Improving detection of functions that need to be prototyped; no longer moving #include's to the top of the sketch. Actually putting todo items in todo.txt.

This commit is contained in:
David A. Mellis 2008-02-16 19:34:26 +00:00
parent ac4c326c89
commit f7ea3cbeb1
3 changed files with 189 additions and 241 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import*;
import processing.core.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import antlr.*;
import antlr.collections.*;
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
static final int JDK13 = 1;
static final int JDK14 = 2;
static String defaultImports[][] = new String[3][];
//static String defaultImports[][] = new String[3][];
// these ones have the .* at the end, since a class name
// might be at the end instead of .* whcih would make trouble
@ -55,10 +57,6 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
// it to produce a package name consistently.
public String extraImports[];
// imports just from the code folder, treated differently
// than the others, since the imports are auto-generated.
public String codeFolderImports[];
static public final int STATIC = 0; // formerly BEGINNER
static public final int ACTIVE = 1; // formerly INTERMEDIATE
static public final int JAVA = 2; // formerly ADVANCED
@ -68,9 +66,6 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
Reader programReader;
String buildPath;
// used for calling the ASTFactory to get the root node
private static final int ROOT_ID = 0;
// stores number of built user-defined function prototypes
public int prototypeCount = 0;
@ -81,20 +76,96 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
* These may change in-between (if the prefs panel adds this option)
* so grab them here on construction.
public PdePreprocessor() {
/* defaultImports[JDK11] =
Base.split(Preferences.get("preproc.imports.jdk11"), ',');
defaultImports[JDK13] =
Base.split(Preferences.get("preproc.imports.jdk13"), ',');
defaultImports[JDK14] =
Base.split(Preferences.get("preproc.imports.jdk14"), ',');
*/ }
public PdePreprocessor() {}
* Used by PdeEmitter.dumpHiddenTokens()
//public static TokenStreamCopyingHiddenTokenFilter filter;
* Strips comments, pre-processor directives, single- and double-quoted
* strings from a string.
* @param in the String to strip
* @return the stripped String
public String strip(String in) throws MalformedPatternException {
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
Pattern pattern = compiler.compile(
// XXX: doesn't properly handle special single-quoted characters
// single-quoted character
"('.')" + "|" +
// double-quoted string
"(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\")" + "|" +
// multi-line comment
"(/\\*(?:.|\\n)*?\\*/)" + "|" +
// single-line comment
"(//.*?$)" + "|" +
// pre-processor directive
while (matcher.contains(in, pattern)) {
MatchResult result = matcher.getMatch();
// XXX: should preserve newlines in the result so that line numbers of
// the stripped string correspond to those in the original source.
in = in.substring(0, result.beginOffset(0)) + " " + in.substring(result.endOffset(0));
return in;
* Removes the contents of all top-level curly brace pairs {}.
* @param in the String to collapse
* @return the collapsed String
private String collapseBraces(String in) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int nesting = 0;
int start = 0;
// XXX: need to keep newlines inside braces so we can determine the line
// number of a prototype
for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) {
if (in.charAt(i) == '{') {
if (nesting == 0) {
buffer.append(in.substring(start, i + 1)); // include the '{'
if (in.charAt(i) == '}') {
if (nesting == 0) {
start = i; // include the '}'
return buffer.toString();
private List prototypes(String in) throws MalformedPatternException {
in = collapseBraces(strip(in));
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput(in);
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
// XXX: doesn't handle ... varargs
// XXX: doesn't handle function pointers
Pattern pattern = compiler.compile(
List matches = new ArrayList();
while (matcher.contains(input, pattern)) {
matches.add(matcher.getMatch().group(0) + ";");
return matches;
@ -106,7 +177,7 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
// String extraImports[]) throws java.lang.Exception {
public String write(String program, String buildPath,
String name, String codeFolderPackages[],
Target target)
Target target)
throws java.lang.Exception {
// if the program ends with no CR or LF an OutOfMemoryError will happen.
// not gonna track down the bug now, so here's a hack for it:
@ -160,14 +231,14 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
program = new String(p2, 0, index);
// if this guy has his own imports, need to remove them
// just in case it's not an advanced mode sketch
PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
//String mess = "^\\s*(import\\s+\\S+\\s*;)";
//String mess = "^\\s*(import\\s+)(\\S+)(\\s*;)";
String mess = "^\\s*(#include\\s+[<\"])(\\S+)([\">]\\s*)";
String mess = "^\\s*#include\\s+[<\"](\\S+)[\">]";
java.util.Vector imports = new java.util.Vector();
Pattern pattern = null;
@ -178,184 +249,35 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
return null;
do {
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput(program);
if (!matcher.contains(input, pattern)) break;
MatchResult result = matcher.getMatch();
String piece1 =;
String piece2 =; // the header file name w/o quotes
String piece3 =;
String piece = piece1 + piece2 + piece3;
int len = piece.length();
int idx = program.indexOf(piece);
// just remove altogether?
