If you haven't already, jump onto our Discord as that is where most of the development discussion takes place: https://speeduino.com/home/community/discord
Please send a [GitHub Pull Request to Speeduino](https://github.com/noisymime/speeduino/pull/new/master) with a clear list of what you've done (read more about [pull requests](http://help.github.com/pull-requests/)).
Please try to make each pull request atomic, that is, there should be a single defined intent or feature for the pull request. If you are adding multiple features or fixing different bugs, please split these up and submit multiple pull requests.
Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:
Note that all contributions to the project are made under the Github Contributor Lincensing Agreement: https://github.com/noisymime/speeduino/wiki/Contributor-License-Agreement
This ensures that all contributions made to the project are licensed in the same way as the existing work. Such an agreement is not intended to deprive contributors of their copyright, but to protect the project from claims by malicious contributors.