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## SPI
2017-04-21 03:55:35 -07:00
To use the hardware SPI, include it in your code:
#include "SPI.h"
The first SPI object is explicitly created, and is connected to the SPI1 instance.
**Please check your board documentation to see which pins is SPI connected to by default.**
To use additional SPI, use the constructors to create your object, or the stm32SetInstance() method.
#### **`SPIClass(SPI_TypeDef *instance)`**
Create a SPI object that is connected to the instance, on the default mosi/miso/sck.
To avoid confusion, it is better to use the constructor below with implicit pins.
#### **`SPIClass(SPI_TypeDef *instance, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t miso, uint8_t sck)`**
Create a SPI object that is connected to the instance, on the specified mosi/miso/sck pins.
Please check the documentation of the chip to see which pins can be used.
> Example: set up SPI2
SPIClass SPI_2(SPI2, mosi, iso, sck);
void setup() {
#### **`begin()`**
Enables SPI on the pins
#### **`end()`**
Disables SPI on the pins
#### **`beginTransaction(SPISettings settings);`**
Initializes SPI with the provided `SPISettings mySetting(speedMaximum, dataOrder, dataMode)` parameters.
--- |---
speedMaximum| The maximum speed requested
dataOrder | `MSBFIRST`, `LSBFIRST`
dataMode | `SPI_MODE0`, `SPI_MODE1`, `SPI_MODE2`, or `SPI_MODE3`
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(16000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
TODO disable interrupt in pin if `usingInterrupt` was used
#### **`endTransaction();`**
TODO enable interrupt in pin if `usingInterrupt` was used
#### **`uint8_t transfer(uint8_t data);`**
Send a 8 bits on SPI, and return the received 8 bit data.
#### **`uint16_t transfer16(uint16_t data);`**
Send a 16 bits on SPI, and return the received 16 bit data.
#### **`transfer(uint8_t *buf, size_t count);`**
Send the data in the buffer. The received data is stored in the same buffer.
#### **`usingInterrupt();`**
TODO not yet implemented
#### **`uint8_t dmaSend(uint8_t *transmitBuf, uint16_t length, bool minc = true);`**
Send data using DMA in **blocking mode**.
* minc: false - only send the first byte of the `transmitBuf`, `length` times
* minc: true - send `length` bytes from the `transmitBuf`
#### **`uint8_t dmaTransfer(uint8_t *transmitBuf, uint8_t *receiveBuf, uint16_t length);`**
Send and receive data using DMA in **blocking mode**.
If `transmitBuf` is NULL, `0xFF` is transmitted instead.
#### **`stm32SetMOSI(uint8_t pin);`**
Set the MOSI pin used by this SPI.
**This method must be called before begin()!**
#### **`stm32SetMISO(uint8_t pin);`**
2017-04-21 03:55:35 -07:00
Set the alternative MISO pin used by this SPI.
**This method must be called before begin()!**
#### **`stm32SetSCK(uint8_t pin);`**
2017-04-21 03:55:35 -07:00
Set the alternative SCK pin used by this SPI.
**This method must be called before begin()!**
#### **`stm32SetInstance(SPI_TypeDef *instance);`**
2017-04-21 03:55:35 -07:00
Set the alternative SPI instance (SPI1/SPI2/...) used by this object.
**This method must be called before begin()!**
> Example: If you want to use a library that has hardcoded `SPI` in it, but you want to use SPI2:
2017-04-21 03:55:35 -07:00
#include "SPI.h"
void setup() {