#define veSetPage 1 //Note that this and the veMapPage were swapped in Feb 2019 as the 'algorithm' field must be declared in the ini before it's used in the fuel table
boolisMap=true;/**< Whether or not the currentPage contains only a 3D map that would require translation */
unsignedlongrequestCount=0;/**< The number of times the A command has been issued. This is used to track whether a reset has recently been performed on the controller */
bytecurrentCommand;/**< The serial command that is currently being processed. This is only useful when cmdPending=True */
boolcmdPending=false;/**< Whether or not a serial request has only been partially received. This occurs when a command character has been received in the serial buffer, but not all of its arguments have yet been received. If true, the active command will be stored in the currentCommand variable */
boolchunkPending=false;/**< Whether or not the current chucnk write is complete or not */
uint16_tchunkComplete=0;/**< The number of bytes in a chunk write that have been written so far */
uint16_tchunkSize=0;/**< The complete size of the requested chunk write */
intvalueOffset;/**< THe memory offset within a given page for a value to be read from or written to. Note that we cannot use 'offset' as a variable name, it is a reserved word for several teensy libraries */