macosx zip reduced from 126M(390M uncompressed) to 120M(370M uncompressed)
This commit is contained in:
Federico Fissore 2013-01-23 11:44:37 +01:00 committed by Federico Fissore
parent 067b14a16c
commit d1bf880786
1 changed files with 123 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
<!--echo message=" = ${}" /-->
<!--echo message="os.arch = ${os.arch}" /-->
<!--echo message="os.version = ${os.version}" /-->
<!-- Sets properties for macosx/windows/linux depending on current system -->
<condition property="macosx"><os family="mac" /></condition>
<condition property="windows"><os family="windows" /></condition>
<condition property="linux"><os family="unix" /></condition>
<condition property="linux32"><os family="unix" arch="i386" /></condition>
<condition property="linux64"><os family="unix" arch="amd64" /></condition>
<condition property="platform"
<condition property="platform"
value="macosx"><os family="mac" /></condition>
<condition property="platform"
<condition property="platform"
value="windows"><os family="windows" /></condition>
<condition property="platform"
<condition property="platform"
value="linux32"><os family="unix" arch="i386" /></condition>
<condition property="platform"
<condition property="platform"
value="linux64"><os family="unix" arch="amd64" /></condition>
<!-- Libraries required for running arduino -->
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<target name="dist" depends="revision-check"
description="Build Arduino for distribution.">
<input message="Enter version number:"
<input message="Enter version number:"
defaultvalue="${revision}" />
<antcall target="${platform}-dist" />
@ -53,40 +53,40 @@
<arg value="-p" />
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Subprojects: Core, App, Libraries -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<target name="subprojects-clean">
<subant buildpath="../core" target="clean"/>
<subant buildpath="../app" target="clean"/>
<target name="subprojects-build">
<subant buildpath="../core" target="build"/>
<subant buildpath="../app" target="build"/>
<!-- - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Basic Assembly -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - -->
<target name="assemble">
<fail unless="target.path"
<fail unless="target.path"
message="Do not call assemble from the command line." />
<!-- copy shared tools folder -->
<copy todir="${target.path}/tools">
<fileset dir="shared/tools" />
<!-- copy library folder -->
<copy todir="${target.path}/libraries">
<fileset dir="../libraries" />
<!-- copy hardware folder -->
<copy todir="${target.path}/hardware">
<fileset dir="../hardware">
@ -98,20 +98,20 @@
<exclude name="arduino/sam/system/CMSIS/CMSIS/Lib/GCC/*M4*"/>
<!-- copy shared examples folder -->
<copy todir="${target.path}/examples">
<fileset dir="shared/examples" />
<!-- Unzip documentation -->
<unzip dest="${target.path}" src="shared/" overwrite="false"/>
<!-- Write the revision file! -->
<echo file="${target.path}/lib/version.txt" message="${version}" />
<!-- - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Revision check -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - -->
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@
<echo message="Latest revision detected in shared/revision.txt is: ${revision}" />
<!-- figure out the revision number in -->
<loadfile srcfile="../app/src/processing/app/"
<loadfile srcfile="../app/src/processing/app/"
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
<echo message="Revision in is: ${revision.base}" />
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Mac OS X -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
@ -161,37 +161,37 @@
<fileset dir="macosx" includes="arduino-*macosx*.zip"/>
<target name="macosx-checkos" unless="macosx">
Arduino for Mac OS X can only be built on Mac OS X.
