
1805 lines
60 KiB

/* -*- mode: jde; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
Part of the Processing project -
Copyright (c) 2004-05 Ben Fry and Casey Reas
Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//import processing.core.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import com.oroinc.text.regex.*;
* Stores information about files in the current sketch
public class Sketch {
static File tempBuildFolder;
Editor editor;
* Name of sketch, which is the name of main file
* (without .pde or .java extension)
String name;
* Name of 'main' file, used by load(), such as sketch_04040.pde
String mainFilename;
* true if any of the files have been modified.
boolean modified;
public File folder;
public File dataFolder;
public File codeFolder;
static final int PDE = 0;
static final int JAVA = 1;
public SketchCode current;
int codeCount;
SketchCode code[];
int hiddenCount;
SketchCode hidden[];
Hashtable zipFileContents;
// all these set each time build() is called
String mainClassName;
String classPath;
String libraryPath;
boolean externalRuntime;
Vector importedLibraries; // vec of File objects
* path is location of the main .pde file, because this is also
* simplest to use when opening the file from the finder/explorer.
public Sketch(Editor editor, String path) throws IOException {
this.editor = editor;
File mainFile = new File(path);
//System.out.println("main file is " + mainFile);
mainFilename = mainFile.getName();
//System.out.println("main file is " + mainFilename);
// get the name of the sketch by chopping .pde or .java
// off of the main file name
if (mainFilename.endsWith(".pde")) {
name = mainFilename.substring(0, mainFilename.length() - 4);
} else if (mainFilename.endsWith(".java")) {
name = mainFilename.substring(0, mainFilename.length() - 5);
// lib/build must exist when the application is started
// it is added to the CLASSPATH by default, but if it doesn't
// exist when the application is started, then java will remove
// the entry from the CLASSPATH, causing Runner to fail.
tempBuildFolder = new File(TEMP_BUILD_PATH);
if (!tempBuildFolder.exists()) {
Base.showError("Required folder missing",
"A required folder was missing from \n" +
"from your installation of Processing.\n" +
"It has now been replaced, please restart \n" +
"the application to complete the repair.", null);
tempBuildFolder = Base.getBuildFolder();
folder = new File(new File(path).getParent());
//System.out.println("sketch dir is " + folder);
* Build the list of files.
* <P>
* Generally this is only done once, rather than
* each time a change is made, because otherwise it gets to be
* a nightmare to keep track of what files went where, because
* not all the data will be saved to disk.
* <P>
* This also gets called when the main sketch file is renamed,
* because the sketch has to be reloaded from a different folder.
* <P>
* Another exception is when an external editor is in use,
* in which case the load happens each time "run" is hit.
public void load() {
codeFolder = new File(folder, "code");
dataFolder = new File(folder, "data");
// get list of files in the sketch folder
String list[] = folder.list();
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].endsWith(".pde")) codeCount++;
else if (list[i].endsWith(".java")) codeCount++;
else if (list[i].endsWith(".pde.x")) hiddenCount++;
else if (list[i].endsWith(".java.x")) hiddenCount++;
code = new SketchCode[codeCount];
hidden = new SketchCode[hiddenCount];
int codeCounter = 0;
int hiddenCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].endsWith(".pde")) {
code[codeCounter++] =
new SketchCode(list[i].substring(0, list[i].length() - 4),
new File(folder, list[i]),
} else if (list[i].endsWith(".java")) {
code[codeCounter++] =
new SketchCode(list[i].substring(0, list[i].length() - 5),
new File(folder, list[i]),
} else if (list[i].endsWith(".pde.x")) {
hidden[hiddenCounter++] =
new SketchCode(list[i].substring(0, list[i].length() - 6),
new File(folder, list[i]),
} else if (list[i].endsWith(".java.x")) {
hidden[hiddenCounter++] =
new SketchCode(list[i].substring(0, list[i].length() - 7),
new File(folder, list[i]),
// remove any entries that didn't load properly
int index = 0;
while (index < codeCount) {
if ((code[index] == null) ||
(code[index].program == null)) {
for (int i = index+1; i < codeCount; i++) {
code[i-1] = code[i];
} else {
// move the main class to the first tab
// start at 1, if it's at zero, don't bother
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].file.getName().equals(mainFilename)) {
SketchCode temp = code[0];
code[0] = code[i];
code[i] = temp;
// sort the entries at the top
// set the main file to be the current tab
protected void insertCode(SketchCode newCode) {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// add file to the code/codeCount list, resort the list
if (codeCount == code.length) {
SketchCode temp[] = new SketchCode[codeCount+1];
System.arraycopy(code, 0, temp, 0, codeCount);
code = temp;
code[codeCount++] = newCode;
protected void sortCode() {
// cheap-ass sort of the rest of the files
// it's a dumb, slow sort, but there shouldn't be more than ~5 files
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
int who = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < codeCount; j++) {
if (code[j].name.compareTo(code[who].name) < 0) {
who = j; // this guy is earlier in the alphabet
if (who != i) { // swap with someone if changes made
SketchCode temp = code[who];
code[who] = code[i];
code[i] = temp;
boolean renamingCode;
public void newCode() {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// if read-only, give an error
if (isReadOnly()) {
// if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as".
