# STM32GENERIC Generic implementation of Arduino for STM32 boards using STM32 HAL. This is an alternative to the [Official implementation](https://github.com/stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32) Documentation: https://danieleff.github.io/STM32GENERIC/ ## Installation - Users TODO create boards manager package ## Installation - Developers 1. Download the latest version from [https://github.com/danieleff/STM32GENERIC](https://github.com/danieleff/STM32GENERIC) 2. Unzip it into [Arduino]/hardware folder 3. Install Arduino Zero from the board manager for the arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler Additional instructions for F7 boards: 1. Download the [latest GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain](https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads) 2. Change compiler.path in [platform.txt](https://github.com/danieleff/STM32GENERIC/blob/master/STM32/platform.txt#L21) to point to that you downloaded.