Fixed pre processor bug. Closes #1245

This commit is contained in:
Federico Fissore 2013-10-22 17:32:25 +02:00
parent dace68fd29
commit bdf7eba7ed
4 changed files with 704 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
// single-quoted character // single-quoted character
String p = "('.')"; String p = "('.')";
p += "|('\\\\\"')";
// double-quoted string // double-quoted string
p += "|(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")"; p += "|(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")";

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class PdePreprocessorTest {
public void testSourceWithQuoteAndDoubleQuotesEscapedAndFinalQuoteShouldNotRaiseException() throws Exception {
String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("RemoteCallLogger_v1e0.ino").getFile()));
String actualOutput = new PdePreprocessor().strip(s);
String expectedOutput = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(PdePreprocessorTest.class.getResource("RemoteCallLogger_v1e0.stripped.ino").getFile()));
assertEquals(actualOutput, expectedOutput);

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@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // required to send and receive AT commands from the GPRS Shield
#include <Wire.h> // required for I2C communication with the RTC
// pin numbers for RTC
#define DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS 104 // 0x68 // Address for RTC
#define DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR 0 // 0x00
#define DS3231_ALARM1_ADDR 7 // 0x07
#define DS3231_ALARM2_ADDR 11 // 0x0B
#define DS3231_CONTROL_ADDR 14 // 0x0E
#define DS3231_STATUS_ADDR 15 // 0x0F
//#define DS3231_AGING_OFFSET_ADDR 16 // 0x10
#define DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR 17 // 0x11
// Declarations for GPRS shield
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 ); // A softwareSerial line is defined for the GPRS Shield
byte buffer[ 64 ]; // Buffer is used to transfer data from the GPRS line to the serial line
int count = 0, e = 0, count2 = 0, t = 0, q;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = "blank";
boolean callIncoming = false, done;
// Declarations for RTC
byte time[ 7 ]; // second, minute, hour, dow, day, month, year
byte time_A1[ 5 ]; // second_A1, minute_A1, hour_A1, day_A1, DY/DT
byte time_A2[ 4 ]; // minute_A2, hour_A2, day_A2, DY/DT
byte received[1]; // used to catch bytes sent from the clock
float temperature; // clock temperature is updated every 64 s
// Declarations for RemoteCallLogger
char telescopeNames[6][4];
Code Exclusively for GPRS shield:
// Default set of instructions for GPRS Shield power control
void setPowerStateTo( int newState )
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) { // tests for an invalid state. In this case no change is made to powerstate
Serial.print( "Error: Invalid powerstate. Current powerstate = " );
Serial.print( getPowerState() );
Serial.print( "\n" );
else {
if( newState == getPowerState() ) { // if the requested powerstate is already in effect, no action is taken
Serial.print( "Powerstate = " );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( " remains unchanged.\n" );
else {
powerUpOrDown(); // This is the only case where the powerstate is changed
Serial.print( "Powerstate changed from " );
Serial.print( 1 - newState );
Serial.print( " to " );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( "\n" );
delay( 5000 ); // for startup
int getPowerState() // returns 0 if GPRS Shield is off, and 1 if GPRS Shield is on. This corresponds to the constant HIGH LOW enumeration
int ret;
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 ) // tests pins 18 and 19 for activity. See ExFoundImportantPins sketch to find out why
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
return ret;
void powerUpOrDown() // toggle the power of the shield
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 1000 );
digitalWrite( 9, HIGH );
delay( 2000 );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 3000 );
// End of default power control
void clearBufferArray() // gives each element in the buffer array a null value
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = NULL;
void makeMissedCall( char num[] )
int i;
char in[ 18 ] = "ATD";
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ ) // AT command string containing telephone number is prepared
in[ i ] = num[ i - 3] ;
in[ 15 ] = ';';
in[ 16 ] = '\r';
in[ 17 ] = '\0';
GPRS.write( in ); // AT command requesting call is sent
delay( 10000 ); // enough time is given for GSM connection, and at least one ring.
GPRS.write( "ATH\r\0" ); // AT command requesting hangup is sent
delay( 1000 );
void sendTextMessage( char number[], char messg[] )
char temp[ 27 ] = "AT + CMGS = \"";
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ ) // for-loop is used to prepare the AT command string containing the telephone number
temp[ q + 13 ] = number[ q ];
temp[ 25 ] = '\"';
temp[ 26 ] = '\0';
GPRS.println( "AT+CMGF=1\r" ); // AT command requesting SMS in text mode is sent
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( temp ); // AT command containing telephone number is sent
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( messg ); //the content of the message
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 ); //the ASCII code of the ctrl+z is 26. This character indicates the end of the message.
delay( 1000 );
void analise(byte incoming[], int length) // this function receives and analyses all text sent from the GPRS Shield to the serial line. It stores the cell number of the last caller.
e = 0; // Counter that represents a letter in the buffer
done = false; // Boolean that prevents unneccessary loop revolutions
while( e < length && !done){ // while e does not surpass the last letter index of the buffer...
