/** ******************************************************************************* * @file cpu.c * @version V1.12 * @date 2010.03.01 * @brief This file provides InitTaskContext() and SysTick_Handler(). ******************************************************************************* * @copy * WRITE COPY INFORMATION USE CAPITAL LETTER * *

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******************************************************************************* */ /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/ #include U64 OSTickCnt = 0; /*!< Current system tick counter */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @brief Initial task context * @param[in] task Entry point of task. * @param[in] param The parameter pass to task. * @param[in] pstk The pointer to stack top. * @param[out] None * @retval Returns location of new stack top. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to initialize the stack frame of the * task being created. ****************************************************************************** */ OS_STK *InitTaskContext(FUNCPtr task,void *param,OS_STK *pstk) { OS_STK *context; context = pstk; *(context--) = (U32)0x01000000L; /* xPSR */ *(context--) = (U32)task; /* Entry point of task. */ *(context) = (U32)0xFFFFFFFEL; context = context - 5; *(context) = (U32)param; /* R0: argument */ context = context - 8; return (context); /* Returns location of new stack top. */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief System tick interrupt handler. * @param[in] None * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This is system tick interrupt headler. * @note CoOS may schedule when exiting this ISR. ******************************************************************************* */ void CoSysTick_Handler(void) { OSSchedLock++; /* Lock scheduler. */ OSTickCnt++; /* Increment systerm time. */ #if CFG_TASK_WAITTING_EN >0 if(DlyList != NULL) /* Have task in delay list? */ { if(DlyList->delayTick > 1) /* Delay time > 1? */ { DlyList->delayTick--; /* Decrease delay time of the list head. */ } else { DlyList->delayTick = 0; isr_TimeDispose(); /* Call hander for delay time list */ } } #endif #if CFG_TMR_EN > 0 if(TmrList != NULL) /* Have timer in working? */ { if(TmrList->tmrCnt > 1) /* Timer time > 1? */ { TmrList->tmrCnt--; /* Decrease timer time of the list head. */ } else { TmrList->tmrCnt = 0; isr_TmrDispose(); /* Call hander for timer list */ } } #endif TaskSchedReq = TRUE; OsSchedUnlock(); }