
1995 lines
81 KiB

#include "globals.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "updates.h"
#include "speeduino.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "cancomms.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "scheduledIO.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "auxiliaries.h"
#include "sensors.h"
#include "decoders.h"
#include "corrections.h"
#include "idle.h"
#include "table.h"
#include BOARD_H //Note that this is not a real file, it is defined in globals.h.
void initialiseAll()
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
table3D_setSize(&fuelTable, 16);
table3D_setSize(&fuelTable2, 16);
table3D_setSize(&ignitionTable, 16);
table3D_setSize(&afrTable, 16);
table3D_setSize(&stagingTable, 8);
table3D_setSize(&boostTable, 8);
table3D_setSize(&vvtTable, 8);
table3D_setSize(&trim1Table, 6);
table3D_setSize(&trim2Table, 6);
table3D_setSize(&trim3Table, 6);
table3D_setSize(&trim4Table, 6);
doUpdates(); //Check if any data items need updating (Occurs with firmware updates)
//Always start with a clean slate on the bootloader capabilities level
//This should be 0 until we hear otherwise from the 16u2
configPage4.bootloaderCaps = 0;
initBoard(); //This calls the current individual boards init function. See the board_xxx.ino files for these.
if (configPage9.enable_secondarySerial == 1) { CANSerial.begin(115200); }
#if defined(CORE_STM32) || defined(CORE_TEENSY)
configPage9.intcan_available = 1; // device has internal canbus
//Teensy onboard CAN not used currently
//enable local can interface
//setup can interface to 250k
//FlexCAN CANbus0(2500000, 0);
//static CAN_message_t txmsg,rxmsg;
//Repoint the 2D table structs to the config pages that were just loaded
taeTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE; //Set this table to use byte values
taeTable.xSize = 4;
taeTable.values = configPage4.taeValues;
taeTable.axisX = configPage4.taeBins;
maeTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE; //Set this table to use byte values
maeTable.xSize = 4;
maeTable.values = configPage4.maeRates;
maeTable.axisX = configPage4.maeBins;
WUETable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE; //Set this table to use byte values
WUETable.xSize = 10;
WUETable.values = configPage2.wueValues;
WUETable.axisX = configPage4.wueBins;
ASETable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
ASETable.xSize = 4;
ASETable.values = configPage2.asePct;
ASETable.axisX = configPage2.aseBins;
ASECountTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
ASECountTable.xSize = 4;
ASECountTable.values = configPage2.aseCount;
ASECountTable.axisX = configPage2.aseBins;
PrimingPulseTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
PrimingPulseTable.xSize = 4;
PrimingPulseTable.values = configPage2.primePulse;
PrimingPulseTable.axisX = configPage2.primeBins;
crankingEnrichTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
crankingEnrichTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
crankingEnrichTable.xSize = 4;
crankingEnrichTable.values = configPage10.crankingEnrichValues;
crankingEnrichTable.axisX = configPage10.crankingEnrichBins;
dwellVCorrectionTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
dwellVCorrectionTable.xSize = 6;
dwellVCorrectionTable.values = configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues;
dwellVCorrectionTable.axisX = configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins;
injectorVCorrectionTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
injectorVCorrectionTable.xSize = 6;
injectorVCorrectionTable.values = configPage6.injVoltageCorrectionValues;
injectorVCorrectionTable.axisX = configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins;
IATDensityCorrectionTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
IATDensityCorrectionTable.xSize = 9;
IATDensityCorrectionTable.values = configPage6.airDenRates;
IATDensityCorrectionTable.axisX = configPage6.airDenBins;
IATRetardTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
IATRetardTable.xSize = 6;
IATRetardTable.values = configPage4.iatRetValues;
IATRetardTable.axisX = configPage4.iatRetBins;
CLTAdvanceTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
CLTAdvanceTable.xSize = 6;
CLTAdvanceTable.values = configPage4.cltAdvValues;
CLTAdvanceTable.axisX = configPage4.cltAdvBins;
rotarySplitTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
rotarySplitTable.xSize = 8;
rotarySplitTable.values = configPage10.rotarySplitValues;
rotarySplitTable.axisX = configPage10.rotarySplitBins;
flexFuelTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
flexFuelTable.xSize = 6;
flexFuelTable.values = configPage10.flexFuelAdj;
flexFuelTable.axisX = configPage10.flexFuelBins;
flexAdvTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
flexAdvTable.xSize = 6;
flexAdvTable.values = configPage10.flexAdvAdj;
flexAdvTable.axisX = configPage10.flexAdvBins;
flexBoostTable.valueSize = SIZE_INT;
flexBoostTable.xSize = 6;
flexBoostTable.values16 = configPage10.flexBoostAdj;
flexBoostTable.axisX = configPage10.flexBoostBins;
knockWindowStartTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
knockWindowStartTable.xSize = 6;
knockWindowStartTable.values = configPage10.knock_window_angle;
knockWindowStartTable.axisX = configPage10.knock_window_rpms;
knockWindowDurationTable.valueSize = SIZE_BYTE;
knockWindowDurationTable.xSize = 6;
knockWindowDurationTable.values = configPage10.knock_window_dur;
knockWindowDurationTable.axisX = configPage10.knock_window_rpms;
//Setup the calibration tables
//Set the pin mappings
if(configPage2.pinMapping == 255)
//First time running on this board
setPinMapping(3); //Force board to v0.4
configPage2.flexEnabled = false; //Have to disable flex. If this isn't done and the wrong flex pin is interrupt attached below, system can hang.
