238 lines
8.1 KiB
238 lines
8.1 KiB
This is called when a command is received over serial from TunerStudio / Megatune
It parses the command and calls the relevant function
A detailed description of each call can be found at: http://www.msextra.com/doc/ms1extra/COM_RS232.htm
void command()
switch (Serial.read())
case 'A': // send 22 bytes of realtime values
case 'B': // Burn current values to eeprom
case 'C': // test communications. This is used by Tunerstudio to see whether there is an ECU on a given serial port
case 'P': // set the current page
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
//A 2nd byte of data is required after the 'P' specifying the new page number.
//This loop should never need to run as the byte should already be in the buffer, but is here just in case
while (Serial.available() == 0) { }
currentPage = Serial.read();
case 'R': // send 39 bytes of realtime values
case 'S': // send code version
case 'Q': // send code version
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
case 'V': // send VE table and constants
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
case 'W': // receive new VE or constant at 'W'+<offset>+<newbyte>
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
receiveValue(Serial.read(), Serial.read());
This function returns the current values of a fixed group of variables
void sendValues(int length)
byte response[22];
response[0] = (uint8_t)1; //rtc.sec;
boolean a = 0; //inj_port1.status;
boolean b = 0; //inj_port2.status;
response[1] = currentStatus.squirt; //((a & 0x01) << 0) | ((a & 0x02) << 1) | ((a & 0x04) << 1) | ((b & 0x01) << 1) | ((b & 0x02) << 3) | ((b & 0x04) << 3); //squirt NOT YET WORKING
response[2] = currentStatus.engine; // Engine Status NOT YET WORKING
response[3] = 0x00; //baro
response[4] = currentStatus.MAP; //map
response[5] = 0x00; //mat
response[6] = 0x00; //Coolant
response[7] = 0x00; //TPS
response[8] = 0x00; //battery voltage
response[9] = 0x00; //O2
response[10] = 0x00; //Exhaust gas correction (%)
response[11] = 0x00; //Air Correction (%)
response[12] = 0x00; //Warmup enrichment (%)
response[13] = (currentStatus.RPM / 100); //rpm / 100
response[14] = currentStatus.PW / 100; //Pulsewidth 1 divided by 10 (in ms)
response[15] = 0x00; //acceleration enrichment (ms)
response[16] = 0x00; //Barometer correction (%)
response[17] = 0x00; //Total GammaE (%)
response[18] = currentStatus.VE; //Current VE 1 (%)
response[19] = 0x00; //Pulsewidth 2 divided by 10 (in ms)
response[20] = 0x00; //mCurrent VE 2 (%)
response[21] = 0x00; //Idle
Serial.write(response, (size_t)22);
void receiveValue(byte offset, byte newValue)
byte* pnt_configPage;
switch (currentPage)
case vePage:
pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage1; //Setup a pointer to the relevant config page
if (offset < 64) //New value is part of the fuel map
fuelTable.values[7-offset/8][offset%8] = newValue;
else if (offset < 80) //New value is one of the X or Y axis bins
//Check whether this is on the X (RPM) or Y (MAP/TPS) axis
if (offset < 72)
//X Axis
//*(pnt_configPage + offset) = newValue * 100; //The RPM values sent by megasquirt are divided by 100, need to multiple it back by 100 to make it correct
fuelTable.axisX[(offset-64)] = newValue * 100; //The RPM values sent by megasquirt are divided by 100, need to multiple it back by 100 to make it correct
//Y Axis
offset = 7-(offset-72); //Need to do a translation to flip the order (Due to us using (0,0) in the top left rather than bottom right
//*(pnt_configPage + offset) = newValue;
fuelTable.axisY[offset] = newValue;
else //New value is one of the remaining config items
*(pnt_configPage + offset) = newValue;
case ignPage: //Ignition settings page (Page 2)
pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage2;
if (offset < 64) //New value is part of the ignition map
ignitionTable.values[7-offset/8][offset%8] = newValue;
else if (offset < 80) //New value is one of the X or Y axis bins
//Check whether this is on the X (RPM) or Y (MAP/TPS) axis
if (offset < 72)
//X Axis
*(pnt_configPage + offset) = newValue * 100;
//Y Axis
offset = 7-(offset-72); //Need to do a translation to flip the order
*(pnt_configPage + offset) = newValue;
else //New value is one of the remaining config items
*(pnt_configPage + offset) = newValue;
sendPage() packs the data within the current page (As set with the 'P' command)
into a buffer and sends it.
Note that some translation of the data is required to lay it out in the way Megasqurit / TunerStudio expect it
void sendPage()
byte response[page_size];
byte offset;
byte* pnt_configPage;
switch ((int)currentPage)
case vePage:
//Need to perform a translation of the values[MAP/TPS][RPM] into the MS expected format
//MS format has origin (0,0) in the bottom left corner, we use the top left for efficiency reasons
for(byte x=0;x<64;x++) { response[x] = fuelTable.values[7-x/8][x%8]; } //This is slightly non-intuitive, but essentially just flips the table vertically (IE top line becomes the bottom line etc). Columns are unchanged
for(byte x=64;x<72;x++) { response[x] = fuelTable.axisX[(x-64)] / 100; } //RPM Bins for VE table (Need to be dvidied by 100)
for(byte y=72;y<80;y++) { response[y] = fuelTable.axisY[7-(y-72)]; } //MAP or TPS bins for VE table
//All other bytes can simply be copied from the config table
pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage1; //Create a pointer to Page 1 in memory
offset = 80; //Offset is based on the amount already copied above (table + bins)
for(byte x=offset; x<page_size; x++)
response[offset] = *(pnt_configPage + offset + x); //Each byte is simply the location in memory of configPage1 + the offset + the variable number (x)
Serial.write((byte *)&response, sizeof(response));
case ignPage:
//Need to perform a translation of the values[MAP/TPS][RPM] into the MS expected format
for(byte x=0;x<64;x++) { response[x] = ignitionTable.values[7-x/8][x%8]; }
for(byte x=64;x<72;x++) { response[x] = ignitionTable.axisX[(x-64)] / 100; }
for(byte y=72;y<80;y++) { response[y] = ignitionTable.axisY[7-(y-72)]; }
//All other bytes can simply be copied from the config table
pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage2; //Create a pointer to Page 2 in memory
offset = 80; //Offset is based on the amount already copied above (table + bins)
for(byte x=offset; x<page_size; x++)
response[offset] = *(pnt_configPage + offset + x); //Each byte is simply the location in memory of configPage + the offset + the variable number (x)
Serial.write((byte *)&response, sizeof(response));
void testComm()