Split the sendPage functions between binary and ascii

This commit is contained in:
Josh Stewart 2019-04-20 17:14:37 +10:00
parent dc7b789a4e
commit 64f300206b
2 changed files with 411 additions and 368 deletions

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@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ void sendValues(uint16_t, uint16_t,byte, byte);
void sendValuesLegacy();
void receiveValue(uint16_t, byte);
void saveConfig();
void sendPage(bool);
void sendPage();
void sendPageASCII();
void receiveCalibration(byte);
void sendToothLog(bool);
void testComm();

View File

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void command()
case 'L': // List the contents of current page in human readable form
case 'm': //Send the current free memory
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ void command()
case 'V': // send VE table and constants in binary
case 'W': // receive new VE obr constant at 'W'+<offset>+<newbyte>
@ -914,324 +914,99 @@ void receiveValue(uint16_t valueOffset, byte newValue)
//if(Serial.available() > 16) { command(); }
sendPage() packs the data within the current page (As set with the 'P' command)
into a buffer and sends it.
Note that some translation of the data is required to lay it out in the way Megasqurit / TunerStudio expect it
useChar - If true, all values are send as chars, this is for the serial command line interface. TunerStudio expects data as raw values, so this must be set false in that case
void sendPage(bool useChar)
* @brief Packs the data within the current page (As set with the 'P' command) into a buffer and sends it.
* Note that some translation of the data is required to lay it out in the way Megasqurit / TunerStudio expect it
* Data is sent in binary format, as defined by in each page in the ini
void sendPage()
void* pnt_configPage = &configPage2; //Default value is for safety only. Will be changed below if needed.
struct table3D currentTable = fuelTable; //Default value is for safety only. Will be changed below if needed.
byte currentTitleIndex = 0;// This corresponds to the count up to the first char of a string in pageTitles
bool sendComplete = false; //Used to track whether all send operations are complete
switch (currentPage)
case veMapPage:
currentTitleIndex = 0;
currentTable = fuelTable;
currentTable = fuelTable;
case veSetPage:
// currentTitleIndex = 27;
if (useChar)
uint16_t* pnt16_configPage;
// To Display Values from Config Page 1
// When casting to the __FlashStringHelper type Serial.println uses the same subroutine as when using the F macro
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[27]);//27 is the index to the first char in the second sting in pageTitles
// The following loop displays in human readable form of all byte values in config page 1 up to but not including the first array.
// incrementing void pointers is cumbersome. Thus we have "pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1"
for (pnt_configPage = &configPage2; pnt_configPage < &configPage2.wueValues[0]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
for (byte x = 10; x; x--)// The x between the ';' has the same representation as the "x != 0" test or comparision
Serial.print(configPage2.wueValues[10 - x]);// This displays the values horizantially on the screen
Serial.print(' ');
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage2.wueValues[9] + 1; pnt_configPage < &configPage2.inj1Ang; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) {
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// This displays all the byte values between the last array up to but not including the first unsigned int on config page 1
// The following loop displays four unsigned ints
for (pnt16_configPage = (uint16_t *)&configPage2.inj1Ang; pnt16_configPage < (uint16_t*)&configPage2.inj4Ang + 1; pnt16_configPage = (uint16_t*)pnt16_configPage + 1)
{ Serial.println(*((uint16_t *)pnt16_configPage)); }
// Following loop displays byte values between the unsigned ints
for (pnt_configPage = (uint16_t *)&configPage2.inj4Ang + 1; pnt_configPage < &configPage2.mapMax; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
// Following loop displays remaining byte values of the page
for (pnt_configPage = (uint16_t *)&configPage2.mapMax + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage2 + npage_size[veSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
sendComplete = true;
else { pnt_configPage = &configPage2; } //Create a pointer to Page 1 in memory
pnt_configPage = &configPage2; //Create a pointer to Page 1 in memory
case ignMapPage:
currentTitleIndex = 42;// the index to the first char of the third string in pageTitles
currentTable = ignitionTable;
currentTable = ignitionTable;
case ignSetPage:
//currentTitleIndex = 56;
if (useChar)
//To Display Values from Config Page 2
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[56]);
Serial.println(configPage4.triggerAngle);// configPsge2.triggerAngle is an int so just display it without complication
// Following loop displays byte values after that first int up to but not including the first array in config page 2
for (pnt_configPage = (int *)&configPage4 + 1; pnt_configPage < &configPage4.taeBins[0]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
for (byte y = 2; y; y--)// Displaying two equal sized arrays
byte * currentVar;// A placeholder for each array
if (y == 2) {
currentVar = configPage4.taeBins;
else {
currentVar = configPage4.taeValues;
for (byte j = 4; j; j--)
Serial.print(currentVar[4 - j]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte x = 10; x ; x--)
Serial.print(configPage4.wueBins[10 - x]);//Displaying array horizontally across screen
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.println(configPage4.dwellLimit);// Little lonely byte stuck between two arrays. No complications just display it.