else { setPinMapping(configPage2.pinMapping); }
//Need to check early on whether the coil charging is inverted. If this is not set straight away it can cause an unwanted spark at bootup
if(configPage4.IgInv == 1) { coilHIGH = LOW; coilLOW = HIGH; }
else { coilHIGH = HIGH; coilLOW = LOW; }
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 6)
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 7)
#if (INJ_CHANNELS >= 8)
//Similar for injectors, make sure they're turned off
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 6)
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 7)
#if (IGN_CHANNELS >= 8)
//Set the tacho output default state
digitalWrite(pinTachOut, HIGH);
//Perform all initialisations
//Lookup the current MAP reading for barometric pressure
//barometric reading can be taken from either an external sensor if enabled, or simply by using the initial MAP value
if ( configPage6.useExtBaro != 0 )
//EEPROM.update(EEPROM_LAST_BARO, currentStatus.baro);
* The highest sea-level pressure on Earth occurs in Siberia, where the Siberian High often attains a sea-level pressure above 105 kPa;
* with record highs close to 108.5 kPa.
* The lowest measurable sea-level pressure is found at the centers of tropical cyclones and tornadoes, with a record low of 87 kPa;
if ((currentStatus.MAP >= BARO_MIN) && (currentStatus.MAP <= BARO_MAX)) //Check if engine isn't running
currentStatus.baro = currentStatus.MAP;
//EEPROM.update(EEPROM_LAST_BARO, currentStatus.baro);
//Attempt to use the last known good baro reading from EEPROM
if ((readLastBaro() >= BARO_MIN) && (readLastBaro() <= BARO_MAX)) //Make sure it's not invalid (Possible on first run etc)
{ currentStatus.baro = readLastBaro(); } //last baro correction
else { currentStatus.baro = 100; } //Final fall back position.
//Check whether the flex sensor is enabled and if so, attach an interupt for it
if(configPage2.flexEnabled > 0)
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinFlex), flexPulse, RISING);
currentStatus.ethanolPct = 0;
//Once the configs have been loaded, a number of one time calculations can be completed
req_fuel_uS = configPage2.reqFuel * 100; //Convert to uS and an int. This is the only variable to be used in calculations
inj_opentime_uS = configPage2.injOpen * 100; //Injector open time. Comes through as ms*10 (Eg 15.5ms = 155).
if(configPage10.stagingEnabled == true)
uint32_t totalInjector = configPage10.stagedInjSizePri + configPage10.stagedInjSizeSec;
These values are a percentage of the req_fuel value that would be required for each injector channel to deliver that much fuel.
Pri injectors are 250cc
Sec injectors are 500cc
Total injector capacity = 750cc
staged_req_fuel_mult_pri = 300% (The primary injectors would have to run 3x the overall PW in order to be the equivalent of the full 750cc capacity
staged_req_fuel_mult_sec = 150% (The secondary injectors would have to run 1.5x the overall PW in order to be the equivalent of the full 750cc capacity
staged_req_fuel_mult_pri = (100 * totalInjector) / configPage10.stagedInjSizePri;
staged_req_fuel_mult_sec = (100 * totalInjector) / configPage10.stagedInjSizeSec;
//Begin the main crank trigger interrupt pin setup
//The interrupt numbering is a bit odd - See here for reference: http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AttachInterrupt
//These assignments are based on the Arduino Mega AND VARY BETWEEN BOARDS. Please confirm the board you are using and update acordingly.
currentStatus.RPM = 0;
currentStatus.hasSync = false;
currentStatus.runSecs = 0;
currentStatus.secl = 0;
currentStatus.startRevolutions = 0;
currentStatus.syncLossCounter = 0;
currentStatus.flatShiftingHard = false;
currentStatus.launchingHard = false;
currentStatus.crankRPM = ((unsigned int)configPage4.crankRPM * 10); //Crank RPM limit (Saves us calculating this over and over again. It's updated once per second in timers.ino)
currentStatus.fuelPumpOn = false;
triggerFilterTime = 0; //Trigger filter time is the shortest possible time (in uS) that there can be between crank teeth (ie at max RPM). Any pulses that occur faster than this time will be disgarded as noise. This is simply a default value, the actual values are set in the setup() functinos of each decoder
dwellLimit_uS = (1000 * configPage4.dwellLimit);
currentStatus.nChannels = (INJ_CHANNELS << 4) + IGN_CHANNELS; //First 4 bits store the number of injection channels, 2nd 4 store the number of ignition channels
fpPrimeTime = 0;
//End crank triger interrupt attachment
if(configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE)
//Default is 1 squirt per revolution, so we halve the given req-fuel figure (Which would be over 2 revolutions)
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS / 2; //The req_fuel calculation above gives the total required fuel (At VE 100%) in the full cycle. If we're doing more than 1 squirt per cycle then we need to split the amount accordingly. (Note that in a non-sequential 4-stroke setup you cannot have less than 2 squirts as you cannot determine the stroke to make the single squirt on)
//Initial values for loop times
previousLoopTime = 0;
currentLoopTime = micros_safe();
mainLoopCount = 0;
currentStatus.nSquirts = configPage2.nCylinders / configPage2.divider; //The number of squirts being requested. This is manaully overriden below for sequential setups (Due to TS req_fuel calc limitations)
if(currentStatus.nSquirts == 0) { currentStatus.nSquirts = 1; } //Safety check. Should never happen as TS will give an error, but leave incase tune is manually altered etc.
if(configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ = 720 / currentStatus.nSquirts; }
else { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ = 360 / currentStatus.nSquirts; }
//Calculate the number of degrees between cylinders
switch (configPage2.nCylinders) {
case 1:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
maxIgnOutputs = 1;
//Sequential ignition works identically on a 1 cylinder whether it's odd or even fire.
