/* -*- mode: jde; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2006 Ben Fry and Casey Reas This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.core; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel; import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource; /** * Subclass of PGraphics that handles fast 2D rendering, * more commonly referred to as P2D. This class uses no Java2D * and will run with Java 1.1. */ public class PGraphics2D extends PGraphics { PPolygon polygon; // general polygon to use for shape PPolygon fpolygon; // used to fill polys for tri or quad strips PPolygon spolygon; // stroke/line polygon float svertices[][]; // temp vertices used for stroking end of poly // polygon that handles tesselation private PPolygon tpolygon; private int TPOLYGON_MAX_VERTICES = 512; private int tpolygon_vertex_order[]; // = new int[MAX_VERTICES]; PLine line; //boolean untransformed; boolean strokeChanged = true; boolean fillChanged = true; static final int CVERTEX_ALLOC = 128; float cvertex[][] = new float[CVERTEX_ALLOC][VERTEX_FIELD_COUNT]; int cvertexIndex; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //protected PGraphics2D() { } /* public PGraphics2D(int iwidth, int iheight) { this(iwidth, iheight, null); } */ public PGraphics2D(int iwidth, int iheight, PApplet applet) { super(iwidth, iheight, applet); /* if (applet != null) { this.parent = applet; applet.addListeners(); } resize(iwidth, iheight); */ } //resize handled by superclass //requestDisplay handled by superclass protected void allocate() { pixelCount = width * height; pixels = new int[pixelCount]; // because of a java 1.1 bug, pixels must be registered as // opaque before their first run, the memimgsrc will flicker // and run very slowly. backgroundColor |= 0xff000000; // just for good measure for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) pixels[i] = backgroundColor; //for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) pixels[i] = 0xffffffff; //if (parent != null) { if (mainDrawingSurface) { cm = new DirectColorModel(32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff);; mis = new MemoryImageSource(width, height, pixels, 0, width); mis.setFullBufferUpdates(true); mis.setAnimated(true); image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mis); } // can't un-set this because this may be only a resize (Bug #463) //defaultsInited = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void beginDraw() { insideResizeWait(); insideDraw = true; // need to call defaults(), but can only be done when it's ok // to draw (i.e. for opengl, no drawing can be done outside // beginDraw/endDraw). if (!defaultsInited) { defaults(); polygon = new PPolygon(this); fpolygon = new PPolygon(this); spolygon = new PPolygon(this); spolygon.vertexCount = 4; svertices = new float[2][]; } resetMatrix(); // reset model matrix // reset vertices vertexCount = 0; } public void endDraw() { // moving this back here (post-68) because of macosx thread problem if (mis != null) { mis.newPixels(pixels, cm, 0, width); } // mark pixels as having been updated, so that they'll work properly // when this PGraphics is drawn using image(). updatePixels(); insideDraw = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void beginShape(int kind) { shape = kind; vertexCount = 0; splineVertexCount = 0; polygon.reset(0); fpolygon.reset(4); spolygon.reset(4); polygon.interpUV = false; } // PGraphics will throw a depthError //public void normal(float nx, float ny, float nz) // PGraphics will handle setting these //public void textureMode(int mode) //public void texture(PImage image) //protected void textureVertex(float u, float v) public void vertex(float x, float y) { float vertex[] = polygon.nextVertex(); cvertexIndex = 0; // reset curves to start vertex[MX] = x; vertex[MY] = y; if (fill) { vertex[R] = fillR; vertex[G] = fillG; vertex[B] = fillB; vertex[A] = fillA; } if (stroke) { vertex[SR] = strokeR; vertex[SG] = strokeG; vertex[SB] = strokeB; vertex[SA] = strokeA; vertex[SW] = strokeWeight; } // this complicated if construct may defeat the purpose if (textureImage != null) { vertex[U] = textureU; vertex[V] = textureV; } } public void vertex(float x, float y, float u, float v) { textureVertex(u, v); vertex(x, y); } public void vertex(float x, float y, float z) { depthErrorXYZ("vertex"); } public void vertex(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) { depthErrorXYZ("vertex"); } public void endShape(int mode) { // clear the 'shape drawing' flag in case of early exit //shape = 0; // hm can't do anymore.. int polyVertexCount = polygon.vertexCount; float polyVertices[][] = polygon.vertices; if (untransformed()) { for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount; i++) { polyVertices[i][X] = polyVertices[i][MX]; polyVertices[i][Y] = polyVertices[i][MY]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount; i++) { polyVertices[i][X] = m00*polyVertices[i][MX] + m01*polyVertices[i][MY] + m03; polyVertices[i][Y] = m10*polyVertices[i][MX] + m11*polyVertices[i][MY] + m13; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // TEXTURES