Large cleanup of global varialbes in preparation for unit test framework

This commit is contained in:
Josh Stewart 2020-01-24 11:31:39 +11:00
parent 0be03b20eb
commit 76ef814847
7 changed files with 441 additions and 206 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ framework=arduino
build_unflags = -Os
build_flags = -O3 -ffast-math -Wall -Wextra -std=c99
lib_deps = EEPROM
test_build_project_src = true

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ A full copy of the license may be found in the projects root directory
#include "auxiliaries.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "src/PID_v1/PID_v1.h"
#include "decoders.h"
//Old PID method. Retained incase the new one has issues
//integerPID boostPID(&MAPx100, &boost_pwm_target_value, &boostTargetx100, configPage6.boostKP, configPage6.boostKI, configPage6.boostKD, DIRECT);

View File

@ -254,136 +254,137 @@
#define FUEL_PUMP_ON() *pump_pin_port |= (pump_pin_mask)
#define FUEL_PUMP_OFF() *pump_pin_port &= ~(pump_pin_mask)
const char TSfirmwareVersion[] PROGMEM = "Speeduino";
extern const char TSfirmwareVersion[] PROGMEM;
const byte data_structure_version = 2; //This identifies the data structure when reading / writing.
extern const byte data_structure_version; //This identifies the data structure when reading / writing.
#define NUM_PAGES 12
const uint16_t npage_size[NUM_PAGES] = {0,128,288,288,128,288,128,240,192,192,192,288}; /**< This array stores the size (in bytes) of each configuration page */
extern const uint16_t npage_size[NUM_PAGES]; /**< This array stores the size (in bytes) of each configuration page */
#define MAP_PAGE_SIZE 288
struct table3D fuelTable; //16x16 fuel map
struct table3D fuelTable2; //16x16 fuel map
struct table3D ignitionTable; //16x16 ignition map
struct table3D afrTable; //16x16 afr target map
struct table3D stagingTable; //8x8 fuel staging table
struct table3D boostTable; //8x8 boost map
struct table3D vvtTable; //8x8 vvt map
struct table3D trim1Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 1 map
struct table3D trim2Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 2 map
struct table3D trim3Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 3 map
struct table3D trim4Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 4 map
struct table2D taeTable; //4 bin TPS Acceleration Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D maeTable;
struct table2D WUETable; //10 bin Warm Up Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D ASETable; //4 bin After Start Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D ASECountTable; //4 bin After Start duration map (2D)
struct table2D PrimingPulseTable; //4 bin Priming pulsewidth map (2D)
struct table2D crankingEnrichTable; //4 bin cranking Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D dwellVCorrectionTable; //6 bin dwell voltage correction (2D)
struct table2D injectorVCorrectionTable; //6 bin injector voltage correction (2D)
struct table2D IATDensityCorrectionTable; //9 bin inlet air temperature density correction (2D)
struct table2D baroFuelTable; //8 bin baro correction curve (2D)
struct table2D IATRetardTable; //6 bin ignition adjustment based on inlet air temperature (2D)
struct table2D idleTargetTable; //10 bin idle target table for idle timing (2D)
struct table2D idleAdvanceTable; //6 bin idle advance adjustment table based on RPM difference (2D)
struct table2D CLTAdvanceTable; //6 bin ignition adjustment based on coolant temperature (2D)
struct table2D rotarySplitTable; //8 bin ignition split curve for rotary leading/trailing (2D)
struct table2D flexFuelTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for fuel adjustments (2D)
struct table2D flexAdvTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for timing advance (2D)
struct table2D flexBoostTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for boost adjustments (2D)
struct table2D knockWindowStartTable;
struct table2D knockWindowDurationTable;
extern struct table3D fuelTable; //16x16 fuel map
extern struct table3D fuelTable2; //16x16 fuel map
extern struct table3D ignitionTable; //16x16 ignition map
extern struct table3D afrTable; //16x16 afr target map
extern struct table3D stagingTable; //8x8 fuel staging table
extern struct table3D boostTable; //8x8 boost map
extern struct table3D vvtTable; //8x8 vvt map
extern struct table3D trim1Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 1 map
extern struct table3D trim2Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 2 map
extern struct table3D trim3Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 3 map
extern struct table3D trim4Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 4 map
extern struct table2D taeTable; //4 bin TPS Acceleration Enrichment map (2D)
extern struct table2D maeTable;
extern struct table2D WUETable; //10 bin Warm Up Enrichment map (2D)
