#!/bin/sh # part of the arduino project http://arduino.berlios.de # take from processing http://www.processing.org # by Ben Fry, Casey Reas et al # # the power of open source REVISION=`head -1 ../../todo.txt | cut -c 1-4` SHORT_REVISION=`head -1 ../../todo.txt | cut -c 3-4` VERSIONED=`cat ../../app/Base.java | grep $REVISION` if [ -z "$VERSIONED" ] then echo Fix the revision number in Base.java exit fi echo REBUILDING ARDUINO rm -rf work ./make.sh echo CREATING ARDUINO $REVISION DISTRIBUTION # remove any old boogers rm -rf arduino rm -rf Arduino* rm -rf arduino-* mkdir arduino # use 'work' files as starting point cp -r work/* arduino rm -rf arduino/classes # remove boogers find arduino -name "*~" -exec rm -f {} ';' # need to leave ds store stuff cuz one of those is important #find arduino -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm -f {} ';' find arduino -name "._*" -exec rm -f {} ';' find arduino -name "Thumbs.db" -exec rm -f {} ';' # clean out the cvs entries find arduino -name "CVS" -exec rm -rf {} ';' 2> /dev/null find arduino -name ".cvsignore" -exec rm -rf {} ';' # clean out the svn entries find arduino -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} ';' 2> /dev/null mv arduino/Arduino.app "arduino/Arduino $SHORT_REVISION.app" mv arduino arduino-$REVISION #zip -r arduino-$REVISION.zip arduino-$REVISION rm -Rf tmp mkdir tmp mv arduino-$REVISION/ tmp/ hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "./tmp/" -volname "arduino-$REVISION" "arduino-$REVISION.dmg" #` don't have deluxe on my laptop right now #stuff -f sitx arduino-$REVISION # zip it all up for release #NICE_FOLDER="Arduino $SHORT_REVISION" #DMG_NAME="arduino-$REVISION" #mv arduino "$NICE_FOLDER" #chmod +x mkdmg #./mkdmg "$NICE_FOLDER" "Arduino" #mv "$NICE_FOLDER.dmg" "$DMG_NAME.dmg" # actually, could probably use: # open arduino-uncomp.dmg # rm -rf /Volumes/Arduino/Arduino* # mv "Arduino $REVISION" /Volumes/Arduino # umount /Volumes/Arduino echo Done.