noInterrupts();//Turn off interrupts whilst in this routine
if(curGap<triggerFilterTime){interrupts();return;}//Debounce check. Pulses should never be less than triggerFilterTime, so if they are it means a false trigger. (A 36-1 wheel at 8000pm will have triggers approx. every 200uS)
toothCurrentCount++;//Increment the tooth counter
//High speed tooth logging history
//Begin the missing tooth detection
//If the time between the current tooth and the last is greater than 1.5x the time between the last tooth and the tooth before that, we make the assertion that we must be at the first tooth after the gap
if(configPage2.triggerMissingTeeth==1){targetGap=(3*(toothLastToothTime-toothLastMinusOneToothTime))>>1;}//Multiply by 1.5 (Checks for a gap 1.5x greater than the last one) (Uses bitshift to multiply by 3 then divide by 2. Much faster than multiplying by 1.5)
//else { targetGap = (10 * (toothLastToothTime - toothLastMinusOneToothTime)) >> 2; } //Multiply by 2.5 (Checks for a gap 2.5x greater than the last one)
else{targetGap=((toothLastToothTime-toothLastMinusOneToothTime))*2;}//Multiply by 2 (Checks for a gap 2x greater than the last one)
interrupts();//Turn interrupts back on
voidtriggerSec_missingTooth(){return;}//This function currently is not used
unsignedlongrevolutionTime=(toothOneTime-toothOneMinusOneTime);//The time in uS that one revolution would take at current speed (The time tooth 1 was last seen, minus the time it was seen prior to that)
returnldiv(US_IN_MINUTE,revolutionTime).quot;//Calc RPM based on last full revolution time (uses ldiv rather than div as US_IN_MINUTE is a long)
//This is the current angle ATDC the engine is at. This is the last known position based on what tooth was last 'seen'. It is only accurate to the resolution of the trigger wheel (Eg 36-1 is 10 degrees)
intcrankAngle=(toothCurrentCount-1)*triggerToothAngle+configPage2.triggerAngle;//Number of teeth that have passed since tooth 1, multiplied by the angle each tooth represents, plus the angle that tooth 1 is ATDC. This gives accuracy only to the nearest tooth.
crankAngle+=ldiv((micros()-toothLastToothTime),timePerDegree).quot;//Estimate the number of degrees travelled since the last tooth