Base.showMessage("Sketch is Read-Only",
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" +
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" +
"and try again.");
renamingCode = false;
editor.status.edit("Name for new file:", "");
public void renameCode() {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// if read-only, give an error
if (isReadOnly()) {
// if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as".
Base.showMessage("Sketch is Read-Only",
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" +
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" +
"and try again.");
// ask for new name of file (internal to window)
// TODO maybe just popup a text area?
renamingCode = true;
String prompt = (current == code[0]) ?
"New name for sketch:" : "New name for file:";
String oldName =
(current.flavor == PDE) ? : + ".java";
editor.status.edit(prompt, oldName);
* This is called upon return from entering a new file name.
* (that is, from either newCode or renameCode after the prompt)
* This code is almost identical for both the newCode and renameCode
* cases, so they're kept merged except for right in the middle
* where they diverge.
public void nameCode(String newName) {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// if renaming to the same thing as before, just ignore.
// also ignoring case here, because i don't want to write
// a bunch of special stuff for each platform
// (osx is case insensitive but preserving, windows insensitive,
// *nix is sensitive and preserving.. argh)
if (renamingCode && newName.equalsIgnoreCase( {
// exit quietly for the 'rename' case.
// if it's a 'new' then an error will occur down below
// don't allow blank names
if (newName.trim().equals("")) {
if (newName.trim().equals(".java") ||
newName.trim().equals(".pde")) {
String newFilename = null;
int newFlavor = 0;
// separate into newName (no extension) and newFilename (with ext)
// add .pde to file if it has no extension
if (newName.endsWith(".pde")) {
newFilename = newName;
newName = newName.substring(0, newName.length() - 4);
newFlavor = PDE;
} else if (newName.endsWith(".java")) {
// don't show this error if creating a new tab
if (renamingCode && (code[0] == current)) {
Base.showWarning("Problem with rename",
"The main .pde file cannot be .java file.\n" +
"(It may be time for your to graduate to a\n" +
"\"real\" programming environment)", null);
newFilename = newName;
newName = newName.substring(0, newName.length() - 5);
newFlavor = JAVA;
} else {
newFilename = newName + ".pde";
newFlavor = PDE;
// dots are allowed for the .pde and .java, but not in the name
// make sure the user didn't name things poo.time.pde
// or something like that (nothing against poo time)
if (newName.indexOf('.') != -1) {
newName = Sketchbook.sanitizedName(newName);
newFilename = newName + ((newFlavor == PDE) ? ".pde" : ".java");
// create the new file, new SketchCode object and load it
File newFile = new File(folder, newFilename);
if (newFile.exists()) { // yay! users will try anything
"A file named \"" + newFile + "\" already exists\n" +
"in \"" + folder.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");
File newFileHidden = new File(folder, newFilename + ".x");
if (newFileHidden.exists()) {
// don't let them get away with it if they try to create something
// with the same name as something hidden
Base.showMessage("No Way",
"A hidden tab with the same name already exists.\n" +
"Use \"Unhide\" to bring it back.");
if (renamingCode) {
if (current == code[0]) {
// get the new folder name/location
File newFolder = new File(folder.getParentFile(), newName);
if (newFolder.exists()) {
Base.showWarning("Cannot Rename",
"Sorry, a sketch (or folder) named " +
"\"" + newName + "\" already exists.", null);
// unfortunately this can't be a "save as" because that
// only copies the sketch files and the data folder
// however this *will* first save the sketch, then rename
// first get the contents of the editor text area
if (current.modified) {
current.program = editor.getText();
try {
// save this new SketchCode;
} catch (Exception e) {
Base.showWarning("Error", "Could not rename the sketch. (0)", e);
if (!current.file.renameTo(newFile)) {
"Could not rename \"" + current.file.getName() +
"\" to \"" + newFile.getName() + "\"", null);
// save each of the other tabs because this is gonna be re-opened
try {
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
//if (code[i].modified) code[i].save();
} catch (Exception e) {
Base.showWarning("Error", "Could not rename the sketch. (1)", e);
// now rename the sketch folder and re-open
boolean success = folder.renameTo(newFolder);
if (!success) {
Base.showWarning("Error", "Could not rename the sketch. (2)", null);
// if successful, set base properties for the sketch
File mainFile = new File(newFolder, newName + ".pde");
mainFilename = mainFile.getAbsolutePath();
// having saved everything and renamed the folder and the main .pde,
// use the editor to re-open the sketch to re-init state
// (unfortunately this will kill positions for carets etc)
// backtrack and don't rename the sketch folder
success = newFolder.renameTo(folder);
if (!success) {
String msg =
"Started renaming sketch and then ran into\n" +
"nasty trouble. Try to salvage with Copy & Paste\n" +
"or attempt a \"Save As\" to see if that works.";
Base.showWarning("Serious Error", msg, null);
// set the sketch name... used by the pde and whatnot.
