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LUFA Library
Copyright (C) Dean Camera, 2011.
dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com
Copyright 2011 Dean Camera (dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com)
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this software.
/** \file
* Main source file for the CDC class bootloader. This file contains the complete bootloader logic.
#include "Caterina.h"
/** Contains the current baud rate and other settings of the first virtual serial port. This must be retained as some
* operating systems will not open the port unless the settings can be set successfully.
static CDC_LineEncoding_t LineEncoding = { .BaudRateBPS = 0,
.CharFormat = CDC_LINEENCODING_OneStopBit,
.ParityType = CDC_PARITY_None,
.DataBits = 8 };
/** Current address counter. This stores the current address of the FLASH or EEPROM as set by the host,
* and is used when reading or writing to the AVRs memory (either FLASH or EEPROM depending on the issued
* command.)
static uint32_t CurrAddress;
/** Flag to indicate if the bootloader should be running, or should exit and allow the application code to run
* via a watchdog reset. When cleared the bootloader will exit, starting the watchdog and entering an infinite
* loop until the AVR restarts and the application runs.
static bool RunBootloader = true;
/* Pulse generation counters to keep track of the time remaining for each pulse type */
uint16_t TxLEDPulse = 0; // time remaining for Tx LED pulse
uint16_t RxLEDPulse = 0; // time remaining for Rx LED pulse
/* Bootloader timeout timer */
// MAH 8/15/12- change so timeouts work properly when the chip is running at 8MHz instead of 16.
#define TIMEOUT_PERIOD 8000
LilyPadUSB bootloader code
The LilyPadUSB bootloader has been changed to remove the 8-second delay after external reset which is in
the Leonardo. To enter the bootloader, the user should execute TWO external resets within 750 ms; that is,
press the reset button twice, quickly.\
Some other changes were made to allow this code to compile tightly enough to fit in the alloted 4k of
bootloader space.
// MAH 8/15/12- added this flag to replace the bulky program memory reads to check for the presence of a sketch
// at the top of the memory space.
static bool sketchPresent = false;
// MAH 8/15/12- make this volatile, since we modify it in one place and read it in another, we want to make
// sure we're always working on the copy in memory and not an erroneous value stored in a cache somewhere.
// This variable stores the length of time we've been in the bootloader when waiting for the 8 second delay.
volatile uint16_t Timeout = 0;
// MAH 8/15/12- added this for delay during startup. Did not use existing Timeout value b/c it only increments
// when there's a sketch at the top of the memory.
volatile uint16_t resetTimeout = 0;
// MAH 8/15/12- let's make this an 8-bit value instead of 16- that saves on memory because 16-bit addition and
// comparison compiles to bulkier code. Note that this does *not* require a change to the Arduino core- we're
// just sort of ignoring the extra byte that the Arduino core puts at the next location.
uint8_t bootKey = 0x77;
volatile uint8_t *const bootKeyPtr = (volatile uint8_t *)0x0800;
// StartSketch() is called to clean up our mess before passing execution to the sketch.
void StartSketch(void)
/* Undo TIMER1 setup and clear the count before running the sketch */
TIMSK1 = 0;
TCCR1B = 0;
/* Relocate the interrupt vector table to the application section */
MCUCR = (1 << IVCE);
MCUCR = 0;
/* jump to beginning of application space */
__asm__ volatile("jmp 0x0000");
uint16_t LLEDPulse;
/** Main program entry point. This routine configures the hardware required by the bootloader, then continuously
* runs the bootloader processing routine until it times out or is instructed to exit.
int main(void)
/* Save the value of the boot key memory before it is overwritten */
uint8_t bootKeyPtrVal = *bootKeyPtr;
*bootKeyPtr = 0;
/* Check the reason for the reset so we can act accordingly */
uint8_t mcusr_state = MCUSR; // store the initial state of the Status register
MCUSR = 0; // clear all reset flags
/* Watchdog may be configured with a 15 ms period so must disable it before going any further */
// MAH 8/15/12- I removed this because wdt_disable() is the first thing SetupHardware() does- why
// do it twice right in a row?
/* Setup hardware required for the bootloader */
// MAH 8/15/12- Moved this up to before the bootloader go/no-go decision tree so I could use the
// timer in that decision tree. Removed the USBInit() call from it; if I'm not going to stay in
// the bootloader, there's no point spending the time initializing the USB.
// SetupHardware();
// Disable clock division
// Relocate the interrupt vector table to the bootloader section
MCUCR = (1 << IVCE);
MCUCR = (1 << IVSEL);
// Initialize TIMER1 to handle bootloader timeout and LED tasks.
// With 16 MHz clock and 1/64 prescaler, timer 1 is clocked at 250 kHz
// Our chosen compare match generates an interrupt every 1 ms.
