Fix timing issue that could occur, particularly with very low injector angles

This commit is contained in:
Josh Stewart 2016-06-27 13:45:51 +10:00
parent a90d13b038
commit 5a2c825cf7
3 changed files with 104 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ enum ScheduleStatus {OFF, PENDING, RUNNING}; //The 3 statuses that a schedule ca
struct Schedule {
volatile unsigned long duration;
volatile ScheduleStatus Status;
volatile byte schedulesSet; //A counter of how many times the schedule has been set
void (*StartCallback)(); //Start Callback function for schedule
void (*EndCallback)(); //Start Callback function for schedule
volatile unsigned long startTime;

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@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ void initialiseSchedulers()
fuelSchedule2.Status = OFF;
fuelSchedule3.Status = OFF;
fuelSchedule1.schedulesSet = 0;
fuelSchedule2.schedulesSet = 0;
fuelSchedule3.schedulesSet = 0;
//Ignition Schedules, which uses timer 5
TCCR5B = 0x00; //Disable Timer3 while we set it up
TCNT5 = 0; //Reset Timer Count
@ -32,6 +36,10 @@ void initialiseSchedulers()
ignitionSchedule2.Status = OFF;
ignitionSchedule3.Status = OFF;
ignitionSchedule1.schedulesSet = 0;
ignitionSchedule2.schedulesSet = 0;
ignitionSchedule3.schedulesSet = 0;
//The remaining Schedules (Schedules 4 for fuel and ignition) use Timer4
TCCR4B = 0x00; //Disable Timer4 while we set it up
TCNT4 = 0; //Reset Timer Count
@ -40,6 +48,9 @@ void initialiseSchedulers()
TCCR4B = (1 << CS12); //Timer4 Control Reg B: aka Divisor = 256 = 122.5HzTimer Prescaler set to 256. Refer to
ignitionSchedule4.Status = OFF;
fuelSchedule4.Status = OFF;
ignitionSchedule4.schedulesSet = 0;
fuelSchedule4.schedulesSet = 0;
//Note that timer4 compare channel C is used by the idle control
@ -59,13 +70,15 @@ void setFuelSchedule1(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned l
//We need to calculate the value to reset the timer to (preload) in order to achieve the desired overflow time
//As the timer is ticking every 16uS (Time per Tick = (Prescale)*(1/Frequency))
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout / 16); //Each tick occurs every 16uS with the 256 prescaler, so divide the timeout by 16 to get ther required number of ticks. Add this to the current tick count to get the target time. This will automatically overflow as required
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
OCR3A = absoluteTimeout;
fuelSchedule1.startCompare = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
fuelSchedule1.endCompare = fuelSchedule1.startCompare + (duration >> 4);
OCR3A = fuelSchedule1.startCompare;
fuelSchedule1.duration = duration;
fuelSchedule1.StartCallback = startCallback; //Name the start callback function
fuelSchedule1.EndCallback = endCallback; //Name the end callback function
fuelSchedule1.Status = PENDING; //Turn this schedule on
timer3compareA.currentSchedule = &fuelSchedule1;
fuelSchedule1.schedulesSet++; //Increment the number of times this schedule has been set
TIMSK3 |= (1 << OCIE3A); //Turn on the C compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
void setFuelSchedule2(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration, void(*endCallback)())
@ -75,12 +88,14 @@ void setFuelSchedule2(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned l
//We need to calculate the value to reset the timer to (preload) in order to achieve the desired overflow time
//As the timer is ticking every 16uS (Time per Tick = (Prescale)*(1/Frequency))
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout / 16); //Each tick occurs every 16uS with the 256 prescaler, so divide the timeout by 16 to get ther required number of ticks. Add this to the current tick count to get the target time. This will automatically overflow as required
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
OCR3B = absoluteTimeout; //Use the B copmare unit of timer 3
fuelSchedule2.startCompare = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
fuelSchedule2.endCompare = fuelSchedule2.startCompare + (duration >> 4);
OCR3B = fuelSchedule2.startCompare; //Use the B copmare unit of timer 3
fuelSchedule2.duration = duration;
fuelSchedule2.StartCallback = startCallback; //Name the start callback function
fuelSchedule2.EndCallback = endCallback; //Name the end callback function
fuelSchedule2.Status = PENDING; //Turn this schedule on
fuelSchedule2.schedulesSet++; //Increment the number of times this schedule has been set
TIMSK3 |= (1 << OCIE3B); //Turn on the B compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
void setFuelSchedule3(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration, void(*endCallback)())
@ -89,13 +104,15 @@ void setFuelSchedule3(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned l