// the name is only set in the sketch constructor,
// so it's important here
name = newName;
code[0].name = newName;
code[0].file = mainFile;
code[0].program = editor.getText();
folder = newFolder;
// get the changes into the sketchbook menu
// reload the sketch
} else {
if (!current.file.renameTo(newFile)) {
"Could not rename \"" + current.file.getName() +
"\" to \"" + newFile.getName() + "\"", null);
// just reopen the class itself = newName;
current.file = newFile;
current.flavor = newFlavor;
} else { // creating a new file
try {
newFile.createNewFile(); // TODO returns a boolean
} catch (IOException e) {
"Could not create the file \"" + newFile + "\"\n" +
"in \"" + folder.getAbsolutePath() + "\"", e);
SketchCode newCode = new SketchCode(newName, newFile, newFlavor);
// sort the entries
// set the new guy as current
// update the tabs
// force the update on the mac?
* Remove a piece of code from the sketch and from the disk.
public void deleteCode() {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// if read-only, give an error
if (isReadOnly()) {
// if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as".
Base.showMessage("Sketch is Read-Only",
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" +
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" +
"and try again.");
// confirm deletion with user, yes/no
Object[] options = { "OK", "Cancel" };
String prompt = (current == code[0]) ?
"Are you sure you want to delete this sketch?" :
"Are you sure you want to delete \"" + + "\"?";
int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(editor,
if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
if (current == code[0]) {
// need to unset all the modified flags, otherwise tries
// to do a save on the handleNew()
// delete the entire sketch
// get the changes into the sketchbook menu
// make a new sketch, and i think this will rebuild the sketch menu
} else {
// delete the file
if (!current.file.delete()) {
Base.showMessage("Couldn't do it",
"Could not delete \"" + + "\".");
// remove code from the list
// just set current tab to the main tab
// update the tabs
protected void removeCode(SketchCode which) {
// remove it from the internal list of files
// resort internal list of files
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i] == which) {
for (int j = i; j < codeCount-1; j++) {
code[j] = code[j+1];
System.err.println("removeCode: internal error.. could not find code");
public void hideCode() {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// if read-only, give an error
if (isReadOnly()) {
// if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as".
Base.showMessage("Sketch is Read-Only",
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" +
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" +
"and try again.");
// don't allow hide of the main code
// TODO maybe gray out the menu on setCurrent(0)
if (current == code[0]) {
Base.showMessage("Can't do that",
"You cannot hide the main " +
".pde file from a sketch\n");
// rename the file
File newFile = new File(current.file.getAbsolutePath() + ".x");
if (!current.file.renameTo(newFile)) {
"Could not hide " +
"\"" + current.file.getName() + "\".", null);
current.file = newFile;
// move it to the hidden list
if (hiddenCount == hidden.length) {
SketchCode temp[] = new SketchCode[hiddenCount+1];
System.arraycopy(hidden, 0, temp, 0, hiddenCount);
hidden = temp;
hidden[hiddenCount++] = current;
// remove it from the main list
// update the tabs
public void unhideCode(String what) {
SketchCode unhideCode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenCount; i++) {
if (hidden[i].name.equals(what)) {
//unhideIndex = i;
unhideCode = hidden[i];
// remove from the 'hidden' list
for (int j = i; j < hiddenCount-1; j++) {
hidden[j] = hidden[j+1];
//if (unhideIndex == -1) {
if (unhideCode == null) {
System.err.println("internal error: could find " + what + " to unhide.");
if (!unhideCode.file.exists()) {
Base.showMessage("Can't unhide",
"The file \"" + what + "\" no longer exists.");
String unhidePath = unhideCode.file.getAbsolutePath();
File unhideFile =
new File(unhidePath.substring(0, unhidePath.length() - 2));
if (!unhideCode.file.renameTo(unhideFile)) {
Base.showMessage("Can't unhide",
"The file \"" + what + "\" could not be" +
"renamed and unhidden.");
unhideCode.file = unhideFile;
* Sets the modified value for the code in the frontmost tab.
public void setModified() {
current.modified = true;
public void calcModified() {
modified = false;
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].modified) {
modified = true;
* Save all code in the current sketch.
public boolean save() throws IOException {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// first get the contents of the editor text area
if (current.modified) {
current.program = editor.getText();
// don't do anything if not actually modified
//if (!modified) return false;
if (isReadOnly()) {
// if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as".
Base.showMessage("Sketch is read-only",
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" +
"need to re-save this sketch to another location.");
// if the user cancels, give up on the save()
if (!saveAs()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].modified) code[i].save();
return true;
* Handles 'Save As' for a sketch.