extern struct table2D ASETable; //4 bin After Start Enrichment map (2D)
extern struct table2D ASECountTable; //4 bin After Start duration map (2D)
extern struct table2D PrimingPulseTable; //4 bin Priming pulsewidth map (2D)
extern struct table2D crankingEnrichTable; //4 bin cranking Enrichment map (2D)
extern struct table2D dwellVCorrectionTable; //6 bin dwell voltage correction (2D)
extern struct table2D injectorVCorrectionTable; //6 bin injector voltage correction (2D)
extern struct table2D IATDensityCorrectionTable; //9 bin inlet air temperature density correction (2D)
extern struct table2D baroFuelTable; //8 bin baro correction curve (2D)
extern struct table2D IATRetardTable; //6 bin ignition adjustment based on inlet air temperature (2D)
extern struct table2D idleTargetTable; //10 bin idle target table for idle timing (2D)
extern struct table2D idleAdvanceTable; //6 bin idle advance adjustment table based on RPM difference (2D)
extern struct table2D CLTAdvanceTable; //6 bin ignition adjustment based on coolant temperature (2D)
extern struct table2D rotarySplitTable; //8 bin ignition split curve for rotary leading/trailing (2D)
extern struct table2D flexFuelTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for fuel adjustments (2D)
extern struct table2D flexAdvTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for timing advance (2D)
extern struct table2D flexBoostTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for boost adjustments (2D)
extern struct table2D knockWindowStartTable;
extern struct table2D knockWindowDurationTable;
//These are for the direct port manipulation of the injectors, coils and aux outputs
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj1_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj1_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj2_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj2_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj3_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj3_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj4_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj4_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj5_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj5_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj6_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj6_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj7_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj7_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj8_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj8_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj1_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj1_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj2_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj2_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj3_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj3_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj4_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj4_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj5_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj5_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj6_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj6_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj7_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj7_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *inj8_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj8_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign1_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign1_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign2_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign2_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign3_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign3_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign4_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign4_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign5_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign5_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign6_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign6_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign7_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign7_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign8_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign8_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign1_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign1_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign2_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign2_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign3_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign3_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign4_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign4_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign5_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign5_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign6_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign6_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign7_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign7_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *ign8_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign8_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *tach_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE