/* PRINT_HEX - Arduino 1.6.0rc1 Sketch uses 13,336 bytes (12%) of program storage space. Maximum is 108,000 bytes. Global variables use 2,592 bytes of dynamic memory. Adapted to the Maple Mini by m. ray burnette Illustrates how to display a hexadecimal number with a fixed width. opyright, Peter H Anderson, Baltimore, MD, Nov, '07 PUBLIC DOMAIN EXAMPLE */ #define BAUD 9600 void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts { // initialize the digital pin as an output. pinMode(33, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(BAUD); // BAUD has no effect on USB serial: placeholder for physical UART // wait for serial monitor to be connected. while (!(Serial.isConnected() && (Serial.getDTR() || Serial.getRTS()))) { digitalWrite(33,!digitalRead(33));// Turn the LED from off to on, or on to off delay(100); // fast blink } Serial.println("Print HEX Format"); } void loop() { while(1) { print_hex(1024+256+63, 13); Serial.println(); delay(1000); } } void print_hex(int v, int num_places) { int mask=0, n, num_nibbles, digit; for (n=1; n<=num_places; n++) { mask = (mask << 1) | 0x0001; } v = v & mask; // truncate v to specified number of places num_nibbles = num_places / 4; if ((num_places % 4) != 0) { ++num_nibbles; } do { digit = ((v >> (num_nibbles-1) * 4)) & 0x0f; Serial.print(digit, HEX); } while(--num_nibbles); }