910 lines
37 KiB
910 lines
37 KiB
Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
Returns how much free dynamic memory exists (between heap and stack)
This function is one big MISRA violation. MISRA advisories forbid directly poking at memory addresses, however there is no other way of determining heap size on embedded systems.
#include "utils.h"
uint16_t freeRam ()
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
extern int __heap_start, *__brkval;
uint16_t v;
return (uint16_t) &v - (__brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval);
#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY)
uint32_t stackTop;
uint32_t heapTop;
// current position of the stack.
stackTop = (uint32_t) &stackTop;
// current position of heap.
void* hTop = malloc(1);
heapTop = (uint32_t) hTop;
// The difference is the free, available ram.
return (uint16_t)stackTop - heapTop;
#elif defined(CORE_STM32)
char top = 't';
return &top - reinterpret_cast<char*>(sbrk(0));
byte pinTranslate(byte rawPin)
byte outputPin = rawPin;
if(rawPin > BOARD_DIGITAL_GPIO_PINS) { outputPin = A8 + (outputPin - BOARD_DIGITAL_GPIO_PINS - 1); }
return outputPin;
void setPinMapping(byte boardID)
switch (boardID)
case 0:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.1 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 11; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 10; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 6; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 7; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 12; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 13; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 14; //Pin for coil 5
pinTrigger = 2; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 3; //The CAS pin
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinIdle1 = 46; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 47; //2 wire idle control
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinFlex = 19; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
case 1:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.2 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 20; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 21; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 30; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 31; //2 wire idle control
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
case 2:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.3 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 53; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 6; //Default VVT output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 26; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinFan = A13; //Pin for the fan output
pinLaunch = 12; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
pinTrigger = 23;
pinStepperDir = 33;
pinStepperStep = 34;
pinCoil1 = 31;
pinTachOut = 28;
pinFan = 27;
pinCoil4 = 21;
pinCoil3 = 30;
pinO2 = A22;
case 3:
//Pin mappings as per the v0.4 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 40; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 38; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 52; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 50; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin (Goes to ULN2803)
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 6; //2 wire idle control
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 4; //Default VVT output
pinFuelPump = 45; //Fuel pump output (Goes to ULN2803)
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 24; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output (Goes to ULN2803)
pinLaunch = 12; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
pinTrigger = 23;
pinTrigger2 = 36;
pinStepperDir = 34;
pinStepperStep = 35;
pinCoil1 = 31;
pinTachOut = 28;
pinFan = 27;
pinCoil4 = 29;
pinCoil3 = 30;
pinO2 = A22;
#elif defined(STM32F4)
pinInjector1 = PE7; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = PE8; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = PE9; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = PE10; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = PE11; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = PB10; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = PB11; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = PB12; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = PB13; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = PB14; //Pin for coil 5
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A5; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = A6;
pinStepperDir = PD8; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = PB15; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = PD9; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinDisplayReset = PE1; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = PE2; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = PA6; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = PA7; //Tacho output pin
//external interrupt enabled pins
pinFlex = PC4; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinTrigger = PC5; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = PC6; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinBoost = PE0; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = PE1; //Default VVT output
#elif defined(CORE_STM32)
//pins 23, 24 and 33 couldn't be used
pinInjector1 = 15; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 16; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 17; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 18; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinCoil1 = 19; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 20; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 21; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 26; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 27; //Pin for coil 5
pinTPS = A0; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A1; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A2; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A3; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A5; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinStepperDir = 12; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 13; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 14; //Enable pin for DRV8825
pinDisplayReset = 2; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = 1; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 0; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 31; //Tacho output pin
//external interrupt enabled pins
pinFlex = 32; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinTrigger = 25; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 22; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinBaro = pinMAP;
pinBoost = 1; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 0; //Default VVT output
case 9:
//Pin mappings as per the MX5 PNP shield
pinInjector1 = 11; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 10; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 9; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 8; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 14; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 39; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 41; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 32; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 33; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A5; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A3; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin (Goes to ULN2803)
pinIdle1 = 2; //Single wire idle control
pinBoost = 4;
pinIdle2 = 4; //2 wire idle control (Note this is shared with boost!!!)