// This interrupt is disabled selectively when doing memory reading, erasing,
// or writing since SPM has tight timing requirements.
OCR1AH = 0;
OCR1AL = 250;
TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A); // enable timer 1 output compare A match interrupt
TCCR1B = ((1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10)); // 1/64 prescaler on timer 1 input
// MAH 8/15/12- this replaces bulky pgm_read_word(0) calls later on, to save memory.
if (pgm_read_word(0) != 0xFFFF) sketchPresent = true;
// MAH 26 Oct 2012- The "bootload or not?" section has been modified since the code released
// with Arduino 1.0.1. The simplest modification is the replacement of equivalence checks on
// the reset bits with masked checks, so if more than one reset occurs before the register is
// checked, the check doesn't fail and fall through to the bootloader unnecessarily.
// The second, more in depth modification addresses behavior after an external reset (i.e.,
// user pushes the reset button). The Leonardo treats all external resets as requests to
// re-enter the bootloader and wait for code to be loaded. It remains in bootloader mode for
// 8 seconds before continuing on to the sketch (if one is present). By defining RESET_DELAY
// equal to 1, this behavior will persist.
// However, if RESET_DELAY is defined to 0, the reset timeout before loading the sketch drops
// to 750ms. If, during that 750ms, another external reset occurs, THEN an 8-second delay
// in the bootloader will occur.
// This is the "no-8-second-delay" code. If this is the first time through the loop, we
// don't expect to see the bootKey in memory.
if ( (mcusr_state & (1<<EXTRF)) && (bootKeyPtrVal != bootKey) ) {
*bootKeyPtr = bootKey; // Put the bootKey in memory so if we get back to this
// point again, we know to jump into the bootloader
sei(); // Enable interrupts, so we can use timer1 to track our time in the bootloader
while (RunBootloader)
if (resetTimeout > EXT_RESET_TIMEOUT_PERIOD) // resetTimeout is getting incremeted
RunBootloader = false; // in the timer1 ISR.
// If we make it past that while loop, it's sketch loading time!
*bootKeyPtr = 0; // clear out the bootKey; from now on, we want to treat a reset like
// a normal reset.
cli(); // Disable interrupts, in case no sketch is present.
RunBootloader = true; // We want to hang out in the bootloader if no sketch is present.
if (sketchPresent) StartSketch(); // If a sketch is present, go! Otherwise, wait around
// in the bootloader until one is uploaded.
// On a power-on reset, we ALWAYS want to go to the sketch. If there is one.
// This is a place where the old code had an equivalence and now there is a mask.
else if ( (mcusr_state & (1<<PORF)) && sketchPresent) {
// On a watchdog reset, if the bootKey isn't set, and there's a sketch, we should just
// go straight to the sketch.
// This is a place where the old code had an equivalence and now there is a mask.
else if ( (mcusr_state & (1<<WDRF) ) && (bootKeyPtrVal != bootKey) && sketchPresent) {
// If it looks like an "accidental" watchdog reset then start the sketch.
/* Initialize USB Subsystem */
/* Enable global interrupts so that the USB stack can function */
Timeout = 0;
while (RunBootloader)
/* Time out and start the sketch if one is present */
if (Timeout > TIMEOUT_PERIOD)
RunBootloader = false;
// MAH 8/15/12- This used to be a function call- inlining it saves a few bytes.
uint8_t p = LLEDPulse >> 8;
if (p > 127)
p = 254-p;
p += p;
if (((uint8_t)LLEDPulse) > p)
/* Disconnect from the host - USB interface will be reset later along with the AVR */
/* Jump to beginning of application space to run the sketch - do not reset */
// Timer1 is set up to provide periodic interrupts. This is used to flicker the LEDs during
// programming as well as to generate the clock counts which determine how long the board should
// remain in bootloading mode.
/* Reset counter */
TCNT1H = 0;
TCNT1L = 0;
/* Check whether the TX or RX LED one-shot period has elapsed. if so, turn off the LED */
if (TxLEDPulse && !(--TxLEDPulse))
if (RxLEDPulse && !(--RxLEDPulse))
resetTimeout++; // Needed for the "short reset delay" mode- governs the time the board waits
// for a second reset before loading the sketch.
if (pgm_read_word(0) != 0xFFFF)
// MAH 29 Oct 2012 Nothing below this point has to change for the LilyPadUSB support
/** Event handler for the USB_ConfigurationChanged event. This configures the device's endpoints ready
* to relay data to and from the attached USB host.
void EVENT_USB_Device_ConfigurationChanged(void)
/* Setup CDC Notification, Rx and Tx Endpoints */
Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint(CDC_TX_EPNUM, EP_TYPE_BULK,
Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint(CDC_RX_EPNUM, EP_TYPE_BULK,
/** Event handler for the USB_ControlRequest event. This is used to catch and process control requests sent to
* the device from the USB host before passing along unhandled control requests to the library for processing
* internally.
void EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest(void)
/* Ignore any requests that aren't directed to the CDC interface */
/* Process CDC specific control requests */
switch (USB_ControlRequest.bRequest)
case CDC_REQ_GetLineEncoding:
/* Write the line coding data to the control endpoint */
Endpoint_Write_Control_Stream_LE(&LineEncoding, sizeof(CDC_LineEncoding_t));
case CDC_REQ_SetLineEncoding:
/* Read the line coding data in from the host into the global struct */
Endpoint_Read_Control_Stream_LE(&LineEncoding, sizeof(CDC_LineEncoding_t));
#if !defined(NO_BLOCK_SUPPORT)
/** Reads or writes a block of EEPROM or FLASH memory to or from the appropriate CDC data endpoint, depending
* on the AVR910 protocol command issued.
* \param[in] Command Single character AVR910 protocol command indicating what memory operation to perform
static void ReadWriteMemoryBlock(const uint8_t Command)
uint16_t BlockSize;
char MemoryType;
bool HighByte = false;
uint8_t LowByte = 0;
BlockSize = (FetchNextCommandByte() << 8);
BlockSize |= FetchNextCommandByte();
MemoryType = FetchNextCommandByte();
if ((MemoryType != 'E') && (MemoryType != 'F'))
/* Send error byte back to the host */
/* Disable timer 1 interrupt - can't afford to process nonessential interrupts
* while doing SPM tasks */
TIMSK1 = 0;
/* Check if command is to read memory */
if (Command == 'g')
/* Re-enable RWW section */
while (BlockSize--)
if (MemoryType == 'F')
/* Read the next FLASH byte from the current FLASH page */
WriteNextResponseByte(pgm_read_byte_far(CurrAddress | HighByte));
WriteNextResponseByte(pgm_read_byte(CurrAddress | HighByte));
/* If both bytes in current word have been read, increment the address counter */
if (HighByte)
CurrAddress += 2;
HighByte = !HighByte;
/* Read the next EEPROM byte into the endpoint */
WriteNextResponseByte(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(intptr_t)(CurrAddress >> 1)));
/* Increment the address counter after use */
CurrAddress += 2;
uint32_t PageStartAddress = CurrAddress;
if (MemoryType == 'F')
while (BlockSize--)
if (MemoryType == 'F')
/* If both bytes in current word have been written, increment the address counter */
if (HighByte)
/* Write the next FLASH word to the current FLASH page */
boot_page_fill(CurrAddress, ((FetchNextCommandByte() << 8) | LowByte));
/* Increment the address counter after use */
CurrAddress += 2;
LowByte = FetchNextCommandByte();
HighByte = !HighByte;
/* Write the next EEPROM byte from the endpoint */
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)((intptr_t)(CurrAddress >> 1)), FetchNextCommandByte());
/* Increment the address counter after use */
CurrAddress += 2;
/* If in FLASH programming mode, commit the page after writing */
if (MemoryType == 'F')
/* Commit the flash page to memory */
/* Wait until write operation has completed */
/* Send response byte back to the host */
/* Re-enable timer 1 interrupt disabled earlier in this routine */
TIMSK1 = (1 << OCIE1A);
/** Retrieves the next byte from the host in the CDC data OUT endpoint, and clears the endpoint bank if needed
* to allow reception of the next data packet from the host.
* \return Next received byte from the host in the CDC data OUT endpoint
static uint8_t FetchNextCommandByte(void)
/* Select the OUT endpoint so that the next data byte can be read */
/* If OUT endpoint empty, clear it and wait for the next packet from the host */
while (!(Endpoint_IsReadWriteAllowed()))
while (!(Endpoint_IsOUTReceived()))
if (USB_DeviceState == DEVICE_STATE_Unattached)
return 0;
/* Fetch the next byte from the OUT endpoint */
return Endpoint_Read_8();
/** Writes the next response byte to the CDC data IN endpoint, and sends the endpoint back if needed to free up the
* bank when full ready for the next byte in the packet to the host.
