TIMER0 COMP"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER0_COMPA_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPA[] PROGMEM = "TIMER0 COMPA"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER0_COMPB_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPB[] PROGMEM = "TIMER0 COMPB"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER0_OVF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER0 OVF"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER1_CAPT_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT[] PROGMEM = "TIMER1 CAPT"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER1_COMPA_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA[] PROGMEM = "TIMER1 COMPA"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER1_COMPB_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB[] PROGMEM = "TIMER1 COMPB"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER1_COMPC_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPC[] PROGMEM = "TIMER1 COMPC"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER1_OVF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER1 OVF"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER2_COMP_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMP[] PROGMEM = "TIMER2 COMP"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER2_COMPA_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPA[] PROGMEM = "TIMER2 COMPA"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER2_COMPB_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPB[] PROGMEM = "TIMER2 COMPB"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER2_OVF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER2 OVF"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER3_CAPT_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER3_CAPT[] PROGMEM = "TIMER3 CAPT"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER3_COMPA_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPA[] PROGMEM = "TIMER3 COMPA"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER3_COMPB_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPB[] PROGMEM = "TIMER3 COMPB"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER3_COMPC_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPC[] PROGMEM = "TIMER3 COMPC"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER3_OVF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER3_OVF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER3 OVF"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_CAPT_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_CAPT[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 CAPT"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_COMPA_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPA[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 COMPA"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_COMPB_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPB[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 COMPB"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_COMPC_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPC[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 COMPC"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_COMPD_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPD[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 COMPD"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_OVF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_OVF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 OVF"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER4_FPF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER4_FPF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER4 Fault Protection"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER5_CAPT_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER5_CAPT[] PROGMEM = "TIMER5 CAPT"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER5_COMPA_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER5_COMPA[] PROGMEM = "TIMER5 COMPA"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER5_COMPB_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER5_COMPB[] PROGMEM = "TIMER5 COMPB"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER5_COMPC_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER5_COMPC[] PROGMEM = "TIMER5 COMPC"; +#endif +#ifdef TIMER5_OVF_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TIMER5_OVF[] PROGMEM = "TIMER5 OVF"; +#endif + +//* when there is only 1 usart +#if defined(USART_RX_vect) || defined(USART_RXC_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_USART_RX[] PROGMEM = "USART RX"; +#endif +#if defined(USART_UDRE_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_USART_UDRE[] PROGMEM = "USART UDRE"; +#endif +#if defined(USART_TX_vect) || defined(USART_TXC_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_USART_TX[] PROGMEM = "USART TX"; +#endif + + +//* usart 0 +#if defined(USART0_RX_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_USART0_RX[] PROGMEM = "USART0 RX"; +#endif +#if defined(USART0_UDRE_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_USART0_UDRE[] PROGMEM = "USART0 UDRE"; +#endif +#if defined(USART0_TX_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_USART0_TX[] PROGMEM = "USART0 TX"; +#endif + + +//* usart 1 +#ifdef USART1_RX_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART1_RX[] PROGMEM = "USART1 RX"; +#endif +#ifdef USART1_UDRE_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART1_UDRE[] PROGMEM = "USART1 UDRE"; +#endif +#ifdef USART1_TX_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART1_TX[] PROGMEM = "USART1 TX"; +#endif + +//* usart 2 +#ifdef USART2_RX_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART2_RX[] PROGMEM = "USART2 RX"; +#endif +#ifdef USART2_UDRE_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART2_UDRE[] PROGMEM = "USART2 UDRE"; +#endif +#ifdef USART2_TX_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART2_TX[] PROGMEM = "USART2 TX"; +#endif + +//* usart 3 +#ifdef USART3_RX_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART3_RX[] PROGMEM = "USART3 RX"; +#endif +#ifdef USART3_UDRE_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART3_UDRE[] PROGMEM = "USART3 UDRE"; +#endif +#ifdef USART3_TX_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USART3_TX[] PROGMEM = "USART3 TX"; +#endif +#ifdef SPI_STC_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_SPI_STC[] PROGMEM = "SPI STC"; +#endif +#ifdef ADC_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_ADC[] PROGMEM = "ADC"; +#endif +#if defined(ANALOG_COMP_vect) || defined(ANA_COMP_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP[] PROGMEM = "ANALOG COMP"; +#endif +#if defined(EE_READY_vect) || defined(EE_RDY_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_EE_READY[] PROGMEM = "EE READY"; +#endif +#ifdef TWI_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_TWI[] PROGMEM = "TWI"; +#endif +#if defined(SPM_READY_vect) || defined(SPM_RDY_vect) + prog_char gAvrInt_SPM_READY[] PROGMEM = "SPM READY"; +#endif +#ifdef USI_START_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USI_START[] PROGMEM = "USI START"; +#endif +#ifdef USI_OVERFLOW_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USI_OVERFLOW[] PROGMEM = "USI OVERFLOW"; +#endif +#ifdef USB_GEN_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USB_General[] PROGMEM = "USB General"; +#endif +#ifdef USB_COM_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_USB_Endpoint[] PROGMEM = "USB Endpoint"; +#endif + +#ifdef LCD_vect + prog_char gAvrInt_LCD_StartFrame[] PROGMEM = "LCD Start of Frame"; +#endif + + +//************************************************************************************************** +//* these do not have vector defs and have to be done by CPU type +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega645__ ) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) + prog_char gAvrInt_NOT_USED[] PROGMEM = "NOT_USED"; +#endif +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) + prog_char gAvrInt_RESERVED[] PROGMEM = "Reserved"; +#endif + + prog_char gAvrInt_END[] PROGMEM = "*"; + + + + + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega168__ / __AVR_ATmega328P__ + +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 4 + gAvrInt_PCINT1, // 5 + gAvrInt_PCINT2, // 6 + gAvrInt_WDT, // 7 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPA, // 8 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPB, // 9 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 10 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 11 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 12 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 13 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 14 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPA, // 15 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPB, // 16 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 17 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 18 + gAvrInt_USART_RX, // 19 + gAvrInt_USART_UDRE, // 20 + gAvrInt_USART_TX, // 21 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 22 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 23 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 24 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 25 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 26 +}; + +#endif + +//************************************************************************************************** +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega169__ +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega169__) + +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 3 + gAvrInt_PCINT1, // 4 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMP, // 5 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 6 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 7 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 8 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 9 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 10 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMP, // 11 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 12 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 13 + gAvrInt_USART0_RX, // 14 + gAvrInt_USART0_UDRE, // 15 + gAvrInt_USART0_TX, // 16 + gAvrInt_USI_START, // 17 + gAvrInt_USI_OVERFLOW, // 18 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 19 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 20 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 21 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 22 + gAvrInt_LCD_StartFrame, // 23 + +}; + +#endif + + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega640__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega640__ __AVR_ATmega1280__ __AVR_ATmega1281__ __AVR_ATmega2560__ __AVR_ATmega2561__ + +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_INT2, // 4 + gAvrInt_INT3, // 5 + gAvrInt_INT4, // 6 + gAvrInt_INT5, // 7 + gAvrInt_INT6, // 8 + gAvrInt_INT7, // 9 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 10 + gAvrInt_PCINT1, // 11 +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega640__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) + gAvrInt_PCINT2, // 12 +#else + gAvrInt_NOT_USED, // 12 +#endif + gAvrInt_WDT, // 13 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPA, // 14 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPB, // 15 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 16 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 17 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 18 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 19 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPC, // 20 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 21 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPA, // 22 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPB, // 23 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 24 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 25 + + gAvrInt_USART0_RX, // 26 + gAvrInt_USART0_UDRE, // 27 + gAvrInt_USART0_TX, // 28 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 29 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 30 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 31 + + gAvrInt_TIMER3_CAPT, // 32 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPA, // 33 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPB, // 34 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPC, // 35 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_OVF, // 36 + + gAvrInt_USART1_RX, // 37 + gAvrInt_USART1_UDRE, // 38 + gAvrInt_USART1_TX, // 39 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 40 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 41 +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega640__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) + gAvrInt_TIMER4_CAPT, // 42 +#else + gAvrInt_NOT_USED, // 42 +#endif + gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPA, // 43 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPB, // 44 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPC, // 45 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_OVF, // 46 +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega640__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) + gAvrInt_TIMER5_CAPT, // 47 +#else + gAvrInt_NOT_USED, // 47 +#endif + gAvrInt_TIMER5_COMPA, // 48 + gAvrInt_TIMER5_COMPB, // 49 + gAvrInt_TIMER5_COMPC, // 50 + gAvrInt_TIMER5_OVF, // 51 + +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega640__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) + gAvrInt_USART2_RX, // 52 + gAvrInt_USART2_UDRE, // 53 + gAvrInt_USART2_TX, // 54 + + gAvrInt_USART3_RX, // 55 + gAvrInt_USART3_UDRE, // 56 + gAvrInt_USART3_TX, // 57 +#endif + +}; + +#endif + + + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega324P__ ) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644__ ) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega324P__ __AVR_ATmega644__ __AVR_ATmega644P__ __AVR_ATmega1284P__ + +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_INT2, // 4 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 5 + gAvrInt_PCINT1, // 6 + gAvrInt_PCINT2, // 7 + gAvrInt_PCINT3, // 8 + gAvrInt_WDT, // 9 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPA, // 10 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPB, // 11 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 12 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 13 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 14 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 15 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 16 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPA, // 17 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPB, // 18 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 19 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 20 + gAvrInt_USART0_RX, // 21 + gAvrInt_USART0_UDRE, // 22 + gAvrInt_USART0_TX, // 23 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 24 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 25 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 26 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 27 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 28 + +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega324P__ ) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) + gAvrInt_USART1_RX, // 29 + gAvrInt_USART1_UDRE, // 30 + gAvrInt_USART1_TX, // 31 +#endif + +}; + + +#endif + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega645__ ) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega645__ + +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 3 + gAvrInt_PCINT1, // 4 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMP, // 5 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 6 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 7 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 8 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 9 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 10 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMP, // 11 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 12 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 13 + gAvrInt_USART0_RX, // 14 + gAvrInt_USART0_UDRE, // 15 + gAvrInt_USART0_TX, // 16 + gAvrInt_USI_START, // 17 + gAvrInt_USI_OVERFLOW, // 18 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 19 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 20 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 21 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 22 + gAvrInt_NOT_USED, // 23 + +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega3250__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega6450__) + gAvrInt_PCINT2, // 24 + gAvrInt_PCINT3, // 25 +#endif +}; + + +#endif + + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32__ ) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega32__ + +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_INT2, // 4 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMP, // 5 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 6 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 7 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 8 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 9 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 10 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMP, // 11 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 12 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 13 + gAvrInt_USART_RX, // 14 + gAvrInt_USART_UDRE, // 15 + gAvrInt_USART_TX, // 16 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 17 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 18 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 19 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 20 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 21 + +}; + + +#endif + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega32U4__ +//* teensy 2.0 +//* +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_INT2, // 4 + gAvrInt_INT3, // 5 + gAvrInt_RESERVED, // 6 + gAvrInt_RESERVED, // 7 + gAvrInt_INT6, // 8 + gAvrInt_RESERVED, // 9 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 10 + gAvrInt_USB_General, // 11 + gAvrInt_USB_Endpoint, // 12 + gAvrInt_WDT, // 13 + gAvrInt_RESERVED, // 14 + gAvrInt_RESERVED, // 15 + gAvrInt_RESERVED, // 16 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 17 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 18 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 19 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPC, // 20 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 21 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPA, // 22 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPB, // 23 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 24 