* <P>
* This basically just duplicates the current sketch folder to
* a new location, and then calls 'Save'. (needs to take the current
* state of the open files and save them to the new folder..
* but not save over the old versions for the old sketch..)
* <P>
* Also removes the previously-generated .class and .jar files,
* because they can cause trouble.
public boolean saveAs() throws IOException {
// get new name for folder
FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(editor,
"Save sketch folder as...",
if (isReadOnly()) {
// default to the sketchbook folder
} else {
// default to the parent folder of where this was
String newParentDir = fd.getDirectory();
String newName = fd.getFile();
// user cancelled selection
if (newName == null) return false;
newName = Sketchbook.sanitizeName(newName);
// make sure there doesn't exist a tab with that name already
// (but allow it if it's just the main tab resaving itself.. oops)
File codeAlready = new File(folder, newName + ".pde");
if (codeAlready.exists() && (!newName.equals(name))) {
"You can't save the sketch as \"" + newName + "\"\n" +
"because the sketch already has a tab with that name.");
return false;
// make sure there doesn't exist a tab with that name already
File hiddenAlready = new File(folder, newName + ".pde.x");
if (hiddenAlready.exists()) {
"You can't save the sketch as \"" + newName + "\"\n" +
"because the sketch already has a " +
"hidden tab with that name.");
return false;
// new sketch folder
File newFolder = new File(newParentDir, newName);
// make sure the paths aren't the same
if (newFolder.equals(folder)) {
Base.showWarning("You can't fool me",
"The new sketch name and location are the same as\n" +
"the old. I ain't not doin nuthin' not now.", null);
return false;
// check to see if the user is trying to save this sketch
// inside the same sketch
try {
String newPath = newFolder.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator;
String oldPath = folder.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator;
if (newPath.indexOf(oldPath) == 0) {
Base.showWarning("How very Borges of you",
"You cannot save the sketch into a folder\n" +
"inside itself. This would go on forever.", null);
return false;
} catch (IOException e) { }
// if the new folder already exists, then need to remove
// its contents before copying everything over
// (user will have already been warned)
if (newFolder.exists()) {
// in fact, you can't do this on windows because the file dialog
// will instead put you inside the folder, but it happens on osx a lot.
// now make a fresh copy of the folder
// grab the contents of the current tab before saving
// first get the contents of the editor text area
if (current.modified) {
current.program = editor.getText();
// save the other tabs to their new location
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
File newFile = new File(newFolder, code[i].file.getName());
// save the hidden code to its new location
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenCount; i++) {
File newFile = new File(newFolder, hidden[i].file.getName());
// re-copy the data folder (this may take a while.. add progress bar?)
if (dataFolder.exists()) {
File newDataFolder = new File(newFolder, "data");
Base.copyDir(dataFolder, newDataFolder);
// re-copy the code folder
if (codeFolder.exists()) {
File newCodeFolder = new File(newFolder, "code");
Base.copyDir(codeFolder, newCodeFolder);
// save the main tab with its new name
File newFile = new File(newFolder, newName + ".pde");
// copy the entire contents of the sketch folder
Base.copyDir(folder, newFolder);
// change the references to the dir location in SketchCode files
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
code[i].file = new File(newFolder, code[i].file.getName());
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenCount; i++) {
hidden[i].file = new File(newFolder, hidden[i].file.getName());
// remove the old sketch file from the new dir
// name for the new main .pde file
code[0].file = new File(newFolder, newName + ".pde");
code[0].name = newName;
// write the contents to the renamed file
// (this may be resaved if the code is modified)
code[0].modified = true;
//System.out.println("modified is " + modified);
// change the other paths
String oldName = name;
name = newName;
File oldFolder = folder;
folder = newFolder;
dataFolder = new File(folder, "data");
codeFolder = new File(folder, "code");
// remove the 'applet', 'application', 'library' folders
// from the copied version.
// otherwise their .class and .jar files can cause conflicts.
Base.removeDir(new File(folder, "applet"));
Base.removeDir(new File(folder, "application"));
//Base.removeDir(new File(folder, "library"));
// do a "save"
// this will take care of the unsaved changes in each of the tabs
// get the changes into the sketchbook menu
// done inside Editor instead
// update the tabs for the name change
// let Editor know that the save was successful
return true;
* Prompt the user for a new file to the sketch.
* This could be .class or .jar files for the code folder,
* .pde or .java files for the project,
* or .dll, .jnilib, or .so files for the code folder
public void addFile() {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
// if read-only, give an error
if (isReadOnly()) {
// if the files are read-only, need to first do a "save as".