tach_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *pump_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE pump_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *tach_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE tach_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *pump_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE pump_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *triggerPri_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerPri_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *triggerSec_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerSec_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *triggerPri_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerPri_pin_mask;
extern volatile PORT_TYPE *triggerSec_pin_port;
extern volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerSec_pin_mask;
//These need to be here as they are used in both speeduino.ino and scheduler.ino
bool channel1InjEnabled = true;
bool channel2InjEnabled = false;
bool channel3InjEnabled = false;
bool channel4InjEnabled = false;
bool channel5InjEnabled = false;
bool channel6InjEnabled = false;
bool channel7InjEnabled = false;
bool channel8InjEnabled = false;
extern bool channel1InjEnabled;
extern bool channel2InjEnabled;
extern bool channel3InjEnabled;
extern bool channel4InjEnabled;
extern bool channel5InjEnabled;
extern bool channel6InjEnabled;
extern bool channel7InjEnabled;
extern bool channel8InjEnabled;
int ignition1EndAngle = 0;
int ignition2EndAngle = 0;
int ignition3EndAngle = 0;
int ignition4EndAngle = 0;
int ignition5EndAngle = 0;
extern int ignition1EndAngle;
extern int ignition2EndAngle;
extern int ignition3EndAngle;
extern int ignition4EndAngle;
extern int ignition5EndAngle;
//These are variables used across multiple files
bool initialisationComplete = false; //Tracks whether the setup() function has run completely
byte fpPrimeTime = 0; //The time (in seconds, based on currentStatus.secl) that the fuel pump started priming
volatile uint16_t mainLoopCount;
unsigned long revolutionTime; //The time in uS that one revolution would take at current speed (The time tooth 1 was last seen, minus the time it was seen prior to that)
volatile unsigned long timer5_overflow_count = 0; //Increments every time counter 5 overflows. Used for the fast version of micros()
volatile unsigned long ms_counter = 0; //A counter that increments once per ms
uint16_t fixedCrankingOverride = 0;
bool clutchTrigger;
bool previousClutchTrigger;
volatile uint32_t toothHistory[TOOTH_LOG_BUFFER];
volatile uint8_t compositeLogHistory[TOOTH_LOG_BUFFER];
volatile bool fpPrimed = false; //Tracks whether or not the fuel pump priming has been completed yet
volatile unsigned int toothHistoryIndex = 0;
volatile byte toothHistorySerialIndex = 0;
byte primaryTriggerEdge;
byte secondaryTriggerEdge;
int CRANK_ANGLE_MAX = 720;
int CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ = 360; //The number of crank degrees that the system track over. 360 for wasted / timed batch and 720 for sequential
extern bool initialisationComplete; //Tracks whether the setup() function has run completely
extern byte fpPrimeTime; //The time (in seconds, based on currentStatus.secl) that the fuel pump started priming
extern volatile uint16_t mainLoopCount;
extern unsigned long revolutionTime; //The time in uS that one revolution would take at current speed (The time tooth 1 was last seen, minus the time it was seen prior to that)
extern volatile unsigned long timer5_overflow_count; //Increments every time counter 5 overflows. Used for the fast version of micros()
extern volatile unsigned long ms_counter; //A counter that increments once per ms
extern uint16_t fixedCrankingOverride;
extern bool clutchTrigger;
extern bool previousClutchTrigger;
extern volatile uint32_t toothHistory[TOOTH_LOG_BUFFER];
extern volatile uint8_t compositeLogHistory[TOOTH_LOG_BUFFER];
extern volatile bool fpPrimed; //Tracks whether or not the fuel pump priming has been completed yet
extern volatile unsigned int toothHistoryIndex;
extern volatile byte toothHistorySerialIndex;
extern unsigned long currentLoopTime; /**< The time (in uS) that the current mainloop started */