if( (configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) && (configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) ) { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_IGN = 720; }
if ( (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL) && (configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) )
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS * 2;
channel1InjEnabled = true;
//Check if injector staging is enabled
if(configPage10.stagingEnabled == true)
channel3InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjDegrees = channel1InjDegrees;
case 2:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
maxIgnOutputs = 2;
if (configPage2.engineType == EVEN_FIRE ) { channel2IgnDegrees = 180; }
else { channel2IgnDegrees = configPage2.oddfire2; }
//Sequential ignition works identically on a 2 cylinder whether it's odd or even fire (With the default being a 180 degree second cylinder).
if( (configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) && (configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) ) { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_IGN = 720; }
if ( (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL) && (configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) )
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS * 2;
//The below are true regardless of whether this is running sequential or not
if (configPage2.engineType == EVEN_FIRE ) { channel2InjDegrees = 180; }
else { channel2InjDegrees = configPage2.oddfire2; }
if (!configPage2.injTiming)
//For simultaneous, all squirts happen at the same time
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 0;
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = true;
//Check if injector staging is enabled
if(configPage10.stagingEnabled == true)
channel3InjEnabled = true;
channel4InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjDegrees = channel1InjDegrees;
channel4InjDegrees = channel2InjDegrees;
case 3:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
maxIgnOutputs = 3;
if (configPage2.engineType == EVEN_FIRE )
//Sequential and Single channel modes both run over 720 crank degrees, but only on 4 stroke engines.
if( ( (configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) || (configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SINGLE) ) && (configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) )
channel2IgnDegrees = 240;
channel3IgnDegrees = 480;
channel2IgnDegrees = 120;
channel3IgnDegrees = 240;
channel2IgnDegrees = configPage2.oddfire2;
channel3IgnDegrees = configPage2.oddfire3;
//For alternatiing injection, the squirt occurs at different times for each channel
if( (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEMISEQUENTIAL) || (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_PAIRED) || (configPage2.strokes == TWO_STROKE) )
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 120;
channel3InjDegrees = 240;
//Adjust the injection angles based on the number of squirts
if (currentStatus.nSquirts > 2)
channel2InjDegrees = (channel2InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
channel3InjDegrees = (channel3InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
if (!configPage2.injTiming)
//For simultaneous, all squirts happen at the same time
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 0;
channel3InjDegrees = 0;
else if (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL)
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 240;
channel3InjDegrees = 480;
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS * 2;
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjEnabled = true;
case 4:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
maxIgnOutputs = 2; //Default value for 4 cylinder, may be changed below
if (configPage2.engineType == EVEN_FIRE )
channel2IgnDegrees = 180;
//Adjust the injection angles based on the number of squirts
if (currentStatus.nSquirts > 2)
channel2InjDegrees = (channel2InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
if( (configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) && (configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) )
channel3IgnDegrees = 360;
channel4IgnDegrees = 540;
maxIgnOutputs = 4;
else if(configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_ROTARY)
//Rotary uses the ign 3 and 4 schedules for the trailing spark. They are offset from the ign 1 and 2 channels respectively and so use the same degrees as them
channel3IgnDegrees = 0;
channel4IgnDegrees = 180;
channel2IgnDegrees = configPage2.oddfire2;
channel3IgnDegrees = configPage2.oddfire3;
channel4IgnDegrees = configPage2.oddfire4;
maxIgnOutputs = 4;
//For alternatiing injection, the squirt occurs at different times for each channel
if( (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEMISEQUENTIAL) || (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_PAIRED) || (configPage2.strokes == TWO_STROKE) )
channel2InjDegrees = 180;
if (!configPage2.injTiming)
//For simultaneous, all squirts happen at the same time
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 0;
else if (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL)
channel2InjDegrees = 180;
channel3InjDegrees = 360;
channel4InjDegrees = 540;
channel3InjEnabled = true;
channel4InjEnabled = true;
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS * 2;
//Check if injector staging is enabled
if(configPage10.stagingEnabled == true)
channel3InjEnabled = true;
channel4InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjDegrees = channel1InjDegrees;
channel4InjDegrees = channel2InjDegrees;
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = true;
case 5:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
channel2IgnDegrees = 72;
channel3IgnDegrees = 144;
channel4IgnDegrees = 216;
channel5IgnDegrees = 288;
maxIgnOutputs = 4; //Only 4 actual outputs, so that's all that can be cut
if(configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL)
channel2IgnDegrees = 144;
channel3IgnDegrees = 288;
channel4IgnDegrees = 432;
channel5IgnDegrees = 576;
//For alternatiing injection, the squirt occurs at different times for each channel
if( (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEMISEQUENTIAL) || (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_PAIRED) || (configPage2.strokes == TWO_STROKE) )
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 72;
channel3InjDegrees = 144;
channel4InjDegrees = 216;
channel5InjDegrees = 288;
else if (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL)
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 144;
channel3InjDegrees = 288;
channel4InjDegrees = 432;
channel5InjDegrees = 576;
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
if (!configPage2.injTiming)
//For simultaneous, all squirts happen at the same time
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 0;
channel3InjDegrees = 0;
channel4InjDegrees = 0;
channel5InjDegrees = 0;
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjEnabled = false; //this is disabled as injector 5 function calls 3 & 5 together
channel4InjEnabled = true;
channel5InjEnabled = true;
case 6:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2IgnDegrees = 120;
channel2InjDegrees = 120;
channel3IgnDegrees = 240;
channel3InjDegrees = 240;
maxIgnOutputs = 3;
//Adjust the injection angles based on the number of squirts
if (currentStatus.nSquirts > 2)
channel2InjDegrees = (channel2InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
channel3InjDegrees = (channel3InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
if (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL)
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 120;
channel3InjDegrees = 240;
channel4InjDegrees = 360;
channel5InjDegrees = 480;
channel6InjDegrees = 600;
channel4InjEnabled = true;
channel5InjEnabled = true;
channel6InjEnabled = true;
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS * 2;
if (!configPage2.injTiming)
//For simultaneous, all squirts happen at the same time
