2018-02-04 14:39:46 -08:00
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
#unset enablehardware_test
MTversion = 2.25
queryCommand = "Q"
signature = "speeduino 201801-dev"
versionInfo = "S" ;This info is what is displayed to user
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
iniSpecVersion = 3.51
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; the referenceName will over-ride previous, so if you are creating a
; settingGroup with a reference name of lambdaSensor, it will replace the
; setting group defined in the settingGroups.xml of the TunerStudio config
; folder. If is is an undefined referenceName, it will be added.
; keyword = referenceName, DisplayName
;settingGroup = boostUnits, "Boost table units"
;settingOption = DEFAULT, "kPa"
;settingOption = BOOSTPSI, "PSI"
settingGroup = enablehardware_test, "Enable Hardware Test Page"
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
settingGroup = resetcontrol_group, "Reset Control Features"
settingOption = resetcontrol_standard, "Basic Options Only"
settingOption = resetcontrol_adv, "Advanced Features (16u2 Firmware Update Required)"
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; valid types: boolean, double, int, list
; no offset as they are local variables.
; entry format the same as Constants, except there is no offset.
; arrays are not yet supported.
; name = class, type, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; name = type, min, max;
; type List: value will be index.
tsCanId = bits, U08, [0:3], "CAN ID 0", "CAN ID 1", "CAN ID 2", "CAN ID 3", "CAN ID 4", "CAN ID 5", "CAN ID 6", "CAN ID 7", "CAN ID 8", "CAN ID 9", "CAN ID 10","CAN ID 11","CAN ID 12","CAN ID 13","CAN ID 14","INVALID"
rpmhigh = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
rpmwarn = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
rpmdang = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
idleUnits = bits, U08, [0:2], "None", "On/Off", "Duty Cycle", "Duty Cycle", "Steps", "Steps"
; Constants Definition
; --------------------
; Scalar Values
; -------------
; The scaling and translation values are used as follows:
; msValue = userValue / scale - translate
; userValue = (msValue + translate) * scale
; Temperatures are fine, check out the Fielding IAC example (fastIdleT).
; Array Values
; ------------
; Arrays are specified just like scalars, except that they have a "shape"
; entry in the fourth parameter. The shape allows you to define lists or
; tables, for example [8] defines a list with eight values and [2x4] defines
; a table with eight values (two rows and four columns). Tables may be
; stored in either "X-" or "Y-order." X-order means that memory is layed
; out like.
; [x1,y1] [x2,y1]...[xn,y1] [x1,y2]...
; Y-order would be
; [x1,y1] [x1,y2]...[x1,yn] [x2,y1]...
; To use the TableEditor, you must define two lists and a table, and
; the lengths of the lists must correspond to the shape of the table.
; Bit Fields
; ----------
; Bits are numbered 0-7, the rightmost being bit zero. The basic
; data word that stores bit fields must be unsigned.
; You need NOT supply the correct number of labels matching the
; number of bits you've specified (one bit requires 2 values, two
; bits requires 4 values and so on). If you neglect to supply enough
; labels, they will be synthesized using the sequence "1", "2" and so
; on based upon their position in the sequence (the cltType and matType
; will end up with identical lists).
; If you specify a label as "INVALID" (all upper case), then it will
; not be displayed in the combo box, so you can leave out values that
; make no sense.
endianness = little
nPages = 10
pageSize = 288, 128, 288, 128, 288, 128, 240, 192, 128, 192
;burnCommand = "B"
;pageActivate = "P\001", "P\002", "P\003", "P\004", "P\005", "P\006", "P\007", "P\010", "P\011", "P\012", "P\013"
;pageReadCommand = "V", "V", "V", "V", "V", "V", "V", "V", "V", "V", "V"
;pageValueWrite = "W%2o%v", "W%o%v", "W%2o%v", "W%o%v", "W%2o%v", "W%o%v", "W%o%v", "W%o%v", "W%o%v", "W%o%v", "W%o%v"
; New commands
;pageSize = 288, 128, 288, 128, 288, 128, 128, 160, 192, 128, 192
pageIdentifier = "\$tsCanId\x01", "\$tsCanId\x02", "\$tsCanId\x03", "\$tsCanId\x04", "\$tsCanId\x05", "\$tsCanId\x06", "\$tsCanId\x07", "\$tsCanId\x08", "\$tsCanId\x09", "\$tsCanId\x0A"
burnCommand = "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i"
pageReadCommand = "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v", "p%2i%2o%2c%v"
pageValueWrite = "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v"
pageChunkWrite = "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v"
blockingFactor = 2048
tableBlockingFactor = 2048
delayAfterPortOpen = 1000
;validateArrayBounds = true
blockReadTimeout = 2000
;tsWriteBlocks = on
interWriteDelay = 5 ;Ignored when tsWriteBlocks is on
pageActivationDelay = 10
;New for TS 3.0.08ish upwards, define lists of standard I/O options
#define tsCanId_list = "CAN ID 0", "CAN ID 1", "CAN ID 2", "CAN ID 3", "CAN ID 4", "CAN ID 5", "CAN ID 6", "CAN ID 7", "CAN ID 8", "CAN ID 9", "CAN ID 10","CAN ID 11","CAN ID 12","CAN ID 13","CAN ID 14","INVALID"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_inv255 = $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT16inv, $PIN_OUT10inv, "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_00XX = "INVALID", "0x001", "0x002", "0x003", "0x004", "0x005", "0x006", "0x007", "0x008", "0x009", "0x00A", "0x00B", "0x00C", "0x00D", "0x00E", "0x00F", "0x010", "0x011", "0x012", "0x013", "0x014", "0x015", "0x016", "0x017", "0x018", "0x019", "0x01A", "0x01B", "0x01C", "0x01D", "0x01E", "0x01F", "0x020", "0x021", "0x022", "0x023", "0x024", "0x025", "0x026", "0x027", "0x028", "0x029", "0x02A", "0x02B", "0x02C", "0x02D", "0x02E", "0x02F", "0x030", "0x031", "0x032", "0x033", "0x034", "0x035", "0x036", "0x037", "0x038", "0x039", "0x03A", "0x03B", "0x03C", "0x03D", "0x03E", "0x03F", "0x040", "0x041", "0x042", "0x043", "0x044", "0x045", "0x046", "0x047", "0x048", "0x049", "0x04A", "0x04B", "0x04C", "0x04D", "0x04E", "0x04F", "0x050", "0x051", "0x052", "0x053", "0x054", "0x055", "0x056", "0x057", "0x058", "0x059", "0x05A", "0x05B", "0x05C", "0x05D", "0x05E", "0x05F" ,"0x060", "0x061", "0x062", "0x063", "0x064", "0x065", "0x066", "0x067", "0x068", "0x069", "0x06A", "0x06B", "0x06C", "0x06D", "0x06E", "0x06F", "0x070", "0x071", "0x072", "0x073", "0x074", "0x075", "0x076", "0x077", "0x078", "0x079", "0x07A", "0x07B", "0x07C", "0x07D", "0x07E", "0x07F", "0x080", "0x081", "0x082", "0x083", "0x084", "0x085", "0x086", "0x087", "0x088", "0x089", "0x08A", "0x08B", "0x08C", "0x08D", "0x08E", "0x08F" ,"0x090", "0x091", "0x092", "0x093", "0x094", "0x095", "0x096", "0x097", "0x098", "0x099", "0x09A", "0x09B", "0x09C", "0x09D", "0x09E", "0x09F", "0x0A0", "0x0A1", "0x0A2", "0x0A3", "0x0A4", "0x0A5", "0x0A6", "0x0A7", "0x0A8", "0x0A9", "0x0AA", "0x0AB", "0x0AC", "0x0AD", "0x0AE", "0x0AF", "0x0B0", "0x0B1", "0x0B2", "0x0B3", "0x0B4", "0x0B5", "0x0B6", "0x0B7", "0x0B8", "0x0B9", "0x0BA", "0x0BB", "0x0BC", "0x0BD", "0x0BE", "0x0BF" ,"0x0C0", "0x0C1", "0x0C2", "0x0C3", "0x0C4", "0x0C5", "0x0C6", "0x0C7", "0x0C8", "0x0C9", "0x0CA", "0x0CB", "0x0CC", "0x0CD", "0x0CE", "0x0CF", "0x0D0", "0x0D1", "0x0D2", "0x0D3", "0x0D4", "0x0D5", "0x0D6", "0x0D7", "0x0D8", "0x0D9", "0x0DA", "0x0DB", "0x0DC", "0x0DD", "0x0DE", "0x0DF", "0x0E0", "0x0E1", "0x0E2", "0x0E3", "0x0E4", "0x0E5", "0x0E6", "0x0E7", "0x0E8", "0x0E9", "0x0EA", "0x0EB", "0x0EC", "0x0ED", "0x0EE", "0x0EF" ,"0x0F0", "0x0F1", "0x0F2", "0x0F3", "0x0F4", "0x0F5", "0x0F6", "0x0F7", "0x0F8", "0x0F9", "0x0FA", "0x0FB", "0x0FC", "0x0FD", "0x0FE", "0x0FF"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_01XX = "0x100", "0x101", "0x102", "0x103", "0x104", "0x105", "0x106", "0x107", "0x108", "0x109", "0x10A", "0x10B", "0x10C", "0x10D", "0x10E", "0x10F", "0x110", "0x111", "0x112", "0x113", "0x114", "0x115", "0x116", "0x117", "0x118", "0x119", "0x11A", "0x11B", "0x11C", "0x11D", "0x11E", "0x11F", "0x120", "0x121", "0x122", "0x123", "0x124", "0x125", "0x126", "0x127", "0x128", "0x129", "0x12A", "0x12B", "0x12C", "0x12D", "0x12E", "0x12F", "0x130", "0x131", "0x132", "0x133", "0x134", "0x135", "0x136", "0x137", "0x138", "0x139", "0x13A", "0x13B", "0x13C", "0x13D", "0x13E", "0x13F", "0x140", "0x141", "0x142", "0x143", "0x144", "0x145", "0x146", "0x147", "0x148", "0x149", "0x14A", "0x14B", "0x14C", "0x14D", "0x14E", "0x14F", "0x150", "0x151", "0x152", "0x153", "0x154", "0x155", "0x156", "0x157", "0x158", "0x159", "0x15A", "0x15B", "0x15C", "0x15D", "0x15E", "0x15F" ,"0x160", "0x161", "0x162", "0x163", "0x164", "0x165", "0x166", "0x167", "0x168", "0x169", "0x16A", "0x16B", "0x16C", "0x16D", "0x16E", "0x16F", "0x170", "0x171", "0x172", "0x173", "0x174", "0x175", "0x176", "0x177", "0x178", "0x179", "0x17A", "0x17B", "0x17C", "0x17D", "0x17E", "0x17F", "0x180", "0x181", "0x182", "0x183", "0x184", "0x185", "0x186", "0x187", "0x188", "0x189", "0x18A", "0x18B", "0x18C", "0x18D", "0x18E", "0x18F" ,"0x190", "0x191", "0x192", "0x193", "0x194", "0x195", "0x196", "0x197", "0x198", "0x199", "0x19A", "0x19B", "0x19C", "0x19D", "0x19E", "0x19F", "0x1A0", "0x1A1", "0x1A2", "0x1A3", "0x1A4", "0x1A5", "0x1A6", "0x1A7", "0x1A8", "0x1A9", "0x1AA", "0x1AB", "0x1AC", "0x1AD", "0x1AE", "0x1AF", "0x1B0", "0x1B1", "0x1B2", "0x1B3", "0x1B4", "0x1B5", "0x1B6", "0x1B7", "0x1B8", "0x1B9", "0x1BA", "0x1BB", "0x1BC", "0x1BD", "0x1BE", "0x1BF" ,"0x1C0", "0x1C1", "0x1C2", "0x1C3", "0x1C4", "0x1C5", "0x1C6", "0x1C7", "0x1C8", "0x1C9", "0x1CA", "0x1CB", "0x1CC", "0x1CD", "0x1CE", "0x1CF", "0x1D0", "0x1D1", "0x1D2", "0x1D3", "0x1D4", "0x1D5", "0x1D6", "0x1D7", "0x1D8", "0x1D9", "0x1DA", "0x1DB", "0x1DC", "0x1DD", "0x1DE", "0x1DF", "0x1E0", "0x1E1", "0x1E2", "0x1E3", "0x1E4", "0x1E5", "0x1E6", "0x1E7", "0x1E8", "0x1E9", "0x1EA", "0x1EB", "0x1EC", "0x1ED", "0x1EE", "0x1EF" ,"0x1F0", "0x1F1", "0x1F2", "0x1F3", "0x1F4", "0x1F5", "0x1F6", "0x1F7", "0x1F8", "0x1F9", "0x1FA", "0x1FB", "0x1FC", "0x1FD", "0x1FE", "0x1FF"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_02XX = "0x200", "0x201", "0x202", "0x203", "0x204", "0x205", "0x206", "0x207", "0x208", "0x209", "0x20A", "0x20B", "0x20C", "0x20D", "0x20E", "0x20F", "0x210", "0x211", "0x212", "0x213", "0x214", "0x215", "0x216", "0x217", "0x218", "0x219", "0x21A", "0x21B", "0x21C", "0x21D", "0x21E", "0x21F", "0x220", "0x221", "0x222", "0x223", "0x224", "0x225", "0x226", "0x227", "0x228", "0x229", "0x22A", "0x22B", "0x22C", "0x22D", "0x22E", "0x22F", "0x230", "0x231", "0x232", "0x233", "0x234", "0x235", "0x236", "0x237", "0x238", "0x239", "0x23A", "0x23B", "0x23C", "0x23D", "0x23E", "0x23F", "0x240", "0x241", "0x242", "0x243", "0x244", "0x245", "0x246", "0x247", "0x248", "0x249", "0x24A", "0x24B", "0x24C", "0x24D", "0x24E", "0x24F", "0x250", "0x251", "0x252", "0x253", "0x254", "0x255", "0x256", "0x257", "0x258", "0x259", "0x25A", "0x25B", "0x25C", "0x25D", "0x25E", "0x25F" ,"0x260", "0x261", "0x262", "0x263", "0x264", "0x265", "0x266", "0x267", "0x268", "0x269", "0x26A", "0x26B", "0x26C", "0x26D", "0x26E", "0x26F", "0x270", "0x271", "0x272", "0x273", "0x274", "0x275", "0x276", "0x277", "0x278", "0x279", "0x27A", "0x27B", "0x27C", "0x27D", "0x27E", "0x27F", "0x280", "0x281", "0x282", "0x283", "0x284", "0x285", "0x286", "0x287", "0x288", "0x289", "0x28A", "0x28B", "0x28C", "0x28D", "0x28E", "0x28F" ,"0x290", "0x291", "0x292", "0x293", "0x294", "0x295", "0x296", "0x297", "0x298", "0x299", "0x29A", "0x29B", "0x29C", "0x29D", "0x29E", "0x29F", "0x2A0", "0x2A1", "0x2A2", "0x2A3", "0x2A4", "0x2A5", "0x2A6", "0x2A7", "0x2A8", "0x2A9", "0x2AA", "0x2AB", "0x2AC", "0x2AD", "0x2AE", "0x2AF", "0x2B0", "0x2B1", "0x2B2", "0x2B3", "0x2B4", "0x2B5", "0x2B6", "0x2B7", "0x2B8", "0x2B9", "0x2BA", "0x2BB", "0x2BC", "0x2BD", "0x2BE", "0x2BF" ,"0x2C0", "0x2C1", "0x2C2", "0x2C3", "0x2C4", "0x2C5", "0x2C6", "0x2C7", "0x2C8", "0x2C9", "0x2CA", "0x2CB", "0x2CC", "0x2CD", "0x2CE", "0x2CF", "0x2D0", "0x2D1", "0x2D2", "0x2D3", "0x2D4", "0x2D5", "0x2D6", "0x2D7", "0x2D8", "0x2D9", "0x2DA", "0x2DB", "0x2DC", "0x2DD", "0x2DE", "0x2DF", "0x2E0", "0x2E1", "0x2E2", "0x2E3", "0x2E4", "0x2E5", "0x2E6", "0x2E7", "0x2E8", "0x2E9", "0x2EA", "0x2EB", "0x2EC", "0x2ED", "0x2EE", "0x2EF" ,"0x2F0", "0x2F1", "0x2F2", "0x2F3", "0x2F4", "0x2F5", "0x2F6", "0x2F7", "0x2F8", "0x2F9", "0x2FA", "0x2FB", "0x2FC", "0x2FD", "0x2FE", "0x2FF"
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#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_04XX = "0x400", "0x401", "0x402", "0x403", "0x404", "0x405", "0x406", "0x407", "0x408", "0x409", "0x40A", "0x40B", "0x40C", "0x40D", "0x40E", "0x40F", "0x410", "0x411", "0x412", "0x413", "0x414", "0x415", "0x416", "0x417", "0x418", "0x419", "0x41A", "0x41B", "0x41C", "0x41D", "0x41E", "0x41F", "0x420", "0x421", "0x422", "0x423", "0x424", "0x425", "0x426", "0x427", "0x428", "0x429", "0x42A", "0x42B", "0x42C", "0x42D", "0x42E", "0x42F", "0x430", "0x431", "0x432", "0x433", "0x434", "0x435", "0x436", "0x437", "0x438", "0x439", "0x43A", "0x43B", "0x43C", "0x43D", "0x43E", "0x43F", "0x440", "0x441", "0x442", "0x443", "0x444", "0x445", "0x446", "0x447", "0x448", "0x449", "0x44A", "0x44B", "0x44C", "0x44D", "0x44E", "0x44F", "0x450", "0x451", "0x452", "0x453", "0x454", "0x455", "0x456", "0x457", "0x458", "0x459", "0x45A", "0x45B", "0x45C", "0x45D", "0x45E", "0x45F" ,"0x460", "0x461", "0x462", "0x463", "0x464", "0x465", "0x466", "0x467", "0x468", "0x469", "0x46A", "0x46B", "0x46C", "0x46D", "0x46E", "0x46F", "0x470", "0x471", "0x472", "0x473", "0x474", "0x475", "0x476", "0x477", "0x478", "0x479", "0x47A", "0x47B", "0x47C", "0x47D", "0x47E", "0x47F", "0x480", "0x481", "0x482", "0x483", "0x484", "0x485", "0x486", "0x487", "0x488", "0x489", "0x48A", "0x48B", "0x48C", "0x48D", "0x48E", "0x48F" ,"0x490", "0x491", "0x492", "0x493", "0x494", "0x495", "0x496", "0x497", "0x498", "0x499", "0x49A", "0x49B", "0x49C", "0x49D", "0x49E", "0x49F", "0x4A0", "0x4A1", "0x4A2", "0x4A3", "0x4A4", "0x4A5", "0x4A6", "0x4A7", "0x4A8", "0x4A9", "0x4AA", "0x4AB", "0x4AC", "0x4AD", "0x4AE", "0x4AF", "0x4B0", "0x4B1", "0x4B2", "0x4B3", "0x4B4", "0x4B5", "0x4B6", "0x4B7", "0x4B8", "0x4B9", "0x4BA", "0x4BB", "0x4BC", "0x4BD", "0x4BE", "0x4BF" ,"0x4C0", "0x4C1", "0x4C2", "0x4C3", "0x4C4", "0x4C5", "0x4C6", "0x4C7", "0x4C8", "0x4C9", "0x4CA", "0x4CB", "0x4CC", "0x4CD", "0x4CE", "0x4CF", "0x4D0", "0x4D1", "0x4D2", "0x4D3", "0x4D4", "0x4D5", "0x4D6", "0x4D7", "0x4D8", "0x4D9", "0x4DA", "0x4DB", "0x4DC", "0x4DD", "0x4DE", "0x4DF", "0x4E0", "0x4E1", "0x4E2", "0x4E3", "0x4E4", "0x4E5", "0x4E6", "0x4E7", "0x4E8", "0x4E9", "0x4EA", "0x4EB", "0x4EC", "0x4ED", "0x4EE", "0x4EF" ,"0x4F0", "0x4F1", "0x4F2", "0x4F3", "0x4F4", "0x4F5", "0x4F6", "0x4F7", "0x4F8", "0x4F9", "0x4FA", "0x4FB", "0x4FC", "0x4FD", "0x4FE", "0x4FF"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_05XX = "0x500", "0x501", "0x502", "0x503", "0x504", "0x505", "0x506", "0x507", "0x508", "0x509", "0x50A", "0x50B", "0x50C", "0x50D", "0x50E", "0x50F", "0x510", "0x511", "0x512", "0x513", "0x514", "0x515", "0x516", "0x517", "0x518", "0x519", "0x51A", "0x51B", "0x51C", "0x51D", "0x51E", "0x51F", "0x520", "0x521", "0x522", "0x523", "0x524", "0x525", "0x526", "0x527", "0x528", "0x529", "0x52A", "0x52B", "0x52C", "0x52D", "0x52E", "0x52F", "0x530", "0x531", "0x532", "0x533", "0x534", "0x535", "0x536", "0x537", "0x538", "0x539", "0x53A", "0x53B", "0x53C", "0x53D", "0x53E", "0x53F", "0x540", "0x541", "0x542", "0x543", "0x544", "0x545", "0x546", "0x547", "0x548", "0x549", "0x54A", "0x54B", "0x54C", "0x54D", "0x54E", "0x54F", "0x550", "0x551", "0x552", "0x553", "0x554", "0x555", "0x556", "0x557", "0x558", "0x559", "0x55A", "0x55B", "0x55C", "0x55D", "0x55E", "0x55F" ,"0x560", "0x561", "0x562", "0x563", "0x564", "0x565", "0x566", "0x567", "0x568", "0x569", "0x56A", "0x56B", "0x56C", "0x56D", "0x56E", "0x56F", "0x570", "0x571", "0x572", "0x573", "0x574", "0x575", "0x576", "0x577", "0x578", "0x579", "0x57A", "0x57B", "0x57C", "0x57D", "0x57E", "0x57F", "0x580", "0x581", "0x582", "0x583", "0x584", "0x585", "0x586", "0x587", "0x588", "0x589", "0x58A", "0x58B", "0x58C", "0x58D", "0x58E", "0x58F" ,"0x590", "0x591", "0x592", "0x593", "0x594", "0x595", "0x596", "0x597", "0x598", "0x599", "0x59A", "0x59B", "0x59C", "0x59D", "0x59E", "0x59F", "0x5A0", "0x5A1", "0x5A2", "0x5A3", "0x5A4", "0x5A5", "0x5A6", "0x5A7", "0x5A8", "0x5A9", "0x5AA", "0x5AB", "0x5AC", "0x5AD", "0x5AE", "0x5AF", "0x5B0", "0x5B1", "0x5B2", "0x5B3", "0x5B4", "0x5B5", "0x5B6", "0x5B7", "0x5B8", "0x5B9", "0x5BA", "0x5BB", "0x5BC", "0x5BD", "0x5BE", "0x5BF" ,"0x5C0", "0x5C1", "0x5C2", "0x5C3", "0x5C4", "0x5C5", "0x5C6", "0x5C7", "0x5C8", "0x5C9", "0x5CA", "0x5CB", "0x5CC", "0x5CD", "0x5CE", "0x5CF", "0x5D0", "0x5D1", "0x5D2", "0x5D3", "0x5D4", "0x5D5", "0x5D6", "0x5D7", "0x5D8", "0x5D9", "0x5DA", "0x5DB", "0x5DC", "0x5DD", "0x5DE", "0x5DF", "0x5E0", "0x5E1", "0x5E2", "0x5E3", "0x5E4", "0x5E5", "0x5E6", "0x5E7", "0x5E8", "0x5E9", "0x5EA", "0x5EB", "0x5EC", "0x5ED", "0x5EE", "0x5EF" ,"0x5F0", "0x5F1", "0x5F2", "0x5F3", "0x5F4", "0x5F5", "0x5F6", "0x5F7", "0x5F8", "0x5F9", "0x5FA", "0x5FB", "0x5FC", "0x5FD", "0x5FE", "0x5FF"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_06XX = "0x600", "0x601", "0x602", "0x603", "0x604", "0x605", "0x606", "0x607", "0x608", "0x609", "0x60A", "0x60B", "0x60C", "0x60D", "0x60E", "0x60F", "0x610", "0x611", "0x612", "0x613", "0x614", "0x615", "0x616", "0x617", "0x618", "0x619", "0x61A", "0x61B", "0x61C", "0x61D", "0x61E", "0x61F", "0x620", "0x621", "0x622", "0x623", "0x624", "0x625", "0x626", "0x627", "0x628", "0x629", "0x62A", "0x62B", "0x62C", "0x62D", "0x62E", "0x62F", "0x630", "0x631", "0x632", "0x633", "0x634", "0x635", "0x636", "0x637", "0x638", "0x639", "0x63A", "0x63B", "0x63C", "0x63D", "0x63E", "0x63F", "0x640", "0x641", "0x642", "0x643", "0x644", "0x645", "0x646", "0x647", "0x648", "0x649", "0x64A", "0x64B", "0x64C", "0x64D", "0x64E", "0x64F", "0x650", "0x651", "0x652", "0x653", "0x654", "0x655", "0x656", "0x657", "0x658", "0x659", "0x65A", "0x65B", "0x65C", "0x65D", "0x65E", "0x65F" ,"0x660", "0x661", "0x662", "0x663", "0x664", "0x665", "0x666", "0x667", "0x668", "0x669", "0x66A", "0x66B", "0x66C", "0x66D", "0x66E", "0x66F", "0x670", "0x671", "0x672", "0x673", "0x674", "0x675", "0x676", "0x677", "0x678", "0x679", "0x67A", "0x67B", "0x67C", "0x67D", "0x67E", "0x67F", "0x680", "0x681", "0x682", "0x683", "0x684", "0x685", "0x686", "0x687", "0x688", "0x689", "0x68A", "0x68B", "0x68C", "0x68D", "0x68E", "0x68F" ,"0x690", "0x691", "0x692", "0x693", "0x694", "0x695", "0x696", "0x697", "0x698", "0x699", "0x69A", "0x69B", "0x69C", "0x69D", "0x69E", "0x69F", "0x6A0", "0x6A1", "0x6A2", "0x6A3", "0x6A4", "0x6A5", "0x6A6", "0x6A7", "0x6A8", "0x6A9", "0x6AA", "0x6AB", "0x6AC", "0x6AD", "0x6AE", "0x6AF", "0x6B0", "0x6B1", "0x6B2", "0x6B3", "0x6B4", "0x6B5", "0x6B6", "0x6B7", "0x6B8", "0x6B9", "0x6BA", "0x6BB", "0x6BC", "0x6BD", "0x6BE", "0x6BF" ,"0x6C0", "0x6C1", "0x6C2", "0x6C3", "0x6C4", "0x6C5", "0x6C6", "0x6C7", "0x6C8", "0x6C9", "0x6CA", "0x6CB", "0x6CC", "0x6CD", "0x6CE", "0x6CF", "0x6D0", "0x6D1", "0x6D2", "0x6D3", "0x6D4", "0x6D5", "0x6D6", "0x6D7", "0x6D8", "0x6D9", "0x6DA", "0x6DB", "0x6DC", "0x6DD", "0x6DE", "0x6DF", "0x6E0", "0x6E1", "0x6E2", "0x6E3", "0x6E4", "0x6E5", "0x6E6", "0x6E7", "0x6E8", "0x6E9", "0x6EA", "0x6EB", "0x6EC", "0x6ED", "0x6EE", "0x6EF" ,"0x6F0", "0x6F1", "0x6F2", "0x6F3", "0x6F4", "0x6F5", "0x6F6", "0x6F7", "0x6F8", "0x6F9", "0x6FA", "0x6FB", "0x6FC", "0x6FD", "0x6FE", "0x6FF"
#define CAN_ADDRESS_HEX_07XX = "0x700", "0x701", "0x702", "0x703", "0x704", "0x705", "0x706", "0x707", "0x708", "0x709", "0x70A", "0x70B", "0x70C", "0x70D", "0x70E", "0x70F", "0x710", "0x711", "0x712", "0x713", "0x714", "0x715", "0x716", "0x717", "0x718", "0x719", "0x71A", "0x71B", "0x71C", "0x71D", "0x71E", "0x71F", "0x720", "0x721", "0x722", "0x723", "0x724", "0x725", "0x726", "0x727", "0x728", "0x729", "0x72A", "0x72B", "0x72C", "0x72D", "0x72E", "0x72F", "0x730", "0x731", "0x732", "0x733", "0x734", "0x735", "0x736", "0x737", "0x738", "0x739", "0x73A", "0x73B", "0x73C", "0x73D", "0x73E", "0x73F", "0x740", "0x741", "0x742", "0x743", "0x744", "0x745", "0x746", "0x747", "0x748", "0x749", "0x74A", "0x74B", "0x74C", "0x74D", "0x74E", "0x74F", "0x750", "0x751", "0x752", "0x753", "0x754", "0x755", "0x756", "0x757", "0x758", "0x759", "0x75A", "0x75B", "0x75C", "0x75D", "0x75E", "0x75F" ,"0x760", "0x761", "0x762", "0x763", "0x764", "0x765", "0x766", "0x767", "0x768", "0x769", "0x76A", "0x76B", "0x76C", "0x76D", "0x76E", "0x76F", "0x770", "0x771", "0x772", "0x773", "0x774", "0x775", "0x776", "0x777", "0x778", "0x779", "0x77A", "0x77B", "0x77C", "0x77D", "0x77E", "0x77F", "0x780", "0x781", "0x782", "0x783", "0x784", "0x785", "0x786", "0x787", "0x788", "0x789", "0x78A", "0x78B", "0x78C", "0x78D", "0x78E", "0x78F" ,"0x790", "0x791", "0x792", "0x793", "0x794", "0x795", "0x796", "0x797", "0x798", "0x799", "0x79A", "0x79B", "0x79C", "0x79D", "0x79E", "0x79F", "0x7A0", "0x7A1", "0x7A2", "0x7A3", "0x7A4", "0x7A5", "0x7A6", "0x7A7", "0x7A8", "0x7A9", "0x7AA", "0x7AB", "0x7AC", "0x7AD", "0x7AE", "0x7AF", "0x7B0", "0x7B1", "0x7B2", "0x7B3", "0x7B4", "0x7B5", "0x7B6", "0x7B7", "0x7B8", "0x7B9", "0x7BA", "0x7BB", "0x7BC", "0x7BD", "0x7BE", "0x7BF" ,"0x7C0", "0x7C1", "0x7C2", "0x7C3", "0x7C4", "0x7C5", "0x7C6", "0x7C7", "0x7C8", "0x7C9", "0x7CA", "0x7CB", "0x7CC", "0x7CD", "0x7CE", "0x7CF", "0x7D0", "0x7D1", "0x7D2", "0x7D3", "0x7D4", "0x7D5", "0x7D6", "0x7D7", "0x7D8", "0x7D9", "0x7DA", "0x7DB", "0x7DC", "0x7DD", "0x7DE", "0x7DF", "0x7E0", "0x7E1", "0x7E2", "0x7E3", "0x7E4", "0x7E5", "0x7E6", "0x7E7", "0x7E8", "0x7E9", "0x7EA", "0x7EB", "0x7EC", "0x7ED", "0x7EE", "0x7EF" ,"0x7F0", "0x7F1", "0x7F2", "0x7F3", "0x7F4", "0x7F5", "0x7F6", "0x7F7", "0x7F8", "0x7F9", "0x7FA", "0x7FB", "0x7FC", "0x7FD", "0x7FE", "0x7FF"
;Page 1 is the fuel map and axis bins only
page = 1
; name = bits, type, offset, bits
; name = array, type, offset, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
veTable = array, U08, 0, [16x16],"%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
rpmBins = array, U08, 256, [ 16], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 25500.0, 0
;mapBins = array, U08, 272, [ 16], "kPa", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
mapBins = array, U08, 272, [ 16], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
tpsBins = array, U08, 272, [ 16], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
;Start Page 2
;Page 2 is all general settings (Previously part of page 1)
page = 2
2018-01-19 20:24:02 -08:00
unused2-1 = scalar, S08, 0, "kPa", 1.0, 0.0, -127, 127, 0
unused2-2 = scalar, U08, 1, "kPa", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
asePct = scalar, U08, 2, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 95.0, 0
aseCount = scalar, U08, 3, "s", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
wueRates = array, U08, 4, [10], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
crankingPct = scalar, U08, 14, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
tachoPin = bits, U08, 16, [0:5], "Board Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
tachoDiv = bits, U08, 16, [6:7], "Normal", "Half", "INVALID", "INVALID"
unused2-17 = scalar, U08, 17, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1
unused2-18 = scalar, U08, 18, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1
tpsThresh = scalar, U08, 19, "%/s", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
taeTime = scalar, U08, 20, "ms", 10, 0.0, 0.0, 2550, 0
; Display (Options for what the display is showing)
display = bits, U08, 21, [0:2], "Unused", "Adafruit 128x32", "Generic 128x32", "Adafruit 128x64", "Generic 128x64", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
display1 = bits U08, 21, [3:5], "RPM", "PW", "Advance", "VE", "GammaE", "TPS", "IAT", "CLT"
display2 = bits U08, 21, [6:7], "O2", "Voltage", "CPU", "Mem"
display3 = bits U08, 22, [0:2], "RPM", "PW", "Advance", "VE", "GammaE", "TPS", "IAT", "CLT"
display4 = bits U08, 22, [3:4], "O2", "Voltage", "CPU", "Mem"
display5 = bits U08, 22, [5:7], "RPM", "PW", "Advance", "VE", "GammaE", "TPS", "IAT", "CLT"
displayB1 = bits U08, 23, [0:3], "RPM", "PW", "Advance", "VE", "GammaE", "TPS", "IAT", "CLT"
displayB2 = bits U08, 23, [4:7], "RPM", "PW", "Advance", "VE", "GammaE", "TPS", "IAT", "CLT"
reqFuel = scalar, U08, 24, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1
divider = scalar, U08, 25, "", 1.0, 0.0
alternate = bits, U08, 26, [0:0], "Simultaneous", "Alternating"
multiplyMAP = bits, U08, 26, [1:1], "No", "Yes"
includeAFR = bits, U08, 26, [2:2], "No", "Yes"
hardCutType = bits, U08, 26, [3:3], "Full", "Rolling"
unused2-26e = bits, U08, 26, [4:4], "No", "Yes"
unused2-26f = bits, U08, 26, [5:5], "No", "Yes"
unused2-26g = bits, U08, 26, [6:6], "No", "Yes"
indInjAng = bits, U08, 26, [7:7], "Disabled", "Enabled"
injOpen = scalar, U08, 27, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 25.5, 1
inj1Ang = scalar, U16, 28, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
inj2Ang = scalar, U16, 30, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
inj3Ang = scalar, U16, 32, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
inj4Ang = scalar, U16, 34, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
; Config1
mapSample = bits, U08, 36, [0:1], "Instantaneous", "Cycle Average", "Cycle Minimum", "INVALID"
twoStroke = bits, U08, 36, [2:2], "Four-stroke", "Two-stroke"
injType = bits, U08, 36, [3:3], "Port", "Throttle Body"
nCylinders = bits, U08, 36, [4:7], "INVALID","1","2","3","4","5","6","INVALID","8","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID"
; Config2
unused2-37a = bits, U08, 37, [0:1], "INVALID", "None", "None", "None"
unused2-37b = bits, U08, 37, [2:3], "INVALID", "None", "None", "None"
nInjectors = bits, U08, 37, [4:7], "INVALID","1","2","3","4","5","6","INVALID","8","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID"
; Config3
engineType = bits, U08, 38, [0:0], "Even fire", "Odd fire"
flexEnabled = bits, U08, 38, [1:1], "Off", "On"
algorithm = bits, U08, 38, [2:2], "Speed Density", "Alpha-N"
baroCorr = bits, U08, 38, [3:3], "Off", "On"
injLayout = bits, U08, 38, [4:5], "Paired", "Semi-Sequential", "INVALID", "Sequential"
perToothIgn = bits, U08, 38, [6:6], "No", "Yes"
dfcoEnabled = bits, U08, 38, [7:7], "Off", "On"
primePulse = scalar, U08, 39, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1
dutyLim = scalar, U08, 40, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
flexFreqLow = scalar, U08, 41, "Hz", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
flexFreqHigh = scalar, U08, 42, "Hz", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
boostMaxDuty = scalar, U08, 43, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
tpsMin = scalar, U08, 44, "ADC", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
tpsMax = scalar, U08, 45, "ADC", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
mapMin = scalar, S08, 46, "kpa", 1.0, 0.0, -100, 127.0, 0
mapMax = scalar, U16, 47, "kpa", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25500, 0
fpPrime = scalar, U08, 49, "s", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
stoich = scalar, U08, 50, ":1", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1
oddfire2 = scalar, U16, 51, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 720, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfire3 = scalar, U16, 53, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 720, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfire4 = scalar, U16, 55, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 720, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
2018-01-19 20:24:02 -08:00
unused2-57 = scalar, U08, 57, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
unused2-58 = scalar, U08, 58, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
unused2-59 = scalar, U08, 59, "Deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
unused2-60 = scalar, U08, 60, "Deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
iacCLminDuty = scalar, U08, 61, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0 ; Minimum and maximum duty cycles when using closed loop idle
iacCLmaxDuty = scalar, U08, 62, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
boostMinDuty = scalar, U08, 63, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0 ; Minimum and maximum duty cycles for boost control
baroMin = scalar, S08, 64, "kpa", 1.0, 0.0, -100, 127.0, 0
baroMax = scalar, U16, 65, "kpa", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25500, 0
unused2-67 = array, U08, 67, [60], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
;Start Ignition table (Page 3)
page = 3
advTable1 = array, U08, 0,[16x16], "deg", 1.0, -40, -40, 215.0, 0
rpmBins2 = array, U08, 256,[ 16], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
mapBins2 = array, U08, 272, [ 16], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
tpsBins2 = array, U08, 272, [ 16], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
;Start Page 4
;These are primarily ignition related settings (Previously part of page 2)
page = 4
TrigAng = scalar, S16, 0, "Deg", 1, 0, -360, 360, 0
FixAng = scalar, U08, 2, "Deg", 1, 0, 0, 80, 0
CrankAng = scalar, U08, 3, "Deg", 1, 0, -10, 80, 0
TrigAngMul = scalar, U08, 4, "", 1, 0, 0, 88, 0 ; Multiplier for tooth counts that don't evenly divide into 360
TrigEdge = bits, U08, 5,[0:0], "Leading", "Trailing"
TrigSpeed = bits, U08, 5,[1:1], "Crank Speed", "Cam Speed"
IgInv = bits, U08, 5,[2:2], "Going Low", "Going High"
TrigPattern = bits, U08, 5,[3:7], "Missing Tooth", "Basic Distributor", "Dual Wheel", "GM 7X", "4G63 / Miata / 3000GT", "GM 24X", "Jeep 2000", "Audi 135", "Honda D17", "Miata 99-05", "Mazda AU", "Non-360 Dual", "Nissan 360", "Subaru 6/7", "Daihatsu +1", "Harley EVO", "36-2-2-2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
TrigEdgeSec = bits, U08, 6,[0:0], "Leading", "Trailing"
fuelPumpPin = bits , U08, 6,[1:6], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "A8", "A9", "A10", "A11", "A12", "A13", "A14", "A15", "INVALID"
useResync = bits, U08, 6,[7:7], "No", "Yes"
sparkDur = scalar, U08, 7, "ms", 0.1, 0, 0, 25.5, 1 ; Spark duration
2018-01-15 18:38:37 -08:00
2018-02-17 09:46:42 -08:00
;Reset Control
bootloaderCaps = scalar, U08, 9, "level", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
#if resetcontrol_adv
2018-02-17 09:46:42 -08:00
resetControl = bits, U08, 10,[0:1], "Disabled", "Prevent When Running", "Prevent Always", "Serial Command"
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
2018-02-17 09:46:42 -08:00
resetControl = bits, U08, 10,[0:1], "Disabled", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Serial Command"
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
2018-02-17 09:46:42 -08:00
resetControlPin = bits, U08, 10,[2:7], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "A8", "A9", "A10", "A11", "A12", "A13", "A14", "A15", "INVALID"
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
SkipCycles = scalar, U08, 11, "cycles", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
; name = array, type, offset, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
;Dwell control
unused4-12a = bits, U08, 12, [0:0], "INVALID", "NOTHING"
useDwellLim = bits, U08, 12, [1:1], "Off", "On"
sparkMode = bits, U08, 12, [2:4], "Wasted Spark", "Single Channel", "Wasted COP", "Sequential", "Rotary", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
TrigFilter = bits, U08, 12, [5:6], "Off", "Weak", "Medium", "Aggressive"
ignCranklock = bits, U08, 12, [7:7], "Off", "On"
dwellcrank = scalar, U08, 13, "ms", 0.1, 0, 0, 25, 1
dwellrun = scalar, U08, 14, "ms", 0.1, 0, 0, 8, 1 ;running dwell variable railed to 8 - who needs more than 8ms?
numTeeth = scalar, U08, 15, "teeth", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
missingTeeth = scalar, U08, 16, "teeth", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
crankRPM = scalar, U08, 17, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 1000, 0
tpsflood = scalar, U08, 18, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
;Rev Limits
SoftRevLim = scalar, U08, 19, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
SoftLimRetard = scalar, U08, 20, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 80, 0
SoftLimMax = scalar, U08, 21, "s", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1
HardRevLim = scalar, U08, 22, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
;TPS based acceleration enrichment
taeBins = array, U08, 23, [ 4], "%/s", 10.0, 0.0, 0.00, 2550.0, 0
taeRates = array, U08, 27, [ 4], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.00, 255.0, 0 ; 4 bytes
