Change ini to move individual injector timing to an RPM based curve
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,10 +254,7 @@ page = 1
ignAlgorithm = bits, U08, 26, [4:6], $loadSourceNames
indInjAng = bits, U08, 26, [7:7], "Disabled", "Enabled"
injOpen = scalar, U08, 27, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 25.5, 1
inj1Ang = scalar, U16, 28, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
inj2Ang = scalar, U16, 30, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
inj3Ang = scalar, U16, 32, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
inj4Ang = scalar, U16, 34, "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 360, 0
injAng = array, U16, 28, [4], "deg", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 720, 0
; Config1
mapSample = bits, U08, 36, [0:1], "Instantaneous", "Cycle Average", "Cycle Minimum", "Event Average"
@ -336,7 +333,8 @@ page = 1
idleAdvRPM = scalar, U08, 93, "rpm", 100, 0.0, 100, 25500, 0
idleAdvTPS = scalar, U08, 94, "%", 1, 0, 0, 120, 0
unused2-95 = array, U08, 95, [33], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
injAngRPM = array, U08, 95, [4], "RPM" 100, 0.0, 1000, 10000, 0
unused2-95 = array, U08, 99, [29], "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0
;Page 2 is the fuel map and axis bins only
page = 2
@ -1095,11 +1093,8 @@ page = 11
defaultValue = useResync, 1
defaultValue = trigPatternSec, 0
defaultValue = sparkMode, 0
defaultValue = indInjAng, 0
defaultValue = inj1Ang, 355
defaultValue = inj2Ang, 355
defaultValue = inj3Ang, 355
defaultValue = inj4Ang, 355
defaultValue = injAng, 355 355 355 355
defaultValue = injAngRPM, 500 2000 4500 6500
defaultValue = nInjectors, 4
defaultValue = dutyLim, 80
defaultValue = mapMin, 10
@ -1788,18 +1783,18 @@ menuDialog = main
panel = fuelTable2Dialog_north, North
panel = fuelTable2Dialog_south, South, { fuel2Mode }
dialog = injChars, "Injector Characteristics"
dialog = injAngleDialog, "Injector close angles"
panel = injector_timing_curve
dialog = injOpenTimeDialog, "Injector opening time"
field = "Injector Open Time", injOpen
field = "Injector close angle"
field = "", inj1Ang, { indInjAng == 0 }
field = "Individual channel setting", indInjAng
field = "Channel 1", inj1Ang, { indInjAng }
field = "Channel 2", inj2Ang, { nCylinders > 1 && indInjAng }
field = "Channel 3", inj3Ang, { indInjAng && (nCylinders > 4 || nCylinders == 3 || ((nCylinders == 4) && (injLayout == 3))) }
field = "Channel 4", inj4Ang, { indInjAng && (nCylinders > 6 || ((nCylinders == 4) && (injLayout == 3))) }
field = "Injector Duty Limit", dutyLim
panel = injector_voltage_curve
field = "Battery Voltage Correction Mode", battVCorMode
panel = injector_voltage_curve
dialog = injChars, "Injector Characteristics"
field = "Injector Duty Limit", dutyLim
panel = injOpenTimeDialog
panel = injAngleDialog
dialog = egoControl, ""
topicHelp = ""
@ -2922,6 +2917,14 @@ cmdtestspk450dc = "E\x03\x0C"
xBins = brvBins, batteryVoltage
yBins = injBatRates
; Curve for injector timign vs RPM
curve = injector_timing_curve, "Injector timing"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Injector"
xAxis = 0, 7000, 6
yAxis = 0, 720, 5
xBins = injAngRPM, rpm
yBins = injAng
; Correction curve for Air Density vs temperature
curve = airdensity_curve, "IAT density correction"
columnLabel = "Air Temperature", "Fuel Amount"
Reference in New Issue