max patch updated

This commit is contained in:
Tom Igoe 2009-04-16 19:11:27 +00:00
parent 240e35be80
commit 6bf49c83fb
1 changed files with 684 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -1,120 +1,707 @@
* Physical Pixel
* by David A. Mellis
* An example of using the Arduino board to receive data from the
* computer. In this case, the Arduino boards turns on an LED when
* it receives the character 'H', and turns off the LED when it
* receives the character 'L'.
* The data can be sent from the Arduino serial monitor, or another
* program like Processing (see code below), Flash (via a serial-net
* proxy), PD, or Max/MSP.
Physical Pixel
An example of using the Arduino board to receive data from the
computer. In this case, the Arduino boards turns on an LED when
it receives the character 'H', and turns off the LED when it
receives the character 'L'.
The data can be sent from the Arduino serial monitor, or another
program like Processing (see code below), Flash (via a serial-net
proxy), PD, or Max/MSP.
The circuit:
* LED connected from digital pin 13 to ground
created 2006
by David A. Mellis
modified 14 Apr 2009
by Tom Igoe and Scott Fitzgerald
int outputPin = 13;
int val;
#define ledPin 13 // the pin that the LED is attached to
int incomingByte; // a variable to read incoming serial data into
void setup()
void setup() {
// initialize serial communication:
pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if (Serial.available()) {
val =;
if (val == 'H') {
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);
void loop() {
// see if there's incoming serial data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the oldest byte in the serial buffer:
incomingByte =;
// if it's a capital H (ASCII 72), turn on the LED:
if (incomingByte == 'H') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
if (val == 'L') {
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);
// if it's an L (ASCII 76) turn off the LED:
if (incomingByte == 'L') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
/* Processing code for this example
// mouseover serial
// Demonstrates how to send data to the Arduino I/O board, in order to
// turn ON a light if the mouse is over a square and turn it off
// if the mouse is not.
// created 2003-4
// based on examples by Casey Reas and Hernando Barragan
// modified 18 Jan 2009
// by Tom Igoe
import processing.serial.*;
float boxX;
float boxY;
int boxSize = 20;
boolean mouseOverBox = false;
Serial port;
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
boxX = width/2.0;
boxY = height/2.0;
// List all the available serial ports in the output pane.
// You will need to choose the port that the Arduino board is
// connected to from this list. The first port in the list is
// port #0 and the third port in the list is port #2.
// Open the port that the Arduino board is connected to (in this case #0)
// Make sure to open the port at the same speed Arduino is using (9600bps)
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw()
// Test if the cursor is over the box
if (mouseX > boxX-boxSize && mouseX < boxX+boxSize &&
mouseY > boxY-boxSize && mouseY < boxY+boxSize) {
mouseOverBox = true;
// draw a line around the box and change its color:
// send an 'H' to indicate mouse is over square:
else {
// return the box to it's inactive state:
// send an 'L' to turn the LED off:
mouseOverBox = false;
// Draw the box
rect(boxX, boxY, boxSize, boxSize);
// mouseover serial
// by BARRAGAN <>
"boxes" : [ {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "Physical Pixel\n\nThis patch sends an ASCII H or an ASCII L out the serial port to turn on an LED attached to an Arduino board. It can also send alternating H and L characters once every second to make the LED blink.\n\ncreated 2006\nby David A. Mellis\nmodified 14 Apr 2009\nby Scott Fitzgerald and Tom Igoe",
"linecount" : 11,
"patching_rect" : [ 14.0, 35.0, 354.0, 158.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-1",
"fontname" : "Arial",
"numinlets" : 1
// Demonstrates how to send data to the Arduino I/O board, in order to
// turn ON a light if the mouse is over a rectangle and turn it off
// if the mouse is not.
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "Click to blink every second",
"patching_rect" : [ 99.0, 251.0, 161.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-38",
"fontname" : "Arial",
"numinlets" : 1
// created 13 May 2004
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "toggle",
"patching_rect" : [ 74.0, 251.0, 21.0, 21.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "int" ],
"id" : "obj-39",
"numinlets" : 1
import processing.serial.*;
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "p blink",
"patching_rect" : [ 74.0, 286.0, 45.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"outlettype" : [ "int" ],
"id" : "obj-37",
"fontname" : "Arial",
"numinlets" : 2,
"patcher" : {
"fileversion" : 1,
"rect" : [ 54.0, 94.0, 640.0, 480.0 ],
"bglocked" : 0,
"defrect" : [ 54.0, 94.0, 640.0, 480.0 ],
"openrect" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
"openinpresentation" : 0,
"default_fontsize" : 10.0,
"default_fontface" : 0,
"default_fontname" : "Verdana",
"gridonopen" : 0,
"gridsize" : [ 25.0, 25.0 ],
"gridsnaponopen" : 0,
"toolbarvisible" : 1,
"boxanimatetime" : 200,
"imprint" : 0,
"boxes" : [ {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "* 1000",
"patching_rect" : [ 200.0, 150.0, 46.0, 19.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"fontsize" : 10.0,
"outlettype" : [ "int" ],
"id" : "obj-12",
"fontname" : "Verdana",
"numinlets" : 2
Serial port;
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "inlet",
"patching_rect" : [ 200.0, 75.0, 25.0, 25.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"id" : "obj-11",
"numinlets" : 0,
"comment" : ""
void setup()
size(200, 200);
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "toggle",
"patching_rect" : [ 125.0, 250.0, 20.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "int" ],
"id" : "obj-10",
"numinlets" : 1
// List all the available serial ports in the output pane.
