/** ******************************************************************************* * @file event.c * @version V1.12 * @date 2010.03.01 * @brief event management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel. ******************************************************************************* * @copy * * INTERNAL FILE,DON'T PUBLIC. * *

© COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox

******************************************************************************* */ /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/ #include /*---------------------------- Variable Define -------------------------------*/ #if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0 ECB EventTbl[CFG_MAX_EVENT]= {{0}};/*!< Table which save event control block.*/ P_ECB FreeEventList = NULL; /*!< Pointer to free event control block. */ /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Create a empty list of event control block * @param[in] None * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This function is called by OSInit() API to create a ECB list,supply * a pointer to next event control block that not used. ******************************************************************************* */ void CreateEventList(void) { U8 i; P_ECB pecb1; #if CFG_MAX_EVENT > 1 P_ECB pecb2; #endif i=0; pecb1 = &EventTbl[0]; /* Get first item */ #if CFG_MAX_EVENT == 1 /* Build event list for only one item */ pecb1->eventPtr = NULL; pecb1->id = i; /* Assign ID. */ pecb1->eventType = EVENT_TYPE_INVALID; /* Sign that not to use. */ #endif #if CFG_MAX_EVENT > 1 /* Build event list for more than one item */ pecb2 = &EventTbl[1]; for(;i< (CFG_MAX_EVENT-1);i++ ) { pecb1->eventPtr = (void*)pecb2; /* Set link for list */ pecb1->id = i; /* Assign ID. */ pecb1->eventType = EVENT_TYPE_INVALID;/* Sign that not to use. */ pecb1++; /* Get next item */ pecb2++; } pecb1->eventType = EVENT_TYPE_INVALID; /* Sign that not to use. */ pecb1->eventPtr = NULL; /* Set link for last item */ pecb1->id = i; #endif FreeEventList = &EventTbl[0]; /* Set free event item */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Release a ECB * @param[in] pecb A pointer to event control block which be released. * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This function is called to release a event control block when a * event be deleted. ******************************************************************************* */ static void ReleaseECB(P_ECB pecb) { pecb->eventType = EVENT_TYPE_INVALID; /* Sign that not to use. */ OsSchedLock(); /* Lock schedule */ pecb->eventPtr = FreeEventList; /* Release ECB that event hold */ FreeEventList = pecb; /* Reset free event item */ OsSchedUnlock(); /* Unlock schedule */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Create a event * @param[in] eventType The type of event which being created. * @param[in] eventSortType Event sort type. * @param[in] eventCounter Event counter,ONLY for EVENT_TYPE_SEM. * @param[in] eventPtr Event struct pointer,ONLY for Queue.NULL for other * event type. * @param[out] None * @retval NULL Invalid pointer,create event fail. * @retval others Pointer to event control block which had assigned right now. * * @par Description * @details This function is called by CreateSem(),... * to get a event control block and initial the event content. * * @note This is a internal function of CooCox CoOS,User can't call. ******************************************************************************* */ P_ECB CreatEvent(U8 eventType,U8 eventSortType,void* eventPtr) { P_ECB pecb; OsSchedLock(); /* Lock schedule */ if(FreeEventList == NULL) /* Is there no free evnet item */ { OsSchedUnlock(); /* Yes,unlock schedule */ return NULL; /* Return error */ } pecb = FreeEventList;/* Assign the free event item to this event */ FreeEventList = FreeEventList->eventPtr; /* Reset free event item */ OsSchedUnlock(); /* Unlock schedul */ pecb->eventType = eventType; /* Initialize event item as user set */ pecb->eventSortType = eventSortType; pecb->eventPtr = eventPtr; pecb->eventTCBList = NULL; return pecb; /* Return event item pointer */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Delete a event * @param[in] pecb Pointer to event control block which will be deleted. * @param[in] opt Delete option. * @arg == OPT_DEL_ANYWAY Delete event always * @arg == OPT_DEL_NO_PEND Delete event only when no task pending on. * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_PARAMETER Parameter passed is invalid,deleted fail. * @retval E_TASK_WAITTING These are one more tasks waitting event. * @retval E_OK Delete event control block successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to delete a event from the event wait list * use specify option. * * @note This is a internal function of Coocox CoOS,user can't call. ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType DeleteEvent(P_ECB pecb,U8 opt) { P_OSTCB ptcb; if(opt == OPT_DEL_NO_PEND) /* Do delete event when no task pend? */ { if(pecb->eventTCBList != NULL) /* Yes,is there task pend this event? */ { return E_TASK_WAITING; /* Yes,error return */ } else { ReleaseECB(pecb); /* No,release resource that event hold*/ } } else if(opt == OPT_DEL_ANYWAY) /* Do delete event anyway? */ { OsSchedLock(); /* Lock schedule */ while(pecb->eventTCBList != NULL) /* Is there task pend this event? */ { /* Yes,remove it */ ptcb = pecb->eventTCBList;/* Get first task in event waiting list */ if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE) /* Is task in delay list? */ { RemoveDelayList(ptcb); /* Yes,remove task from delay list */ } /* Set next item as event waiting list head */ pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb->waitNext; ptcb->waitNext = NULL; /* Clear link for event waiting list */ ptcb->eventID = INVALID_ID; /* Sign that not to use. */ InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb); /* Insert task into ready list */ } OsSchedUnlock(); /* Unlock schedule */ ReleaseECB(pecb); /* Release resource that event hold */ } return E_OK; /* Return OK */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Insert a task to event wait list * @param[in] pecb Pointer to event control block corresponding to the event. * @param[in] ptcb Pointer to task that will be insert to event wait list. * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This function is called to insert a task by fllowing manner: * opt == EVENT_SORT_TYPE_FIFO By FIFO. * opt == EVENT_SORT_TYPE_PRIO By priority order,hghest priority * as head,lowest priority as end. * (Highest-->...-->Lowest-->NULL) ******************************************************************************* */ void EventTaskToWait(P_ECB pecb,P_OSTCB ptcb) { P_OSTCB ptcb1; #if (CFG_EVENT_SORT == 2) || (CFG_EVENT_SORT == 3) P_OSTCB ptcb2; #endif OsSchedLock(); /* Lock schedule */ ptcb1 = pecb->eventTCBList; /* Get first task in event waiting list */ ptcb->eventID = pecb->id; /* Set event ID for task */ #if CFG_EVENT_SORT == 3 /* Does event waiting list sort as FIFO? */ if(pecb->eventSortType == EVENT_SORT_TYPE_FIFO) #endif #if (CFG_EVENT_SORT == 1) || (CFG_EVENT_SORT == 3) { if(ptcb1 == NULL) /* Is no item in event waiting list?*/ { pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb; /* Yes,set task as first item */ } else { while(ptcb1->waitNext != NULL)/* No,insert task in last */ { ptcb1 = ptcb1->waitNext; } ptcb1->waitNext = ptcb; /* Set link for list */ ptcb->waitPrev = ptcb1; } } #endif #if CFG_EVENT_SORT ==3 /* Does event waiting list sort as preemptive priority?