Base tunes and signtatures for May 18 FW

This commit is contained in:
Josh Stewart 2018-06-07 15:22:04 +10:00
parent 627d6d98fa
commit 47b7da893e
4 changed files with 140 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -1,28 +1,40 @@
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47.0 50.0 64.0 71.0 66.0 65.0 64.0 67.0 61.0 61.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 63.0 63.0 63.0
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@ -42,7 +54,7 @@
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@ -85,7 +97,7 @@
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@ -100,7 +112,7 @@
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@ -111,11 +123,12 @@
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@ -134,8 +147,10 @@
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@ -143,6 +158,8 @@
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@ -203,7 +220,7 @@
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@ -243,8 +260,10 @@
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@ -252,12 +271,10 @@
@ -280,7 +297,7 @@
<constant name="resetControl">"Disabled"</constant>
<constant name="resetControlPin">"9"</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="SkipCycles" units="cycles">0.0</constant>
<constant name="unused4-12a">"NOTHING"</constant>
<constant name="boostType">"Open Loop"</constant>
<constant name="useDwellLim">"On"</constant>
<constant name="sparkMode">"Wasted Spark"</constant>
<constant name="TrigFilter">"Weak"</constant>
@ -298,14 +315,14 @@
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<constant cols="1" digits="0" name="taeRates" rows="4" units="%">
<constant cols="1" digits="0" name="wueBins" rows="10" units="C">
@ -416,7 +433,7 @@
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0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
@ -1150,29 +1167,29 @@
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View File

@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
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@ -42,7 +54,7 @@
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<constant cols="1" digits="0" name="fuelLoadBins" rows="16" units="kPa">
@ -100,7 +112,7 @@
<constant name="multiplyMAP">"Yes"</constant>
<constant name="includeAFR">"No"</constant>
<constant name="hardCutType">"Full"</constant>
<constant name="ignAlgorithm">"Speed Density"</constant>
<constant name="ignAlgorithm">"MAP"</constant>
<constant name="indInjAng">"Enabled"</constant>
<constant digits="1" name="injOpen" units="ms">1.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="inj1Ang" units="deg">355.0</constant>
@ -111,11 +123,12 @@
<constant name="twoStroke">"Four-stroke"</constant>
<constant name="injType">"Port"</constant>
<constant name="nCylinders">"4"</constant>
<constant name="fuelAlgorithm">"Speed Density"</constant>
<constant name="algorithm">"MAP"</constant>
<constant name="unused2_37d">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="nInjectors">"4"</constant>
<constant name="engineType">"Even fire"</constant>
<constant name="flexEnabled">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="algorithm">"Speed Density"</constant>
<constant name="unused2_38c">"Speed Density"</constant>
<constant name="baroCorr">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="injLayout">"Paired"</constant>
<constant name="perToothIgn">"No"</constant>
@ -134,8 +147,10 @@
<constant digits="0" name="oddfire2" units="deg">0.0</constant>
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<constant digits="0" name="unused2-57" units="%">255.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="unused2-58" units="%">255.0</constant>
<constant name="idleUpPin">"36"</constant>
<constant name="idleUpPolarity">"Inverted"</constant>
<constant name="idleUpEnabled">"Off"</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="idleUpAdder" units="% / Steps">163.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="unused2-59" units="Deg">255.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="unused2-60" units="Deg">255.0</constant>
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@ -205,7 +220,7 @@
<constant digits="0" name="UNALLOCATED_TOP_1" units="RAW">
<page number="2" size="288">
@ -245,7 +260,7 @@
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@ -261,7 +276,7 @@
<page number="3" size="128">
@ -277,11 +292,12 @@
<constant name="fuelPumpPin">"Board Default"</constant>
<constant name="useResync">"No"</constant>
<constant digits="1" name="sparkDur" units="ms">1.0</constant>
<constant name="trigPatternSec">"Single tooth cam"</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="bootloaderCaps" units="level">0.0</constant>
<constant name="resetControl">"Serial Command"</constant>
<constant name="resetControlPin">"Board Default"</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="SkipCycles" units="cycles">1.0</constant>
<constant name="unused4-12a">"NOTHING"</constant>