;WUE Bins (Needed somewhere to put these
wueBins = array, U08, 31, [10], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 102.0, 0
wueBins = array, U08, 31, [10], "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215.0, 0
;Dwell config options
dwellLim = scalar, U08, 41, "ms", 1, 0, 0, 32, 0
dwellRates = array, U08, 42, [6], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.00, 255.0, 0
;IAT (Inlet air temp) timing retard
iatRetBins = array, U08, 48, [ 6], "C", 1.0, 0.0, 0.00, 255.0, 0
iatRetBins = array, U08, 48, [ 6], "F", 1.8, 17.77, 0.00, 255.0, 0 ; No -40 degree offset here
iatRetRates = array, U08, 54, [ 6], "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.00, 255.0, 0
;Decelleration Fuel Cut Off (DFCO)
dfcoRPM = scalar, U08, 60, "RPM", 10.0, 0.0, 100, 2550, 0
dfcoHyster = scalar, U08, 61, "RPM", 1.0, 0.0, 100, 255.0, 0
dfcoTPSThresh = scalar, U08, 62, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0, 100.0, 0
;Cranking ignition bypass
ignBypassEnable = bits, U08, 63, [0:0], "Off", "On"
ignBypassPin = bits , U08, 63, [1:6], "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
ignBypassHiLo = bits, U08, 63, [7:7], "LOW", "HIGH"
unused4-64 = array, U08, 64, [63], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
;Start AFR page
page = 5
afrTable = array, U08, 0,[16x16], "Lambda", { 0.1 / stoich }, 0.0000, 0.00, 2.00, 3
afrTable = array, U08, 0,[16x16], "AFR", 0.1, 0.0, 7, 25.5, 1
rpmBinsAFR = array, U08, 256,[ 16], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
mapBinsAFR = array, U08, 272,[ 16], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
tpsBinsAFR = array, U08, 272,[ 16], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
;Start page 6
; Page 6 is all settings associated with O2/AFR
page = 6
egoAlgorithm = bits , U08, 0, [0:1], "Simple", "INVALID", "PID", "No correction" ; * ( 1 byte)
egoType = bits , U08, 0, [2:3], "Disabled", "Narrow Band", "Wide Band", "INVALID" ; egoOption
boostEnabled = bits, U08, 0, [4:4], "Off", "On"
vvtEnabled = bits, U08, 0, [5:5], "Off", "On"
boostCutType = bits, U08, 0, [6:7], "Off", "Spark Only", "Fuel Only","Both"
egoKP = scalar, U08, 1, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoKI = scalar, U08, 2, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoKD = scalar, U08, 3, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoTemp = scalar, U08, 4, "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 102.0, 0
egoTemp = scalar, U08, 4, "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215.0, 0
egoCount = scalar, U08, 5, "", 4.0, 0.0, 4.0, 255.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
unused6-6 = scalar, U08, 6, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
egoLimit = scalar, U08, 7, "", 1, 0, 0, 16, 0
ego_min = scalar, U08, 8, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0, 7, 25, 1
ego_max = scalar, U08, 9, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0, 7, 25, 1
ego_sdelay = scalar, U08, 10, "sec", 1, 0, 0, 120, 0
egoRPM = scalar, U08, 11, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
egoTPSMax = scalar, U08, 12, "%", 1, 0, 0, 120, 0
vvtPin = bits , U08, 13, [0:5], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
useExtBaro = bits, U08, 13, [6:6], "No", "Yes"
boostMode = bits, U08, 13, [7:7], "Simple", "Full"
boostPin = bits, U08, 14, [0:5], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
VVTasOnOff = bits, U08, 14, [6:6], "No", "Yes"
unused6-14f = bits, U08, 14, [7:7], "ONE", "INVALID"
brvBins = array, U08, 15, [6], "V", 0.1, 0, 6, 24, 1 ; Bins for the battery reference voltage
injBatRates = array, U08, 21, [6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0 ;Values for injector pulsewidth vs voltage
airDenBins = array, U08, 27, [9], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215, 0 ; Bins for the air density correction curve
airDenBins = array, U08, 27, [9], "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215, 0 ; Bins for the air density correction curve
airDenRates = array, U08, 36, [9], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0, 255, 0 ; Values for the air density correction curve
; PWM Frequencies
boostFreq = scalar, U08, 45, "Hz", 2.0, 0.0, 10, 511, 0
vvtFreq = scalar, U08, 46, "Hz", 2.0, 0.0, 10, 511, 0
idleFreq = scalar, U08, 47, "Hz", 2.0, 0.0, 10, 511, 0
; Launch Control
launchPin = bits , U08, 48, [0:5], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
launchEnable = bits, U08, 48, [6:6], "No", "Yes"
launchHiLo = bits, U08, 48, [7:7], "LOW", "HIGH"
lnchSoftLim = scalar, U08, 49, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
lnchRetard = scalar, S08, 50, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, -30, 40, 0
lnchHardLim = scalar, U08, 51, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
lnchFuelAdd = scalar, U08, 52, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 80, 0
idleKP = scalar, U08, 53, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
idleKI = scalar, U08, 54, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
idleKD = scalar, U08, 55, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
boostLimit = scalar, U08, 56, "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
boostKP = scalar, U08, 57, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
boostKI = scalar, U08, 58, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
boostKD = scalar, U08, 59, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
lnchPullRes = bits, U08, 60, [0:1], "Float" , "Pullup", "INVALID", "INVALID"
fuelTrimEnabled = bits, U08, 60, [2:2], "No", "Yes"
flatSEnable = bits, U08, 60, [3:3], "No", "Yes"
; Baro Sensor pin
baroPin = bits, U08, 60, [4:7], "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A8", "A10", "A11", "A12", "A13", "A14", "A15"
; Flat shift
flatSSoftWin = scalar, U08, 61, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
flatSRetard = scalar, U08, 62, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 80, 0
flatSArm = scalar, U08, 63, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
iacCLValues = array, U08, 64, [10], "RPM", 10.0, 0.0, 0, 2550, 0
iacOLStepVal = array, U08, 74, [10], "Steps", 3, 0, 0, 765, 0
iacOLPWMVal = array, U08, 84, [10], "Duty %", 1.0, 0, 0, 100, 0
iacBins = array, U08, 94, [10], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215, 0
iacBins = array, U08, 94, [10], "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215, 0
iacCrankSteps = array, U08, 104, [4], "Steps", 3, 0, 0, 765, 0
iacCrankDuty = array, U08, 108, [4], "Duty %", 1.0, 0, 0, 100, 0
iacCrankBins = array, U08, 112, [4], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215, 0
iacCrankBins = array, U08, 112, [4], "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215, 0
iacAlgorithm = bits , U08, 116, [0:2], "None", "On/Off", "PWM Open loop", "PWM Closed loop", "Stepper Open Loop", "Stepper Closed Loop", "INVALID", "INVALID"
iacStepTime = bits , U08, 116, [3:5], "INVALID","1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6","INVALID"
iacChannels = bits, U08, 116, [6:6], "1", "2"
iacPWMdir = bits , U08, 116, [7:7], "Normal", "Reverse"
iacFastTemp = scalar, U08, 117, "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215, 0
iacFastTemp = scalar, U08, 117, "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215, 0
iacStepHome = scalar, U08, 118, "Steps", 3, 0, 0, 765, 0
iacStepHyster = scalar, U08, 119, "Steps", 1, 0.0, 0.0, 10, 0
; Begin fan control vairables
fanInv = bits, U08, 120, [0:0], "No", "Yes"
fanEnable = bits, U08, 120, [1:1], "Off", "On/Off"
fanPin = bits, U08, 120, [2:7], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
fanSP = scalar, U08, 121, "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215.0, 0
fanHyster = scalar, U08, 122, "C", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40, 0
fanSP = scalar, U08, 121, "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215.0, 0
fanHyster = scalar, U08, 122, "F", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40, 0
fanFreq = scalar, U08 , 123, "Hz", 2.0, 0.0, 10, 511, 0
fanPWMBins = array, U08, 124, [4], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215, 0
fanPWMBins = array, U08, 124, [4], "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215, 0
;Boost and vvt maps (Page 7)
page = 7
;notes for boostTable in PSI~~~There are 6.895 psis to a kPa then x 2 like the kPa ver~~~div atmos. pressure in kPa by 2 and make neg so to subtract instead of add
; boostTable = array, U08, 0,[8x8], "PSI", 0.29007547546041846, -50.6625, 0, 74, 0
; #else
boostTable = array, U08, 0,[8x8], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0, 511, 0
; #endif
rpmBinsBoost = array, U08, 64,[ 8], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
tpsBinsBoost = array, U08, 72,[ 8], "TPS", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
vvtTable = array, U08, 80,[8x8], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0, 100, 0
rpmBinsVVT = array, U08, 144,[ 8], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
tpsBinsVVT = array, U08, 152,[ 8], "TPS", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 0
;Fuel staging Table
stagingTable = array, U08, 160, [8x8], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
rpmBinsStaging = array, U08, 224, [ 8], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100.0, 25500.0, 0
mapBinsStaging = array, U08, 232, [ 8], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
tpsBinsStaging = array, U08, 232, [ 8], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
;Sequential fuel trim tables (Page 8)
page = 8
fuelTrim1Table = array, U08, 0,[6x6], "%", 1.0, -128, -50, 50, 0
fuelTrim1rpmBins = array, U08, 36,[ 6], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 0, 25500, 0
fuelTrim1loadBins = array, U08, 42,[ 6], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
fuelTrim1loadBins = array, U08, 42,[ 6], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
fuelTrim2Table = array, U08, 48,[6x6], "%", 1.0, -128, -50, 50, 0
fuelTrim2rpmBins = array, U08, 84,[ 6], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 0, 25500, 0
fuelTrim2loadBins = array, U08, 90,[ 6], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
fuelTrim2loadBins = array, U08, 90,[ 6], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
fuelTrim3Table = array, U08, 96,[6x6], "%", 1.0, -128, -50, 50, 0
fuelTrim3rpmBins = array, U08, 132,[ 6], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 0, 25500, 0
fuelTrim3loadBins = array, U08, 138,[ 6], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
fuelTrim3loadBins = array, U08, 138,[ 6], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
fuelTrim4Table = array, U08, 144,[6x6], "%", 1.0, -128, -50, 50, 0
fuelTrim4rpmBins = array, U08, 180,[ 6], "RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 0, 25500, 0
fuelTrim4loadBins = array, U08, 186,[ 6], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
fuelTrim4loadBins = array, U08, 186,[ 6], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
;CANBUS control (Page 9)
page = 9
enable_canbus = bits, U08, 0, [0:1], "Disable", "On Via Secondary Serial", "ON via Internal CAN ", "INVALID"
enable_canbus = bits, U08, 0, [0:1], "Disable", "On Via Secondary Serial", "INVALID", "INVALID"
enable_candata_in = bits, U08, 0, [2:2], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel0 = bits, U16, 1, [0:0], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel1 = bits, U16, 1, [1:1], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel2 = bits, U16, 1, [2:2], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel3 = bits, U16, 1, [3:3], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel4 = bits, U16, 1, [4:4], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel5 = bits, U16, 1, [5:5], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel6 = bits, U16, 1, [6:6], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel7 = bits, U16, 1, [7:7], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel8 = bits, U16, 1, [8:8], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel9 = bits, U16, 1, [9:9], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel10 = bits, U16, 1, [10:10], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel11 = bits, U16, 1, [11:11], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel12 = bits, U16, 1, [12:12], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel13 = bits, U16, 1, [13:13], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel14 = bits, U16, 1, [14:14], "Off", "On"
caninput_sel15 = bits, U16, 1, [15:15], "Off", "On"
;caninput_param_group = array , U16, 9, [ 8], "", 1, 0, 0, 65535, 0
caninput_source_can_address0 = bits, U16, 3, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address1 = bits, U16, 5, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address2 = bits, U16, 7, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address3 = bits, U16, 9, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address4 = bits, U16, 11, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address5 = bits, U16, 13, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address6 = bits, U16, 15, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address7 = bits, U16, 17, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address8 = bits, U16, 19, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address9 = bits, U16, 21, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address10 = bits, U16, 23, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address11 = bits, U16, 25, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address12 = bits, U16, 27, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address13 = bits, U16, 29, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address14 = bits, U16, 31, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_can_address15 = bits, U16, 33, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
caninput_source_start_byte0 = bits, U08, 35, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte1 = bits, U08, 36, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte2 = bits, U08, 37, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte3 = bits, U08, 38, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte4 = bits, U08, 39, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte5 = bits, U08, 40, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte6 = bits, U08, 41, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte7 = bits, U08, 42, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte8 = bits, U08, 43, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte9 = bits, U08, 44, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte10 = bits, U08, 45, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte11 = bits, U08, 46, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte12 = bits, U08, 47, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte13 = bits, U08, 48, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte14 = bits, U08, 49, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_start_byte15 = bits, U08, 50, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
caninput_source_num_bytes0 = bits, U16, 51, [0:0], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes1 = bits, U16, 51, [1:1], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes2 = bits, U16, 51, [2:2], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes3 = bits, U16, 51, [3:3], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes4 = bits, U16, 51, [4:4], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes5 = bits, U16, 51, [5:5], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes6 = bits, U16, 51, [6:6], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes7 = bits, U16, 51, [7:7], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes8 = bits, U16, 51, [8:8], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes9 = bits, U16, 51, [9:9], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes10 = bits, U16, 51, [10:10], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes11 = bits, U16, 51, [11:11], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes12 = bits, U16, 51, [12:12], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes13 = bits, U16, 51, [13:13], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes14 = bits, U16, 51, [14:14], "1", "2"