Base.showMessage("Sketch is Read-Only",
"Some files are marked \"read-only\", so you'll\n" +
"need to re-save the sketch in another location,\n" +
"and try again.");
// get a dialog, select a file to add to the sketch
String prompt =
"Select an image or other data file to copy to your sketch";
//FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), prompt, FileDialog.LOAD);
FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(editor, prompt, FileDialog.LOAD);;
String directory = fd.getDirectory();
String filename = fd.getFile();
if (filename == null) return;
// copy the file into the folder. if people would rather
// it move instead of copy, they can do it by hand
File sourceFile = new File(directory, filename);
File destFile = null;
boolean addingCode = false;
// if the file appears to be code related, drop it
// into the code folder, instead of the data folder
if (filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".class") ||
filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") ||
filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".dll") ||
filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jnilib") ||
filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".so")) {
//File codeFolder = new File(this.folder, "code");
if (!codeFolder.exists()) codeFolder.mkdirs();
destFile = new File(codeFolder, filename);
} else if (filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pde") ||
filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".java")) {
destFile = new File(this.folder, filename);
addingCode = true;
} else {
//File dataFolder = new File(this.folder, "data");
if (!dataFolder.exists()) dataFolder.mkdirs();
destFile = new File(dataFolder, filename);
// make sure they aren't the same file
if (!addingCode && sourceFile.equals(destFile)) {
Base.showWarning("You can't fool me",
"This file has already been copied to the\n" +
"location where you're trying to add it.\n" +
"I ain't not doin nuthin'.", null);
// in case the user is "adding" the code in an attempt
// to update the sketch's tabs
if (!sourceFile.equals(destFile)) {
try {
Base.copyFile(sourceFile, destFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
Base.showWarning("Error adding file",
"Could not add '" + filename +
"' to the sketch.", e);
// make the tabs update after this guy is added
if (addingCode) {
String newName = destFile.getName();
int newFlavor = -1;
if (newName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pde")) {
newName = newName.substring(0, newName.length() - 4);
newFlavor = PDE;
} else {
newName = newName.substring(0, newName.length() - 5);
newFlavor = JAVA;
// see also "nameCode" for identical situation
SketchCode newCode = new SketchCode(newName, destFile, newFlavor);
public void importLibrary(String jarPath) {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
String list[] = Compiler.packageListFromClassPath(jarPath);
// import statements into the main sketch file (code[0])
// if the current code is a .java file, insert into current
if (current.flavor == PDE) {
// could also scan the text in the file to see if each import
// statement is already in there, but if the user has the import
// commented out, then this will be a problem.
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
buffer.append("import ");
editor.setText(buffer.toString(), 0, 0); // scroll to start
* Change what file is currently being edited.
* <OL>
* <LI> store the String for the text of the current file.
* <LI> retrieve the String for the text of the new file.
* <LI> change the text that's visible in the text area
* </OL>
public void setCurrent(int which) {
if (current == code[which]) {
//System.out.println("already current, ignoring");
// get the text currently being edited
if (current != null) {
current.program = editor.getText();
current.selectionStart = editor.textarea.getSelectionStart();
current.selectionStop = editor.textarea.getSelectionEnd();
current.scrollPosition = editor.textarea.getScrollPosition();
current = code[which];
// current.selectionStart, current.selectionStop,
// current.scrollPosition, current.undo);
// set to the text for this file
// 'true' means to wipe out the undo buffer
// (so they don't undo back to the other file.. whups!)
current.selectionStart, current.selectionStop,
// set stored caret and scroll positions
//, current.selectionStop);
* Internal helper function to set the current tab
* based on a name (used by codeNew and codeRename).
protected void setCurrent(String findName) {
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (findName.equals(code[i].name)) {
* Cleanup temporary files used during a build/run.
protected void cleanup() {
// if the java runtime is holding onto any files in the build dir, we
// won't be able to delete them, so we need to force a gc here
// note that we can't remove the builddir itself, otherwise
// the next time we start up, internal runs using Runner won't
// work because the build dir won't exist at startup, so the classloader
// will ignore the fact that that dir is in the CLASSPATH in
* Preprocess, Compile, and Run the current code.
* <P>
* There are three main parts to this process:
* <PRE>
* (0. if not java, then use another 'engine'.. i.e. python)
* 1. do the p5 language preprocessing
* this creates a working .java file in a specific location
* better yet, just takes a chunk of java code and returns a
* new/better string editor can take care of saving this to a
* file location
* 2. compile the code from that location
* catching errors along the way
* placing it in a ready classpath, or .. ?
* 3. run the code
* needs to communicate location for window
* and maybe setup presentation space as well
* run externally if a code folder exists,
* or if more than one file is in the project
* X. afterwards, some of these steps need a cleanup function
* </PRE>
public boolean handleRun() throws RunnerException {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
current.program = editor.getText();
// TODO record history here
//current.history.record(program, SketchHistory.RUN);
// if an external editor is being used, need to grab the
// latest version of the code from the file.
if (Preferences.getBoolean("editor.external")) {
// history gets screwed by the open..