extern unsigned long previousLoopTime; /**< The time (in uS) that the previous mainloop started */
extern volatile uint16_t ignitionCount; /**< The count of ignition events that have taken place since the engine started */
extern byte primaryTriggerEdge;
extern byte secondaryTriggerEdge;
extern int CRANK_ANGLE_MAX;
extern int CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ; //The number of crank degrees that the system track over. 360 for wasted / timed batch and 720 for sequential
//This needs to be here because using the config page directly can prevent burning the setting
byte resetControl = RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED;
extern byte resetControl;
volatile byte TIMER_mask;
volatile byte LOOP_TIMER;
extern volatile byte TIMER_mask;
extern volatile byte LOOP_TIMER;
//These functions all do checks on a pin to determine if it is already in use by another (higher importance) function
#define pinIsInjector(pin) ( ((pin) == pinInjector1) || ((pin) == pinInjector2) || ((pin) == pinInjector3) || ((pin) == pinInjector4) )
@ -492,7 +493,6 @@ struct statuses {
byte vvtDuty;
struct statuses currentStatus; //The global status object
* @brief This mostly covers off variables that are required for fuel
@ -1004,69 +1004,69 @@ struct config10 {
} __attribute__((__packed__)); //The 32 bit systems require all structs to be fully packed
byte pinInjector1; //Output pin injector 1
byte pinInjector2; //Output pin injector 2
byte pinInjector3; //Output pin injector 3 is on
byte pinInjector4; //Output pin injector 4 is on
byte pinInjector5; //Output pin injector 5 NOT USED YET
byte pinInjector6; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
byte pinInjector7; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
byte pinInjector8; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
byte pinCoil1; //Pin for coil 1
byte pinCoil2; //Pin for coil 2
byte pinCoil3; //Pin for coil 3
byte pinCoil4; //Pin for coil 4
byte pinCoil5; //Pin for coil 5
byte pinCoil6; //Pin for coil 6
byte pinCoil7; //Pin for coil 7
byte pinCoil8; //Pin for coil 8
byte pinTrigger; //The CAS pin
byte pinTrigger2; //The Cam Sensor pin
byte pinTrigger3; //the 2nd cam sensor pin
byte pinTPS;//TPS input pin
byte pinMAP; //MAP sensor pin
byte pinEMAP; //EMAP sensor pin
byte pinMAP2; //2nd MAP sensor (Currently unused)
byte pinIAT; //IAT sensor pin
byte pinCLT; //CLS sensor pin
byte pinO2; //O2 Sensor pin
byte pinO2_2; //second O2 pin
byte pinBat; //Battery voltage pin
byte pinDisplayReset; // OLED reset pin
byte pinTachOut; //Tacho output
byte pinFuelPump; //Fuel pump on/off
byte pinIdle1; //Single wire idle control
byte pinIdle2; //2 wire idle control (Not currently used)
byte pinIdleUp; //Input for triggering Idle Up
byte pinCTPS; //Input for triggering closed throttle state
byte pinFuel2Input; //Input for switching to the 2nd fuel table
byte pinSpareTemp1; // Future use only
byte pinSpareTemp2; // Future use only
byte pinSpareOut1; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut2; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut3; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut4; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut5; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut6; //Generic output
byte pinSpareHOut1; //spare high current output
byte pinSpareHOut2; // spare high current output
byte pinSpareLOut1; // spare low current output
byte pinSpareLOut2; // spare low current output
byte pinSpareLOut3;
byte pinSpareLOut4;
byte pinSpareLOut5;
byte pinBoost;
byte pinVVT_1; // vvt output 1
byte pinVVT_2; // vvt output 2
byte pinFan; // Cooling fan output
byte pinStepperDir; //Direction pin for the stepper motor driver
byte pinStepperStep; //Step pin for the stepper motor driver
byte pinStepperEnable; //Turning the DRV8825 driver on/off
byte pinLaunch;
byte pinIgnBypass; //The pin used for an ignition bypass (Optional)
byte pinFlex; //Pin with the flex sensor attached
byte pinBaro; //Pin that an external barometric pressure sensor is attached to (If used)
byte pinResetControl; // Output pin used control resetting the Arduino
extern byte pinInjector1; //Output pin injector 1
extern byte pinInjector2; //Output pin injector 2
extern byte pinInjector3; //Output pin injector 3 is on
extern byte pinInjector4; //Output pin injector 4 is on
extern byte pinInjector5; //Output pin injector 5 NOT USED YET
extern byte pinInjector6; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
extern byte pinInjector7; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
extern byte pinInjector8; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
extern byte pinCoil1; //Pin for coil 1
extern byte pinCoil2; //Pin for coil 2
extern byte pinCoil3; //Pin for coil 3
extern byte pinCoil4; //Pin for coil 4
extern byte pinCoil5; //Pin for coil 5