if (polygon.interpUV) { fpolygon.texture(textureImage); //polygon.timage); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // COLORS // calculate RGB for each vertex spolygon.interpARGB = strokeChanged; //false; fpolygon.interpARGB = fillChanged; //false; // all the values for r, g, b have been set with calls to vertex() // (no need to re-calculate anything here) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // RENDER SHAPES int increment; switch (shape) { case POINTS: if (untransformed() && (strokeWeight == 1)) { if (!strokeChanged) { for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount; i++) { thin_point((int) polyVertices[i][X], (int) polyVertices[i][Y], 0, strokeColor); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount; i++) { thin_point((int) polyVertices[i][X], (int) polyVertices[i][Y], 0, float_color(polyVertices[i][SR], polyVertices[i][SG], polyVertices[i][SB])); } //strokei = strokeiSaved; } } else { float f[] = polyVertices[0]; for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount; i++) { float v[] = polyVertices[i]; // if this is the first time (i == 0) // or if lighting is enabled // or the stroke color has changed inside beginShape/endShape // then re-calculate the color at this vertex if ((i == 0) || strokeChanged) { // push calculated color into 'f' (this way, f is always valid) calc_lighting(v[SR], v[SG], v[SB], v[X], v[Y], v[Z], v[NX], v[NY], v[NZ], f, R); } // uses [SA], since stroke alpha isn't moved into [A] the // way that [SR] goes to [R] etc on the calc_lighting call // (there's no sense in copying it to [A], except consistency // in the code.. but why the extra slowness?) thick_point(v[X], v[Y], v[Z], f[R], f[G], f[B], f[SA]); } } break; case LINES: //case LINE_STRIP: //case LINE_LOOP: if (!stroke) return; // if it's a line loop, copy the vertex data to the last element //if (shape == LINE_LOOP) { if (mode == CLOSE) { float v0[] = polygon.vertices[0]; float v1[] = polygon.nextVertex(); polyVertexCount++; // since it had already been read above v1[X] = v0[X]; v1[Y] = v0[Y]; v1[Z] = v0[Z]; v1[SR] = v0[SR]; v1[SG] = v0[SG]; v1[SB] = v0[SB]; } // increment by two for individual lines increment = (shape == LINES) ? 2 : 1; draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-1, 1, increment, 0); break; case TRIANGLES: case TRIANGLE_STRIP: increment = (shape == TRIANGLES) ? 3 : 1; // do fill and stroke separately because otherwise // the lines will be stroked more than necessary if (fill) { fpolygon.vertexCount = 3; for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount-2; i += increment) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { fpolygon.vertices[j][R] = polyVertices[i+j][R]; fpolygon.vertices[j][G] = polyVertices[i+j][G]; fpolygon.vertices[j][B] = polyVertices[i+j][B]; fpolygon.vertices[j][A] = polyVertices[i+j][A]; fpolygon.vertices[j][X] = polyVertices[i+j][X]; fpolygon.vertices[j][Y] = polyVertices[i+j][Y]; fpolygon.vertices[j][Z] = polyVertices[i+j][Z]; if (polygon.interpUV) { fpolygon.vertices[j][U] = polyVertices[i+j][U]; fpolygon.vertices[j][V] = polyVertices[i+j][V]; } } fpolygon.render(); } } if (stroke) { // first draw all vertices as a line strip if (shape == TRIANGLE_STRIP) { draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-1, 1, 1, 0); } else { draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-1, 1, 1, 3); } // then draw from vertex (n) to (n+2) // incrementing n using the same as above draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-2, 2, increment, 0); // changed this to vertexCount-2, because it seemed // to be adding an extra (nonexistant) line } break; case QUADS: case QUAD_STRIP: //System.out.println("pooping out a quad"); increment = (shape == QUADS) ? 4 : 2; if (fill) { fpolygon.vertexCount = 4; for (int i = 0; i < polyVertexCount-3; i += increment) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { fpolygon.vertices[j][R] = polyVertices[i+j][R]; fpolygon.vertices[j][G] = polyVertices[i+j][G]; fpolygon.vertices[j][B] = polyVertices[i+j][B]; fpolygon.vertices[j][A] = polyVertices[i+j][A]; fpolygon.vertices[j][X] = polyVertices[i+j][X]; fpolygon.vertices[j][Y] = polyVertices[i+j][Y]; fpolygon.vertices[j][Z] = polyVertices[i+j][Z]; if (polygon.interpUV) { fpolygon.vertices[j][U] = polyVertices[i+j][U]; fpolygon.vertices[j][V] = polyVertices[i+j][V]; } } fpolygon.render(); } } if (stroke) { // first draw all vertices as a line strip if (shape == QUAD_STRIP) { draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-1, 1, 1, 0); } else { // skip every few for quads draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount, 1, 1, 4); } // then draw from vertex (n) to (n+3) // incrementing n by the same increment as above draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-2, 