
287 lines
11 KiB

import socket
import threading
import thread
import os
from modules.myth_tv_player.recorder import recorder
class MythBackendConnection(threading.Thread):
pipe_rfd = None
pipe_wfd = None
connected = False
recorder = None # Mythtv recorder
chanNum = None
def __init__(self, videoPlayer, server, port):
self.protocolVersion = 40
self.localhost_name = "myhost" # Change this later
self.server = server #""
self.server_port = port #6543
self.addr = (self.server, self.server_port)
self.videoPlayer = videoPlayer
self.lock = False #Dictakes whether or not we have a signal lock
#3 Sockets, 1 for cmds, 1 for data, 1 for monitoring messages
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.data_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.data_socket_id = None
self.data_sock.connect((self.server, self.server_port))
self.msg_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.msg_sock.connect((self.server, self.server_port))
except socket.error, e:
print "TV_PLAYER: Error connecting to Myth Backend socket"
self.connected = self.connect_socket(self.sock)
def run(self):
print "Starting thread"
self.recorder = recorder(self)
def receive_reply(self, sock):
ret = ""
tmp = sock.recv(8)
count = int(tmp)
#debug("REPLY LEN: %d" % count)
ret = sock.recv(count)
#print "read<--" + ret
return ret
def send_cmd(self, sock, base_cmd):
cmd = str(len(base_cmd)).ljust(8) + base_cmd
#print "write-->" + cmd
def connect_socket(self, socket):
socket.connect((self.server, self.server_port))
except Exception, (error,message):
print "TV_PLAYER: Error connecting to Myth Backend socket"
return False
#Do the protocol version check
protString = "MYTH_PROTO_VERSION "+ str(self.protocolVersion)
self.send_cmd(socket, protString)
protRecvString = "ACCEPT[]:[]" + str(self.protocolVersion)
result = self.receive_reply(socket)
if self.videoPlayer.glossMgr.debug: print "TV_Player: Protocol version check: " + result
if not result == protRecvString:
#Protocol Version check failed
backend_protocol = result.rsplit("[]:[]")[1]
err_string = "Myth Protocol version failure. This client uses protocol version %s however backend is using %s." % (self.protocolVersion, backend_protocol)
raise RuntimeError(err_string)
#Perform the mandatory ANN
ANNstring = "ANN Playback " + self.localhost_name + " 0"
self.send_cmd(socket, ANNstring)
ANN_recv_string = "OK" #What a successful return should be
result = self.receive_reply(socket)
if not result == ANN_recv_string:
raise RuntimeError, "Myth: ANN connection failed"
return True
def disconnect(self):
def spawn_live(self):
if self.recorder == None:
print "TV_PLAYER: Cannot spawn live tv, no recorder available"
result = self.recorder.spawnLive()
if not result == "ok":
print "TV_PLAYER: failed to spawn live tv. Result: "+str(result)
#Set channel if it has been set
if not self.chanNum is None:
result = self.recorder.checkChannel(self.chanNum)
print "Channel change result: " + result
#if result == "ok":
def setup_recording(self):
#Check the recording
is_recording = self.recorder.isRecording()
#Wait for the recorder to start doing things
frames = self.recorder.getFramesWritten()
while frames < 35:
frames = self.recorder.getFramesWritten()
#Create a new data socket (For receiving the data stream)
protString = "MYTH_PROTO_VERSION "+ str(self.protocolVersion)
self.send_cmd(self.data_sock, protString)
protRecvString = "ACCEPT[]:[]" + str(self.protocolVersion)
result = self.receive_reply(self.data_sock)
#Get the recording filename
detail_list = self.recorder.getCurrentRecording()
if self.videoPlayer.glossMgr.debug: print "TV_Player: Results from GET_CURRENT_RECORDING='%s'" % str(detail_list)
#This is an attempt to get the filename (Its meant to be at position 8)
filename_list = detail_list[8].rsplit("/")
except IndexError, e:
print "TV_PLAYER: Unable to retrieve recording details. No filename returned by backend."
print "TV_PLAYER: Aborting!"