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 0;
channel3InjDegrees = 0;
configPage2.injLayout = 0; //This is a failsafe. We can never run semi-sequential with more than 4 cylinders
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjEnabled = true;
case 8:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;
channel2IgnDegrees = channel2InjDegrees = 90;
channel3IgnDegrees = channel3InjDegrees = 180;
channel4IgnDegrees = channel4InjDegrees = 270;
//Adjust the injection angles based on the number of squirts
if (currentStatus.nSquirts > 2)
channel2InjDegrees = (channel2InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
channel3InjDegrees = (channel3InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
channel4InjDegrees = (channel4InjDegrees * 2) / currentStatus.nSquirts;
if (configPage2.injLayout == INJ_SEQUENTIAL)
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 90;
channel3InjDegrees = 180;
channel4InjDegrees = 270;
channel5InjDegrees = 360;
channel6InjDegrees = 450;
channel7InjDegrees = 540;
channel8InjDegrees = 630;
channel5InjEnabled = true;
channel6InjEnabled = true;
channel7InjEnabled = true;
channel8InjEnabled = true;
currentStatus.nSquirts = 1;
req_fuel_uS = req_fuel_uS * 2;
maxIgnOutputs = 4;
if (!configPage2.injTiming)
//For simultaneous, all squirts happen at the same time
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 0;
channel3InjDegrees = 0;
channel4InjDegrees = 0;
configPage2.injLayout = 0; //This is a failsafe. We can never run semi-sequential with more than 4 cylinders
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = true;
channel3InjEnabled = true;
channel4InjEnabled = true;
default: //Handle this better!!!
channel1InjDegrees = 0;
channel2InjDegrees = 180;
if(CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_IGN == CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ) { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX = CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_IGN; } //If both the injector max and ignition max angles are the same, make the overall system max this value
currentStatus.status3 = currentStatus.nSquirts << BIT_STATUS3_NSQUIRTS1; //Top 3 bits of the status3 variable are the number of squirts. This must be done after the above section due to nSquirts being forced to 1 for sequential
//Special case:
//3 or 5 squirts per cycle MUST be tracked over 720 degrees. This is because the angles for them (Eg 720/3=240) are not evenly divisible into 360
//This is ONLY the case on 4 stroke systems
if( (currentStatus.nSquirts == 3) || (currentStatus.nSquirts == 5) )
if(configPage2.strokes == FOUR_STROKE) { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX = 720; }
//Wasted Spark (Normal mode)
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil2Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil2Charge;
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil3Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil3Charge;
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil4Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil4Charge;
ign5StartFunction = beginCoil5Charge;
ign5EndFunction = endCoil5Charge;
//Single channel mode. All ignition pulses are on channel 1
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign5StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign5EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
//Wasted COP mode. Ignition channels 1&3 and 2&4 are paired together
//This is not a valid mode for >4 cylinders
if( configPage2.nCylinders <= 4 )
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1and3Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1and3Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil2and4Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil2and4Charge;
ign3StartFunction = nullCallback;
ign3EndFunction = nullCallback;
ign4StartFunction = nullCallback;
ign4EndFunction = nullCallback;
//If the person has inadvertantly selected this when running more than 4 cylinders, just use standard Wasted spark mode
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil2Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil2Charge;
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil3Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil3Charge;
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil4Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil4Charge;
ign5StartFunction = beginCoil5Charge;
ign5EndFunction = endCoil5Charge;
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil2Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil2Charge;
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil3Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil3Charge;
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil4Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil4Charge;
ign5StartFunction = beginCoil5Charge;
ign5EndFunction = endCoil5Charge;
ign6StartFunction = beginCoil6Charge;
ign6EndFunction = endCoil6Charge;
ign7StartFunction = beginCoil7Charge;
ign7EndFunction = endCoil7Charge;
ign8StartFunction = beginCoil8Charge;
ign8EndFunction = endCoil8Charge;
if(configPage10.rotaryType == ROTARY_IGN_FC)
//Ignition channel 1 is a wasted spark signal for leading signal on both rotors
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign3StartFunction = beginTrailingCoilCharge;
ign3EndFunction = endTrailingCoilCharge1;
ign4StartFunction = beginTrailingCoilCharge;
ign4EndFunction = endTrailingCoilCharge2;
else if(configPage10.rotaryType == ROTARY_IGN_FD)
//Ignition channel 1 is a wasted spark signal for leading signal on both rotors
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
//Trailing coils have their own channel each
//IGN2 = front rotor trailing spark
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil2Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil2Charge;
//IGN3 = rear rotor trailing spark
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil3Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil3Charge;
//IGN4 not used
else if(configPage10.rotaryType == ROTARY_IGN_RX8)
//RX8 outputs are simply 1 coil and 1 output per plug
//IGN1 is front rotor, leading spark
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
//IGN2 is rear rotor, leading spark
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil2Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil2Charge;
//IGN3 = front rotor trailing spark
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil3Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil3Charge;
//IGN4 = rear rotor trailing spark
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil4Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil4Charge;
//Wasted spark (Shouldn't ever happen anyway)
ign1StartFunction = beginCoil1Charge;
ign1EndFunction = endCoil1Charge;
ign2StartFunction = beginCoil2Charge;
ign2EndFunction = endCoil2Charge;
ign3StartFunction = beginCoil3Charge;
ign3EndFunction = endCoil3Charge;
ign4StartFunction = beginCoil4Charge;
ign4EndFunction = endCoil4Charge;
ign5StartFunction = beginCoil5Charge;
ign5EndFunction = endCoil5Charge;
//Begin priming the fuel pump. This is turned off in the low resolution, 1s interrupt in timers.ino
//First check that the priming time is not 0
if(configPage2.fpPrime > 0)
currentStatus.fuelPumpOn = true;
else { fpPrimed = true; } //If the user has set 0 for the pump priming, immediately mark the priming as being completed
//Perform the priming pulses. Set these to run at an arbitrary time in the future (100us). The prime pulse value is in ms*10, so need to multiple by 100 to get to uS
readCLT(false); // Need to read coolant temp to make priming pulsewidth work correctly. The false here disables use of the filter
unsigned long primingValue = table2D_getValue(&PrimingPulseTable, currentStatus.coolant + CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET);
if(primingValue > 0)
setFuelSchedule1(100, (primingValue * 100 * 5)); //to acheive long enough priming pulses, the values in tuner studio are divided by 0.5 instead of 0.1, so multiplier of 5 is required.