caninput_source_num_bytes15 = bits, U16, 51, [15:15], "1", "2"
unused10_53 = scalar, U08, 53, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_54 = scalar, U08, 54, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
enable_candata_out = bits, U08, 55, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel0 = bits, U08, 56, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel1 = bits, U08, 57, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel2 = bits, U08, 58, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel3 = bits, U08, 59, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel4 = bits, U08, 60, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel5 = bits, U08, 61, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel6 = bits, U08, 62, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_sel7 = bits, U08, 63, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canoutput_param_group = array , U16, 64, [ 8], "", 1, 0, 0, 65535, 0
canoutput_param_start_byte0 = bits, U08, 80, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte1 = bits, U08, 81, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte2 = bits, U08, 82, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte3 = bits, U08, 83, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte4 = bits, U08, 84, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte5 = bits, U08, 85, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte6 = bits, U08, 86, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_start_byte7 = bits, U08, 87, [0:2], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
canoutput_param_num_bytes0 = bits, U08, 88, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes1 = bits, U08, 89, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes2 = bits, U08, 90, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes3 = bits, U08, 91, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes4 = bits, U08, 92, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes5 = bits, U08, 93, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes6 = bits, U08, 94, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
canoutput_param_num_bytes7 = bits, U08, 95, [0:1], "INVALID", "1", "2", "INVALID"
unused10_96 = scalar, U08, 96, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_97 = scalar, U08, 97, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_98 = scalar, U08, 98, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_99 = scalar, U08, 99, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
speeduino_tsCanId = bits, U08, 100, [0:3], $tsCanId_list
true_address = bits, U16, 101, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
realtime_base_address = bits, U16, 103, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
obd_address = bits, U16, 105, [0:10], $CAN_ADDRESS_HEX
;unused10_101 = scalar, U16, 101, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
;unused10_103 = scalar, U16, 103, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
;unused10_105 = scalar, U16, 105, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
;AFR offset for WUE VeAnalyze
;wueAFRRates = array, U08, 107, [10], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
;wueAFRBins = array, U08, 117, [10], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 102.0, 0
unused10_107 = scalar, U08, 107, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_108 = scalar, U08, 108, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_109 = scalar, U08, 109, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_110 = scalar, U08, 110, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_111 = scalar, U08, 111, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_112 = scalar, U08, 112, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_113 = scalar, U08, 113, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_114 = scalar, U08, 114, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_115 = scalar, U08, 115, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_116 = scalar, U08, 116, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_117 = scalar, U08, 117, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_118 = scalar, U08, 118, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_119 = scalar, U08, 119, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_120 = scalar, U08, 120, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_121 = scalar, U08, 121, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_122 = scalar, U08, 122, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_123 = scalar, U08, 123, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_124 = scalar, U08, 124, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_125 = scalar, U08, 125, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_126 = scalar, U08, 126, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
unused10_127 = scalar, U08, 127, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
page = 10
crankingEnrichBins = array, U08, 0, [4], "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215, 0
crankingEnrichBins = array, U08, 0, [4], "F", 1.8, -22.23, -40, 215, 0
crankingEnrichValues = array, U08, 4, [4], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0, 255, 0 ; Values for the cranking enrichment curve
rotaryType = bits , U08, 8, [0:1], "FC", "FD", "RX8", "INVALID"
stagingEnabled = bits , U08, 8, [2:2], "Off","On"
stagingMode = bits , U08, 8, [3:3], "Table","Automatic"
unused11-8e = bits , U08, 8, [4:4], "Off","On"
unused11-8f = bits , U08, 8, [5:5], "Off","On"
unused11-8g = bits , U08, 8, [6:6], "Off","On"
unused11-8h = bits , U08, 8, [7:7], "Off","On"
rotarySplitValues = array, U08, 9, [8], "degrees", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40, 0
rotarySplitBins = array, U08, 17, [8], "kPa", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 511.0, 0
#elif ALPHA_N
rotarySplitBins = array, U08, 17, [8], "TPS", 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0
boostSens = scalar, U16, 25, "", 1, 0, 0, 5000, 0
boostIntv = scalar, U08, 27, "ms", 1, 0, 0, 250, 0
stagedInjSizePri = scalar, U16, 28, "cc/min", 1, 0, 0, 1500, 0
stagedInjSizeSec = scalar, U16, 30, "cc/min", 1, 0, 0, 1500, 0
2017-12-08 21:03:19 -08:00
lnchCtrlTPS = scalar, U08, 32, "%TPS", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
flexBoostBins = array, U08, 33, [6], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
2018-01-20 16:16:19 -08:00
; The boost range is obviously arbitrary since int16_t has ~32k in both directions
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
flexBoostAdj = array, S16, 39, [6], "kPa", 1.0, 0.0, -500.0, 500.0, 0
flexFuelBins = array, U08, 51, [6], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
flexFuelAdj = array, U08, 57, [6], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
flexAdvBins = array, U08, 63, [6], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
flexAdvAdj = array, U08, 69, [6], "Deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0
2018-01-20 16:16:19 -08:00
2018-02-17 09:46:42 -08:00
unused11_75_191 = array, U08, 75,[116],"RPM", 100.0, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
requiresPowerCycle = nCylinders
requiresPowerCycle = pinLayout
requiresPowerCycle = fanPin
requiresPowerCycle = reqFuel
requiresPowerCycle = numTeeth
requiresPowerCycle = missingTeeth
2018-01-15 18:38:37 -08:00
requiresPowerCycle = trigPatternSec
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
requiresPowerCycle = injOpen
requiresPowerCycle = IgInv
requiresPowerCycle = fanInv
requiresPowerCycle = boostEnabled
requiresPowerCycle = vvtEnabled
; requiresPowerCycle = vvtChannels
requiresPowerCycle = boostFreq
requiresPowerCycle = vvtFreq
requiresPowerCycle = idleFreq
requiresPowerCycle = sparkMode
requiresPowerCycle = launchPin
requiresPowerCycle = launchEnable
requiresPowerCycle = launchHiLo
requiresPowerCycle = flexEnabled
requiresPowerCycle = oddfire2
requiresPowerCycle = oddfire3
requiresPowerCycle = oddfire4
requiresPowerCycle = iacCLminDuty
requiresPowerCycle = iacCLmaxDuty
requiresPowerCycle = useExtBaro
requiresPowerCycle = baroPin
requiresPowerCycle = rotaryType
requiresPowerCycle = stagedInjSizePri
requiresPowerCycle = stagedInjSizeSec
requiresPowerCycle = stagingEnabled
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
requiresPowerCycle = resetControl
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
requiresPowerCycle = resetControlPin
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
defaultValue = pinLayout, 1
defaultValue = TrigPattern, 0
defaultValue = useResync, 1
2018-01-15 18:38:37 -08:00
defaultValue = trigPatternSec, 0
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
defaultValue = sparkMode, 0
defaultValue = indInjAng, 0
defaultValue = inj1Ang, 355
defaultValue = inj2Ang, 355
defaultValue = inj3Ang, 355
defaultValue = inj4Ang, 355
defaultValue = nInjectors, 4
defaultValue = dutyLim, 100
defaultValue = mapMin, 10
defaultValue = mapMax, 260
defaultValue = baroMin, 10
defaultValue = baroMax, 260
defaultValue = fpPrime, 3
defaultValue = TrigFilter, 0
defaultValue = ignCranklock,0
defaultValue = multiplyMAP, 0
defaultValue = includeAFR, 0
defaultValue = stoich, 14.7
defaultValue = flexEnabled, 0
defaultValue = oddfire2, 0
defaultValue = oddfire3, 0
defaultValue = oddfire4, 0
defaultValue = flexFreqLow, 50
defaultValue = flexFreqHigh,150
defaultValue = flexFuelLow, 100
defaultValue = flexFuelHigh,163
defaultValue = flexAdvLow, 0
defaultValue = flexAdvHigh, 13
defaultValue = flexBoostLow,0
defaultValue = flexBoostHigh,0
defaultValue = fuelPumpPin, 0
defaultValue = fanPin, 0
defaultValue = iacCLminDuty,0
defaultValue = iacCLmaxDuty,100
defaultValue = boostMinDuty,0
defaultValue = boostMaxDuty,100
defaultValue = boostSens, 2000
defaultValue = boostIntv, 30
defaultValue = sparkDur, 1.0
defaultValue = speeduino_tsCanId, 0
defaultValue = true_address, 256
defaultValue = realtime_base_address, 336
defaultValue = VVTasOnOff, 0
defaultValue = stagingEnabled, 0
2017-12-08 21:03:19 -08:00
defaultValue = lnchCtrlTPS, 0
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
defaultValue = resetControl, 0
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
defaultValue = bootloaderCaps, 0
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; defaultValue = obd_address, 0
;Default pins
defaultValue = fanPin, 0
defaultValue = vvtPin, 0
defaultValue = launchPin, 0
defaultValue = boostPin, 0
defaultValue = fuelPumpPin, 0
defaultValue = tachoPin, 0
defaultValue = perToothIgn, 0
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
defaultValue = resetControlPin, 0
controllerPriority = bootloaderCaps
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; There are five pre-defined values that may be used to define your menus.
; The first four allow access to the "standard" dialog boxes, the last one
; merely draws a separator (horizontal line) in the menu.
; std_constants
; std_enrichments
; std_realtime
; std_warmup
; std_separator
; If you use any of the std_constants, std_enrichments or std_warmup
; editors, they may be optionally suffixed with a page number (only
; useful for multi-page code variants), which causes them to edit the
; specified page. If you leave off the page specifier, they edit logical
; page one as specified in the Constants section.
; There are four special menu names, which when used append to the standard
; menus of the same name instead of creating a new one. The menu names
; are "File", "Communications", "Tools" and "Help".
menuDialog = main
menu = "Settings"
subMenu = engine_constants, "Engine Constants"
subMenu = injChars, "Injector Characteristics"
subMenu = triggerSettings, "Trigger Setup"
;subMenu = OLED, "OLED Setup"
subMenu = airdensity_curve, "IAT Density"
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
subMenu = reset_control, "Reset Control"
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
menu = "&Tuning"
subMenu = std_realtime, "Realtime Display"
subMenu = accelEnrichments, "Acceleration Enrichment"
subMenu = egoControl, "AFR/O2", 3
subMenu = RevLimiterS, "Limiters", 2
subMenu = flexFueling, "Flex Fuel", 2
subMenu = veTableDialog, "VE Table", 0
subMenu = sparkTbl, "Spark Table", 2
subMenu = afrTable1Tbl, "AFR Table", 5
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = inj_trimad, "Sequential fuel trim", 9
subMenu = stagingTableDialog, "Staged Injection", 10
menu = "&Spark"
subMenu = sparkSettings, "Spark Settings"
subMenu = sparkTbl, "Spark Table", 2
subMenu = dwellSettings, "Dwell settings"
subMenu = dwell_correction_curve, "Dwell Compensation"
subMenu = iat_retard_curve, "&IAT Retard"
subMenu = rotary_ignition, "Rotary Ignition", { sparkMode == 4 }
menu = "&Starting/Idle"
subMenu = crankPW, "Cranking Settings"
subMenu = warmup, "Warmup Enrichment"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = idleSettings, "Idle Control"
subMenu = iacClosedLoop_curve, "Idle - Closed loop targets", 7, { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
subMenu = iacPwm_curve, "Idle - PWM Duty Cycle", 7, { iacAlgorithm == 2 }
subMenu = iacPwmCrank_curve, "Idle - PWM Cranking Duty Cycle", 7, { iacAlgorithm == 2 }
subMenu = iacStep_curve, "Idle - Stepper Motor", 7, { iacAlgorithm == 4 }
subMenu = iacStepCrank_curve, "Idle - Stepper Motor Cranking", 7, { iacAlgorithm == 4 }
menu = "&Accessories"
subMenu = fanSettings, "Thermo Fan"
subMenu = LaunchControl, "Launch Control / Flat Shift"
subMenu = fuelpump, "Fuel Pump"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = boostSettings, "Boost Control"
subMenu = boostTbl, "Boost target", 8, { boostEnabled }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = vvtSettings, "VVT Control"
subMenu = vvtTbl, "VVT duty cycle", 8, { vvtEnabled }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = tacho, "Tacho Output"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = can_serial3IO, "Canbus/Secondary Serial IO Interface"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = Canin_config, "External Data Input Configuration", {enable_canbus}
;subMenu = std_separator
;subMenu = Canout_config, "Canbus Output Configuration"
subMenu = serial3IO, "Secondary Serial IO Interface"
menuDialog = main
menu = "T&ools"
subMenu = mapCal, "Calibrate MAP"
subMenu = std_ms2gentherm, "Calibrate Temperature Sensors", 0
subMenu = std_ms2geno2, "Calibrate AFR Sensor", 0
menuDialog = main
menu = "3D &Tuning Maps"
subMenu = veTable1Map, "Fuel Table"
subMenu = sparkMap, "Spark Table", 3
subMenu = afrTable1Map, "AFR Target Table"
#if enablehardware_test
menuDialog = main
menu = "Hardware Testing"
subMenu = outputtest1, "Test Output Hardware"
menu = "Help"
subMenu = helpGeneral, "Speeduino Help"
; constantName = "Help Text"
; These provide the context help in the dialog when these variables are used
nCylinders = "Cylinder count"
alternate = "Whether or not the injectors should be fired at the same time. This setting is ignored when Sequential is selected below, however it will still affect the req_fuel value."
engineType = "Engines with an equal number of degrees between all firings (This is most engines) should select Even fire. Some 2 and 6 cylinder engines are Odd fire however."
twoStroke = "Four-Stroke (most engines), Two-stroke."
nInjectors = "Number of primary injectors."
mapSample = "The method used for calculating the MAP reading\nFor 1-2 Cylinder engines, Cycle Minimum is recommended.\nFor more than 2 cylinders Cycle Average is recommended"
stoich = "The stoichiometric ration of the fuel being used. For flex fuel, choose the primary fuel"
injLayout = "The injector layout and timing to be used. Options are: \n 1. Paired - 2 injectors per output. Outputs active is equal to half the number of cylinders. Outputs are timed over 1 crank revolution. \n 2. Semi-sequential: Same as paired except that injector channels are mirrored (1&4, 2&3) meaning the number of outputs used are equal to the number of cylinders. Only valid for 4 cylinders or less. \n 3. Banked: 2 outputs only used. \n 4. Sequential: 1 injector per output and outputs used equals the number of cylinders. Injection is timed over full cycle. "
TrigPattern = "The type of input trigger decoder to be used."
useResync = "If enabled, sync will be rechecked once every full cycle from the cam input. This is good for accuracy, however if your cam input is noisy then this can cause issues."
