
42 lines
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PrimeNos3: by Nick Gammon
Maple Mini port m. ray burnette: Compiled under Arduino 1.6.0rc1
Sketch uses 16,616 bytes (15%) of program storage space. Maximum is 108,000 bytes.
Global variables use 2,624 bytes of dynamic memory.
#define BAUD 9600
const int SHOW_EVERY = 500; // how often to echo a prime to the serial port
int candidate;
int found = 5; // Number we found
int count = found - 1;
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(33, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(BAUD); // BAUD has no effect on USB serial: placeholder for physical UART
// wait for serial monitor to be connected.
while (!(Serial.isConnected() && (Serial.getDTR() || Serial.getRTS())))
digitalWrite(33,!digitalRead(33));// Turn the LED from off to on, or on to off
delay(100); // fast blink
Serial.println("Prime Number Generator V2");
void loop() {
Serial.println("Prime numbers between 1 and 99999999 are:");
Serial.println("2 \t");
for (int i=3; i<99999999;i+=2) {
// This loop stops either when j*j>i or when i is divisible by j.
// The first condition means prime, the second, not prime.
int j=3;
for(;j*j<=i && i%j!=0; j+=2); // No loop body
if (j*j>i) Serial.print(i);Serial.print( "\t");