3, increment, 0); } break; case POLYGON: if (isConvex()) { if (fill) { polygon.render(); if (stroke) polygon.unexpand(); } if (stroke) { draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-1, 1, 1, 0); // draw the last line connecting back to the first point in poly svertices[0] = polyVertices[polyVertexCount-1]; svertices[1] = polyVertices[0]; draw_lines(svertices, 1, 1, 1, 0); } } else { if (fill) { // the triangulator produces polygons that don't align // when smoothing is enabled. but if there is a stroke around // the polygon, then smoothing can be temporarily disabled. boolean smoov = smooth; //if (stroke && !hints[DISABLE_SMOOTH_HACK]) smooth = false; if (stroke) smooth = false; concaveRender(); //if (stroke && !hints[DISABLE_SMOOTH_HACK]) smooth = smoov; if (stroke) smooth = smoov; } if (stroke) { draw_lines(polyVertices, polyVertexCount-1, 1, 1, 0); // draw the last line connecting back // to the first point in poly svertices[0] = polyVertices[polyVertexCount-1]; svertices[1] = polyVertices[0]; draw_lines(svertices, 1, 1, 1, 0); } } break; } // to signify no shape being drawn shape = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONCAVE/CONVEX POLYGONS private boolean isConvex() { float v[][] = polygon.vertices; int n = polygon.vertexCount; int j,k; int flag = 0; float z; //float tol = 0.001f; if (n < 3) // ERROR: this is a line or a point, render with CONVEX return true; // iterate along border doing dot product. // if the sign of the result changes, then is concave for (int i=0;i 0) flag |= 2; if (flag == 3) return false; // CONCAVE } if (flag != 0) return true; // CONVEX else // ERROR: colinear points, self intersection // treat as CONVEX return true; } // triangulate the current polygon private void concaveRender() { // WARNING: code is not in optimum form // local initiations of some variables are made to // keep the code modular and easy to integrate // restet triangle float polyVertices[][] = polygon.vertices; if (tpolygon == null) { // allocate on first use, rather than slowing // the startup of the class. tpolygon = new PPolygon(this); tpolygon_vertex_order = new int[TPOLYGON_MAX_VERTICES]; } tpolygon.reset(3); // copy render parameters if (textureImage != null) { tpolygon.texture(textureImage); //polygon.timage); } tpolygon.interpX = polygon.interpX; tpolygon.interpZ = polygon.interpZ; tpolygon.interpUV = polygon.interpUV; tpolygon.interpARGB = polygon.interpARGB; // simple ear clipping polygon triangulation // addapted from code by john w. ratcliff (jratcliff@verant.com) // 1 - first we check if the polygon goes CW or CCW // CW-CCW ordering adapted from code by // Joseph O'Rourke orourke@cs.smith.edu // 1A - we start by finding the lowest-right most vertex boolean ccw = false; // clockwise int n = polygon.vertexCount; int mm; // postion for LR vertex float min[] = new float[2]; min[X] = polyVertices[0][X]; min[Y] = polyVertices[0][Y]; mm = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if( (polyVertices[i][Y] < min[Y]) || ( (polyVertices[i][Y] == min[Y]) && (polyVertices[i][X] > min[X]) ) ) { mm = i; min[X] = polyVertices[mm][X]; min[Y] = polyVertices[mm][Y]; } } // 1B - now we compute the cross product of the edges of this vertex float cp; int mm1; // just for renaming float a[] = new float[2]; float b[] = new float[2]; float c[] = new float[2]; mm1 = (mm + (n-1)) % n; // assign a[0] to point to poly[m1][0] etc. for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { a[i] = polyVertices[mm1][i]; b[i] = polyVertices[mm][i]; c[i] = polyVertices[(mm+1)%n][i]; } cp = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] + a[1] * c[0] - a[0] * c[1] + b[0] * c[1] - c[0] * b[1]; if ( cp > 0 ) ccw = true; // CCW else ccw = false; // CW // 1C - then we sort the vertices so they // are always in a counterclockwise order //int j = 0; if (!ccw) { // keep the same order for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tpolygon_vertex_order[i] = i; } } else { // invert the order for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tpolygon_vertex_order[i] = (n - 1) - i; } } // 2 - begin triangulation // resulting triangles are stored in the triangle array // remove vc-2 Vertices, creating 1 triangle every time int vc = n; int count = 2*vc; // complex polygon detection for (int m = 0, v = vc - 1; vc > 2; ) { boolean snip = true; // if we start over again, is a complex polygon if (0 >= (count--)) { break; // triangulation failed } // get 3 consecutive vertices int u = v ; if (vc <= u) u = 0; // previous v = u+1; if (vc <= v) v = 0; // current int w = v+1; if (vc <= w) w = 0; // next // triangle A B C float Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Px, Py; Ax = -polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[u]][X]; Ay = polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[u]][Y]; Bx = -polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[v]][X]; By = polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[v]][Y]; Cx = -polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[w]][X]; Cy = polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[w]][Y]; if ( EPSILON > (((Bx-Ax) * (Cy-Ay)) - ((By-Ay) * (Cx-Ax)))) { continue; } for (int p = 0; p < vc; p++) { // this part is a bit osbscure, basically what it does // is test if this tree vertices are and ear or not, looking for // intersections with the remaining vertices using a cross product float ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, apx, apy, bpx, bpy, cpx, cpy; float cCROSSap, bCROSScp, aCROSSbp; if( (p == u) || (p == v) || (p == w) ) { continue; } Px = -polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[p]][X]; Py = polyVertices[tpolygon_vertex_order[p]][Y]; ax = Cx - Bx; ay = Cy - By; bx = Ax - Cx; by = Ay - Cy; cx = Bx - Ax; cy = By - Ay; apx= Px - Ax; apy= Py - Ay; bpx= Px - Bx; bpy= Py - By; cpx= Px - Cx; cpy= Py - Cy; aCROSSbp = ax * bpy - ay * bpx; cCROSSap = cx * apy - cy * apx; bCROSScp = bx * cpy - by * cpx; if ((aCROSSbp >= 0.0f) && (bCROSScp >= 0.0f) && (cCROSSap >= 0.0f)) { snip = false; } } if (snip) { // yes, the trio is an ear, render it and cut it int triangle_vertices[] = new int[3]; int s,t; // true names of the vertices triangle_vertices[0] = tpolygon_vertex_order[u]; triangle_vertices[1] = tpolygon_vertex_order[v]; triangle_vertices[2] = tpolygon_vertex_order[w]; // create triangle //render_triangle(triangle_vertices); //private final void render_triangle(int[] triangle_vertices) { // copy all fields of the triangle vertices for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float[] src = polygon.vertices[triangle_vertices[i]]; float[] dest = tpolygon.vertices[i]; for (int k = 0; k < VERTEX_FIELD_COUNT; k++) { dest[k] = src[k]; } } // render triangle tpolygon.render(); //} m++; // remove v from remaining polygon for( s = v, t = v + 1; t < vc; s++, t++) { tpolygon_vertex_order[s] = tpolygon_vertex_order[t]; } vc--; // resest error detection counter count = 2 * vc; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RECT protected void rectImpl(float x1f, float y1f, float x2f, float y2f) { if (untransformed() && !fillAlpha) { int x1 = (int) x1f; int y1 = (int) y1f; int x2 = (int) x2f; int y2 = (int) y2f; rectImplFillUntranSolidRGB(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (stroke) { if (strokeWeight == 1) { thin_flat_line(x1, y1, x2, y1); thin_flat_line(x2, y1, x2, y2); thin_flat_line(x2, y2, x1, y2); thin_flat_line(x1, y2, x1, y1); } else { thick_flat_line(x1, y1, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA, x2, y1, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA); thick_flat_line(x2, y1, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA, x2, y2, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA); thick_flat_line(x2, y2, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA, x1, y2, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA); thick_flat_line(x1, y2, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA, x1, y1, fillR, fillG, fillB, fillA); } } } else { beginShape(QUADS); vertex(x1f, y1f); vertex(x2f, y1f); vertex(x2f, y2f); vertex(x1f, y2f); endShape(); } } /** * Draw an untransformed rectangle with no alpha. */ private void rectImplFillUntranSolidRGB(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { //System.out.println("flat quad"); if (y2 < y1) { int temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp; } if (x2 < x1) { int temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp; } // checking to watch out for boogers if ((x1 > width1) || (x2 < 0) || (y1 > height1) || (y2 < 0)) return; //if (fill) { int fx1 = x1; int fy1 = y1; int fx2 = x2; int fy2 = y2; // these only affect the fill, not the stroke // (otherwise strange boogers at edges b/c frame changes shape) if (fx1 < 0) fx1 = 0; if (fx2 > width) fx2 = width; if (fy1 < 0) fy1 = 0; if (fy2 > height) fy2 = height; // [toxi 031223] // on avg. 20-25% faster fill routine using System.arraycopy() int ww = fx2 - fx1; int hh = fy2 - fy1; int[] row = new int[ww]; for (int i = 0; i < ww; i++) row[i] = fillColor; int idx = fy1 * width + fx1; for (int y = 0; y < hh; y++) { System.arraycopy(row, 0, pixels, idx, ww); idx += width; } row = null; //} } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ELLIPSE AND ARC public void ellipseImpl(float x1, float y1, float w, float h) { if (!smooth && (strokeWeight == 1) && !fillAlpha && !strokeAlpha && untransformed()) { float hradius = w / 2f; float vradius = h / 2f; int centerX = (int) (x1 + hradius); int centerY = (int) (y1 + vradius); if (hradius == vradius) { flat_circle(centerX, centerY, (int)hradius); } else { flat_ellipse(centerX, centerY, (int)hradius, (int)vradius); } } else { super.ellipseImpl(x1, y1, w, h); } } private void flat_circle(int centerX, int centerY, int radius) { if (unwarped()) { float x = m00*centerX + m01*centerY + m02; float y = m10*centerX + m11*centerY + m12; centerX = (int)x; centerY = (int)y; } if (fill) flat_circle_fill(centerX, centerY, radius); if (stroke) flat_circle_stroke(centerX, centerY, radius); } /** * Draw the outline around a flat circle using a bresenham-style * algorithm. Adapted from drawCircle function in "Computer Graphics * for Java Programmers" by Leen Ammeraal, p. 110. *