* \param[in] Response Next response byte to send to the host
static void WriteNextResponseByte(const uint8_t Response)
/* Select the IN endpoint so that the next data byte can be written */
/* If IN endpoint full, clear it and wait until ready for the next packet to the host */
if (!(Endpoint_IsReadWriteAllowed()))
while (!(Endpoint_IsINReady()))
if (USB_DeviceState == DEVICE_STATE_Unattached)
/* Write the next byte to the IN endpoint */
#define STK_OK 0x10
#define STK_INSYNC 0x14 // ' '
#define CRC_EOP 0x20 // 'SPACE'
#define STK_GET_SYNC 0x30 // '0'
#define STK_GET_PARAMETER 0x41 // 'A'
#define STK_SET_DEVICE 0x42 // 'B'
#define STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT 0x45 // 'E'
#define STK_LOAD_ADDRESS 0x55 // 'U'
#define STK_UNIVERSAL 0x56 // 'V'
#define STK_PROG_PAGE 0x64 // 'd'
#define STK_READ_PAGE 0x74 // 't'
#define STK_READ_SIGN 0x75 // 'u'
/** Task to read in AVR910 commands from the CDC data OUT endpoint, process them, perform the required actions
* and send the appropriate response back to the host.
void CDC_Task(void)
/* Select the OUT endpoint */
/* Check if endpoint has a command in it sent from the host */
if (!(Endpoint_IsOUTReceived()))
/* Read in the bootloader command (first byte sent from host) */
uint8_t Command = FetchNextCommandByte();
if (Command == 'E')
/* We nearly run out the bootloader timeout clock,
* leaving just a few hundred milliseconds so the
* bootloder has time to respond and service any
* subsequent requests */
Timeout = TIMEOUT_PERIOD - 500;
/* Re-enable RWW section - must be done here in case
* user has disabled verification on upload. */
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'T')
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if ((Command == 'L') || (Command == 'P'))
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 't')
// Return ATMEGA128 part code - this is only to allow AVRProg to use the bootloader
else if (Command == 'a')
// Indicate auto-address increment is supported
else if (Command == 'A')
// Set the current address to that given by the host
CurrAddress = (FetchNextCommandByte() << 9);
CurrAddress |= (FetchNextCommandByte() << 1);
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'p')
// Indicate serial programmer back to the host
else if (Command == 'S')
// Write the 7-byte software identifier to the endpoint
for (uint8_t CurrByte = 0; CurrByte < 7; CurrByte++)
else if (Command == 'V')
WriteNextResponseByte('0' + BOOTLOADER_VERSION_MAJOR);
WriteNextResponseByte('0' + BOOTLOADER_VERSION_MINOR);
else if (Command == 's')
else if (Command == 'e')
// Clear the application section of flash
for (uint32_t CurrFlashAddress = 0; CurrFlashAddress < BOOT_START_ADDR; CurrFlashAddress += SPM_PAGESIZE)
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'l')
// Set the lock bits to those given by the host
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'r')
else if (Command == 'F')
else if (Command == 'N')
else if (Command == 'Q')
#if !defined(NO_BLOCK_SUPPORT)
else if (Command == 'b')
// Send block size to the host
WriteNextResponseByte(SPM_PAGESIZE >> 8);
WriteNextResponseByte(SPM_PAGESIZE & 0xFF);
else if ((Command == 'B') || (Command == 'g'))
// Keep resetting the timeout counter if we're receiving self-programming instructions
Timeout = 0;
// Delegate the block write/read to a separate function for clarity
else if (Command == 'C')
// Write the high byte to the current flash page
boot_page_fill(CurrAddress, FetchNextCommandByte());
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'c')
// Write the low byte to the current flash page
boot_page_fill(CurrAddress | 0x01, FetchNextCommandByte());
// Increment the address
CurrAddress += 2;
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'm')
// Commit the flash page to memory
// Wait until write operation has completed
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'R')
uint16_t ProgramWord = pgm_read_word_far(CurrAddress);
uint16_t ProgramWord = pgm_read_word(CurrAddress);
WriteNextResponseByte(ProgramWord >> 8);
WriteNextResponseByte(ProgramWord & 0xFF);
else if (Command == 'D')
// Read the byte from the endpoint and write it to the EEPROM
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)((intptr_t)(CurrAddress >> 1)), FetchNextCommandByte());
// Increment the address after use
CurrAddress += 2;
// Send confirmation byte back to the host
else if (Command == 'd')
// Read the EEPROM byte and write it to the endpoint
WriteNextResponseByte(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)((intptr_t)(CurrAddress >> 1))));
// Increment the address after use
CurrAddress += 2;
else if (Command != 27)
// Unknown (non-sync) command, return fail code
/* Select the IN endpoint */
/* Remember if the endpoint is completely full before clearing it */
bool IsEndpointFull = !(Endpoint_IsReadWriteAllowed());
/* Send the endpoint data to the host */
/* If a full endpoint's worth of data was sent, we need to send an empty packet afterwards to signal end of transfer */
if (IsEndpointFull)
while (!(Endpoint_IsINReady()))
if (USB_DeviceState == DEVICE_STATE_Unattached)
/* Wait until the data has been sent to the host */
while (!(Endpoint_IsINReady()))
if (USB_DeviceState == DEVICE_STATE_Unattached)
/* Select the OUT endpoint */
/* Acknowledge the command from the host */