86 lines
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86 lines
2.7 KiB
import gobject
import os
from multimedia.AudioController import AudioController
class Playlist(gobject.GObject):
#Setup signals
__gsignals__ = {
"song-change": (
gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)),
"stopped": (
gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [])
songs = []
position = 0
is_playing = False
def __init__(self, musicPlayer):
self.musicPlayer = musicPlayer
self.backend = musicPlayer.backend
self.glossMgr = musicPlayer.glossMgr
self.audio_controller = AudioController(self.glossMgr)
self.audio_controller.connect("completed", self.next_song)
def clear_songs(self):
self.songs = None
self.songs = []
def play(self, song_no=None):
"""Begins playback of a song in the playlist
Argument keywords:
song_no -- The song number in the playlist to play. If not given, the playlist will go onto the next song automtically
if len(self.songs) == 0: return
if not song_no is None: self.position = song_no
if self.position >= len(self.songs): return
current_song = self.songs[self.position]
current_song_filename = self.musicPlayer.base_dir + "/" + current_song.directory + "/" + current_song.filename
#Make sure the file exists and we can read it
if not os.access(current_song_filename, os.R_OK):
self.glossMgr.display_msg("Access Error", "Unable to playback file '%s'" % current_song_filename)
current_song_uri = "file://" + current_song_filename
if self.glossMgr.debug: print "Music_Player: Attempting to play file '%s'" % current_song_filename
self.emit("song-change", current_song)
#Called when the playback of one song finishes and the next is required
def next_song(self, data=None):
self.position += 1
def stop(self):
if self.is_playing:
def append_song(self, song):
def append_songs(self, songs):
for song in songs:
def insert_song(self, position, song):
self.songs.insert(position, song)
def insert_songs(self, position, songs):
x = position
for song in songs:
self.songs.insert(x, song)
x += 1
def num_songs(self):
return len(self.songs) |