//String historySaved = history.lastRecorded;
//history.lastRecorded = historySaved;
// nuke previous files and settings, just get things loaded
// in case there were any boogers left behind
// do this here instead of after exiting, since the exit
// can happen so many different ways.. and this will be
// better connected to the dataFolder stuff below.
// make up a temporary class name to suggest.
// name will only be used if the code is not in ADVANCED mode.
String suggestedClassName =
("Temporary_" + String.valueOf((int) (Math.random() * 10000)) +
"_" + String.valueOf((int) (Math.random() * 10000)));
// handle preprocessing the main file's code
//mainClassName = build(TEMP_BUILD_PATH, suggestedClassName);
mainClassName =
build(tempBuildFolder.getAbsolutePath(), suggestedClassName);
// externalPaths is magically set by build()
if (!externalRuntime) { // only if not running externally already
// copy contents of data dir into lib/build
if (dataFolder.exists()) {
// just drop the files in the build folder (pre-68)
//Base.copyDir(dataDir, buildDir);
// drop the files into a 'data' subfolder of the build dir
try {
Base.copyDir(dataFolder, new File(tempBuildFolder, "data"));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RunnerException("Problem copying files from data folder");
return (mainClassName != null);
* Build all the code for this sketch.
* In an advanced program, the returned classname could be different,
* which is why the className is set based on the return value.
* A compilation error will burp up a RunnerException.
* @return null if compilation failed, main class name if not
protected String build(String buildPath, String suggestedClassName)
throws RunnerException {
// make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder
String codeFolderPackages[] = null;
String javaClassPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
// remove quotes if any.. this is an annoying thing on windows
if (javaClassPath.startsWith("\"") && javaClassPath.endsWith("\"")) {
javaClassPath = javaClassPath.substring(1, javaClassPath.length() - 1);
classPath = buildPath +
File.pathSeparator + Sketchbook.librariesClassPath +
File.pathSeparator + javaClassPath;
//System.out.println("cp = " + classPath);
// figure out the contents of the code folder to see if there
// are files that need to be added to the imports
//File codeFolder = new File(folder, "code");
if (codeFolder.exists()) {
externalRuntime = true;
//classPath += File.pathSeparator +
classPath =
Compiler.contentsToClassPath(codeFolder) +
File.pathSeparator + classPath;
//codeFolderPackages = Compiler.packageListFromClassPath(classPath);
//codeFolderPackages = Compiler.packageListFromClassPath(codeFolder);
libraryPath = codeFolder.getAbsolutePath();
// get a list of .jar files in the "code" folder
// (class files in subfolders should also be picked up)
String codeFolderClassPath =
// get list of packages found in those jars
codeFolderPackages =
} else {
// since using the special classloader,
// run externally whenever there are extra classes defined
//externalRuntime = (codeCount > 1);
// this no longer appears to be true.. so scrapping for 0088
// check to see if multiple files that include a .java file
externalRuntime = false;
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].flavor == JAVA) {
externalRuntime = true;
//codeFolderPackages = null;
libraryPath = "";
// if 'data' folder is large, set to external runtime
if (dataFolder.exists() &&
Base.calcFolderSize(dataFolder) > 768 * 1024) { // if > 768k
externalRuntime = true;
// 1. concatenate all .pde files to the 'main' pde
// store line number for starting point of each code bit
StringBuffer bigCode = new StringBuffer(code[0].program);
int bigCount = countLines(code[0].program);
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].flavor == PDE) {
code[i].preprocOffset = ++bigCount;
bigCount += countLines(code[i].program);
code[i].preprocName = null; // don't compile me
// since using the special classloader,
// run externally whenever there are extra classes defined
if ((bigCode.indexOf(" class ") != -1) ||
(bigCode.indexOf("\nclass ") != -1)) {
externalRuntime = true;
// if running in opengl mode, this is gonna be external
//if (Preferences.get("renderer").equals("opengl")) {
//externalRuntime = true;
// 2. run preproc on that code using the sugg class name
// to create a single .java file and write to buildpath
String primaryClassName = null;
PdePreprocessor preprocessor = new PdePreprocessor();
try {
// if (i != 0) preproc will fail if a pde file is not
// java mode, since that's required
String className =
preprocessor.write(bigCode.toString(), buildPath,
suggestedClassName, codeFolderPackages);
if (className == null) {
throw new RunnerException("Could not find main class");
// this situation might be perfectly fine,
// (i.e. if the file is empty)
//System.out.println("No class found in " + code[i].name);
//System.out.println("(any code in that file will be ignored)");
} else {
code[0].preprocName = className + ".java";
// store this for the compiler and the runtime
primaryClassName = className;
//System.out.println("primary class " + primaryClassName);
// check if the 'main' file is in java mode
if ((PdePreprocessor.programType == PdePreprocessor.JAVA) ||
(preprocessor.extraImports.length != 0)) {
externalRuntime = true; // we in advanced mode now, boy
} catch (antlr.RecognitionException re) {
// this even returns a column
int errorFile = 0;
int errorLine = re.getLine() - 1;
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
if ((code[i].flavor == PDE) &&
(code[i].preprocOffset < errorLine)) {
errorFile = i;
errorLine -= code[errorFile].preprocOffset;
throw new RunnerException(re.getMessage(), errorFile,
errorLine, re.getColumn());
} catch (antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException tsre) {
// while this seems to store line and column internally,
// there doesn't seem to be a method to grab it..