for (byte x = 6; x; x--)
Serial.print(configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues[6 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues[5] + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage4 + npage_size[ignSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// Displaying remaining byte values of the page
sendComplete = true;
else { pnt_configPage = &configPage4; } //Create a pointer to Page 2 in memory
pnt_configPage = &configPage4; //Create a pointer to Page 2 in memory
case afrMapPage:
currentTitleIndex = 71;//Array index to next string
currentTable = afrTable;
currentTable = afrTable;
case afrSetPage:
//currentTitleIndex = 91;
if (useChar)
//To Display Values from Config Page 3
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[91]);//special typecasting to enable suroutine that the F macro uses
for (pnt_configPage = &configPage6; pnt_configPage < &configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins[0]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// Displaying byte values of config page 3 up to but not including the first array
for (byte y = 2; y; y--)// Displaying two equally sized arrays that are next to each other
byte * currentVar;
if (y == 2) { currentVar = configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins; }
else { currentVar = configPage6.injVoltageCorrectionValues; }
for (byte x = 6; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[6 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte y = 2; y; y--)// and again
byte* currentVar;
if (y == 2) { currentVar = configPage6.airDenBins; }
else { currentVar = configPage6.airDenRates; }
for (byte x = 9; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[9 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
// Following loop displays the remaining byte values of the page
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage6.airDenRates[8] + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage6 + npage_size[afrSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));
sendComplete = true;
else { pnt_configPage = &configPage6; } //Create a pointer to Page 3 in memory
//Old configPage4 STARTED HERE!
//currentTitleIndex = 106;
//To Display Values from Config Page 4
if (useChar)
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[106]);// F macro hack
for (byte y = 4; y; y--)// Display four equally sized arrays
byte * currentVar;
switch (y)
case 1: currentVar = configPage6.iacBins; break;
case 2: currentVar = configPage6.iacOLPWMVal; break;
case 3: currentVar = configPage6.iacOLStepVal; break;
case 4: currentVar = configPage6.iacCLValues; break;
default: break;
for (byte x = 10; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[10 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte y = 3; y; y--)// Three equally sized arrays
byte * currentVar;
switch (y)
case 1: currentVar = configPage6.iacCrankBins; break;
case 2: currentVar = configPage6.iacCrankDuty; break;
case 3: currentVar = configPage6.iacCrankSteps; break;
default: break;
for (byte x = 4; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[4 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
// Following loop is for remaining byte value of page
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage6.iacCrankBins[3] + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage6 + npage_size[afrSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
sendComplete = true;
else { pnt_configPage = &configPage6; } //Create a pointer to Page 4 in memory
pnt_configPage = &configPage6; //Create a pointer to Page 3 in memory
case boostvvtPage:
currentTable = boostTable;
currentTitleIndex = 121;
//Need to perform a translation of the values[MAP/TPS][RPM] into the MS expected format
byte response[80]; //Bit hacky, but send 1 map at a time (Each map is 8x8, so 64 + 8 + 8)
//Boost table
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { response[x] = boostTable.values[7 - (x / 8)][x % 8]; }
for (int x = 64; x < 72; x++) { response[x] = byte(boostTable.axisX[(x - 64)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 72; y < 80; y++) { response[y] = byte(boostTable.axisY[7 - (y - 72)]); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, 80);
//VVT table
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { response[x] = vvtTable.values[7 - (x / 8)][x % 8]; }