* This function is included because the quality is so much better, * and the drawing significantly faster than with adaptive ellipses * drawn using the sine/cosine tables. *

* Circle quadrants break down like so: *

   *              |
   *        \ NNW | NNE /
   *          \   |   /
   *       WNW  \ | /  ENE
   *     -------------------
   *       WSW  / | \  ESE
   *          /   |   \
   *        / SSW | SSE \
   *              |
* @param xc x center * @param yc y center * @param r radius */ private void flat_circle_stroke(int xC, int yC, int r) { int x = 0, y = r, u = 1, v = 2 * r - 1, E = 0; while (x < y) { thin_point(xC + x, yC + y, 0, strokeColor); // NNE thin_point(xC + y, yC - x, 0, strokeColor); // ESE thin_point(xC - x, yC - y, 0, strokeColor); // SSW thin_point(xC - y, yC + x, 0, strokeColor); // WNW x++; E += u; u += 2; if (v < 2 * E) { y--; E -= v; v -= 2; } if (x > y) break; thin_point(xC + y, yC + x, 0, strokeColor); // ENE thin_point(xC + x, yC - y, 0, strokeColor); // SSE thin_point(xC - y, yC - x, 0, strokeColor); // WSW thin_point(xC - x, yC + y, 0, strokeColor); // NNW } } /** * Heavily adapted version of the above algorithm that handles * filling the ellipse. Works by drawing from the center and * outwards to the points themselves. Has to be done this way * because the values for the points are changed halfway through * the function, making it impossible to just store a series of * left and right edges to be drawn more quickly. * * @param xc x center * @param yc y center * @param r radius */ private void flat_circle_fill(int xc, int yc, int r) { int x = 0, y = r, u = 1, v = 2 * r - 1, E = 0; while (x < y) { for (int xx = xc; xx < xc + x; xx++) { // NNE thin_point(xx, yc + y, 0, fillColor); } for (int xx = xc; xx < xc + y; xx++) { // ESE thin_point(xx, yc - x, 0, fillColor); } for (int xx = xc - x; xx < xc; xx++) { // SSW thin_point(xx, yc - y, 0, fillColor); } for (int xx = xc - y; xx < xc; xx++) { // WNW thin_point(xx, yc + x, 0, fillColor); } x++; E += u; u += 2; if (v < 2 * E) { y--; E -= v; v -= 2; } if (x > y) break; for (int xx = xc; xx < xc + y; xx++) { // ENE thin_point(xx, yc + x, 0, fillColor); } for (int xx = xc; xx < xc + x; xx++) { // SSE thin_point(xx, yc - y, 0, fillColor); } for (int xx = xc - y; xx < xc; xx++) { // WSW thin_point(xx, yc - x, 0, fillColor); } for (int xx = xc - x; xx < xc; xx++) { // NNW thin_point(xx, yc + y, 0, fillColor); } } } // unfortunately this can't handle fill and stroke simultaneously, // because the fill will later replace some of the stroke points private final void flat_ellipse_symmetry(int centerX, int centerY, int ellipseX, int ellipseY, boolean filling) { if (filling) { for (int i = centerX - ellipseX + 1; i < centerX + ellipseX; i++) { thin_point(i, centerY - ellipseY, 0, fillColor); thin_point(i, centerY + ellipseY, 0, fillColor); } } else { thin_point(centerX - ellipseX, centerY + ellipseY, 0, strokeColor); thin_point(centerX + ellipseX, centerY + ellipseY, 0, strokeColor); thin_point(centerX - ellipseX, centerY - ellipseY, 0, strokeColor); thin_point(centerX + ellipseX, centerY - ellipseY, 0, strokeColor); } } /** * Bresenham-style ellipse drawing function, adapted from a posting to * comp.graphics.algortihms. * * This function is included because the quality is so much better, * and the drawing significantly faster than with adaptive ellipses * drawn using the sine/cosine tables. * * @param centerX x coordinate of the center * @param centerY y coordinate of the center * @param a horizontal radius * @param b vertical radius */ private void flat_ellipse_internal(int centerX, int centerY, int a, int b, boolean filling) { int x, y, a2, b2, s, t; a2 = a*a; b2 = b*b; x = 0; y = b; s = a2*(1-2*b) + 2*b2; t = b2 - 2*a2*(2*b-1); flat_ellipse_symmetry(centerX, centerY, x, y, filling); do { if (s < 0) { s += 2*b2*(2*x+3); t += 4*b2*(x+1); x++; } else if (t < 0) { s += 2*b2*(2*x+3) - 4*a2*(y-1); t += 4*b2*(x+1) - 2*a2*(2*y-3); x++; y--; } else { s -= 4*a2*(y-1); t -= 2*a2*(2*y-3); y--; } flat_ellipse_symmetry(centerX, centerY, x, y, filling); } while (y > 0); } private void flat_ellipse(int centerX, int centerY, int a, int b) { if (unwarped()) { float x = m00*centerX + m01*centerY + m02; float y = m10*centerX + m11*centerY + m12; centerX = (int)x; centerY = (int)y; } if (fill) flat_ellipse_internal(centerX, centerY, a, b, true); if (stroke) flat_ellipse_internal(centerX, centerY, a, b, false); } // TODO really need a decent arc function in here.. //protected void arcImpl(float x1, float y1, float w, float h, // float start, float