HOW TO BUILD PROCESSING ON YOUR FAVORITE PLATFORM With frequently asked questions, scroll to the end of the file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Steps for First Time Setup 1. INSTALL DEVELOPMENT TOOLS 1a. On Windows, install Cygwin. It's downloadable from or specifically: ** of the packages, begin with the defaults, and add: + cvs - used for version control + make, gcc-mingw, and g++ - used to build processing.exe (this will also pull in gcc-core) + perl - use this version, activestate or other distros have trouble + unzip, zip - for dealing with archives + included in the defaults, but make sure: coreutils (or textutils), gzip, tar + not required but useful: openssh - command line ssh client nano - handy/simple text editor ** and be sure to leave the option selected for 'unix line endings' the cygwin installer is sometimes a little flakey, so it may take more than one try to get everything in there. in fact, it's often best to run the installer once, and let it install all its defaults, then run it again, and select the items above. it's also useful to run the installer every few months to keep things fresh. 1b. On Mac OS X, install Apple's Developer Tools. Should work with everything from the December 2002 Tools for Jaguar on OS X 10.2, up through the more recent Xcode stuff. 1c. On Linux, you're pretty much on your own.. You need a pretty standard development setup. 2. GRAB THE CODE FROM SOURCEFORGE * this grabs the code as an anonymous user. if you have a sourceforge account, you should know how to grab the code as yourself. # first do this cvs login # just hit enter when it asks for a password # then do this (may take a while) cvs -z3 co processing # (maybe even a long while for you dialup and international folks) # gonna do a few things in the p5 folder cd processing # a quick cleanup, removes empty (dead/old) folders cvs update -P # get back to the processing/ folder cd .. 3. INSTALL QUICKTIME FOR JAVA (windows users only) * you'll also need to install quicktime for java. grab a quicktime installer from: don't try to be sly & use the itunes installer. we all love itunes but it doesn't include quicktime for java by default. or if you were sly, you might need to read the point below about using the updater: * if you already have quicktime installed, just make sure that quicktime for java has already been installed, use the quicktime updater (Program Files -> QuickTime -> QuickTime Updater) hit the 'Details' button in the updater, and if it lists "Not installed" for "QuickTime for Java", well, take care of that. 4. BUILD IT # now to build for the first time: cd /path/to/processing/build/windows # or if you're on linux cd /path/to/processing/build/linux # for the followers of goatee man cd /path/to/processing/build/macosx # and then.. ./ # if everything went well, you'll have no errors. (feel free to make # suggestions for things to include here for common problems) # then to run it ./ # each time you make a change, use make to build the thing # and run to get it up and running. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Updating to the Latest Version 5a. Each time you want to update to latest version from cvs: cd /path/to/processing cvs -z3 update # -z3 means make it snappy (using compression) 5b. If new folders have been added, or you're gettin odd errors, use: # get to the processing folder cd /path/to/processing # remove the work directory rm -rf work # -d grabs new directories and -P cleans out old (empty) ones # cvs is a little brain dead about this stuff cvs -z3 update -d -P Unfortunately there isn't a way to know (?) if new folders have since been added. but if you're getting "class not found" errors while building, then that's a good indicator that something is missing from a subfolder. If there have been significant changes, or you get weird build errors, try deleting your 'work' folder. This will create a fresh build. This includes any changes to the reference, the examples, the libraries, jikes, or just about any time you have to use -d -P with the update. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Frequently Asked Questions - What about eclipse? What about ant? The command line is frightening and gives me nightmares! In a basic sense, the command line stuff isn't as scary as it might seem. Hopefully it's just a matter of following the instructions above (and being patient). If not, let us know where you have trouble so we can fix things. Conceivably, it wouldn't take much to make Processing build under Eclipse or any other IDE, but we don't do it by default. Same goes for ANT. We don't use it, but if someone were to make build scripts that emulated everything that the current build scripts do (not just build the code, but all the other annoying crap that the build scripts do) then maybe we could switch to it. It's all about reaching some kind of critical mass.