extern byte pinCoil6; //Pin for coil 6
extern byte pinCoil7; //Pin for coil 7
extern byte pinCoil8; //Pin for coil 8
extern byte pinTrigger; //The CAS pin
extern byte pinTrigger2; //The Cam Sensor pin
extern byte pinTrigger3; //the 2nd cam sensor pin
extern byte pinTPS;//TPS input pin
extern byte pinMAP; //MAP sensor pin
extern byte pinEMAP; //EMAP sensor pin
extern byte pinMAP2; //2nd MAP sensor (Currently unused)
extern byte pinIAT; //IAT sensor pin
extern byte pinCLT; //CLS sensor pin
extern byte pinO2; //O2 Sensor pin
extern byte pinO2_2; //second O2 pin
extern byte pinBat; //Battery voltage pin
extern byte pinDisplayReset; // OLED reset pin
extern byte pinTachOut; //Tacho output
extern byte pinFuelPump; //Fuel pump on/off
extern byte pinIdle1; //Single wire idle control
extern byte pinIdle2; //2 wire idle control (Not currently used)
extern byte pinIdleUp; //Input for triggering Idle Up
extern byte pinCTPS; //Input for triggering closed throttle state
extern byte pinFuel2Input; //Input for switching to the 2nd fuel table
extern byte pinSpareTemp1; // Future use only
extern byte pinSpareTemp2; // Future use only
extern byte pinSpareOut1; //Generic output
extern byte pinSpareOut2; //Generic output
extern byte pinSpareOut3; //Generic output
extern byte pinSpareOut4; //Generic output
extern byte pinSpareOut5; //Generic output
extern byte pinSpareOut6; //Generic output
extern byte pinSpareHOut1; //spare high current output
extern byte pinSpareHOut2; // spare high current output
extern byte pinSpareLOut1; // spare low current output
extern byte pinSpareLOut2; // spare low current output
extern byte pinSpareLOut3;
extern byte pinSpareLOut4;
extern byte pinSpareLOut5;
extern byte pinBoost;
extern byte pinVVT_1; // vvt output 1
extern byte pinVVT_2; // vvt output 2
extern byte pinFan; // Cooling fan output
extern byte pinStepperDir; //Direction pin for the stepper motor driver
extern byte pinStepperStep; //Step pin for the stepper motor driver
extern byte pinStepperEnable; //Turning the DRV8825 driver on/off
extern byte pinLaunch;
extern byte pinIgnBypass; //The pin used for an ignition bypass (Optional)
extern byte pinFlex; //Pin with the flex sensor attached
extern byte pinBaro; //Pin that an external barometric pressure sensor is attached to (If used)
extern byte pinResetControl; // Output pin used control resetting the Arduino
#ifdef USE_MC33810
//If the MC33810 IC\s are in use, these are the chip select pins
byte pinMC33810_1_CS;
@ -1076,28 +1076,21 @@ byte pinResetControl; // Output pin used control resetting the Arduino
byte pinSPIFlash_CS;
/* global variables */ // from speeduino.ino
extern struct statuses currentStatus; // from speeduino.ino
extern struct table3D fuelTable; //16x16 fuel map
extern struct table3D fuelTable2; //16x16 fuel map
extern struct table3D ignitionTable; //16x16 ignition map
extern struct table3D afrTable; //16x16 afr target map
extern struct table3D stagingTable; //8x8 afr target map
extern struct table2D taeTable; /**< 4 bin TPS Acceleration Enrichment curve (2D) */
extern struct table2D maeTable; /**< 4 bin MAP based Acceleration Enrichment curve (2D) */
extern struct table2D WUETable; /**< 10 bin Warm Up Enrichment curve (2D) */
extern struct table2D crankingEnrichTable; /**< 4 bin cranking Enrichment curve (2D) */
//#ifndef UNIT_TEST
extern struct statuses currentStatus; //The global status object
extern struct config2 configPage2;
extern struct config4 configPage4;
extern struct config6 configPage6;
extern struct config9 configPage9;
extern struct config10 configPage10;
extern unsigned long currentLoopTime; /**< The time (in uS) that the current mainloop started */
extern unsigned long previousLoopTime; /**< The time (in uS) that the previous mainloop started */
volatile uint16_t ignitionCount; /**< The count of ignition events that have taken place since the engine started */
extern byte cltCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE];
extern byte iatCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE];
extern byte o2CalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE];
extern byte cltCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the coolant sensor calibration values */
extern byte iatCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the inlet air temperature sensor calibration values */
extern byte o2CalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the O2 sensor calibration values */
static_assert(sizeof(struct config2) == 128, "configPage2 size is not 128");
static_assert(sizeof(struct config4) == 128, "configPage4 size is not 128");

speeduino/globals.ino Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
#include "globals.h"
const char TSfirmwareVersion[] PROGMEM = "Speeduino";
const byte data_structure_version = 2; //This identifies the data structure when reading / writing.