<constant name="boostType">"Open Loop"</constant>
<constant name="useDwellLim">"On"</constant>
<constant name="sparkMode">"Wasted Spark"</constant>
<constant name="TrigFilter">"Off"</constant>
@ -417,7 +433,7 @@
<constant digits="0" name="UNALLOCATED_TOP_3" units="RAW">
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@ -477,14 +493,14 @@
<page number="5" size="128">
<constant name="egoAlgorithm">"No correction"</constant>
<constant name="egoAlgorithm">"Simple"</constant>
<constant name="egoType">"Wide Band"</constant>
<constant name="boostEnabled">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="vvtEnabled">"On"</constant>
<constant name="boostCutType">"Spark Only"</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoKP" units="%">100.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoKI" units="%">20.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoKD" units="%">0.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoKP" units="%">35.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoKI" units="%">0.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoKD" units="%">20.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoTemp" units="C">70.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="egoCount">16.0</constant>
<constant digits="0" name="unused6-6" units="%">255.0</constant>
@ -649,7 +665,7 @@
<page number="6" size="240">
<constant cols="8" digits="0" name="boostTable" rows="8" units="kPa">
<constant cols="8" digits="0" name="boostTable" rows="8" units="Duty Cycle %">
150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
@ -857,6 +873,8 @@
<constant name="caninput_sel13">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_sel14">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_sel15">"Off"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_source_can_address8">"0x706"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_source_can_address15">"0x6FD"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_source_start_byte0">"7"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_source_start_byte1">"7"</constant>
<constant name="caninput_source_start_byte2">"7"</constant>
@ -1157,7 +1175,7 @@
<constant digits="0" name="UNALLOCATED_TOP_9" units="RAW">
<settings Comment="These setting are only used if this msq is opened without a project.">

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
MTversion = 2.25
queryCommand = "Q"
signature = "speeduino 201805-dev"
signature = "speeduino 201805"
versionInfo = "S" ;This info is what is displayed to user
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
idleUnits = bits, U08, [0:2], "None", "On/Off", "Duty Cycle", "Duty Cycle", "Steps", "Steps"
#define loadSourceNames = "Speed Density", "Alpha-N", "IMAP/EMAP", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
#define loadSourceNames = "MAP", "TPS", "IMAP/EMAP", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
#define loadSourceUnits = "kPa", "% TPS", "%", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
algorithmNames = bits, U08, [0:2], $loadSourceNames
;algorithmUnits = bits, U08, [0:2], $loadSourceUnits
@ -978,31 +978,33 @@ menuDialog = main
; constantName = "Help Text"
; These provide the context help in the dialog when these variables are used
nCylinders = "Cylinder count"
alternate = "Whether or not the injectors should be fired at the same time. This setting is ignored when Sequential is selected below, however it will still affect the req_fuel value."
engineType = "Engines with an equal number of degrees between all firings (This is most engines) should select Even fire. Some 2 and 6 cylinder engines are Odd fire however."
twoStroke = "Four-Stroke (most engines), Two-stroke."
nInjectors = "Number of primary injectors."
mapSample = "The method used for calculating the MAP reading\nFor 1-2 Cylinder engines, Cycle Minimum is recommended.\nFor more than 2 cylinders Cycle Average is recommended"
stoich = "The stoichiometric ration of the fuel being used. For flex fuel, choose the primary fuel"
injLayout = "The injector layout and timing to be used. Options are: \n 1. Paired - 2 injectors per output. Outputs active is equal to half the number of cylinders. Outputs are timed over 1 crank revolution. \n 2. Semi-sequential: Same as paired except that injector channels are mirrored (1&4, 2&3) meaning the number of outputs used are equal to the number of cylinders. Only valid for 4 cylinders or less. \n 3. Banked: 2 outputs only used. \n 4. Sequential: 1 injector per output and outputs used equals the number of cylinders. Injection is timed over full cycle. "
nCylinders = "Cylinder count"
alternate = "Whether or not the injectors should be fired at the same time. This setting is ignored when Sequential is selected below, however it will still affect the req_fuel value."
engineType = "Engines with an equal number of degrees between all firings (This is most engines) should select Even fire. Some 2 and 6 cylinder engines are Odd fire however."