for (int x = 64; x < 72; x++) { response[x] = byte(vvtTable.axisX[(x - 64)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 72; y < 80; y++) { response[y] = byte(vvtTable.axisY[7 - (y - 72)]); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, 80);
//Staging table
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { response[x] = stagingTable.values[7 - (x / 8)][x % 8]; }
for (int x = 64; x < 72; x++) { response[x] = byte(stagingTable.axisX[(x - 64)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 72; y < 80; y++) { response[y] = byte(stagingTable.axisY[7 - (y - 72)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, 80);
sendComplete = true;
//Need to perform a translation of the values[MAP/TPS][RPM] into the MS expected format
byte response[80]; //Bit hacky, but send 1 map at a time (Each map is 8x8, so 64 + 8 + 8)
//Boost table
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { response[x] = boostTable.values[7 - (x / 8)][x % 8]; }
for (int x = 64; x < 72; x++) { response[x] = byte(boostTable.axisX[(x - 64)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 72; y < 80; y++) { response[y] = byte(boostTable.axisY[7 - (y - 72)]); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, 80);
//VVT table
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { response[x] = vvtTable.values[7 - (x / 8)][x % 8]; }
for (int x = 64; x < 72; x++) { response[x] = byte(vvtTable.axisX[(x - 64)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 72; y < 80; y++) { response[y] = byte(vvtTable.axisY[7 - (y - 72)]); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, 80);
//Staging table
for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) { response[x] = stagingTable.values[7 - (x / 8)][x % 8]; }
for (int x = 64; x < 72; x++) { response[x] = byte(stagingTable.axisX[(x - 64)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 72; y < 80; y++) { response[y] = byte(stagingTable.axisY[7 - (y - 72)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, 80);
sendComplete = true;
case seqFuelPage:
currentTable = trim1Table;
for (int y = 0; y < currentTable.ySize; y++)
byte axisY = byte(currentTable.axisY[y]);
if (axisY < 100)
Serial.write(" ");
if (axisY < 10)
Serial.write(" ");
Serial.print(axisY);// Vertical Bins
Serial.write(" ");
for (int x = 0; x < currentTable.xSize; x++)
byte value = currentTable.values[y][x];
if (value < 100)
Serial.write(" ");
if (value < 10)
Serial.write(" ");
Serial.write(" ");
sendComplete = true;
//Do.... Something?
//Need to perform a translation of the values[MAP/TPS][RPM] into the MS expected format
byte response[192]; //Bit hacky, but the size is: (6x6 + 6 + 6) * 4 = 192
//trim1 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x] = trim1Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x] = byte(trim1Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y] = byte(trim1Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
//trim2 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x + 48] = trim2Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x + 48] = byte(trim2Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y + 48] = byte(trim2Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
//trim3 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x + 96] = trim3Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x + 96] = byte(trim3Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y + 96] = byte(trim3Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
//trim4 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x + 144] = trim4Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x + 144] = byte(trim4Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y + 144] = byte(trim4Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, sizeof(response));
sendComplete = true;
//Need to perform a translation of the values[MAP/TPS][RPM] into the MS expected format
byte response[192]; //Bit hacky, but the size is: (6x6 + 6 + 6) * 4 = 192
//trim1 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x] = trim1Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x] = byte(trim1Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y] = byte(trim1Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
//trim2 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x + 48] = trim2Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x + 48] = byte(trim2Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y + 48] = byte(trim2Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