stop) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BOX & SPHERE // The PGraphics superclass will throw errors for these fellas ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEZIER & CURVE public void bezier(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3, float x4, float y4, float z4) { depthErrorXYZ("bezier"); } public void curve(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3, float x4, float y4, float z4) { depthErrorXYZ("curve"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMAGE protected void imageImpl(PImage image, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int u1, int v1, int u2, int v2) { if ((x2 - x1 == image.width) && (y2 - y1 == image.height) && !tint && unwarped()) { flat_image(image, (int) (x1 + m02), (int) (y1 + m12), u1, v1, u2, v2); } else { super.imageImpl(image, x1, y1, x2, y2, u1, v1, u2, v2); } } /** * Image drawn in flat "screen space", with no scaling or warping. * this is so common that a special routine is included for it, * because the alternative is much slower. * * @param image image to be drawn * @param sx1 x coordinate of upper-lefthand corner in screen space * @param sy1 y coordinate of upper-lefthand corner in screen space */ private void flat_image(PImage image, int sx1, int sy1, int ix1, int iy1, int ix2, int iy2) { /* int ix1 = 0; int iy1 = 0; int ix2 = image.width; int iy2 = image.height; */ if (imageMode == CENTER) { sx1 -= image.width / 2; sy1 -= image.height / 2; } int sx2 = sx1 + image.width; int sy2 = sy1 + image.height; // don't draw if completely offscreen // (without this check, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) if ((sx1 > width1) || (sx2 < 0) || (sy1 > height1) || (sy2 < 0)) return; if (sx1 < 0) { // off left edge ix1 -= sx1; sx1 = 0; } if (sy1 < 0) { // off top edge iy1 -= sy1; sy1 = 0; } if (sx2 > width) { // off right edge ix2 -= sx2 - width; sx2 = width; } if (sy2 > height) { // off bottom edge iy2 -= sy2 - height; sy2 = height; } int source = iy1 * image.width + ix1; int target = sy1 * width; if (image.format == ARGB) { for (int y = sy1; y < sy2; y++) { int tx = 0; for (int x = sx1; x < sx2; x++) { pixels[target + x] = _blend(pixels[target + x], image.pixels[source + tx], image.pixels[source + tx++] >>> 24); } source += image.width; target += width; } } else if (image.format == ALPHA) { for (int y = sy1; y < sy2; y++) { int tx = 0; for (int x = sx1; x < sx2; x++) { pixels[target + x] = _blend(pixels[target + x], fillColor, image.pixels[source + tx++]); } source += image.width; target += width; } } else if (image.format == RGB) { target += sx1; int tw = sx2 - sx1; for (int y = sy1; y < sy2; y++) { System.arraycopy(image.pixels, source, pixels, target, tw); // should set z coordinate in here // or maybe not, since dims=0, meaning no relevant z source += image.width; target += width; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEXT/FONTS // These will be handled entirely by PGraphics. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // expects properly clipped coords, hence does // NOT check if x/y are in bounds [toxi] private void thin_pointAt(int x, int y, float z, int color) { int index = y*width+x; // offset values are pre-calced in constructor pixels[index] = color; zbuffer[index] = z; } // expects offset/index in pixelbuffer array instead of x/y coords // used by optimized parts of thin_flat_line() [toxi] private void thin_pointAtIndex(int offset, float z, int color) { pixels[offset] = color; zbuffer[offset] = z; } // points are inherently flat, but always tangent // to the screen surface. the z is only so that things // get scaled properly if the pt is way in back private void thick_point(float x, float y, float z, // note floats float r, float g, float b, float a) { spolygon.reset(4); spolygon.interpARGB = false; // no changes for vertices of a point float strokeWidth2 = strokeWeight/2.0f; float svertex[] = spolygon.vertices[0]; svertex[X] = x - strokeWidth2; svertex[Y] = y - strokeWidth2; svertex[Z] = z; svertex[R] = r; svertex[G] = g; svertex[B] = b; svertex[A] = a; svertex = spolygon.vertices[1]; svertex[X] = x + strokeWidth2; svertex[Y] = y - strokeWidth2; svertex[Z] = z; svertex = spolygon.vertices[2]; svertex[X] = x + strokeWidth2; svertex[Y] = y + strokeWidth2; svertex[Z] = z; svertex = spolygon.vertices[3]; svertex[X] = x - strokeWidth2; svertex[Y] = y + strokeWidth2; svertex[Z] = z; spolygon.render(); } // new bresenham clipping code, as old one was buggy [toxi] private void thin_flat_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2; // get the "dips" for the points to clip int code1 = thin_flat_lineClipCode(x1, y1); int code2 = thin_flat_lineClipCode(x2, y2); if ((code1 & code2)!