setFuelSchedule2(100, (primingValue * 100 * 5));
setFuelSchedule3(100, (primingValue * 100 * 5));
setFuelSchedule4(100, (primingValue * 100 * 5));
initialisationComplete = true;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
void setPinMapping(byte boardID)
switch (boardID)
case 0:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.1 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 11; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 10; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 6; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 7; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 12; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 13; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 14; //Pin for coil 5
pinTrigger = 2; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 3; //The CAS pin
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinIdle1 = 46; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 47; //2 wire idle control
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinFlex = 19; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 43; //Reset control output
case 1:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.2 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 20; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 21; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 30; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 31; //2 wire idle control
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 43; //Reset control output
case 2:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.3 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 53; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 6; //Default VVT output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 26; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinFan = A13; //Pin for the fan output
pinLaunch = 51; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 50; //Reset control output
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
pinTrigger = 23;
pinStepperDir = 33;
pinStepperStep = 34;
pinCoil1 = 31;
pinTachOut = 28;
pinFan = 27;
pinCoil4 = 21;
pinCoil3 = 30;
pinO2 = A22;
case 3:
//Pin mappings as per the v0.4 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinInjector6 = 50; //CAUTION: Uses the same as Coil 4 below.
pinCoil1 = 40; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 38; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 52; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 50; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin (Goes to ULN2803)
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 6; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 4; //Default VVT output
pinFuelPump = 45; //Fuel pump output (Goes to ULN2803)
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 24; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output (Goes to ULN2803)
pinLaunch = 51; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 43; //Reset control output
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
pinInjector6 = 51;
pinTrigger = 23;
pinTrigger2 = 36;
pinStepperDir = 34;
pinStepperStep = 35;
pinCoil1 = 31;
pinCoil2 = 32;
pinTachOut = 28;
pinFan = 27;
pinCoil4 = 29;
pinCoil3 = 30;
pinO2 = A22;
#elif defined(STM32F4)
//Black F407VE http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=STM32F407
//PC8~PC12 SDio
//PA13~PA15 & PB4 SWD(debug) pins
//PA9 & PD10 Serial1
//PD5 & PD6 Serial2
pinInjector1 = PE7; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = PE8; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = PE9; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = PE10; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = PE11; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinInjector6 = PE12; //Output pin injector 6 is on
pinCoil1 = PD0; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = PD1; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = PD2; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = PD3; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = PD4; //Pin for coil 5
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLT sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A5; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = A9;
pinIdle1 = PB8; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = PB9; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = PE0; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = PE1; //Default VVT output
pinStepperDir = PD8; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = PB15; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = PD9; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinDisplayReset = PE1; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = PE2; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = PC0; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = PC1; //Tacho output pin
//external interrupt enabled pins
//external interrupts could be enalbed in any pin, except same port numbers (PA4,PE4)
pinFlex = PE2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinTrigger = PE3; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = PE4; //The Cam Sensor pin
#elif defined(CORE_STM32)
//blue pill http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=Blue_Pill
//Maple mini http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=Maple_Mini
//pins PA12, PA11 are used for USB or CAN couldn't be used for GPIO
pinInjector1 = PB7; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = PB6; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = PB5; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = PB4; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinCoil1 = PB3; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = PA15; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = PA14; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = PA9; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = PA8; //Pin for coil 5
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A5; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = pinMAP;
pinIdle1 = PB2; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = PA2; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = PA1; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = PA0; //Default VVT output
pinStepperDir = PC15; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = PC14; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = PC13; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinDisplayReset = PB2; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = PB1; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = PB11; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = PB10; //Tacho output pin
//external interrupt enabled pins
pinFlex = PB8; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinTrigger = PA10; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = PA13; //The Cam Sensor pin
case 9:
//Pin mappings as per the MX5 PNP shield
pinInjector1 = 11; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 10; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 9; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 8; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 14; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 39; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 41; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 32; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 33; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A5; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A3; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin (Goes to ULN2803)
pinIdle1 = 2; //Single wire idle control
pinBoost = 4;
pinIdle2 = 4; //2 wire idle control (Note this is shared with boost!!!)
