import time import datetime class tv_db_controller: title = "TV" def __init__(self, dbMgr): self.dbMgr = dbMgr def get_channels(self): sql = "SELECT * FROM channel WHERE channum <> ''" results = self.dbMgr.run_sql(sql) channels = [] for entry in results: tmpChannel = channel() tmpChannel.import_from_mythObject(entry) channels.append(tmpChannel) return channels def get_current_show(self, chanID): timeString = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) tim = time.strptime(time.ctime()) myDateTime = datetime.datetime(*tim[0:6]) sql = "SELECT * FROM program WHERE chanid = %s AND starttime < '%s' AND endtime > '%s'" % (str(chanID), myDateTime, myDateTime) #print sql result = self.dbMgr.run_sql(sql) tmpShow = show() if len(result) > 0: tmpShow.import_from_mythObject(result[0]) return tmpShow class channel: def __init__(self): pass def import_from_mythObject(self, mythObject): try: self.chanID = mythObject[0] self.channum = mythObject[1] self.freqid = mythObject[2] self.sourceid = mythObject[3] self.callsign = mythObject[4] = mythObject[5] self.icon = mythObject[6] self.finetune = mythObject[7] self.videofilters = mythObject[8] self.xmltvid = mythObject[9] self.recpriority = mythObject[10] self.contrast = mythObject[11] self.brightness = mythObject[12] self.colour = mythObject[13] self.hue = mythObject[14] self.tvformat = mythObject[15] self.commfree = mythObject[16] self.visible = mythObject[17] self.outputfilters = mythObject[18] self.useonairguide = mythObject[19] self.mplexid = mythObject[20] self.serviceid = mythObject[21] self.atscsrcid = mythObject[22] self.tmoffset = mythObject[23] self.atsc_major_chan = mythObject[24] self.atsc_minor_chan = mythObject[25] self.last_record = mythObject[26] except IndexError, e: print "TV_Player: Found difference in DB structure for channels. Attempting to continue." class show: def __init__(self): pass def import_from_mythObject(self, mythObject): try: self.chanID = mythObject[0] self.starttime = mythObject[1] self.endtime = mythObject[2] self.title = mythObject[3] self.subtitle = mythObject[4] self.description = mythObject[5] self.category = mythObject[6] self.category_type = mythObject[7] self.airdate = mythObject[8] self.stars = mythObject[9] self.previouslyshown = mythObject[10] self.title_pronounce = mythObject[11] self.stereo = mythObject[12] self.subtitled = mythObject[13] self.hdtv = mythObject[14] self.closecaptioned = mythObject[15] self.partnumber = mythObject[16] self.parttotal = mythObject[17] self.seriesid = mythObject[18] self.originalairdate = mythObject[19] self.showtype = mythObject[20] self.colorcode = mythObject[21] self.syndicatedepisodenumber = mythObject[22] self.programid = mythObject[23] self.manualid = mythObject[24] self.generic = mythObject[25] self.listingsource = mythObject[26] self.first = mythObject[27] self.last = mythObject[28] except IndexError, e: print "TV_Player: Found difference in DB structure for show. Attempting to continue."