=0) { return; } else { int dip = code1 | code2; if (dip != 0) { // now calculate the clipped points float a1 = 0, a2 = 1, a = 0; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { if (((dip>>i)%2)==1) { a = thin_flat_lineSlope((float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2, i+1); if (((code1>>i)%2)==1) { a1 = (float)Math.max(a, a1); } else { a2 = (float)Math.min(a, a2); } } } if (a1>a2) return; else { nx1=(int) (x1+a1*(x2-x1)); ny1=(int) (y1+a1*(y2-y1)); nx2=(int) (x1+a2*(x2-x1)); ny2=(int) (y1+a2*(y2-y1)); } // line is fully visible/unclipped } else { nx1=x1; nx2=x2; ny1=y1; ny2=y2; } } // new "extremely fast" line code // adapted from http://www.edepot.com/linee.html boolean yLonger=false; int shortLen=ny2-ny1; int longLen=nx2-nx1; if (Math.abs(shortLen)>Math.abs(longLen)) { int swap=shortLen; shortLen=longLen; longLen=swap; yLonger=true; } int decInc; if (longLen==0) decInc=0; else decInc = (shortLen << 16) / longLen; if (nx1==nx2) { // special case: vertical line if (ny1>ny2) { int ty=ny1; ny1=ny2; ny2=ty; } int offset=ny1*width+nx1; for(int j=ny1; j<=ny2; j++) { thin_pointAtIndex(offset,0,strokeColor); offset+=width; } return; } else if (ny1==ny2) { // special case: horizontal line if (nx1>nx2) { int tx=nx1; nx1=nx2; nx2=tx; } int offset=ny1*width+nx1; for(int j=nx1; j<=nx2; j++) thin_pointAtIndex(offset++,0,strokeColor); return; } else if (yLonger) { if (longLen>0) { longLen+=ny1; for (int j=0x8000+(nx1<<16);ny1<=longLen;++ny1) { thin_pointAt(j>>16, ny1, 0, strokeColor); j+=decInc; } return; } longLen+=ny1; for (int j=0x8000+(nx1<<16);ny1>=longLen;--ny1) { thin_pointAt(j>>16, ny1, 0, strokeColor); j-=decInc; } return; } else if (longLen>0) { longLen+=nx1; for (int j=0x8000+(ny1<<16);nx1<=longLen;++nx1) { thin_pointAt(nx1, j>>16, 0, strokeColor); j+=decInc; } return; } longLen+=nx1; for (int j=0x8000+(ny1<<16);nx1>=longLen;--nx1) { thin_pointAt(nx1, j>>16, 0, strokeColor); j-=decInc; } } private int thin_flat_lineClipCode(float x, float y) { return ((y < 0 ? 8 : 0) | (y > height1 ? 4 : 0) | (x < 0 ? 2 : 0) | (x > width1 ? 1 : 0)); } private float thin_flat_lineSlope(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int border) { switch (border) { case 4: { return (-y1)/(y2-y1); } case 3: { return (height1-y1)/(y2-y1); } case 2: { return (-x1)/(x2-x1); } case 1: { return (width1-x1)/(x2-x1); } } return -1f; } private boolean flat_line_retribution(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r1, float g1, float b1) { /* // assume that if it is/isn't big in one dir, then the // other doesn't matter, cuz that's a weird case float lwidth = m00*strokeWeight + m01*strokeWeight; //float lheight = m10*strokeWeight + m11*strokeWeight; // lines of stroke thickness 1 can be anywhere from -1.41 to 1.41 if ((strokeWeight < TWO) && (!hints[SCALE_STROKE_WIDTH])) { //if (abs(lwidth) < 1.5f) { //System.out.println("flat line retribution " + r1 + " " + g1 + " " + b1); int strokeSaved = strokeColor; strokeColor = float_color(r1, g1, b1); thin_flat_line((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)x2, (int)y2); strokeColor = strokeSaved; return true; } */ return false; } private void thick_flat_line(float ox1, float oy1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float a1, float ox2, float oy2, float r2, float g2, float b2, float a2) { spolygon.interpARGB = (r1 != r2) || (g1 != g2) || (b1 != b2) || (a1 != a2); spolygon.interpZ = false; if (!spolygon.interpARGB && flat_line_retribution(ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2, r1, g1, b1)) { return; } float dX = ox2-ox1 + EPSILON; float dY = oy2-oy1 + EPSILON; float len = sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY); // TODO strokeWidth should be transformed! float rh = strokeWeight / len; float dx0 = rh * dY; float dy0 = rh * dX; float dx1 = rh * dY; float dy1 = rh * dX; spolygon.reset(4); float svertex[] = spolygon.vertices[0]; svertex[X] = ox1+dx0; svertex[Y] = oy1-dy0; svertex[R] = r1; svertex[G] = g1; svertex[B] = b1; svertex[A] = a1; svertex = spolygon.vertices[1]; svertex[X] = ox1-dx0; svertex[Y] = oy1+dy0; svertex[R] = r1; svertex[G] = g1; svertex[B] = b1; svertex[A] = a1; svertex = spolygon.vertices[2]; svertex[X] = ox2-dx1; svertex[Y] = oy2+dy1; svertex[R] = r2; svertex[G] = g2; svertex[B] = b2; svertex[A] = a2; svertex = spolygon.vertices[3]; svertex[X] = ox2+dx1; svertex[Y] = oy2-dy1; svertex[R] = r2; svertex[G] = g2; svertex[B] = b2; svertex[A] = a2; spolygon.render(); } /* // OPT version without z coords can save 8 multiplies and some other private void spatial_line(float x1, float y1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float x2, float y2, float r2, float g2, float b2) { spatial_line(x1, y1, 0, r1, g1, b1, x2, y2, 0, r2, g2, b2); } // the incoming values are transformed, // and the colors have been calculated private void spatial_line(float x1, float y1, float z1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float r2, float g2, float b2) { spolygon.interpARGB = (r1 != r2) || (g1 != g2) || (b1 != b2); if (!spolygon.interpARGB && flat_line_retribution(x1, y1, x2, y2, r1, g1, b1)) { return; } spolygon.interpZ = true; float ox1 = x1; float oy1 = y1; float oz1 = z1; float ox2 = x2; float oy2 = y2; float oz2 = z2; float dX = ox2-ox1 + 0.0001f; float dY = oy2-oy1 + 0.0001f; float len = sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY); //float x0 = m00*0 + m01*0 + m03; float rh = strokeWeight / len; float dx0 = rh * dY; float dy0 = rh * dX; float dx1 = rh * dY; float dy1 = rh * dX; spolygon.reset(4); float svertex[] = spolygon.vertices[0]; svertex[X] = ox1+dx0; svertex[Y] = oy1-dy0; svertex[Z] = oz1; svertex[R] = r1; //calcR1; svertex[G] = g1; //calcG1; svertex[B] = b1; //calcB1; svertex = spolygon.vertices[1]; svertex[X] = ox1-dx0; svertex[Y] = oy1+dy0; svertex[Z] = oz1; svertex[R] = r1; //calcR1; svertex[G] = g1; //calcG1; svertex[B] = b1; //calcB1; svertex = spolygon.vertices[2]; svertex[X] = ox2-dx1; svertex[Y] = oy2+dy1; svertex[Z] = oz2; svertex[R] = r2; //calcR2; svertex[G] = g2; //calcG2; svertex[B] = b2; //calcB2; svertex = spolygon.vertices[3]; svertex[X] = ox2+dx1; svertex[Y] = oy2-dy1; svertex[Z] = oz2; svertex[R] = r2; //calcR2; svertex[G] = g2; //calcG2; svertex[B] = b2; //calcB2; spolygon.render(); } */ // max is what to count to // offset is offset to the 'next' vertex // increment is how much to increment in the loop private void draw_lines(float vertices[][], int max, int offset, int increment, int skip) { if (strokeWeight < 2) { for (int i = 0; i < max; i += increment) { if ((skip != 0) && (((i+offset) % skip) == 0)) continue; float a[] = vertices[i]; float b[] = vertices[i+offset]; if (line == null) line = new PLine(this); line.reset(); line.setIntensities(a[SR], a[SG], a[SB], a[SA], b[SR], b[SG], b[SB], b[SA]); line.setVertices(a[X], a[Y], a[Z], b[X], b[Y], b[Z]); line.draw(); } } else { // use old line code for thickness > 1 if ((strokeWeight < 2) && !strokeChanged) { // need to set color at least once? // THIS PARTICULAR CASE SHOULD NO LONGER BE REACHABLE for (int i = 0; i < max; i += increment) { if ((skip != 0) && (((i+offset) % skip) == 0)) continue; thin_flat_line((int) vertices[i][X], (int) vertices[i][Y], (int) vertices[i+offset][X], (int) vertices[i+offset][Y]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < max; i += increment) { if ((skip != 0) && (((i+offset) % skip) == 0)) continue; float v1[] = vertices[i]; float v2[] = vertices[i+offset]; thick_flat_line(v1[X], v1[Y], v1[SR], v1[SG], v1[SB], v1[SA], v2[X], v2[Y], v2[SR], v2[SG], v2[SB], v2[SA]); } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UGLY RENDERING SHIT private void thin_point(int x, int y, float z, int color) { // necessary? [fry] yes! [toxi] if (x<0 || x>width1 || y<0 || y>height1) return; int index = y*width + x; if ((color & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000) { // opaque pixels[index] = color; } else { // transparent // couldn't seem to get this working correctly //pixels[index] = _blend(pixels[index], // color & 0xffffff, (color >> 24) & 0xff); // a1 is how much of the orig pixel int a2 = (color >> 24) & 0xff; int a1 = a2 ^ 0xff; int p2 = strokeColor; int p1 = pixels[index]; int r = (a1 * ((p1 >> 16) & 0xff) + a2 * ((p2 >> 16) & 0xff)) & 0xff00; int g = (a1 * ((p1 >> 8) & 0xff) + a2 * ((p2 >> 8) & 0xff)) & 0xff00; int b = (a1 * ( p1 & 0xff) + a2 * ( p2 & 0xff)) >> 8; pixels[index] = 0xff000000 | (r << 8) | g | b; //pixels[index] = _blend(pixels[index], // color & 0xffffff, (color >> 24) & 0xff); /* pixels[index] = 0xff000000 | ((((a1 * ((pixels[index] >> 16) & 0xff) + a2 * ((color >> 16) & 0xff)) & 0xff00) << 24) << 8) | (((a1 * ((pixels[index] >> 8) & 0xff) + a2 * ((color >> 8) & 0xff)) & 0xff00) << 16) | (((a1 * ( pixels[index] & 0xff) + a2 * ( color & 0xff)) >> 8)); */ } zbuffer[index] = z; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BACKGROUND AND FRIENDS /** * Clear the pixel buffer. */ protected void clear() { for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) { pixels[i] = backgroundColor; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERNAL SCHIZZLE private boolean untransformed() { return ((m00 == 1) && (m01 == 0) && (m02 == 0) && (m10 == 0) && (m11 == 1) && (m12 == 0)); } private boolean unwarped() { return ((m00 == 1) && (m01 == 0) && (m10 == 0) && (m11 == 1)); } // doesn't really do lighting per se... private void calc_lighting(float r, float g, float b, float ix, float iy, float iz, float nx, float ny, float nz, float target[], int toffset) { target[toffset + 0] = r; target[toffset + 1] = g; target[toffset + 2] = b; } static private final int float_color(float r, float g, float b) { return (0xff000000 | ((int) (255.0f * r)) << 16 | ((int) (255.0f * g)) << 8 | ((int) (255.0f * b))); } public final static int _blend(int p1, int p2, int a2) { // scale alpha by alpha of incoming pixel a2 = (a2 * (p2 >>> 24)) >> 8; int a1 = a2 ^ 0xff; int r = (a1 * ((p1 >> 16) & 0xff) + a2 * ((p2 >> 16) & 0xff)) & 0xff00; int g = (a1 * ((p1 >> 8) & 0xff) + a2 * ((p2 >> 8) & 0xff)) & 0xff00; int b = (a1 * ( p1 & 0xff) + a2 * ( p2 & 0xff)) >> 8; return 0xff000000 | (r << 8) | g | b; } }