// so instead it's done using a regexp
PatternMatcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
PatternCompiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
// line 3:1: unexpected char: 0xA0
String mess = "^line (\\d+):(\\d+):\\s";
Pattern pattern = null;
try {
pattern = compiler.compile(mess);
} catch (MalformedPatternException e) {
Base.showWarning("Internal Problem",
"An internal error occurred while trying\n" +
"to compile the sketch. Please report\n" +
"this online at", e);
PatternMatcherInput input =
new PatternMatcherInput(tsre.toString());
if (matcher.contains(input, pattern)) {
MatchResult result = matcher.getMatch();
int errorLine = Integer.parseInt( - 1;
int errorColumn = Integer.parseInt(;
int errorFile = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < codeCount; i++) {
if ((code[i].flavor == PDE) &&
(code[i].preprocOffset < errorLine)) {
errorFile = i;
errorLine -= code[errorFile].preprocOffset;
throw new RunnerException(tsre.getMessage(),
errorFile, errorLine, errorColumn);
} else {
// this is bad, defaults to the main class.. hrm.
throw new RunnerException(tsre.toString(), 0, -1, -1);
} catch (RunnerException pe) {
// RunnerExceptions are caught here and re-thrown, so that they don't
// get lost in the more general "Exception" handler below.
throw pe;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO better method for handling this?
System.err.println("Uncaught exception type:" + ex.getClass());
throw new RunnerException(ex.toString());
// grab the imports from the code just preproc'd
importedLibraries = new Vector();
String imports[] = preprocessor.extraImports;
for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
// remove things up to the last dot
String entry = imports[i].substring(0, imports[i].lastIndexOf('.'));
//System.out.println("found package " + entry);
File libFolder = (File) Sketchbook.importToLibraryTable.get(entry);
if (libFolder == null) {
//throw new RunnerException("Could not find library for " + entry);
libraryPath += File.pathSeparator + libFolder.getAbsolutePath();
String list[] = libFolder.list();
if (list != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < list.length; j++) {
// this might have a dll/jnilib/so packed,
// so add it to the library path
if (list[j].toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
libraryPath += File.pathSeparator +
libFolder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + list[j];
// 3. then loop over the code[] and save each .java file
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].flavor == JAVA) {
// no pre-processing services necessary for java files
// just write the the contents of 'program' to a .java file
// into the build directory. uses byte stream and reader/writer
// shtuff so that unicode bunk is properly handled
String filename = code[i].name + ".java";
try {
Base.saveFile(code[i].program, new File(buildPath, filename));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RunnerException("Problem moving " + filename +
" to the build folder");
code[i].preprocName = filename;
// compile the program. errors will happen as a RunnerException
// that will bubble up to whomever called build().
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
boolean success = compiler.compile(this, buildPath);
//System.out.println("success = " + success + " ... " + primaryClassName);
return success ? primaryClassName : null;
protected int countLines(String what) {
char c[] = what.toCharArray();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i] == '\n') count++;
return count;
* Initiate export to applet.
* <PRE>
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* + +
* + Export to: [ Applet (for the web) + ] [ OK ] +
* + +
* + > Advanced +
* + +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Version: [ Java 1.1 + ] +
* + +
* + Recommended version of Java when exporting applets. +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Version: [ Java 1.3 + ] +
* + +
* + Java 1.3 is not recommended for applets, +
* + unless you are using features that require it. +
* + Using a version of Java other than 1.1 will require +
* + your Windows users to install the Java Plug-In, +
* + and your Macintosh users to be running OS X. +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Version: [ Java 1.4 + ] +
* + +
* + identical message as 1.3 above... +
* + +
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* </PRE>
public boolean exportApplet() throws Exception {
return true;
* Export to application.