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 25 + + gAvrInt_USART1_RX, // 26 + gAvrInt_USART1_UDRE, // 27 + gAvrInt_USART1_TX, // 28 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 29 + + gAvrInt_ADC, // 30 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 31 + + gAvrInt_TIMER3_CAPT, // 32 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPA, // 33 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPB, // 34 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPC, // 35 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_OVF, // 36 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 37 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 38 + + gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPA, // 39 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPB, // 40 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_COMPD, // 41 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_OVF, // 42 + gAvrInt_TIMER4_FPF, // 43 +}; + +#endif + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__) +#pragma mark __AVR_AT90USB1286__ +//* teensy++ 2.0 +//* +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_INT2, // 4 + gAvrInt_INT3, // 5 + gAvrInt_INT4, // 6 + gAvrInt_INT5, // 7 + gAvrInt_INT6, // 8 + gAvrInt_INT7, // 9 + gAvrInt_PCINT0, // 10 + gAvrInt_USB_General, // 11 + gAvrInt_USB_Endpoint, // 12 + gAvrInt_WDT, // 13 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPA, // 14 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMPB, // 15 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 16 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 17 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 18 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 19 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPC, // 20 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 21 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPA, // 22 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMPB, // 23 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 24 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 25 + + gAvrInt_USART1_RX, // 26 + gAvrInt_USART1_UDRE, // 27 + gAvrInt_USART1_TX, // 28 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 29 + + gAvrInt_ADC, // 30 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 31 + + gAvrInt_TIMER3_CAPT, // 32 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPA, // 33 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPB, // 34 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPC, // 35 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_OVF, // 36 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 37 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 38 + +}; + +#endif + + + + +//************************************************************************************************** +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega128__) +#pragma mark __AVR_ATmega128__ +#define _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + + +PGM_P gInterruptNameTable[] PROGMEM = +{ + + gAvrInt_RESET, // 1 + gAvrInt_INT0, // 2 + gAvrInt_INT1, // 3 + gAvrInt_INT2, // 4 + gAvrInt_INT3, // 5 + gAvrInt_INT4, // 6 + gAvrInt_INT5, // 7 + gAvrInt_INT6, // 8 + gAvrInt_INT7, // 9 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_COMP, // 10 + gAvrInt_TIMER2_OVF, // 11 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_CAPT, // 12 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPA, // 13 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPB, // 14 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_OVF, // 15 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_COMP, // 16 + gAvrInt_TIMER0_OVF, // 17 + gAvrInt_SPI_STC, // 18 + gAvrInt_USART0_RX, // 19 + gAvrInt_USART0_UDRE, // 20 + gAvrInt_USART0_TX, // 21 + gAvrInt_ADC, // 22 + gAvrInt_EE_READY, // 23 + gAvrInt_ANALOG_COMP, // 24 + gAvrInt_TIMER1_COMPC, // 25 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_CAPT, // 26 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPA, // 27 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPB, // 28 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_COMPC, // 29 + gAvrInt_TIMER3_OVF, // 30 + gAvrInt_USART1_RX, // 31 + gAvrInt_USART1_UDRE, // 32 + gAvrInt_USART1_TX, // 33 + gAvrInt_TWI, // 34 + gAvrInt_SPM_READY, // 35 + +}; + +#endif + +#if !defined(_INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_) + #warning No interrupt string defs for this cpu +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/command.h b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/command.h new file mode 100755 index 000000000..03b1b38af --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/command.h @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +//**** ATMEL AVR - A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E ************************ +//* +//* Title: AVR068 - STK500 Communication Protocol +//* Filename: command.h +//* Version: 1.0 +//* Last updated: 31.01.2005 +//* +//* Support E-mail: +//* +//************************************************************************** + +// *****************[ STK message constants ]*************************** + +#define MESSAGE_START 0x1B //= ESC = 27 decimal +#define TOKEN 0x0E + +// *****************[ STK general command constants ]************************** + +#define CMD_SIGN_ON 0x01 +#define CMD_SET_PARAMETER 0x02 +#define CMD_GET_PARAMETER 0x03 +#define CMD_SET_DEVICE_PARAMETERS 0x04 +#define CMD_OSCCAL 0x05 +#define CMD_LOAD_ADDRESS 0x06 +#define CMD_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE 0x07 + + +// *****************[ STK ISP command constants ]****************************** + +#define CMD_ENTER_PROGMODE_ISP 0x10 +#define CMD_LEAVE_PROGMODE_ISP 0x11 +#define CMD_CHIP_ERASE_ISP 0x12 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH_ISP 0x13 +#define CMD_READ_FLASH_ISP 0x14 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_EEPROM_ISP 0x15 +#define CMD_READ_EEPROM_ISP 0x16 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_FUSE_ISP 0x17 +#define CMD_READ_FUSE_ISP 0x18 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_LOCK_ISP 0x19 +#define CMD_READ_LOCK_ISP 0x1A +#define CMD_READ_SIGNATURE_ISP 0x1B +#define CMD_READ_OSCCAL_ISP 0x1C +#define CMD_SPI_MULTI 0x1D + +// *****************[ STK PP command constants ]******************************* + +#define CMD_ENTER_PROGMODE_PP 0x20 +#define CMD_LEAVE_PROGMODE_PP 0x21 +#define CMD_CHIP_ERASE_PP 0x22 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH_PP 0x23 +#define CMD_READ_FLASH_PP 0x24 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_EEPROM_PP 0x25 +#define CMD_READ_EEPROM_PP 0x26 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_FUSE_PP 0x27 +#define CMD_READ_FUSE_PP 0x28 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_LOCK_PP 0x29 +#define CMD_READ_LOCK_PP 0x2A +#define CMD_READ_SIGNATURE_PP 0x2B +#define CMD_READ_OSCCAL_PP 0x2C + +#define CMD_SET_CONTROL_STACK 0x2D + +// *****************[ STK HVSP command constants ]***************************** + +#define CMD_ENTER_PROGMODE_HVSP 0x30 +#define CMD_LEAVE_PROGMODE_HVSP 0x31 +#define CMD_CHIP_ERASE_HVSP 0x32 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH_HVSP ` 0x33 +#define CMD_READ_FLASH_HVSP 0x34 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_EEPROM_HVSP 0x35 +#define CMD_READ_EEPROM_HVSP 0x36 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_FUSE_HVSP 0x37 +#define CMD_READ_FUSE_HVSP 0x38 +#define CMD_PROGRAM_LOCK_HVSP 0x39 +#define CMD_READ_LOCK_HVSP 0x3A +#define CMD_READ_SIGNATURE_HVSP 0x3B +#define CMD_READ_OSCCAL_HVSP 0x3C + +// *****************[ STK status constants ]*************************** + +// Success +#define STATUS_CMD_OK 0x00 + +// Warnings +#define STATUS_CMD_TOUT 0x80 +#define STATUS_RDY_BSY_TOUT 0x81 +#define STATUS_SET_PARAM_MISSING 0x82 + +// Errors +#define STATUS_CMD_FAILED 0xC0 +#define STATUS_CKSUM_ERROR 0xC1 +#define STATUS_CMD_UNKNOWN 0xC9 + +// *****************[ STK parameter constants ]*************************** +#define PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_LOW 0x80 +#define PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_HIGH 0x81 +#define PARAM_HW_VER 0x90 +#define PARAM_SW_MAJOR 0x91 +#define PARAM_SW_MINOR 0x92 +#define PARAM_VTARGET 0x94 +#define PARAM_VADJUST 0x95 +#define PARAM_OSC_PSCALE 0x96 +#define PARAM_OSC_CMATCH 0x97 +#define PARAM_SCK_DURATION 0x98 +#define PARAM_TOPCARD_DETECT 0x9A +#define PARAM_STATUS 0x9C +#define PARAM_DATA 0x9D +#define PARAM_RESET_POLARITY 0x9E +#define PARAM_CONTROLLER_INIT 0x9F + +// *****************[ STK answer constants ]*************************** + +#define ANSWER_CKSUM_ERROR 0xB0 + diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.c b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.c new file mode 100755 index 000000000..13dec8951 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.c @@ -0,0 +1,1996 @@ +/***************************************************************************** +Title: STK500v2 compatible bootloader + Modified for Wiring board ATMega128-16MHz +Author: Peter Fleury +File: $Id: stk500boot.c,v 1.11 2006/06/25 12:39:17 peter Exp $ +Compiler: avr-gcc 3.4.5 or 4.1 / avr-libc 1.4.3 +Hardware: All AVRs with bootloader support, tested with ATmega8 +License: GNU General Public License + +Modified: Worapoht Kornkaewwattanakul +Date: 17 October 2007 +Update: 1st, 29 Dec 2007 : Enable CMD_SPI_MULTI but ignore unused command by