//trim3 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x + 96] = trim3Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x + 96] = byte(trim3Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y + 96] = byte(trim3Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
//trim4 table
for (int x = 0; x < 36; x++) { response[x + 144] = trim4Table.values[5 - (x / 6)][x % 6]; }
for (int x = 36; x < 42; x++) { response[x + 144] = byte(trim4Table.axisX[(x - 36)] / TABLE_RPM_MULTIPLIER); }
for (int y = 42; y < 48; y++) { response[y + 144] = byte(trim4Table.axisY[5 - (y - 42)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); }
Serial.write((byte *)&response, sizeof(response));
sendComplete = true;
case canbusPage:
//currentTitleIndex = 141;
if (useChar)
//To Display Values from Config Page 10
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[103]);//special typecasting to enable suroutine that the F macro uses
for (pnt_configPage = &configPage9; pnt_configPage < ((byte *)pnt_configPage + npage_size[canbusPage]); pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// Displaying byte values of config page 9 up to but not including the first array
sendComplete = true;
else { pnt_configPage = &configPage9; } //Create a pointer to Page 10 in memory
pnt_configPage = &configPage9; //Create a pointer to Page 10 in memory
case warmupPage:
if (useChar)
sendComplete = true;
else { pnt_configPage = &configPage10; } //Create a pointer to Page 11 in memory
pnt_configPage = &configPage10; //Create a pointer to Page 11 in memory
@ -1247,73 +1022,6 @@ void sendPage(bool useChar)
if (isMap)
if (useChar)
do //This is a do while loop that kicks in for the boostvvtPage
const char spaceChar = ' ';
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[currentTitleIndex]);// F macro hack
for (int y = 0; y < currentTable.ySize; y++)
byte axisY = byte(currentTable.axisY[y]);
if (axisY < 100)
if (axisY < 10)
Serial.print(axisY);// Vertical Bins
for (int i = 0; i < currentTable.xSize; i++)
byte value = currentTable.values[y][i];
if (value < 100)
if (value < 10)
Serial.print(F(" "));
for (int x = 0; x < currentTable.xSize; x++)// Horizontal bins
byte axisX = byte(currentTable.axisX[x] / 100);
if (axisX < 100)
if (axisX < 10)
if(currentTitleIndex == 121) //Check to see if on boostTable
currentTitleIndex = 132; //Change over to vvtTable mid display
currentTable = vvtTable;
else currentTitleIndex = 0;
}while(currentTitleIndex == 132); //Should never loop unless going to display vvtTable
} //use char
//Need to perform a translation of the values[yaxis][xaxis] into the MS expected format
//MS format has origin (0,0) in the bottom left corner, we use the top left for efficiency reasons
byte response[MAP_PAGE_SIZE];
@ -1325,7 +1033,335 @@ void sendPage(bool useChar)
for (int y = 272; y < 288; y++) { response[y] = byte(currentTable.axisY[15 - (y - 272)] / TABLE_LOAD_MULTIPLIER); } //MAP or TPS bins for VE table
Serial.write((byte *)&response, sizeof(response));
} //is map
for (byte x = 0; x < npage_size[currentPage]; x++)
//response[x] = *((byte *)pnt_configPage + x);
Serial.write(*((byte *)pnt_configPage + x)); //Each byte is simply the location in memory of the configPage + the offset + the variable number (x)
//Serial.write((byte *)&response, npage_size[currentPage]);
// }
} //isMap
} //sendComplete
* @brief Similar to sendPage(), however data is sent in human readable format
* This is used for testing only (Not used by TunerStudio) in order to see current map and config data without the need for TunerStudio.
void sendPageASCII()
void* pnt_configPage = &configPage2; //Default value is for safety only. Will be changed below if needed.
struct table3D currentTable = fuelTable; //Default value is for safety only. Will be changed below if needed.
byte currentTitleIndex = 0;// This corresponds to the count up to the first char of a string in pageTitles
bool sendComplete = false; //Used to track whether all send operations are complete
switch (currentPage)
case veMapPage:
currentTitleIndex = 0;
currentTable = fuelTable;
case veSetPage:
uint16_t* pnt16_configPage;
// To Display Values from Config Page 1
// When casting to the __FlashStringHelper type Serial.println uses the same subroutine as when using the F macro
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[27]);//27 is the index to the first char in the second sting in pageTitles
// The following loop displays in human readable form of all byte values in config page 1 up to but not including the first array.
