volatileuint16_tlast250msLoopCount=1000;//Set to effectively random number on startup. Just need this to be different to what mainLoopCount equals initially (Probably 0)
#define micros() (((timer5_overflow_count << 16) + TCNT5) * 4) //Fast version of micros() that uses the 4uS tick of timer5. See timers.ino for the overflow ISR of timer5
#define millis() (ms_counter) //Replaces the standard millis() function with this macro. It is both faster and more accurate. See timers.ino for its counter increment.
staticinlineunsignedlongmicros_safe();//A version of micros() that is interrupt safe
#define micros_safe() micros() //If the timer5 method is not used, the micros_safe() macro is simply an alias for the normal micros()