temp = char( incoming[e] ); // store the character at index e in a temporary char
switch( temp ){ // inspect temp
case 'R':
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) { // This case responds to "RING"
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) == 'I'
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) == 'N'
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == 'G'){
GPRS.write("AT+CLCC\r"); // call information is requested
delay(500); // time is given for processing
GPRS.write("ATH\r"); // GPRS shield hangs up
callIncoming = true; // this ensures that a number cannot be stored in any other case than a missed call
done = true; // prevents the further operation of this while loop
case '+':
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == '2' && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){ // this case responds to "+2", but only if the buffer contains enough characters for a valid cell number
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++) // and only if the callIncoming boolean had been triggered by a previous instance of this function
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]); // the number of this caller is stored in lastCaller
lastCaller[12] = '\0';
callIncoming = false; // now we are ready for the next call
done = true; // prevents the further operation of this while loop
case 'l':
Serial.println(lastCaller); // an easy way to test this function. Simply type "l" to see the value of lastCaller (default "blank")
e++; // buffer index is incremented
End of GPRS Shield code
Code exclusively for RTC
byte decToBcd( byte b ) // converts a byte from a decimal format to a binary-coded decimal
return ( b / 10 << 4 ) + b % 10;
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos ) // returns a single bit from a determined location in the RTC register
byte temp = getByte( addr );
return boolean( (temp >> pos) & B00000001 );
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit ) // ensures that a single bit from a determined location in the RTC register is a determined value
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos ); // bits' current state is retrieved
byte temp = received[ 0 ]; // complete byte is retrieved. it is still left in received from the previous command
if ( oldBit != newBit ) // change is only made if the bit isnt already the correct value
if( newBit ) // if newBit is 1, then old bit must be 0, thus we must add an amount
temp += (B00000001 << pos); // 2 to the power of the bit position is added to the byte
temp -= (B00000001 << pos); // 2 to the power of the bit position is subtracted from the byte
setByte( addr, temp ); // the register is updated with the new byte
byte getByte( byte addr ) // returns a single byte from the given address in the RTC register
byte temp;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) ) // If one byte was read from the address:
temp = received[ 0 ]; // get that byte
else temp = -1; // -1 is returned as an error
return temp;
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount ) // updates the byte array "received" with the given amount of bytes, read from the given address
{ // ^ returns false if reading failed
boolean wireWorked = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS ); // We transmit to the RTC
Wire.write( addr ); // We want to read from the given address
Wire.endTransmission(); // We want to receive, so we stop transmitting
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount ); // we request the given amount of bytes from the RTC
if( Wire.available() ){
received[amount]; // prepare the array for the amount of incoming bytes
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
received[ i ] =; // we read the given amount of bytes
wireWorked = true; // everything went as planned
return wireWorked;
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte ) // writes a given byte to a given address in the RTCs register. convenient
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1); // call the setBytes function with the default amount = 1
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount ) // writes a given amount of bytes in a sequence starting from a given address
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS ); // We transmit to the RTC
Wire.write( addr ); // We want to start writing from the given address
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] ); // we write each byte in sequence
Wire.endTransmission(); // we're done here
void getTime() // reads the current time from the register and updates the byte array containing the current time
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) ) // if 7 bytes were read in from the time address:
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) // place each byte in it's place
time[ i ] = received[ i ];
// The following conversions convert the values from binary-coded decimal format to regular binary:
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 ); // second
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 ); // minute
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 ); // hour
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 ); // day of month
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 ); // month
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 ); // year
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] ) // sets the time in the RTC register to the given values
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]); // the time consists of 7 bytes, each which must be converted to binary-coded decimal
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 ); // bytes are sent to be written
void getRTCTemperature() // reads the temperature from the register and updates the global temperature float
//temp registers (11h-12h) get updated automatically every 64s
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) ) // if 2 bytes were read from the temperature addresss
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 ); // assign the integer part of the integer
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 ); // assign the fractional part of the temperature
void gprsListen()
if( GPRS.available() ) { // If the GPRS Shield is transmitting data to the Stalker...
while( GPRS.available() ) { // While there is still data left...
buffer[ count++ ] =; // get the next byte of data
if ( count == 64 ) // we only handle a maximum of 64 bytes of data at a time
Serial.write( buffer, count ); // Send the data to the serial line
analise( buffer, count );
clearBufferArray(); // clear the buffer
count = 0; // reset counter
if (Serial.available()) // if the Stalker is transmitting data....