program = program.substring(0, idx) + program.substring(idx + len);
//System.out.println("removing " + piece);
} while (true);
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput(program);
while (matcher.contains(input, pattern)) {
extraImports = new String[imports.size()];
if (codeFolderPackages != null) {
codeFolderImports = new String[codeFolderPackages.length];
for (int i = 0; i < codeFolderPackages.length; i++) {
codeFolderImports[i] = codeFolderPackages[i] + ".*";
} else {
codeFolderImports = null;
// do this after the program gets re-combobulated
this.programReader = new StringReader(program);
this.buildPath = buildPath;
// create function prototypes
mess = "^(\\w+)\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\(([^)]*)\\)\\s*{";
pattern = null;
try {
pattern = compiler.compile(mess);
} catch (MalformedPatternException e) {
return null;
PatternMatcherInput input = new PatternMatcherInput(program);
MatchResult result;
String returntype, functioname, parameterlist, prototype;
java.util.LinkedList prototypes = new java.util.LinkedList();
while(matcher.contains(input, pattern)){
result = matcher.getMatch();
returntype =;
functioname =;
parameterlist ='\n', ' ');
prototype = returntype + " " + functioname + "(" + parameterlist + ");";
if(0 == functioname.compareTo("setup")){
if(0 == functioname.compareTo("loop")){
List prototypes = prototypes(program);
// store # of prototypes so that line number reporting can be adjusted
prototypeCount = prototypes.size();
// create a lexer with the stream reader, and tell it to handle
// hidden tokens (eg whitespace, comments) since we want to pass these
// through so that the line numbers when the compiler reports errors
// match those that will be highlighted in the PDE IDE
// DAM:WTF? WLexer lexer = new WLexer(programReader);
// DAM:WTF? lexer.setTokenObjectClass("");
// DAM:WTF? lexer.initialize();
// create the filter for hidden tokens and specify which tokens to
// hide and which to copy to the hidden text
/*filter = new TokenStreamCopyingHiddenTokenFilter(lexer);
// create a parser and set what sort of AST should be generated
//PdeRecognizer parser = new PdeRecognizer(filter);
// DAM:WTF? WParser parser = new WParser(lexer);
// use our extended AST class
// DAM:WTF? parser.setASTNodeType(TNode.class.getName());
// DAM:WTF? TNode.setTokenVocabulary("");
// start parsing at the compilationUnit non-terminal
// set up the AST for traversal by PdeEmitter
// DAM:WTF? ASTFactory factory = new ASTFactory();
// DAM:WTF? AST parserAST = parser.getAST();
// DAM:WTF? AST rootNode = factory.create(ROOT_ID, "AST ROOT");
// DAM:WTF? rootNode.setFirstChild(parserAST);
// unclear if this actually works, but it's worth a shot
// true, parser.getTokenNames());
// (made to use the static version because of jikes 1.22 warning)
// DAM:WTF? CommonAST.setVerboseStringConversion(true, parser.getTokenNames());
// if this is an advanced program, the classname is already defined.
// DAM:WTF? if (programType == JAVA) {
// DAM:WTF? name = getFirstClassName(parserAST);
// DAM:WTF? }
// if 'null' was passed in for the name, but this isn't
// a 'java' mode class, then there's a problem, so punt.
if (name == null) return null;
// output the code
// DAM:WTF? WEmitter emitter = new WEmitter(lexer.getPreprocessorInfoChannel());
File streamFile = new File(buildPath, name + ".cpp");
PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(streamFile));
//writeHeader(stream, extraImports, name);
writeHeader(stream, name, prototypes);
//added to write the pde code to the cpp file
writeProgram(stream, name, program);
// DAM:WTF? emitter.setASTNodeType(TNode.class.getName());
// DAM:WTF? emitter.setOut(stream);
writeFooter(stream, target);
// if desired, serialize the parse tree to an XML file. can
// be viewed usefully with Mozilla or IE
if (Preferences.getBoolean("preproc.output_parse_tree")) {
stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("parseTree.xml"));
stream.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream);
if (parserAST != null) {
return name;
@ -372,77 +294,22 @@ public class PdePreprocessor {
* @param exporting Is this being exported from PDE?
* @param name Name of the class being created.
void writeHeader(PrintStream out, String className, java.util.LinkedList prototypes)
void writeHeader(PrintStream out, String className, List prototypes)
throws IOException {
out.print("#include \"WProgram.h\"\n");
/* Arduino doesn't automatically use all available libraries.
// print library headers
LibraryManager libraryManager = new LibraryManager();
String[] headerFiles = libraryManager.getHeaderFiles();
for(int i = 0; i < headerFiles.length; ++i){
out.print("#include \"" + headerFiles[i] + "\"\n");
// record number of header lines written for error line adjustment
headerCount = headerFiles.length;
// print user defined prototypes
while(0 < prototypes.size()){
out.print(prototypes.removeFirst() + "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < prototypes.size(); i++) {
out.print(prototypes.get(i) + "\n");
// emit emports that are needed for classes from the code folder
if (extraImports != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < extraImports.length; i++) {
out.print("#include \"" + extraImports[i] + "\"\n");
if (codeFolderImports != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < codeFolderImports.length; i++) {
out.print("import " + codeFolderImports[i] + "; ");
// emit standard imports (read from
// for each language level that's being used.