* <PRE>
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* + +
* + Export to: [ Application + ] [ OK ] +
* + +
* + > Advanced +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Version: [ Java 1.1 + ] +
* + +
* + Not much point to using Java 1.1 for applications. +
* + To run applications, all users will have to +
* + install Java, in which case they'll most likely +
* + have version 1.3 or later. +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Version: [ Java 1.3 + ] +
* + +
* + Java 1.3 is the recommended setting for exporting +
* + applications. Applications will run on any Windows +
* + or Unix machine with Java installed. Mac OS X has +
* + Java installed with the operation system, so there +
* + is no additional installation will be required. +
* + +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + +
* + Platform: [ Mac OS X + ] <-- defaults to current platform
* + +
* + Exports the application as a double-clickable +
* + .app package, compatible with Mac OS X. +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Platform: [ Windows + ] +
* + +
* + Exports the application as a double-clickable +
* + .exe and a handful of supporting files. +
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
* + Platform: [ jar file + ] +
* + +
* + A jar file can be used on any platform that has +
* + Java installed. Simply doube-click the jar (or type +
* + "java -jar sketch.jar" at a command prompt) to run +
* + the application. It is the least fancy method for +
* + exporting. +
* + +
* +-------------------------------------------------------+
* </PRE>
public boolean exportApplication() {
return true;
public void addManifest(ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
String contents =
"Manifest-Version: 1.0\n" +
"Created-By: Processing " + Base.VERSION_NAME + "\n" +
"Main-Class: " + name + "\n"; // TODO not package friendly
for (int i = 0; i < bagelClasses.length; i++) {
if (!bagelClasses[i].endsWith(".class")) continue;
entry = new ZipEntry(bagelClasses[i]);
zos.write(Base.grabFile(new File(exportDir + bagelClasses[i])));
* Slurps up .class files from a colon (or semicolon on windows)
* separated list of paths and adds them to a ZipOutputStream.
public void packClassPathIntoZipFile(String path,
ZipOutputStream zos)
throws IOException {
String pieces[] = Base.split(path, File.pathSeparatorChar);
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
if (pieces[i].length() == 0) continue;
//System.out.println("checking piece " + pieces[i]);
// is it a jar file or directory?
if (pieces[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") ||
pieces[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
try {
ZipFile file = new ZipFile(pieces[i]);
Enumeration entries = file.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
// actually 'continue's for all dir entries
} else {
String entryName = entry.getName();
// ignore contents of the META-INF folders
if (entryName.indexOf("META-INF") == 0) continue;
// don't allow duplicate entries
if (zipFileContents.get(entryName) != null) continue;
zipFileContents.put(entryName, new Object());
ZipEntry entree = new ZipEntry(entryName);
byte buffer[] = new byte[(int) entry.getSize()];
InputStream is = file.getInputStream(entry);
int offset = 0;
int remaining = buffer.length;
while (remaining > 0) {
int count =, offset, remaining);
offset += count;
remaining -= count;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error in file " + pieces[i]);
} else { // not a .jar or .zip, prolly a directory
File dir = new File(pieces[i]);
// but must be a dir, since it's one of several paths
// just need to check if it exists
if (dir.exists()) {
packClassPathIntoZipFileRecursive(dir, null, zos);
* Continue the process of magical exporting. This function
* can be called recursively to walk through folders looking
* for more goodies that will be added to the ZipOutputStream.
static public void packClassPathIntoZipFileRecursive(File dir,
String sofar,
ZipOutputStream zos)
throws IOException {
String files[] = dir.list();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
// ignore . .. and .DS_Store
if (files[i].charAt(0) == '.') continue;
File sub = new File(dir, files[i]);
String nowfar = (sofar == null) ?
files[i] : (sofar + "/" + files[i]);
if (sub.isDirectory()) {
packClassPathIntoZipFileRecursive(sub, nowfar, zos);
} else {
// don't add .jar and .zip files, since they only work
// inside the root, and they're unpacked
if (!files[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") &&
!files[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") &&
files[i].charAt(0) != '.') {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(nowfar);
* Make sure the sketch hasn't been moved or deleted by some
* nefarious user. If they did, try to re-create it and save.
* Only checks to see if the main folder is still around,
* but not its contents.
protected void ensureExistence() {
if (folder.exists()) return;
Base.showWarning("Sketch Disappeared",
"The sketch folder has disappeared.\n " +
"Will attempt to re-save in the same location,\n" +
"but anything besides the code will be lost.", null);
try {
modified = true;
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
code[i].save(); // this will force a save
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenCount; i++) {
hidden[i].save(); // this will force a save
} catch (Exception e) {
Base.showWarning("Could not re-save sketch",
"Could not properly re-save the sketch. " +
"You may be in trouble at this point,\n" +
"and it might be time to copy and paste " +
"your code to another text editor.", e);
* Returns true if this is a read-only sketch. Used for the
* examples directory, or when sketches are loaded from read-only
* volumes or folders without appropriate permissions.
public boolean isReadOnly() {
String apath = folder.getAbsolutePath();
if (apath.startsWith(Sketchbook.examplesPath) ||
apath.startsWith(Sketchbook.librariesPath)) {
return true;
// canWrite() doesn't work on directories
//} else if (!folder.canWrite()) {
} else {
// check to see if each modified code file can be written to
for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
if (code[i].modified &&
!code[i].file.canWrite() &&
code[i].file.exists()) {
//System.err.println("found a read-only file " + code[i].file);
return true;
//return true;
return false;
* Returns path to the main .pde file for this sketch.
public String getMainFilePath() {
return code[0].file.getAbsolutePath();