import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import os.path from os import listdir import sys import re import json import config header_lines = [] for serie in ['f0', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f7', 'l0', 'l1', 'l4']: with open(config.system_dir + 'STM32' + serie.upper() + '/CMSIS_Inc/stm32' + serie + 'xx.h') as f: header_lines.extend(f.readlines()) # Returns product line for a chip: STM32F103CB -> STM32F103xB def get_productline_for_include(name): include = False define = False for line in header_lines: if '/* #define' in line: define = line[line.index('#define ')+8:][:11] if '#endif' in line: define = False if not define: continue if (name in line): include = define break if ((name[:-2] + "x" + name[-1:]) in line): include = define break if not include: define = False for line in header_lines: if '/* #define' in line: define = line[line.index('#define ')+8:][:11] if '#endif' in line: define = False if not define: continue if ((name[:-2] + "xx") in line): include = define break return include families_xml = os.path.join(config.cubemx_dir, 'db', 'mcu', 'families.xml') if not os.path.exists(families_xml): print 'Could not find CubeMX, please set CubeMX directory' exit(-1) families = ET.parse(families_xml).getroot() ns = {'stm': ''} mcus = families.findall(".//Mcu") xml_cache = {} def load_xml(path): if path in xml_cache: return xml_cache[path] ret = ET.parse(path) xml_cache[path] = ret return ret class load_mcu: def __init__(self, name): self.mcu_name = name if families.find(".//Mcu[@RefName='" + self.mcu_name + "Tx']") is not None: self.mcu_xml_filename = families.find(".//Mcu[@RefName='" + self.mcu_name + "Tx']").attrib['Name'] + '.xml' else: self.mcu_xml_filename = families.find(".//Mcu[@RPN='" + self.mcu_name + "']").attrib['Name'] + '.xml' self.mcu_xml = load_xml(os.path.join(config.cubemx_dir, 'db', 'mcu', self.mcu_xml_filename)).getroot() self.remap_xml_filename = 'GPIO-' + self.mcu_xml.find("stm:IP[@Name='GPIO']", ns).attrib['Version'] + '_Modes.xml' self.remap_xml = load_xml(os.path.join(config.cubemx_dir, 'db', 'mcu', 'IP', self.remap_xml_filename )).getroot() self.mcu_pins = self.mcu_xml.findall('stm:Pin', ns); self.pin_to_instance_signals = {} self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af = {} self.instance_signal_to_default_pin = {} self.af_functions=[] self.af_function_used=[] self.pins = [] self.instances = [] self.peripheral_to_signals = {} self.peripheral_to_instances = {} self.peripheral_signal_to_instance_signals = {} self.load_rcc() self.find_remaps() self.process_pins() self.instances.sort() self.af_functions.sort() def load_rcc(self): self.rcc_xml = 'RCC-' + self.mcu_xml.find("stm:IP[@Name='RCC']", ns).attrib['Version'] + '_Modes.xml' self.rcc_root = load_xml(os.path.join(config.cubemx_dir, 'db', 'mcu', 'IP', self.rcc_xml )).getroot() pclk1 = self.rcc_root.find(".//stm:RefParameter[@Name='APB1Freq_Value']", ns) pclk2 = self.rcc_root.find("stm:RefParameter[@Name='APB2Freq_Value']", ns) if pclk1 is not None: self.PCLK1_PERIPHERALS = pclk1.attrib['IP'].split(',') else: self.PCLK1_PERIPHERALS = [] if pclk2 is not None: self.PCLK2_PERIPHERALS = pclk2.attrib['IP'].split(',') else: self.PCLK2_PERIPHERALS = [] def find_remaps(self): for pin_element in self.mcu_xml.findall('stm:Pin', ns): for signal_element in pin_element.findall('stm:Signal', ns): pin_name = pin_element.attrib['Name'] pin_name ='^(\D*\d*)', pin_name).group(1) instance_signal = signal_element.attrib['Name'] self.pin_to_instance_signals.setdefault(pin_name, []).append(instance_signal) for pin in self.remap_xml.findall('stm:GPIO_Pin', ns): pin_name = pin.attrib['Name'] pin_name ='^(\D*\d*)', pin_name).group(1) gpio_signals = pin.findall('stm:PinSignal', ns) for gpio_signal in gpio_signals: instance_signal = gpio_signal.attrib['Name'] if pin_name not in self.pin_to_instance_signals or instance_signal not in self.pin_to_instance_signals[pin_name]: continue instance = instance_signal.split('_')[0] if instance_signal not in self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af: self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af[instance_signal] = {} if self.mcu_name.startswith('STM32F1'): remap_function = False remap_block = gpio_signal.find('stm:RemapBlock', ns) if remap_block is not None: if 'DefaultRemap' in remap_block.attrib: remap_function = 'AF__HAL_AFIO_REMAP_' + instance + '_DISABLE' self.instance_signal_to_default_pin[instance_signal] = pin_name else: remap_function = 'AF' + remap_block.find('stm:SpecificParameter', ns).find('stm:PossibleValue', ns).text else: remap_function = 'AF__NO_REMAP' if instance_signal not in self.instance_signal_to_default_pin: self.instance_signal_to_default_pin[instance_signal] = pin_name self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af[instance_signal][pin_name] = remap_function if remap_function not in self.af_functions: self.af_functions.append(remap_function) else: gpio_af = gpio_signal.find("stm:SpecificParameter[@Name='GPIO_AF']", ns) self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af[instance_signal][pin_name] = gpio_af.find("stm:PossibleValue", ns).text def process_pins(self): for pin in self.mcu_pins: pin_name = pin.attrib['Name'] pin_name ='^(\D*\d*)', pin_name).group(1) self.pins.append(pin_name) if not pin.attrib['Type'] == 'I/O': continue instance_signal_elements = pin.findall('stm:Signal', ns) for instance_signal_element in instance_signal_elements: instance_signal = instance_signal_element.attrib['Name'] if not instance_signal.startswith('USART') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('SPI') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('I2C') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('TIM') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('ADC') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('ADC_') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('I2S') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('SDIO') \ and not instance_signal.startswith('SDMMC'): pass #continue if '_' not in instance_signal: continue #if 'ETH' in instance_signal: print instance_signal (instance, sig) = instance_signal.split('_', 1) if instance == 'SDIO': instance = 'SDIO1' if instance == 'SDMMC1': instance = 'SDIO1' if instance == 'SDMMC2': instance = 'SDIO2' if instance[-1].isdigit() and instance[-2].isdigit(): periph = instance[:-2] elif instance[-1].isdigit(): periph = instance[:-1] else: periph = instance if instance not in self.instances: self.instances.append(instance) self.peripheral_to_instances.setdefault(periph, []) if instance not in self.peripheral_to_instances[periph]: self.peripheral_to_instances[periph].append(instance) self.peripheral_to_signals.setdefault(periph, []).append(sig) self.peripheral_signal_to_instance_signals.setdefault(periph + '_' + sig, []).append(instance_signal) if instance_signal not in self.instance_signal_to_default_pin: self.instance_signal_to_default_pin[instance_signal] = pin_name if instance_signal not in self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af: self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af[instance_signal] = {} self.instance_signal_to_pin_to_af[instance_signal][pin_name] = 'AF_NO_REMAP'