2018-01-15 18:38:37 -08:00
trigPatternSec = "Cam mode/type also known as Secondary Trigger Pattern."
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
numTeeth = "Number of teeth on Primary Wheel."
TrigSpeed = "Primary trigger speed."
missingTeeth = "Number of Missing teeth on Primary Wheel."
TrigAng = "The Angle ATDC when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel passes the primary sensor."
TrigAngMul = "A multiplier used by non-360 degree tooth wheels (i.e. Wheels where the tooth count doesn't divide evenly into 360. Usage: (360 * <multiplier>) / tooth_count = Whole number"
SkipCycles = "The number of revolutions that will be skipped during cranking before the injectors and coils are fired."
TrigEdge = "The Trigger edge of the primary sensor.\nLeading.\nTrailing."
TrigEdgeSec = "The Trigger edge of the secondary (Cam) sensor.\nLeading.\nTrailing."
TrigFilter = "Tuning of the trigger filter algorithm. The more aggressive the setting, the more noise will be removed, however this increases the chance of some true readings being filtered out (False positive). Medium is safe for most setups. Only select 'Aggressive' if no other options are working"
sparkMode = "Wasted Spark: Ignition outputs are on the channels <= half the number of cylinders. Eg 4 cylinder outputs on IGN1 and IGN2.\nSingle Channel: All ignition pulses are output on IGN1.\nWasted COP: Ignition pulses are output on all ignition channels up to the number of cylinders. Eg 4 cylinder outputs on all ignition channels. No valid for >4 cylinders"
IgInv = "Whether the spark fires when the ignition signal goes high or goes low. Nearly all ignition systems use 'Going Low' but please verify this as damage to coils can result from the incorrect selection. (NOTE: THIS IS NOT MEGASQUIRT. THIS SETTING IS USUALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY USE!)"
sparkDur = "The duration of the spark at full dwell. Typically around 1ms"
fanInv = ""
fanHyster = "The number of degrees of hysteresis to be used in controlling the fan. Recommended values are between 2 and 5"
taeTime = "The duration of the acceleration enrichment"
iacChannels = "The number of output channels used for PWM valves. Select 1 for 2-wire valves or 2 for 3-wire valves."
iacStepTime = "Pause time between each step. Values that are too low can cause the motor to behave erratically or not at all"
iacStepHome = "Homing steps to perform on startup. Must be greater than the fully open steps value"
iacStepHyster = "The minimum number of steps to move in any one go."
iacAlgorithm = "Selects method of idle control.\nNone = no idle control valve.\nOn/Off valve.\nPWM valve (2,3 wire).\nStepper Valve (4,6,8 wire)."
iacPWMdir = "Normal PWM valves increase RPM with higher duty. If RPM decreases with higher duty then select Reverse"
iacCLminDuty = "When using closed loop idle control, this is the minimum duty cycle that the PID loop will allow. Combined with the maximum value, this specifies the working range of your idle valve"
iacCLmaxDuty = "When using closed loop idle control, this is the maximum duty cycle that the PID loop will allow. Combined with the minimum value, this specifies the working range of your idle valve"
iacFastTemp = "Below this temperature, the idle output will be high (On). Above this temperature, it will turn off."
oddfire2 = "The ATDC angle of channel 2 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1"
oddfire3 = "The ATDC angle of channel 3 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1 (NOT channel 2)"
oddfire4 = "The ATDC angle of channel 4 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1 (NOT channel 3)"
dfcoRPM = "The RPM above which DFCO will be active. Typically set a few hundred RPM above maximum idle speed"
dfcoHyster = "Hysteresis for DFCO RPM. 200-300 RPM is typical for this, however a higher value may be needed if the RPM is fluctuating around the cutout speed"
dfcoTPSThresh = "The TPS value below which DFCO will be active. Typical value is 5%-10%, but higher may be needed if TPS signal is noisy"
launchPin = "The ARDUINO pin that the clutch switch is connected to. This is NOT the pin on the connector, but the pin it relates to on the arduino"
ignBypassPin = "The ARDUINO pin that the ignition bypass is connected to. This is NOT the pin on the connector, but the pin it relates to on the arduino"
ignBypassEnable = "If turned on, a ground signal will be output during cranking on the specified pin. This is used to bypass the Speeduino ignition control during cranking."
ignCranklock = "On certain low resolution ignition patterns, the cranking timing can be locked to occur when a pulse is recieved."
multiplyMAP = "If enabled, the MAP reading is included directly into the pulsewidth calculation by multiplying the VE lookup value by the MAP:Baro ratio. This results in a flatter VE table that can be easier to tune in some instances. VE table must be retuned when this value is changed."
includeAFR = "When enabled, the current AFR reading is incorporated directly in the pulsewidth calculation as a percentage of the current target ratio. VE table must be retuned when this value is changed. "
useExtBaro = "By Default, Speeduino will measure barometric pressure upon startup. Optionally however, a 2nd pressure sensor can be used to perform live barometric readings whilst the system is on."
2018-01-21 13:19:04 -08:00
flexEnabled = "Turns on readings from the Flex sensor and enables the below adjustments"
flexFreqLow = "The frequency of the sensor at 0% ethanol (50Hz for standard GM/Continental sensor)"
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
flexFreqHigh = "The frequency of the sensor at 100% ethanol (150Hz for standard GM/Continental sensor)"
2018-01-21 13:19:04 -08:00
flexFuelAdj = "Fuel % to be used for the current ethanol % (Typically 100% @ 0%, 163% @ 100%)"
flexAdvAdj = "Additional advance (in degrees) for the current ethanol % (Typically 0 @ 0%, 10-20 @ 100%)"
flexBoostAdj = "Adjustment, in kPa, to the boost target for the current ethanol %. Negative values are allowed to lower boost at lower ethanol % if necessary."
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
flatSArm = "The RPM switch point that determines whether an eganged clutch is for launch control or flat shift. Below this figure, an engaged clutch is considered to be for launch, above this figure an active clutch input will be considered a flat shift. This should be set at least several hundred RPM above idle"
flatSSoftWin = "The number of RPM below the flat shift point where the softlimit will be applied (aka Soft limit window). Recommended values are 200-1000"
flatSRetard = "The absolute timing (BTDC) that will be used when within the soft limit window"
hardCutType = "How hard cuts should be performed for rev/launch limits. Full cut will stop all ignition events, Rolling cut will step through all ignition outputs, only cutting 1 per revolution"
enable_canbus = "This Enables either the secondary serial port or output via internal Can module. Secondary serial is serial3 on mega2560 processor, and Serial2 on STM32 and Teensy processor "
enable_canbus = "This Enables the IO on the secondary serial port. This is serial3 on mega2560 processor, and Serial2 on STM32 and Teensy processor "
;speeduino_tsCanId = "This is the TsCanId that the Speeduino ECU will respond to. This should match the main controller CAN ID in project properties if it is connected directy to TunerStudio, Otherwise the device ID if connected via CAN passthrough"
true_address = "This is the 11bit Can address of the Speeduino ECU "
realtime_base_address = "This is the 11bit CAN address of the realtime data broadcast from the Speeduino ECU. This MUST be at least 0x16 greater than the true address"
;obd_address = "The 11bit Can address that the Speeduino ECU responds to for OBD2 diagnostic requests"
caninput_sel0 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 0 "
caninput_sel1 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 1 "
caninput_sel2 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 2 "
caninput_sel3 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 3 "
caninput_sel4 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 4 "
caninput_sel5 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 5 "
caninput_sel6 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 6 "
caninput_sel7 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 7 "
caninput_sel8 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 8 "
caninput_sel9 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 9 "
caninput_sel10 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 10 "
caninput_sel11 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 11 "
caninput_sel12 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 12 "
caninput_sel13 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 13 "
caninput_sel14 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 14 "
caninput_sel15 = "This Enables CAN data input channel 15 "
caninput_source_can_address0 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 0"
caninput_source_can_address1 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 1"
caninput_source_can_address2 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 2"
caninput_source_can_address3 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 3"
caninput_source_can_address4 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 4"
caninput_source_can_address5 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 5"
caninput_source_can_address6 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 6"
caninput_source_can_address7 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 7"
caninput_source_can_address8 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 8 "
caninput_source_can_address9 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 9"
caninput_source_can_address10 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 10"
caninput_source_can_address11 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 11"
caninput_source_can_address12 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 12"
caninput_source_can_address13 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 13"
caninput_source_can_address14 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 14"
caninput_source_can_address15 = "The source 11bit CAN address of the data for channel 15"
caninput_source_start_byte0 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 0"
caninput_source_start_byte1 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 1"
caninput_source_start_byte2 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 2"
caninput_source_start_byte3 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 3"
caninput_source_start_byte4 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 4"
caninput_source_start_byte5 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 5"
caninput_source_start_byte6 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 6"
caninput_source_start_byte7 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 7"
caninput_source_start_byte8 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 8"
caninput_source_start_byte9 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 9"
caninput_source_start_byte10 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 10"
caninput_source_start_byte11 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 11"
caninput_source_start_byte12 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 12"
caninput_source_start_byte13 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 13"
caninput_source_start_byte14 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 14"
caninput_source_start_byte15 = "The Starting byte the data begins at for channel 15"
caninput_source_num_bytes0 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes1 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes2 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes3 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes4 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes5 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes6 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes7 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes8 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes9 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes10 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes11 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes12 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes13 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes14 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
caninput_source_num_bytes15 = "The number of bytes the data is made from starting at selected start byte number"
cmdEnableTestMode = "Click this to enable test mode. This will not be available if the engine is running"
cmdStopTestMode = "Click this to disable test mode"
cmdtestinj150dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestinj250dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestinj350dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestinj450dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk150dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk250dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk350dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk450dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
boostIntv = "The closed loop control interval will run every this many ms. Generally values between 50% and 100% of the valve frequency work best"
VVTasOnOff = "Whether or not the VVT table should be treated as on and off control only. If you are using the VVT map to control a switch, this should be Yes. If you are using the VVT control to drive a PWM signal, this should be No"
stagedInjSizePri = "Size of the primary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation"
stagedInjSizeSec = "Size of the secondary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation"
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
#if resetcontrol_adv
resetControl = "How to control the Arduino's automatic reset feature. NOTE: Some of these settings require modifying your hardware and replacing the Arduino bootloader. See the Wiki for more details.\n\nDisabled: Allow the Arduino to reset when a new serial connection is made.\n\nPrevent When Running: Hold the control pin high while the engine is running.\n\nPrevent Always: Always hold the control pin high.\n\nSerial Command: Normally hold the control pin high, but pull it low when the 'U' serial command is issued and reset upon receiving more data."
resetControl = "If set to Serial Command, normally hold the control pin high but pull it low when the 'U' serial command is issued and reset upon receiving more data. The control pin should be connected to the Arduino's reset pin."
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
resetControlPin = "The Arduino pin used to control resets."
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; Enhanced TunerStudio dialogs can be defined here
; MegaTune will over look this section
; These dialogs will over-ride those in the UserDefined Section
; User defined ar loaded first, then if one by the same name is defiend here,
; it will replace the MegaTune definition
; dialog = name, Title, Layout
; valid options for layout are xAxis, yAxis, border
; for an xAxis, each field added will be added from right to left
; A yAxis layout will add fields from top to bottom
; A border layout will expect an additional constraint to determine placement
; valid border constraints are north, South, East, West, Center
; all 5 do not need to be filled.
; The field name can be either a constant reference, or a reference to another
; dialog which will be added.
; dialogs can be nested and can be mixed with fields
dialog = engine_constants_southwest, "Speeduino Board"
field = "Stoichiometric ratio", stoich
field = "Injector Layout", injLayout, { nCylinders <= 4 }
field = "Board Layout", pinLayout
field = "MAP Sample method", mapSample
dialog = engine_constants_west, ""
panel = std_injection, North
panel = engine_constants_southwest
dialog = engine_constants_northeast, "Oddfire Angles"
field = "Channel 2 angle", oddfire2, { engineType == 1 }
field = "Channel 3 angle", oddfire3, { engineType == 1 && nCylinders >= 3 }
field = "Channel 4 angle", oddfire4, { engineType == 1 && nCylinders >= 4 }
dialog = engine_constants_east, ""
panel = engine_constants_northeast, North
field = ""
dialog = engine_constants, "", border
panel = engine_constants_west, West
panel = engine_constants_east, East
# Flex fuel stuff
2018-01-20 16:00:56 -08:00
dialog = flexFuelSettings, "", yAxis
2018-01-21 13:19:04 -08:00
field = "Flex Fuel Sensor ", flexEnabled
field = "Low (E0) ", flexFreqLow, { flexEnabled }
field = "High (E100) ", flexFreqHigh, { flexEnabled }
2018-01-20 16:00:56 -08:00
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
dialog = flexFuelWest, "", border
panel = flexFuelSettings, North
2018-01-20 16:00:56 -08:00
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
dialog = flexCurves, "", indexCard
2018-01-21 13:19:04 -08:00
panel = flex_fuel_curve, { flexEnabled }
panel = flex_adv_curve, { flexEnabled }
panel = flex_boost_curve, { flexEnabled && boostEnabled }
2018-01-20 16:00:56 -08:00
dialog = flexFueling, "Fuel Sensor Settings", border
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Flex_Fuel"
2018-01-20 16:00:56 -08:00
panel = flexFuelWest, West
2018-01-21 13:19:04 -08:00
panel = flexCurves, Center
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
dialog = tacho, "Tacho"
field = "Output pin", tachoPin
field = "Output speed", tachoDiv
dialog = accelEnrichments_center, ""
field = "TPSdot Threshold", tpsThresh
field = "Accel Time", taeTime
dialog = accelEnrichments_south, "Decelleration Fuel Cutoff (DFCO)"
field = "Enabled", dfcoEnabled
field = "TPS Threshold", dfcoTPSThresh, { dfcoEnabled }
field = "Cutoff RPM", dfcoRPM, { dfcoEnabled }
field = "RPM Hysteresis", dfcoHyster, { dfcoEnabled }
dialog = accelEnrichments_north_south, ""
liveGraph = pump_ae_Graph, "AE Graph"
graphLine = afr
graphLine = TPSdot, "%", -2000, 2000, auto, auto
dialog = accelEnrichments_north, "", xAxis
panel = time_accel_tpsdot_curve
dialog = accelEnrichments, "Acceleration Enrichment"
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Acceleration_Wizard"
panel = accelEnrichments_north, North
panel = accelEnrichments_north_south, Center
panel = accelEnrichments_center, Center
panel = accelEnrichments_south, South
dialog = veTableDialog_north, ""
panel = veTable1Tbl
dialog = veTableDialog_south, ""
field = "Multiply VE value by MAP:Baro ratio", multiplyMAP
field = "Multiply by ratio of AFR to Target AFR", includeAFR, { egoType == 2 }
dialog = veTableDialog, "VE Table"
panel = veTableDialog_north, North
panel = veTableDialog_south, South
dialog = injChars, "Injector Characteristics"
field = "Injector Open Time", injOpen
field = "Injector close angle"
field = "", inj1Ang, { indInjAng == 0 }
field = "Individual channel setting", indInjAng
field = "Channel 1", inj1Ang, { indInjAng }
field = "Channel 2", inj2Ang, { nCylinders > 1 && indInjAng }
field = "Channel 3", inj3Ang, { indInjAng && (nCylinders > 4 || nCylinders == 3 || ((nCylinders == 4) && (injLayout == 3))) }
field = "Channel 4", inj4Ang, { indInjAng && (nCylinders > 6 || ((nCylinders == 4) && (injLayout == 3))) }
field = "Injector Duty Limit", dutyLim
panel = injector_voltage_curve
dialog = egoControl, ""
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/AFR/O2"
field = "Sensor Type", egoType
field = "Algorithm", egoAlgorithm, { egoType }
field = "Ignition Events per Step", egoCount, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Controller Auth +/-", egoLimit, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Only correct above:", ego_min, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "and correct below:", ego_max, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Above Coolant", egoTemp, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Above RPM", egoRPM, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Below TPS", egoTPSMax, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "EGO delay after start", ego_sdelay, { (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "PID Proportional Gain", egoKP, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }
field = "PID Integral", egoKI, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }
field = "PID Derivative", egoKD, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }
dialog = fanSettings,"Fan Settings",7
field = "Fan Mode", fanEnable
field = "Fan output pin", fanPin, { fanEnable }
field = "Fan Output Inverted", fanInv , { fanEnable }
field = "Fan temperature SP", fanSP, { fanEnable }
field = "Fan hysteresis", fanHyster, { fanEnable }
dialog = stepper_idle, "Stepper Idle"
field = "Step time (ms)", iacStepTime, { iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
field = "Home steps", iacStepHome, { iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
field = "Minimum Steps", iacStepHyster, { iacAlgorithm == 4 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
dialog = pwm_idle, "PWM Idle"
field = "Number of outputs", iacChannels, { iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 }
field = "Idle valve frequency", idleFreq, { iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 }
field = "Idle valve direction", iacPWMdir, { iacAlgorithm == 2 || iacAlgorithm == 3 }
dialog = closedloop_idle, "Closed loop Idle"
field = "P", idleKP, { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
field = "I", idleKI, { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
field = "D", idleKD, { iacAlgorithm == 3 || iacAlgorithm == 5 }
field = "Minimum valve duty", iacCLminDuty, { iacAlgorithm == 3 }
field = "Maximum valve duty", iacCLmaxDuty, { iacAlgorithm == 3 }
dialog = idleSettings, "Idle Settings"
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Idle"
field = "Idle control type", iacAlgorithm
field = "#Fast Idle"
field = "Fast idle temp", iacFastTemp, { iacAlgorithm == 1 }
panel = pwm_idle
panel = stepper_idle
panel = closedloop_idle
dialog = fuelpump, "Fuel pump"
field = "Fuel pump pin", fuelPumpPin
field = "Fuel pump prime duration", fpPrime
dialog = crankingEnrichDialog, "Cranking Enrichment", yAxis
panel = cranking_enrich_curve
dialog = crankingIgnOptions, "Cranking Timing", yAxis
field = "Cranking advance Angle", CrankAng
field = "Cranking bypass", ignBypassEnable
field = "Bypass output pin", ignBypassPin { ignBypassEnable }
field = "Fix cranking timing with trigger", ignCranklock, { TrigPattern == 1 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 10 || TrigPattern == 9 }
dialog = crankingOptions, "", yAxis
field = "Cranking RPM (Max)", crankRPM
field = "Flood Clear level", tpsflood
field = ""
field = "Fuel pump prime duration", fpPrime
field = "Priming Pulsewidth", primePulse
dialog = crankPW, "Cranking Settings", yAxis
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Cranking"
panel = crankingOptions, North
panel = crankingEnrichDialog, Center
panel = crankingIgnOptions, South
dialog = aseSettings, "Afterstart Enrichment"
field = "Enrichment %", asePct
field = "Number of Sec to run", aseCount
dialog = triggerSettings,"Trigger Settings",4
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Decoders"
field = "Trigger Pattern", TrigPattern
field = "Primary base teeth", numTeeth, { TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 11 }
field = "Primary trigger speed", TrigSpeed, { TrigPattern == 0 }
field = "Missing teeth", missingTeeth, { TrigPattern == 0 }
field = "Secondary teeth", missingTeeth, { TrigPattern == 2 }
field = "Trigger angle multiplier", TrigAngMul, { TrigPattern == 11 }
field = "Trigger Angle ", TrigAng
field = "This number represents the angle ATDC when "
field = "tooth #1 passes the primary sensor."