pinFuelPump = 37; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinFan = 35; //Pin for the fan output
pinLaunch = 12; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 3; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 44; //Reset control output
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
pinTrigger = 23;
pinTrigger2 = 36;
pinStepperDir = 34;
pinStepperStep = 35;
pinCoil1 = 33; //Done
pinCoil2 = 24; //Done
pinCoil3 = 51; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 32)
pinCoil4 = 52; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 33)
pinFuelPump = 26; //Requires PVT4 adapter or above
pinFan = 50; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 35)
pinTachOut = 28; //Done
case 10:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings for user turtanas PCB
pinInjector1 = 4; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 5; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 6; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 7; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 8; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinInjector6 = 9; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinInjector7 = 10; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinInjector8 = 11; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinCoil1 = 24; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 28; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 36; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 40; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 18; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 19; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinMAP2 = A8; //MAP2 sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A7; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinSpareTemp1 = A6;
pinSpareTemp2 = A5;
pinTachOut = 41; //Tacho output pin transistori puuttuu 2n2222 tähän ja 1k 12v
pinFuelPump = 42; //Fuel pump output 2n2222
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinResetControl = 26; //Reset control output
case 20:
#if defined(CORE_AVR) && !defined(SMALL_FLASH_MODE) //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the Plazomat In/Out shields Rev 0.1
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinSpareOut1 = 4; //Spare LSD Output 1(PWM)
pinSpareOut2 = 5; //Spare LSD Output 2(PWM)
pinSpareOut3 = 6; //Spare LSD Output 3(PWM)
pinSpareOut4 = 7; //Spare LSD Output 4(PWM)
pinSpareOut5 = 50; //Spare LSD Output 5(digital)
pinSpareOut6 = 52; //Spare LSD Output 6(digital)
pinTrigger = 20; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 21; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinSpareTemp2 = A15; //spare Analog input 2
pinSpareTemp1 = A14; //spare Analog input 1
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinResetControl = 26; //Reset control output
case 30:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the dazv6 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 40; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 38; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 50; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 52; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTrigger3 = 17; // cam sensor 2 pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinO2_2 = A9; //O2 sensor pin (second sensor)
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinFuelPump = 45; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 20; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 21; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinSpareHOut1 = 4; // high current output spare1
pinSpareHOut2 = 6; // high current output spare2
pinBoost = 7;
pinSpareLOut1 = 43; //low current output spare1
pinSpareLOut2 = 47;
pinSpareLOut3 = 49;
pinSpareLOut4 = 51;
pinSpareLOut5 = 53;
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
case 40:
//Pin mappings as per the NO2C shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 11; //Output pin injector 3 is on - NOT USED
pinInjector4 = 12; //Output pin injector 4 is on - NOT USED
pinInjector5 = 13; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinCoil1 = 23; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 22; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 2; //Pin for coil 3 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinCoil4 = 3; //Pin for coil 4 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinCoil5 = 46; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A3; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A0; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A5; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A4; //CLT sensor pin
pinO2 = A2; //O2 sensor pin
pinBat = A1; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = A6; //Baro sensor pin - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareTemp1 = A7; //spare Analog input 1 - ONLY WITH DB
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin - NOT USED
pinTachOut = 38; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 47; //2 wire idle control - NOT USED
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 6; //Default VVT output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 25; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 24; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 27; //Enable pin for DRV8825 driver
pinLaunch = 10; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 20; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled) - ONLY WITH DB
pinFan = 30; //Pin for the fan output - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareLOut1 = 32; //low current output spare1 - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareLOut2 = 34; //low current output spare2 - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareLOut3 = 36; //low current output spare3 - ONLY WITH DB
pinResetControl = 26; //Reset control output
case 41:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the UA4C shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 7; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 6; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 5; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 45; //Output pin injector 5 is on PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinCoil1 = 35; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 36; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 33; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 34; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 44; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinFlex = 20; // Flex sensor
pinTPS = A3; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A0; //MAP sensor pin
pinBaro = A7; //Baro sensor pin
pinIAT = A5; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A4; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A1; //O2 Sensor pin
pinO2_2 = A9; //O2 sensor pin (second sensor)
pinBat = A2; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinSpareTemp1 = A8; //spare Analog input 1
pinLaunch = 37; //Can be overwritten below
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTachOut = 22; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 9; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 10; //2 wire idle control
pinFuelPump = 23; //Fuel pump output
pinVVT_1 = 11; //Default VVT output
pinStepperDir = 32; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 31; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 30; //Enable pin for DRV8825 driver
pinBoost = 12; //Boost control
pinSpareLOut1 = 26; //low current output spare1
pinSpareLOut2 = 27; //low current output spare2
pinSpareLOut3 = 28; //low current output spare3
pinSpareLOut4 = 29; //low current output spare4
pinFan = 24; //Pin for the fan output
pinResetControl = 46; //Reset control output PLACEHOLDER value for now
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
case 50:
//Pin mappings as per the teensy rev A shield
pinInjector1 = 2; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 10; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 6; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 9; //Output pin injector 4 is on
//Placeholder only - NOT USED:
//pinInjector5 = 13;
pinCoil1 = 29; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 30; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 31; //Pin for coil 3 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinCoil4 = 32; //Pin for coil 4 - ONLY WITH DB2
//Placeholder only - NOT USED:
//pinCoil5 = 46;
pinTrigger = 23; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 36; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = 16; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = 17; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = 14; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = 15; //CLT sensor pin
pinO2 = A22; //O2 sensor pin
pinO2_2 = A21; //O2 sensor pin (second sensor)
pinBat = 18; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinTachOut = 20; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinBoost = 11; //Boost control
pinFuelPump = 38; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 34; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 35; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 33; //Enable pin for DRV8825 driver
pinLaunch = 26; //Can be overwritten below
pinFan = 37; //Pin for the fan output - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareHOut1 = 8; // high current output spare1
pinSpareHOut2 = 7; // high current output spare2
pinSpareLOut1 = 21; //low current output spare1
case 51:
//Pin mappings as per the teensy revB board shield
pinInjector1 = 2; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 10; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 6; //Output pin injector 3 is on - NOT USED
pinInjector4 = 9; //Output pin injector 4 is on - NOT USED
