Fix problem with the AFR correction ignition count not being checked correctly
This commit is contained in:
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ page = 6
; Begin fan control vairables
fanInv = bits, U08, 120, [0:0], "No", "Yes"
fanEnable = bits, U08, 120, [1:1], "Off", "On/Off"
fanPin = bits , U08, 120, [2:7], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
fanPin = bits, U08, 120, [2:7], "Board Default", "INVALID", "INVALID", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
fanSP = scalar, U08, 121, "C", 1.0, -40, -40, 215.0, 0
fanHyster = scalar, U08, 122, "C", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40, 0
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ void initialiseCorrections()
egoPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC); //Turn O2 PID on
currentStatus.flexIgnCorrection = 0;
currentStatus.egoCorrection = 100; //Default value of no adjustment must be set to avoid randomness on first correction cycle after startup
AFRnextCycle = 0;
@ -314,49 +315,53 @@ static inline byte correctionAFRClosedLoop()
currentStatus.afrTarget = get3DTableValue(&afrTable, yValue, currentStatus.RPM); //Perform the target lookup
//Check all other requirements for closed loop adjustments
if( (ignitionCount >= AFRnextCycle) && (currentStatus.coolant > (int)(configPage3.egoTemp - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)) && (currentStatus.RPM > (unsigned int)(configPage3.egoRPM * 100)) && (currentStatus.TPS < configPage3.egoTPSMax) && (currentStatus.O2 < configPage3.ego_max) && (currentStatus.O2 > configPage3.ego_min) && (currentStatus.runSecs > configPage3.ego_sdelay) )
if( (currentStatus.coolant > (int)(configPage3.egoTemp - CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)) && (currentStatus.RPM > (unsigned int)(configPage3.egoRPM * 100)) && (currentStatus.TPS < configPage3.egoTPSMax) && (currentStatus.O2 < configPage3.ego_max) && (currentStatus.O2 > configPage3.ego_min) && (currentStatus.runSecs > configPage3.ego_sdelay) )
AFRnextCycle = ignitionCount + configPage3.egoCount; //Set the target ignition event for the next calculation
AFRValue = currentStatus.egoCorrection; //Need to record this here, just to make sure the correction stays 'on' even if the nextCycle count isn't ready
//Check which algorithm is used, simple or PID
if (configPage3.egoAlgorithm == EGO_ALGORITHM_SIMPLE)
if(ignitionCount >= AFRnextCycle)
//Simple algorithm
if(currentStatus.O2 > currentStatus.afrTarget)
AFRnextCycle = ignitionCount + configPage3.egoCount; //Set the target ignition event for the next calculation
//Check which algorithm is used, simple or PID
if (configPage3.egoAlgorithm == EGO_ALGORITHM_SIMPLE)
//Running lean
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection < (100 + configPage3.egoLimit) ) //Fueling adjustment must be at most the egoLimit amount (up or down)
//Simple algorithm
if(currentStatus.O2 > currentStatus.afrTarget)
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection >= 100) { AFRValue = (currentStatus.egoCorrection + 1); } //Increase the fueling by 1%
else { AFRValue = 100; } //This means that the last reading had been rich, so simply return back to no adjustment (100%)
//Running lean
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection < (100 + configPage3.egoLimit) ) //Fueling adjustment must be at most the egoLimit amount (up or down)
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection >= 100) { AFRValue = (currentStatus.egoCorrection + 1); } //Increase the fueling by 1%
else { AFRValue = 100; } //This means that the last reading had been rich, so simply return back to no adjustment (100%)
else { AFRValue = currentStatus.egoCorrection; } //Means we're at the maximum adjustment amount, so simply return then again
else { AFRValue = currentStatus.egoCorrection; } //Means we're at the maximum adjustment amount, so simply return then again
//Running Rich
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection > (100 - configPage3.egoLimit) ) //Fueling adjustment must be at most the egoLimit amount (up or down)
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection <= 100) { AFRValue = (currentStatus.egoCorrection - 1); } //Increase the fueling by 1%
else { AFRValue = 100; } //This means that the last reading had been lean, so simply return back to no adjustment (100%)
else { AFRValue = currentStatus.egoCorrection; } //Means we're at the maximum adjustment amount, so simply return then again
//Running Rich
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection > (100 - configPage3.egoLimit) ) //Fueling adjustment must be at most the egoLimit amount (up or down)
if(currentStatus.egoCorrection <= 100) { AFRValue = (currentStatus.egoCorrection - 1); } //Increase the fueling by 1%
else { AFRValue = 100; } //This means that the last reading had been lean, so simply return back to no adjustment (100%)
else { AFRValue = currentStatus.egoCorrection; } //Means we're at the maximum adjustment amount, so simply return then again
else if(configPage3.egoAlgorithm == EGO_ALGORITHM_PID)
//PID algorithm
egoPID.SetOutputLimits((long)(-configPage3.egoLimit), (long)(configPage3.egoLimit)); //Set the limits again, just incase the user has changed them since the last loop. Note that these are sent to the PID library as (Eg:) -15 and +15
egoPID.SetTunings(configPage3.egoKP, configPage3.egoKI, configPage3.egoKD); //Set the PID values again, just incase the user has changed them since the last loop
PID_O2 = (long)(currentStatus.O2);
PID_AFRTarget = (long)(currentStatus.afrTarget);
//currentStatus.egoCorrection = 100 + PID_output;
AFRValue = 100 + PID_output;
else { AFRValue = 100; } // Occurs if the egoAlgorithm is set to 0 (No Correction)
else if(configPage3.egoAlgorithm == EGO_ALGORITHM_PID)
//PID algorithm
egoPID.SetOutputLimits((long)(-configPage3.egoLimit), (long)(configPage3.egoLimit)); //Set the limits again, just incase the user has changed them since the last loop. Note that these are sent to the PID library as (Eg:) -15 and +15
egoPID.SetTunings(configPage3.egoKP, configPage3.egoKI, configPage3.egoKD); //Set the PID values again, just incase the user has changed them since the last loop
PID_O2 = (long)(currentStatus.O2);
PID_AFRTarget = (long)(currentStatus.afrTarget);
//currentStatus.egoCorrection = 100 + PID_output;
AFRValue = 100 + PID_output;
else { AFRValue = 100; } // Occurs if the egoAlgorithm is set to 0 (No Correction)
} //Ignition count check
} //Multi variable check
} //egoType
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