
288 lines
7.7 KiB

Speeduino v0.3.x enclosure.
Made by Josh Stewart
Originally based off the Gizmo2 enclosure by Brian Welsby
include <pins.scad>
translate([-99.5,116.5,2.5]) import("IAQ-C3-pcb.stl");
pcb_thickness = 1.6;
thickness = 2.2; //Extra wall thickness (No more than 5)
length = 42;
width = 77;
height = 7.7;
font = "Liberation Sans :style=Bold Italic";
letter_size = 16;
letter_height = 4;
// Screw positions
//Near analog pins
post_r1 = 2.7/2;
post_r2 = 2.0/2;
post_h1 = 23.3;
post_h2 = 5;
post1_x = 51.7;
post1_y = 37.9;
post2_x = post1_x+23.25;
post2_y = post1_y;
post3_x = post1_x;
post3_y = post1_y-24;
post4_x = post2_x;
post4_y = post3_y;
//Corner pins
pin_r = 1.3;
pin_h = thickness*2-.1;
pin1_x = -(thickness)-.5;
pin1_y = -(thickness)-.5;
pin2_x = pin1_x;
pin2_y = .5+length+thickness;
pin3_x = (thickness)+.5+width;
pin3_y = pin2_y;
pin4_x = pin3_x;
pin4_y = pin1_y;
// LEDs
LED_y = 6.248;
LED1_x = 16.85;
LED_spacing = 9.39;
//base_height = 10.7;
base_height = 13.9;
base_z = -9;
// Choose what to render and view or print
// These are just for viewing during development
// Print items - uncomment one,render and export the STL
//rotate([180,0,0]) translate([0,20,0]) top();
// This is a composite of all the elements that make up the space inside the box,
// with extra parts to create holes in walls where required. This will then be
// subtracted from a solid block which is then sliced for printing
module inner() {
difference() {
union() {
screw_window_height = 20;
screw_window_z = 4.7;
// Main inner board space
translate([-1,-1,-10]) cube([width+thickness,length+thickness,height+thickness-base_z]);
// The final enclosure in one piece
module box_hull()
hull() {
translate([-thickness,-thickness,-9]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([-thickness,length+thickness,-9]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([width+thickness,-thickness,-9]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([width+thickness,length+thickness,-9]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([-thickness,-thickness,height]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([-thickness,length+thickness,height]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([width+thickness,-thickness,height]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
translate([width+thickness,length+thickness,height]) sphere(r=3, $fn=100);
module box() {
//Add the top text
cube_size = 60;
difference() {
// Start with a rounded box
// Now remove all the inside and openings
// USB cutout
translate([5+(2.8),16.3,3.5]) rotate([0,0,90]) cube([15,20,7]);
//Base vents
vent_width = 3;
vent_length = 5;
vent_y = 2;
vent_x = 0;
vent_spacing = 3;
translate([vent_x+((vent_width+vent_spacing)*y),vent_y+((vent_length+vent_spacing)*x),-10-thickness]) cube([vent_width,vent_length,height+thickness]);
//Cutouts for the particulate sensor
translate([5+(2.8*x),-15,-6-thickness]) cube([2.2,20,5]);
//Cutout 1 for the Co2 sensor
translate([width,20+(2.8*x),-6-thickness]) cube([20.2,2,7.5]);
//Cutout 2 for the Co2 sensor
translate([54,7+(2*x),-10-thickness]) cube([9,vent_length/4,height+thickness]);
//Cutout for button
translate([34,17,8.8]) cylinder(h=thickness,r1=2.3, r2=8);
//Cutouts for the LEDs
translate([LED1_x,LED_y,7]) lightTube(false);
translate([LED1_x+LED_spacing,LED_y,7]) lightTube(false);
translate([LED1_x+LED_spacing*2,LED_y,7]) lightTube(false);
//Cutouts for the OLED risers
translate([post1_x,post1_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1+.4, h=post_h1);
translate([post2_x,post2_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1+.4, h=post_h1);
translate([post3_x,post3_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1+.4, h=post_h1);
translate([post4_x,post4_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1+.4, h=post_h1);
//Cutout for the OLED 4 pin header
translate([post3_x+4.5,post3_y-post_r1-.7, -10]) cube([post4_x-post3_x-9, (post_r1+.5)*2, post_h1]);
module lightTube(cutout=true) {
tubeHeight = 3.7;
translate([0,0,-.05]) cylinder(h=tubeHeight+0.1,r=2);
translate([0,0,-.05]) cylinder(h=tubeHeight+0.1,r=2);
// The various sections for printing,
module base() {
difference() {
// Cut off middle + top
translate([-10,-10,(base_z+base_height)]) cube([width+20,length+20,53]);
// OLED posts
//translate([post1_x,post1_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1, h=post_h1);
//translate([post2_x,post2_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1, h=post_h1);
translate([post3_x,post3_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1, h=post_h1);
translate([post4_x,post4_y,-10]) cylinder(r=post_r1, h=post_h1);
//Corner pins to connect 2 halves
translate([pin1_x, pin1_y, pin_h]) pin(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
translate([pin2_x, pin2_y, pin_h]) pin(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
translate([pin3_x, pin3_y, pin_h]) pin(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
translate([pin4_x, pin4_y, pin_h]) pin(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
module top() {
// Cut off middle + bottom
//translate([-10,-10,-15]) cube([width+20,130,51]);
translate([-20,-10,(base_z-10)]) cube([width+40,130,base_height+10]);
translate([pin1_x, pin1_y, pin_h-.1]) pinhole(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
translate([pin2_x, pin2_y, pin_h-.1]) pinhole(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
translate([pin3_x, pin3_y, pin_h-.1]) pinhole(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
translate([pin4_x, pin4_y, pin_h-.1]) pinhole(r=pin_r, h=pin_h);
//Cutouts for the LEDs
translate([LED1_x,LED_y,7]) lightTube();
translate([LED1_x+LED_spacing,LED_y,7]) lightTube();
translate([LED1_x+LED_spacing*2,LED_y,7]) lightTube();
module stand()
base_extra_width = 40;
base_extra_height = 25;
tolerance_scale = 1.01;
translate([-base_extra_width/2,40,3-height-base_extra_height/2]) cube([width+base_extra_width,20,height+base_extra_height]);
scale([tolerance_scale,tolerance_scale,tolerance_scale]) box_hull();
// Exploded view of all the enclosure parts
module exploded_view () {
translate([0,0,10]) top();
translate([0,115,-8]) rotate([90,0,0]) end_cover();
translate([15,-7,35]) rotate([90,90,0]) button();
translate([30,-7,35]) rotate([90,90,0]) button();