pinCoil1 = 29; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 30; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 31; //Pin for coil 3 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinCoil4 = 32; //Pin for coil 4 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinTrigger = 23; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 36; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = 16; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = 17; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = 14; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = 15; //CLT sensor pin
pinO2 = A22; //O2 sensor pin
pinO2_2 = A21; //O2 sensor pin (second sensor)
pinBat = 18; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinTachOut = 20; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinBoost = 11; //Boost control
pinFuelPump = 38; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 34; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 35; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 33; //Enable pin for DRV8825 driver
pinLaunch = 26; //Can be overwritten below
pinFan = 37; //Pin for the fan output - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareHOut1 = 8; // high current output spare1
pinSpareHOut2 = 7; // high current output spare2
pinSpareLOut1 = 21; //low current output spare1
#if defined(STM32F4)
//Black F407VE http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=STM32F407
//PC8~PC12 SDio
//PA13~PA15 & PB4 SWD(debug) pins
//PA9 & PD10 Serial1
//PD5 & PD6 Serial2
pinInjector1 = PE7; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = PE8; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = PE9; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = PE10; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = PE11; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinInjector6 = PE12; //Output pin injector 6 is on
pinCoil1 = PD0; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = PD1; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = PD2; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = PD3; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = PD4; //Pin for coil 5
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLT sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A5; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = A9;
pinIdle1 = PB8; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = PB9; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = PE0; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = PE1; //Default VVT output
pinStepperDir = PD8; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = PB15; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = PD9; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinDisplayReset = PE1; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = PE2; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = PC0; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = PC1; //Tacho output pin
//external interrupt enabled pins
//external interrupts could be enalbed in any pin, except same port numbers (PA4,PE4)
pinFlex = PE2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinTrigger = PE3; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = PE4; //The Cam Sensor pin
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.2 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 20; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 21; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinFlex = 3; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinBoost = 5;
pinIdle1 = 6;
pinResetControl = 43; //Reset control output
//Setup any devices that are using selectable pins
if ( (configPage6.launchPin != 0) && (configPage6.launchPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinLaunch = pinTranslate(configPage6.launchPin); }
if ( (configPage4.ignBypassPin != 0) && (configPage4.ignBypassPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinIgnBypass = pinTranslate(configPage4.ignBypassPin); }
if ( (configPage2.tachoPin != 0) && (configPage2.tachoPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinTachOut = pinTranslate(configPage2.tachoPin); }
if ( (configPage4.fuelPumpPin != 0) && (configPage4.fuelPumpPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinFuelPump = pinTranslate(configPage4.fuelPumpPin); }
if ( (configPage6.fanPin != 0) && (configPage6.fanPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinFan = pinTranslate(configPage6.fanPin); }
if ( (configPage6.boostPin != 0) && (configPage6.boostPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinBoost = pinTranslate(configPage6.boostPin); }
if ( (configPage6.vvtPin != 0) && (configPage6.vvtPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinVVT_1 = pinTranslate(configPage6.vvtPin); }
if ( (configPage6.useExtBaro != 0) && (configPage6.baroPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinBaro = configPage6.baroPin + A0; }
if ( (configPage6.useEMAP != 0) && (configPage10.EMAPPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinEMAP = configPage10.EMAPPin + A0; }
//Currently there's no default pin for Idle Up
pinIdleUp = pinTranslate(configPage2.idleUpPin);
/* Reset control is a special case. If reset control is enabled, it needs its initial state set BEFORE its pinMode.
If that doesn't happen and reset control is in "Serial Command" mode, the Arduino will end up in a reset loop
because the control pin will go low as soon as the pinMode is set to OUTPUT. */
if ( (configPage4.resetControl != 0) && (configPage4.resetControlPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) )
resetControl = configPage4.resetControl;
pinResetControl = pinTranslate(configPage4.resetControlPin);
pinMode(pinResetControl, OUTPUT);
//Finally, set the relevant pin modes for outputs
pinMode(pinCoil1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinTachOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinIdle1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinIdle2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinFuelPump, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinIgnBypass, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinFan, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinStepperDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinStepperStep, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinStepperEnable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinBoost, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinVVT_1, OUTPUT);
inj1_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector1));
inj1_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector1);
inj2_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector2));
inj2_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector2);
inj3_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector3));
inj3_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector3);
inj4_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector4));
inj4_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector4);
inj5_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector5));
inj5_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector5);
inj6_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector6));
inj6_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector6);
inj7_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector7));
inj7_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector7);
inj8_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector8));
inj8_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector8);
ign1_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil1));
ign1_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil1);
ign2_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil2));
ign2_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil2);
ign3_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil3));
ign3_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil3);
ign4_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil4));
ign4_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil4);
ign5_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil5));
ign5_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil5);
ign6_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil6));
ign6_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil6);
ign7_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil7));
ign7_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil7);
ign8_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil8));
ign8_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil8);
tach_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinTachOut));
tach_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinTachOut);
pump_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinFuelPump));
pump_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinFuelPump);
//And for inputs
#if defined(CORE_STM32)
#ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 //libmaple core aka STM32DUINO
pinMode(pinMAP, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinO2, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinO2_2, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinTPS, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinIAT, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinCLT, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinBat, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinBaro, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinMAP, INPUT);
pinMode(pinO2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinO2_2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTPS, INPUT);
pinMode(pinIAT, INPUT);
pinMode(pinCLT, INPUT);
pinMode(pinBat, INPUT);
pinMode(pinBaro, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger3, INPUT);
//Each of the below are only set when their relevant function is enabled. This can help prevent pin conflicts that users aren't aware of with unused functions
if(configPage2.flexEnabled > 0)
pinMode(pinFlex, INPUT); //Standard GM / Continental flex sensor requires pullup, but this should be onboard. The internal pullup will not work (Requires ~3.3k)!