*/ else if(pecb->eventSortType == EVENT_SORT_TYPE_PRIO) #endif #if (CFG_EVENT_SORT == 2) || (CFG_EVENT_SORT == 3) { if(ptcb1 == NULL) /* Is no item in event waiting list? */ { pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb; /* Yes,set task as first item */ } /* Is PRI of task higher than list first item? */ else if(ptcb1->prio > ptcb->prio) { pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb; /* Reset task as first item */ ptcb->waitNext = ptcb1; /* Set link for list */ ptcb1->waitPrev = ptcb; } else /* No,find correct place to insert */ { ptcb2 = ptcb1->waitNext; while(ptcb2 != NULL) /* Is last item? */ { if(ptcb2->prio > ptcb->prio) /* No,is correct place? */ { break; /* Yes,break Circulation */ } ptcb1 = ptcb2; /* Save current item */ ptcb2 = ptcb2->waitNext; /* Get next item */ } ptcb1->waitNext = ptcb; /* Set link for list */ ptcb->waitPrev = ptcb1; ptcb->waitNext = ptcb2; if(ptcb2 != NULL) { ptcb2->waitPrev = ptcb; } } } #endif ptcb->state = TASK_WAITING; /* Set task status to TASK_WAITING state */ TaskSchedReq = TRUE; OsSchedUnlock(); /* Unlock schedule,and call task schedule */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Move a task from event WAITING list to the DELAY list * @param[in] pecb Pointer to event control block corresponding to the event. * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This function is called to remove a task from event wait list,and * then insert it into the READY list. ******************************************************************************* */ void EventTaskToRdy(P_ECB pecb) { P_OSTCB ptcb; #if CFG_QUEUE_EN >0 P_QCB pqcb; #endif ptcb = pecb->eventTCBList; if(ptcb == NULL) return; pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb->waitNext;/* Get first task in event waiting list*/ if(pecb->eventTCBList != NULL) /* Is no item in event waiting list? */ { pecb->eventTCBList->waitPrev = NULL; /* No,clear link for first item */ } ptcb->waitNext = NULL; /* Clear event waiting link for task*/ ptcb->eventID = INVALID_ID; /* Sign that not to use. */ if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE) /* Is task in delay list? */ { RemoveDelayList(ptcb); /* Yes,remove task from DELAY list */ } if(pecb->eventType == EVENT_TYPE_MBOX)/* Is it a mailbox event? */ { ptcb->pmail = pecb->eventPtr; /* Yes,send mail to task */ pecb->eventPtr = NULL; /* Clear event sign */ pecb->eventCounter--; } #if CFG_QUEUE_EN >0 else if(pecb->eventType == EVENT_TYPE_QUEUE) /* Is it a queue event? */ { pqcb = (P_QCB)pecb->eventPtr; /* Yes,get queue pointer */ ptcb->pmail = *(pqcb->qStart + pqcb->head); /* Send mail to task */ pqcb->head++; /* Clear event sign */ pqcb->qSize--; if(pqcb->head == pqcb->qMaxSize) { pqcb->head = 0; } } #endif #if CFG_MAILBOX_EN >0 else if(pecb->eventType == EVENT_TYPE_SEM)/* Is it a semaphore event? */ { pecb->eventCounter--; /* Yes,clear event sign */ ptcb->pmail = (void*)0xffffffff; /* Indicate task woke by event */ } #endif if(ptcb == TCBRunning) { ptcb->state = TASK_RUNNING; } else { InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb); /* Insert task into ready list */ } } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Move a task from event wait list to the ready list * @param[in] pecb Pointer to event control block corresponding to the event. * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This function is called to remove a task from event wait list,and * then insert it to the ready list. ******************************************************************************* */ void RemoveEventWaittingList(P_OSTCB ptcb) { P_ECB pecb; pecb = &EventTbl[ptcb->eventID]; /* Get event control block */ /* Is there only one item in event waiting list? */ if((ptcb->waitNext == NULL) && (ptcb->waitPrev == NULL)) { pecb->eventTCBList = NULL; /* Yes,set event waiting list as NULL */ } else if(ptcb->waitPrev == NULL)/* Is the first item in event waiting list?*/ { /* Yes,remove task from list,and reset event waiting list */ ptcb->waitNext->waitPrev = NULL; pecb->eventTCBList = ptcb->waitNext; ptcb->waitNext = NULL; } else if(ptcb->waitNext == NULL)/* Is the last item in event waiting list? */ { ptcb->waitPrev->waitNext = NULL; /* Yes,remove task form list */ ptcb->waitPrev = NULL; } else /* No, remove task from list */ { ptcb->waitPrev->waitNext = ptcb->waitNext; ptcb->waitNext->waitPrev = ptcb->waitPrev; ptcb->waitPrev = NULL; ptcb->waitNext = NULL; } ptcb->eventID = INVALID_ID; /* Sign that not to use. */ } #endif //CFG_EVENT_EN