return 0x00 byte response.. +Compiler: WINAVR20060421 +Description: add timeout feature like previous Wiring bootloader + +DESCRIPTION: + This program allows an AVR with bootloader capabilities to + read/write its own Flash/EEprom. To enter Programming mode + an input pin is checked. If this pin is pulled low, programming mode + is entered. If not, normal execution is done from $0000 + "reset" vector in Application area. + Size fits into a 1024 word bootloader section + when compiled with avr-gcc 4.1 + (direct replace on Wiring Board without fuse setting changed) + +USAGE: + - Set AVR MCU type and clock-frequency (F_CPU) in the Makefile. + - Set baud rate below (AVRISP only works with 115200 bps) + - compile/link the bootloader with the supplied Makefile + - program the "Boot Flash section size" (BOOTSZ fuses), + for boot-size 1024 words: program BOOTSZ01 + - enable the BOOT Reset Vector (program BOOTRST) + - Upload the hex file to the AVR using any ISP programmer + - Program Boot Lock Mode 3 (program BootLock 11 and BootLock 12 lock bits) // (leave them) + - Reset your AVR while keeping PROG_PIN pulled low // (for enter bootloader by switch) + - Start AVRISP Programmer (AVRStudio/Tools/Program AVR) + - AVRISP will detect the bootloader + - Program your application FLASH file and optional EEPROM file using AVRISP + +Note: + Erasing the device without flashing, through AVRISP GUI button "Erase Device" + is not implemented, due to AVRStudio limitations. + Flash is always erased before programming. + + AVRdude: + Please uncomment #define REMOVE_CMD_SPI_MULTI when using AVRdude. + Comment #define REMOVE_PROGRAM_LOCK_BIT_SUPPORT to reduce code size + Read Fuse Bits and Read/Write Lock Bits is not supported + +NOTES: + Based on Atmel Application Note AVR109 - Self-programming + Based on Atmel Application Note AVR068 - STK500v2 Protocol + +LICENSE: + Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Fleury + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + +*****************************************************************************/ + +//************************************************************************ +//* Edit History +//************************************************************************ +//* Jul 7, 2010 = Mark Sproul +//* Jul 7, 2010 Working on mega2560. No Auto-restart +//* Jul 7, 2010 Switched to 8K bytes (4K words) so that we have room for the monitor +//* Jul 8, 2010 Found older version of source that had auto restart, put that code back in +//* Jul 8, 2010 Adding monitor code +//* Jul 11, 2010 Added blinking LED while waiting for download to start +//* Jul 11, 2010 Added EEPROM test +//* Jul 29, 2010 Added recchar_timeout for timing out on bootloading +//* Aug 23, 2010 Added support for atmega2561 +//* Aug 26, 2010 Removed support for BOOT_BY_SWITCH +//************************************************************************ + + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "command.h" + + +#if defined(_MEGA_BOARD_) || defined(_BOARD_AMBER128_) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) + #define ENABLE_MONITOR + static void RunMonitor(void); +#endif + +//#define _DEBUG_SERIAL_ +//#define _DEBUG_WITH_LEDS_ + + +/* + * Uncomment the following lines to save code space + */ +//#define REMOVE_PROGRAM_LOCK_BIT_SUPPORT // disable program lock bits +//#define REMOVE_BOOTLOADER_LED // no LED to show active bootloader +//#define REMOVE_CMD_SPI_MULTI // disable processing of SPI_MULTI commands, Remark this line for AVRDUDE +// + + + +//************************************************************************ +//* LED on pin "PROGLED_PIN" on port "PROGLED_PORT" +//* indicates that bootloader is active +//* PG2 -> LED on Wiring board +//************************************************************************ +#define BLINK_LED_WHILE_WAITING + +#ifdef _MEGA_BOARD_ + #define PROGLED_PORT PORTB + #define PROGLED_DDR DDRB + #define PROGLED_PIN PINB7 +#elif defined( _BOARD_AMBER128_ ) + //* this is for the amber 128 + //* onbarod led is PORTE4 + #define PROGLED_PORT PORTD + #define PROGLED_DDR DDRD + #define PROGLED_PIN PINE7 +#elif defined( _CEREBOTPLUS_BOARD_ ) + //* this is for the Cerebot 2560 board + //* onbarod leds are on PORTE4-7 + #define PROGLED_PORT PORTE + #define PROGLED_DDR DDRE + #define PROGLED_PIN PINE7 +#elif defined( _PENGUINO_ ) + //* this is for the Penguino + //* onbarod led is PORTE4 + #define PROGLED_PORT PORTC + #define PROGLED_DDR DDRC + #define PROGLED_PIN PINC6 +#elif defined( _ANDROID_2561_ ) || defined( __AVR_ATmega2561__ ) + //* this is for the Boston Android 2561 + //* onbarod led is PORTE4 + #define PROGLED_PORT PORTA + #define PROGLED_DDR DDRA + #define PROGLED_PIN PINA3 +#else + #define PROGLED_PORT PORTG + #define PROGLED_DDR DDRG + #define PROGLED_PIN PING2 +#endif + + + +/* + * define CPU frequency in Mhz here if not defined in Makefile + */ +#ifndef F_CPU + #define F_CPU 16000000UL +#endif + +/* + * UART Baudrate, AVRStudio AVRISP only accepts 115200 bps + */ + +#ifndef BAUDRATE + #define BAUDRATE 115200 +#endif + +/* + * Enable (1) or disable (0) USART double speed operation + */ +#ifndef UART_BAUDRATE_DOUBLE_SPEED + #if defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) + #define UART_BAUDRATE_DOUBLE_SPEED 0 + #else + #define UART_BAUDRATE_DOUBLE_SPEED 1 + #endif +#endif + +/* + * HW and SW version, reported to AVRISP, must match version of AVRStudio + */ +#define CONFIG_PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_LOW 0 +#define CONFIG_PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_HIGH 0 +#define CONFIG_PARAM_HW_VER 0x0F +#define CONFIG_PARAM_SW_MAJOR 2 +#define CONFIG_PARAM_SW_MINOR 0x0A + +/* + * Calculate the address where the bootloader starts from FLASHEND and BOOTSIZE + * (adjust BOOTSIZE below and BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS in Makefile if you want to change the size of the bootloader) + */ +//#define BOOTSIZE 1024 +#if FLASHEND > 0x0F000 + #define BOOTSIZE 8192 +#else + #define BOOTSIZE 2048 +#endif + +#define APP_END (FLASHEND -(2*BOOTSIZE) + 1) + +/* + * Signature bytes are not available in avr-gcc io_xxx.h + */ +#if defined (__AVR_ATmega8__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9307 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega16__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9403 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9502 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega8515__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9306 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega8535__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9308 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega162__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9404 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega128__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9702 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega1280__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9703 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega2560__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1E9801 +#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega2561__) + #define SIGNATURE_BYTES 0x1e9802 +#else + #error "no signature definition for MCU available" +#endif + + +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega16__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega32__) \ + || defined(__AVR_ATmega8515__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega8535__) + /* ATMega8 with one USART */ + #define UART_BAUD_RATE_LOW UBRRL + #define UART_STATUS_REG UCSRA + #define UART_CONTROL_REG UCSRB + #define UART_ENABLE_TRANSMITTER TXEN + #define UART_ENABLE_RECEIVER RXEN + #define UART_TRANSMIT_COMPLETE TXC + #define UART_RECEIVE_COMPLETE RXC + #define UART_DATA_REG UDR + #define UART_DOUBLE_SPEED U2X + +#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega64__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega128__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega162__) \ + || defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) + /* ATMega with two USART, use UART0 */ + #define UART_BAUD_RATE_LOW UBRR0L + #define UART_STATUS_REG UCSR0A + #define UART_CONTROL_REG UCSR0B + #define UART_ENABLE_TRANSMITTER TXEN0 + #define UART_ENABLE_RECEIVER RXEN0 + #define UART_TRANSMIT_COMPLETE TXC0 + #define UART_RECEIVE_COMPLETE RXC0 + #define UART_DATA_REG UDR0 + #define UART_DOUBLE_SPEED U2X0 +#else + #error "no UART definition for MCU available" +#endif + + + +/* + * Macro to calculate UBBR from XTAL and baudrate + */ +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32__) && UART_BAUDRATE_DOUBLE_SPEED + #define UART_BAUD_SELECT(baudRate,xtalCpu) ((xtalCpu / 4 / baudRate - 1) / 2) +#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32__) + #define UART_BAUD_SELECT(baudRate,xtalCpu) ((xtalCpu / 8 / baudRate - 1) / 2) +#elif UART_BAUDRATE_DOUBLE_SPEED + #define UART_BAUD_SELECT(baudRate,xtalCpu) (((float)(xtalCpu))/(((float)(baudRate))*8.0)-1.0+0.5) +#else + #define UART_BAUD_SELECT(baudRate,xtalCpu) (((float)(xtalCpu))/(((float)(baudRate))*16.0)-1.0+0.5) +#endif + + +/* + * States used in the receive state machine + */ +#define ST_START 0 +#define ST_GET_SEQ_NUM 1 +#define ST_MSG_SIZE_1 2 +#define ST_MSG_SIZE_2 3 +#define ST_GET_TOKEN 4 +#define ST_GET_DATA 5 +#define ST_GET_CHECK 6 +#define ST_PROCESS 7 + +/* + * use 16bit address