pinFuelPump = 37; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinFan = 35; //Pin for the fan output
pinLaunch = 12; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 3; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
#if defined(CORE_TEENSY)
pinTrigger = 23;
pinTrigger2 = 36;
pinStepperDir = 34;
pinStepperStep = 35;
pinCoil1 = 33; //Done
pinCoil2 = 24; //Done
pinCoil3 = 51; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 32)
pinCoil4 = 52; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 33)
pinFuelPump = 53; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 37)
pinFan = 50; //Won't work (No mapping for pin 35)
pinTachOut = 28; //Done
case 10:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings for user turtanas PCB
pinInjector1 = 4; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 5; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 6; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 7; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 8; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinInjector6 = 9; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinInjector7 = 10; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinInjector8 = 11; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinCoil1 = 24; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 28; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 36; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 40; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 18; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 19; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinMAP2 = A8; //MAP2 sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A4; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A7; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinSpareTemp1 = A6;
pinSpareTemp2 = A5;
pinTachOut = 41; //Tacho output pin transistori puuttuu 2n2222 tähän ja 1k 12v
pinFuelPump = 42; //Fuel pump output 2n2222
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinFlex = 2; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
case 20:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the Plazomat In/Out shields Rev 0.1
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinSpareOut1 = 4; //Spare LSD Output 1(PWM)
pinSpareOut2 = 5; //Spare LSD Output 2(PWM)
pinSpareOut3 = 6; //Spare LSD Output 3(PWM)
pinSpareOut4 = 7; //Spare LSD Output 4(PWM)
pinSpareOut5 = 50; //Spare LSD Output 5(digital)
pinSpareOut6 = 52; //Spare LSD Output 6(digital)
pinTrigger = 20; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 21; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinSpareTemp2 = A15; //spare Analog input 2
pinSpareTemp1 = A14; //spare Analog input 1
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
case 30:
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the dazv6 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 40; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 38; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 50; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 52; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTrigger3 = 17; // cam sensor 2 pin
pinTPS = A2;//TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinO2_2 = A9; //O2 sensor pin (second sensor)
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinFuelPump = 45; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 20; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 21; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinSpareHOut1 = 4; // high current output spare1
pinSpareHOut2 = 6; // high current output spare2
pinBoost = 7;
pinSpareLOut1 = 43; //low current output spare1
pinSpareLOut2 = 47;
pinSpareLOut3 = 49;
pinSpareLOut4 = 51;
pinSpareLOut5 = 53;
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
case 40:
//Pin mappings as per the NO2C shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 11; //Output pin injector 3 is on - NOT USED
pinInjector4 = 12; //Output pin injector 4 is on - NOT USED
pinInjector5 = 13; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinCoil1 = 23; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 22; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 2; //Pin for coil 3 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinCoil4 = 3; //Pin for coil 4 - ONLY WITH DB2
pinCoil5 = 46; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
pinTrigger = 19; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 18; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A3; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A0; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A5; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A4; //CLT sensor pin
pinO2 = A2; //O2 sensor pin
pinBat = A1; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinBaro = A6; //Baro sensor pin - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareTemp1 = A7; //spare Analog input 1 - ONLY WITH DB
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin - NOT USED
pinTachOut = 38; //Tacho output pin
pinIdle1 = 5; //Single wire idle control
pinIdle2 = 47; //2 wire idle control - NOT USED
pinBoost = 7; //Boost control
pinVVT_1 = 6; //Default VVT output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinStepperDir = 25; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 24; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperEnable = 27; //Enable pin for DRV8825 driver
pinLaunch = 10; //Can be overwritten below
pinFlex = 20; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled) - ONLY WITH DB
pinFan = 30; //Pin for the fan output - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareLOut1 = 32; //low current output spare1 - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareLOut2 = 34; //low current output spare2 - ONLY WITH DB
pinSpareLOut3 = 36; //low current output spare3 - ONLY WITH DB
#ifndef SMALL_FLASH_MODE //No support for bluepill here anyway
//Pin mappings as per the v0.2 shield
pinInjector1 = 8; //Output pin injector 1 is on