twoStroke = "Four-Stroke (most engines), Two-stroke."
nInjectors = "Number of primary injectors."
mapSample = "The method used for calculating the MAP reading\nFor 1-2 Cylinder engines, Cycle Minimum is recommended.\nFor more than 2 cylinders Cycle Average is recommended"
stoich = "The stoichiometric ration of the fuel being used. For flex fuel, choose the primary fuel"
injLayout = "The injector layout and timing to be used. Options are: \n 1. Paired - 2 injectors per output. Outputs active is equal to half the number of cylinders. Outputs are timed over 1 crank revolution. \n 2. Semi-sequential: Same as paired except that injector channels are mirrored (1&4, 2&3) meaning the number of outputs used are equal to the number of cylinders. Only valid for 4 cylinders or less. \n 3. Banked: 2 outputs only used. \n 4. Sequential: 1 injector per output and outputs used equals the number of cylinders. Injection is timed over full cycle. "
TrigPattern = "The type of input trigger decoder to be used."
TrigPattern = "The type of input trigger decoder to be used."
useResync = "If enabled, sync will be rechecked once every full cycle from the cam input. This is good for accuracy, however if your cam input is noisy then this can cause issues."
trigPatternSec = "Cam mode/type also known as Secondary Trigger Pattern."
numTeeth = "Number of teeth on Primary Wheel."
TrigSpeed = "Primary trigger speed."
missingTeeth= "Number of Missing teeth on Primary Wheel."
TrigAng = "The Angle ATDC when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel passes the primary sensor. The range of this field is -360 to +360 degrees."
TrigAngMul = "A multiplier used by non-360 degree tooth wheels (i.e. Wheels where the tooth count doesn't divide evenly into 360. Usage: (360 * <multiplier>) / tooth_count = Whole number"
SkipCycles = "The number of revolutions that will be skipped during cranking before the injectors and coils are fired."
numTeeth = "Number of teeth on Primary Wheel."
TrigSpeed = "Primary trigger speed."
missingTeeth= "Number of Missing teeth on Primary Wheel."
TrigAng = "The Angle ATDC when tooth No:1 on the primary wheel passes the primary sensor. The range of this field is -360 to +360 degrees."
TrigAngMul = "A multiplier used by non-360 degree tooth wheels (i.e. Wheels where the tooth count doesn't divide evenly into 360. Usage: (360 * <multiplier>) / tooth_count = Whole number"
SkipCycles = "The number of revolutions that will be skipped during cranking before the injectors and coils are fired."
TrigEdge = "The Trigger edge of the primary sensor.\nLeading.\nTrailing."
TrigEdgeSec = "The Trigger edge of the secondary (Cam) sensor.\nLeading.\nTrailing."
TrigFilter = "Tuning of the trigger filter algorithm. The more aggressive the setting, the more noise will be removed, however this increases the chance of some true readings being filtered out (False positive). Medium is safe for most setups. Only select 'Aggressive' if no other options are working"
sparkMode = "Wasted Spark: Ignition outputs are on the channels <= half the number of cylinders. Eg 4 cylinder outputs on IGN1 and IGN2.\nSingle Channel: All ignition pulses are output on IGN1.\nWasted COP: Ignition pulses are output on all ignition channels up to the number of cylinders. Eg 4 cylinder outputs on all ignition channels. No valid for >4 cylinders"
IgInv = "Whether the spark fires when the ignition signal goes high or goes low. Nearly all ignition systems use 'Going Low' but please verify this as damage to coils can result from the incorrect selection. (NOTE: THIS IS NOT MEGASQUIRT. THIS SETTING IS USUALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY USE!)"
sparkDur = "The duration of the spark at full dwell. Typically around 1ms"
sparkDur = "The duration of the spark at full dwell. Typically around 1ms"
crankRPM = "The cranking RPM threshold. When RPM is lower than this value (and above 0) the system will be considered to be cranking"
fanInv = ""
fanHyster = "The number of degrees of hysteresis to be used in controlling the fan. Recommended values are between 2 and 5"
@ -1018,7 +1020,7 @@ menuDialog = main
iacCLminDuty= "When using closed loop idle control, this is the minimum duty cycle that the PID loop will allow. Combined with the maximum value, this specifies the working range of your idle valve"
iacCLmaxDuty= "When using closed loop idle control, this is the maximum duty cycle that the PID loop will allow. Combined with the minimum value, this specifies the working range of your idle valve"
iacFastTemp = "Below this temperature, the idle output will be high (On). Above this temperature, it will turn off."