filename = "/" + filename_list[0]
if self.videoPlayer.glossMgr.debug: print "TV_Player: Playback filename=" + filename
#Announce our intent to read a file
announce_cmd = "ANN FileTransfer " + self.localhost_name + "[]:[]" + filename
self.send_cmd(self.data_sock, announce_cmd)
result = self.receive_reply(self.data_sock)
result_list = result.rsplit("[]:[]")
self.data_socket_id = result_list[1]
#Do some housekeeping
input = self.recorder.getInput()
self.send_cmd(self.sock, rec_list_cmd)
result = self.receive_reply(self.sock)
#Start a recording thread
self.buffer_live(self.sock, self.data_sock, self.data_socket_id)
def buffer_live(self, cmd_sock, data_sock, socket_id):
request_size = 32768
#max_request_size = 135000
max_request_size = 128000#270000
request_size_step = 16384
if self.pipe_rfd is None:
#Data is sent through a pipe to GStreamer
(self.pipe_rfd, self.pipe_wfd) = os.pipe()
self.Playing = True
while self.Playing:
#print "Begin loop"
transfer_cmd = "QUERY_FILETRANSFER "+ str(socket_id) + "[]:[]REQUEST_BLOCK[]:[]"+str(request_size)
#print "Requesting: " + str(request_size)
self.send_cmd(cmd_sock, transfer_cmd)
num_bytes = int(self.receive_reply(cmd_sock))
#print "Should receive: " + str(num_bytes)
data = data_sock.recv(num_bytes)
#print "Received: " + str(num_bytes)
os.write(self.pipe_wfd, data)
except TypeError, e:
#print "Being Optimisatoin"
#This tries to optimise the request size
if (num_bytes == request_size) and (request_size < max_request_size):
request_size += request_size_step
if request_size > max_request_size:
request_size = max_request_size
elif (request_size > request_size_step) and (num_bytes != request_size):
request_size -= request_size_step
if num_bytes < request_size and self.videoPlayer.glossMgr.debug:
print "TV_PLAYER: (Warning) Failed to receive full allocation. Adjusting request size"
print "Ending playback"
def message_socket_mgr(self, msg_socket):
#Do the protocol version check
print "Starting the msg thread"
protString = "MYTH_PROTO_VERSION "+ str(self.protocolVersion)
self.send_cmd(self.msg_sock, protString)
protRecvString = "ACCEPT[]:[]" + str(self.protocolVersion)
result = self.receive_reply(self.msg_sock)
if not result == protRecvString:
#Protocol Version check failed
#Perform the mandatory ANN (The 1 at the end says that we want to receive all messages from the server)
ANNstring = "ANN Monitor " + self.localhost_name + " 1"
self.send_cmd(self.msg_sock, ANNstring)
ANN_recv_string = "OK" #What a successful return should be
result = self.receive_reply(self.msg_sock)
if not result == ANN_recv_string:
raise RuntimeError, "Myth: ANN connection failed"
while not self.lock:
#ANN_recv_string = "OK" #What a successful return should be
result = self.receive_reply(self.msg_sock)
result_list = result.rsplit("[]:[]")
if self.videoPlayer.glossMgr.debug: print "TV_Player: Backend Message: " + result
if result_list[1] == "RECORDING_LIST_CHANGE":
self.lock = True
def change_channel(self, chanName):
if self.Playing:
self.Playing = False
#First check its a valid channel ID
validate_cmd = "QUERY_RECORDER "+str(self.recorder) +"[]:[]CHECK CHANNEL[]:[]"+str(chanName)
self.send_cmd(self.sock, validate_cmd)
result = self.receive_reply(self.sock)
print "Recorder Result: " + result
if result == "ok":
change_cmd = "QUERY_RECORDER "+str(self.recorder) +"[]:[]SET CHANNEL[]:[]"+str(chanName)
self.send_cmd(self.sock, change_cmd)
result = self.receive_reply(self.sock)
print "Change result: " + result
#Reset the data socket
self.data_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.data_socket_id = None
self.data_sock.connect((self.server, self.server_port))
#Start a recording thread
#self.buffer_live(self.sock, self.data_sock, self.data_socket_id)
print "TV_PLAYER: Invalid channel selected"
def end_stream(self): = False
def stop(self):
self.Playing = False
if not self.recorder is None:
result = self.recorder.stopLive()
#Close the pipe
if not self.pipe_wfd is None:
self.pipe_wfd = None
if not self.pipe_rfd is None:
self.pipe_rfd = None
if not self.data_socket_id is None:
end_transfer_cmd = "QUERY_FILETRANSFER "+str(self.data_socket_id) +"[]:[]DONE"
self.send_cmd(self.sock, end_transfer_cmd)