// incrementing void pointers is cumbersome. Thus we have "pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1"
for (pnt_configPage = &configPage2; pnt_configPage < &configPage2.wueValues[0]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
for (byte x = 10; x; x--)// The x between the ';' has the same representation as the "x != 0" test or comparision
Serial.print(configPage2.wueValues[10 - x]);// This displays the values horizantially on the screen
Serial.print(' ');
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage2.wueValues[9] + 1; pnt_configPage < &configPage2.inj1Ang; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) {
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// This displays all the byte values between the last array up to but not including the first unsigned int on config page 1
// The following loop displays four unsigned ints
for (pnt16_configPage = (uint16_t *)&configPage2.inj1Ang; pnt16_configPage < (uint16_t*)&configPage2.inj4Ang + 1; pnt16_configPage = (uint16_t*)pnt16_configPage + 1)
{ Serial.println(*((uint16_t *)pnt16_configPage)); }
// Following loop displays byte values between the unsigned ints
for (pnt_configPage = (uint16_t *)&configPage2.inj4Ang + 1; pnt_configPage < &configPage2.mapMax; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
// Following loop displays remaining byte values of the page
for (pnt_configPage = (uint16_t *)&configPage2.mapMax + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage2 + npage_size[veSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
sendComplete = true;
case ignMapPage:
currentTitleIndex = 42;// the index to the first char of the third string in pageTitles
currentTable = ignitionTable;
case ignSetPage:
//To Display Values from Config Page 2
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[56]);
Serial.println(configPage4.triggerAngle);// configPsge2.triggerAngle is an int so just display it without complication
// Following loop displays byte values after that first int up to but not including the first array in config page 2
for (pnt_configPage = (int *)&configPage4 + 1; pnt_configPage < &configPage4.taeBins[0]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
for (byte y = 2; y; y--)// Displaying two equal sized arrays
byte * currentVar;// A placeholder for each array
if (y == 2) {
currentVar = configPage4.taeBins;
else {
currentVar = configPage4.taeValues;
for (byte j = 4; j; j--)
Serial.print(currentVar[4 - j]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte x = 10; x ; x--)
Serial.print(configPage4.wueBins[10 - x]);//Displaying array horizontally across screen
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.println(configPage4.dwellLimit);// Little lonely byte stuck between two arrays. No complications just display it.
for (byte x = 6; x; x--)
Serial.print(configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues[6 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage4.dwellCorrectionValues[5] + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage4 + npage_size[ignSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// Displaying remaining byte values of the page
sendComplete = true;
case afrMapPage:
currentTitleIndex = 71;//Array index to next string
currentTable = afrTable;
case afrSetPage:
//currentTitleIndex = 91;
//To Display Values from Config Page 3
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[91]);//special typecasting to enable suroutine that the F macro uses
for (pnt_configPage = &configPage6; pnt_configPage < &configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins[0]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// Displaying byte values of config page 3 up to but not including the first array
for (byte y = 2; y; y--)// Displaying two equally sized arrays that are next to each other
byte * currentVar;
if (y == 2) { currentVar = configPage6.voltageCorrectionBins; }
else { currentVar = configPage6.injVoltageCorrectionValues; }
for (byte x = 6; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[6 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte y = 2; y; y--)// and again
byte* currentVar;
if (y == 2) { currentVar = configPage6.airDenBins; }
else { currentVar = configPage6.airDenRates; }
for (byte x = 9; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[9 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
// Following loop displays the remaining byte values of the page
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage6.airDenRates[8] + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage6 + npage_size[afrSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));
sendComplete = true;
//Old configPage4 STARTED HERE!