//We need to calculate the value to reset the timer to (preload) in order to achieve the desired overflow time
//As the timer is ticking every 16uS (Time per Tick = (Prescale)*(1/Frequency))
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout / 16); //Each tick occurs every 16uS with the 256 prescaler, so divide the timeout by 16 to get ther required number of ticks. Add this to the current tick count to get the target time. This will automatically overflow as required
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
OCR3C = absoluteTimeout; //Use the C compare unit of timer 3
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout / 16); //Each tick occurs every 16uS with the 256 prescaler, so divide the timeout by 16 to get ther required number of ticks. Add this to the current tick count to get the target time. This will automatically overflow as require
fuelSchedule3.startCompare = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
fuelSchedule3.endCompare = fuelSchedule3.startCompare + (duration >> 4);
OCR3C = fuelSchedule3.startCompare; //Use the C copmare unit of timer 3
fuelSchedule3.duration = duration;
fuelSchedule3.StartCallback = startCallback; //Name the start callback function
fuelSchedule3.EndCallback = endCallback; //Name the end callback function
fuelSchedule3.Status = PENDING; //Turn this schedule on
fuelSchedule3.schedulesSet++; //Increment the number of times this schedule has been set
TIMSK3 |= (1 << OCIE3C); //Turn on the C compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
void setFuelSchedule4(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration, void(*endCallback)()) //Uses timer 4 compare B
@ -104,16 +121,38 @@ void setFuelSchedule4(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned l
//We need to calculate the value to reset the timer to (preload) in order to achieve the desired overflow time
//As the timer is ticking every 16uS (Time per Tick = (Prescale)*(1/Frequency))
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (timeout / 16); //Each tick occurs every 16uS with the 256 prescaler, so divide the timeout by 16 to get ther required number of ticks. Add this to the current tick count to get the target time. This will automatically overflow as required
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT4 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT4 + (timeout >> 2); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
OCR4B = absoluteTimeout; //Use the B compare unit of timer 4
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT4 + (timeout / 4); //Each tick occurs every 4uS with the 128 prescaler, so divide the timeout by 4 to get ther required number of ticks. Add this to the current tick count to get the target time. This will automatically overflow as required
fuelSchedule4.startCompare = TCNT4 + (timeout >> 2);
fuelSchedule4.endCompare = fuelSchedule4.startCompare + (duration >> 2);
OCR4B = fuelSchedule4.startCompare; //Use the C copmare unit of timer 3
fuelSchedule4.duration = duration;
fuelSchedule4.StartCallback = startCallback; //Name the start callback function
fuelSchedule4.EndCallback = endCallback; //Name the end callback function
fuelSchedule4.Status = PENDING; //Turn this schedule on
fuelSchedule4.schedulesSet++; //Increment the number of times this schedule has been set
TIMSK4 |= (1 << OCIE4B); //Turn on the B compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
void setFuelSchedule5(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration, void(*endCallback)())
if(fuelSchedule5.Status == RUNNING) { return; } //Check that we're not already part way through a schedule
//We need to calculate the value to reset the timer to (preload) in order to achieve the desired overflow time
//As the timer is ticking every 16uS (Time per Tick = (Prescale)*(1/Frequency))
fuelSchedule5.startCompare = TCNT3 + (timeout >> 4); //As above, but with bit shift instead of / 16
fuelSchedule5.endCompare = fuelSchedule5.startCompare + (duration >> 4);
if(fuelSchedule5.startCompare < OCR3A)
OCR3A = fuelSchedule5.startCompare;
timer3compareA.currentSchedule = &fuelSchedule5;
fuelSchedule5.duration = duration;
fuelSchedule5.StartCallback = startCallback; //Name the start callback function
fuelSchedule5.EndCallback = endCallback; //Name the end callback function
fuelSchedule5.Status = PENDING; //Turn this schedule on
TIMSK3 |= (1 << OCIE3A); //Turn on the C compare unit (ie turn on the interrupt)
//Ignition schedulers use Timer 5
void setIgnitionSchedule1(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsigned long duration, void(*endCallback)())
@ -180,75 +219,95 @@ void setIgnitionSchedule4(void (*startCallback)(), unsigned long timeout, unsign
//This calls the relevant callback function (startCallback or endCallback) depending on the status of the schedule.