pinInjector2 = 9; //Output pin injector 2 is on
pinInjector3 = 10; //Output pin injector 3 is on
pinInjector4 = 11; //Output pin injector 4 is on
pinInjector5 = 12; //Output pin injector 5 is on
pinCoil1 = 28; //Pin for coil 1
pinCoil2 = 24; //Pin for coil 2
pinCoil3 = 40; //Pin for coil 3
pinCoil4 = 36; //Pin for coil 4
pinCoil5 = 34; //Pin for coil 5 PLACEHOLDER value for now
pinTrigger = 20; //The CAS pin
pinTrigger2 = 21; //The Cam Sensor pin
pinTPS = A2; //TPS input pin
pinMAP = A3; //MAP sensor pin
pinIAT = A0; //IAT sensor pin
pinCLT = A1; //CLS sensor pin
pinO2 = A8; //O2 Sensor pin
pinBat = A4; //Battery reference voltage pin
pinStepperDir = 16; //Direction pin for DRV8825 driver
pinStepperStep = 17; //Step pin for DRV8825 driver
pinDisplayReset = 48; // OLED reset pin
pinFan = 47; //Pin for the fan output
pinFuelPump = 4; //Fuel pump output
pinTachOut = 49; //Tacho output pin
pinFlex = 3; // Flex sensor (Must be external interrupt enabled)
pinBoost = 5;
pinIdle1 = 6;
//Setup any devices that are using selectable pins
if ( (configPage3.launchPin != 0) && (configPage3.launchPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinLaunch = pinTranslate(configPage3.launchPin); }
if ( (configPage2.ignBypassPin != 0) && (configPage2.ignBypassPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinIgnBypass = pinTranslate(configPage2.ignBypassPin); }
if ( (configPage1.tachoPin != 0) && (configPage1.tachoPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinTachOut = pinTranslate(configPage1.tachoPin); }
if ( (configPage2.fuelPumpPin != 0) && (configPage2.fuelPumpPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinFuelPump = pinTranslate(configPage2.fuelPumpPin); }
if ( (configPage3.fanPin != 0) && (configPage3.fanPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinFan = pinTranslate(configPage3.fanPin); }
if ( (configPage3.boostPin != 0) && (configPage3.boostPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinBoost = pinTranslate(configPage3.boostPin); }
if ( (configPage3.vvtPin != 0) && (configPage3.vvtPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinVVT_1 = pinTranslate(configPage3.vvtPin); }
if ( (configPage3.useExtBaro != 0) && (configPage3.baroPin < BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS) ) { pinBaro = configPage3.baroPin + A0; }
//Finally, set the relevant pin modes for outputs
pinMode(pinCoil1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinCoil5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinInjector5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinTachOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinIdle1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinIdle2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinFuelPump, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinIgnBypass, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinFan, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinStepperDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinStepperStep, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinStepperEnable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinBoost, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinVVT_1, OUTPUT);
inj1_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector1));
inj1_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector1);
inj2_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector2));
inj2_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector2);
inj3_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector3));
inj3_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector3);
inj4_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector4));
inj4_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector4);
inj5_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinInjector5));
inj5_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinInjector5);
ign1_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil1));
ign1_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil1);
ign2_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil2));
ign2_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil2);
ign3_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil3));
ign3_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil3);
ign4_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil4));
ign4_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil4);
ign5_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinCoil5));
ign5_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinCoil5);
tach_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinTachOut));
tach_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinTachOut);
pump_pin_port = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinFuelPump));
pump_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinFuelPump);
//And for inputs
//And for inputs
#if defined(CORE_STM32)
#ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 //libmaple core aka STM32DUINO
pinMode(pinMAP, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinO2, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinO2_2, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinTPS, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinIAT, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinCLT, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinBat, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinBaro, INPUT_ANALOG);
pinMode(pinMAP, INPUT);
pinMode(pinO2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinO2_2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTPS, INPUT);
pinMode(pinIAT, INPUT);
pinMode(pinCLT, INPUT);
pinMode(pinBat, INPUT);
pinMode(pinBaro, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger3, INPUT);
pinMode(pinFlex, INPUT_PULLUP); //Standard GM / Continental flex sensor requires pullup
if (configPage3.lnchPullRes == true) {
pinMode(pinLaunch, INPUT_PULLUP);
else {
pinMode(pinLaunch, INPUT); //If Launch Pull Resistor is not set make input float.