const uint16_t npage_size[NUM_PAGES] = {0,128,288,288,128,288,128,240,192,192,192,288}; /**< This array stores the size (in bytes) of each configuration page */
struct table3D fuelTable; //16x16 fuel map
struct table3D fuelTable2; //16x16 fuel map
struct table3D ignitionTable; //16x16 ignition map
struct table3D afrTable; //16x16 afr target map
struct table3D stagingTable; //8x8 fuel staging table
struct table3D boostTable; //8x8 boost map
struct table3D vvtTable; //8x8 vvt map
struct table3D trim1Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 1 map
struct table3D trim2Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 2 map
struct table3D trim3Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 3 map
struct table3D trim4Table; //6x6 Fuel trim 4 map
struct table2D taeTable; //4 bin TPS Acceleration Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D maeTable;
struct table2D WUETable; //10 bin Warm Up Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D ASETable; //4 bin After Start Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D ASECountTable; //4 bin After Start duration map (2D)
struct table2D PrimingPulseTable; //4 bin Priming pulsewidth map (2D)
struct table2D crankingEnrichTable; //4 bin cranking Enrichment map (2D)
struct table2D dwellVCorrectionTable; //6 bin dwell voltage correction (2D)
struct table2D injectorVCorrectionTable; //6 bin injector voltage correction (2D)
struct table2D IATDensityCorrectionTable; //9 bin inlet air temperature density correction (2D)
struct table2D baroFuelTable; //8 bin baro correction curve (2D)
struct table2D IATRetardTable; //6 bin ignition adjustment based on inlet air temperature (2D)
struct table2D idleTargetTable; //10 bin idle target table for idle timing (2D)
struct table2D idleAdvanceTable; //6 bin idle advance adjustment table based on RPM difference (2D)
struct table2D CLTAdvanceTable; //6 bin ignition adjustment based on coolant temperature (2D)
struct table2D rotarySplitTable; //8 bin ignition split curve for rotary leading/trailing (2D)
struct table2D flexFuelTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for fuel adjustments (2D)
struct table2D flexAdvTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for timing advance (2D)
struct table2D flexBoostTable; //6 bin flex fuel correction table for boost adjustments (2D)
struct table2D knockWindowStartTable;
struct table2D knockWindowDurationTable;
//These are for the direct port manipulation of the injectors, coils and aux outputs
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj1_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj1_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj2_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj2_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj3_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj3_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj4_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj4_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj5_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj5_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj6_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj6_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj7_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj7_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *inj8_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE inj8_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign1_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign1_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign2_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign2_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign3_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign3_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign4_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign4_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign5_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign5_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign6_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign6_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign7_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign7_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *ign8_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE ign8_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *tach_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE tach_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *pump_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE pump_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *triggerPri_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerPri_pin_mask;
volatile PORT_TYPE *triggerSec_pin_port;
volatile PINMASK_TYPE triggerSec_pin_mask;
//These need to be here as they are used in both speeduino.ino and scheduler.ino
bool channel1InjEnabled = true;
bool channel2InjEnabled = false;
bool channel3InjEnabled = false;
bool channel4InjEnabled = false;
bool channel5InjEnabled = false;
bool channel6InjEnabled = false;
bool channel7InjEnabled = false;
bool channel8InjEnabled = false;
int ignition1EndAngle = 0;
int ignition2EndAngle = 0;
int ignition3EndAngle = 0;
int ignition4EndAngle = 0;
int ignition5EndAngle = 0;
//These are variables used across multiple files
bool initialisationComplete = false; //Tracks whether the setup() function has run completely
byte fpPrimeTime = 0; //The time (in seconds, based on currentStatus.secl) that the fuel pump started priming
volatile uint16_t mainLoopCount;
unsigned long revolutionTime; //The time in uS that one revolution would take at current speed (The time tooth 1 was last seen, minus the time it was seen prior to that)
volatile unsigned long timer5_overflow_count = 0; //Increments every time counter 5 overflows. Used for the fast version of micros()