<fail message="wrong platform (${})" />
<target name="macosx-build" if="macosx" depends="revision-check, macosx-checkos, subprojects-build, macosx-check-arm-toolchain" description="Build Mac OS X version">
<mkdir dir="macosx/work" />
<!-- assemble the pde -->
<copy todir="macosx/work/">
<fileset dir="macosx/" includes="**"/>
<!-- <rename src="macosx/work/"
<!-- <rename src="macosx/work/"
dest="macosx/work/" />
<move file="macosx/work/"
<move file="macosx/work/"
tofile="macosx/work/" />-->
<chmod file="macosx/work/" perm="755" />
<copy todir="macosx/work/" flatten="true">
<fileset refid="runtime.jars"/>
<copy todir="macosx/work/">
<fileset dir="shared" includes="lib/**" />
<fileset file="shared/revisions.txt" />
@ -208,13 +208,13 @@
<arg value="macosx/dist/" />
<copy todir="macosx/work/">
<copy todir="macosx/work/">
<fileset file="macosx/dist/bossac" />
<chmod file="macosx/work/" perm="+x" />
<copy todir="macosx/work/">
<copy todir="macosx/work/">
<fileset file="macosx/dist/eeprom.h" />
@ -223,6 +223,13 @@
<antcall target="macosx-unzip-arm-toolchain" />
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true">
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/3.4.6/**/*"/>
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/3.4.6"/>
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/man/**/*"/>
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/man"/>
<target name="macosx-run" depends="macosx-build" description="Run Mac OS X version">
@ -239,25 +246,25 @@
<target name="macosx-get-arm-toolchain" depends="macosx-check-arm-toolchain-distfile" unless="arm_distfile_available">
<!-- Retrieve ARM toolchain -->
dest="macosx/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-macos.tar.gz" verbose="true" />
<target name="macosx-check-arm-toolchain">
<available file="macosx/work/"
<available file="macosx/work/"
property="arm_available" />
<target name="macosx-unzip-arm-toolchain" depends="macosx-get-arm-toolchain, macosx-check-arm-toolchain" unless="arm_available">
<checksum file="macosx/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-macos.tar.gz" algorithm="sha"
<checksum file="macosx/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-macos.tar.gz" algorithm="sha"
fileext=".sha" verifyproperty="checksum.matches"/>
<condition property="">
<equals arg1="${checksum.matches}" arg2="false"/>
<fail if="">Checksum failed.
File gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-macos.tar.gz failed checksum.
File gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-macos.tar.gz failed checksum.
Please remove "macosx/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-macos.tar.gz" to download it again.
@ -277,7 +284,6 @@
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/*" />
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/*" />
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/*" />
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/cc1*" />
<fileset dir="macosx/work/" includes="**/cc1*" />
@ -285,7 +291,7 @@
token="VERSION" value="${version}" />
<replace file="macosx/work/"
token="REVISION" value="${revision}" />
<exec executable="zip" dir="macosx/work">
<arg line="-q -r ../arduino-${version}-${platform}.zip ." />
@ -295,9 +301,9 @@
Arduino for Mac OS X was built. Grab the image from
Arduino for Mac OS X was built. Grab the image from
@ -305,13 +311,13 @@
<target name="macosx-dist-old" if="macosx" depends="macosx-build" description="Create a .dmg of the Mac OS X version">
<!-- now build the dmg -->
<gunzip src="macosx/template.dmg.gz" dest="macosx/working.dmg" />
<mkdir dir="macosx/working_dir" />
<exec executable="hdiutil">
<arg line="attach macosx/working.dmg -noautoopen -mountpoint macosx/working_dir" />
<!--<arg line="attach macosx/working.dmg -noautoopen -quiet -mountpoint macosx/working_dir" />-->
<copy todir="macosx/working_dir">
<fileset dir="macosx/work" />
@ -332,12 +338,12 @@
errors when ejecting the disk in the next step.
You may need to set this value higher for your system. -->
<sleep seconds="3" />
<exec executable="hdiutil">
<!--<arg line="detach macosx/working_dir -quiet -force" />-->
<arg line="detach macosx/working_dir" />
<delete file="macosx/arduino-*.dmg" />
<exec executable="hdiutil">
<arg line="convert macosx/working.dmg -quiet -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o macosx/arduino-${version}.dmg" />
@ -346,47 +352,47 @@
<!-- Clean up the interim files. -->
<delete file="macosx/working.dmg" />
<delete dir="macosx/working_dir" />
Arduino for Mac OS X was built. Grab the image from
Arduino for Mac OS X was built. Grab the image from
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Linux -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<target name="linux-clean" depends="subprojects-clean" description="Clean linux version">
<delete dir="linux/work" />
<fileset dir="linux" includes="arduino-*linux*.tgz"/>
<target name="linux-checkos" unless="linux">
Arduino for Linux can only be built on on unix systems.