//currentTitleIndex = 106;
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[106]);// F macro hack
for (byte y = 4; y; y--)// Display four equally sized arrays
byte * currentVar;
switch (y)
case 1: currentVar = configPage6.iacBins; break;
case 2: currentVar = configPage6.iacOLPWMVal; break;
case 3: currentVar = configPage6.iacOLStepVal; break;
case 4: currentVar = configPage6.iacCLValues; break;
default: break;
for (byte x = 10; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[10 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte y = 3; y; y--)// Three equally sized arrays
byte * currentVar;
switch (y)
case 1: currentVar = configPage6.iacCrankBins; break;
case 2: currentVar = configPage6.iacCrankDuty; break;
case 3: currentVar = configPage6.iacCrankSteps; break;
default: break;
for (byte x = 4; x; x--)
Serial.print(currentVar[4 - x]);
Serial.print(' ');
// Following loop is for remaining byte value of page
for (pnt_configPage = (byte *)&configPage6.iacCrankBins[3] + 1; pnt_configPage < (byte *)&configPage6 + npage_size[afrSetPage]; pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1) { Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage)); }
sendComplete = true;
case boostvvtPage:
currentTable = boostTable;
currentTitleIndex = 121;
case seqFuelPage:
currentTable = trim1Table;
for (int y = 0; y < currentTable.ySize; y++)
byte axisY = byte(currentTable.axisY[y]);
if (axisY < 100)
Serial.write(" ");
if (axisY < 10)
Serial.write(" ");
Serial.print(axisY);// Vertical Bins
Serial.write(" ");
for (int x = 0; x < currentTable.xSize; x++)
byte value = currentTable.values[y][x];
if (value < 100)
Serial.write(" ");
if (value < 10)
Serial.write(" ");
Serial.write(" ");
sendComplete = true;
case canbusPage:
//currentTitleIndex = 141;
//To Display Values from Config Page 10
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[103]);//special typecasting to enable suroutine that the F macro uses
for (pnt_configPage = &configPage9; pnt_configPage < ( (byte *)&configPage9 + npage_size[canbusPage]); pnt_configPage = (byte *)pnt_configPage + 1)
Serial.println(*((byte *)pnt_configPage));// Displaying byte values of config page 9 up to but not including the first array
sendComplete = true;
case warmupPage:
Serial.println(F("\nPage has not been implemented yet"));
sendComplete = true;
Serial.println(F("\nPage has not been implemented yet"));
//Just set default Values to avoid warnings
pnt_configPage = &configPage10;
currentTable = fuelTable;
sendComplete = true;
if (isMap)
do //This is a do while loop that kicks in for the boostvvtPage
const char spaceChar = ' ';
Serial.println((const __FlashStringHelper *)&pageTitles[currentTitleIndex]);// F macro hack
for (int y = 0; y < currentTable.ySize; y++)
byte axisY = byte(currentTable.axisY[y]);
if (axisY < 100)
if (axisY < 10)
Serial.print(axisY);// Vertical Bins
for (int i = 0; i < currentTable.xSize; i++)
byte value = currentTable.values[y][i];
if (value < 100)
if (value < 10)
Serial.print(F(" "));
for (int x = 0; x < currentTable.xSize; x++)// Horizontal bins
byte axisX = byte(currentTable.axisX[x] / 100);
if (axisX < 100)
if (axisX < 10)
if(currentTitleIndex == 121) //Check to see if on boostTable
currentTitleIndex = 132; //Change over to vvtTable mid display
currentTable = vvtTable;
else currentTitleIndex = 0;
}while(currentTitleIndex == 132); //Should never loop unless going to display vvtTable
} //is map
@ -1348,13 +1384,17 @@ void sendPage(bool useChar)
//response[x] = *((byte *)pnt_configPage + x);
Serial.write(*((byte *)pnt_configPage + x)); //Each byte is simply the location in memory of the configPage + the offset + the variable number (x)
//Serial.write((byte *)&response, npage_size[currentPage]);
// }
} //isMap
} //sendComplete
* @brief Retrieves a single value from a memory page, with data aligned as per the ini file
* @param page The page number to retrieve data from
* @param valueAddress The address in the page that should be returned. This is as per the page definition in the ini
* @return byte The requested value
byte getPageValue(byte page, uint16_t valueAddress)
void* pnt_configPage = &configPage2; //Default value is for safety only. Will be changed below if needed.
@ -1491,9 +1531,11 @@ byte getPageValue(byte page, uint16_t valueAddress)
return returnValue;
This function is used to store calibration data sent by Tuner Studio.
* @brief Processes an incoming stream of calibration data from TunerStudio. Result is store in EEPROM and memory
* @param tableID Which calibration table to process. 0 = Coolant Sensor. 1 = IAT Sensor. 2 = O2 Sensor.
void receiveCalibration(byte tableID)
byte* pnt_TargetTable; //Pointer that will be used to point to the required target table