volatile unsigned long ms_counter = 0; //A counter that increments once per ms
uint16_t fixedCrankingOverride = 0;
bool clutchTrigger;
bool previousClutchTrigger;
volatile uint32_t toothHistory[TOOTH_LOG_BUFFER];
volatile uint8_t compositeLogHistory[TOOTH_LOG_BUFFER];
volatile bool fpPrimed = false; //Tracks whether or not the fuel pump priming has been completed yet
volatile unsigned int toothHistoryIndex = 0;
volatile byte toothHistorySerialIndex = 0;
unsigned long currentLoopTime; /**< The time (in uS) that the current mainloop started */
unsigned long previousLoopTime; /**< The time (in uS) that the previous mainloop started */
volatile uint16_t ignitionCount; /**< The count of ignition events that have taken place since the engine started */
byte primaryTriggerEdge;
byte secondaryTriggerEdge;
int CRANK_ANGLE_MAX = 720;
int CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ = 360; //The number of crank degrees that the system track over. 360 for wasted / timed batch and 720 for sequential
//This needs to be here because using the config page directly can prevent burning the setting
byte resetControl = RESET_CONTROL_DISABLED;
volatile byte TIMER_mask;
volatile byte LOOP_TIMER;
byte pinInjector1; //Output pin injector 1
byte pinInjector2; //Output pin injector 2
byte pinInjector3; //Output pin injector 3 is on
byte pinInjector4; //Output pin injector 4 is on
byte pinInjector5; //Output pin injector 5 NOT USED YET
byte pinInjector6; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
byte pinInjector7; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
byte pinInjector8; //Placeholder only - NOT USED
byte pinCoil1; //Pin for coil 1
byte pinCoil2; //Pin for coil 2
byte pinCoil3; //Pin for coil 3
byte pinCoil4; //Pin for coil 4
byte pinCoil5; //Pin for coil 5
byte pinCoil6; //Pin for coil 6
byte pinCoil7; //Pin for coil 7
byte pinCoil8; //Pin for coil 8
byte pinTrigger; //The CAS pin
byte pinTrigger2; //The Cam Sensor pin
byte pinTrigger3; //the 2nd cam sensor pin
byte pinTPS;//TPS input pin
byte pinMAP; //MAP sensor pin
byte pinEMAP; //EMAP sensor pin
byte pinMAP2; //2nd MAP sensor (Currently unused)
byte pinIAT; //IAT sensor pin
byte pinCLT; //CLS sensor pin
byte pinO2; //O2 Sensor pin
byte pinO2_2; //second O2 pin
byte pinBat; //Battery voltage pin
byte pinDisplayReset; // OLED reset pin
byte pinTachOut; //Tacho output
byte pinFuelPump; //Fuel pump on/off
byte pinIdle1; //Single wire idle control
byte pinIdle2; //2 wire idle control (Not currently used)
byte pinIdleUp; //Input for triggering Idle Up
byte pinCTPS; //Input for triggering closed throttle state
byte pinFuel2Input; //Input for switching to the 2nd fuel table
byte pinSpareTemp1; // Future use only
byte pinSpareTemp2; // Future use only
byte pinSpareOut1; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut2; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut3; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut4; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut5; //Generic output
byte pinSpareOut6; //Generic output
byte pinSpareHOut1; //spare high current output
byte pinSpareHOut2; // spare high current output
byte pinSpareLOut1; // spare low current output
byte pinSpareLOut2; // spare low current output
byte pinSpareLOut3;
byte pinSpareLOut4;
byte pinSpareLOut5;
byte pinBoost;
byte pinVVT_1; // vvt output 1
byte pinVVT_2; // vvt output 2
byte pinFan; // Cooling fan output
byte pinStepperDir; //Direction pin for the stepper motor driver
byte pinStepperStep; //Step pin for the stepper motor driver
byte pinStepperEnable; //Turning the DRV8825 driver on/off
byte pinLaunch;
byte pinIgnBypass; //The pin used for an ignition bypass (Optional)
byte pinFlex; //Pin with the flex sensor attached
byte pinBaro; //Pin that an al barometric pressure sensor is attached to (If used)
byte pinResetControl; // Output pin used control resetting the Arduino
#ifdef USE_MC33810
//If the MC33810 IC\s are in use, these are the chip select pins
byte pinMC33810_1_CS;
byte pinMC33810_2_CS;
byte pinSPIFlash_CS;
struct statuses currentStatus; /**< The master global status struct. Contains all values that are updated frequently and used across modules */
struct config2 configPage2;
struct config4 configPage4;
struct config6 configPage6;
struct config9 configPage9;
struct config10 configPage10;
byte cltCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the coolant sensor calibration values */
byte iatCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the inlet air temperature sensor calibration values */
byte o2CalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the O2 sensor calibration values */

View File

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
void initialiseAll()
initialisationComplete = false; //Tracks whether the setup() function has run completely
fpPrimed = false;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
table3D_setSize(&fuelTable, 16);
@ -298,6 +301,11 @@ void initialiseAll()
dwellLimit_uS = (1000 * configPage4.dwellLimit);
currentStatus.nChannels = ((uint8_t)INJ_CHANNELS << 4) + IGN_CHANNELS; //First 4 bits store the number of injection channels, 2nd 4 store the number of ignition channels
fpPrimeTime = 0;
ms_counter = 0;
fixedCrankingOverride = 0;
timer5_overflow_count = 0;
toothHistoryIndex = 0;
toothHistorySerialIndex = 0;
@ -312,7 +320,6 @@ void initialiseAll()
//Initial values for loop times
previousLoopTime = 0;
currentLoopTime = micros_safe();
mainLoopCount = 0;
currentStatus.nSquirts = configPage2.nCylinders / configPage2.divider; //The number of squirts being requested. This is manaully overriden below for sequential setups (Due to TS req_fuel calc limitations)
@ -321,6 +328,25 @@ void initialiseAll()
else { CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ = 360 / currentStatus.nSquirts; }
//Calculate the number of degrees between cylinders
//Swet some default values. These will be updated below if required.