variable for ATmegas with <= 64K flash + */ +#if defined(RAMPZ) + typedef uint32_t address_t; +#else + typedef uint16_t address_t; +#endif + +/* + * function prototypes + */ +static void sendchar(char c); +static unsigned char recchar(void); + +/* + * since this bootloader is not linked against the avr-gcc crt1 functions, + * to reduce the code size, we need to provide our own initialization + */ +void __jumpMain (void) __attribute__ ((naked)) __attribute__ ((section (".init9"))); +#include + +//#define SPH_REG 0x3E +//#define SPL_REG 0x3D + +//***************************************************************************** +void __jumpMain(void) +{ +//* July 17, 2010 Added stack pointer initialzation +//* the first line did not do the job on the ATmega128 + + asm volatile ( ".set __stack, %0" :: "i" (RAMEND) ); + +// ldi r16,high(RAMEND) +// out SPH,r16 ; Set stack pointer to top of RAM + +// asm volatile ( "ldi 16, 0x10"); + asm volatile ( "ldi 16, %0" :: "i" (RAMEND >> 8) ); +// asm volatile ( "out 0x3E,16"); +// asm volatile ( "out %0,16" :: "i" (SPH_REG) ); + asm volatile ( "out %0,16" :: "i" (AVR_STACK_POINTER_HI_ADDR) ); + +// asm volatile ( "ldi 16, 0x00"); + asm volatile ( "ldi 16, %0" :: "i" (RAMEND & 0x0ff) ); +// asm volatile ( "out 0x3d,16"); +// asm volatile ( "out %0,16" :: "i" (SPL_REG) ); + asm volatile ( "out %0,16" :: "i" (AVR_STACK_POINTER_LO_ADDR) ); + + + + asm volatile ( "clr __zero_reg__" ); // GCC depends on register r1 set to 0 + asm volatile ( "out %0, __zero_reg__" :: "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(SREG)) ); // set SREG to 0 +// asm volatile ( "rjmp main"); // jump to main() + asm volatile ( "jmp main"); // jump to main() +} + + +//***************************************************************************** +void delay_ms(unsigned int timedelay) +{ + unsigned int i; + for (i=0;i> 1) +//***************************************************************************** +static unsigned char recchar_timeout(void) +{ +uint32_t count = 0; + + while (!(UART_STATUS_REG & (1 << UART_RECEIVE_COMPLETE))) + { + // wait for data + count++; + if (count > MAX_TIME_COUNT) + { + unsigned int data; + #if (FLASHEND > 0x0FFFF) + data = pgm_read_word_far(0); //* get the first word of the user program + #else + data = pgm_read_word_near(0); //* get the first word of the user program + #endif + if (data != 0xffff) //* make sure its valid before jumping to it. + { + asm volatile( + "clr r30 \n\t" + "clr r31 \n\t" + "ijmp \n\t" + ); + } + count = 0; + } + } + return UART_DATA_REG; +} + + + +//***************************************************************************** +int main(void) +{ + address_t address = 0; + address_t eraseAddress = 0; + unsigned char msgParseState; + unsigned int ii = 0; + unsigned char checksum = 0; + unsigned char seqNum = 0; + unsigned int msgLength = 0; + unsigned char msgBuffer[285]; + unsigned char c, *p; + unsigned char isLeave = 0; + + unsigned long boot_timeout; + unsigned long boot_timer; + unsigned int boot_state; +#ifdef ENABLE_MONITOR + unsigned int exPointCntr = 0; +#endif + + + boot_timer = 0; + boot_state = 0; + +#ifdef BLINK_LED_WHILE_WAITING + boot_timeout = 20000; //* should be about 1 second +// boot_timeout = 170000; +#else + boot_timeout = 3500000; // 7 seconds , approx 2us per step when optimize "s" +#endif + /* + * Branch to bootloader or application code ? + */ + +#ifndef REMOVE_BOOTLOADER_LED + /* PROG_PIN pulled low, indicate with LED that bootloader is active */ + PROGLED_DDR |= (1< boot_timeout) + { + boot_state = 1; // (after ++ -> boot_state=2 bootloader timeout, jump to main 0x00000 ) + } + #ifdef BLINK_LED_WHILE_WAITING + if ((boot_timer % 7000) == 0) + { + //* toggle the LED + PROGLED_PORT ^= (1<>16) & 0x000000FF; + else if ( signatureIndex == 1 ) + answerByte = (SIGNATURE_BYTES >> 8) & 0x000000FF; + else + answerByte = SIGNATURE_BYTES & 0x000000FF; + } + else if ( msgBuffer[4] & 0x50 ) + { + answerByte = 0; //read fuse/lock bits not implemented, return dummy value + } + else + { + answerByte = 0; // for all others command are not implemented, return dummy value for AVRDUDE happy + // flag = 1; // Remark this line for AVRDUDE + } + if ( !flag ) + { + msgLength = 7; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = 0; + msgBuffer[3] = msgBuffer[4]; + msgBuffer[4] = 0; + msgBuffer[5] = answerByte; + msgBuffer[6] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + } + } + break; + #endif + case CMD_SIGN_ON: + msgLength = 11; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = 8; + msgBuffer[3] = 'A'; + msgBuffer[4] = 'V'; + msgBuffer[5] = 'R'; + msgBuffer[6] = 'I'; + msgBuffer[7] = 'S'; + msgBuffer[8] = 'P'; + msgBuffer[9] = '_'; + msgBuffer[10] = '2'; + break; + + case CMD_GET_PARAMETER: + { + unsigned char value; + + switch(msgBuffer[1]) + { + case PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_LOW: + value = CONFIG_PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_LOW; + break; + case PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_HIGH: + value = CONFIG_PARAM_BUILD_NUMBER_HIGH; + break; + case PARAM_HW_VER: + value = CONFIG_PARAM_HW_VER; + break; + case PARAM_SW_MAJOR: + value = CONFIG_PARAM_SW_MAJOR; + break; + case PARAM_SW_MINOR: + value = CONFIG_PARAM_SW_MINOR; + break; + default: + value = 0; + break; + } + msgLength = 3; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = value; + } + break; + + case CMD_LEAVE_PROGMODE_ISP: + isLeave = 1; + //* fall thru + + case CMD_SET_PARAMETER: + case CMD_ENTER_PROGMODE_ISP: + msgLength = 2; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + break; + + case CMD_READ_SIGNATURE_ISP: + { + unsigned char signatureIndex = msgBuffer[4]; + unsigned char signature; + + if ( signatureIndex == 0 ) + signature = (SIGNATURE_BYTES >>16) & 0x000000FF; + else if ( signatureIndex == 1 ) + signature = (SIGNATURE_BYTES >> 8) & 0x000000FF; + else + signature = SIGNATURE_BYTES & 0x000000FF; + + msgLength = 4; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = signature; + msgBuffer[3] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + } + break; + + case CMD_READ_LOCK_ISP: + msgLength = 4; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get( GET_LOCK_BITS ); + msgBuffer[3] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + break; + + case CMD_READ_FUSE_ISP: + { + unsigned char fuseBits; + + if ( msgBuffer[2] == 0x50 ) + { + if ( msgBuffer[3] == 0x08 ) + fuseBits = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get( GET_EXTENDED_FUSE_BITS ); + else + fuseBits = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get( GET_LOW_FUSE_BITS ); + } + else + { + fuseBits = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get( GET_HIGH_FUSE_BITS ); + } + msgLength = 4; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = fuseBits; + msgBuffer[3] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + } + break; + + #ifndef REMOVE_PROGRAM_LOCK_BIT_SUPPORT + case CMD_PROGRAM_LOCK_ISP: + { + unsigned char lockBits = msgBuffer[4]; + + lockBits = (~lockBits) & 0x3C; // mask BLBxx bits + boot_lock_bits_set(lockBits); // and program it + boot_spm_busy_wait(); + + msgLength = 3; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + msgBuffer[2] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + } + break; + #endif + case CMD_CHIP_ERASE_ISP: + eraseAddress = 0; + msgLength = 2; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + break; + + case CMD_LOAD_ADDRESS: + #if defined(RAMPZ) + address = ( ((address_t)(msgBuffer[1])<<24)|((address_t)(msgBuffer[2])<<16)|((address_t)(msgBuffer[3])<<8)|(msgBuffer[4]) )<<1; + #else + address = ( ((msgBuffer[3])<<8)|(msgBuffer[4]) )<<1; //convert word to byte address + #endif + msgLength = 2; + msgBuffer[1] = STATUS_CMD_OK; + break; + + case CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH_ISP: + case CMD_PROGRAM_EEPROM_ISP: + { + unsigned int size = ((msgBuffer[1])<<8) | msgBuffer[2]; + unsigned char *p = msgBuffer+10; + unsigned int data; + unsigned char highByte, lowByte; + address_t tempaddress = address; + + + if ( msgBuffer[0] == CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH_ISP ) + { + // erase only main section (bootloader protection) + if (eraseAddress < APP_END ) + { + boot_page_erase(eraseAddress); // Perform page erase + boot_spm_busy_wait(); // Wait until the memory is erased. + eraseAddress += SPM_PAGESIZE; // point to next page to be erase + } + + /* Write FLASH */ + do { + lowByte = *p++; + highByte = *p++; + + data = (highByte << 8) | lowByte; + boot_page_fill(address,data); + + address = address + 2; // Select next word in memory + size -= 2; // Reduce number of bytes to write by two + } while (size); // Loop until all bytes written + + boot_page_write(tempaddress); + boot_spm_busy_wait(); + boot_rww_enable(); // Re-enable the RWW section + } + else + { + #if (!defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__)) + /* write EEPROM */ + do { + EEARL = address; // Setup EEPROM address + EEARH = (address >> 8); + address++; // Select next EEPROM byte + + EEDR = *p++; // get byte from buffer + EECR |= (1<> 8); //MSB + address += 2; // Select next word in memory + size -= 2; + }while (size); + } + else + { + /* Read EEPROM */ + do { + EEARL = address; // Setup EEPROM address + EEARH = ((address >> 8)); + address++; // Select next EEPROM byte + EECR |= (1<>8)&0xFF); + sendchar(c); + checksum ^= c; + + c = msgLength&0x00FF; + sendchar(c); + checksum ^= c; + + sendchar(TOKEN); + checksum ^= TOKEN; + + p = msgBuffer; + while ( msgLength ) + { + c = *p++; + sendchar(c); + checksum ^=c; + msgLength--; + } + sendchar(checksum); + seqNum++; + + #ifndef REMOVE_BOOTLOADER_LED + //* toggle the LED + PROGLED_PORT ^= (1< + + +base address = f000 +avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9703 +avrdude: safemode: lfuse reads as FF +avrdude: safemode: hfuse reads as D8 +avrdude: safemode: efuse reads as F5 +avrdude> +*/ + +//************************************************************************ +#ifdef ENABLE_MONITOR +#include + +unsigned long gRamIndex; +unsigned long gFlashIndex; +unsigned long gEepromIndex; + + +#define true 1 +#define false 0 + +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega128__) + #define kCPU_NAME "ATmega128" +#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) + #define kCPU_NAME "ATmega1280" +#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1281__) + #define kCPU_NAME "ATmega1281" +#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) + #define kCPU_NAME "ATmega2560" +#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega2561__) + #define kCPU_NAME "ATmega2561" +#endif + +#ifdef _VECTORS_SIZE + #define kInterruptVectorCount (_VECTORS_SIZE / 4) +#else + #define kInterruptVectorCount 23 +#endif + + +void PrintDecInt(int theNumber, int digitCnt); + +#ifdef kCPU_NAME + prog_char gTextMsg_CPU_Name[] PROGMEM = kCPU_NAME; +#else + prog_char gTextMsg_CPU_Name[] PROGMEM = "UNKNOWN"; +#endif + + prog_char gTextMsg_Explorer[] PROGMEM = "Arduino explorer stk500V2 by MLS"; + prog_char gTextMsg_Prompt[] PROGMEM = "Bootloader>"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HUH[] PROGMEM = "Huh?"; + prog_char gTextMsg_COMPILED_ON[] PROGMEM = "Compiled on = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_CPU_Type[] PROGMEM = "CPU Type = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_AVR_ARCH[] PROGMEM = "__AVR_ARCH__ = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_AVR_LIBC[] PROGMEM = "AVR LibC Ver = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_GCC_VERSION[] PROGMEM = "GCC Version = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_CPU_SIGNATURE[] PROGMEM = "CPU signature= "; + prog_char gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_LOW[] PROGMEM = "Low fuse = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_HIGH[] PROGMEM = "High fuse = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_EXT[] PROGMEM = "Ext fuse = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_LOCK[] PROGMEM = "Lock fuse = "; + prog_char gTextMsg_GCC_DATE_STR[] PROGMEM = __DATE__; + prog_char gTextMsg_AVR_LIBC_VER_STR[] PROGMEM = __AVR_LIBC_VERSION_STRING__; + prog_char gTextMsg_GCC_VERSION_STR[] PROGMEM = __VERSION__; + prog_char gTextMsg_VECTOR_HEADER[] PROGMEM = "V# ADDR op code instruction addr Interrupt"; + prog_char gTextMsg_noVector[] PROGMEM = "no vector"; + prog_char gTextMsg_rjmp[] PROGMEM = "rjmp "; + prog_char gTextMsg_jmp[] PROGMEM = "jmp "; + prog_char gTextMsg_WHAT_PORT[] PROGMEM = "What port:"; + prog_char gTextMsg_PortNotSupported[] PROGMEM = "Port not supported"; + prog_char gTextMsg_MustBeLetter[] PROGMEM = "Must be a letter"; + prog_char gTextMsg_SPACE[] PROGMEM = " "; + prog_char gTextMsg_WriteToEEprom[] PROGMEM = "Writting EE"; + prog_char gTextMsg_ReadingEEprom[] PROGMEM = "Reading EE"; + prog_char gTextMsg_EEPROMerrorCnt[] PROGMEM = "eeprom error count="; + prog_char gTextMsg_PORT[] PROGMEM = "PORT"; + + +//************************************************************************ +//* Help messages + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_0[] PROGMEM = "0=Zero address ctrs"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_QM[] PROGMEM = "?=CPU stats"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_AT[] PROGMEM = "@=EEPROM test"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_B[] PROGMEM = "B=Blink LED"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_E[] PROGMEM = "E=Dump EEPROM"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_F[] PROGMEM = "F=Dump FLASH"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_H[] PROGMEM = "H=Help"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_L[] PROGMEM = "L=List I/O Ports"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_Q[] PROGMEM = "Q=Quit & jump to user pgm"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_R[] PROGMEM = "R=Dump RAM"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_V[] PROGMEM = "V=show interrupt Vectors"; + prog_char gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_Y[] PROGMEM = "Y=Port blink"; + + prog_char gTextMsg_END[] PROGMEM = "*"; + + +//************************************************************************ +void PrintFromPROGMEM(void *dataPtr, unsigned char offset) +{ +uint8_t ii; +char theChar; + + ii = offset; + theChar = 1; + + while (theChar != 0) + { + theChar = pgm_read_byte_far((uint32_t)dataPtr + ii); + if (theChar != 0) + { + sendchar(theChar); + } + ii++; + } +} + +//************************************************************************ +void PrintNewLine(void) +{ + sendchar(0x0d); + sendchar(0x0a); +} + + +//************************************************************************ +void PrintFromPROGMEMln(void *dataPtr, unsigned char offset) +{ + PrintFromPROGMEM(dataPtr, offset); + + PrintNewLine(); +} + + +//************************************************************************ +void PrintString(char *textString) +{ +char theChar; +int ii; + + theChar = 1; + ii = 0; + while (theChar != 0) + { + theChar = textString[ii]; + if (theChar != 0) + { + sendchar(theChar); + } + ii++; + } +} + +//************************************************************************ +void PrintHexByte(unsigned char theByte) +{ +char theChar; + + theChar = 0x30 + ((theByte >> 4) & 0x0f); + if (theChar > 0x39) + { + theChar += 7; + } + sendchar(theChar ); + + theChar = 0x30 + (theByte & 0x0f); + if (theChar > 0x39) + { + theChar += 7; + } + sendchar(theChar ); +} + +//************************************************************************ +void PrintDecInt(int theNumber, int digitCnt) +{ +int theChar; +int myNumber; + + myNumber = theNumber; + + if ((myNumber > 100) || (digitCnt >= 3)) + { + theChar = 0x30 + myNumber / 100; + sendchar(theChar ); + } + + if ((myNumber > 10) || (digitCnt >= 2)) + { + theChar = 0x30 + ((myNumber % 100) / 10 ); + sendchar(theChar ); + } + theChar = 0x30 + (myNumber % 10); + sendchar(theChar ); +} + + + + +//************************************************************************ +static void PrintCPUstats(void) +{ +unsigned char fuseByte; + + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_Explorer, 0); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_COMPILED_ON, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_GCC_DATE_STR, 0); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_CPU_Type, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_CPU_Name, 0); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_AVR_ARCH, 0); + PrintDecInt(__AVR_ARCH__, 1); + PrintNewLine(); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_GCC_VERSION, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_GCC_VERSION_STR, 0); + + //* these can be found in avr/version.h + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_AVR_LIBC, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_AVR_LIBC_VER_STR, 0); + +#if defined(SIGNATURE_0) + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_CPU_SIGNATURE, 0); + //* these can be found in avr/iomxxx.h + PrintHexByte(SIGNATURE_0); + PrintHexByte(SIGNATURE_1); + PrintHexByte(SIGNATURE_2); + PrintNewLine(); +#endif + + +#if defined(GET_LOW_FUSE_BITS) + //* fuse settings + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_LOW, 0); + fuseByte = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get(GET_LOW_FUSE_BITS); + PrintHexByte(fuseByte); + PrintNewLine(); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_HIGH, 0); + fuseByte = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get(GET_HIGH_FUSE_BITS); + PrintHexByte(fuseByte); + PrintNewLine(); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_EXT, 0); + fuseByte = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get(GET_EXTENDED_FUSE_BITS); + PrintHexByte(fuseByte); + PrintNewLine(); + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_FUSE_BYTE_LOCK, 0); + fuseByte = boot_lock_fuse_bits_get(GET_LOCK_BITS); + PrintHexByte(fuseByte); + PrintNewLine(); + +#endif + +} + +#ifndef sbi + #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) +#endif + +//************************************************************************ +int analogRead(uint8_t pin) +{ +uint8_t low, high; + + // set the analog reference (high two bits of ADMUX) and select the + // channel (low 4 bits). this also sets ADLAR (left-adjust result) + // to 0 (the default). +// ADMUX = (analog_reference << 6) | (pin & 0x07); + ADMUX = (1 << 6) | (pin & 0x07); + +#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) + // the MUX5 bit of ADCSRB selects whether we're reading from channels + // 0 to 7 (MUX5 low) or 8 to 15 (MUX5 high). + ADCSRB = (ADCSRB & ~(1 << MUX5)) | (((pin >> 3) & 0x01) << MUX5); +#endif + + // without a delay, we seem to read from the wrong channel + //delay(1); + + // start the conversion + sbi(ADCSRA, ADSC); + + // ADSC is cleared when the conversion finishes + while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA, ADSC)); + + // we have to read ADCL first; doing so locks both ADCL + // and ADCH until ADCH is read. reading ADCL second would + // cause the results of each conversion to be discarded, + // as ADCL and ADCH would be locked when it completed. + low = ADCL; + high = ADCH; + + // combine the two bytes + return (high << 8) | low; +} + +//************************************************************************ +static void BlinkLED(void) +{ + PROGLED_DDR |= (1< 0) + { + if (myAddressPointer > 0x10000) + { + PrintHexByte((myAddressPointer >> 16) & 0x00ff); + } + PrintHexByte((myAddressPointer >> 8) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte(myAddressPointer & 0x00ff); + sendchar(0x20); + sendchar('-'); + sendchar(0x20); + + asciiDump[0] = 0; + for (ii=0; ii<16; ii++) + { + switch(dumpWhat) + { + case kDUMP_FLASH: + theValue = pgm_read_byte_far(myAddressPointer); + break; + + case kDUMP_EEPROM: + theValue = eeprom_read_byte((void *)myAddressPointer); + break; + + case kDUMP_RAM: + theValue = ramPtr[myAddressPointer]; + break; + + } + PrintHexByte(theValue); + sendchar(0x20); + if ((theValue >= 0x20) && (theValue < 0x7f)) + { + asciiDump[ii % 16] = theValue; + } + else + { + asciiDump[ii % 16] = '.'; + } + + myAddressPointer++; + } + asciiDump[16] = 0; + PrintString(asciiDump); + PrintNewLine(); + + numRows--; + } +} + + + +//************************************************************************ +//* returns amount of extended memory +static void EEPROMtest(void) +{ +int ii; +char theChar; +char theEEPROMchar; +int errorCount; + + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_WriteToEEprom, 0); + PrintNewLine(); + ii = 0; + while (((theChar = pgm_read_byte_far(gTextMsg_Explorer + ii)) != '*') && (ii < 512)) + { + eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)ii, theChar); + if (theChar == 0) + { + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_SPACE, 0); + } + else + { + sendchar(theChar); + } + ii++; + } + + //* no go back through and test + PrintNewLine(); + PrintNewLine(); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_ReadingEEprom, 0); + PrintNewLine(); + errorCount = 0; + ii = 0; + while (((theChar = pgm_read_byte_far(gTextMsg_Explorer + ii)) != '*') && (ii < 512)) + { + theEEPROMchar = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)ii); + if (theEEPROMchar == 0) + { + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_SPACE, 0); + } + else + { + sendchar(theEEPROMchar); + } + if (theEEPROMchar != theChar) + { + errorCount++; + } + ii++; + } + PrintNewLine(); + PrintNewLine(); + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_EEPROMerrorCnt, 0); + PrintDecInt(errorCount, 1); + PrintNewLine(); + PrintNewLine(); + + gEepromIndex = 0; //* set index back to zero for next eeprom dump + +} + + + +#if (FLASHEND > 0x08000) + #include "avrinterruptnames.h" + #ifndef _INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_ + #warning Interrupt vectors not defined + #endif +#endif + +//************************************************************************ +static void VectorDisplay(void) +{ +unsigned long byte1; +unsigned long byte2; +unsigned long byte3; +unsigned long byte4; +unsigned long word1; +unsigned long word2; +int vectorIndex; +unsigned long myMemoryPtr; +unsigned long wordMemoryAddress; +unsigned long realitiveAddr; +unsigned long myFullAddress; +unsigned long absoluteAddr; +#if defined(_INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_) + long stringPointer; +#endif + + myMemoryPtr = 0; + vectorIndex = 0; + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_CPU_Name, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_VECTOR_HEADER, 0); + // V# ADDR op code + // 1 - 0000 = C3 BB 00 00 rjmp 03BB >000776 RESET + while (vectorIndex < kInterruptVectorCount) + { + wordMemoryAddress = myMemoryPtr / 2; + // 01 - 0000 = 12 34 + PrintDecInt(vectorIndex + 1, 2); + sendchar(0x20); + sendchar('-'); + sendchar(0x20); + PrintHexByte((wordMemoryAddress >> 8) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((wordMemoryAddress) & 0x00ff); + sendchar(0x20); + sendchar('='); + sendchar(0x20); + + + //* the AVR is LITTLE ENDIAN, swap the byte order + byte1 = pgm_read_byte_far(myMemoryPtr++); + byte2 = pgm_read_byte_far(myMemoryPtr++); + word1 = (byte2 << 8) + byte1; + + byte3 = pgm_read_byte_far(myMemoryPtr++); + byte4 = pgm_read_byte_far(myMemoryPtr++); + word2 = (byte4 << 8) + byte3; + + + PrintHexByte(byte2); + sendchar(0x20); + PrintHexByte(byte1); + sendchar(0x20); + PrintHexByte(byte4); + sendchar(0x20); + PrintHexByte(byte3); + sendchar(0x20); + + if (word1 == 0xffff) + { + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_noVector, 0); + } + else if ((word1 & 0xc000) == 0xc000) + { + //* rjmp instruction + realitiveAddr = word1 & 0x3FFF; + absoluteAddr = wordMemoryAddress + realitiveAddr; //* add the offset to the current address + absoluteAddr = absoluteAddr << 1; //* multiply by 2 for byte address + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_rjmp, 0); + PrintHexByte((realitiveAddr >> 8) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((realitiveAddr) & 0x00ff); + sendchar(0x20); + sendchar('>'); + PrintHexByte((absoluteAddr >> 16) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((absoluteAddr >> 8) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((absoluteAddr) & 0x00ff); + + } + else if ((word1 & 0xfE0E) == 0x940c) + { + //* jmp instruction, this is REALLY complicated, refer to the instruction manual (JMP) + myFullAddress = ((byte1 & 0x01) << 16) + + ((byte1 & 0xf0) << 17) + + ((byte2 & 0x01) << 21) + + word2; + + absoluteAddr = myFullAddress << 1; + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_jmp, 0); + PrintHexByte((myFullAddress >> 16) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((myFullAddress >> 8) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((myFullAddress) & 0x00ff); + sendchar(0x20); + sendchar('>'); + PrintHexByte((absoluteAddr >> 16) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((absoluteAddr >> 8) & 0x00ff); + PrintHexByte((absoluteAddr) & 0x00ff); + } + + #if defined(_INTERRUPT_NAMES_DEFINED_) + sendchar(0x20); + stringPointer = pgm_read_word_far(&(gInterruptNameTable[vectorIndex])); + PrintFromPROGMEM((char *)stringPointer, 0); + #endif + PrintNewLine(); + + vectorIndex++; + } +} + +//************************************************************************ +static void PrintAvailablePort(char thePortLetter) +{ + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_PORT, 0); + sendchar(thePortLetter); + PrintNewLine(); +} + +//************************************************************************ +static void ListAvailablePorts(void) +{ + +#ifdef DDRA + PrintAvailablePort('A'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRB + PrintAvailablePort('B'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRC + PrintAvailablePort('C'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRD + PrintAvailablePort('D'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRE + PrintAvailablePort('E'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRF + PrintAvailablePort('F'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRG + PrintAvailablePort('G'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRH + PrintAvailablePort('H'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRI + PrintAvailablePort('I'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRJ + PrintAvailablePort('J'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRK + PrintAvailablePort('K'); +#endif + +#ifdef DDRL + PrintAvailablePort('L'); +#endif + +} + +//************************************************************************ +static void AVR_PortOutput(void) +{ +char portLetter; +char getCharFlag; + + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_WHAT_PORT, 0); + + portLetter = recchar(); + portLetter = portLetter & 0x5f; + sendchar(portLetter); + PrintNewLine(); + + if ((portLetter >= 'A') && (portLetter <= 'Z')) + { + getCharFlag = true; + switch(portLetter) + { + #ifdef DDRA + case 'A': + DDRA = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTA ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTA = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRB + case 'B': + DDRB = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTB ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTB = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRC + case 'C': + DDRC = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTC ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTC = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRD + case 'D': + DDRD = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTD ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTD = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRE + case 'E': + DDRE = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTE ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTE = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRF + case 'F': + DDRF = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTF ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTF = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRG + case 'G': + DDRG = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTG ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTG = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRH + case 'H': + DDRH = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTH ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTH = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRI + case 'I': + DDRI = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTI ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTI = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRJ + case 'J': + DDRJ = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTJ ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTJ = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRK + case 'K': + DDRK = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTK ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTK = 0; + break; + #endif + + #ifdef DDRL + case 'L': + DDRL = 0xff; + while (!Serial_Available()) + { + PORTL ^= 0xff; + delay_ms(200); + } + PORTL = 0; + break; + #endif + + default: + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_PortNotSupported, 0); + getCharFlag = false; + break; + } + if (getCharFlag) + { + recchar(); + } + } + else + { + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_MustBeLetter, 0); + } +} + + +//******************************************************************* +static void PrintHelp(void) +{ + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_0, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_QM, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_AT, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_B, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_E, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_F, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_H, 0); + + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_L, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_Q, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_R, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_V, 0); + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_Y, 0); +} + +//************************************************************************ +static void RunMonitor(void) +{ +char keepGoing; +unsigned char theChar; +int ii, jj; + + for (ii=0; ii<5; ii++) + { + for (jj=0; jj<25; jj++) + { + sendchar('!'); + } + PrintNewLine(); + } + + gRamIndex = 0; + gFlashIndex = 0; + gEepromIndex = 0; + + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_Explorer, 0); + + keepGoing = 1; + while (keepGoing) + { + PrintFromPROGMEM(gTextMsg_Prompt, 0); + theChar = recchar(); + if (theChar >= 0x60) + { + theChar = theChar & 0x5F; + } + #if defined( _CEREBOTPLUS_BOARD_ ) + if (theChar == 0x5F) + { + + } + else + #endif + if (theChar >= 0x20) + { + sendchar(theChar); + sendchar(0x20); + } + + switch(theChar) + { + case '0': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_0, 2); + gFlashIndex = 0; + gRamIndex = 0; + gEepromIndex = 0; + break; + + case '?': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_QM, 2); + PrintCPUstats(); + break; + + case '@': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_AT, 2); + EEPROMtest(); + break; + + case 'B': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_B, 2); + BlinkLED(); + break; + + case 'E': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_E, 2); + DumpHex(kDUMP_EEPROM, gEepromIndex, 16); + gEepromIndex += 256; + if (gEepromIndex > E2END) + { + gEepromIndex = 0; + } + break; + + case 'F': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_F, 2); + DumpHex(kDUMP_FLASH, gFlashIndex, 16); + gFlashIndex += 256; + break; + + case 'H': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_H, 2); + PrintHelp(); + break; + + case 'L': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_L, 2); + ListAvailablePorts(); + break; + + case 'Q': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_Q, 2); + keepGoing = false; + break; + + case 'R': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_R, 2); + DumpHex(kDUMP_RAM, gRamIndex, 16); + gRamIndex += 256; + break; + + case 'V': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_V, 2); + VectorDisplay(); + break; + + case 'Y': + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HELP_MSG_Y, 2); + AVR_PortOutput(); + break; + + #if defined( _CEREBOTPLUS_BOARD_ ) + case 0x5F: + //* do nothing + break; + #endif + + default: + PrintFromPROGMEMln(gTextMsg_HUH, 0); + break; + } + } +} + +#endif + diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.ppg b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.ppg new file mode 100755 index 000000000..a8929d706 --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot.ppg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f366997c --- /dev/null +++ b/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/stk500v2/stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex @@ -0,0 +1,513 @@ +:020000023000CC +:10E000000D94F6F20D941FF30D941FF30D941FF36E +:10E010000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF334 +:10E020000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF324 +:10E030000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF314 +:10E040000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF304 +:10E050000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF3F4 +:10E060000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF3E4 +:10E070000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF3D4 +:10E080000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF3C4 +:10E090000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF3B4 +:10E0A0000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF3A4 +:10E0B0000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF394 +:10E0C0000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF384 +:10E0D0000D941FF30D941FF30D941FF30D941FF374 +:10E0E0000D941FF341546D65676132353630004140 +:10E0F000726475696E6F206578706C6F72657220DE +:10E1000073746B3530305632206279204D4C530099 +:10E11000426F6F746C6F616465723E004875683F52 +:10E1200000436F6D70696C6564206F6E20203D2028 +:10E1300000435055205479706520202020203D2038 +:10E14000005F5F4156525F415243485F5F203D2070 +:10E1500000415652204C69624320566572203D2092 +:10E16000004743432056657273696F6E20203D203F +:10E1700000435055207369676E61747572653D2068 +:10E18000004C6F77206675736520202020203D208D +:10E1900000486967682066757365202020203D204F +:10E1A00000457874206675736520202020203D206E +:10E1B000004C6F636B2066757365202020203D2026 +:10E1C00000536570202039203230313000312E3636 +:10E1D0002E3700342E332E33005623202020414486 +:10E1E00044522020206F7020636F6465202020201F +:10E1F00020696E737472756374696F6E20616464F4 +:10E2000072202020496E74657272757074006E6F92 +:10E2100020766563746F7200726A6D702020006AE8 +:10E220006D7020005768617420706F72743A0050EE +:10E230006F7274206E6F7420737570706F72746576 +:10E2400064004D7573742062652061206C65747480 +:10E2500065720020005772697474696E67204545C5 +:10E260000052656164696E6720454500656570729E +:10E270006F6D206572726F7220636F756E743D00F2 +:10E28000504F525400303D5A65726F206164647281 +:10E290006573732063747273003F3D435055207360 +:10E2A0007461747300403D454550524F4D20746574 +:10E2B000737400423D426C696E6B204C45440045CE +:10E2C0003D44756D7020454550524F4D00463D44CC +:10E2D000756D7020464C41534800483D48656C7050 +:10E2E000004C3D4C69737420492F4F20506F72745D +:10E2F0007300513D517569742026206A756D702038 +:10E30000746F20757365722070676D00523D44759F +:10E310006D702052414D00563D73686F7720696ED5 +:10E320007465727275707420566563746F727300D1 +:10E33000593D506F727420626C696E6B002A0052F6 +:10E340004553455400494E543000494E543100491C +:10E350004E543200494E543300494E543400494E15 +:10E36000543500494E543600494E54370050434905 +:10E370004E5430005043494E5431005043494E549E +:10E3800032005744540054494D45523020434F4DBC +:10E3900050410054494D45523020434F4D504200AA +:10E3A00054494D455230204F56460054494D455230 +:10E3B0003120434150540054494D45523120434F80 +:10E3C0004D50410054494D45523120434F4D50422C +:10E3D0000054494D45523120434F4D50430054495C +:10E3E0004D455231204F56460054494D455232203A +:10E3F000434F4D50410054494D45523220434F4DFB +:10E4000050420054494D455232204F56460054491F +:10E410004D45523320434150540054494D455233E9 +:10E4200020434F4D50410054494D45523320434FF6 +:10E430004D50420054494D45523320434F4D5043B7 +:10E440000054494D455233204F56460054494D45DE +:10E45000523420434150540054494D4552342043D6 +:10E460004F4D50410054494D45523420434F4D507B +:10E47000420054494D45523420434F4D50430054BF +:10E48000494D455234204F56460054494D4552356A +:10E4900020434150540054494D45523520434F4D7F +:10E4A00050410054494D45523520434F4D50420094 +:10E4B00054494D45523520434F4D50430054494D2A +:10E4C000455235204F564600555341525430205244 +:10E4D000580055534152543020554452450055532D +:10E4E0004152543020545800555341525431205217 +:10E4F000580055534152543120554452450055530C +:10E5000041525431205458005553415254322052F4 +:10E5100058005553415254322055445245005553EA +:10E5200041525432205458005553415254332052D2 +:10E5300058005553415254332055445245005553C9 +:10E5400041525433205458005350492053544300EF +:10E5500041444300414E414C4F4720434F4D5000F2 +:10E560004545205245414459005457490053504DA8 +:10E57000205245414459002A003FE345E34AE34F16 +:10E58000E354E359E35EE363E368E36DE374E37B41 +:10E59000E382E3E9E3F6E303E4ABE3B7E3C4E3D107 +:10E5A000E3DEE386E393E3A0E348E5C8E4D2E4DEF8 +:10E5B000E454E550E560E50EE41AE427E434E44170 +:10E5C000E4E8E4F2E4FEE469E56DE54CE458E46572 +:10E5D000E472E47FE48AE496E4A3E4B0E4BDE408F2 +:10E5E000E512E51EE528E532E53EE50011241FBEF3 +:10E5F000CFEFD1E2DEBFCDBF01E00CBF12E0A0E063 +:10E60000B2E0EAEDFFEF03E00BBF02C007900D920E 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