<fail message="wrong platform (${})" />
<target name="linux-build" depends="revision-check, linux-checkos, subprojects-build, linux-check-arm-toolchain" description="Build linux version">
<mkdir dir="linux/work" />
<copy todir="linux/work">
<fileset dir="shared" includes="lib/**" />
<fileset file="shared/revisions.txt" />
<copy todir="linux/work">
<fileset dir="linux/dist" includes="lib/**" />
@ -394,7 +400,7 @@
<copy todir="linux/work/lib" flatten="true">
<fileset refid="runtime.jars" />
<antcall target="assemble">
<param name="target.path" value="linux/work" />
@ -438,13 +444,13 @@
<arg value="../../avr_tools_linux64.tar.bz2"/>
<target name="linux32-run" depends="linux32-build"
<target name="linux32-run" depends="linux32-build"
description="Run Linux (32-bit) version">
<exec executable="./linux/work/arduino" spawn="false"/>
<target name="linux64-run" depends="linux64-build"
<target name="linux64-run" depends="linux64-build"
description="Run Linux (64-bit) version">
<exec executable="./linux/work/arduino" spawn="false"/>
@ -455,7 +461,7 @@
<target name="linux-get-arm-toolchain" depends="linux-check-arm-toolchain-distfile" unless="arm_distfile_available">
<!-- Retrieve ARM toolchain -->
verbose="true" />
@ -466,14 +472,14 @@
<target name="linux-unzip-arm-toolchain" depends="linux-get-arm-toolchain, linux-check-arm-toolchain" unless="arm_available">
<checksum file="linux/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-linux32.tar.gz" algorithm="sha"
<checksum file="linux/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-linux32.tar.gz" algorithm="sha"
fileext=".sha" verifyproperty="checksum.matches"/>
<condition property="">
<equals arg1="${checksum.matches}" arg2="false"/>
<fail if="">Checksum failed.
File gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-linux32.tar.gz failed checksum.
File gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-linux32.tar.gz failed checksum.
Please remove "linux/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-linux32.tar.gz" to download it again.
@ -493,7 +499,7 @@
<antcall target="linux-unzip-arm-toolchain" />
<target name="linux-dist" depends="build"
<target name="linux-dist" depends="build"
description="Build .tar.gz of linux version">
<!--get src=""
@ -505,18 +511,18 @@
<tar compression="gzip" basedir="linux/work"
<tar compression="gzip" basedir="linux/work"
destfile="linux/arduino-${version}.tgz" />
<tar compression="gzip" destfile="linux/arduino-${version}-linux.tgz">
<tarfileset dir="linux/work"
<tarfileset dir="linux/work"
<tarfileset file="linux/work/arduino" filemode="755" prefix="arduino-${version}" />
<tarfileset file="linux/work/hardware/tools/avrdude" filemode="755"
<tarfileset file="linux/work/hardware/tools/avrdude" filemode="755"
prefix="arduino-${version}/hardware/tools" />
@ -534,23 +540,23 @@
Arduino for Linux was built. Grab the archive from
Arduino for Linux was built. Grab the archive from
<target name="linux32-dist" depends="linux-dist"
<target name="linux32-dist" depends="linux-dist"
description="Build .tar.gz of linux version" />
<target name="linux64-dist" depends="linux-dist"
<target name="linux64-dist" depends="linux-dist"
description="Build .tar.gz of linux version" />
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Windows -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<target name="windows-clean" depends="subprojects-clean"
description="Clean windows version">
<delete dir="windows/work" />
@ -558,43 +564,43 @@
<fileset dir="windows" includes="arduino-*windows*.zip"/>
<target name="windows-checkos" unless="windows">
Arduino for Windows can only be built on windows.
