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Speeduino - Simple engine management for the Arduino Mega 2560 platform
Copyright (C) Josh Stewart
A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
can_comms was originally contributed by Darren Siepka
can_command is called when a command is received over serial3 from the Can interface
It parses the command and calls the relevant function
sendcancommand is called when a comman d is to be sent via serial3 to the Can interface
void canCommand()
currentcanCommand = CANSerial.read();
switch (currentcanCommand)
case 'A': // sends the bytes of realtime values
sendValues(0, packetSize,0x30,3); //send values to serial3
case 'G': // this is the reply command sent by the Can interface
byte destcaninchannel;
if (CANSerial.available() >= 10)
cancmdfail = CANSerial.read();
destcaninchannel = CANSerial.read();
if (cancmdfail != 0)
{ // read all 8 bytes of data.
for (byte Gx = 0; Gx < 8; Gx++) // first two are the can address the data is from. next two are the can address the data is for.then next 1 or two bytes of data
Gdata[Gx] = CANSerial.read();
Glow = Gdata[(configPage10.caninput_param_start_byte[destcaninchannel]&7)];
if ((BIT_CHECK(configPage10.caninput_param_num_bytes,destcaninchannel))) //if true then num bytes is 2
if ((configPage10.caninput_param_start_byte[destcaninchannel]&7) < 8) //you cant have a 2 byte value starting at byte 7(8 on the list)
Ghigh = Gdata[((configPage10.caninput_param_start_byte[destcaninchannel]&7)+1)];
else{Ghigh = 0;}
Ghigh = 0;
currentStatus.canin[destcaninchannel] = (Ghigh<<8) | Glow;
else{} //continue as command request failed and/or data/device was not available
if (currentStatus.current_caninchannel < 15) // if channel is < 15 then we can do another one
currentStatus.current_caninchannel++; //inc to next channel
currentStatus.current_caninchannel = 0; //reset to start
case 'L':
uint8_t Llength;
while (CANSerial.available() == 0) { }
canlisten = CANSerial.read();
if (canlisten == 0)
//command request failed and/or data/device was not available
while (CANSerial.available() == 0) { }
Llength= CANSerial.read(); // next the number of bytes expected value
for (uint8_t Lcount = 0; Lcount <Llength ;Lcount++)
while (CANSerial.available() == 0){}
// receive all x bytes into "Lbuffer"
Lbuffer[Lcount] = CANSerial.read();
case 'r': //New format for the optimised OutputChannels
byte Cmd;
if (CANSerial.available() >= 6)
CANSerial.read(); //Read the $tsCanId
Cmd = CANSerial.read();
uint16_t offset, length;
if( (Cmd == 0x30) || ( (Cmd >= 0x40) && (Cmd <0x50) ) ) //Send output channels command 0x30 is 48dec, 0x40(64dec)-0x4F(79dec) are external can request
byte tmp;
tmp = CANSerial.read();
offset = word(CANSerial.read(), tmp);
tmp = CANSerial.read();
length = word(CANSerial.read(), tmp);
sendValues(offset, length,Cmd, 3);
//No other r/ commands should be called
case 'S': // send code version
for (unsigned int revn = 0; revn < sizeof( TSfirmwareVersion) - 1; revn++)
CANSerial.write( TSfirmwareVersion[revn]);
//Serial3.print("speeduino 201609-dev");
case 'Q': // send code version
for (unsigned int revn = 0; revn < sizeof( TSfirmwareVersion) - 1; revn++)
CANSerial.write( TSfirmwareVersion[revn]);
//Serial3.print("speeduino 201609-dev");
case 'Z': //dev use
// this routine sends a request(either "0" for a "G" , "1" for a "L" , "2" for a "R" to the Can interface or "3" sends the request via the actual local canbus
void sendCancommand(uint8_t cmdtype, uint16_t canaddress, uint8_t candata1, uint8_t candata2, uint16_t paramgroup)
switch (cmdtype)
case 0:
CANSerial.write(canaddress); //tscanid of speeduino device
CANSerial.write(candata1); // table id
CANSerial.write(candata2); //table memory offset
case 1: //send request to listen for a can message
CANSerial.write(canaddress); //11 bit canaddress of device to listen for
case 2: // requests via serial3
CANSerial.print("R"); //send "R" to request data from the parmagroup can address whos value is sent next
CANSerial.write(candata1); //the currentStatus.current_caninchannel
CANSerial.write(lowByte(paramgroup) ); //send lsb first
CANSerial.write(highByte(paramgroup) );
case 3:
//send to truecan send routine
//canaddress == speeduino canid, candata1 == canin channel dest, paramgroup == can address to request from