channel1InjEnabled = true;
channel2InjEnabled = false;
channel3InjEnabled = false;
channel4InjEnabled = false;
channel5InjEnabled = false;
channel6InjEnabled = false;
channel7InjEnabled = false;
channel8InjEnabled = false;
ignition1EndAngle = 0;
ignition2EndAngle = 0;
ignition3EndAngle = 0;
ignition4EndAngle = 0;
ignition5EndAngle = 0;
switch (configPage2.nCylinders) {
case 1:
channel1IgnDegrees = 0;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
//#include "globals.h"
uint16_t PW(int REQ_FUEL, byte VE, long MAP, uint16_t corrections, int injOpen);
byte getVE1();
@ -22,11 +23,13 @@ uint16_t calculateInjector3StartAngle(unsigned int);
uint16_t calculateInjector4StartAngle(unsigned int);
uint16_t calculateInjector5StartAngle(unsigned int);
struct config2 configPage2;
struct config4 configPage4;
struct config6 configPage6;
struct config9 configPage9;
struct config10 configPage10;
uint16_t req_fuel_uS; /**< The required fuel variable (As calculated by TunerStudio) in uS */
uint16_t inj_opentime_uS; /**< The injector opening time. This is set within Tuner Studio, but stored here in uS rather than mS */
@ -34,12 +37,9 @@ uint16_t inj_opentime_uS; /**< The injector opening time. This is set within Tun
bool ignitionOn = false; /**< The current state of the ignition system (on or off) */
bool fuelOn = false; /**< The current state of the fuel system (on or off) */
byte cltCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the coolant sensor calibration values */
byte iatCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the inlet air temperature sensor calibration values */
byte o2CalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the O2 sensor calibration values */
unsigned long currentLoopTime; /**< The time the current loop started (uS) */
unsigned long previousLoopTime; /**< The time the previous loop started (uS) */
//byte cltCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the coolant sensor calibration values */
//byte iatCalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the inlet air temperature sensor calibration values */
//byte o2CalibrationTable[CALIBRATION_TABLE_SIZE]; /**< An array containing the O2 sensor calibration values */
byte maxIgnOutputs = 1; /**< Used for rolling rev limiter to indicate how many total ignition channels should currently be firing */
byte curRollingCut = 0; /**< Rolling rev limiter, current ignition channel being cut */

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef UNIT_TEST // Scope guard for unit testing
#include <stdint.h> //
#include "globals.h"
@ -39,6 +37,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "init.h"
#include BOARD_H //Note that this is not a real file, it is defined in globals.h.
#ifndef UNIT_TEST // Scope guard for unit testing
void setup()
@ -882,7 +881,7 @@ void loop()
if( (channel5InjEnabled) && (currentStatus.PW4 >= inj_opentime_uS) )
if( (channel5InjEnabled) && (currentStatus.PW5 >= inj_opentime_uS) )
tempCrankAngle = crankAngle - channel5InjDegrees;
if( tempCrankAngle < 0) { tempCrankAngle += CRANK_ANGLE_MAX_INJ; }
@ -898,9 +897,10 @@ void loop()
(unsigned long)currentStatus.PW1,
((tempStartAngle - tempCrankAngle) * (unsigned long)timePerDegree),
(unsigned long)currentStatus.PW1
(unsigned long)currentStatus.PW5
@ -1229,6 +1229,7 @@ void loop()
BIT_CLEAR(currentStatus.status3, BIT_STATUS3_RESET_PREVENT);
} //loop()
#endif //Unit test guard
* @brief This function calculates the required pulsewidth time (in us) given the current system state
@ -1406,5 +1407,3 @@ uint16_t calculateInjector5StartAngle(unsigned int PWdivTimerPerDegree)
return tempInjector5StartAngle;
#endif //Unit testing scope guard