idleUpPolarity = "Normal polarity is a ground switch where an earthed signal activates the Idle Up. The internal pullup will be enabled with Normal polarity. \n Inverted may be used if a 5v signal is used to enable the Idle Up."
idleUpPolarity = "Normal polarity is a ground switch where an earthed signal activates the Idle Up. The internal pullup will be enabled with Normal polarity. \n Inverted may be used if a 5v signal is used to enable the Idle Up."
oddfire2 = "The ATDC angle of channel 2 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1"
oddfire3 = "The ATDC angle of channel 3 for oddfire engines. This is relative to the TDC angle of channel 1 (NOT channel 2)"
@ -1029,6 +1031,8 @@ menuDialog = main
dfcoTPSThresh= "The TPS value below which DFCO will be active. Typical value is 5%-10%, but higher may be needed if TPS signal is noisy"
launchPin = "The ARDUINO pin that the clutch switch is connected to. This is NOT the pin on the connector, but the pin it relates to on the arduino"
launchHiLo = "Whether the signal is High or Low when the clutch pedal is engaged. For a ground switching input (Most clutch switches), this should be LOW"
lnchPullRes = "Whether the internal pullup resistor is enabled or left floating. For a ground switching input (Most clutch switches), select Pullup. For a 0v-5v input, select Floating"
ignBypassPin = "The ARDUINO pin that the ignition bypass is connected to. This is NOT the pin on the connector, but the pin it relates to on the arduino"
ignBypassEnable = "If turned on, a ground signal will be output during cranking on the specified pin. This is used to bypass the Speeduino ignition control during cranking."
ignCranklock = "On certain low resolution ignition patterns, the cranking timing can be locked to occur when a pulse is recieved."
@ -1134,11 +1138,11 @@ menuDialog = main
cmdtestspk350dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
cmdtestspk450dc = "this will cycle the output at 50% Duty cycle"
boostIntv = "The closed loop control interval will run every this many ms. Generally values between 50% and 100% of the valve frequency work best"
VVTasOnOff = "Whether or not the VVT table should be treated as on and off control only. If you are using the VVT map to control a switch, this should be Yes. If you are using the VVT control to drive a PWM signal, this should be No"
boostIntv = "The closed loop control interval will run every this many ms. Generally values between 50% and 100% of the valve frequency work best"
VVTasOnOff = "Whether or not the VVT table should be treated as on and off control only. If you are using the VVT map to control a switch, this should be Yes. If you are using the VVT control to drive a PWM signal, this should be No"
stagedInjSizePri= "Size of the primary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation"
stagedInjSizeSec= "Size of the secondary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation"
stagedInjSizePri= "Size of the primary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation"
stagedInjSizeSec= "Size of the secondary injectors. The sum of the Pri and Sec injectors values MUST match the value used in the req_fuel calculation"
#if resetcontrol_adv
resetControl = "How to control the Arduino's automatic reset feature. NOTE: Some of these settings require modifying your hardware and replacing the Arduino bootloader. See the Wiki for more details.\n\nDisabled: Allow the Arduino to reset when a new serial connection is made.\n\nPrevent When Running: Hold the control pin high while the engine is running.\n\nPrevent Always: Always hold the control pin high.\n\nSerial Command: Normally hold the control pin high, but pull it low when the 'U' serial command is issued and reset upon receiving more data."

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void command()
case 'Q': // send code version
Serial.print("speeduino 201805-dev");
Serial.print("speeduino 201805");
case 'r': //New format for the optimised OutputChannels
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void command()
case 'S': // send code version
Serial.print("Speeduino 2018.5-dev");
Serial.print("Speeduino 2018.5");
currentStatus.secl = 0; //This is required in TS3 due to its stricter timings