/* String jdkVersionStr = Preferences.get("preproc.jdk_version");
int jdkVersion = JDK11; // default
if (jdkVersionStr.equals("1.3")) { jdkVersion = JDK13; };
if (jdkVersionStr.equals("1.4")) { jdkVersion = JDK14; };
for (int i = 0; i <= jdkVersion; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < defaultImports[i].length; j++) {
out.print("import " + defaultImports[i][j] + ".*; ");
//boolean opengl = Preferences.get("renderer").equals("opengl");
//if (opengl) {
//out.println("import processing.opengl.*; ");
/* if (programType < JAVA) {
// open the class definition
out.print("public class " + className + " extends ");
//if (opengl) {
//} else {
out.print(" {");
if (programType == STATIC) {
// now that size() and background() can go inside of draw()
// actually, use setup(), because when running externally
// the applet size needs to be set before the window is drawn,
// meaning that after setup() things need to be ducky.
//out.print("public void draw() {");
out.print("public void setup() {");
*/ }
// // emit emports that are needed for classes from the code folder
// if (extraImports != null) {
// for (int i = 0; i < extraImports.length; i++) {
// out.print("#include \"" + extraImports[i] + "\"\n");
// }
// }
* Write any necessary closing text.

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ UPDATES
* Added interrupts() and noInterrupts() functions.
* Added degrees() and radians() functions.
* Support for uploading sketch using a programmer (upload.using preference).
* Including a working version of the Firmata firmware.
* New script for downloading the reference from Tom Pollard. Thanks Tom!
* Miscellaneous Mac OS X and other patches from Wim Lewis. Thanks Wim!

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@ -1 +1,81 @@
0011 arduino
Improve preprocessing of sketches:
- Don't move #include statements.
- Insert prototypes as a better spot in the code (after pre-processor directives).
- Better determine which header files are included (not commented out).
- Remember the original locations of function prototypes to highlight the correct line on error.
- [done] Better determine which functions need prototypes
Update version of the FTDI drivers.
Floating point support in the map() function.
Modify parallel port programmer burning (add -F, lower or remove delay).
Incorporate ladyada's new SoftwareSerial library.
Add timeout parameter to pulseIn().
[done] Allow uploading using a hardware programmer.
[done] Add analogReference() function.
[done] Add miscellaneous #defines (interrupts(), int(), etc.)
[done] Add map() function.
[done] Fix find in reference.
[done] Include stable version of Firmata in hardware/firmwares.
Add support for ATmega1280 (e.g. timers, external interrupts, multiple serial ports).
Good way to receive multiple values / complex messages over the serial port.
Add pulseOut(), etc. functions from Wiring.
Add String library.
Create Encoder library (but don't include in the distribution).
Create Ping library (but don't include in the distribution).
Include Arduino as AVR-ISP sketch in hardware/firmwares.
Easier library discovery and installation.
Easier board installation.
Clean up Library and LibraryManager.
Byte-based serial monitor.
Investigate method for auto-detecting serial port on Windows.
Guess serial port on the Mac and Linux.
Automatic detection of baud rate for serial monitor (based on the call to Serial.begin() in the current sketch).
Improve, generally, the upload experience (e.g. faster program start after upload, keep-alive messages to bootloader from IDE, shorter bootloader timeout if possible, progress bar)
Enable drag-and-drop of .pde files to Arduino dock icon.
Allow uploading of .hex files.
Allow for arbitrary compilation command line arguments.
Find in reference should give same message for missing page as for missing page association.
Test find in reference on libraries.
Include newer version of avr-gcc (one that supports the ATmega1280).
Revise to look for version specific pages (names suffixed with, e.g., "-0007")
If possible, install bug tracking and svn on
Move to ant for build process (limitations: can't build bootloader, can't build Windows arduino.exe, etc.)
Electronics reference a la Wiring.
Documentation for moving from Arduino to custom PCBs.
Examples should demonstrate use of functions.
Add examples using specific hardware.
Programming tutorial for Arduino.
Write advanced library tutorial.
Work on opening up website to public editing.
Document optocoupler.
Replace rainbow diagram on the guide to the board page.
Upload photo of single sided Arduino board.
Update pictures to use Arduino Diecimila: Guide/Board, tutorials,
Create an example for using a simple analog sensor like an LDR, PWM.
Create diagrams and schematics for the examples.
Create community section of site.
Create form for submitting workshops.
Create form for submitting projects.
Create community to do list.
Getting Started:
Consider deleting many of the pictures in the howto's as they just make it harder to see the instructions without adding much (e.g. the pictures of files in folders).
Tell people not to put the board on a Powerbook.
People don't know what a jumper is.
Add picture of the RX/TX LEDs flashing.
Show a picture of the LED flashing.