/* Timer Interrupts Example Demonstrates usage of the HardwareTimer classes by blinking the LED Created 22 April 2010, last updated 8 June 2010 By Bryan Newbold for LeafLabs This code is released with no strings attached. */ #define LED_PIN 13 #define BUTTON_PIN 38 #define LED_RATE 500000 // in microseconds; should give 0.5Hz toggles void handler_led(void); void handler_count1(void); void handler_count2(void); int toggle = 0; int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Ignored by Maple. But needed by boards using hardware serial via a USB to Serial adaptor // Set up the LED to blink pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set up BUT for input pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Setup LED Timer Timer2.setChannel1Mode(TIMER_OUTPUTCOMPARE); Timer2.setPeriod(LED_RATE); // in microseconds Timer2.setCompare1(1); // overflow might be small Timer2.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler_led); // Setup Counting Timers Timer3.setChannel1Mode(TIMER_OUTPUTCOMPARE); Timer4.setChannel1Mode(TIMER_OUTPUTCOMPARE); Timer3.pause(); Timer4.pause(); Timer3.setCount(0); Timer4.setCount(0); Timer3.setOverflow(30000); Timer4.setOverflow(30000); Timer3.setCompare1(1000); // somewhere in the middle Timer4.setCompare1(1000); Timer3.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler1); Timer4.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler2); Timer3.resume(); Timer4.resume(); } void loop() { // Display the running counts Serial.print("Count 1: "); Serial.print(count1); Serial.print("\t\tCount 2: "); Serial.println(count2); // Run... while BUT is held, pause Count2 for(int i = 0; i<1000; i++) { if(digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)) { Timer4.pause(); } else { Timer4.resume(); } delay(1); } } void handler_led(void) { toggle ^= 1; digitalWrite(LED_PIN, toggle); } void handler1(void) { count1++; } void handler2(void) { count2++; }