// You will need to choose the port that the Arduino board is
// connected to from this list. The first port in the list is
// port #0 and the third port in the list is port #2.
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "metro 1000",
"patching_rect" : [ 115.0, 190.0, 69.0, 19.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"fontsize" : 10.0,
"outlettype" : [ "bang" ],
"id" : "obj-3",
"fontname" : "Verdana",
"numinlets" : 2
// Open the port that the Arduino board is connected to (in this case #0)
// Make sure to open the port at the same speed Arduino is using (9600bps)
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "outlet",
"patching_rect" : [ 125.0, 400.0, 25.0, 25.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 0,
"id" : "obj-2",
"numinlets" : 1,
"comment" : ""
// function to test if mouse is over square
boolean mouseOverRect()
return ((mouseX >= 50)&&(mouseX <= 150)&&(mouseY >= 50)&(mouseY <= 150));
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "inlet",
"patching_rect" : [ 100.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 1,
"outlettype" : [ "int" ],
"id" : "obj-1",
"numinlets" : 0,
"comment" : ""
void draw()
if(mouseOverRect()) // if mouse is over square
fill(#BBBBB0); // change color
port.write('H'); // send an 'H' to indicate mouse is over square
} else {
fill(#666660); // change color
port.write('L'); // send an 'L' otherwise
rect(50, 50, 100, 100); // draw square
/* Max/MSP patch for this example.
max v2;
#N vpatcher 140 160 740 560;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P comment 333 191 100 196617 Converts to integer;
#P window linecount 2;
#P comment 333 127 100 196617 bangs H for on \, L for off;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 263 127 41 196617 sel 1 0;
#P toggle 263 54 60 0;
#P message 278 151 14 196617 L;
#P newex 263 191 40 196617 atoi;
#P message 263 151 14 196617 H;
#P message 224 191 32 196617 print;
#P newex 263 217 71 196617 serial a 9600;
#P window linecount 2;
#P comment 333 75 100 196617 Click here to turn on or off the LED;
#P comment 121 191 98 196617 Click to get a list of the serial ports;
#P connect 7 0 8 0;
#P connect 8 0 4 0;
#P fasten 4 0 5 0 268 178 268 178;
#P fasten 6 0 5 0 283 178 268 178;
#P fasten 3 0 2 0 229 212 268 212;
#P fasten 5 0 2 0 268 212 268 212;
#P connect 8 1 6 0;
#P pop;
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"default_fontname" : "Verdana",
"default_fontsize" : 10.0,
"fontname" : "Verdana",
"globalpatchername" : ""
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "convert to int",
"patching_rect" : [ 154.0, 386.0, 104.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-36",
"fontname" : "Arial",
"numinlets" : 1
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "send L if 0, H if 1",
"patching_rect" : [ 154.0, 361.0, 104.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-35",
"fontname" : "Arial",
"numinlets" : 1
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "is it on or off?",
"patching_rect" : [ 179.0, 336.0, 95.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-34",
"fontname" : "Arial",
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"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "atoi",
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"fontsize" : 12.0,
"outlettype" : [ "list" ],
"id" : "obj-33",
"fontname" : "Arial",
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"box" : {
"maxclass" : "message",
"text" : "H",
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"numoutlets" : 1,
"fontsize" : 10.0,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"id" : "obj-32",
"fontname" : "Verdana",
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"box" : {
"maxclass" : "message",
"text" : "L",
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"numoutlets" : 1,
"fontsize" : 10.0,
"outlettype" : [ "" ],
"id" : "obj-31",
"fontname" : "Verdana",
"numinlets" : 2
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "select 0 1",
"patching_rect" : [ 279.0, 336.0, 62.0, 20.0 ],
"numoutlets" : 3,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"outlettype" : [ "bang", "bang", "" ],
"id" : "obj-25",
"fontname" : "Arial",
"numinlets" : 1
, {
"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "Click to turn the LED on and off",
"linecount" : 2,
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"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-24",
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"outlettype" : [ "int" ],
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"box" : {
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"id" : "obj-30",
"fontname" : "Arial",
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"box" : {
"maxclass" : "comment",
"text" : "click here to close the serial port",
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"numoutlets" : 0,
"fontsize" : 12.0,
"id" : "obj-26",
"fontname" : "Arial",
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"box" : {
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"numoutlets" : 0,
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"id" : "obj-27",
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"id" : "obj-21",
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"id" : "obj-19",
"fontname" : "Arial",
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"box" : {
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