GPRS.write(; // send the data to the GPRS Shield.
void printTime() // updates time, and prints it in a convenient format
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) ); // dow
Serial.print( ' ' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) ); // hour
Serial.print( ':' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) ); // minute
Serial.print( ':' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) ); // second
Serial.print( ' ' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) ); // day
Serial.print( '/' );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) ); // month
Serial.print( "/20" );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) ); // year
End of RTC code
void setup()
// GPRS Shield startup code
GPRS.begin( 9600 );
// RTC Startup code
void loop()
gprsListen(); // GPRS Shield listener. Todo: replace w interrupt
getTime(); // Updates the time. Todo: replace w interrupt

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@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
SoftwareSerial GPRS( 7, 8 );
byte buffer[ 64 ];
int count = 0, e = 0, count2 = 0, t = 0, q;
char temp, lastCaller[13] = ;
boolean callIncoming = false, done;
byte time[ 7 ];
byte time_A1[ 5 ];
byte time_A2[ 4 ];
byte received[1];
float temperature;
char telescopeNames[6][4];
void setPowerStateTo( int newState )
if( newState != 1 && newState != 0 ) {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( getPowerState() );
Serial.print( );
else {
if( newState == getPowerState() ) {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( );
else {
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( 1 - newState );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( newState );
Serial.print( );
delay( 5000 );
int getPowerState()
int ret;
if ( digitalRead(18) == 0 && digitalRead(19) == 0 )
ret = 1;
ret = 0;
return ret;
void powerUpOrDown()
pinMode( 9, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 1000 );
digitalWrite( 9, HIGH );
delay( 2000 );
digitalWrite( 9, LOW );
delay( 3000 );
void clearBufferArray()
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = NULL;
void makeMissedCall( char num[] )
int i;
char in[ 18 ] = ;
for( i = 3; i <= 14; i++ )
in[ i ] = num[ i - 3] ;
in[ 15 ] = ;
in[ 16 ] = '\r';
in[ 17 ] = '\0';
GPRS.write( in );
delay( 10000 );
GPRS.write( );
delay( 1000 );
void sendTextMessage( char number[], char messg[] )
char temp[ 27 ] = ;
for( q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
temp[ q + 13 ] = number[ q ];
temp[ 25 ] = ;
temp[ 26 ] = '\0';
GPRS.println( );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( temp );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( messg );
delay( 1000 );
GPRS.println( (char) 26 );
delay( 1000 );
void analise(byte incoming[], int length)
e = 0;
done = false;
while( e < length && !done){
temp = char( incoming[e] );
switch( temp ){
case :
if( length > e + 3 && !callIncoming ) {
if(char( incoming[e + 1] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 2] ) ==
&& char( incoming[e + 3] ) == ){
GPRS.write( );
GPRS.write( );
callIncoming = true;
done = true;
case :
if(char( buffer[ e + 1]) == && length > e + 11 && callIncoming){
for(t = 0; t < 12; t++)
lastCaller[t] = char( buffer[ e + t ]);
lastCaller[12] = '\0';
callIncoming = false;
done = true;
case :
byte decToBcd( byte b )
return ( b / 10 << 4 ) + b % 10;
boolean getBit( byte addr, int pos )
byte temp = getByte( addr );
return boolean( (temp >> pos) & B00000001 );
void setBit( byte addr, int pos, boolean newBit )
boolean oldBit = getBit( addr, pos );
byte temp = received[ 0 ];
if ( oldBit != newBit )
if( newBit )
temp += (B00000001 << pos);
temp -= (B00000001 << pos);
setByte( addr, temp );
byte getByte( byte addr )
byte temp;
if( getBytes( addr, 1) )
temp = received[ 0 ];
else temp = -1;
return temp;
boolean getBytes( byte addr, int amount )
boolean wireWorked = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
Wire.requestFrom( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS, amount );
if( Wire.available() ){
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++){
received[ i ] =;
wireWorked = true;
return wireWorked;
void setByte( byte addr, byte newByte )
setBytes( addr, &newByte, 1);
void setBytes( byte addr, byte newBytes[], int amount )
Wire.beginTransmission( DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS );
Wire.write( addr );
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Wire.write( newBytes[ i ] );
void getTime()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, 7) )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
time[ i ] = received[ i ];
time[ 0 ] = ( ( time[ 0 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 0 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 1 ] = ( ( time[ 1 ] & B01110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 1 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 2 ] = ( ( time[ 2 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 2 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 4 ] = ( ( time[ 4 ] & B00110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 4 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 5 ] = ( ( time[ 5 ] & B00010000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 5 ] & B00001111 );
time[ 6 ] = ( ( time[ 6 ] & B11110000 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( time[ 6 ] & B00001111 );
void setTime( byte newTime[ 7 ] )
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
newTime[i] = decToBcd(newTime[i]);
setBytes( DS3231_TIME_CAL_ADDR, newTime, 7 );
void getRTCTemperature()
if( getBytes( DS3231_TEMPERATURE_ADDR, 2 ) )
temperature = ( received[ 0 ] & B01111111 );
temperature += ( ( received[ 1 ] >> 6 ) * 0.25 );
void gprsListen()
if( GPRS.available() ) {
while( GPRS.available() ) {
buffer[ count++ ] =;
if ( count == 64 )
Serial.write( buffer, count );
analise( buffer, count );
count = 0;
if (Serial.available())
void printTime()
Serial.print( int( time[ 3 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 2 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 1 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 0 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 4 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 5 ] ) );
Serial.print( );
Serial.print( int( time[ 6 ] ) );
void setup()
GPRS.begin( 9600 );
void loop()