field = ""
field = "Skip Revolutions", SkipCycles
field = "Note: This is the number of revolutions that will be skipped during"
field = "cranking before the injectors and coils are fired"
field = "Trigger edge", TrigEdge
field = "Secondary trigger edge", TrigEdgeSec, { TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 9 || TrigPattern == 12 } ;Missing tooth, dual wheel and Miata 9905
2018-01-15 18:38:37 -08:00
field = "Missing Tooth Secondary type" trigPatternSec, { TrigPattern == 0 }
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
field = "Trigger Filter", TrigFilter
field = "Re-sync every cycle", useResync, { TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 7 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 9 } ;Dual wheel, 4G63, Audi 135, Nissan 360, Miata 99-05
field = ""
field = "#The below option is EXPERIMENTAL! If unsure what this is, please set to No"
field = "User per tooth ignition calculation", perToothIgn, {TrigPattern == 0 || TrigPattern == 1 || TrigPattern == 2 || TrigPattern == 4 || TrigPattern == 12 || TrigPattern == 16 } ;Only works for missing tooth, distributor, dual wheel, nissan 360, 36-2-2-2
dialog = sparkSettings,"Spark Settings",4
field = "Spark output mode", sparkMode
field = "Cranking advance Angle", CrankAng
field = "Spark Outputs triggers", IgInv
field = ""
field = "Fixed Angle (0 = use map)", FixAng
dialog = dwellSettings, "Dwell Settings", 4
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Dwell"
field = " Cranking dwell", dwellcrank
field = " Running dwell", dwellrun
field = " Spark duration", sparkDur
field = ""
field = "#Note"
field = "The above times are for 12V. Voltage correction"
field = "is applied. At higher voltages the time is reduced"
field = "and when low it is increased"
field = ""
field = "Overdwell protection"
field = "Use Overdwell protection", useDwellLim
field = "Max dwell time", dwellLim, { useDwellLim }
field = "Note: Set the maximum dwell time at least 3ms above"
field = "your desired dwell time (Including cranking)"
dialog = rotary_ignition, "Rotary Ignition", 4
field = "Ignition Configuration", rotaryType
panel = rotaryTrailing_curve
dialog = boostCut, "Boost Cut"
field = "Boost Cut", boostCutType
field = "Boost Limit", boostLimit, { boostCutType }
dialog = RevLimiterS, "Rev Limiter", 4
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Rev_Limits"
field = "Rev Limiter"
field = "Soft rev limit", SoftRevLim
field = "Soft limit absolute timing", SoftLimRetard
field = "Soft limit max time", SoftLimMax
field = "Hard Rev limit", HardRevLim
field = "Hard limiter method", hardCutType
panel = boostCut
dialog = clutchInput, "Clutch input"
field = "Clutch Input Pin", launchPin, { launchEnable || flatSEnable }
field = "Clutch enabled when signal is",launchHiLo, { launchEnable || flatSEnable }
field = "Clutch Pullup Resistor", lnchPullRes, { launchEnable || flatSEnable }
field = "Launch / Flat Shift switch RPM",flatSArm, { launchEnable || flatSEnable }
dialog = LaunchControl, "Launch Control / Flat shift", 6
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Launch_Flatshift"
panel = clutchInput
; Launch control
field = "Launch Control"
field = "Enable Launch", launchEnable
2017-12-08 21:03:19 -08:00
field = "TPS threshold", lnchCtrlTPS, { launchEnable }
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
field = "Soft rev limit", lnchSoftLim, { launchEnable }
field = "Soft limit absolute timing", lnchRetard, { launchEnable }
field = "Hard rev limit", lnchHardLim, { launchEnable }
field = "Fuel adder during launch", lnchFuelAdd, { launchEnable }
; Flat shift
field = "Flat Shift"
field = "Enable flat shift", flatSEnable
field = "Soft rev window", flatSSoftWin, { flatSEnable }
field = "Soft limit absolute timing", flatSRetard, { flatSEnable }
dialog = OLED, "OLED Display", 2
field = "Display Type", display
field = "#Note"
field = "ECU must be rebooted after changing above value"
field = "Field 1", display1, { display }
field = "Field 2", display2, { display }
field = "Field 3", display3, { display }
field = "Field 4", display4, { display }
;field = "Bar 1", displayB1, { display }
;field = "Bar 2", displayB2, { display > 2 }
dialog = mapCal, "Calibrate MAP"
field = "#MAP Sensor"
settingSelector = "Common Pressure Sensors"
settingOption = "MPX4115", mapMin=10, mapMax=118 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPX4115.pdf
settingOption = "MPX4250", mapMin=10, mapMax=260 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPX4250A.pdf Vout = VCC x (P x 0.004 – 0.04)
settingOption = "GM 1-BAR", mapMin=10, mapMax=105 ; https://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/File:GM_Table.gif
settingOption = "GM 2-BAR", mapMin=9, mapMax=208 ; https://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/File:GM_Table.gif
settingOption = "GM 3-BAR", mapMin=1, mapMax=315 ; VOUT = VS*(.00318*P-.00353)
settingOption = "MPXH6300", mapMin=1, mapMax=315 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPXH6300A.pdf VOUT = VS*(.00318*P-.00353)
settingOption = "MPX5700", mapMin=-31, mapMax=746 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPX5700.pdf Vout = VS*(0.0012858*P+0.04)
settingOption = "MPX6400", mapMin=3, mapMax=416 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPXH6400A.pdf VOUT = VS x (0.002421xP– 0.00842)
settingOption = "Denso 079800", mapMin=0, mapMax=173 ; http://speeduino.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=510&p=7023#p7021
settingOption = "VW/Audi/Porsche 250kPa", mapMin=26, mapMax=250 ; http://speeduino.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=17502#p17502
field = "kPa At 0.0 Volts", mapMin
field = "kPa At 5.0 Volts", mapMax
field = "#Baro Sensor"
field = "Use external Baro sensor", useExtBaro
field = "Analog pin to use for ext. Baro sensor", baroPin, { useExtBaro }
settingSelector = "Common Pressure Sensors", { useExtBaro }
settingOption = "MPX4115", baroMin=10, baroMax=118 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPX4115.pdf
settingOption = "MPX4250", baroMin=10, baroMax=260 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPX4250A.pdf Vout = VCC x (P x 0.004 – 0.04)
settingOption = "GM 1-BAR", baroMin=10, baroMax=105 ; https://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/File:GM_Table.gif
settingOption = "GM 2-BAR", baroMin=9, baroMax=208 ; https://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/File:GM_Table.gif
settingOption = "GM 3-BAR", baroMin=1, baroMax=315 ; VOUT = VS*(.00318*P-.00353)
settingOption = "MPXH6300", baroMin=1, baroMax=315 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPXH6300A.pdf VOUT = VS*(.00318*P-.00353)
settingOption = "MPX5700", baroMin=-31, baroMax=746 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPX5700.pdf Vout = VS*(0.0012858*P+0.04)
settingOption = "MPX6400", baroMin=3, baroMax=416 ; https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MPXH6400A.pdf VOUT = VS x (0.002421xP– 0.00842)
settingOption = "Denso 079800", baroMin=0, baroMax=173 ; http://speeduino.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=510&p=7023#p7021
settingOption = "VW/Audi/Porsche 250kPa", baroMin=26, baroMax=250 ; http://speeduino.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=17502#p17502
field = "kPa At 0.0 Volts", baroMin, { useExtBaro }
field = "kPa At 5.0 Volts", baroMax, { useExtBaro }
dialog = boostSettings, "Boost Control"
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Boost_Control"
field = "Boost Control Enabled", boostEnabled
field = "Boost output pin", boostPin, { boostEnabled }
field = "Boost solenoid freq.", boostFreq, { boostEnabled }
field = "Valve minimum duty cycle", boostMinDuty, { boostEnabled }
field = "Valve maximum duty cycle", boostMaxDuty, { boostEnabled }
panel = boostCut
field = "Closed Loop settings"
field = "Control mode", boostMode, { boostEnabled }
slider = "Sensitivity", boostSens, horizontal, { boostEnabled }
field = "Control interval", boostIntv, { boostEnabled }
field = "P", boostKP, { boostEnabled && boostMode }
field = "I", boostKI, { boostEnabled && boostMode}
field = "D", boostKD, { boostEnabled && boostMode}
dialog = vvtSettings, "VVT Control"
field = "VVT Control Enabled", vvtEnabled
field = "Use VVT map as On / Off only", VVTasOnOff, { vvtEnabled }
field = "VVT output pin", vvtPin, { vvtEnabled }
field = "VVT solenoid freq.", vvtFreq, { vvtEnabled }
dialog = warmup, "Warmup Enrichment (WUE) - Percent Multiplier"
panel = warmup_curve
field = "Final enrichment value must be 100%."
field = ""
panel = aseSettings
;Fuel trim composite dialog
dialog = inj_trim1TblTitle, "Channel #1"
panel = fuelTrimTable1Tbl, { fuelTrimEnabled }
dialog = inj_trim2TblTitle, "Channel #2"
panel = fuelTrimTable2Tbl, { fuelTrimEnabled }
dialog = inj_trim3TblTitle, "Channel #3"
panel = fuelTrimTable3Tbl, { fuelTrimEnabled }
dialog = inj_trim4TblTitle, "Channel #4"
panel = fuelTrimTable4Tbl, { fuelTrimEnabled }
dialog = inj_trimadt, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trim1TblTitle
panel = inj_trim2TblTitle
dialog = inj_trimadb, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trim3TblTitle
panel = inj_trim4TblTitle
dialog = inj_trim_enable, ""
field = "Individual fuel trim enabled", fuelTrimEnabled, { injLayout == 3 }
dialog = inj_trimad,"Injector Cyl 1-4 Trims", yAxis
panel = inj_trim_enable, North
panel = inj_trimadt, Center
panel = inj_trimadb, South
;;Injector staging
dialog = stagingTableDialog_north, ""
field = "Staging enabled", stagingEnabled
field = "Staging mode", stagingMode
field = "Size of primary injectors", stagedInjSizePri, { stagingEnabled }
field = "Size of secondary injectors", stagedInjSizeSec, { stagingEnabled }
dialog = stagingTableDialog_south, ""
panel = stagingTbl, { stagingMode == 0 }
dialog = stagingTableDialog, "Staged injection"
topicHelp = "https://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Staged_Injection"
panel = stagingTableDialog_north, North
panel = stagingTableDialog_south, South
dialog = outputtest_warningmessage, ""
field = "Do not attempt to use this page whilst your engine is running!"
field = "Forcing the Injector or Spark outputs could cause flooding of your engine or permanent damage to ignition coils!"
dialog = enableoutputtestbuttons, "Enable Test Controls", xAxis
;commandButton = "Label Text", command, { Enabled Condition }, optionalFlags
; The rem > 0 expression is just for testing.. It works when the arduino is on the Stim with rpm.
