// The following are alpha values for the ADC filters.
// Their values are from 0 to 255 with 0 being no filtering and 255 being maximum
#define ADCFILTER_TPS 128
#define ADCFILTER_CLT 180
#define ADCFILTER_IAT 180
#define ADCFILTER_O2 128
#define ADCFILTER_BAT 128
#define ADCFILTER_MAP 20 //This is only used on Instantaneous MAP readings and is intentionally very weak to allow for faster response
#define BARO_MIN 87
#define BARO_MAX 108
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
#define ANALOG_ISR
unsignedlongMAPrunningValue;//Used for tracking either the total of all MAP readings in this cycle (Event average) or the lowest value detected in this cycle (event minimum)
unsignedintMAPcount;//Number of samples taken in the current MAP cycle
byteMAPcurRev;//Tracks which revolution we're sampling on