#ifndef ArduinoRobot_h #define ArduinoRobot_h #include "Arduino_LCD.h" // Hardware-specific library //#include "FormattedText.h" #include "SquawkSD.h" #include "Multiplexer.h" #include "EasyTransfer2.h" #include "EEPROM_I2C.h" #include "Compass.h" #include "Fat16.h" #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #define BUTTON_NONE -1 #define BUTTON_LEFT 0 #define BUTTON_DOWN 1 #define BUTTON_UP 2 #define BUTTON_RIGHT 3 #define BUTTON_MIDDLE 4 #define NUMBER_BUTTONS 5 //beep length #define BEEP_SIMPLE 0 #define BEEP_DOUBLE 1 #define BEEP_LONG 2 // image locations on the EEPROM #define HOME_BMP 0 #define BATTERY_BMP 2048 #define COMPASS_BMP 4096 #define CONTROL_BMP 6144 #define GEARS_BMP 8192 #define LIGHT_BMP 10240 #define OSCILLO_BMP 12288 #define VOLT_BMP 14336 #define INICIO_BMP 16384 // this is a full screen splash //Command code #define COMMAND_SWITCH_MODE 0 #define COMMAND_RUN 10 #define COMMAND_MOTORS_STOP 11 #define COMMAND_ANALOG_WRITE 20 #define COMMAND_DIGITAL_WRITE 30 #define COMMAND_ANALOG_READ 40 #define COMMAND_ANALOG_READ_RE 41 #define COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ 50 #define COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ_RE 51 #define COMMAND_READ_IR 60 #define COMMAND_READ_IR_RE 61 #define COMMAND_ACTION_DONE 70 #define COMMAND_READ_TRIM 80 #define COMMAND_READ_TRIM_RE 81 #define COMMAND_PAUSE_MODE 90 #define COMMAND_LINE_FOLLOW_CONFIG 100 //component codename #define CN_LEFT_MOTOR 0 #define CN_RIGHT_MOTOR 1 #define CN_IR 2 //motor board modes #define MODE_SIMPLE 0 #define MODE_LINE_FOLLOW 1 #define MODE_ADJUST_MOTOR 2 #define MODE_IR_CONTROL 3 //port types, for R/W #define TYPE_TOP_TK 0 #define TYPE_TOP_TKD 1 #define TYPE_BOTTOM_TK 2 //top TKs #define TK0 100 #define TK1 101 #define TK2 102 #define TK3 103 #define TK4 104 #define TK5 105 #define TK6 106 #define TK7 107 //bottom TKs, just for communication purpose #define B_TK1 201 #define B_TK2 202 #define B_TK3 203 #define B_TK4 204 //bottom IRs, for communication purpose #define B_IR0 210 #define B_IR1 211 #define B_IR2 212 #define B_IR3 213 #define B_IR4 214 #ifndef LED1 #define LED1 17 #endif //320 - 337 username, #define ADDRESS_USERNAME 320 //338 - 355 robotname, #define ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME 338 //356 - 373 cityname, #define ADDRESS_CITYNAME 356 //374- 391 countryname, #define ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME 374 //508-511 robot info #define ADDRESS_ROBOTINFO 508 #define BLACK ILI9163C_BLACK #define BLUE ILI9163C_BLUE #define RED ILI9163C_RED #define GREEN ILI9163C_GREEN #define CYAN ILI9163C_CYAN #define MAGENTA ILI9163C_MAGENTA #define YELLOW ILI9163C_YELLOW #define WHITE ILI9163C_WHITE //A data structure for storing the current state of motor board struct MOTOR_BOARD_DATA{ int _B_TK1; int _B_TK2; int _B_TK3; int _B_TK4; /*int _B_IR0; int _B_IR1; int _B_IR2; int _B_IR3; int _B_IR4;*/ }; /* A message structure will be: switch mode: byte COMMAND_SWITCH_MODE, byte mode run: byte COMMAND_RUN, int speedL, int speedR analogWrite: byte COMMAND_ANALOG_WRITE, byte codename, byte value; digitalWrite: byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_WRITE, byte codename, byte value; analogRead: byte COMMAND_ANALOG_READ, byte codename; analogRead return: byte COMMAND_ANALOG_READ_RE, byte codename, int value; digitalRead return: byte COMMAND_DIGITAL_READ_RE, byte codename, byte value; read IR: byte COMMAND_READ_IR, int valueA, int valueB, int valueC, int valueD; */ #define NUM_EEPROM_BMP 10 struct EEPROM_BMP{ char name[8]; uint8_t width; uint8_t height; uint16_t address; }; //if you call #undef USE_SQUAWK_SYNTH_SD at the beginning of your sketch, //it's going to remove anything regarding sound playing class RobotControl:public Multiplexer, public EEPROM_I2C, public Compass, public SquawkSynthSD, //public FormattedText public Arduino_LCD { public: RobotControl(); void begin(); void setMode(uint8_t mode); //Read & Write, TK0 - TK7, TKD0 - TKD1, bottom TK0 - TK4 bool digitalRead(uint8_t port); int analogRead(uint8_t port); void digitalWrite(uint8_t port, bool value); void analogWrite(uint8_t port, uint8_t value);//It's not available, as there's no pin can be used for analog write //IR sensors from the bottom board //define an array as "int arr[4];", and supply the arry name here uint16_t IRarray[5]; void updateIR(); //on board Potentiometor int knobRead(); //Potentiometor of the motor board int trimRead(); //on board piezo void beginSpeaker(uint16_t frequency=44100); void playMelody(char* script); void playFile(char* filename); void stopPlayFile(); void beep(int beep_length=BEEP_SIMPLE); void tempoWrite(int tempo); void tuneWrite(float tune); //compass uint16_t compassRead(); void drawCompass(uint16_t value); void drawBase(); void drawDire(int16_t dire); //keyboard void keyboardCalibrate(int *vals); int8_t keyboardRead();//return the key that is being pressed?Has been pressed(with _processKeyboard)? //movement void moveForward(int speed); void moveBackward(int speed); void turnLeft(int speed); void turnRight(int speed); void motorsStop(); void motorsWritePct(int speedLeftPct, int speedRightPct); void motorsWrite(int speedLeft,int speedRight); void pointTo(int degrees);//turn to an absolute angle from the compass void turn(int degress);//turn certain degrees from the current heading //Line Following void lineFollowConfig(uint8_t KP, uint8_t KD, uint8_t robotSpeed, uint8_t intergrationTime);//default 11 5 50 10 //TFT LCD //use the same commands as Arduino_LCD void beginTFT(uint16_t foreGround=BLACK, uint16_t background=WHITE); /*void text(int value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW); void text(long value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW); void text(char* value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW); void text(char value, uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY, bool EW);*/ void debugPrint(long value, uint8_t x=0, uint8_t y=0); void clearScreen(); void drawBMP(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y);//detect if draw with EEPROM or SD, and draw it void _drawBMP(uint32_t iconOffset, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height);//draw from EEPROM void _drawBMP(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y);//draw from SD void beginBMPFromEEPROM(); void endBMPFromEEPROM(); uint16_t foreGround;//foreground color uint16_t backGround;//background color //SD card void beginSD(); //Information void userNameRead(char* container); void robotNameRead(char* container); void cityNameRead(char* container); void countryNameRead(char* container); void userNameWrite(char* text); void robotNameWrite(char* text); void cityNameWrite(char* text); void countryNameWrite(char* text); //Others bool isActionDone(); void pauseMode(uint8_t onOff); void displayLogos(); void waitContinue(uint8_t key=BUTTON_MIDDLE); private: //Read & Write uint8_t _getTypeCode(uint8_t port);//different ports need different actions uint8_t _portToTopMux(uint8_t port);//get the number for multiplexer within top TKs uint8_t _topDPortToAPort(uint8_t port);//get the corrensponding analogIn pin for top TKDs bool _digitalReadTopMux(uint8_t port);//TK0 - TK7 int _analogReadTopMux(uint8_t port); bool _digitalReadTopPin(uint8_t port); int _analogReadTopPin(uint8_t port); void _digitalWriteTopPin(uint8_t port, bool value); MOTOR_BOARD_DATA motorBoardData; int* parseMBDPort(uint8_t port); int get_motorBoardData(uint8_t port); void set_motorBoardData(uint8_t port, int value); bool _requestDigitalRead(uint8_t port); int _requestAnalogRead(uint8_t port); void _requestDigitalWrite(uint8_t port, uint8_t value); //LCD void _enableLCD(); void _setWrite(uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY); void _setErase(uint8_t posX, uint8_t posY); //SD SdCard card; Fat16 file; Fat16 melody; void _enableSD(); //keyboard void _processKeyboard(); //need to run in loop, detect if the key is actually pressed int averageAnalogInput(int pinNum); //Ultrasonic ranger //uint8_t pinTrigger_UR; //uint8_t pinEcho_UR; //Melody void playNote(byte period, word length, char modifier); //Communication EasyTransfer2 messageOut; EasyTransfer2 messageIn; //TFT LCD bool _isEEPROM_BMP_Allocated; EEPROM_BMP * _eeprom_bmp; void _drawBMP_EEPROM(uint16_t address, uint8_t width, uint8_t height); void _drawBMP_SD(char* filename, uint8_t x, uint8_t y); }; inline void RobotControl::userNameRead(char* container){ EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_USERNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18); } inline void RobotControl::robotNameRead(char* container){ EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18); } inline void RobotControl::cityNameRead(char* container){ EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_CITYNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18); } inline void RobotControl::countryNameRead(char* container){ EEPROM_I2C::readBuffer(ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME,(uint8_t*)container,18); } inline void RobotControl::userNameWrite(char* text){ EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_USERNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18); } inline void RobotControl::robotNameWrite(char* text){ EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_ROBOTNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18); } inline void RobotControl::cityNameWrite(char* text){ EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_CITYNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18); } inline void RobotControl::countryNameWrite(char* text){ EEPROM_I2C::writePage(ADDRESS_COUNTRYNAME,(uint8_t*)text,18); } extern RobotControl Robot; #endif