; a status bit there would be the expected real expression
commandButton = "Enable Test Mode", cmdEnableTestMode,{!testenabled & !testactive }
; if clickOnCloseIfEnabled is set, then the command assigned to this button will be run on the
; dialog close, but only if the enable condition is true
; valid click flags are:
; clickOnCloseIfEnabled - the command will be sent on dialog close if active condition is true
; clickOnCloseIfDisabled - the command will be sent on dialog close if active condition is false
; clickOnClose - the command will be sent on dialog close always
commandButton = "Stop Test Mode", cmdStopTestMode,{testactive}, clickOnCloseIfEnabled
dialog = outputtestinj1, "Injector CH1", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj1off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj150dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj1on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestinj2, "Injector CH2", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj2off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj250dc,{!testenabled &testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj2on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestinj3, "Injector CH3", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj3off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj350dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj3on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestinj4, "Injector CH4", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestinj4off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestinj450dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestinj4on ,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtest_injectors, "Injector Driver Output Test", xAxis
panel = outputtestinj1
panel = outputtestinj2
panel = outputtestinj3
panel = outputtestinj4
dialog = outputtestspk1, "Spark CH1 ", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk1off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk150dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk1on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestspk2, "Spark CH2", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk2off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk250dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk2on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestspk3, "Spark CH3", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk3off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk350dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk3on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtestspk4, "Spark CH4", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtestspk4off,{testactive}
commandButton = "50% DC", cmdtestspk450dc,{!testenabled & testactive}
commandButton = "On", cmdtestspk4on,{!testenabled & testactive}
dialog = outputtest_spark, "Spark Driver Output Test", xAxis
panel = outputtestspk1
panel = outputtestspk2
panel = outputtestspk3
panel = outputtestspk4
dialog = outputtest1,"Test Output Hardware"
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Hardware_testing_page"
panel = enableoutputtestbuttons
panel = outputtest_injectors
panel = outputtest_spark
;panel = outputtest_io2
panel = outputtest_warningmessage
dialog = caninput_sel, ""
;CAN inputs
field = " CAN Input Channel on/off"
field = "CAN Input 0", caninput_sel0, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 1", caninput_sel1, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 2", caninput_sel2, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 3", caninput_sel3, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 4", caninput_sel4, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 5", caninput_sel5, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 6", caninput_sel6, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 7", caninput_sel7, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 8", caninput_sel8, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 9", caninput_sel9, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 10", caninput_sel10, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 11", caninput_sel11, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 12", caninput_sel12, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 13", caninput_sel13, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 14", caninput_sel14, { enable_candata_in }
field = "CAN Input 15", caninput_sel15, { enable_candata_in }
dialog = caninput_parameter_group, "", yAxis
field = " Source CAN Address"
field = "", caninput_source_can_address0, { caninput_sel0 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address1, { caninput_sel1 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address2, { caninput_sel2 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address3, { caninput_sel3 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address4, { caninput_sel4 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address5, { caninput_sel5 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address6, { caninput_sel6 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address7, { caninput_sel7 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address8, { caninput_sel8 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address9, { caninput_sel9 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address10, { caninput_sel10 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address11, { caninput_sel11 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address12, { caninput_sel12 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address13, { caninput_sel13 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address14, { caninput_sel14 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_can_address15, { caninput_sel15 && enable_candata_in }
dialog = caninput_parameter_start_byte, "", yAxis
field = " source data start byte"
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte0, { caninput_sel0 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte1, { caninput_sel1 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte2, { caninput_sel2 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte3, { caninput_sel3 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte4, { caninput_sel4 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte5, { caninput_sel5 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte6, { caninput_sel6 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte7, { caninput_sel7 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte8, { caninput_sel8 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte9, { caninput_sel9 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte10, { caninput_sel10 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte11, { caninput_sel11 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte12, { caninput_sel12 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte13, { caninput_sel13 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte14, { caninput_sel14 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_start_byte15, { caninput_sel15 && enable_candata_in }
dialog = caninput_parameter_num_byte, "", yAxis
field = "Input Parameter Number of Bytes"
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes0, { caninput_sel0 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes1, { caninput_sel1 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes2, { caninput_sel3 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes3, { caninput_sel3 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes4, { caninput_sel4 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes5, { caninput_sel5 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes6, { caninput_sel6 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes7, { caninput_sel7 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes8, { caninput_sel8 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes9, { caninput_sel9 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes10, { caninput_sel10 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes11, { caninput_sel11 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes12, { caninput_sel12 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes13, { caninput_sel13 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes14, { caninput_sel14 && enable_candata_in }
field = "", caninput_source_num_bytes15, { caninput_sel15 && enable_candata_in }
dialog = caninconfig_blank1,""
field = ""
dialog = Canin_config1, "", xAxis
panel = caninput_sel
panel = caninconfig_blank1
panel = caninput_parameter_group
panel = caninconfig_blank1
panel = caninput_parameter_start_byte
panel = caninconfig_blank1
panel = caninput_parameter_num_byte
dialog = Canin_config2, "External Data Input"
field = "Enable External data input", enable_candata_in
dialog = Canin_config, "", border
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Secondary_Serial_IO_interface#Read_external_analog_data"
panel = Canin_config2, North
panel = Canin_config1, South
dialog = canoutput_sel, ""
;CAN outputs
field = "CAN Output Channel on/off"
field = "CAN Output 0", canoutput_sel0, { enable_candata_out}
field = "CAN Output 1", canoutput_sel1, { enable_candata_out }
field = "CAN Output 2", canoutput_sel2, { enable_candata_out }
field = "CAN Output 3", canoutput_sel3, { enable_candata_out }
field = "CAN Output 4", canoutput_sel4, { enable_candata_out }
field = "CAN Output 5", canoutput_sel5, { enable_candata_out }
field = "CAN Output 6", canoutput_sel6, { enable_candata_out }
field = "CAN Output 7", canoutput_sel7, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 8", canoutput_sel8, { enable_candata_out}
; field = "CAN Output 9", canoutput_sel9, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 10", canoutput_sel10, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 11", canoutput_sel11, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 12", canoutput_sel12, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 13", canoutput_sel13, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 14", canoutput_sel14, { enable_candata_out }
; field = "CAN Output 15", canoutput_sel15, { enable_candata_out }
dialog = canoutput_parameter_group, "", yAxis
field = "Output Parameter Group"
field = "", canoutput_param_group[0], { canoutput_sel0 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[1], { canoutput_sel1 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[2], { canoutput_sel3 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[3], { canoutput_sel3 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[4], { canoutput_sel4 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[5], { canoutput_sel5 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[6], { canoutput_sel6 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_group[7], { canoutput_sel7 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[8], { canoutput_sel9 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[9], { canoutput_sel10 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[10], { canoutput_sel1 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[11], { canoutput_sel2 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[12], { canoutput_sel3 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[13], { canoutput_sel4 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[14], { canoutput_sel5 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_group[15], { canoutput_sel6 && enable_candata_out }
dialog = canoutput_parameter_start_byte, "", yAxis
field = "Output Parameter Start Byte"
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte0, { canoutput_sel0 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte1, { canoutput_sel1 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte2, { canoutput_sel2 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte3, { canoutput_sel3 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte4, { canoutput_sel4 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte5, { canoutput_sel5 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte6, { canoutput_sel6 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte7, { canoutput_sel7 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte8, { canoutput_sel8 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte9, { canoutput_sel9 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte10, { canoutput_sel10 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte11, { canoutput_sel11 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte12, { canoutput_sel12 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte13, { canoutput_sel13 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte14, { canoutput_sel14 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_start_byte15, { canoutput_sel15 && enable_candata_out }
dialog = canoutput_parameter_num_byte, "", yAxis
field = "Output Parameter Number of Bytes"
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes0, { canoutput_sel0 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes1, { canoutput_sel1 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes2, { canoutput_sel2 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes3, { canoutput_sel3 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes4, { canoutput_sel4 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes5, { canoutput_sel5 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes6, { canoutput_sel6 && enable_candata_out }
field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes7, { canoutput_sel7 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes8, { canoutput_sel8 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes9, { canoutput_sel9 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes10, { canoutput_sel10 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes11, { canoutput_sel11 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes12, { canoutput_sel12 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes13, { canoutput_sel13 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes14, { canoutput_sel14 && enable_candata_out }
; field = "", canoutput_param_num_bytes15, { canoutput_sel15 && enable_candata_out }
dialog = canoutconfig_blank1,""
field = ""
dialog = Canout_config1, "", xAxis
panel = canoutput_sel
panel = canoutconfig_blank1
panel = canoutput_parameter_group
panel = canoutconfig_blank1
panel = canoutput_parameter_start_byte
panel = canoutconfig_blank1
panel = canoutput_parameter_num_byte
dialog = Canout_config2, "CAN Data Out"
field = "Enable CanBus data Output", enable_candata_out
dialog = Canout_config, "", border
topicHelp = ""
panel = Canout_config2, North
panel = Canout_config1, South
dialog = can_serial3IO, "CanBus/Serial3 IO interface"
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Secondary_Serial_IO_interface"
field = "Enable CanBus/Second Serial", enable_canbus
; field = "Speeduino TsCanId", speeduino_tsCanId
field = "True Canbus Address", true_address {enable_canbus}
field = "NOTE! Realtime Datat Base Address MUST be at least 0x16 GREATER than the True Address as they are reserved for future expansion"
field = "Realtime Data Base Can Address", realtime_base_address {enable_canbus}
; field = "Speeduino OBD address", obd_address
dialog = serial3IO, "Serial3 IO interface"
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Serial3_IO_interface"
field = "Enable Second Serial", enable_canbus
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
dialog = reset_control, "Reset Control"
; Control type options for custom firmware
2018-02-07 16:37:21 -08:00
field = "Control Type", resetControl
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
field = "Control Pin", resetControlPin
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; General help text
help = helpGeneral, "Speeduino General Help"
webHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Speeduino"
text = "For current WIKI documentation, click the Web Help button,"
text = "or visit http://www.speeduino.com/."
text = "<br>"
text = "<br>why not visit our forum http://speeduino.com/forum/"
; commandName = command1, command2, commandn...
; command in standard ini format, a command name can be assigned to 1 to n commands that will be executed in order.
; This does not include any resultant protocol envelope data, only the response data itself.
; WARNING!! These commands bypass TunerStudio's normal memory synchronization. If these commands
; alter mapped settings (Constant) memory in the controller, TunerStudio will have an out of sync condition
; and may create error messages.
; It is expected that these commands would not typically alter any ram mapped to a Constant.
cmdStopTestMode = "E\x01\x00"
cmdEnableTestMode = "E\x01\x01"
cmdtestinj1on = "E\x02\x01"
cmdtestinj1off = "E\x02\x02"
cmdtestinj150dc = "E\x02\x03"
cmdtestinj2on = "E\x02\x04"
cmdtestinj2off = "E\x02\x05"
cmdtestinj250dc = "E\x02\x06"
cmdtestinj3on = "E\x02\x07"
cmdtestinj3off = "E\x02\x08"
cmdtestinj350dc = "E\x02\x09"
cmdtestinj4on = "E\x02\x0A"
cmdtestinj4off = "E\x02\x0B"
cmdtestinj450dc = "E\x02\x0C"
cmdtestspk1on = "E\x03\x01"
cmdtestspk1off = "E\x03\x02"
cmdtestspk150dc = "E\x03\x03"
cmdtestspk2on = "E\x03\x04"
cmdtestspk2off = "E\x03\x05"
cmdtestspk250dc = "E\x03\x06"
cmdtestspk3on = "E\x03\x07"
cmdtestspk3off = "E\x03\x08"
cmdtestspk350dc = "E\x03\x09"
cmdtestspk4on = "E\x03\x0A"
cmdtestspk4off = "E\x03\x0B"
cmdtestspk450dc = "E\x03\x0C"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Help down here
;time-based accel enrichment
curve = time_accel_tpsdot_curve, "TPS based AE"
columnLabel = "TPSdot", "Added"
xAxis = 0, 1200, 6
yAxis = 0, 250, 4
xBins = taeBins, TPSdot
yBins = taeRates
;gauge = cltGauge
; Correction curve for dwell vs battery voltage
curve = dwell_correction_curve, "Dwell voltage correction"
columnLabel = "Voltage", "Dwell"
xAxis = 6, 22, 6
yAxis = 0, 255, 6
xBins = brvBins, batteryVoltage
yBins = dwellRates
; Correction curve for injectors vs battery voltage
curve = injector_voltage_curve, "Injector voltage correction"
columnLabel = "Voltage", "Injector"
xAxis = 6, 22, 6
yAxis = 0, 255, 6
xBins = brvBins, batteryVoltage
yBins = injBatRates
; Correction curve for Air Density vs temperature
curve = airdensity_curve, "IAT density correction"
columnLabel = "Air Temperature", "Fuel Amount"
xAxis = -40, 160, 6
yAxis = 0, 255, 6
xBins = airDenBins, iat
yBins = airDenRates
; IAT based ignition timing retard
curve = iat_retard_curve, "IAT timing retard"
columnLabel = "Inlet Air Temp", "Retard"
xAxis = -40, 200, 5
yAxis = 0, 30, 5
xBins = iatRetBins, iat
yBins = iatRetRates
; Curves for idle control
; Standard duty table for PWM valves
curve = iacPwm_curve, "IAC PWM Duty"
columnLabel = "Coolant Temperature", "Valve"
xAxis = -40, 215, 6
xAxis = -40, 315, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 4
xBins = iacBins, coolant
yBins = iacOLPWMVal
; Cranking duty table for PWM valves
curve = iacPwmCrank_curve, "IAC PWM Cranking Duty"
columnLabel = "Coolant Temperature", "Valve"
xAxis = -40, 215, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 4
xBins = iacCrankBins, coolant
yBins = iacCrankDuty
curve = iacStep_curve, "IAC Stepper Motor"
columnLabel = "Coolant Temperature", "Motor"
xAxis = -40, 215, 6
xAxis = -40, 315, 6
yAxis = 0, 850, 4
xBins = iacBins, coolant
yBins = iacOLStepVal
curve = iacStepCrank_curve, "IAC Stepper Motor Cranking"
columnLabel = "Coolant Temperature", "Motor"
xAxis = -40, 120, 6
yAxis = 0, 850, 4
xBins = iacCrankBins, coolant
yBins = iacCrankSteps
curve = iacClosedLoop_curve, "IAC Closed Loop Targets"
columnLabel = "Coolant Temperature", "Motor"
xAxis = -40, 120, 6
yAxis = 0, 2000, 4
xBins = iacBins, coolant
yBins = iacCLValues
curve = rotaryTrailing_curve, "Rotary Trailing Split"
columnLabel = "Engine load", "Split"
yAxis = 0, 40, 4
xBins = rotarySplitBins, map
xAxis = 0, 250, 5
xBins = rotarySplitBins, throttle
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yBins = rotarySplitValues
; Warmup enrichment curve
curve = warmup_curve, "Warmup Enrichment (WUE) Curve"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "WUE %"
xAxis = -40, 210, 9
yAxis = 0, 240, 6
xBins = wueBins, coolant
yBins = wueRates
gauge = cltGauge
; Cranking enrichment curve
curve = cranking_enrich_curve, "Cranking Enrichment Curve"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Enrich %"
xAxis = -40, 110, 9
yAxis = 0, 200, 6
xBins = crankingEnrichBins, coolant
yBins = crankingEnrichValues
;gauge = cltGau25
; Warmup enrichment VEAL AFR adjustment curve (Not currently working)
;curve = warmup_afr_curve, "AFR Target Temperature Adustment"
; columnLabel = "Coolant Temp", "AFR Offset %"
; xAxis = -40, 210, 9
; yAxis = 0, 240, 6
; xBins = wueAFRBins, coolant
; yBins = wueAFRRates
2018-01-19 20:24:02 -08:00
; Flex fuel correction curves
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
curve = flex_fuel_curve, "Flex Fuel Adjustments"
columnLabel = "Ethanol", "Fuel"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 255, 10
xBins = flexFuelBins, flex
yBins = flexFuelAdj
size = 400, 200
curve = flex_adv_curve, "Flex Timing Advance"
columnLabel = "Ethanol", "Advance"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 100, 5
xBins = flexAdvBins, flex
yBins = flexAdvAdj
size = 400, 200
curve = flex_boost_curve, "Flex Boost Adjustments"
columnLabel = "Ethanol", "Boost"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = -100, 200, 5
xBins = flexBoostBins, flex
yBins = flexBoostAdj
size = 400, 200
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; table_id, map3d_id, "title", page
table = veTable1Tbl, veTable1Map, "VE Table", 1
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Tuning"
; constant, variable
xBins = rpmBins, rpm
yBins = mapBins, map
yBins = tpsBins, throttle
zBins = veTable
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
table = sparkTbl, sparkMap, "Ignition Advance Table", 3
xBins = rpmBins2, rpm
yBins = mapBins2, map
#else ALPHA_N
yBins = tpsBins2, throttle
zBins = advTable1
gridHeight = 3.0
upDownLabel = "ADVANCED", "RETARDED"
;table = afrTbl, afrTableMap, "AFR Table", 5
table = afrTable1Tbl, afrTable1Map, "AFR Table", 5
xBins = rpmBinsAFR, rpm
yBins = mapBinsAFR, map
#else ALPHA_N
yBins = tpsBinsAFR, throttle
zBins = afrTable
gridHeight = 1.0
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostTbl, boostMap, "Boost targets (PSI)", 8
table = boostTbl, boostMap, "Boost targets (Absolute kPa)", 8
xBins = rpmBinsBoost, rpm
yBins = tpsBinsBoost, throttle
zBins = boostTable
gridHeight = 3.0
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
table = vvtTbl, vvtMap, "VVT control Table", 8
xBins = rpmBinsVVT, rpm
yBins = tpsBinsVVT, throttle
zBins = vvtTable
gridHeight = 3.0
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
table = stagingTbl, stagingMap, "Fuel Staging Table", 10
xBins = rpmBinsStaging, rpm
yBins = mapBinsStaging, map
#else ALPHA_N
yBins = tpsBinsStaging, throttle
zBins = stagingTable
gridHeight = 3.0
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
;--------- Sequential fuel trim maps -----------
table = fuelTrimTable1Tbl, fuelTrimTable1Map, "Fuel trim Table 1", 9
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Tuning"
xBins = fuelTrim1rpmBins, rpm
yBins = fuelTrim1loadBins, map
yBins = fuelTrim1loadBins, throttle
zBins = fuelTrim1Table
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
table = fuelTrimTable2Tbl, fuelTrimTable2Map, "Fuel trim Table 2", 9
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Tuning"
xBins = fuelTrim2rpmBins, rpm
yBins = fuelTrim2loadBins, map
yBins = fuelTrim2loadBins, throttle
zBins = fuelTrim2Table
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
table = fuelTrimTable3Tbl, fuelTrimTable3Map, "Fuel trim Table 3", 9
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Tuning"
xBins = fuelTrim3rpmBins, rpm
yBins = fuelTrim3loadBins, map
yBins = fuelTrim3loadBins, throttle
zBins = fuelTrim3Table
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
table = fuelTrimTable4Tbl, fuelTrimTable4Map, "Fuel trim Table 4", 9
topicHelp = "http://speeduino.com/wiki/index.php/Tuning"
xBins = fuelTrim4rpmBins, rpm
yBins = fuelTrim4loadBins, map
yBins = fuelTrim4loadBins, throttle
zBins = fuelTrim4Table
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
; Define a gauge's characteristics here, then go to a specific layout
; block (Tuning or FrontPage) and use the name you've defined here to
; display that gauge in a particular position.
; Name = Case-sensitive, user-defined name for this gauge configuration.
; Var = Case-sensitive name of variable to be displayed, see the
; OutputChannels block in this file for possible values.
; Title = Title displayed at the top of the gauge.
; Units = Units displayed below value on gauge.
; Lo = Lower scale limit of gauge.
; Hi = Upper scale limit of gauge.
; LoD = Lower limit at which danger color is used for gauge background.
; LoW = Lower limit at which warning color is used.
; HiW = Upper limit at which warning color is used.
; HiD = Upper limit at which danger color is used.