if(configPage6.launchEnabled > 0)
if (configPage6.lnchPullRes == true) { pinMode(pinLaunch, INPUT_PULLUP); }
else { pinMode(pinLaunch, INPUT); } //If Launch Pull Resistor is not set make input float.
if(configPage2.idleUpEnabled > 0)
if (configPage2.idleUpPolarity == 0) { pinMode(pinIdleUp, INPUT_PULLUP); } //Normal setting
else { pinMode(pinIdleUp, INPUT); } //inverted setting
//These must come after the above pinMode statements
triggerPri_pin_port = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinTrigger));
triggerPri_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinTrigger);
triggerSec_pin_port = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinTrigger2));
triggerSec_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinTrigger2);
void initialiseTriggers()
byte triggerInterrupt = 0; // By default, use the first interrupt
byte triggerInterrupt2 = 1;
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
switch (pinTrigger) {
//Arduino Mega 2560 mapping
case 2:
triggerInterrupt = 0; break;
case 3:
triggerInterrupt = 1; break;
case 18:
triggerInterrupt = 5; break;
case 19:
triggerInterrupt = 4; break;
case 20:
triggerInterrupt = 3; break;
case 21:
triggerInterrupt = 2; break;
triggerInterrupt = 0; break; //This should NEVER happen
triggerInterrupt = pinTrigger;
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
switch (pinTrigger2) {
//Arduino Mega 2560 mapping
case 2:
triggerInterrupt2 = 0; break;
case 3:
triggerInterrupt2 = 1; break;
case 18:
triggerInterrupt2 = 5; break;
case 19:
triggerInterrupt2 = 4; break;
case 20:
triggerInterrupt2 = 3; break;
case 21:
triggerInterrupt2 = 2; break;
triggerInterrupt2 = 0; break; //This should NEVER happen
triggerInterrupt2 = pinTrigger2;
pinMode(pinTrigger, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger3, INPUT);
//digitalWrite(pinTrigger, HIGH);
//The default values for edges
primaryTriggerEdge = 0; //This should ALWAYS be changed below
secondaryTriggerEdge = 0; //This is optional and may not be changed below, depending on the decoder in use
//Set the trigger function based on the decoder in the config
switch (configPage4.TrigPattern)
case 0:
//Missing tooth decoder
triggerHandler = triggerPri_missingTooth;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_missingTooth;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_missingTooth;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_missingTooth;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_missingTooth;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
if(configPage4.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { secondaryTriggerEdge = RISING; }
else { secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, FALLING); }
if(configPage4.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_missingTooth, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_missingTooth, FALLING); }
case 1:
// Basic distributor
triggerHandler = triggerPri_BasicDistributor;
getRPM = getRPM_BasicDistributor;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_BasicDistributor;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_BasicDistributor;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
case 2:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_DualWheel;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_DualWheel;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_DualWheel;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_DualWheel;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_DualWheel;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
if(configPage4.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { secondaryTriggerEdge = RISING; }
else { secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 3:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_GM7X;
getRPM = getRPM_GM7X;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_GM7X;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_GM7X;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, FALLING); }
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
case 4:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_4G63;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_4G63;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_4G63;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_4G63;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_4G63;
primaryTriggerEdge = CHANGE;
secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 5:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_24X;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_24X;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_24X;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_24X;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_24X;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = CHANGE; //Secondary is always on every change
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 6:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Jeep2000;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Jeep2000;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_Jeep2000;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Jeep2000;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Jeep2000;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = CHANGE;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 7:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Audi135;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Audi135;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_Audi135;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Audi135;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Audi135;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = RISING; //always rising for this trigger
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 8:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_HondaD17;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_HondaD17;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_HondaD17;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_HondaD17;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_HondaD17;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = CHANGE;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 9:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Miata9905;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Miata9905;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_Miata9905;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Miata9905;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Miata9905;
//These may both need to change, not sure
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
if(configPage4.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { secondaryTriggerEdge = RISING; }
else { secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 10:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_MazdaAU;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_MazdaAU;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_MazdaAU;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_MazdaAU;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_MazdaAU;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 11:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_DualWheel; //Is identical to the dual wheel decoder, so that is used. Same goes for the secondary below
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_DualWheel; //Note the use of the Dual Wheel trigger function here. No point in having the same code in twice.
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_non360;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_non360;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_non360;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 12:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Nissan360;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Nissan360;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_Nissan360;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Nissan360;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Nissan360;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = CHANGE;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 13:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Subaru67;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Subaru67;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_Subaru67;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Subaru67;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Subaru67;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
case 14:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Daihatsu;
getRPM = getRPM_Daihatsu;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Daihatsu;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Daihatsu;
//No secondary input required for this pattern
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
case 15:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_Harley;
//triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_Harley;
getRPM = getRPM_Harley;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Harley;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Harley;
primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; //Always rising
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
case 16:
triggerHandler = triggerPri_ThirtySixMinus222;
triggerSecondaryHandler = triggerSec_ThirtySixMinus222;
decoderHasSecondary = true;
getRPM = getRPM_missingTooth; //This uses the same function as the missing tooth decoder, so no need to duplicate code
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_missingTooth; //This uses the same function as the missing tooth decoder, so no need to duplicate code
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_ThirtySixMinus222;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { primaryTriggerEdge = RISING; } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { primaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
if(configPage4.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { secondaryTriggerEdge = RISING; }
else { secondaryTriggerEdge = FALLING; }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, primaryTriggerEdge);
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondaryHandler, secondaryTriggerEdge);
triggerHandler = triggerPri_missingTooth;
getRPM = getRPM_missingTooth;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_missingTooth;
if(configPage4.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, triggerHandler, FALLING); }