//These must come after the above pinMode statements
triggerPri_pin_port = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinTrigger));
triggerPri_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinTrigger);
triggerSec_pin_port = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(pinTrigger2));
triggerSec_pin_mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pinTrigger2);
#if defined(CORE_STM32)
//Set default values
digitalWrite(pinMAP, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(pinO2, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinTPS, LOW);
void initialiseTriggers()
byte triggerInterrupt = 0; // By default, use the first interrupt
byte triggerInterrupt2 = 1;
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
switch (pinTrigger) {
//Arduino Mega 2560 mapping
case 2:
triggerInterrupt = 0; break;
case 3:
triggerInterrupt = 1; break;
case 18:
triggerInterrupt = 5; break;
case 19:
triggerInterrupt = 4; break;
case 20:
triggerInterrupt = 3; break;
case 21:
triggerInterrupt = 2; break;
triggerInterrupt = 0; break; //This should NEVER happen
triggerInterrupt = pinTrigger;
#if defined(CORE_AVR)
switch (pinTrigger2) {
//Arduino Mega 2560 mapping
case 2:
triggerInterrupt2 = 0; break;
case 3:
triggerInterrupt2 = 1; break;
case 18:
triggerInterrupt2 = 5; break;
case 19:
triggerInterrupt2 = 4; break;
case 20:
triggerInterrupt2 = 3; break;
case 21:
triggerInterrupt2 = 2; break;
triggerInterrupt2 = 0; break; //This should NEVER happen
triggerInterrupt2 = pinTrigger2;
pinMode(pinTrigger, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger2, INPUT);
pinMode(pinTrigger3, INPUT);
//digitalWrite(pinTrigger, HIGH);
//Set the trigger function based on the decoder in the config
switch (configPage2.TrigPattern)
case 0:
//Missing tooth decoder
trigger = triggerPri_missingTooth;
triggerSecondary = triggerSec_missingTooth;
getRPM = getRPM_missingTooth;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_missingTooth;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_missingTooth;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
if(configPage2.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_missingTooth, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_missingTooth, FALLING); }
case 1:
// Basic distributor
trigger = triggerPri_BasicDistributor;
getRPM = getRPM_BasicDistributor;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_BasicDistributor;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_BasicDistributor;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
case 2:
trigger = triggerPri_DualWheel;
getRPM = getRPM_DualWheel;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_DualWheel;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_DualWheel;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
if(configPage2.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_DualWheel, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_DualWheel, FALLING); }
case 3:
trigger = triggerPri_GM7X;
getRPM = getRPM_GM7X;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_GM7X;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_GM7X;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
case 4:
trigger = triggerPri_4G63;
getRPM = getRPM_4G63;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_4G63;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_4G63;
//These may both need to change, not sure
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0)
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, CHANGE); // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_4G63, FALLING); //changed
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, CHANGE); // Primary trigger connects to
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_4G63, FALLING);
case 5:
trigger = triggerPri_24X;
getRPM = getRPM_24X;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_24X;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_24X;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); } // Primary trigger connects to
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_24X, CHANGE);
case 6:
trigger = triggerPri_Jeep2000;
getRPM = getRPM_Jeep2000;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Jeep2000;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Jeep2000;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); } // Primary trigger connects to
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Jeep2000, CHANGE);
case 7:
trigger = triggerPri_Audi135;
getRPM = getRPM_Audi135;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Audi135;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Audi135;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Audi135, RISING);
case 8:
trigger = triggerPri_HondaD17;
getRPM = getRPM_HondaD17;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_HondaD17;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_HondaD17;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); } // Primary trigger connects to
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_HondaD17, CHANGE);
case 9:
trigger = triggerPri_Miata9905;
getRPM = getRPM_Miata9905;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Miata9905;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Miata9905;
//These may both need to change, not sure
// Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
if(configPage2.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Miata9905, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Miata9905, FALLING); }
case 10:
trigger = triggerPri_MazdaAU;
getRPM = getRPM_MazdaAU;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_MazdaAU;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_MazdaAU;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); } // Primary trigger connects to
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_MazdaAU, FALLING);
case 11:
trigger = triggerPri_DualWheel; //Is identical to the dual wheel decoder, so that is used. Same goes for the secondary below
getRPM = getRPM_non360;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_non360;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Non360;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_DualWheel, FALLING); //Note the use of the Dual Wheel trigger function here. No point in having the same code in twice.
case 12:
trigger = triggerPri_Nissan360;
getRPM = getRPM_Nissan360;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Nissan360;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Nissan360;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Nissan360, CHANGE);
case 13:
trigger = triggerPri_Subaru67;
getRPM = getRPM_Subaru67;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Subaru67;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Subaru67;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Subaru67, FALLING);
case 14:
trigger = triggerPri_Daihatsu;
getRPM = getRPM_Daihatsu;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Daihatsu;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Daihatsu;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
//No secondary input required for this pattern
case 15:
trigger = triggerPri_Harley;
//triggerSecondary = triggerSec_Harley;
getRPM = getRPM_Harley;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_Harley;
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_Harley;
attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING);
// attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSec_Harley, FALLING);
case 16:
trigger = triggerPri_ThirtySixMinus222;
triggerSecondary = triggerSec_ThirtySixMinus222;
getRPM = getRPM_missingTooth; //This uses the same function as the missing tooth decoder, so no need to duplicate code
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_missingTooth; //This uses the same function as the missing tooth decoder, so no need to duplicate code
triggerSetEndTeeth = triggerSetEndTeeth_ThirtySixMinus222;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }
if(configPage2.TrigEdgeSec == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondary, RISING); }
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt2, triggerSecondary, FALLING); }
trigger = triggerPri_missingTooth;
getRPM = getRPM_missingTooth;
getCrankAngle = getCrankAngle_missingTooth;
if(configPage2.TrigEdge == 0) { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, RISING); } // Attach the crank trigger wheel interrupt (Hall sensor drags to ground when triggering)
else { attachInterrupt(triggerInterrupt, trigger, FALLING); }