; vd = Decimal places in displayed value
; ld = Label decimal places for display of Lo and Hi, above.
gaugeCategory = "Main"
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
accelEnrichGauge = accelEnrich, "Accel Enrich", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 999, 999, 0, 0
dutyCycleGauge = dutyCycle, "Duty Cycle", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 70, 80, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge = egoCorrection, "EGO Correction", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 0, 0
gammaEnrichGauge = gammaEnrich, "Gamma Enrichment", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 151, 151, 0, 0
pulseWidthGauge = pulseWidth, "Pulse Width", "mSec", 0, 35.0, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 3
tachometer = rpm, "Engine Speed", "RPM", 0, 8000, 300, 600, 3000, 5000, 0, 0
veGauge = veCurr, "VE Current", "%", 0, 120, -1, -1, 999, 999, 0, 0
warmupEnrichGauge = warmupEnrich, "Warmup Enrichment", "%", 100, 200, 130, 140, 140, 150, 0, 0
advanceGauge = advance, "Spark Advance", "deg BTDC", 50, -10, 0, 0, 35, 45, 0, 0
dwellGauge = dwell, "Ign Dwell", "mSec", 0, 35.0, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 3
gaugeCategory = "Sensor inputs"
mapGauge = map, "Engine MAP", "kPa", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 0, 0
mapGauge_psi = map_psi, "Engine MAP (PSI)", "PSI", -15, 100, 0, 20, 200, 245, 0, 0
mapGauge_bar = map_bar, "Engine MAP (BAR)", "Bar", -1, 3, -1, -1, 5, 5, 2, 2
mapGauge_vacBoost = map_vacboost, "Engine MAP (in-Hg/PSI)", "in-Hg/PSI", -30, 30, -30, -30, 30, 30, 1, 1
batteryVoltage = batteryVoltage,"Battery Voltage", "volts", 0, 25, 8, 9, 15, 16, 2, 2
tpsADCGauge = tpsADC, "TPS ADC", "", 0, 255, -1, -1, 256, 256, 0, 0
throttleGauge = throttle, "Throttle Position", "%TPS", 0, 100, -1, 1, 90, 100, 0, 0
afrGauge = afr, "Air:Fuel Ratio", "", 7, 25, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afrGauge2 = afr2, "Air:Fuel Ratio 2", "", 7, 25, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
lambdaGauge = lambda, "Lambda", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
cltGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "TEMP", -40, 215, -15, 0, 95, 105, 0, 0
iatGauge = iat, "Inlet Air Temp", "TEMP", -40, 215, -15, 0, 95, 100, 0, 0
cltGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "TEMP", -40, 215, 0, 30, 200, 220, 0, 0
iatGauge = iat, "Inlet Air Temp", "TEMP", -40, 215, 0, 30, 200, 210, 0, 0
flexGauge = flex, "Flex sensor", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 999, 999, 0, 0
gaugeCategory = "CanBus Inputs"
CanGauge0 = canin_gauge0, "Can In0" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge1 = canin_gauge1, "Can In1" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge2 = canin_gauge2, "Can In2" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge3 = canin_gauge3, "Can In3" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge4 = canin_gauge4, "Can In4" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge5 = canin_gauge5, "Can In5" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge6 = canin_gauge6, "Can In6" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge7 = canin_gauge7, "Can In7" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge8 = canin_gauge8, "Can In8" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge9 = canin_gauge9, "Can In9" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge10 = canin_gauge10, "Can In10" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge11 = canin_gauge11, "Can In11" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge12 = canin_gauge12, "Can In12" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge13 = canin_gauge13, "Can In13" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge14 = canin_gauge14, "Can In14" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
CanGauge15 = canin_gauge15, "Can In15" "", 0, 1024, -1, -1, 1025, 1025, 0, 0
gaugeCategory = "System Data"
clockGauge = secl, "Clock", "Seconds", 0, 255, 10, 10, 245, 245, 0, 0
loopGauge = loopsPerSecond,"Main loop speed", "Loops/S" , 0, 70000, -1, 500,1800, 4000, 0, 0
memoryGauge = freeRAM, "Free memory", "bytes" , 0, 8000, -1, 1000,8000, 1000, 0, 0
; Gauges are numbered left to right, top to bottom.
; 1 2 3 4
; 5 6 7 8
gauge1 = tachometer
gauge2 = throttleGauge
gauge3 = pulseWidthGauge
gauge4 = dutyCycleGauge
gauge5 = mapGauge
gauge6 = iatGauge
gauge7 = cltGauge
gauge8 = gammaEnrichGauge
; Indicators
; expr off-label on-label, off-bg, off-fg, on-bg, on-fg
indicator = { running }, "Not Running", "Running" white, black, green, black
indicator = { crank }, "Not Cranking", "Cranking", white, black, green, black
indicator = { ase }, "ASE OFF", "ASE ON", white, black, green, black
indicator = { warmup }, "WUE OFF", "WUE ON", white, black, green, black
indicator = { tpsaccaen }, "Accel", "Accel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { tpsaccden }, "Decel", "Decel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { mapaccaen }, "MAP Accel", "MAP Accel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { mapaccden }, "MAP Decel", "MAP Decel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { error }, "No Errors", "ERROR", white, black, green, black
indicator = { (tps > tpsflood) && (rpm < crankRPM) }, "FLOOD OFF", "FLOOD CLEAR", white, black, red, black
indicator = { DFCOOn }, "DFCO OFF", "DFCO On", white, black, red, black
indicator = { launchHard }, "Launch Hard", "Launch Hard", white, black, green, black
indicator = { launchSoft }, "Launch Soft", "Launch Soft", white, black, green, black
indicator = { softlimitOn }, "Soft Limit OFF","Soft Limiter", white, black, red, black
indicator = { hardLimitOn }, "Hard Limit OFF","Hard Limiter", white, black, red, black
indicator = { boostCutOut }, "Ign Cut OFF", "Ign Cut (Boost)", white, black, red, black
indicator = { sync }, "No Sync", "Sync", white, black, green, black
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
indicator = { resetLockOn }, "Reset Lock OFF","Reset Lock ON", red, black, green, black
indicator = { bootloaderCaps > 0 }, "Std. Boot", "Custom Boot", white, black, white, black
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
; The number of bytes MegaTune or TunerStudio should expect as a result
; of sending the "A" command to Speeduino is determined
; by the value of ochBlockSize, so be very careful when
; you change it.
ochGetCommand = "r\$tsCanId\x30%2o%2c"
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
ochBlockSize = 84
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
secl = scalar, U08, 0, "sec", 1.000, 0.000
status1 = scalar, U08, 1, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
inj1Status = bits, U08, 1, [0:0]
inj2Status = bits, U08, 1, [1:1]
inj3Status = bits, U08, 1, [2:2]
inj4Status = bits, U08, 1, [3:3]
DFCOOn = bits, U08, 1, [4:4]
boostCutFuel = bits, U08, 1, [5:5]
toothLog1Ready = bits, U08, 1, [6:6]
toothLog2Ready = bits, U08, 1, [7:7]
engine = scalar, U08, 2, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
running = bits, U08, 2, [0:0]
crank = bits, U08, 2, [1:1]
ase = bits, U08, 2, [2:2]
warmup = bits, U08, 2, [3:3]
tpsaccaen = bits, U08, 2, [4:4]
tpsaccden = bits, U08, 2, [5:5]
mapaccaen = bits, U08, 2, [6:6]
mapaccden = bits, U08, 2, [7:7]
dwell = scalar, U08, 3, "ms", 0.100, 0.000
map = scalar, U16, 4, "kpa", 1.000, 0.000
iatRaw = scalar, U08, 6, "°C", 1.000, 0.000
coolantRaw = scalar, U08, 7, "°C", 1.000, 0.000
batCorrection = scalar, U08, 8, "%", 1.000, 0.000
batteryVoltage = scalar, U08, 9, "V", 0.100, 0.000
afr = scalar, U08, 10, "O2", 0.100, 0.000
egoCorrection = scalar, U08, 11, "%", 1.000, 0.000
airCorrection = scalar, U08, 12, "%", 1.000, 0.000
warmupEnrich = scalar, U08, 13, "%", 1.000, 0.000
rpm = scalar, U16, 14, "rpm", 1.000, 0.000
accelEnrich = scalar, U08, 16, "%", 2.000, 0.000
gammaEnrich = scalar, U08, 17, "%", 1.000, 0.000
veCurr = scalar, U08, 18, "%", 1.000, 0.000
afrTarget = scalar, U08, 19, "O2", 0.100, 0.000
pulseWidth = scalar, U16, 20, "ms", 0.001, 0.000
TPSdot = scalar, U08, 22, "%/s", 10.00, 0.000
advance = scalar, S08, 23, "deg", 1.000, 0.000
tps = scalar, U08, 24, "%", 1.000, 0.000
loopsPerSecond = scalar, U16, 25, "loops", 1.000, 0.000
freeRAM = scalar, U16, 27, "bytes", 1.000, 0.000
boostTarget = scalar, U08, 29, "kPa", 2.000, 0.000
boostDuty = scalar, U08, 30, "%", 1.000, 0.000
status2 = scalar, U08, 31, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
launchHard = bits, U08, 31, [0:0]
launchSoft = bits, U08, 31, [1:1]
hardLimitOn = bits, U08, 31, [2:2]
softlimitOn = bits, U08, 31, [3:3]
boostCutSpark = bits, U08, 31, [4:4]
error = bits, U08, 31, [5:5]
idle = bits, U08, 31, [6:6]
sync = bits, U08, 31, [7:7]
rpmDOT = scalar, S16, 32, "rpm/s", 1.000, 0.000
flex = scalar, U08, 34, "%", 1.000, 0.000
flexFuelCor = scalar, U08, 35, "%", 1.000, 0.000
flexIgnCor = scalar, U08, 36, "deg", 1.000, 0.000
idleLoad = scalar, U08, 37, { bitStringValue( idleUnits , iacAlgorithm ) }, 2.000, 0.000 ; This is a combined variable covering both PWM and stepper IACs. The units used depend on which idle algorithm is chosen
testoutputs = scalar, U08, 38, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
testenabled = bits, U08, 38, [0:0]
testactive = bits, U08, 38, [1:1]
afr2 = scalar, U08, 39, "O2", 0.100, 0.000
baro = scalar, U08, 40, "kpa", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge0 = scalar, U16, 41, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge1 = scalar, U16, 43, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge2 = scalar, U16, 45, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge3 = scalar, U16, 47, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge4 = scalar, U16, 49, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge5 = scalar, U16, 51, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge6 = scalar, U16, 53, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge7 = scalar, U16, 55, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge8 = scalar, U16, 57, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge9 = scalar, U16, 59, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge10 = scalar, U16, 61, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge11 = scalar, U16, 63, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge12 = scalar, U16, 65, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge13 = scalar, U16, 67, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge14 = scalar, U16, 69, "", 1.000, 0.000
canin_gauge15 = scalar, U16, 71, "", 1.000, 0.000
tpsADC = scalar, U08, 73, "ADC",1.000, 0.000
errors = scalar, U08, 74, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
errorNum = bits, U08, 74, [0:1]
currentError = bits, U08, 74, [2:7]
pulseWidth2 = scalar, U16, 75, "ms", 0.001, 0.000
pulseWidth3 = scalar, U16, 77, "ms", 0.001, 0.000
pulseWidth4 = scalar, U16, 79, "ms", 0.001, 0.000
2018-01-21 12:32:51 -08:00
status3 = scalar, U08, 81, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
resetLockOn = bits, U08, 81, [0:0]
unused81_1-7 = bits, U08, 81, [1:7]
2018-01-21 12:55:47 -08:00
flexBoostCor = scalar, S16, 81, "kPa", 1.000, 0.000
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
coolant = { coolantRaw - 40 } ; Temperature readings are offset by 40 to allow for negatives
iat = { iatRaw - 40 } ; Temperature readings are offset by 40 to allow for negatives
coolant = { (coolantRaw - 40) * 1.8 + 32 } ;Convert C to F (Offset by 40)
iat = { (iatRaw - 40) * 1.8 + 32 } ;Convert C to F (Offset by 40)
time = { timeNow }
seconds = { secl }
throttle = { tps }, "%"
cycleTime = { rpm ? ( 60000.0 / rpm ) : 0 }
cycleMultiplier = { injLayout == 3 ? 2 : 1 }
dutyCycle = { rpm ? ( 100.0*pulseWidth/(cycleTime * cycleMultiplier) ) : 0 }
boostCutOut = { boostCutFuel || boostCutSpark }
lambda = { afr / stoich }
MAPxRPM = { rpm * map }
2018-02-04 17:44:38 -08:00
loopsPerRev = { loopsPerSecond / (rpm / 60) }
2018-01-11 19:04:43 -08:00
;Manifold pressure in weirdo units
map_bar = { (map - baro) / 101.33 }
map_psi = { (map - baro) * 0.145038 }
map_inhg = { (baro - map) * 0.2953007 } ;in-Hg
map_vacboost = { map < baro ? -map_inhg : map_psi }
; Full datalog.
; Default user-defined log emulates the full datalog.
; The entries are saved in the datalog file in the order in
; which they appear in the list below.
; Channel - Case sensitive name of output channel to be logged.
; Label - String written to header line of log. Be careful
; about changing these, as programs like MSLVV and
; MSTweak key off specific column names.
; Type - Data type of output, converted before writing.
; Format - C-style output format of data.
; Channel Label Type Format
; -------------- ---------- ----- ------
entry = time, "Time", float, "%.3f"
entry = secl, "SecL", int, "%d"
entry = rpm, "RPM", int, "%d"
entry = map, "MAP", int, "%d"
entry = MAPxRPM, "MAPxRPM", int, "%d"
entry = tps, "TPS", int, "%d"
entry = afr, "O2", float, "%.3f"
entry = lambda, "Lambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = iat, "IAT", int, "%d"
entry = coolant, "CLT", int, "%d"
entry = engine, "Engine", int, "%d"
entry = DFCOOn, "DFCO", int, "%d"
entry = egoCorrection, "Gego", int, "%d"
entry = airCorrection, "Gair", int, "%d"
entry = batCorrection, "Gbattery", int, "%d"
entry = warmupEnrich, "Gwarm", int, "%d"
;entry = baroCorrection, "Gbaro", int, "%d"
entry = gammaEnrich, "Gammae", int, "%d"
entry = accelEnrich, "Accel Enrich",int, "%d"
entry = veCurr, "VE", int, "%d"
entry = pulseWidth, "PW", float, "%.1f"
entry = afrTarget, "AFR Target", float, "%.3f"
entry = pulseWidth, "PW2", float, "%.1f"
entry = dutyCycle, "DutyCycle1", float, "%.1f"
entry = dutyCycle, "DutyCycle2", float, "%.1f"
entry = TPSdot, "TPS DOT", int, "%d"
entry = advance, "Advance", int, "%d"
entry = dwell, "Dwell", float, "%.1f"
entry = batteryVoltage, "Battery V", float, "%.1f"
entry = rpmDOT, "rpm/s", int, "%d"
entry = flex, "Eth %", int, "%d", { flexEnabled }
entry = errorNum, "Error #", int, "%d"
entry = currentError, "Error ID", int, "%d"
entry = map_psi, "Boost PSI", float, "%.1f"
entry = boostTarget, "Boost Target",int, "%d", { boostEnabled }
entry = boostDuty, "Boost Duty", int, "%d", { boostEnabled }
entry = boostCutOut , "Boost cut", int, "%d"
entry = launchHard , "Launch Hard", int, "%d"
entry = hardLimitOn , "Hard Limiter",int, "%d"
entry = idleLoad, "IAC value", int, "%d"
entry = baro, "Baro Pressure",int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge0, "CanIn CH0", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge1, "CanIn CH1", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge2, "CanIn CH2", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge3, "CanIn CH3", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge4, "CanIn CH4", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge5, "CanIn CH5", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge6, "CanIn CH6", int, "%d"
entry = canin_gauge7, "CanIn CH7", int, "%d"
; valid logger types: composite, tooth, trigger, csv
;loggerDef = uniqueName, Display Name, type
loggerDef = tooth, "Tooth Logger", tooth
;dataReadCommand = "r\\x00\\xf4\\x00\\x00\\x04\\x00" ; standard TS command format
dataReadCommand = "T" ; Basic TS command format
dataReadTimeout = 15000 ; time in ms
dataReadyCondition = { toothLog1Ready }
dataLength = 256 ; in bytes, including headers, footers and data (not used)
;recordDef = headerLen. footerLen, recordLen
recordDef = 0, 0, 2; in bytes, the recordLen is for each record, currently limited to 4 bytes
;recordField = Name, HeaderName, startBit, bitCount, scale, units, updateCondition
recordField = toothGap, "ToothTime", 0, 16, 1.0, "uS"
;addTool = toolName, PanelName
addTool = veTableGenerator, "VE Table Generator", veTable1Tbl
addTool = afrTableGenerator, "AFR Table Generator", afrTable1Tbl
; tableName, lambdaTargetTableName, lambdaChannel, egoCorrectionChannel, activeCondition
veAnalyzeMap = veTable1Tbl, afrTable1Tbl, afr, egoCorrection
lambdaTargetTables = afrTable1Tbl, afrTSCustom,
filter = std_xAxisMin ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
;filter = minRPMFilter, "Minimum RPM", rpm, < , 500, , true
filter = std_xAxisMax ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
filter = std_yAxisMin ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
filter = std_yAxisMax ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
filter = std_DeadLambda ; Auto build
filter = minCltFilter, "Minimum CLT", coolant, < , 71, , true
filter = minCltFilter, "Minimum CLT", coolant, < , 160, , true
filter = accelFilter, "Accel Flag" , engine, & , 16, , false
filter = aseFilter, "ASE Flag" , engine, & , 4, , false
filter = overrunFilter, "Overrun" , pulseWidth, = , 0, , false
filter = std_Custom ; Standard Custom Expression Filter.
;------------- WUE VEAL not currently working ----------------
; tableName, lambdaTargetTableName, lambdaChannel, egoCorrectionChannel, activeCondition
; wueAnalyzeMap = veTable1Tbl, afrTable1Tbl, afr, egoCorrection
; wueAnalyzeMap = afrTable1Tbl, warmup_afr_curve, warmup_curve, afr, coolant, warmupEnrich ;warmup_afr_curve,
; lambdaTargetTables = afrTable1Tbl, afrTSCustom,
;filter = std_xAxisMin ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
;filter = minRPMFilter, "Minimum RPM", rpm, < , 500, , true
;filter = std_xAxisMax ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
;filter = std_yAxisMin ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
;filter = std_yAxisMax ; Auto build with appropriate axis channels
;filter = std_DeadLambda ; Auto build
; filter = maxTPSFilter, "High Throttle", tps, < , 15, , true
;------------- WUE VEAL not currently working ----------------