//If the startCallback function is called, we put the scheduler into RUNNING state
//Timer3A (fuel schedule 1) Compare Vector
ISR(TIMER3_COMPA_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //fuelSchedule1
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER3_COMPA_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //fuelSchedules 1 and 5
void timer3compareAinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (fuelSchedule1.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
if (timer3compareA.currentSchedule == 0) { return; } //Safety check
if (timer3compareA.currentSchedule->Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
fuelSchedule1.Status = RUNNING; //Set the status to be in progress (ie The start callback has been called, but not the end callback)
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule1.duration / 16);
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule1.duration >> 4); //Divide by 16
OCR3A = absoluteTimeout;
timer3compareA.currentSchedule->Status = RUNNING; //Set the status to be in progress (ie The start callback has been called, but not the end callback)
OCR3A = timer3compareA.currentSchedule->endCompare;
//timer3compareA.currentSchedule = timer3compareA.nextSchedule;
//timer3compareA.nextSchedule = 0;
else if (fuelSchedule1.Status == RUNNING)
fuelSchedule1.Status = OFF; //Turn off the schedule
fuelSchedule1.schedulesSet = 0;
TIMSK3 &= ~(1 << OCIE3A); //Turn off this output compare unit (This simply writes 0 to the OCIE3A bit of TIMSK3)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER3_COMPB_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //fuelSchedule2
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer3compareBinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (fuelSchedule2.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
fuelSchedule2.Status = RUNNING; //Set the status to be in progress (ie The start callback has been called, but not the end callback)
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule2.duration / 16);
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule2.duration >> 4); //Divide by 16
OCR3B = absoluteTimeout;
OCR3B = fuelSchedule2.endCompare;
else if (fuelSchedule2.Status == RUNNING)
fuelSchedule2.Status = OFF; //Turn off the schedule
fuelSchedule2.schedulesSet = 0;
TIMSK3 &= ~(1 << OCIE3B); //Turn off this output compare unit (This simply writes 0 to the OCIE3A bit of TIMSK3)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER3_COMPC_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //fuelSchedule3
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer3compareCinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (fuelSchedule3.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
fuelSchedule3.Status = RUNNING; //Set the status to be in progress (ie The start callback has been called, but not the end callback)
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule2.duration / 16);
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule3.duration >> 4); //Divide by 16
OCR3C = absoluteTimeout;
OCR3C = fuelSchedule3.endCompare;
else if (fuelSchedule3.Status == RUNNING)
fuelSchedule3.Status = OFF; //Turn off the schedule
fuelSchedule3.schedulesSet = 0;
TIMSK3 &= ~(1 << OCIE3C); //Turn off this output compare unit (This simply writes 0 to the OCIE3A bit of TIMSK3)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER4_COMPB_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //fuelSchedule4
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer4compareBinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (fuelSchedule4.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
fuelSchedule4.Status = RUNNING; //Set the status to be in progress (ie The start callback has been called, but not the end callback)
//unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT3 + (fuelSchedule2.duration / 16);
unsigned int absoluteTimeout = TCNT4 + (fuelSchedule4.duration >> 4); //Divide by 16
OCR4B = absoluteTimeout;
OCR4B = fuelSchedule4.endCompare;
else if (fuelSchedule4.Status == RUNNING)
fuelSchedule4.Status = OFF; //Turn off the schedule
fuelSchedule4.schedulesSet = 0;
TIMSK4 &= ~(1 << OCIE4B); //Turn off this output compare unit (This simply writes 0 to the OCIE3A bit of TIMSK3)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER5_COMPA_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule1
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer5compareAinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (ignitionSchedule1.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
@ -267,7 +326,11 @@ ISR(TIMER5_COMPA_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule1
TIMSK5 &= ~(1 << OCIE5A); //Turn off this output compare unit
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER5_COMPB_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule2
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer5compareBinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (ignitionSchedule2.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
@ -286,7 +349,11 @@ ISR(TIMER5_COMPB_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule2
TIMSK5 &= ~(1 << OCIE5B); //Turn off this output compare unit (This simply writes 0 to the OCIE3A bit of TIMSK3)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER5_COMPC_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule3
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer5compareCinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (ignitionSchedule3.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on
@ -305,7 +372,11 @@ ISR(TIMER5_COMPC_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule3
TIMSK5 &= ~(1 << OCIE5C); //Turn off this output compare unit (This simply writes 0 to the OCIE3A bit of TIMSK3)
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) //AVR chips use the ISR for this
ISR(TIMER4_COMPA_vect, ISR_NOBLOCK) //ignitionSchedule4
#elif defined (CORE_TEENSY) && defined (__MK20DX256__)
void timer4compareAinterrupt() //Most ARM chips can simply call a function
if (ignitionSchedule4.Status == PENDING) //Check to see if this schedule is turn on

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@ -978,6 +978,7 @@ void loop()
if (fuelOn && currentStatus.PW > 0 && !BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.squirt, BIT_SQUIRT_BOOSTCUT))
if (injector1StartAngle <= crankAngle && fuelSchedule1.schedulesSet == 0) { injector1StartAngle += 360; }
if (injector1StartAngle > crankAngle)
if (configPage1.injLayout == 1)
@ -1013,6 +1014,7 @@ void loop()
if( tempCrankAngle < 0) { tempCrankAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
tempStartAngle = injector2StartAngle - channel2InjDegrees;
if ( tempStartAngle < 0) { tempStartAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
if (tempStartAngle <= tempCrankAngle && fuelSchedule2.schedulesSet == 0) { tempStartAngle += 360; }
if (tempStartAngle > tempCrankAngle)
if (configPage1.injLayout == 1)
@ -1037,6 +1039,7 @@ void loop()
if( tempCrankAngle < 0) { tempCrankAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
tempStartAngle = injector3StartAngle - channel3InjDegrees;
if ( tempStartAngle < 0) { tempStartAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
if (tempStartAngle <= tempCrankAngle && fuelSchedule3.schedulesSet == 0) { tempStartAngle += 360; }
if (tempStartAngle > tempCrankAngle)
@ -1050,6 +1053,7 @@ void loop()
if( tempCrankAngle < 0) { tempCrankAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
tempStartAngle = injector4StartAngle - channel4InjDegrees;
if ( tempStartAngle < 0) { tempStartAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
if (tempStartAngle <= tempCrankAngle && fuelSchedule4.schedulesSet == 0) { tempStartAngle += 360; }
if (tempStartAngle > tempCrankAngle)