MacOSX code sign procedure (part 2)

This commit is contained in:
Cristian Maglie 2013-02-04 14:46:27 +01:00
parent 3492911527
commit 9b16f7baa5
1 changed files with 9 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -275,9 +275,14 @@
<!-- Unzip unsigned app into working dir -->
<unzip dest="macosx/work" src="macosx/arduino-${version}-${platform}.zip" overwrite="false"/>
<!-- Unlock keychain file -->
<exec executable="security" dir="macosx/work">
<arg line="unlock-keychain -p &quot;${macosx-sign-keychain-pass}&quot; &quot;${macosx-sign-keychain}&quot;" />
<!-- Sign app -->
<exec executable="codesign" dir="macosx/work" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-s &quot;${macosx-sign-id}&quot; -v" />
<arg line="--keychain &quot;${macosx-sign-keychain}&quot; -s &quot;${macosx-sign-id}&quot; -v" />
<!-- Create signed zip file -->
@ -295,7 +300,9 @@
<target name="macosx-singed-dist-check">
<fail unless="macosx-sign-id" message="Please set the property 'macosx-sign-id' to correctly sign distribution file" />
<fail unless="macosx-sign-keychain" message="Please set the property 'macosx-sign-keychain' to the correct keychain file" />
<fail unless="macosx-sign-keychain-pass" message="Please set the property 'macosx-sign-keychain-pass' with the password to unlock the keychain" />
<fail unless="macosx-sign-id" message="Please set the property 'macosx-sign-id' to the correct cert identifier" />
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