<fail message="wrong platform (${})" />
<target name="windows-build"
depends="revision-check, windows-checkos, subprojects-build"
<target name="windows-build"
depends="revision-check, windows-checkos, subprojects-build"
description="Build windows version">
<mkdir dir="windows/work" />
<!-- assemble the pde -->
<mkdir dir="windows/work/lib" />
<copy todir="windows/work/lib" flatten="true">
<fileset refid="runtime.jars" />
<copy todir="windows/work">
<fileset dir="shared" includes="lib/**" />
<fileset file="shared/revisions.txt" />
<copy todir="windows/work">
<fileset dir="windows/dist" includes="*.dll" />
<copy todir="windows/work">
<fileset dir="windows/dist" includes="drivers/**" />
<!-- Unzip AVR tools -->
<unzip dest="windows/work/hardware" src="windows/" overwrite="false"/>
@ -613,18 +619,18 @@
<antcall target="assemble">
<param name="target.path" value="windows/work" />
<property name="launch4j.dir" value="windows/launcher/launch4j/" />
<taskdef name="launch4j"
<taskdef name="launch4j"
classpath="${launch4j.dir}/launch4j.jar; ${launch4j.dir}/lib/xstream.jar" />
<copy todir="windows/work">
<fileset dir="windows/launcher"
<fileset dir="windows/launcher"
includes="about.bmp, application.ico, config.xml"/>
<launch4j configFile="windows/work/config.xml" />
<delete dir="windows/work"
<delete dir="windows/work"
includes="about.bmp, application.ico, config.xml" />
<!-- cygwin requires html, dll, and exe to have the +x flag -->
@ -634,10 +640,10 @@
<antcall target="windows-unzip-arm-toolchain" />
<target name="windows-run" depends="windows-build"
<target name="windows-run" depends="windows-build"
description="Run windows version">
<exec executable="windows/work/arduino.exe"
<exec executable="windows/work/arduino.exe"
dir="windows/work" spawn="true"/>
@ -647,7 +653,7 @@
<target name="windows-get-arm-toolchain" depends="windows-check-arm-toolchain-distfile" unless="arm_distfile_available">
<!-- Retrieve ARM toolchain -->
verbose="true" />
@ -658,14 +664,14 @@
<target name="windows-unzip-arm-toolchain" depends="windows-get-arm-toolchain, windows-check-arm-toolchain" unless="arm_available">
<checksum file="windows/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-win32.tar.gz" algorithm="sha"
<checksum file="windows/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-win32.tar.gz" algorithm="sha"
fileext=".sha" verifyproperty="checksum.matches"/>
<condition property="">
<equals arg1="${checksum.matches}" arg2="false"/>
<fail if="">Checksum failed.
File gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-win32.tar.gz failed checksum.
File gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-win32.tar.gz failed checksum.
Please remove "windows/dist/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.4.1-2010q1-188-win32.tar.gz" to download it again.
@ -677,7 +683,7 @@
<target name="windows-dist" depends="windows-build"
<target name="windows-dist" depends="windows-build"
description="Create .zip files of windows version">
<!--get src=""
@ -706,31 +712,31 @@
excludes="java/**" />
Arduino for Windows was built. Grab the archive from
Arduino for Windows was built. Grab the archive from
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Source -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<target name="source-dist" depends="revision-check"
description="Build .tar.gz of source code">
<input message="Enter version number:"
<input message="Enter version number:"
defaultvalue="${revision}" />
<tar compression="gzip" destfile="arduino-${version}-src.tar.gz">
<tarfileset dir="../"
<tarfileset dir="../"
@ -738,24 +744,24 @@
Arduino source distribution was built. Grab the archive from
Arduino source distribution was built. Grab the archive from
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Run It! -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<target name="clean" description="Perform a spring cleaning"
<target name="clean" description="Perform a spring cleaning"
depends="linux-clean, windows-clean, macosx-clean, subprojects-clean">